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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5946308 No.5946308 [Reply] [Original]

>blue cheese

>> No.5946314

It's bleu cheese dumbass

>> No.5946322

Congrats on being a picky eater faggot

>> No.5946324

You must be 18 years of age or older to view the contents of this website.

>> No.5946330


>> No.5946341
File: 2.74 MB, 3888x2592, img_5017[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not dipping your wings in blue cheese

>> No.5946342

There are literally hundreds of cheeses that are better than blue

>> No.5946343


lol, this dude things blue cheese is ranch

>> No.5946371

why can't I hold all this pleb

>> No.5946376

Blue cheese isn't even blue. What a fucking rip.

>> No.5946384

I'm a Buffalo,NY fag my whole life and I hate bleu cheese with my wings
carrots & celery yes
Then again I'm also Polish and hate pierogi

>> No.5946403

Dipping wings in dressing is goofy and gross.

>> No.5946416

Get out of this state.

>> No.5946428

Dats why you make your own dip containing blue cheese and not blue cheese salad dressing

>> No.5948126

Fuck bleu cheese and everyone who likes it.

Smells like ass and tastes worse. Even worse is bleu cheese dressing - Now you've got mayo with curds of satan's smegma in it. Please stop.

>> No.5948129


>> No.5948150
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itt americans

>> No.5948183


I will never understand how europeans can act so disgusted at American cheese then proceed to eat moldy cheese fermenting in a goat's anus

>> No.5948188

mold adds flavor and makes cheese easier to digest

processed cheese makes you die a little sooner

>> No.5948193

>Eating any cheese
Enjoy being fat

>> No.5948196


>processed cheese makes you die a little sooner

So? I don't eat delicious food to live longer anon

>> No.5948197
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>my body is a 100% lean, mean m'lady tippin' machine

>> No.5948203
File: 291 KB, 2078x1417, roquefort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't appreciate a quality blue cheese, your opinion on food shouldn't be taken serious by anybody.

>> No.5948205
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>slightly wet shine

>> No.5948229

I'm European and disgusted by both

I mostly eat delicious cheese from NL or Switzerland instead of Jean-Pierre's moldy milk

>> No.5948356



>> No.5948361

Cheese is basically the pinnacle of western civilization.

>> No.5948373

>American slices
Well that stuff really doesn't taste like anything, so it can't be called horrible, not a culinary marvel by any stretch though.

Also it's blue cheese, not bleu. That's just froggish for blue and saying that makes you seem like a jackass.

>> No.5948380

>animal products in general

Yuck yuck yuck!

>> No.5948385

Blue is definitely an aquired taste, but its really good. The point of the mold is that its the good kind in a correct state not being stressed. When the wrong mold or storing conditions happens to the cheese, is when any cheese is actually bad.

>> No.5948390

>brought up in northern italy with polenta and melting blue cheese
feels good

>> No.5948417

>joining a thread just to complain about how gross you think someone's food preferences are

This is why people hate vegans.

>> No.5948422

To be fair, that's what the whole point of the thread was from the get-go.

>> No.5948454


>> No.5948469

>hate pierogi

WTF is wrong with you dude?
How can one hate pierogi?

>> No.5948484

So sexy.

>> No.5948498

When you say "American cheese", do you mean those individually packaged slices of yellow rubber?

Cause we have those in Europe too. There's shitty cheese everywhere.

>> No.5948531

>not enjoying a flavorsome blue cheese pasta sauce

You have no idea what you're missing out on.

>> No.5948543

In the words of Joey Diaz "it's bleu cheese with wings, or go fuck your mother"

>> No.5948575

In the US "american cheese" is a term for processed cheese product in general, especially but not exclusively in the form of prewrapped slices.

Ironically, this cannot legally be advertised as cheese in the states due to food labeling laws. Thus the phrase "processed cheese product"

>> No.5948588

Do any of you ameri/ck/ans into stilton and apples?

Just tucking into a couple of apples, block of stilton and a bottle of station bitter, Listening to Sunny Day Real Estate and browsing /ck/.

>> No.5948599
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goat cheese

>> No.5948611
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Something that has always rustled my jimmies is how if you say you don't like something fairly common to like you're seen as just having some kind of preference that is totally normal, but if you don't like something that children typically don't like you are seen as a picky eater.

"I really am not a fan of chicken, I find the taste a bit bland compared to the alternatives"
> Reasonable adult who has a unique palette and preferences to what they eat

"I don't really enjoy raw tomatoes. I find the mouthfeel unenjoyable"
> Picky eater child who needs to grow a pair and eat adult food.

>> No.5948615

That's a really great opinion you have. Just kidding, you're a faggot with bad taste.

>> No.5948618

I live in Germany and though I'm a a student and don't have much disposable income I always go for good cheese. I normally hate crappy "cheese" but THIS stuff is like a fucking drug. Give me a lifetime supply of easy cheese and crackers and I'll rot in my own feces-

>> No.5948620

>stop liking what I don't like
Stick to your lunchables and ramen, cunt.

>> No.5948626

No it doesn't. Maybe if it's really salty. All cheese is processed.

>> No.5948629


So does blue cheese refer to something specific in the USA or something, because bleu d'auvergne is nothing like stilton which is nothing like gorgonzola but they're all blue cheese.

Some veiny cheese is actually really mild like dolcelatte and cambozolo.

I know you're not talking about roquefort because it's illegal in the land of the free. kek.

>> No.5948637
File: 39 KB, 295x320, Blue Cheese.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love this stuff when I can find it.

also, made a version of my own from WEB recipe and it was goood!!!!

>> No.5948640

American cheese is good if it is melted, as in a grilled cheese or on a burger or turkey melt or something. Strictly speaking, it isn't cheese as far as the law in concerned in America. I'm talking about the individually wrapped kind.

>> No.5948642
File: 20 KB, 250x337, dark_side_of_wheat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So does blue cheese refer to something specific in the USA or something, because bleu d'auvergne is nothing like stilton which is nothing like gorgonzola but they're all blue cheese.

Yeah you dumb fuck, it refers to the same thing here as it refers to in your country: cheese with blue colored penicillin colonies.

In other shocking news, amontillado and cremant d'alsace taste different, yet silly ignorant ameriburgerfats call them both "wine", what the hell? It must be all that junk food they eat.

>> No.5948652

Murrican here. I will get some crackers and end up eating an entire tube of that stuff and hate myself. I don't know why it tastes so good. It's like half fat and half salt so maybe that explains it.

>> No.5948680

He asked a simple question and you went full autist. Calm the fuck down.

>> No.5948700


>dark side of wheat

An underappreciated Pink Floyd Album.

>> No.5948722

holy shit are you serious

>> No.5948730

>implying you've tried more than six kinds of cheese in your entire life
let me guess, american, cheddar, canned 'parmesan', cream cheese, and bleu.. once. by accident.

..because you thought it was ranch.

>> No.5948746

picky eaters: #rekt

>> No.5949135

oh boy, is this another book rambling on how dangerous gluten is to someone that doesn't have celiac's? what is with this new fad

>> No.5949154

>blue cheese dressing

I don't know why but I can't stand it. I really like solid blue cheese but the dressing is too much for me, it's like an old person decaying in my mouth.

>> No.5949169

Ooo I had this extremely bleu cheese that they served with white truffle honey... It was so good

>> No.5949197

Does cheese really come in cans? What the fuck?

>> No.5949207


>> No.5949215
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There is cheese in metal cans but I meant this one

>> No.5949509

>All cheese is processed.
people saying stupid stuff like this is why so many people are obese

>> No.5949967
File: 789 KB, 3371x2303, reypenaer-setje-van-drie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proud to be dutch.

ever tried reypenaer? very nice old cheese, but sadly also quite expensive