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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5953515 No.5953515 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/,

Just finished baking my first ever apple pie, done without scales or any precise measurements, and the result is quite delish. I just wanted to share this moment with you...

>> No.5953526
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>eating pie with a spoon

>> No.5953540

haven't got much cutlery here

>> No.5953543


>more crust than filling

Your that special kind of special timmy.

>> No.5953558

are those raisins?

>> No.5953562

there's about 50/50 ratio, can't see it too well on the pic

>> No.5953624

I work in a professional bakery run by an italian cunt.

Why the FUCK aren't you measuring faggot?

>> No.5953626


>"apple pie"
>looks like a spaghetti and sauerkraut sandwich

>> No.5953628

Fuck the elitists.

Good job, OP. Would nom.

>> No.5953630

Ignore the trolls op, it looks good! I recently made my first apple pie also. It came out really good. Id make the pie like 4 inches of filling though, nice and fat. Do you ever make any other kinda of pies?

>> No.5953636

Looks not bad, just not sure why the fuck you wouldn't use measuring equipment

>> No.5953646

These. Use measure devices you sexy bitch

>> No.5953664


because I haven't got scales/measuring jug/anything in this shitty flat (yet), I was just going to get some groceries when I saw those apples, so I decided to bake. I went by eye, and I got pretty lucky, though It'd be nicer if I had icing sugar

>> No.5953666

Well damn, not bad then, not bad at all.

Pick up a scale or some measuring cups right quick though m8. You did get damn lucky.

>> No.5953667

I even rolled the dough with a bottle since I have no rolling pin

>> No.5953673

Baking without measurements is kinda stupid and asking for shit to go wrong.

That said, glad it came out well.

Fuck it, i'mma bump every OC thread I see in the catalog. Good on you, OP for trying and probably succeeding

>> No.5953679 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5953686

Just pick it up with your god damned hands, you fucking monkey. Pies are for fucking eating, not for prancing around like a damned ballerina with a white fucking dress who can't handle a crumb on her damned fucking blouse like the prime minister of fucking Bongolandandia.

Also, you have far too little filling. Get some more god damned apples you shit fucker.

>> No.5953796

you know, if I can avoid making mess that I'd have to clean up later, I'm going to eat a pie with a spoon from a plate. And next time, I'll put there more apples

>> No.5953802

Hold the plate under your chin and stop eating like a baby.

>> No.5953825

what am I supposed to browse the internet with then?

>> No.5953833

how long does it take you to pick up your plate, take a bite and set the plate back down?

are you trying to eat the entire pie inside of ten minutes?

>> No.5953841



>> No.5953846

it certainly takes less time to eat a spoonful than picking up a plate, taking a bite, putting it all back down and wiping my hands so I don't get shit on my mouse/laptop, besides, why does that bother you? I could eat it with fucking chopsticks and you couldn't stop me

>> No.5953853

spoons are for soup and babies.
are you eating soup or babies?

>> No.5953965
File: 64 KB, 400x306, pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats on your first pie.if you like it and want to make it again .let me suggest a recipe.. my favorite apple pie on food wishes.. now this pie is not traditional and may actually clog your arteries as you eat it... but it is damn good.ALSO DON'T EVER PUT FUCKING RAISINS IN APPLE PIE AGAIN YOU SICK FUCK.

>> No.5954048


>> No.5954050

what about cereal

>> No.5954102

That looks bretty gud, 9/10 would devour!

I left it off 10 because there's always room for improvement.

>> No.5954107

That's what your tounge is for, lick the plate clean!

>> No.5954111

You;re not American are you? this pie looks a bit more like a german one

>> No.5954250
File: 43 KB, 468x351, lard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lard pie crust master race reporting.

>> No.5954253

>eating cereal
>not being a fucking retarded baby

looks like you lost your queen a few moves ago, buddy

>> No.5954306

>not for prancing around like a damned ballerina
could've stopped here

>> No.5954339

>not elucidating the intricacies of the contemporary failure to understand the basic interface between the human and the food

we must not only correct but also explain our corrections, traditions are roots and failure to explicate is failure to bridge the generations

>> No.5954345
File: 34 KB, 680x680, 5e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying shelf stable lard
>kill yourself
seriously, get some proper lard