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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 964 KB, 1500x1000, sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5950656 No.5950656 [Reply] [Original]

When is this shit going to get outlawed?

>Everybody is addicted to sugar, more than any drug on the planet
>Sugar has no health benefits
>Sugar is bad for your teeth
>Sugar leads to obesity, diabetes, dardiovascular disease, and hyperactivity

>b-b-but muh moderation

Food companies put sugar in a lot of the foods we eat to entice us to buy and eat more of it. It's fucking despicable. Most people are consuming way too much sugar.

>> No.5950696

I have been on a crusade for over a decade, vilifying sugar. Most Americans cannot comprehend moderation, when they consume sugar in most/all of their meals, snacks and drinks. Sugar consumption also leads to cancer and mental illness.

>> No.5950704


I didn't even know anything I ate had sugar in it anymore

I thought it was all HFCS

>> No.5950714

>Food companies put sugar in a lot of the foods we eat to entice us to buy and eat more of it

Why would I care about that? I don't buy packaged foods.

>>Most people are consuming way too much sugar.

Yes. Sounds to me like most people need to learn to cook.

Making it illegal is silly. That wouldn't fix anything, all it would do is create a black market.

>> No.5950719

>Sugar has no health benefits

i'm sure you mean fructose and the fructose component of glucose-fructose
glucose is actually extremely important for the function of your body

>> No.5950723

hypoglycemic here

>> No.5950726

Check out the documentary Fed Up

Really cool story about sugar and processed foods in general in the USA

>> No.5950740


howbout an actual scientific lecture from an actual doctor of actual medicine


>> No.5950755

>Check out the documentary Fed Up

Why? I already know not to buy processed foods.

>> No.5950758

another reason to adhere to a whole foods diet

>> No.5950762

Go to bed, Dr. Oz.

>> No.5950769

maximum for adult male/day is recommended ~45g
how much do YOU eat in a day?

>> No.5950775

nothing wrong with sugar. Don't eat all the time. I only eat 2 times a day, with no snacking.

>> No.5950799

Hey /ck/, I was looking for something to eat and drink before bed without resorting to rebrushing my teeth. I can count on one hand how many times I've posted here, figured it didn't deserve it's own thread, so I posted here.
The only three things I can immediately think of as of right now are:
raw garlic
raw habenaro peppers
hot tea (teabags, green)
Am I retarded?
Is this a bad idea? I like garlic raw. Tastes good.

>> No.5950803

I would kill to see a sugar black market because it's classified as a schedule 1 drug or something.

>> No.5950823

"We must stop eating!"
Cried toad as he ate another.

>> No.5950838

You know what would fix all this? No, not making it illegal, but educating the public on nutrition and how to eat in moderation instead of stuffing themselves three times a day.

>> No.5950845

Because that worked so well with booze and weed and coke.

>> No.5950864

but that's socialism, you pinko.

>> No.5950867

I'm sorry wanting an educated public goes against your political views.

>> No.5950870

if that would fix it then we wouldnt have this problem today

I learned nutrition in fucking elementary school nearly 20 years ago.

>> No.5950876

So did I; clearly a majority of the population needs a refresher course though.

>> No.5950883

Who cares?

Earth is already overpopulated. Irreversible damage has been done to the environment. We're all going to be dead within the next two centuries, so who gives a shit if Paul wants to have a snickers bar after dinner?

>> No.5950927

I agree completely, OP. Sweeteners and artificial sweeteners need to be stopped.

>> No.5950964

we just got a new tax on sugary sodas here in San Fran. About time I say. Soda making all the kiddies into thick hambeasts.

>> No.5950978

>Sugar has no health benefits
stopped reading there. OP confirmed for idiot.
2/10 made me reply

>> No.5951004


fucking fascist snobs ITT

>> No.5951012

Yeah, hardly any of them are attractive enough to molest anymore.

>> No.5951015
File: 499 KB, 500x313, tumblr_lmytq2XoU21qh59n0o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddammit you anti-sugar assholes piss me off. Not everything has to be for the sole purpose of being healthy you morons. Let me enjoy my life without getting "CANCER!! DIABEETUS!!" shoved up my ass and down my throat.

>> No.5951028

>implying you can enjoy your life as a morbidly obese diabetic

>> No.5951046

>Let me enjoy my life without getting "CANCER!! DIABEETUS!!" shoved up my ass and down my throat.

>OH NO i have cancer and diabeetus! pls waste taxpayer money on my hospital bills becasue I can't eat in moderation

>> No.5951065
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good lord...

>> No.5951066
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>> No.5951075
File: 75 KB, 720x538, ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT the fattie /ck/ soda defense team.
>pic related is you.

>> No.5951078

you obviously don't have kids, and you probably never will, since sex is required.

>> No.5951079
File: 6 KB, 569x510, feeel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been rused..

>> No.5951085
File: 44 KB, 587x317, Arnold-No_Air-1812_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right when air is outlawed, we're all addicted to that too.

>> No.5951086
File: 26 KB, 409x393, 1412093611212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sugar leads to cancer and mental illness

>> No.5951087

>and hyperactivity
not proven

>> No.5951090

nothing gets the fatties on /ck/ all hot and bothered like soda/sugar thread.

>> No.5951095

Just get all your eating done before you brush your teeth or have some fucking self-control

>> No.5951103

We should also force everyone to wer a helmet and full body armor at all times. Shoes with laces are dangeroud because you might trip, so only velcro from now on.

The internet spread degeneracy, so it should be banned. Cars should be illegal because people get killed in them and they aren't necessary, riding a bike would be far safer.

You know what, ban everything fun. Just get rid of everything because I say so. Wake up, eat your plain unseasoned oatmeal and glass of rice milk, read your daily bible passage, go to work, eat your tofu and celery lunch, finish working, come home, do some yoga, eat some more celery and drink your semen tea for extra protein. Say your nightly prayer, and then go to bed. Everything else should be illegal because I say so.

>> No.5951108

>everyone who eats sugar is morbidly obese and diabetic.

Have you ever actually left the basement before?

>> No.5951109

Yeah, funny how the majority of the population don't want faggots like you dictating what they are and are not allowed to eat.

>> No.5951110

have you?
obesity and diabetes are both international epidemics

>> No.5951112

actually you spread degeneracy by voting for the same democrats and republicans all the time thereby supporting some two party bullshit.

A lot of us are sick of you types.

>> No.5951114

What's your point?
The USA doesn't have to cure everyone's ills.

Get over your socialist bullshit.

>> No.5951124

we can at least cure our own ills
just because we fight all our wars with robots now doesn't mean we're free to kill off half the population with preventable disease.

>> No.5951132

That's a stupid assertion, our folk in the military will fuck your ass for thinking everything is done from robots.

The son of a neighbor is in the Army and he's pretty kick ass, no robot there.

Where do you get those crapola assertions?
Alex Jones with the lizard people shit?

>> No.5951138

fatty rage rising... fridge raid imminent!!!

>> No.5951139

I vote Green you dumb nigger. Nice try though. It kust feel terrible not being a unique special snowflake like you thought you were, eh?

>> No.5951140

>my friend can kick your ass!

of course you need your neighbour to do it, you're too fat and diabetic to get out of your Rascal

>> No.5951148

Relying on the government to fix society's problems is pretty stupid.

>the government should ban cancer and car accidents! That will make it go away!
That is what you sound like.

>> No.5951153

I'd kick your ass myself, I wouldn't insult my friend for something so simple.

>> No.5951154

>projecting this hard

>> No.5951156

if the government doesn't fix problems then it has no reason to exist.

>> No.5951162

It needs to do what's specified in the Constitution of the United States of America, no more, no less.

>> No.5951171

except the constitution is entirely about what it can't do.
if it does what the constitution specifies then it violates the constitution.

>> No.5951180

Are you that moron from last night?
The lying twat that can't answer direct questions?

>> No.5951182

The government provides military defense, civil policing, postal service, infrastructure etc

It doesn't need to wipe your ass for you.

>> No.5951188

>spending all night arguing politics on /ck/

I want /pol/ to leave.

>> No.5951195

>shoot your own enemies
>police your own neighbourhood
>deliver your own mail
>pave your own street
>the government doesn't need to wipe your ass for you

>> No.5951198

it certainly hasn't been doing much about border control, it's politics. The more illegals that are dependent on the party letting them in, the more voters they get.

Vote early, vote often.

>> No.5951216
File: 26 KB, 349x642, 1415138746910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>providing the basic hallmarks of modern civilization
>wiping your ass for you

>> No.5951218

>basic healthcare of modern civilization
>wiping your ass for you

>> No.5951219

Fuck off anarchist freak job

Talking Heads - Speaking in Tongues (FULL ALBUM)

>> No.5951223

Are you incapable of working and paying your own way?

>> No.5951233


I don't accept the education argument. Fast food and soft drinks sell consistently well in the world's best educated countries. The fact is that marketing is a standalone cause for consumption of sugar products, and is not meaningfully reduced by awareness about nutrition or education.

When McDonald's points the finger at education, it's pointing to a red herring.

>> No.5951239

You're a twat, you really think that the government knows more than the people. That's why you're a socialist twat, you're useless. Bye!

If some government told you to suck some dick from a glory hole for extra protein you'd be right on it wouldn't you?

>> No.5951248

But banning sugar because you simply can't stop stuffing your 40 chinned face with cake and doughnuts is pretty much the definition of wiping your ass for you. Take some personal responsibility for yourself.

>> No.5951249
File: 1.15 MB, 268x200, 1414938032576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you the same guy that's always hating on milk? you can't outlaw sugar it's literally in everything. Fruit has sugar, vegetables have sugar, meat has sugar, it's essential for our survival our body breaks down complex sugar into simple sugars and then uses those sugars for energy. Learn to biology fag.

>> No.5951251

>The fact is that marketing is a standalone cause for consumption of sugar products

..and they taste good. You know that right? People have been eating honey for millennia.

>> No.5951258


As far as I know, milk is good for you.

The only people that I've known who hate on milk are juvenile, equating drinking milk to drinking pus or cum simply because it's white and comes out of an animal.

>> No.5951284

There is this guy who is always making threads about how terrible milk is for you and how no one should drink it and it's about as stupid as this thread

>> No.5951298


I think that those who call for sin taxes understand that education has little to no bearing on the effectiveness of fast food marketing. They understand that people who make themselves sick with obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc could not give a shit how much of an unnecessary drain they are on healthcare resources, hence the call for them to contribute upfront via tax revenue.

I agree with the fat/sugar tax.

>> No.5951313

outlaw it, are you fucking high?

also hyperactivity? go fuck yourself

if anything we could put a sin tax on it

>> No.5951319
File: 163 KB, 548x912, ayyy lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5951616

y'all niggas are hella dumb

>> No.5951630

I consume far too much sugar and I'll admit that. I think the problem is that it simply hard to give it up.
I wouldn't say it need to be banned or made a illegal but I will say we need more people to start thinking of sugar in a different light. Which is going to take time.
Its a complicated mess and you can't deny people sugar and expect them to comply would lead to a mess of problems.

>> No.5951676

buy and make foods without using sugar. not hard to do .

>> No.5951995

You're probably one of those fat fucks that blames food companies for your fatassery.

>> No.5952023


stop posting this image

>> No.5952037

> this should be illegal because it's dangerous if used carelessly!

There are so many things that would be illegal if we left things up to buttplugs like OP. Everybody, including YOU (yes, YOU), need to be adults and CHOOSE what you put in your mouth everyday. It's not that hard. But you'll have to pull my strawberry lime soda and pineapple upside down cake out of my cold, dead hands you cunt.

>> No.5952040

please go back to reddit

>> No.5952041

Citation needed

>> No.5952048

Liberalism is a mental disease, OP

>> No.5952053

>we should tax sugar because it's used in processed foods!
>that tax money helps subsidize corn and sugar production