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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5959080 No.5959080 [Reply] [Original]

>that kid who would eat nothing bu hamburger, hot dogs and pizza.

>> No.5959986
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>That kid that would only eat cheese pizza.

>> No.5959994

>I only eat pepperoni pizza.
>I am that man-child.

>> No.5960028

>that kid who would only eat bologna sandwiches

that kid was me

>> No.5960037
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>those kids who eat their fries with ranch

I actually got a ticket like that at work today.

>> No.5960038

As a kid I ate that for all my lunches too. PB&J would give me heart burn.

>> No.5960064

>that kid at school that had good shit in his lunch and made you jealous

fuck you mom for not buying me dunkaross

>> No.5960094

But anon we saved pennies by doing that to misspend on other shit.

>> No.5960097

>he's always rail thin and chews with his mouth open
every time

>> No.5960107

>that kid who shared his lunch with you because you had free lunch and he knew you weren't eating at home because you were poor

I will always remember you, Jacob.

>> No.5960122

>that one kid who got lunchables every single day

>> No.5960136

The girl in eighth grade who was developing huge breasts. And sucked on ketchup packets. I wish I could have talked to her, actually.

>> No.5960185

>that kid who would eat from the vending machines everyday

>> No.5960208

>that kid who would beat me up for lunch money, despite having lunch himself

>> No.5960212

Just going to say.

First time on/ck/ saw this thread.

Damn all of 4chan is elitist as fuck.

I love it. I think I'll learn some stuff about cooking.

>> No.5960433

>sucked on ketchup packets

>> No.5960435

Fuck off, pleb.

>> No.5960445

fuck off bologna is awesome

>> No.5960467

>that kid who would eat nothing bu hamburger, hot dogs and pizza is now 20 years old and still will eat nothing but hamburger, hot dogs, and pizza.

>> No.5960486
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>> No.5960488

>Dat kid who watched everyone else receive their daily delivery of strawberry & chocolate milk, while drinking his bottle of whole from home

>Dat kid's mom wouldn't waste pennies on fattening her kid

That kid was me, and fuck I love my mom for being that way

>> No.5960547

There was a period of several years in our youth where I never saw my cousin eat anything other than grilled cheese sandwiches. And his immediate family seemed to condone this.

>> No.5960551

lel at you trying to justify not getting delicious strawberry milk as a child

>> No.5960554

I was that hippie kid who brought foraged food and coconuts/mangoes to school to share around :-|

I got tired of seeing people eat terrible shit all day so while they still ate whatever they could also try wild fruits or heirloom stuff from abandoned orchards and such.

>> No.5960555
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>that kid who would eat two cold plain hotdogs for lunch

>> No.5960562

I got it now and again outside of school, just not daily; good call, mom

>CAPTCHA: Bostss occasional

>> No.5960574

I have a relative that married a guy that only ate... what? Maybe 5 foods his entire life up to that point.

>What do you want to drink?

>Do you want to try green bean casserole because it's Thanksgiving, and for some reason this is a thing we feel we need to make?

>Do you want some turkey?
>"No, it's not chicken. I'll get some chicken."

>Here, this is some really nice bacon that I got from a farmer friend that raises his own hogs. It's damn good, and as fresh as can be.
>"I've never eaten bacon growing up, so I don't want to try it - I won't like it."

>What the fuck DID you eat then?
>"Hot dogs. Hamburgers. I had a cheeseburger once. Cheerios. Vanilla and chocolate ice cream (not mixed/swirled) Fried or baked chicken. Apples. Wonderbread. Corn."

Jesus, you're a grown-ass man, and you can't even bring yourself to TRY new stuff? We weren't asking him to eat exotic fruits or raw meats, or something the average American might consider weird. I'm not even sure how he managed to survive to his age with how bad his diet was.

>> No.5960576

>that kid who ate slim jims in hot dog buns
>that kid who only ate plain bagels, chicken fingers, and PB&J with the crust cut off
>that kid who had 2 packs of Gushers
>that kid who always brought soup in a thermos who you wanted to smack for being such a smug piece of shit
>that kid who only ate potato chips for lunch
>that fat kid who would eat anything you gave him as a joke, which was really just a desperate cry for attention

>> No.5960578

my nephew is that kid

I'm like just fucking eat it.

He's 3.

>> No.5960582

>not beating that kid up in return and shoving your money up their ass as payback

>> No.5960603

>That one kid who had McDonalds for Lunch every single day
>His parents would go there and buy him a happy meal and just drop it off at the office for him to enjoy

...that was my entire year at Elementary school

>> No.5960609

>that kid that would get empanadas, sandwiches and arepas made by his parents for breakfast at school everyday
I was that kid

>> No.5960633

>That one kid who chewed extremely fast and over exaggerated, and would stare you right in the eyes while doing so

Holy fuck, he was creepy

>> No.5960669

>that kid who asked for "just meat and bun" at fast food restaurants

>> No.5960671
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>that super fat kid who didn't eat lunch

>> No.5960673

>All of THOSE kids that would talk while chewing their food, or chew with their mouths open

Fuck. I was from a lower-middle income family that somehow was able to go to a hoity-toity rich district, and for all their money, hardly any of those people taught their kids how not to eat like zoo animals. Went out with some friends to celebrate graduating from high school, and saw some other students at the restaurant we went to. This one fucking kid - in public - was having trouble cutting his steak, so he picked it up with his hands and gnawed on it.

>> No.5960681

new money nigga, at least the "evil patriarchy 1% white man misogynists" knew how to raise kids not to act like starving wolves

>> No.5960685


you he was stuffing his face with cosmic brownies and cookies when he got home

>> No.5960728
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>that kid who ate lunch in the bathroom because no one, not even a teacher, would miss them in the cafeteria

...That kid was me. ;____;

>> No.5960754
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>tfw my friend told me he had sushi for the first time
>"oh man, how'd you like it?"
>"it was interesting, a little like pasta but more bland, and smaller"
>"wait.....what? the sushi?"
>"no, rice"

this motherfucker never had rice in his 21 years of life

>> No.5960982

maybe that was his way of getting you out of his house asap

>> No.5961011

I'll be happy if I never eat rice again, happier still if I'd never eaten it in the first place, not even anything to do with being antigook

>> No.5961026

same, pasta and bread is way better than rice. except for idli, but that's made with rice flour.

>> No.5961059

you have something to make babies in? Will shoot you some of my starter

>> No.5961067

i do not possess a vagina

>> No.5961084

I ate almost nothing but bean burritos when I was a little kid. Would never touch fruits and vegetables.

I'm white. I was just a horribly picky eater. Do you think my parents should've been tough on me and forced me to eat food that I probably would've liked if I had tried it?

Everything turned out fine though. Fast forward to around 19 and, on my own, I started trying new foods and actively chose to eat healthier. I'm 27 now and eat really healthy nowadays and eat a lot of foods.

>> No.5961111
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>roommates eat lumps of meat and call it a meal

>> No.5961118

Your quad 1's tell the world you like cock and lots of it, be careful next time

>> No.5961124
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>I had a cheeseburger once

I don't know why i laughed at that.
like it was some awful experience he doesn't want to repeat

>> No.5961130

He was at OUR house. We tried to get a variety of things for him and his wife when they visited, but he wanted nothing to do with anything that wasn't on his appallingly short white-list.

>Okay, tonight we made Moroccan stew... and here is your hotdog
>"Is this bun white bread?"
>Yes, X, it is.
>"It looks like wheat bread."
>At this point I am trying my level best to not just tell him to fuck off and buy a fucking Big Mac (they have pickles, so they're probably a no-go, anyway).

Fucking hell, he doesn't show any social signs of autism, but goddamn does he have the absurd pickiness about what he will eat and how he will accept it being prepared.

>> No.5961150

>raw meat and exotic fruit is weird

fucking kill yourself, euroshit

>> No.5961155

Protein is good enough if they take vitamins. Just not good for every single meal though. Its valid sustenance.

>> No.5961157

Haha this guy sounds exactly like my ex boyfriend.

>"anon what are you cooking? "
> Me: "salmon, would you like some?"
> "Oh no, I've never had fish so I know I won't like it"

Absolutely retarded. Then he eats it and decides that he likes it and that's the only fish he eats now. Picky eaters are stupid

>> No.5961159

maybe instead of acting like a loose whore you should have found a quality man

>> No.5961172

I've lived in the US (Michigan) my entire life. I'll eat anything you put in front of me.

My grief is in trying to provide food for someone that grew up in a small town for 60 years, never living more than 50 miles from where he was born. To many people from small towns like these, "foreign food" means 'Taco Bell,' and a LOT of shit that many of us consider common or blase nowadays is considered just short of being alien to them.

The man I keep mentioning treated fucking BACON like some black-arts culinary mysticism. That right there should give you a rough idea of how adventurous of an eater he is. The only plant matter he'd touch were: apples, corn, carrots, celery, or potatoes. Anything else was "weird" and therefore a no-go.

>> No.5961176
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>That one kid who would eat dry noodles raw

>> No.5961177

sounds like he was there as part of a deal with his wife
>just come to my idiot relatives place and I'll pretend to like it when you fuck me in the ass

>> No.5961182

nigga needs to up his game

>> No.5961309
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I know that feel. I'd sit with you. We wouldn't even have to talk.

>> No.5961311

>That kid who would take the cheese off his pizza and eat it separately. Then, would eat the cheese less pizza.

I was that kid

>> No.5961314

>guy gets $100 every week from a trust fund
>first day he gets it he automatically buys $70 worth of pot
>buys $30 worth of garbage food from 7/11 in the next 2 days
>complains he has no food for the rest of the week

Meanwhile I was living off a 20KG sac of rice and salt and pepper I stole from A&W

>> No.5961332
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>That one kid who would randomly add ketchup to any cooked meal he didn't really enjoy.

I sat next to this person every day at my friend's table. He had enough nerve to put ketchup in mac and cheese plus tacos.

>> No.5961337


>tfw that's me minus the hamburger
>tfw people think i'm actively choosing this lifestyle
>they don't know my hell

I try stuff

everything i can find

I like so little...

>> No.5961347


Dry noodles raw as opposed to wet noodles raw?

>tfw i love cooking noodles only slightly then drenching them in salt
>called them noodle chips, eat them with my hands

>> No.5961353

I have a cousin who used to eat nothing but peanut butter sandwiches, I think he ended up in hospital

>> No.5961390

Without the powdered flavors dumbfuck

>> No.5961398

Holy shit I knew I wasnt the only one. To this day I order cheese on pasta at cicis and just eat the cheese lol those people always get upset

>> No.5961408

Honestly that sounds like a good kid, dealing with foods he doesn't like by making the most of it instead of throwing it out and complaining.

>> No.5961412

A place in my area gives you a container of ranch dressing with orders of onion rings. I tried it. It goes very, very well with the onion rings!
Tried it with a fry/chip. Meh.

>> No.5961427

I laughed but then I sad

>> No.5961431

At my elementary school, kids would unwrap a square of Top Ramen and eat it, uncooked

>> No.5961533

>that fat kid who would eat anything you gave him as a joke, which was really just a desperate cry for attention

That was me ;_;

>> No.5961540

>have to bring your own food to school
How's the third world treating ya?

>> No.5961541

>that one kid whose mom couldn't pack a lunch to save her life
>stale sandwich in tinfoil
>no drink or one juice box at best
>shitty piece of fruit
Basically this case had no bartering power, and was at the largess of his classmates in the cafeteria

>> No.5961545

>the girls who wouldn't eat actual food, but just drink soft drinks or water

>this kid

>> No.5961570
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>that kid that always brought tuna sandwiches with a boiled egg and guava juice, papaya slices for snack
>nobody would sit next to him cause of the smell
>tfw that kid was me

>> No.5962072


>> No.5962082
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>>those kids who eat their fries with ranch
>Those kids who dip hot cheetos in ranch
>Those kids who dip mcdonalds hamburgers in a ranch cup
>Those kids who sprinkle ranch mix powder on pizza
>Those kids who dunk pizza slices in ranch

Those kids is me

>> No.5962099

>Those kids who sprinkle ranch mix powder on pizza

That actually sounds pretty good.

>> No.5962106

It works on popcorn too

>> No.5962117

I knew a kid who would have a home packed sandwich every day for lunch...he would peel off the meat and cheese slice, shove it in his mouth, lick the remaining mustard off the bread, then stuff the bread into his empty milk carton and throw it into the garbage....every single day same routine.

>> No.5962367

There's a pretty good chance he was poor as all fuck, anon.

>> No.5962389

Son of a family friend would take all the pepperoni off pizza, roll each one up in his hands, then bit into rolled pepperoni length wise.

He would then pull all the cheese off the pizza and not eat it.

He would then like the sauce off the dough before consuming the dough pretty normally.

I don't know why my friend let his son pull this shit in public. The mess it created would decimate any table/chair, especially cloth booths.

>> No.5964232

>that guy who orders no onion because he "doesn't like it"
>that same guy cums when the McRib comes back

I wonder if I should tell him the Mcrib comes with onion.

>> No.5964248

I do that still. Their onions are awful and ruin the burger. Usually no pickle either, depends.

I hate the McRib though.

>> No.5964328

>that kid in high school who ate a bible because edgy
>sat there and ripped up pages, ate them
>complained of constipation for a week after


That sounds like an awesome lunch. Would eat.

>> No.5964335

>that kid who would take any food other kids didn't want
>tfw that kid was me
>family was poor, dinner was rice or pasta with a canned vegetable
>no seconds, no snacks
>school food was a bonanza by comparison


Smart kid. Bread is shit.

>> No.5964349

holy shit this

a-at least we can buy dunkaroos now...r-right?

>> No.5964367

>That kid who ate nothing but chicken nuggets, french fries, and mac n cheese
That kid was my roommate the past 2 semesters.

>> No.5964399

I can back this up, currently saving to get out of the small town I've lived in my whole life because of shit like this. We do get a lot of asian immigrants so we have a decent pho place, and a japanese teriyaki place, but otherwise it's literally mcdonalds, taco bell, etc. I'm just fed up at most people not even second-guessing what they eat, not second-guessing anything at all, it's mind-boggling

>> No.5964409

Are you me? I had this EXACT friend growing up, meanwhile over here I've got a shit job struggling to get by and hes wasting trust fund money on weed and garbage. Good god if I had free money to put into an account every month, the things I could accomplish...

>> No.5964449

how do you steal a 20kg sac of rice?

>> No.5964450

That's honestly hilarious. I can't help but admire people who genuinely just don't give a fuck what other people think. I'm envious of their level of security in themselves.

>"Is this bun white bread?"
>Yes, X, it is.
>"It looks like wheat bread."
so good

>> No.5964459

Whenever I go out with my family, my brother and his family we always need to go to the same fucking restaurant. His wife and kids are picky as hell so they never try new stuff and we can only go this family restaurant where they eat chicken strips.

>> No.5964468

dumbass, I could easily do 60/wk on pot and eat like a king for 40/wk

>> No.5964479
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>never had rice

>> No.5964667

>that year my dad didn't work due to multiple knee surgeries
>that next year when I get lunch for 40 cents
>me and my friend bummed 40 cents off people every day and split my cheap lunch
>dat fucking chicken sandwich and chocolate milk

>> No.5964692

Thats how the whole gluten free nonsense started

>> No.5964781

My best friend would eat the same fucking shit every day. Two mcdonalds cheeseburgers, plain and a pepsi. 25 years later and nothing has changed. He also chain smokes.
>tfw best friend's gonna die way before me.

>> No.5964802

>spoiled fatass cousin has nuclear meltdown in restaurant
>chicken nuggets weren't dinosaur shaped
>screaming, crying, snot everywhere
>kicked and bit his mom when she tried to control him
>ran around till he barfed blue gatorade on floor

Fuck, he was an awful kid. Strangely, he grew up to be a normal adult in college. Still fat though.

>> No.5964817
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Holy fuck I did not expect that to end that way.
What a horrifying turn of events.

>> No.5964821

That's fucked up man.

>> No.5964868

he probably still eats dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets

>> No.5964871

>That kid who ate a chicken pie and chips with half a pint of milk every day.
about a quarter of my school until "healthy eating" was introduced.

>> No.5964884

>eat chicken and dumpling soup every wednesday in high school
>fuck yea it's wednesday again!
>do this for 2.5 years
>one day I have no desire for chicken and dumpling soup
>never ate it again

That was like 14 years ago. Still haven't touched chicken and dumpling soup. Why does that happen?

>> No.5964907

My step-sister lived with my dad and my step-mom for like three years, never lifting a finger to help out around the house. She's 32 and has a kid.

> neither would eat leftovers
> refused to eat anything other than take-out, packaged foods, fried chicken or mac and cheese (no we're not black)
> would always come in asking what was for dinner, but never bought groceries or helped cook

Wastes of fucking skin. Dad kicked step-mom to the curb though so they're finally out of the house. Not like it affects me much I guess since I live in another city, but still.

>> No.5964918

Is her name Marie?

>> No.5964919

My school wanted diversity so we had gross Asian food, gross pizza, gross mexican food, and gross everything.
It was torture.

>> No.5964929

Nope. Starts with an M though. We're from eastern KY.

>> No.5964994

>>that kid who had 2 packs of Gushers

Lucky bastard

>> No.5964995

I knew a kid who ate pages from a bible too. Are you Aussie?

>> No.5965101
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>> No.5965140

>that kid who got free school meals but his grandparents gave him money to get lunch everyday as well, so he would get me a bacon sandwich every breaktime
Thanks Connor, bros4lyf

>> No.5965142

>eating at Mcdonalds with friends of family as a kid
>just wanted a coke as I didn't like the shit they served
>friends of family has a fat sperglord kid who would start crying and screaming if he didn't get exactly what he wanted
>he was about 12
>he drinks his coke
>then takes mine
>refuses to give it back
>his parents says it's fine, and that he probably was more thirsty than I was from all the food he ate

He's been fast-food personified for me ever since, and I can thank him for making it easy to stay away from.

>> No.5965145
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>that kid whose mom went insane with the label maker
Always an only child

>> No.5965159

Glutinous rice is one of the best carbs ever

>> No.5965174

>mfw my best friend only eats poultry, american cheese, applesauce, potatoes, bread, and limited fruits

We rag on him all the time for his 10 year old eating habits, but he takes it all in stride. Still we don't know how he does it.

>> No.5965199

>picky eater
>hippie mom insists on something healthy
>one banana per day
>bargain down to half a banana
>say OK but learn to hide it and then toss it in trash when her back was momentarily turned
>years pass
>catches me
>nuclear fucking meltdown
>"how long?!"
>first time, honest!
>switch to hiding it in my pocket, then toss in neighbors trash/throw into snowdrift when I go to catch the bus
>wasted so much food and we were poor as fuck
>was otherwise really well-behaved, tho

I didn't like them! plus indignant about being forced. she really shoulda slapped the shit out of me, but hippie. we probably both would've felt better about it.

now I eat a banana every day. still not wild about the taste but a really convenient breakfast food, and healthy, and like taste OK compared to then. not really picky at all anymore, I'll fucking eat anything. why was I like that?

>> No.5965224

I did this when i was 9
i stopped within a week

>> No.5965244

>that kid who only ate chicken nuggets/strips/sticks no matter what restaurant you were at.

>> No.5965251

What is it with chicken nuggets specifically that these people cling to?
I know a girl in her late 20's who eats nothing but chicken nuggets, fries, and ham sandwiches.

>> No.5965264

They're shit people in general, in my experience. Lacking any character. May as well be eating cardboard and dust bunnies.

>> No.5965282
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>that one kid who puked spaghetti and milk

>> No.5965297

That was me but I barfed at home after school. God awful stomach flu that spread around the house that December.

>> No.5965307

it was an awesome lunch, but for some reason it would always stink to high hell

>> No.5965315
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>that one kid who got teased no matter what his Pollock mother mailed him to school.

>> No.5965409

I know a dude who always eats a shitload of nuggets when he gets fast food. I try not to judge but they're so shit!

>> No.5965436


I've never had steak until I bought one for myself at the age of 23. Grew up poor and my mother hates cooking anything outside of her comfort zone, but still.

>> No.5965446
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>that kid who ate a lot of KD and Spam
That was me. Mom was poor, and it was a staple.
I nostalgia every time I see it in the isle, and fight buying a tin to make my own. I miss it bros...

>> No.5965466

>that kid who sat on the opposite side of cafeteria and threw strawberries at your table when the teachers weren't looking

good times

>> No.5965479
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>that kid whose alcoholic mom accidentally got him expelled by leaving a water bottle filled with vodka in his lunch box and getting several kids sick from trying it
>his equally alcoholic dad beat her half to death for it
School was funny.

>> No.5965482

>that kid who drank Yakult and drank sugar-cane juice

Asians are weird.

>> No.5965500

>mfw I still eat food with my hands

Hands are nature's fork/chopstick/spoon.

>> No.5965503

both of those are delicious

>> No.5965504


sit in the classroom man, bathrooms are disgusting.

>> No.5965509

shits like that raise my blood pressure.

>> No.5965510

In elementary I walked home for lunch, High school I was slightly less autistic and had friends, so I ate outside. Was actually wicked, fresh air, sunlight, birds...

>> No.5965514

I do this occasionally, I'll just suck on a single piece of dry spaghetti.

>> No.5965542

Had a friend like this in high school. She ate raw bow tie pasta and Red Bull as her regular snacks.

>> No.5965547
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>be compassionate child
>can't stand to see anyone left out or sad
>bring ham and cheese cracker lunchable to school
>at recess, classmates see it
>"hey, can I have a cracker?"
>"can I have a piece of cheese?"
>but it's mine
>"anon is mean. anon doesn't like to share."
>end up giving away all of my lunchable portions
>no lunch
>teacher sees me sniffling
>"well, you shouldn't have shared with them."


>attend McD's with childhood friend
>she fills up her ketchup cup and brings it to the table we're sitting at
>normal so far
>empties a packet of salt into ketchup
>empties 2, 3, 4 more packets of salt into ketchup
>her mother is cheerily watching on, has nothing to say
>throw up in my mouth a little

>> No.5965565


This wasn't just "that kid"...this was totally commonplace at my Elementary School and I NEVER understood it.

> Kids reach into their bags at lunch time
> Pull out a package of instant noodles
> Tear open plastic, eat brick of raw dry noodles

Like...between 4 and 6 kids in class would do this on average. I hesitate to call it a "fad" but damn. And this was for years, too.

You couldn't even use the fucking flavour packet cause there was no water or a bowl or anything else involved. So they just threw it out with the garbage and ate a block of dry plain noodles for lunch.

>> No.5965586

I used to eat plain dry ramen noodle blocks when I was a little kid. They're actually not that bad.

>> No.5965598

They always gave me really bad heartburn, so I feel your pain.

>> No.5965603


I will never understand the stereotype of Kraft Dinner, Spam, Hamburger Helper, etc being considered cheap or "poor" foods.

Maybe it's just where I live, but around here that shit is expensive as hell. Spam is pretty much the most costly canned food you can buy. Kraft Dinner is expensive as shit because it's name brand. We were teetering on the edge of being considered poorfags, and we could NEVER afford these foods.

>> No.5965606

KD is expensive NOW. When I was a kid, it was 11cents.

>> No.5965608

Dude I still make kraft mac and cheese with broccoli and cheap ass hot dogs once in a blue moon. It's good and I don't care

>> No.5965610

>that kid that shit or pissed themselves in class

Let's hear it. Someone in your class defecated or urinated in their seats.

>That kid that always got bloody noses

Uh huh, this one too.

>> No.5965616

post ht wt and pics

>> No.5965621

wow. You are a massive faggot and should promptly an hero. Pls go

>> No.5965622

The cans of spam on the shelf are dusty as fuck. I can't face the underpaid 20 something cashier who spends all her wage on GUESS jeans, and fake nails.

>> No.5965623

Some girl got her period in class once and bled all over her chair.

>> No.5965628

Dude it's spam. It lasts forever, and who cares what some young faggot thinks?
on a side note, GUESS jeans are still around?

>> No.5965637

My friend shit herself in 2nd grade after lunch. It was awful.

Another girl pissed herself in 2nd period health my freshman year after someone brought in breakfast for the class.

>> No.5965644
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Women. Am I right?

>> No.5965655

I feel very sad when i read this. I hated my lunch. I was the kid who would throw out a perfectly good sandwich every fuckin day. My poor mom used to wake up early every day to make my brother and dads lunch. And i would throw it out. Fuck i feel bad. But.....on friday i was given 5 bucks for lunch. I fuckin loved going across the street, getting 2 beef patties and an RC cola, or going for the walk to pape and cosburn and getting 2 4 1 pizza or mr. Sub.

>> No.5965660

lol you silly bastard

>> No.5965665

My friend pissed himself in the drama classroom once. Two things made it way worse, one was that he was wearing grey trousers, the other being that because we were in the drama classroom we weren't sat in chairs, we were sat on a shiny black floor in a circle. Suddenly there was piss everywhere and everyone had to stand up and go outside.

No one even made fun of him because he was quite popular, but damn it must have been embarassing.

>> No.5965666


>> No.5965673


>> No.5965675

That must have been crushing!

>> No.5965678

Yup...east york. You?

>> No.5965681

>Le that kid was me

Way too much of that in this thread. Here's what always got me:

>That kid who put nacho cheese sauce on his school fries
>And his school burger
>And his school chicken
>And his school pizza
>And pretty much fucking everything

Must've been dozens of the fuckers, it always made me nauseous to see people ingesting so much of that nasty shit.

>> No.5965683

>GUESS jeans are still around?
Do you live in some kind of third world country?

>> No.5965688

No I just buy my clothes at Goodwill and don't look at brand names.

>> No.5965693

Seeing as they're still present in the malls, yes?
And I care. because i'm a beta gril with poor fashion taste.

>> No.5965698

People still go to malls? Jesus Christ

>> No.5965699
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Sorry, was her pissing herself directly connected to the surprise breakfast?

>> No.5965705

Elementary gym class. Girl says she needs to go pee. Teachers don't do anything. Girl starts crying and pissing and everyone can see the pee going down her leg and making a puddle on the tile.

>> No.5965718

No, we had watersports educations for health class

But really, yeah I think she had too much orange juice.

>> No.5965731
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>watersports educations for health class

>> No.5965735


I will still occasionally do this with MaruChan. I like the crunchy.

>> No.5965738

you're welcome pete :)

>> No.5965744
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We had one kid who used to piss himself all the time, right up until grade seven and possibly beyond (I wouldn't know since I moved then). He was supposedly poor and got his clothes from Salvation Army, but the one time my mom made me and my brother play at his house, it seemed fairly nice, and the mom served smoked salmon.
Also our elementary school would give dry ramen to kids who didn't have a lunch. I remember thinking even then how depressing that was, especially since my mom would make me ramen with pic related and it was always god-tier.

>that kid who always had a different leftover in their thermos for lunch
God bless my mom's meatballs.

>> No.5965756

Fuck you. Kid behind me ALWAYS had steak and rice, and other amazing foods in his thermos. Fuck, i should get a thermos come to think. But, he used to drink this wierd cola everyday called "chubby". He had a lazy eye and his name was Julian. Fuck that guy too. Those lunches even smelled amazing

>> No.5965760

Oh man. You'd have hated me even more when I got leftover steak sliced thin and put into a green salad with dijon vinaigrette.

>> No.5965763

Shit was awful except the blue kind. Cream Soda tasted like Palmolive.

Also wtf kids put other shit in thermoses? The ONLY thing I ever saw kids drink outta that was pleb-tier powered made chicken noodle soup.

>> No.5965774

moved out 4 years ago

>> No.5965782

pls be the actual kids

>> No.5965784

Where did you go to school where school lunches didn't taste like vomit? Bag-lunches are always better!

>> No.5965796

Anyone go to private school? Share your food experiences. I spent most of high school at an American school in Hungary where the lunches were always god-tier. Fresh baked pastries for breakfasts/break times, relatively unshitty pizza and burgers, excellent fresh sandwiches, and wonderful entrees.
>tfw couldn't afford to buy caf food more than a few times a week since I was only there on the government's dime

>> No.5965809

>choosing to spend 6$ on a chicken caeser wrap that was guaranteed to give you food poisoning 100% of the time

>> No.5965812

>that kid who meticulously peels his mini corn dogs and saves all the corn batter for the end.
>that kid who pushes the entire slice of pizza's worth of toppings to the end, basically eating soggy tomato bread for 90% of the pizza and a big mouth full of cheese and pepperoni at the end
>that kid who puts mayo on his burgers

I was that kid

>> No.5965823

There's people that don't like mayo on their burgers?

>> No.5965835

I'm highly unsure if I like mayo. When it's put on sandwiches or burgers and I don't know it's there and find out later, I find it drastically improves them. But I'd never put mayo on anything myself.
Luckily I'm not otherwise picky.

>> No.5965837

I sat next to a girl who did that in sixth grade. It was the only time any of the other girls talked to her.

>> No.5965848

I don't. I like plain burgers, or if the spirit takes me mustard. If shrooms or grilled onions are option, sure.

I like mayo with other stuff like when its in picnic salads (potato, chicken, egg) and tuna sandwiches, but not burgers really.

>> No.5965861

They didn't use the packets? When I was a kid, they would break the noodles apart while the bag was still sealed, then they'd open it, pour the packet in and shake the shit out of it. The noodles would be coated with it.

Guess kids at my school were slightly smarter. And I say "smarter" very loosely...

>> No.5965868
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Kids did this at my school too. I got kicks outta telling them they'd get worms eating the noodles raw.

>> No.5965880

Haha, people would always say that shit at my school too. Is it actually true? I honestly never cared to find out over my lifetime, since I don't particularly eat uncooked pasta anyway.

>> No.5965889
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I don't see how it could.
>tfw I truly believed my mom i'd get worms from raw eggs
>tfw didn't have cake batter, or cookie dough till I was in my twenties.

Thanks mom...In truth, she probably saved me from childhood obesity.

>> No.5965917

You're barking up the wrong tree, pal. Most people here gree up in the American public school system, catered the same way prisons are. The idea of school food that is not only edible but delicious is a fantasy.

>> No.5965929

While I understand your sentiments about school cafeteria food, jail food is a lot worse. They don't even pretend to try.

>> No.5965973

you get salmonella from raw eggs.
probably just an easier way to explain to kids to not eat it

>> No.5965989
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>That kid who didn't eat his crusts

>> No.5965992

>not saving your pizza bones to make stock

>> No.5966001
File: 1.99 MB, 318x244, 1415479551962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. or worse, the kid who saved them to bathe them in gallons of ranch dressing.
Seriously, FUCK ranch dressing. The worst kinds of people.

>> No.5966037



>> No.5966038

Oh god I hated that. My mom taught my sister and I basic manners despite being poor. I mean shit, do they not eat at a dinner table?

>> No.5966043

>that one kid who would ask for the other kids's lunches
>everyone would automatically give him what they didn't want as the years went on
>called him fatty

>> No.5966054

Mr sub. Had it today. Where are you from? I honestly wasn't aware that it was common elsewhere

> captcha: stewpan mallofd

>> No.5966063

A childhood friend of mine only ate McDonald's and other junk food and drank only soda and fruit juice. He hated the taste of water, vegetables and fruit. The dude was literally autistic and would throw temper tantrums when his mom tried to feed him anything even remotely health promoting. He literally lived off fast food and lunchables. He ate toddler portion sizes though so he was rail thin. Borderline anorexic.

>> No.5966162

That's really sad. They didn't get arrested for trying to poison you?

>> No.5966174

Im from Toronto. East york. I love this city. You?

>> No.5966244

>that kid who was too much of a faggot to eat meat until he was like 12
>tfw I am that faggot

>> No.5966316

when get to be about fourteen or fifteen years old you'll start noticing you appreciate things differently.

>> No.5966346

>having to spend money on school lunches
this is why no one takes america seriously

>> No.5966354

Chicago. Even people in Illinois I've talked to have never heard of it. I was almost convinced it was local. Good to know though because Mr subs is amazing.

>> No.5966357

I disagree with you strongly.

>> No.5966358

Canada. What fucking Country give away free food? And why aren't you rich fucks feeding the niggers?

>> No.5966361

Sweden. Guess what else is free here? The education. It's not even that we're particularily rich, just that we don't have complete fuckheads in charge. I mean, they're fuckheads, but not complete fuckheads.

>> No.5966378

You also have a lot of sandniggers. Shitty, I'd love to move away from the abundance we have here.

>> No.5966390

True. I'm from the south where they're most abundant, but they're not all bad. Cheap as fuck kebabs on every corner, how can you complain?

>> No.5966424
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When your choices of take-out are; Chinese, Indian, and Italian. You get sick of that shit quick. Especially considering they took over most pizza places as well. Fucking Shawarma pizzas. I'm so over it.
Watching some snooty bitch pick at the bacon she has to put on my sandwich like it's maggot soaked toilet paper, because >muh religion, i'm soo over it.

>> No.5966436

Canada subsidizes a lot of meal programs for kids ... are you from Alberta or something?

>> No.5966437
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Wanna go out hunting for some oriental background actresses later bro?!?

>> No.5966442

Ontario. Shithole of Canada.

>> No.5966444

Maybe move to Alberta. We don't need your conservative scum here.

A bleeding-heart Wynne-and-Chow-voting Toronto Liberal

>> No.5966451

>implying i'm conservative. top kek. Just not a "bleeding heart" Peta loving hippy.

>> No.5966453

Where in Ontario then? Want to be friends?

>> No.5966455

Too busy bbming dick pics to my boss

>> No.5966458
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>not chasing down cherokee chicks on the trail of beers
You gotta get more horizontal bro, for real

>> No.5966476
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>tfw my mother, father and I love to try new food
>tfw whenever there's a birthday in my family everyone insists on going to a fancy restaurant
>tfw my parents and I order stuff we haven't tried before
>tfw the rest of my family orders chips and nuggets
>tfw they look at us like we're total freaks during the whole meal

Family gatherings are embarrassing as fuck.

>> No.5966490

Don't be embarrassed. The rest of your family doesn't know shit.

>> No.5966491
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are you sure they're not robits?

>> No.5966511

Children have different tastes than adults do. Which is why it's so incredible to me that a grown ass man or woman can eat like they did when they were children, and never expand their horizons.

I went the other way. I used to love ketchup as a child, and now I can't stand the stuff. Oh, I'll eat it, but I'm never happy about it.

>> No.5966515

A friend of mine introduced me to dipping french fries in milkshakes. I sometimes do it with my burger as well, but not as often.

>> No.5966525

>friend tells me he's allergic to peanut butter his whole life
>find out 15 years later that he just doesnt like it

why lie about it? he's a weird guy

>> No.5966542

That's nothing. One time at McDonald's a lady in the line next to me ordered a plain cheeseburger with no meat patty for her son. In her own words:
>"just a bun with cheese and ketchup"
I feel bad for parents having to make special orders like that for their kids. Especially when you can tell they're at least somewhat embarrassed.

>> No.5966591

>that kid who despised the school food, yet ate it every day
I was that kid. Fuck, I even got expired milk once and didn't realize that until after I started drinking it. (It's probably the worst thing I've ever tasted. It took almost 2 weeks to get that taste out of my mouth.) Yet, I still kept eating whatever shit they served. I did go about a week without drinking milk after that. Even at home. I guess that's what I get for being too lazy to bring food.
At least I bring lunch to work now.

>> No.5966615

>mfw she turned into a land whale with 5 kids

>> No.5966619

I remember in high school this one girl would drink like 2 Monsters a day and would sometimes just eat ketchup packets for lunch.
She was kinda crazy and usually pretty hyper. (I wonder what she would have been like if she cut down on the Monsters.)

>> No.5966621

once in a school trip we stopped somewhere random to eat and there was a mc donalds so obviously all the kids wanted to go to mc donalds
my history teacher was a vegetarian hippie (literally hippie) and instead of ordering something in the other restaurants around she goes into mc donalds and asks a burguer with no patty and no cheese
just that shitty bun with lettuce and i think pickles

>> No.5966656

Oh boy I got a few from the same guy
>Would only eat roast beef and bacon for every meal
>ate pure butter from the stick because he needed to get 80% of his calories from fats
>Deathly allergic to nuts but still ate a hubbie bar processed in factories that made peanut products
>claimed that water was the best chaser for any alcohol
>argued that he needed close to 6k calories a day and would say he over ate passed that. When called out he would accurately list out the nutritional value of everything he ate.
>Drank Bailey's creamer straight and didn't understand that it wasn't the same as actual whiskey.

>> No.5966666

>best friend loves bacon and pork
>he's Jewish

>> No.5966667

>that kid who actually ate PB&J sandwiches

>> No.5966671
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I know this feel

>> No.5966682

>that Asian kid who had sushi or fried rice with a vitasoy for lunch everyday.

>> No.5966687


But that's the thing anon

I'm 23

>> No.5966690
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>that girl chewing on the end of a hookah mouthpiece

>> No.5966692


You realize this is pretty common right

>> No.5966697

My cousin for the longest time lived off of soda and fruit flavored twizzlers, poptarts, and fruit snacks. When everyone ate dinner, he "wasn't hungry" and his parents let him skip the family meal to play vidya in his room. Didn't stop til he was about 10

>> No.5966959

>that guy who eats his burger with a knife and fork

>> No.5966997

>Girls who dab their pizza with a napkin at lunch thinking it mattered

Oh how I made fun of them, those are the ones you know to call fat even if they aren't

>> No.5967017

That must have stunted his development in some way. I'd feel fucking awful if I allowed my kid to do that to themselves

>> No.5967021

not all jews are kosher

>> No.5967029
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>that guy who is self conscious about getting cheese and sauces all over his mouth in a public restaurant, making himself look like a savage.

>> No.5967049

Would anyone else go around and hit up the girls for their leftover chicken nuggets and shit?

>> No.5967054

>have fairly distant cousin-in-law
>babby palate, all he ate was hot dogs and burgers
>thats it, nothing else, no vegetables
>30 years old and had to have his colon removed and has a colostomy bag

eat your vegetables kids.

>> No.5967590

I did that because I didn't like my hands getting covered in grease. You sound like an asshole.

>> No.5967607

>That guy who puts ketchup on everything, even on pasta sauce.

>> No.5967626

>That kid who goes on /ck/ and makes THAT kid threads.

Anyone know that kid?

>> No.5967755

A bunch of guys on my dorm floor do this. They just take uncooked ramen, crush it up in the package, and sprinkle the seasoning. It's the weirdest shit I've ever seen.

>> No.5967761

I'm a guy and I do that, especially if it's some uberfuckinggreasy pepperoni pizza. It helps me not feel like I'm dying after I eat half the pizza.

>> No.5967768

Let me guess, you also rinse the grease of your meat with water?

>> No.5967772

No, that's fucking disgusting. And you can't rinse grease away with water anyway.

>> No.5967775

>I'm a guy and I do that

lole gayyyy

>> No.5967783

>shitty Better Made chips in my lunch everyday
>dip in mustard
>put in bologna sandwich
>anything but eat them plain
>nobody would trade with you

>> No.5967785

>kids that never ate the cheese block in their Lunchables
fuck that was the best part. gimme dat cheese

>> No.5967793
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>not having a local pizza joint supply pizza for school on wednesdays
>dem small pepperoni slices that cup up and fill with glorious grease

It really made the pizza so much better. I remember kids flipping their pizza over to watch the grease pour off.

>> No.5967797
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>> No.5967816
File: 3.07 MB, 3264x2448, 1411685408946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya. Just leave Ontario. I love it here. I think Alberta would be best for you. Get the fuck out if you dont like. Cunt. Maybe you are too stupid and thus to poor to leave? Hitch hike then you pussy.

>> No.5967836

>Better Made chips shitty

U fuckin wot m8, thems fightin' words in Michigan

>> No.5967842

I'm from Michigan and they were shit back in the early 90's. Burnt and unsalted garbage. Now they taste more like Lays. And I was stuck with a bag in my lunch every day for weeks after Halloween,.

>> No.5967852

Toronto fag here. On a trip to chicago this year i got a bag and they were like lays. Im a big fan of honey mustard kettle chips.

>> No.5967863

Ontario. Only place in Canada that actually has people.

>> No.5967870

i love living in toronto but i fucking loathe pizza pizza

>> No.5967895

I only get the dipping sauce. Cant shake the habit. Best pizza is Fresca near spadina and college

>> No.5967920

>3rd world
>Having educational districts and not just plopping down schools whereever its convenient
I only ever ate in school like 3 times, during Primary School went to my cousins place, she cooked for her son and 3 of my other cousins up until we all went to highschool because she lived so close.

But still

>That kid that only eats fast foods like KFC, McD's, etc
That's my niece and I fucking hate my brother because of it.

>> No.5967945

>mom volunteered as a lunch lady on her days off from work
>would sneak me a mcdonalds double cheeseburger in a plastic baggy since fast food was not allowed
you da best mom

>> No.5967962
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>being this mad

>> No.5968019

>That kid who ate hot meals from the canteen every god damn day while you ate penut butter on wholemeal
One time he bought me a coke (I got $2 a week pocket money, couldn't afford) and just threw his change in the bushes. I still don't know how to feel.jpg

>> No.5968056

If the pizza is really greasy I do that too.

>> No.5968120
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>empties 2, 3, 4 more packets of salt into ketchup

>> No.5968150

Scumbag Steve as a kid. You know he was just taking advantage as he laughed and danced away with all your lunchables.

Story time: I once found a gold charm on the ground in the cafeteria. This black girl in the grade above me quickly came up and kept saying it was hers. "yo I swear, I swear to gawd it's mine, yea I dropped it, it's mine". (ps: it was a hockey emblem, something black girls wouldn't wear). I finally just gave it to her because she was annoying the fuck out of me. She proceeded to laugh and dance away. Couple days later I saw a piece of paper up near the office saying someone lost it and was looking for it. I ratted out the black chick.

>> No.5968561

dude i work like a 30 second walk from that place, i love that place

it just sucks they're not open super late

>> No.5968572

muh nigga

Ranch makes damn near anything taste better

>> No.5968593

>ate a bible
>constipation for a week after
Checkmate, atheists.

>> No.5968648

>That kid who would not spread jelly on his toast even if it costed him his life

He would scoop the jelly out of the small packet with a knife and just place it on the middle of the toast. He didn't bother spreading it and would just eat the toast with only the center tasting sweet. This was every day at breakfast in Elementary school, and by the third grade I had acquired a new pet peeve.

>> No.5968663

So you were the picky eater?

>> No.5968666

Pro tip: get this, but take out.
>XL margherita with extra garlic oil.

Someone showed me this at a party and it is a fuckin hit. Hands down, best pizza in the city. Great for faggot vegan friends if you got them. Ordering extra with thr oil......jesus. The minced herbs in garlic oil is unreal and i have yet to recreate it.

>> No.5968689
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>take some friends out to eat Jamaican food
>Guy never had it before
>His girlfriend was cool with it
>Get jerk chicken plate
>He doesn't like the chicken
>He likes the rice, but doesn't like the red beans in the dish
>red beans and rice
>barely touches his plate
>Later I ask him about it
>turns out his parents would cook him something else if he doesn't like what they've cooked


>> No.5968715

>roommates will fry up sausages/hamburger and call it dinner

>> No.5968735

meh, I've done that when work was long/draining and I was on the night shift. Also eaten breakfast cereal as dinner on occasions such as that.

>> No.5968775

>That kid who didn't eat pizza because didn't like the smell of the cheese
>The same kid that didn't eat it until he turned sixteen
>That kid that only ate the pizza because he was forced to eat by his friends and girlfriend
>That kid who said "It tastes good after all"
I do love that fucker, but I don't know why it was me that had to feed him.

>> No.5968776

i went to a private school for the first 2 years of hs, the cafeteria looked like a fucking prison.
>in the basement, no windows
>white walls, floor, white lights
>fucking work out area inside the cafeteria
>only thing worth buying at the caf was the mac and cheese, everything else was shit
looked like a hangout for cholos

>> No.5968817
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Please tell us where this is! Maybe we can help future generations. Never doubt 4chan, especially /ck/

>> No.5968871


>> No.5969181

Not the fetish, you dipshit

>> No.5969311

Have you eaten an Gingers vietnamese at yonge and bloor? Best fast food ever. Great spring rolls

>> No.5969330

>that kid who literally does not know how to cook at 21 other than eggs and comes home to visit his dad who makes him a a bunch of portions of asian chicken and rice
my friend

>when his chicken and rice runs out her starts eating hot pockets

>> No.5969341
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. Pic related. Im drunk as fuck

>> No.5969377

because my parents couldn't be bothered to provide any better when I complained about moldy hot dog buns with rotten meat sitting at room temperature for weeks ;__;

>> No.5969415

>That one slightly retarded kid that used to marinate snack foods in his foreskin before eating it during lunch

Why Jimmy

>> No.5969416

i love all the canada talk. Im a co here and what we feed is just wrong. Alot of white bread and Merican cheese. I make a point of sneaking in food for inmates.

>> No.5969427
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how do you eat them?

with your HANDS?!

>> No.5969448
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I was one of those senior year of high school
>every morning of school, buy one of the following:
>whole loaf of cheap white bread
>box of cereal, usually Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Fruit Loops
>bag of pretzels
>large bag of Skittles
>often coupled one of those food choices with either a gallon of chocolate milk or a 2 liter of Sunkist

This system was later narrowed down after I graduated by eating a loaf of "french bread" from my local Rempke every day of work until I was 20.

>> No.5969460

not him, but you are a good person. I can't believe a CO is actually a decent human.

faith in humanity restored.

>> No.5969472

>that kid who added ketchup to everything

And i mean everything, even fruits and yogurt, anything that the disliked the taste of he just added some ketchup to it and ate it, he carried a bottle fucking ketchup in his backpack for 5 years, he was a bro though, always shared his food (he gave me a portion without ketchup obviously) with me because i was poor.

>> No.5969482

this post made me wonder what ketchup and Skittles would taste like.

>> No.5969554
File: 9 KB, 196x250, 1414788063776s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are few and far between. In Canada at least.i was always told "treat others how you want to be treated"

Helps you sleep at night if this is how you actually live.

>> No.5969787

that's me, used to eat it with the packet flavor too

>> No.5969981
File: 843 KB, 213x183, whattheFUCK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw a kid in high school douse his salad with ketchup.

>> No.5969988

Went to a Catholic high school, we had an experienced chef from Louisiana. God-DAMN he made mean jambalaya. Even brought in a big smoker he would use occasionally. Great guy too, looked scarily a lot like Ainsley. We were spoiled.

>> No.5970050

>Pizza in ranch
I never understood this. Kids did it all throughout school and it tasted lame the few times I tried it.

>> No.5970061

Good job. How much shit did she get for it?

>> No.5970250

School trip, one guy who was sitting at the back of the coach literally right next to the toilet stall managed to shit himself. The smell was so fucking pungent that about half the people on the bus threw up within seconds, including a guy sitting next to me at the very front.

>> No.5972007

There was this black-ish kid in school who was poor as all fuck, he wasn't a nigger though, it was either cuban or mexican i don't really know, but he always asked everyone for leftovers of their lunch because his mom didn't have money for that (he had a baby sister), everyone just mocked him obviously, others ignored him but one time he asked me and i just gave him my entire sandwich and a juice box, he almost cried.

Later i told my mom what i did and the next morning he made 2 sandwiches and put an extra box of juice for him, mind you, we were borderline poorfags, she kept doing this for years, even on highschool she still made lunch for him, and he always ate it, sometimes not even i ate her sandwiches and i just throwed them away, 10 years later and that kid is still my friend, not that i have many though, i am socially fucktarded.