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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5957014 No.5957014 [Reply] [Original]

What are you drinking, /ck/?

>> No.5957024

Abelour 12 year double cask

>> No.5957025

King cobra

>> No.5957032

Jack and coke

>> No.5957034


>> No.5957035

Cheap ass fucking vodka I hate myself

>> No.5957036


Does it taste better or worse than Steel Reserve?

>> No.5957042
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what is everyones best snack to go with beer?

>> No.5957044
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Maybe a bit faggy but whatever. Will report back in 2-3 hours.

>> No.5957045

that glass looks tipsy

>> No.5957046

Some home brewed irish red. Turned out pretty good.

>> No.5957049
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>> No.5957052

Tastes better to me but its only6% compared to steel which is over 8% i believe

>> No.5957053

Burritos or potato chips

>> No.5957056

This is the only west coast IPA I can enjoy

>> No.5957059

I ordered that at some bistro type place when they were training a new waitress. Bitch called it Stone Eepa

>> No.5957060


bought a handle of svedka
saw one of my coworkers at the liquor store
he says hi to me while pityingly looking at the handle

fuckin hell...

>> No.5957063
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after drinking from 6am to 9pm every single day for the past month, i'm trying hard to resist picking up a damn handle of bourbon tonight.

i abused those close to me for the first time, so something soon has gotta give. pray for me /ck/

>> No.5957064

Peanuts in shell

>> No.5957082

That's all I'm going to call it now.

>> No.5957086

learn to be a real functioning alcoholic and figure out lots of premade excuses to have at the ready
>party, they want to make punch
>cocktail party
>making limoncello
of course, these are still only good for the rare occasion that you slip and make it obvious, since you can't use them so often that they figure out your BS
order online, get some douche shades and a hat, etc

>> No.5957091

Just finished a 750ml dry cider

Opening my last founders double trouble

>> No.5957103


Who cares? Is this guy going to tell the rest of your co-workers or something? It's Friday for fuck's sakes. What's the big deal?

>> No.5957108

He wasnt pitying him for being an al/ck/, he was pitying him for drinking svedka

>> No.5957110

The people who judge you on that are in the minority. No one really cares

>> No.5957113

pft. nigga I'm drinking taaka get on my shit level

>> No.5957114

Svedka is mediocre budget vodka.

>> No.5957120

>plastic bottle
>literally 6 dollars for a handle
>pain in my side after every shot

>> No.5957123

I know. That was the point

>> No.5957124
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forgot my pic im so drunk

>> No.5957131


Better than Dark Eyes, friendo.

>> No.5957133

while youre drinking it?
>whole peanuts (in shell)

>> No.5957135

after you're finished?
>chicken wings

>> No.5957136
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>> No.5957139

How does this compare to georgi?

>> No.5957140

foie gras

>> No.5957142

After freeze distilling my cider I'm going to have myself of. Not sure how strong it is, and I hope I don't get me some methanol poisoning.

>> No.5957144


>> No.5957145


If you're in al/ck/ what the fuck do you care about taste? GET OUT

>> No.5957156

The Little Penguin cab atm. Publix has been selling it for $2.50 a bottle for some reason, so fuck it.

>> No.5957163

never had georgi. What I can compare to is svedka and all those cheap ass brands. its like white wolf.

>> No.5957164

Sorry bro, your al/ck/ dick is clearly way bigger than mine

>> No.5957167

Evan Williams with lemon lime seltzer.

>> No.5957189

Cheap whiskey.

And bagel burnt ends with Italian olive oil dip.

>> No.5957190

Gonna be trying something new later tonight. I remember seeing some of you guys recommending Evan Williams as a decent cheap bourbon, so I grabbed a bottle on my last trip to the store. I wasn't sure what to try out first, since their regular black label and 1783 were the same price. I decided to grab the 1783, did I fuck up? Won't be trying it till later because I need to go out in a bit but I'll be trying it when I get back.

>> No.5957194

Now raw peppers

>> No.5957195
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>my lean
3 ice, 3 seconds of jack, 1 second of coke

>> No.5957200

>buying jack
Seriously? Old Crow Reserve is just as good, if not better, and a fraction of the price.

>> No.5957202

Got a bigass bottle of Kraken, going back and forth between drinking it straight and going 50/50 with coke.

>> No.5957204

I tried to give more than one shit on this, so far I'm unsuccessful

>> No.5957208



>> No.5957210

To each his own. It's not like Jack is shit, so if someone wants to waste their money on it let 'em.

>> No.5957212

pilsner urquell and aberlour 10 yo.
on a classy tip compared to my regular fifth of bottom shelf vodka
i have work in 4 hours

>> No.5957214


but it's friday anon

>> No.5957220

money is not an issue, I don't go around looking at prices really. I'll try out old crow just to see tho

>> No.5957222

Bro, I literally just said it wasn't a big deal. I'm not the Old Crow guy.

>> No.5957226

vodka and pbr

>> No.5957230

We always talk about what we're drinking, you know what I want to know?

What are you fucking drinking FROM? Show us some glassware.

>> No.5957233

Im out of shits. my relevant response is relevant response

>> No.5957236

already covered here >>5957195

>> No.5957240

Bro, how the fuck is your glass staying there? Is your house built at an angle?

>> No.5957241

moonshine from a vegemite jar, for the vitamins

>> No.5957255

I went to a place known for their craft beer($15 for 5 crafts of your choice) after finishing the bucket I asked the waitress what for her recommendations. She started reading from the menu and I caught her saying belgian session which I heard as Belgian Saison so I repeated "Saison?" with emphasis on the accent she said yes "saison" so I ordered it. I got a "Belgian style session ale"

What a harrowing experience.

Seriously though, who employs these people.

>> No.5957261 [DELETED] 
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>tfw everything is irrelevant

>> No.5957266

Every time I think about quitting so I can do something with my life I'm like...why am I even doing this? I don't even feel like doing anything with my life, I'd just rather keep drinking.

>> No.5957270
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This is a picture of a turtle. He is trying to eat something that is far too large.

>> No.5957279
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Was drinking red wine

Now gonna start into my shitty beer, specifically red stripe & bud lime

>tfw bud lime is the only stuff left to drink
>tfw type 1 diabetic and unable to give up drinking
>tfw on 4chan on a Friday night drinking

etc. etc.

>> No.5957284

I live on an undersea mountain
the chair arm fabric has a gripping texture

>> No.5957287

Cheratussin AC syrup.
and lots of it.

>> No.5957288

>in the morning

>> No.5957289
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Just finished my cheap ass $4 bottle of wine. Now on my 1 Milk Stout Nitro, and then will sip on some whiskey.

Feeling pretty cozy and not depressed. They say alcohol is a depressant, and sure I see the evidence chemically, but I feel pretty damn nice so fuck the technical shit. Generally pretty happy, and loving this first real cold front. God I love winter.

>> No.5957304

Cns depressant fool

>> No.5957308

Has anyone build a still for making moonshine? How easy/hard is it to do? How do you make sure the temperature is right without opening the lid?

>> No.5957319

just fucking move to the south, our body composition is fuckin 30%moonshine and 70%racism.
its pretty gr8

>> No.5957323


Yeah, it's pretty easy and I can still kinda see outta one eye.

>> No.5957329

why would anyone still in merica where you get a handle for $10?

>> No.5957334

Because for 10 dollars worth of ingredients you can produce several times that amount's worth in alcohol. Especially in Canada where 750ml of vodka cost 25 dollars. For that much money I could make 200 dollars worth of alcohol with just sugar and water.

>> No.5957358

Ahh. I get it now. Hah.

Feeling toasty now, on my whiskey sipping. Candle lights blazing. Wearing a blanket. Must say it again - Fucking love Winter.

>> No.5957359


>> No.5957366
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Anyone else stuck with shitty discount beer tonight?

>> No.5957369

I'm on some intense psychiatric meds, so I'm not supposed to drink. Which is awful, considering I'm a recovering alcoholic. Last weekend I sneaked a few beers in my bedroom (I'm a grown man and this is what I've been reduced to).

>> No.5957373

yeah i posted mine early in the thread, about 5 down

>> No.5957375

"depressant" doesn't mean it makes you psychologically depressed. these are two different things

>> No.5957378
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I'm back. So this stuff is pretty damned smooth. Not sure how much I like the flavor yet, but I can definitely drink it.

>> No.5957382

Cheap ass Canadian whiskey and dr pepper. You know your life is slowly descending into madness when you're liquor comes out of plastic containers

>> No.5957391



>> No.5957397

Swap out the dr pepper for an olde timey bottle of coke. You know you've hit rock bottom when your soda comes in better packaging than your liquor.

>> No.5957404
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What's wrong with plastic?

>> No.5957405

Steel Reseve? You know I've actually never tried it. How is it? IT's high alc right?

>> No.5957408

oooh, premium

>> No.5957413

I don't buy shitty discount beer, so no.

>> No.5957423


>> No.5957425

>Premium Quality
>Blended & Packaged in Sierra Leone
Enjoy your premium Ebola.

>> No.5957426

Reporting In. Its actually pretty good. Its basically exactly what a bourbon should taste like. I don't think ill be going back to the plane jane jim beam.

>> No.5957430

>being finished

>> No.5957431
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>> No.5957435

I should hope not, regular Jim Beam is pretty bad.

>> No.5957441

Ehh for bourbon its OK. I prefer scotch.

>> No.5957447

no cariboo, canada bc beer

>> No.5957466

Oh word, never had it.

Ontarian here, hows BC?

>> No.5957512

>best before Dec. 2012

This can only end well

>> No.5957515

I could put that shit in my car.

>> No.5957537
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Bottle of carlsberg

>> No.5957546

>tfw cant keep anything down

fuck i just want to black out

>> No.5957587

>tfw no maple syrup whiskey

>> No.5957589

its saturday 1pm. fucking sore from all the cocaine and gin tonics

>> No.5957633

I only have 2-3 shots left for the rest of the night and I'm only sort of drunk.

What do I do.

>> No.5957641

drink the rest, have a shower, drink water and go to bed. Wish I had taken that advice more often

>> No.5957718

get into bed, bring the bottle with you. chug the bottle in bed. this is the only solution.

>> No.5957723
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YO what 6 pack of beer should I buy tonight? I am only limited to shitty convenience store beer

>> No.5957769

nescafe granulated coffee

>> No.5957815


do you just drink six beers and then you're finished with drinking? what

>> No.5957817

Don't know if you've all seen this yet, but have a late night kek


>> No.5957846

Too many goddamn chinks, old people, raccoons and too expensive and cold/ rainy. Atleast in vancouver

>> No.5957851
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Got home from work, drank an Angry Orchard. Now, i've just made myself a 7 and 7.

>> No.5957882

Vodka mixed with elderflower cordial and a little bit of coke

>> No.5957892

Drank some cider at work tonight and thought
"warm cider and bourbon would be nice".
What would happen if i warmed hard cider and added bourbon?

>> No.5957897

>caramel whiskey gf got me
finished the bottle and I'm playing games
whenever I'm drunk I feel the urge to speak in spanish

>> No.5957898

I don't know, but it sort of reminds me of that seasonal Winter Jack, but that's just regular whiskey. By the way, has anyone tried Winter Jack? I've tried to find some at my local liquor stores but I don't think it's in the area yet.

>> No.5958411

>Best before Dec 2012

>> No.5958446

Had a pint of Guinness last night. Will be going to a beer fest today, and tonight I will be drinking some new found craft brew.

>> No.5958698

Came home shortly after 5 in the morning. Had been drinking steadily the entire day, but managed to pace myself in such a way that i have neither a hangover (which i don´t usually have anyway) nor unpleasant residual alcohol. Though i probably shouldn´t be allowed to drive, still. Gonna go out later to buy some more wine for the weekend.

Two downsides: one, i spent a lot of money again, between 50 and 70€ i am sure,
two: i am seriously not in the mood to cook lunch atm and i don´t want to spend even more money to eat out again either...


had japanese for lunch then bought a 5 litre pack of half decent pinot grigio. now having the first litre of that.

>> No.5958821
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Why u alkies don't use my general?

>> No.5958826



That's why.

>> No.5958828

Four shots of vodka for breakfast, now im at work. I dont think im a good person anymore ;_;

>> No.5958829

Theres laws in Australia about not showing things like people driving, people enjoying themselves, people actually appearing drunk, etc, in commercials.

Doesn't America do this?

>> No.5958847

lol, oh dear. i know dat feel.

>> No.5958851

I love you, and your sweating genitals.

Bonus q - what do 4 work?

>> No.5958903
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I like it

>> No.5958912

I wonder if that's any better than it's 81 counterpoint. Even Jim Beam was better

>> No.5958974

maker's mark pals

>> No.5958993

I'm 18 how do I get liquor? Most of my friends are younger than 21 and I'm not too well connected socially.


>> No.5958996

Haig Club

Srsly it's my favourite single malt outside of Islay Whisky, and Jura Whisky

>> No.5959005

ask your pedo uncle in exchange let him touch your bum

>> No.5959192

Leffe brown beer -> Valpolicella Zenato (red) -> Plymouth (gin) and tonic

Catching a late night movie after.

>> No.5959195

broke as fuck
god, i miss scotch so much, haven't got a drop for months

>> No.5959198

sat afternoon edition

Sebago Rye Ale

>> No.5959199

Become european

>> No.5959234

cheap german beer
poorfag style

>> No.5959252

Just wait until you are 20 and almost the entire rest of the civilized world can purchase alcohol but you still can't.

>> No.5959282

i know your feel anon, can we take out insurance policies on each other, put each other in our wills, and then fist fight to the death? survivor geets to buy scotch with losers insurance policy money

>> No.5959293


Murder makes life insurance policies null and void.

Best to do it in a place with Stand Your Ground laws. Both of you get into a petty squabble with one another over a parking spot. Bang bang, one of you dies.

It isn't murder because you both can just say you felt threatened.

>> No.5959299

Boulevardier. Pretty fucking tasty.

>> No.5959316

Ran out of beer, so I'm down to my Whiskey

>> No.5959330

the last bud hurricane. no more distilled spirits or licquor for a while or ever. (never say never). but health problems, family problems, um done with the licker. blame no one. forbid no one. brought it on my self. and I have been lucky. just time to change.

>> No.5959342
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>> No.5959363

If you have health problems them drop alcohol in general, not just spirits

>> No.5959402

>Candle lights blazing.
Falls asleep. House burns down.

>> No.5959405

this actually happened to someone I know. his family was pretty unhappy about it, but luckily they had insurance.

>> No.5959414

>he uses that joke again

Ya blew it

>> No.5959428

Your own piss? Or perhaps somebody elses piss? If it is a girls I guess it is okay though I would personally prefer it straight from the tap.

>> No.5959442
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I win, every other drink is BTFO

>> No.5959448

The picture is unclear but its maple syrup whisky 30% and its really delicious

>> No.5959462

you cannot show anyone consuming an alcoholic beverage in an american tv advert.

>> No.5959468

Dirty Shandies

I feel cheap

>> No.5959472
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finishing off pic related, about to head to the korean for some pbr tall boys.

>> No.5959484

How much is it?

>> No.5959493
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I have been sipping a bottle of HP 12 over the past few weeks and I really liked it, but this past week and a half it really lost it's floral smokiness in the finish and has become more and more honeyed while the fruit flavors went from noticeably pineapple to vague fruitiness. It has also started to finish sort of bitterly.

Basically, I am just going to finish off the rest of the bottle tonight and move on.

>> No.5959548

what dat

Also question for everybody, when you have to rate the toxicity of each alcohol from first to last would it go

>Hard liquors

or is cider worse than any of these?

>> No.5959575


Beer with a shot of vodka, lemonade usually too

>> No.5960092
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Saturday night college football heavy drinking all day A-1 thick and hearty for later life is good

Omg futurama simpsons mashup episode tomorrow yes

>> No.5960117

Drinking Kraken and Coke while I wait on my soup I'm cooking. Comfy as fuck.

>> No.5960125


>> No.5960130
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>drink all afternoon
>pass out
>wake up at 8pm
>start drinking again

im barely hanging on

>> No.5960132

Get help bruh.

>> No.5960151
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>> No.5960160



>> No.5960168


How are you liking it?

This has ben on my to drink list for a long time.

>> No.5960176

Fucking nothing at the moment because some guests are faffing about downstairs and I don't want to make small talk just to pour myself a reasonable looking drink that I'll finish in four seconds.

>> No.5960178

I know I am falling victim to marketing but damn, what I nice looking bottle. Obviously the beer is good too, but just looking at that makes me want it. Even when I didn't drink beer I wanted to try it.

>> No.5960220
File: 176 KB, 444x1000, Jim-Beam-Black-Bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Me too, along with some Jim Beam black, pic related.

>> No.5960225


This is my home-drinking go-to, draught Guinness when on the town; it's delish. Perfect for a winter tipple! Made some giant burgers cooked in onion gravy with duck-fat roast potatoes last night, with one of these, and it was fucking heaven.


These little fuckers are so short & sweet, like my lady, love it!

>> No.5960348

not exactly related, but why does it seem that nobody can feel sadness without being fucking suicidal? i have no intentions of killing myself, but every so often, i fall into a state of deep self-loathing, because it seems like the only time i allow myself to actually feel any sort of emotion. as far as anyone around me is concerned (family and coworkers), i'm perfectly fine, but i'm not. and i feel like if i ever try to make it known, i'm just being a whiny, insensitive motherfucker who doesn't have any "real" problems, which only makes me feel even worse. fuck.

on topic, i'm drinking sailor jerry and root beer, all the while listening to sad songs and enjoying (for lack of a better word) the solitutde.

happy saturday, fellow anons.

>> No.5960360

What's the question/problem, buddy?

>> No.5960361

>sailor jerry

Good stuff anon. Also, I know exactly what you mean about being sad/self loathing and feeling like you don't have any real problems.

>> No.5960375

i honestly hope i don't sound like some attention whore... i just spend so much time putting on a happy face because it makes me uncomfortable when others are unhappy... and being unhappy makes others unhappy... but i truly appreciate you guys actually taking the time to write some responses. for whatever reason, it makes me feel... validated (for lack of a better word)

that's just the problem. i have a loving family, i have people who act as "friends" around me, i have a job that i enjoy for the most part, i have at least somewhat of a plan to further my life ahead of me... but every so often i find myself asking myself, what's the point? it feels selfish to expect others to recognize my efforts, but i wonder why i even bother trying to improve my own life when i have no tangible desires... it's like i'm asking myself questions that i don't fully understand and expect perfect answers...

>Good stuff anon
definitely, i love rum and sailor is definitely one of my favorites.

>> No.5960397

>i honestly hope i don't sound like some attention whore
>it makes me feel... validated

You do sound like a total attention whore mate, not trying to mean, you remind me of myself a few years ago.

>i have people who act as "friends" around me

So they're not real friends? They're just "acting"? Why would they do that? They're not living up to *your* expectations of what a "friend" should be?

>> No.5960402

Go to your doctor bro, get some happy pills.

>> No.5960419

>You do sound like a total attention whore mate
i'm happy someone was willing to say this. i feel like the last thing i need in my state is sympathy, myself.

>you remind me of myself a few years ago
hah, and i remind myself of myself a few years ago. it's a feeling that just clings to the back of my mind and i can't seem to shake it for some reason.

>So they're not real friends? "They're just "acting"? ... ...
i honestly think these people are sincere, but it seems like everyone i know is more of an acquaintance than a friend. people are more than happy to talk to me about bullshit at work, but all of my free time is spent alone. this could very well be my fault, but it's surprisingly hard to tell. it's not necessarily that they don't live up to my own expectations, since they're nicer than most coworkers i've had in my life. but the larger fact is that i don't really feel like i've ever had real friends throughout my life, so it's hard to make comparisons.

as i said (or meant to say) in my first post, i understand that these feelings can easily be conceived as angsty and unappreciative, but i can't seem to stop them from coming up every so often...

"no". i can understand why some would go that route, but my feelings don't seem to be quite that detrimental to my behavior, and so i don't feel the need to make that sort of invervention.

>> No.5960420
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Not usually a pumpkin beer buyer, but bought this today and its amazing

>> No.5960426

A local Indian food place does a champagne lunch buffet, all you can eat, and OF COURSE I went today.

Cheap champagne buzz is the best/worst buzz.

>> No.5960450
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This will be my last word on this: there's a serious undertone of self-pity in your posts, and no one is responsible for your own happiness but you.

If you want to turn an acquaintance into a friend, *you* reach out to them; you'd be fucking amazed what people will open up about if you give them an excuse to.

In 100 years, nobody on Earth will know you even existed, squeeze every fucking drop of enjoyment from life you can, while you can, and cook some decent food while you're at it.

>> No.5960475

>no one is responsible for your own happiness but you.
i'd like to being by saying, "hell yes, i completely agree".

i honestly don't feel any self pity in my day to day life, but every so often, emotions seem to overflow and i feel like i'm drowning. i don't know if i'm simply expecting too much from myself or if i think the world is expecting too much from me, but it is what it is, i suppose.

>If you want to turn an acquaintance into a friend, *you* reach out to them; you'd be fucking amazed what people will open up about if you give them an excuse to.
this sentiment really feels wholesome and i truly hope it holds in the real world. i suppose it's only something i'll ever find out if i try, right? i've always suspected that i'm too reserved to create intimate relationships with others. probably the same reason for >tfwnogf and other shit.

i'm drunk now and won't bother with accountability, but i should really try to communicate with my family and coworkers. solitude seems to really be fucking with my self esteem.

>and cook some decent food while you're at it
this, i have never had a problem with, anon. making delicious food is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

>> No.5960489
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strong white cider, it's rotgut but it's cheap.

>> No.5960502


please tell me that you're a European teenager

>> No.5960509


>this scene


Too many feels. Hits a few al/ck/s close to home

>> No.5960538

No just a poorfag.

>> No.5960643
File: 81 KB, 250x614, SIbtl_Merlot_New-Bottle242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not looking to get wasted, having a glass of Simi brand Merlot, 2012.

I have a handle of fireball in the freezer, though.

>> No.5960729
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>try to explain what being an alcoholic is like to my friend
>he just doesn't get it, constantly tells me to stop being a bitch and quit
>show him these threads
>he apologizes

>> No.5960771

Highland Park 12. Have a pizza on the way too

>> No.5960773

What kind of pizza?

>> No.5960790

p-pepperoni? The only reason I don't order other toppings is because employees suck at it. Seriously the last three times I've order pizza with onion it's just raw onion of various shapes and sizes sprinkled all over the top of the pizza.

>> No.5960802


Really? Shit, I work at a local family owned pizza joint and we cook the onions on the pizza. Is that normal for them to throw onions on after or are they just retarded?

>> No.5960818

Founders dark penance and Cuba libres with far too expensive dark rum.
Moving on to rum barrel aged scotch next, or maybe just a nice sweet stout.

>> No.5960820

they're just retarded. And other vegetables too. They don't know how to dice of julienne so I get one thin shaving of green pepper on one spot, and then a big square inch piece on another. And it's all just scattered everywhere. It's silly. Just plain silly. Turrible

>> No.5960829

That's pretty retarded. Are they the only pizza joint there? Is it a chain, or...?

>> No.5960834
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>> No.5960840
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I'm so sorry.

>> No.5960842

That's pretty close to what happens when I order green pepper

>> No.5960844

Handle of karkov vodka and diet sunkist. Im set

>> No.5960858

Why don't you order from anywhere else?

>> No.5960865

I blacked out last night for like the second time ever. Killed a fifth of tequila with my friend in like 20 minutes and at that point I was already like 6 beers deep. It's freaky as fuck waking up not remembering ANYTHING after a certain point and being told about all the shit you did (like tear down the shower curtain and pass out on the toilet).

>> No.5960871

Nowhere's open right now for delivery besides domino's

>> No.5960873

Vodka in Angry Orchard. Should I be ashamed?

>> No.5960875

I had a habit of falling in the tub when I was drunk. Also, one time I passed out and hit my head on an a/c that was on the floor. Have the scars to proof it. Gotta be careful.

>> No.5960930

booze is booze

>> No.5960935

I black out every time I drink, which is nearly every night. I wish I had self control. I just keep going until I can't go anymore, every night.

How do any of you stop yourselves? I've been doing this for nearly 7 or 8 years now...

>> No.5960938

>How do any of you stop yourselves?
probably not the answer you're looking for, but i drink until i pass out every time i drink... and make sure i drink no more than 3-4 times a week. if i go into work hungover too much, i'm fucking useless and they send me home... then i have no disposable income to spend on booze.

>> No.5960940

How do you fuckers afford this shit?
>drinking handles of liquor every night
I would be broke in a matter of weeks.

>> No.5960944

Well, I haven't had a hangover in like 2-3 years, tbh, so...that's not a huge issue for me.

>> No.5960945

handle of vodka is 9.99 here. Not that hard

>> No.5960953

>if i go into work hungover too much, i'm fucking useless and they send me home
where the hell do you work that they put up with that shit?
if I showed up to work hungover my ass would be out the door in no time.

>> No.5960965

I was just wondering the male to female ratio posting.

>> No.5960967

i work at a warehouse that services ~95% of gas stations and convenience stores in my area. even when hungover, i work harder than any of my coworkers, so my employer doesn't really give a shit if i show up and only work a little bit harder than everyone else.

been there. savor that good fortune while you can anon.

>> No.5960968

I'm a lightweight and affordable drinking habits is the only upside

>> No.5960973

tonight? nothing.
I'm recovering from a Chimay binge all week long

>> No.5960986

You can probably guess what it is...

>> No.5960994

My ex was a huge alcoholic who drank herself to sleep every night and she posted here. But yea, it's probably 2:1

>> No.5960995

I've already been drinking for 8 years, so please tell me when the hangovers get worse.

>> No.5961000

You still get hangovers after 8 years? Fuck man drink more.

>> No.5961004

What? No. Refer to >>5960944

>> No.5961052
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Gin:Lemon Juice: Simple Syrup
shaken poured over ice and homemade maraschino cherry

Not sure what to call it. Gin sour with streaks? Delicious either way.

>> No.5961055

Good night al/ck/

I wish I don't wake up. Like every time I sleep.

>> No.5961062

there's a right way to rock and a wrong way to roll
you can just listen to your soul
just remember that life is number one
you can be having so much fun
just that remember that eh... life is much fun
you can be the number one

>> No.5961064


I had fun 10 years ago, kid.

Everything is broken now.

>> No.5961069

Just shut the fuck up, stop feeling sorry for yourself, and do what you want to do.

Tough love but try to tell me I'm wrong.

>> No.5961075


>being a duck in al/ck/

Come on bro

>> No.5961078

Some shitty concotion made with this seasonal rum mix stuff from Haggen.

Should've used better rum.
Also its clumping so that shouldn't be happening.
Really, it was much better when I tried tasting it without the rum and only the cider.
I'll have to just do that instead.

>> No.5961079

Do you ever wonder why? Or care?

>> No.5961081

What are your favorite cheapish gins? My only experience is with Beefeater.

>> No.5961089
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Dancing with the green fairy tonight. Mythe is not my favorite brand but it does the job.

>> No.5961100

She drank like that even when things were going well. She was just an addict. Also, she was Polish.

>> No.5961121

>being a duck

I know it's probably autocorrect but I keked anyway. Thanks for the laugh while I drink away my sorrows

>> No.5961134

Drank some Smirnoff in pre-workout. Never again.

>> No.5961374

that guy knows it.

>> No.5961388

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.

>> No.5961407

I'm praying for you buddy. Try and be nice to the people who care about you. I know it feels right to push them away, to leave them before they leave you, but if you hold onto them they won't leave you anon. If you push them away, you'll lose the chance to get them back when you realise you're a lot worse off without them. Don't do what I did, hold them close anon.

>> No.5961428

Not all life insurance policies. Some pay double/quadruple if you're murdered.

>> No.5961526

That explains everything

>> No.5961836
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What's your fucking problem you racist?

We din do nuffin

>> No.5962053

Aberlour 16. Gonna go pick up some Ardbeg Uigeadail sometime soon.

>> No.5962250

*tips fedora*

>> No.5962339
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>> No.5962352

Best name. Above average beer. Nice choice.

>> No.5962354

Taste like coriander seeds mixed into fizzy water, I don't understand that beer.

>> No.5962358

It is exceptionally fizzy, I could certainly see that being a turn-off to some.

>> No.5962359
File: 25 KB, 478x360, 1124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are over 100 assumed to be alcoholics lurking this thread right now

>> No.5962371

Jus' means I'm in good company *hic*.

>> No.5962381

I feel like I'm more in a zoo than anything when you get to see how many lurkers there are opposed to the amount of people that actually post lol.

>> No.5962452

I'm lurking right now

>> No.5962463


>> No.5962525
File: 171 KB, 1600x900, 010914-UFC-Fedor-Emelianenko-PI-JN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoying alcohol is fedorable?

>> No.5962530

>claims to be an alcoholic
>enjoys alcohol

>> No.5962537

I never made that claim

>> No.5962543

Surely you know what al/ck/ is.

>> No.5962548

I do. Can we not talk about alcohol we enjoy though?

>> No.5962549

No, anon, you're not allowed to enjoy things on 4chan.

>> No.5962553
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no slice of lemon present

Pic related, MFW

>> No.5962558
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I guess you're right

>> No.5962559
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best beer, literally

>> No.5962562

There's not one beer better than that one in the picture? Crazy

>> No.5962627

>Having money
Get out.

How I wish I could afford either of those. I guess if I didn't buy any other alcohol whatsoever for a month or two or three I could but that won't happen.

>> No.5962653
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>> No.5962935
File: 83 KB, 500x500, tullamored2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I opened with a German Pilsner. Now I'm off to this main course:

>> No.5963250

vodka atraight. I think I have bad problems now. Im working two jobs, one is full time and im drinking before both now. I drink all day everyday but rarely get drunk and never have a good time anymore, it just makes me want to not leap into a noose so much. Even talking to my mom on the phone gives me the feeling I shouldnt be alive anymore.

>> No.5963349
File: 731 KB, 1792x1780, DSCN2180a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just cracked open a batch of 2 year old home brewed mead. Queen Anne's Lace mead. Well, 2 years on the 19th anyway. I'm taste testing to see if this is a failure brew or genius brew. If it passes I'll bottle it in the coming week or so. I've been refraining from even looking at it for all this time, letting the carboy collect dust.

This is made from Honeydew Honey imported from New Zealand and Queen Anne's Lace flowers (Daucus carota).

I've been letting the mead decant while I've been typing and trying to find the original recipe (HDD failure probably took it to the grave.) I'll have to leave the carboy sit where it is for a week before racking into bottles to make sure nothing disturbed in the move end up in the bottles.

Odor: Sweet, slightly floral, strong Honeydew Honey, and strong alcohol.
Color: See images and it is crystal clear; no gas bubbles clinging to the side of the glass either.
Taste: Smooth, warm, floral, sweet, slightly fruity, a bit of a caramel flavor, not much tannic mouthfeel.
Legs: None (oh, well)
Verdict: Success!

I can see getting drunk off this rather easily.

>> No.5963360
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opening this for sunday night drinking

>> No.5963417

ur mom's gonna ground youuuu :>)

>> No.5963422
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>Premium quality

>> No.5963436

Pizza for sure, ny style

>> No.5963445
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>> No.5963459
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c'mere luv, daddy'll take care of you

>> No.5963461

Vodka and iced tea.

>> No.5963462
File: 58 KB, 500x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do fellow Canadians survive with the liquor/ beer prices here?

A 6 pack of Pabst is 14 bucks here

>> No.5963477

>buys an american import

nigga. i'm from the states but i'm sure you guys have cheap-ass ballsweat-tasting beer too. also, pabst isn't the cheapest in the states.

>> No.5963483
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>a mickey of vodka is 14 bucks here

>> No.5963535


Pabst isn't imported in Canada, it's brewed under contract by Sleeman.

>> No.5963540
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I am quite excited to learn that the liquor store up the street from me regularly stocks WL Weller, since I used to have a real hell of a time finding it.

I find it to be quite pleasant for a $20-25 bourbon.

>> No.5963551

The contract doubtlessly plays a part in the overpricing

Gotta send royalties mayne

>> No.5963556
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Funny thing is that lots of our "import" beer in the US is brewed in Canada.

Taking shots of Monopolowa with Dr. Pepper tonight; almost finished the half a liter I had left and it's barely dulled the Adderall high I was on. That seems like a bad thing, but I'm feeling pretty great and don't give a shit either way.

>> No.5963567

Our cheap ballsweat tastes worse than Pabst, pacific brewing company where I am is the worst by far. And hey, that's 10 (tax included) bucks for a 6 pack of local shit piss beer too.

>> No.5963568

Booze used to put me right to sleep when I used speed and mixed. Beer tasted like ass too on it

>> No.5963571

Well that sucks. Is craft beer more expensive than that even? I assume it would be if alcohol tax is the problem. Is switching to liquor an expensive ordeal? Fuck, I can't imagine living in an area where I'd have to switch to liquor because beer is more expensive

>> No.5963587

A bottle of craft beer (650ml) is 5-8 bucks. What is it in the states?

>> No.5963588
File: 266 KB, 719x539, 1406959333013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just had some elijah craig 12, really enjoying this. thanks to whoever recommended it to me earlier

>> No.5963592

That's like what you pay for a pint of dat goody good when you're drinking out at a bar. I can get a six pack of 12 fl. oz. of good craft from anywhere between $9 and $15

>> No.5963598
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My take on the Tom Collins:

2oz Aviator gin
1oz lemon juice
3/4 oz simple syrup

Stir in shaker half fill of ice, strain in to glass 3/4 full of ice.

Top with club soda

Garnish with citrus twist (lemon in this case)

>> No.5963600

but a handle of shitty canadian whiskey only costs 14 bucks

>> No.5963638

buy less than will black you out and live far away enough so you can't get more or it's closed

also don't have a car

>> No.5963655

Drink more slowly. You black out when you drink too much too quickly. Try to find a good level of drunk and maintain it instead of drinking as much as you can as fast as possible.

>> No.5963661


>> No.5963662

Tonight is day one of being sober. Back at square one...

>> No.5963681


No, op. basically, this guy is right, if your goal is to be drunk. But it seems to me if you're consistently drinking until your blacking out, you've got serious issues you need to deal with.

Listen, I've got depression and anxiety issues, and alcohol was an outlet for me. I could fuck myself up whenever shit got too bad for me to deal with. Then, I took a bunch of my meds with a bunch if alcohol. Luckilly I had family call the amber lamps before I died. Medical bills and other credit bills piled up, and im still recovering from the bills, the alcohol abuse, and losing my job. i don't want that shit to happen to anyone (except an ex gf or two), so get your shit together. Stay away from the booze until you can control yourself

>> No.5963773

where are you at bro? we could hang out and drink together.

>> No.5963797

Some Macallan Amber. Pretty tasty stuff despite not having an age statement.

>> No.5963858

Believe in yourself anon. We're all going to make it some day

>> No.5964179
File: 303 KB, 1227x1280, yuengling-black-and-tan-beer-6-pack__92061_zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought.... this
FUCK being poor

>> No.5965903
File: 100 KB, 400x400, 1340322107607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be drinking beer, 12 cans, while goofing around a little with simcity and then watching some netflix. Pretty exiting Monday night.

>> No.5965978

Late as fuck but I LOVE plastic liquor containers. I don't even care how all the liquor tastes, they're so much lighter. Picking up plastic without thinking is like a little miracle whenever I'm unloading a liquor truck.

>> No.5965991

I'd like to be drinking a black russian...but my gf is coming over and we're probably gonna fug..I'd hate to be tipsy when she's coming over. Feels rude.

>> No.5966182

That sounds awesome honestly.
Better than what I'm doing, which is not drinking beer.
>being underage sucks ass
Half a year to go... So close, yet so far.

>> No.5966204

honestly those aren't too bad

>> No.5966297

>drinking decent beer

At least you're not drinking dirt cheap beer. I would be drinking 211 or some cheap malt liquor right now but one of my local liq stores had 3 for a dollar of summer brew coors light.

Drinking that right now and literally have 0 dollars now and no bank account. I did just get a job last week but haven't got paid yet. You should be happy with what you have because some people have it worse.