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5941958 No.5941958 [Reply] [Original]

How's the alcoholism going, /ck/?

>> No.5941993

drove to the liquor store in hopes of buying a handle before 10 because i ran out

i didn't know the stores were closed today

now i have to wait until tommorrow




>> No.5942013

went through 3 cases and 2 6packs with my housemate this past weekend

>> No.5942069

I'm not an alcoholic, I actually rarely ever drink. However, due to father's trait of alcoholism and his father's trait of alcoholism, However, I've inherited their massive tolerance for alcohol. Anyway, I can generally drink a lot of people under the table. So when I go to parties, I have to hide my power level by barely drinking.

Anyone else have to do this?

>> No.5942077

So far three days without a drink. I'm starting to feel better but sober life is fucking boring.

>> No.5942108

sometimes i just have a glass or two with mealtime. the day after i am usually in the mood for the regular amount of drinking again, however.

>> No.5942109

My step brother is the same way actually. Rarely drinks, but when he does he can just put that shit away.
I'm a lightweight, so luckily after two or three strong drinks I'm good. I don't like getting drunk, just a really nice buzz.

>> No.5942153

i'm sitting at school and am having a miniature of white wine during break.

>> No.5942158

Get to AA right now

>> No.5942166

why? i am not religious.

>> No.5942186

The liquor store that i've been buying alcohol from every week for the past 3 months finally decided to ID me. I showed it to him thinking that i'd get a break because I turn 21 on the 8th. He didn't, it was very embarrassing for the both of us.

>> No.5942199
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i have really strange hangover head is really clear but body crumbles

>> No.5942207

Just went to a bar for dinner. Didn't get anything to drink. Picked up a Coke Zero from the store on the way home. Bastards wanted $3 for a Coke at the bar, well screw them, I'll eat my fishnchips without. Got 2L for $1.25 plus tax.

>> No.5942210

>recommends worst airline in the U.S.
Southwest FTMFW.

You should've threatened to turn them in unless they sold to you tonight.

>> No.5942223

2L coke

> not disgustibg as all fuck...

>> No.5942281
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why is media's depiction of alcoholics usually violent, angry, dissatisfied, and/or incapable?

i start drinking whisky when i wake up (at 6:30) and find that it makes me more patient, jovial, a better lover, and an excellent student (As)

people say i have a drinking "problem", but the only problem i see is that i'm always drinking. i've yet to see the downsides y'all, so what gives?

>> No.5942349

Mostly that it will slowly destroy your liver. It's not built to constantly process alcohol, and you won't be able to process nutrients from food as easily.

>> No.5942352

Perfect. Laying low for couple of days to knock off my dose.

>> No.5942378

Alcoholism is a typical flyover problem

>> No.5942411

Last night i tapered off the drinking and i went to bed with just a few glasses of wine. (That is during the whole course of the day.) I woke up with a rapid pulse, throat-clenching and small hallucinations. As i started wandering around, i could feel my hands and legs becoming more and shaky and i started sweating profusely. And suddenly i got obsessed with the thought that the kebab i had ingested during my trip during Nepal had turned into a giant colony for worms in my stomach. I actually thought that they were going to force their way up my throat, suffocating me in the process. Needless to say, i ran as fast as i could to the hospital and they basically said that i was experiencing delirium tremens. I got a couple of valiums, went home, popped them and had a tiresome and sweaty sleep. Fuck alcohol, and fuck me, i need to taper off....

>> No.5942412

I don't/can't drink alcohol
I don't know why but my body just rejects it
I can drink half a beer and I'll feel like utter shit
One time I downed 3 shots of Svedka at once
Never felt drunk really but I felt and looked like shit
My stomach was upset as fuck. I felt like I was going to throw up and I had a throbbing headache
My friends saw me and said I looked like I aged 20 years

>> No.5942413
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ahh… you're right. guess we got to hang in there until organ printing catches on.

>> No.5942431

>violent, angry, dissatisfied
Some people drink because they feel that way, BUT there are also people who have mood disorders that are excaberated because of alcohol. I have an uncle who is friendly as hell and drinks like a champ but on the other side my dad is an alcoholic and is the most miserable person I've ever known. He's probably always been bipolar but his attitude went much further downhill when he began drinking and the same happened with his health in general. Alcohol can be fine but like any addiction there's a point when too much becomes a detriment and they can't stop themselves.

>> No.5942432

Nah dude, your liver will evolve soon

>> No.5942435
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I tapered down but got bored over the weekend and did shot games over skype

>Started playing Vampire
>Want bloody mary's everytime

Not the best idea


You started off tapering too fast, had the same shit at first with vodka, it's easier with beer for some reason
No stomach cramps though?

>> No.5942530

I can't drink anymore. I have been drinking a handle (or more) everyday for 6 years and my body is finally shutting down. I went to the doctor to get a blood test and he said that my liver function numbers were way too high and then I got an ultrasound. I have a fatty liver, thankfully not pancreatitus or any irreversible liver problems but I have to stop now. I'm a week off and finally sleeping better. God I miss my scotch :(

>> No.5942536


*tips fedora*

>> No.5942558

AA is a) a religious organization that's based on belittling people so that God can help them b) not based on evidence: There isn't a single scientific study showing that it works better than just deciding to quit on your own.

So it probably doesn't work if you're religious, and it CERTAINLY won't work if you aren't.

>> No.5942579

Thats not how it works

>> No.5942620

Been trying to moderate after taking a 3 year hiatus from drinking. Its fucking hard. I have been doing a good job at not drinking during the week. Friday night has turned into a major binge night though. This Saturday I was so sick I felt like going back on the wagon again. But I didn't, I drank again on Sunday. Hopefully I can keep it under control this Friday. I really don't want to go back to abstinence.

>> No.5942627

It's Coke Zero, you retarded shitgobbler.

>> No.5942635

I got a job today, so I sit with a bottle of wine, celebrating, by my self, in a small room. ...Wait, what?

>> No.5943211

are you asian

>> No.5943529

What were your symptoms? I drink around a fifth a day with beer thrown in. A handle is twice that. My body has been feeling shitty the past few weeks but I've been on quite the bender lately and drinking all day instead of just ar night.

>> No.5943574

Some people drink because they are crazy. I know I'm just fucked up, but at least I'm not one of those people. I just drink to make the thoughts stop. Nothing wrong with drinking crates of beer alone every week to make the thoughts stop. That's what everyone does.

>> No.5943581

we know, we're just playing Ignore Internet Idiots today so nobody has responded to him. but we know

>> No.5943594


It's kind of how it works assuming he inherited the genetic predisposition for addiction/alcoholism which is suggested by his inherently high tolerance for alcohol.

>> No.5943619

dull pain in left side of liver, practically solo'd a handle of scotch on halloween.
dr. warned me a few months ago of elevated liver activity. told me no alcohol, no fatty foods.

didn't go to the follow up appointment since i moved to another city, promptly forgot his warnings.

it's not like my life was going to amount to anything anyway. :\

>> No.5943661

Dopamine rebound. Also, excessive release of glutamate, since gaba-a is down-regulated and alcohol is a bit of an nmda antagonist.

>> No.5944869

I miss herfys and pizza haven.
I miss my friends and family.
I miss my wasted youth.

>> No.5944877

Spare me your scientific gobbletygook, Doctor.


>> No.5944949

hadbetween 9.20 and 11.30 off. so had a big breakfast and a couple of drinks in between.

g&t, pastis and wine, yay

>> No.5944959
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My alcoholism is going well. Nurtured by daily after work get-togethers with some good friends and sometimes drunk sex after, it's a part of my life that I would never want to stop.

>> No.5945458
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The whiskey is calling me. Trying to hold out till the gf gets home from work in a few hours.

>> No.5945515

Having a double stout at 10:28 am before work at a pub with really friendly bartenders, a walk-in full of uninventoried beer, 3 days after my 2nd dui, and 8 days before my court date. How's yours?

>> No.5945646

Mine seems to be doing fine. I had only 3 pints last night after I got off of work. Woke up in the middle of the night with stress dreams, finally drifted off again and had further stress dreams into the morning.

Only 40 or 50 more years of this to get through.

>> No.5945649

cheers, faggots, what are you currently having? most of my wines gone. will need to switch real soon.

>> No.5945659

I told myself I wouldn't drink yesterday all day. Then 10 minutes before the stores closed I went up and bought some.

How do I into willpower, a/ck/ friends?

>> No.5945668
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Sippin' on this, lasagna in the oven

>> No.5945671

don´t tell yourself you will or won´t drink at all...

i have days when i just have a little with meals or pro forma, but i have zero problems not to drink any more. other days it´s just fun. i don´t force myself to do or don´t do anything.

>> No.5945692

just eat a lot of food, till you are really full. Then you can conscience yourself that's it's vain and wasteful to drink because you won't be able to feel it anyway

>> No.5945697

Are you me?

>> No.5945860


Anecdotal reports from oral steroid users are pegging this stuff as an absolute godsend, it might be good for alcohol too.

>> No.5945869

Are you me?

>> No.5945891

It's just so hard not to think about it. I miss the days when alcohol wasn't always on my mind.

>> No.5945893

Are you both me?

>> No.5945896

Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?

>> No.5945897

Not too well, I still have some self-control. I just gotta get used to drinking alone.

>> No.5945901

i used to think that too... until i realised alcohol is literally simply more pleasant to consider than most of lifes bullshit. simple matter of comparison.

changed my life!

>> No.5945905

It's not really to me anymore. I don't even enjoy drinking and barely remember my nights. It's like I don't even remember living half of my life. I just work and then black out because I don't care to control how much or how fast I guzzle it down.

>> No.5945911

alright, there is a difference then...

shame, since drinking itself is a postive thing in my life at least.

>> No.5945918

That's me as well. It stems from my IDGAF attitude that I adopted years ago as a coping mechanism.

>> No.5945921

keep it up mang

>not sneaking drinks out of the fifth of whiskey in your backpack between classes

>> No.5945930

No drinking tonight: just sweating and starting to see straight tomorrow, let my eyeballs settle in their sockets.

>> No.5946026

Every time I think my drinking is getting as low as I can go I read these threads and realize there are still people in far worse condition than me.

>> No.5946030

Step it up, faggot. Misery loves company.

>> No.5946174

Is it true that different types of alcohol are worse/better for the liver? For example, i've read that colored hard liquor such as whiskey and bourbon are the worse than clear liquors like vodka.

To that end, what about beer? If someone drinks say a six pack every night vs six shots will the damage to the liver be less?

>> No.5946186

>tfw I can't remember a single social event in the past few years that i haven't been drinking at

>> No.5946192

>i drink at parties i'm an alcoholic
19 year olds not welcome here

>> No.5946197

I went 6 days without a drink, then sunday i bought a case of beer with the plan that it would last me a week...4 beers a night. I ended up drinking 12 beers and calling off sick from work monday. Felt like shit all day and swore i wasn't going to drink the rest untik next wknd. Ended up drinking 8 last night. Made it to work today but i haven't been able to anything at work all day other than shit post on my phone.

>> No.5946201

tfw pain in urethra, tfw nightmares about stones in my kidneys or bladder tract, tfw i take a couple urinary tract cleansing supplement pills washed down with some cheap cider. It couldnt happen to me at 19 could it? I drink about 4 drinks a day starting in the morning, and then 2 more at night every day.

>> No.5946204

interested in knowing about this. i only drink beer i avoid hard liquor at all costs

>> No.5946211

>this thread

jesus christ you guys

>> No.5946217


If you don't experience physical withdraw after 6 days you're not an alcoholic

>> No.5946223

I feel you anon

>> No.5946235
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do any of you have parents who are also alcoholics who you feel you inherited it from? is that even a thing?

my dad does one of these in a day or two, i do a 6 pack or 8 pack a day.

>> No.5946238

My Sober November is not going well.
Nov 1st : 6 beers
Nov 2nd: 700ml of Vodka

>> No.5946239

I posted in the first few posts in this thread.

Yes, which is why I don't drink often, I know for sure if I make it a habit, I will become an alcoholic like my father. So I always drink in moderation and never alone.

>> No.5946247

how were you able to avoid temptation of drinking alone or heavily? do you smoke or have another vice like alot of people?

>> No.5946250

On my canadian side, all the boys are alcolos or druggies. My GrandFather was an accountant, he died of alcohol dementia, his brother from Korsakoff, he was a Doctor. Their father died of amphysema and was a huge drunk. My grandmother had 5 sisters and a brother. 2 of her sisters were arrested drunk on the streets and are now in religious covent.
I know I have the disease. Thanks god my brother sister and cousins don't.

>> No.5946254

It's difficult, really. I just remind myself that I don't want to end up dead at 50 and I usually always cap myself off at 2 drinks. I probably have a sex addiction. Outlet has to go somewhere.

>> No.5946262



h-here we go!

>> No.5946274

Just texted mom saying I was going to call today to catch up. I like to talk early because im mostly sober and can get started drinking after. mfw shes busy until 9 tonight.

Fuck im so bored, thats like 5 hours away and I wanna get drunk. Im just gonna keep a low level buzz and read this autismal stephen king book I guess.

>> No.5946284

which book? may i suggest the shining for its alcoholism overtones

>> No.5946305

Love the shining, its probably been at least 10 years since I plowed through that, it deserves a revisit.

I started the gunslinger last night, dark tower series that im going back to since I never finished it the first time. Stephen king is top notch drunk reading material.

>> No.5946316


>> No.5946334

I haven't had a drop of bourbon in about four months now.

As nice as it would be to enjoy some, I'm surviving (on red wine).

>> No.5946351

Whiskey has congeners (other kinds of alcohols, other than ethanol) in it to add flavor and aroma and create a different kind of drunkenness. Since vodka is an attempt to get as close to pure ethanol as possible, the hangover is much less severe in comparison. I'm not sure about beer, nor am I sure if the amount of congeners in darker liquors is enough to make it worse on your liver.


>> No.5946354

>i drink alone therefore i'm an alcoholic
get out

>> No.5946366

Acetaldehyde, the first by-product of ethanol, is between 10 and 30 times more toxic than alcohol itself.[11] In addition, certain genetic factors can amplify the negative effects of acetaldehyde. For example, some people (predominantely East Asians) have a mutation in their alcohol dehydrogenase gene that makes this enzyme unusually fast at converting ethanol to acetaldehyde. In addition, about half of all East Asians convert acetaldehyde to acetic acid more slowly (via acetaldehyde dehydrogenase), causing a higher build up of acetaldehyde than normally seen in other groups.[12] The high concentration of acetaldehyde causes the alcohol flush reaction, colloquially known as the "Asian Glow". Since the alcohol flush reaction is highly uncomfortable and the possibility of hangovers is immediate and severe, people with this gene variant are less likely to become alcoholics.[13][14]

>> No.5946379

i drink until i black out every single day and have done so for the past six years therefore i'm an alcoholic

>> No.5946406
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At some point this stopped being a hobby.

Luckily, too late now.

Gonna enjoy this ride down with every glass.

>> No.5946607
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I'm likely going to end up like all the men on my mum's side of the family. Write and drink and then shoot myself in the face at thirty-five
Only thirteen more years, lets hope I can do something with them

>> No.5946619
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Totally agree

>> No.5946633

my dad is the one who drinks the 2 bottle of absolut in a couple days, my moms dad died of smoking and liver cirrhosis due to drinking. How fucked am i?

>> No.5946642

well i usually put down a fifth of whiskey before dinnertime everyday too...

>> No.5946648

if you can go six days without alcohol then you're not an alcoholic

>> No.5946649

as fucked as you want. it's your life.

take some fucking responsibility.

>> No.5946652
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Fucked if you don't fight it
I've been drinking all too much cheap shit for years but I still get shit done. I work from home and live with two normal-ish people that keep me in check. I still drink myself to sleep every night, but not being alone has done great shit for my life.
Fight it anon, to the bitter end

>> No.5946654

My God, the amount of times I said 'shit' in that post

>> No.5946661

my dad is an incredibly functional alcoholic, very wealthy, but still an alcoholic. i feel the same. i can work and do well in school but the amount of liquor my dad and i put away is heinous... it isnt a lack of self responsibility thing. we just love the taste and feeling of drinks too much. doesnt change the fact its bad. anyone else have this problem?

>> No.5946672

If you're still functioning and you're aware that it's likely killing you then you should be alright.

>> No.5946679

Well, at the moment, not drinking but missing it. Lots of bars have great beers on tap that I can't get to because my car is in the shop. That and being broke doesn't help.

>> No.5946684


I really try to keep my drinking to a minimum, after seeing what booze has done to my dad I don't want to put myself in his position. I feel like I've got an addictive personality which I inherited off him

>> No.5946694
File: 17 KB, 243x214, tumblr_n7jv79oZ3j1rjgvl7o1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with this bullshit "fly over" meme i've been seeing on here lately? Is this /ck/s bane posting? Anyways I've been an alcoholic for 12 years the last 7 have been the worst 2 six packs of 16 ouncers every night some nights i even top that off with a 40 or an oil can of fosters i am on day 3 of cold turkey.....shit sucks man

>> No.5946817

At my local beverage store I asked the Indian owner to supply some Fentiman's cola for consumption. Instead of cola she ordered the tonic water instead. What in the hell does this stuff pair with?

>> No.5946828


"flyover" has been a thing for a while, but as far as the shitposting I think it's probably the same fucking guy posting it in every goddamn thread

>> No.5946848


>> No.5947018

It's a pretty big mene on /int/, makes sense there'd be carrover.

>> No.5947120
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goddamn it, broke down and got a handle of this swill.

i'm going to die early

>> No.5947136


Where does this idea of a handle come from, anyone know? It's 1,75 litres isn't it? Which seems like a weird amount - it's 2 and a quarter bottles. It would make sense if it were 1,5 or 2 litres.

Is it something from your Game of Thrones style measurements, like two ells or a groat and a half or something?

>> No.5947186

underrated rant

>> No.5947187

3rd drink driving charge, meeting with probation officer next week - looking at home detention
in the past I have been, I would say 'blackmailed', into take disulfuram
Currently I just drink 4 500ml of heinekin a night and a chang beer in the morning
I have cut way back because I have a decent valium script and some opiates every now and then

I would say I only drink because I have an 'anxiety disorder' or to put it in less jewish terms, I drink because I would feel worse if I didn't. To me it is medication, and I basically treat it like that.

>> No.5947192

Probably some legal nonsense.

>> No.5947193
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I've never changed a beer before.....is that the best way to ingest it?

>> No.5947226
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i'm the guy you quoted

it's a half-gallon, and some bottles (especially jug wine) will have a tiny handle on the side.
>spic related

>> No.5947245

It's almost half-gallon.

>> No.5947319

one time I put it in a water bottle and squirted a whole 330ml chang inside my exit hole

this ass is not just for shitting

Also I held it all in and it felt like I drank like 4 beers. I let it go flat before I did it, for obvious reasons

gotta try everything once you know, except this attitude has basically ruined my life yolo

>> No.5947321

When I'm with my dad we usually share a fifth if liquor and two sixpacks of beer on an evening. Feels good/bad.

>> No.5947325

How much valium do you get?

>> No.5947336
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I thought soaking tampons in vodka and sticking them up your butt was a joke

Why would you do this

>> No.5947342

>tfw have been completely sober for the past few days
>not moderately drinking but stark naked sober grey and cold

I didn't know life was this uninteresting.

>> No.5947346
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Last time I did this all the issues in my dysfunctional childhood came up and we argued and in doing so i fucked up my life and got myself kicked out of the family essentially.

Real intention was hoping one beer would get us on level ground talking about how to be a family again but then he kept drinking. Everytime anything bad happened in my family it was when my dad was pic related

>> No.5947550

curiosity yolo
15mg a day

>> No.5947611

its called a handle because it normally comes in a big enough bottle to require a handle on the bottle itself

>> No.5947664

People with no access to benzos.

>> No.5947685

I feel the same way but it's mostly down to how much time you devote to thinking about drinking. It's hard but think of other things besides alcohol. Watch a documentary on space. Read articles about things you know little about. Just do stuff to make your brain working on something. The boredom will eventually pass.

>> No.5947707
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Dude I hide my power level every time because bragging is for faggots mostly

But also if you get real, it turns into a pissing contest that does not feel good to win. I hide my power level as a rule, consequently. I've also noticed that girls get kind of turned off by a dude that can have seven whiskies and still wanna talk and dissect politics history and music. Especially when they don't even like that shit in the first place.

Kinda sucks that even at a lot of parties, alcohol lubricates my mind but it still runs in a different gear than most of the people I meet. Fuck man, all I ever end up doing is asking people a million questions so I don't have to steer the conversation towards what I like

>> No.5947737


Are you me

>> No.5947779

yeah i really don't like it if i'm at a bar or party or anywhere and some sort of drinking challenge is brought up. "oh anon you should do it, you'll crush!"

yeah i know. i'm gonna die because of this though probably.

>> No.5947813
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Just kindred spirits anon, unless you're the Ezra brooks guy from earlier, in which case it is highly possible

If you're near portland the odds are greater though

Captcha: vwinge expense

>> No.5948322

10 stellas guy here

My habits seem to be changing, for the better I think. I still have that argument with myself everyday about whether or not to drink tonight and flipping coins and shit, but recently, the past 4 or 5 times I have done the usual buying beer and sitting down to get smashed on a work night, I have stopped after 2 or 3 beers and just decided it isnt worth it.

Before, as soon as beer touched my lips that was it, once I'd had a taste, I wasnt stopping. Lately its the opposite, I just start to realise that it isnt worth having more and dealing with the 40 minute toilet fest in the morning and driving for an hour to work hungover and feeling sick.

I'll still put away 20-30 cans over a friday+saturday night, but that doesnt bother me because I have nothing to wake up for on the weekends.

The only thing I need to get over is that intense desire to drink as soon as I get home. It's better now that I manage to stop after 2 or 3 because for the last 5 years I've been drinking 10 a night every night. I just want to be able to go home after work and not feel like I have to drink or else be bored as shit.

>> No.5948354
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Drank a bottle of mulled wine last night. Taken a liking to that stuff now that it's getting colder outside.

>> No.5948416

I'm a pretty heavy drinker, wouldn't say alcoholic but I binge a lot.
I've been having problems with insomnia lately, I think its basically to do with being shit faced all weekend and then working days/nights cold turkey.
Tried getting sleeping pills from my doctor but he recons I need to change my lifestyle ... So now I'm gonna crack my 3rd bottle of wine, on a Wednesday day night. Oh well, hope for sleep. #lifestyle

>> No.5948430

fuck off degenerates. you are not welcome here

>> No.5948450

Step outside cunt, we're everywhere.

>> No.5948478

Does anyone else find it impossible to stick to their diet while drinking? I love to drink but I'm also trying to lose weight, it's impossible

>> No.5948541

No shit retard. Alcohol = calories

>> No.5948545

And it makes you hungry and have less self control, so it's triple evil.

>> No.5948558


I find that if I don't drink for a night, I can't stop eating, all the fucking time I just want to be eating something. I guess if I dont drink one evening then that's ~2000 beer calories that my body isnt getting which it is used to, or something like that.

>> No.5948571

Oh, it must be your witcher's metabolism as a result of mutagens you consumed.

>> No.5948613

i am a steady drinker and i sure as hell drink more "heavy" than most people but i don't have lapses. i just stop deinking when it stops being fun, since there is always the next day. rarely that's after a glass and also rarely after the second or so litre. i think i average about 10 bottles of wine with some unquantifiable amount of liquor. i am rarely drunk which i quite like, although I hardly mind being shitfaced every now and again.

basically to me the trick is neither forcing yourself to drink or not drink.

>> No.5948790
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wait, I'M the ezra brooks guy, and i'm in portland. (OR, not maine)

are YOU me?

>> No.5950274

How long have you been a heavy drinker? How is your health and how do your liver feel?

>> No.5950278

Bout to head out for the usual wednesday karaoke. Probably have an old fashioned and some gin and tonics.

>> No.5950282

First night in awhile not having a few good beers after work.

>no shakes
>no anxiety
>no sweating

Does this mean I'm not an /alcoholic/?

>> No.5950286

I lost 45 pounds while still being able to have my beers so it can be done anon. Just make sure to add the calories from your drinks in with your food and you will be fine.

>> No.5950287

Huh...that's really interesting...Glad I've been only drinking cheap vodka for the past 7 or 8 years.

>> No.5950289

Bout to break my taper again

>> No.5950299

>tfw getting drunk and binging so hard you wake up with a full stomach after 10 hours of sleep

>> No.5950322

i'm 29 and have been alcoholic for 10 years, the longest i've been sober was 2.5 months wth rehab. I don't really know if i'll be able to quit, it just doesn't go away, i'm always compelled to drink no matter the circumstance.

>> No.5950338
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>> No.5950343

pls no

>> No.5950387

Sry anon i tried

>> No.5950394

I know that feel...I've been sitting here chewing my fucking thumbnails and staring at the clock waiting for it to tick to the time the store here closes. I was able to force myself to be sober last night, but today is proving to be way more difficult.

All I fucking think about and want to do with booze. Why won't it stop.

>> No.5950407

So once the store closes and you cant get booze, do you feel less anxious?

>> No.5950419

Try reading a book, thats the only thing that has ever worked for me. I quit for almost 3 years. Of course I am off the wagon again but drinking a lot less than I was.

>> No.5950427

Yeah, because I know there's no way for me to possibly get booze until the next day so I'm able to focus on something else, as weird as it sounds.

To be honest with you I have tried that. I just can't focus on it and my mind wanders, then I realized I've read a bunch of pages and didn't retain any of the information. The only thing keeping me away from booze is fear of the pain I've been getting where my liver is.

>> No.5950474
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>finally get some green
>still drink

>> No.5950486

Fuck me, I think I'm just gonna go get some. Why is life without booze so goddamn boring and shit.

>> No.5950490

Weed sucks. It just makes me drowsy and not want to do literally anything.

>> No.5950492

They really go hand in hand anon

>> No.5950780
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I gave in...I'm weak. I failed you (or didn't fail you), a/ck/.

>> No.5950786

Went on a binge from halloween to ¨dia de los muertos¨ I am not feeling healthy or well at all.

>> No.5950801

spliffs and beer = sleepy time

>> No.5950860
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>tfw last two girlfriends, both of whom I met during drinking sessions with mutual friends, left me in part because of my lack of control of my drinking and the loneliness drives me to drink more
>tfw I took a job that keeps me from meeting friends at our regular drinking times in an attempt to force myself to cut back and I just end up drinking alone after work
>tfw I am on the edge of an abyss and the last person I asked for help told me they didn't think I was alcoholic because I manage to keep working on my degree and hold down a job at the same time

>> No.5950890

Coming off an alcohol addiction is one of the worst withdrawals you can experience. You can get massive organ failure and seizures, with a real risk of dying. Top-tier alcoholics (Think 2 bottles of spirits a day) normally need to be supervised in hospital if they are quitting cold-turkey.


>> No.5950893

Its going as good as it will get. Ive been trying to find this http://www.internetwines.com/rws31639.html for some time now, I had it once and it was amazing. But finding it is another story.

>> No.5951189

>There are people on /ck/ who don't just drink Everclear

>> No.5951210
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I was gonna try to not drink this week but yesterday I went to the store as soon as it opened and bought a sixpack of beer that I drank in a couple of hours, but I didn't get the buzz I wanted, it just made me feel normal

>> No.5951214

>people say i have a drinking "problem", but the only problem i see is that i'm always drinking.
yeah, plus the fact that your liver is going to fail and you'll die at the age of 50

>> No.5951228

The alcoholism is going okay, kind of slowed down on it because of all the other problems in my life.

Life Hack: mix water with Everclear to create cheap, powerful vodka

>> No.5951229

Going pretty good, I guess. Starting a new job, moving out of my childhood home, and losing my beloved first car have severely distressed me; I don't like change and I have lost all of the stable factors of my life, which only makes my existing depression even worse. Been drinking like half a liter of vodka a day and waking up feeling dandy, with no hint of a hangover. Started taking a couple shots before I go to work and it's actually pretty great. I worry that people will discover my secret because I am ordinarily irritable and antisocial, but with a bit of alcohol I feel happier and more sociable and actually enjoy conversation with my coworkers. I don't feel impaired and honestly believe that I am performing better because of my drinking. For a while, anyway, since I do start to get nervous and shaky later in the day. I know this is unhealthy, but if the alternative is being so unhappy that I kill myself then why not?

>> No.5951261

>you'll die at the age of 50

What idiot even wants to live anymore

>> No.5951265

dying of liver failure is not a very nice way to go

>> No.5951268

>Wanting to live past 40
Even 30 years is more than enough life lived

>> No.5951287

My mom died to alcoholism. She would drink through bottles of wine and vodka like crazy.

Long story short, she got cirrhosis of the liver which destroyed her immune system and then she just up and died to an infection that any healthy person could've fought off easily.

If you have a family member who is going overboard with their drinking regularly. Get them to stop and seek help immediately. They will hate and resent you for telling them what you think is best for them. I told my mother that I sincerely thought she drank too much, that she should stop, and she straight up told me "fuck you."

>> No.5951302


Cut the shit. Im a drunk but youre fuckin retarded

>> No.5951589

That's not how biological traits work, champ

>> No.5951628
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rip sobriety

>> No.5951855

the strong tolerance usually fails me. being the last one standing sucks, you still want to do something but everybody has gone home.

>> No.5951884
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Slowly developing.

I'm 21yo, and pretty fucking smart. Booze and drugs takes me down to a content level where I can relate to the average person.

I tried to not smoke weed or drink for half a year, and while I aced every test I became a cynical, robotic asshole.

>> No.5951891

unless you were violent and/or abusive to your exes, your friend circle is fucking awful. definitely in the latter case.

try to see or talk to a mental health professional, alternatively try to get involved in a community organisation of some kind, mutual interests and affinities will bring you closer to people who aren't shit

>> No.5951896

to add. i get hangovers really easy, 2 beers usually already does it for me, feeling a bit shit in the morning. drinking while having a hangover triples my powerlevel and has such a slow effect, that i need to drink a lot to get myself even in a buzzed state again. luckily i can control myself enough that i wouldn't end up in a cycle.

>> No.5951900

>I'm 21 and I'm smart

Wow, you too? Seems like everyone who's that age has it all figured out.

>> No.5951903

No, m8, I'm certified smart. Military intelligence tests confirmed it during conscription. I scored highest of the whole batch of recruits.

Didn't make the military less of a sucky experience, though.

>> No.5951905

No, you're just an arrogant, posturing, mass.

>basing your ideal of intelligence on a conscription test.

>> No.5951907

Well, the military does, and they're doing pretty damn good.

All in all, I am arrogant and posturing, but that's because I'm an asshole. Not because I'm smart.

>> No.5951938

>i missed you too, sweetheart

that fucking feel

>> No.5951941

"An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools." - Ernie Hemmingway

>> No.5951954

I'll drink to that. Complete withdraw and avoidance of society works too.

>> No.5951964

>Complete withdraw and avoidance of society works too.
I did that for a while but I find that long periods of isolation give me anxiety when I do have to go out. So I try to at least walk among the pleb crowd everyday to stop myself from becoming a hiki.

>> No.5952001

Sounds like a mixture of being young and an asshole to me. Everyone I know your age and younger sounds exactly like you. Even if you're smart you don't boast about it and certainly don't act like you're better for it. That just screams arrogance and immaturity.

>> No.5952008

>telling a thread full of literal alcoholics to get alcoholic family members to stop drinking

>> No.5952013

Intelligence doesn't imply humility.

>> No.5952026
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I-I managed to not drink yesterday so I made up for it by starting at just after noon today. Fuck..

>> No.5952042


Doing better than me, fucked my taper and woke up at quarter to three this afternoon, I won't be able to sleep until 8am or so and I will probably drink the entire time because it's night time

>> No.5952068

It certainly makes me question ones intellegence and awareness.

>> No.5952074

>tfw I have to wake up early tomorrow for a crazy long day
>tfw I have no choice but to drink tonight or I won't get any sleep
All I want to do is quit.

>> No.5952081

>ones intellegence

I see what you mean though, since an aware and intelligent person would generally likely make a display of humility as to not provoke the animosity of others, but on an anonymous image board the rules aren't really the same.

>> No.5952087

Leave me alone, I'm still drunk as shit and can't into words. : (

>> No.5952114

but japanese people drink like fishes, just sayan

>> No.5952357

Why did you start drinking so much, al/ck/oholics?

>> No.5952366

He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.

>> No.5952375

That's true, but I was hoping for a story time.

>> No.5952381

drunk right now, u wont get it. pain in life, no future... I lost the game

>> No.5952384

That's great and all, but what specific event finally broke your spirit after the rest of your life had been beating you to shit?

>> No.5952392

10 years as a cop in a metropolis broke my spirit and faith in anything. A lot of active cops are the same way, btw.

>> No.5952398

Yeah, I knew a girl in a very similar position. I'm sorry, dude.

>> No.5952410

There was a period in my life, but that was short because I had a talk with my step dad. We both agreed alcohol makes you fucked up and he told me about all the friends deaths he had witnessed because of the bottle.
He introduced me to weed and now I live like a king. I only smoke maybe one fatass joint a day(except weekends where I sometimes go crazy), but it really helps satisfy the crave. Easy sleeping too

>> No.5952487
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>> No.5952534

I work at a funeral home, I do "first call" which is corpse removal. I pick up people who drank themselves to death in this manner all the time there usual between the ages of 40 and 60 but mostly about 50 years old. I personally don't give a shit about the person who is choosing to do it to them self's but its very difficult on the persons loved ones to see them give up the second have of there life here on earth to be able to get a bit of a buzz every day off of a toxic substance. On another note I love drugs and alcohol I smoke weed every day and I drink European style which is with meals and when friends are over. My advice is limit your alcohol intake for the sake of the people who want you around past your 50s and smoke more weed.

>> No.5952561


>My advice is limit your alcohol intake for the sake of the people who want you around past your 50s

This reminds me of people who claim suicide is selfish without realising the irony in the statement

>> No.5952569

Another person telling us shit we already know. Gold star for you.

>> No.5952589

You got too happy in your head parts with the happy juice, so now you're gonna feel bad for a while.

Drink juice and water, sleep it off.

>> No.5952590

It's hard but keep doing whatever works for you. I settled on a deal with myself where i have a rule that on weekdays i can only drink between 9 & 11. I'm usually pacing the house right before 9 and i end up slamming 3 beers before 9:30, but then i slow down and i usually only can drink 6 or 7 before 11. Then i force myself to go to bed and read until i can fall asleep.

>> No.5952731

>not just having a travel mug on hand with alcohol in it drinking in class
obviously depending on what you're drinking, you're probably gonna have more in reserves in your bag to fill it back up.

>> No.5952739
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welp, it's your boy from post# (>>5942281) here... apparently, i publicly kneed my good friend [a tall black man] in the balls, and when he pushed me, folks got angry at him and called security, searching the campus for him.

after that, i apparently kept biting my boohbah, wrestled her best friend (in her own room), and at the end of the night, prevented my boo from leaving mine.

i say apparently because i lost all memory of these events—first time anything like this has happened. so maybe i'll stop drinking for a while

>> No.5952748

>after that, i apparently kept biting my boohbah
u wut, m8

>> No.5952771

you know, boohbah... boothang.. boo. honeypot, love-muffin, punkin-doodle, cupcake, sweetie. a woman who often sleeps beside or on top of me.

>> No.5952806

You'll never know the true power and majesty of the alcohol until you have disenfranchised and pissed off everyone that has ever cared about you.

>> No.5952835

It's been a week since I've drunk alcohol. I want to see if I'll be able to stay sober untill 17th of December. That's fucking hard when you are a student and everybody is always getting wasted.

Good luck everybody. Good luck with everything you're doing.

>> No.5952978
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>people who want you around past your 50s
as if anybody wants that of me

>> No.5952987

the first blackout is always the best
when you regularly wake up with no memory of how you got home or what you did after 8 or 9pm the previous day it becomes a tiresome inevitability

>> No.5953028

what the fuck can i do about these damn bubble guts?

im not hungover but ive had fucking bubble guts all day since i drank last night.

i already took some tums and alka seltzer and have drinking a lot of water but i still feel like i have to shit every 10 minutes.

ruined mah day.

>> No.5953041

>bubble guts
You're pregnant. I had my way with you when you were passed out

>> No.5953046

Nobody wants to be around me right now...

>> No.5953148

I used to be a blackout drunk case a day guy but now I'm stable mostly. I drink about 10 beers a night of low abv american lager. I stopped going deeper than that because I get weird hangovers and dts at 20-25 drinks. 10 over about 4-5 hours is a routine. Drink the first 3 or 4 very quickly then maintain and smoke weed. Benzos after a few glasses of water to sleep and more pills in the morning. The really tough part is the lull in the afternoon and early evening where I'm so bored I don't know what to do with myself.

I stopped liquor and wine years ago thank god. It's tough to get into trouble with beer because it takes a lot of effort to drink that much liquid. I always leave one or two beers hidden in case I get a bad hangover or a panic attack. Having secret rescue beers is something I wish I would have started a long time ago. I'd like to shave down to 6-8 a night over the next month and start getting healthier but I know it's going to be really hard.

>> No.5953168

>the second have of there life
Maybe you should go easy on the bottle yourself, friend.

>> No.5953285

You aren't just an alcoholic but you're a drug abuser and that makes it even more important to get a healthy diet. Make sure you're eating enough sugar to fight off cravings, lager is packed with sugar so you can supplement some of it with chocolate. Trade the benzos for everyday painkillers if you can. If you get bored then do what I do and watch youtube videos of fucked up idiots on youtube who are giving interviews about the crazy shit they did and what a piece of shit they are and how they ended up rolling out of a hospital into AA and throwing themselves into a bible. You won't be fucking bored then when you hear the shit that these people come out with, it'll make you want to do better, do something with your life

>> No.5953307

Any morning drinkers here? I started taking a shot before work again, its just too stressful these days. I dont even get drunk or enjoy it, it just keeps me from having a panic attack.

>> No.5953357


unfortunately yes, and I also get panic attacks if I don't drink

it's from the excessive alcohol intake although you probably already realize that, I was sober for 3 months last year and stopped having panic attacks entirely

>> No.5954354


what kind of different buzz does different booze give you?

i want a fun aggressive buzz tomorrow night. i usually don't drink whiskey or bourbon but I heard that's the best because it doesn't make you as stupid as vodka or tequila

>> No.5954363

that's a complete myth.

if you're aggressive and stupid with tequila it's because you're drinking with the intention of being aggressive and stupid.

>> No.5954370

Yes, that was might point. They don't like me, or you, now.....do they want another 20 years? Another 40?

A fault of living in the US south is that folks are very polite. They're polite to everyone, including the not white not hetero folks they want to hang on the old oak down in the town square.

Those "people" don't even deserve our respect but they control the local, the state and, usually, the national government.

What am I even talking about? Fucking fascists.

>> No.5954372

vodka red bull

>> No.5954413


/ck/ is full of pretentious fuck who think that they're "culinary professionals" because they microwaved shit at Arby's or followed basic double frying standards at McD or KFC

Maybe they're right. food is food

>> No.5954426

Ever since I moved back in with my parents after University, I can't even open a bottle without them asking me if I'm an alcoholic. And this is with them drinking eight strong beers and three bottles of wine every night plus night caps.

>> No.5954434

Well, are you?

They just don't want you to become like them.

>> No.5954444

he's not, though he is en route if the behavior is maintained over the next few years

in the end the addiction wins

>> No.5954446

No. I only drink once a week. Admittedly, when I drink that once a week, I have a lot but eight+ beers plus a few gin and tonics is not equal to their consumption weekly.

>> No.5954455

Hey fuckers. I stopped drinking two days ago. I'm not a heavy drinker, but I've been drinking daily for a couple weeks.

Anyway, I got a massive headache. At one point I was just pacing my room because I couldn't do anything. Is this alcohol withdrawal or unrelated? I'm not an alcoholic, but need some first-hand accounts.

>> No.5954508
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>but I've been drinking daily for a couple weeks

>> No.5954528

You're probably going through light withdrawal symptoms from the fact you're not getting anything. Since you've been drinking a moderate amount for about a month, you should be fine, though I would call in sick for work once if you can afford it.

Once you start having massive sweats, shaky hands, closed and open eye hallucination, the worst nightmares you can imagine, and act drunk despite not being so, then you can call yourself an alcoholic.

I just stopped a serious month long drinking binge and most of the above happened to me. I had to stop work in the middle of it and feign sickness, despite three days of detox. I just hope than I didn't fuck up too much and lose my job at the mediocre restaurant I work at.

On the plus side, despite being barely able to function and my piss poor job prospects, I found a nice mini-ATX Intel computer siting outside my apartment complex and it seems to be working fine. It looked like it was stolen since the VGA's were ripped at the cords, the ethernet was a bitch to remove, and there was a company name on it. Fuck returning it though and doing the right thing, since I'll just get blamed for it and dig myself a deeper hole. I just either wipe the hard drive and have a nice second larger HD which I needed, or install Windows 8.1 over Linux, put it back together, and sell it for some mediocre cash after the numbers been filed off.

>> No.5954529

>i go into my local to buy a 750ml bottle of Dewars white label to get me to sleep and back into work tomorrow night
>tfw the hindi attendant, who knows my bottle of whisky and bottle of gatorade purchase well, suggests that I buy the 1.75l bottle since I come in pretty regularly, just cause I should save some money.

>> No.5954535

The last time I tried suggesting something like that my mother went through a fifth of tequila in a night. She's a pretty tiny lady, maybe 120 or so at 5' 6".

>> No.5954615

>closed and open eye hallucination
Not him, but...fuck...that's a symptom? Well shit, that happens to me literally all the time if I don't drink.

Like I'll be just be trying to sleep (it takes me hours, and hours to sleep without booze) and start hearing things or seeing weird shit and it jolts me back awake. Open eye hallucinations have also happened, thought they are incredibly rare.

>> No.5954622


It's called delirium tremens, bro. I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.5954685
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Fuck...really? Goddamn, I had literally no idea. I thought it was kinda normal. I sometimes wake up short of breath. I never fully fall asleep and there's all this terrifying shit in my face. Why do we ever not drink.

>> No.5954690

At least I still have the foresight to force myself to pay more for less...in the hope that I'll just end up drinking less.

>> No.5954812

was planning on being sober all november, failed nov 5th because happy I finally got a job making pizzas after being unemployed for 2 years. Guess it's going well.

>> No.5954853
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>> No.5954904

Casual drinker here, i maybe have a single beer every two weeks

Only because I remember what alcoholics were like in rehab. you guys were the most angry people there, getting mad at everyone and everything.

Stay strong boys

>> No.5955038

>not even casual

>> No.5955051

i've seen what alcohol can do to people with a unique perspective: nobody was even drunk or drinking. they were just fucking mad because they couldn't and they were stuck in rehab. it was the worst shit ever. they'd gang up with each other and argue with other people. this one guy who drank a bottle of whiskey everyday for like 6 months threatened to kill me because i wouldn't give him a cigarette

fucking crazy guy

>> No.5955056

I understand whisky guys pain

>> No.5955068

You don't get affected differently by different drinks? Scotch tends to be an active buzz for me (which can be 'fun aggressive'), wine is more whiny, bourbon is sort of true neutral and vodka, gin and beer are mellow.

>> No.5955080

You sure you're not just mixing scotch with cola and the rest with something less stimulating?
All alcohol just feels the same to me, vodka is the one drink I can get stupidly drunk on before I get bloated though.

>> No.5955176

Nope, I drink everything neat except for the gin which I drink as dry martinis.

I could never use a glass of red wine as a pick me up, for example. But it works great with a scotch or pastis.

>> No.5955180

One month sober in October guy
Ofcourse, relapsed. Mostly under control with with Campral and less reliance on dem hardcore fucking anti-depressents.

Anyone notice how high your ad's can sometimes get you? fucking horrible stuff.

>> No.5955187

Drunk people making Pizza makes sense anon.

Promise me you'll do a GOATSE 4 us, and take pics.

>> No.5955309

How did you guys start?
I'm asking because I'm currently veering towards a drink, maybe 2 a day, while previously I only drunk weekends.

>> No.5955339

your life is over

Soon you'll be picking up the newspapers that have smudgeless ink to sleep in.

>> No.5955364


As your tolerance grows you'll need to drink more for the same level of buzz, it really depends on why you drink though
I myself am trapped rurally and very bored

I'm up to 6 double shots, which is 6 or 12 drinks

>> No.5955399
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wow, that's heavy-hitting (even sobering) stuff, mate…

>> No.5955420

Know the feel

>> No.5955490
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Finally the weekend. Still at work, but once 5 hits, I'll be hitting up the liquor store for a handle of shit vodka. I'm going to be drunk until Sunday and that's the way I like it. Ive cut down significantly, though since drinking caused me to gain 30 pounds.

>> No.5955534


> Ezra brooks guy

Yes anon, I am you. Don't open the left door, you'll know what this means when the time comes. Also, you can make your dreams come true if you want it bad enough

Future you, out

>> No.5955755
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Maybe sex addiction is easier.

>> No.5955901

>Went out last night for the sole reason of knowing I couldn't go out tonight
>It's only noon and I'm already thinking about going out tonight even though I told myself I wasn't going to
Pretty sure I'm not gonna make it till I get off work. I just can't get enough of getting trashed and talking to people.
It's even getting to the point where I'm getting into debt doing this shit. Got about 3k in credit card debt mostly from bar tabs and booze.
Feels bad man.

>> No.5955921


I don't know, do alcoholics that can't get any alcohol lead an easy life?

>> No.5956313

lol I've been to rehab. All addicts are the same. It doesn't matter what the substance is. It's just about how depraved a person is. Where there mindset is at.

>> No.5956319

What's a good higher end whiskey? I feel like splurging on myself tonight. Crown is an obvious one, but is there something better or comparable?

>> No.5956322

I was probably about 12 and I started getting into my parents beer and liquor. Never did like beer because in my mind it all tasted terrible so might as well go with what will get you buzzed faster. Been drinking cheap vodka and whiskey since then.

>> No.5956364

Can anyone with personal experience with DT's describe what they're like?

>> No.5956367

Get some Bulleit rye. If you like Crown, you'll fucking love it

>> No.5956456

>Got about 3k in credit card debt
Try $5k. Sadly most of it is from booze and fast food.
Shit sucks.

>> No.5956500

oh god, im lucky ive only spent shares money.

And my parents pretty much taught us never to use credit cards.

>> No.5956517

Im just so depressed. I can hide it and not be mopey around people I see but its eating away at me. Ive gotten good at distracting myself and acting like im fine but deep down im burning in hell. Not sure if the drink is helping or making it worse but I have a lot of booze and often fall asleep in tears.

>> No.5956523

Whats up my al/ck/ brethren? If ive been drinking about ten beers everynight for the past few years, what kind of withdrawal situation do you think i should expect?

>> No.5956552


It'll probably suck pretty hard. I wouldn't just try to go cold turkey, if you're going to quit drinking, seek a doctors help and you'll probably be given some benzos for the wd's.

>> No.5956558

Just bought 1.75 mL of Jim Bean, gonna hang out with my bro so hard.

I just hope I don't feel like absolute shit again like usual. My hangovers have been getting progressively worse. It used to be just some mild stomach irritation from getting shitface, but now I get aches, slight headaches, and massive digestive problems just from getting buzzed. I really need to stay on top of drinking water, I guess.

>> No.5956566

They say as you age the hangovers get worse, thankfully I dont get them yet. How old are you?

>> No.5956575


I don't even drink that often, although maybe the fact that I drink hard on a semi-weeklyish basis has something to do with it.

>> No.5956597

I got bad hangovers around that age but I wasnt getting shithammered 7 nights a week. Once I started drinking daily they went away. From what anons have said on here the hangovers come back really bad in your late 20's but ive been immune so far. Ill be 28 in a month.

>> No.5956669

Macallan is a whisky that I notice fairly often in american TV programs, normally meant to show that a guy is classy or something. I've never actually seen it once in a bar or supermarket here in the UK, including some that have loads of different whiskies. Is it nice?

Anyway, on topic I don't drink as much as I'd like these days as I'm concerned about my health. I only drink 3 times a week, usually 6-7 pints worth of lager. I think this is probably too much long term, but I'm hardly gazza.

>> No.5956673

So what you're saying is I should drink every day... alright, I'll try it. Thanks, anon!

>> No.5956772

>Nurtured by daily after work get-togethers with some good friends and sometimes drunk sex after, it's a part of my life that I would never want to stop.
So you're still babby tier then. Enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.5956798

drinking vodka tonight
Do any of you go to work drunk? I have more than a few times

>> No.5956809

Went all week without having a few beers every night. Time to sit back and enjoy this bomber bottle of Saison then gonna play some Diablo 3.

>> No.5956810


Thanks. You too.

>> No.5956833


Personally, I do recommend the beer Delirium Tremens. It's a Belgian-style tripel. Mm.

>> No.5956836

>having a job

>> No.5956840


I get very angry when I'm sober. Not withdrawing, just straight up off the booze. For the first week or two I want punch people in the face for the slightest offense, if someone casually bumps against me walking by I fantasize about strangling them or beating them senseless with whatever I'm holding in my hands. Still never hit a person in my life, though.

After that monotone boredom sets in, you could probably set me on fire and I'd just yawn.

>> No.5956875


Macallan is a single malt scotch so it's of notable quality. Pretty strange if you can't find it in the UK considering it's made in Craigellachie, Moray.

>> No.5956886


>bomber of saison

That was probably expensive. Enjoy it anon.

>> No.5956926

Why are people addicted to alcohol?

To me, it tastes awful. I'm not some under-age newfag here, I've been drinking on socials with mates for a good few years now, and still, the taste hasn't grown on me which is what everyone tells me would happen. I literally only drink because it's almost required on social outings.

So, I am curious because I could never imagine myself becoming addicted to something I absolutely despise. What gets people hooked on alcohol? Is it the taste? The drunkenness effect?

>> No.5956938

i hate the taste of vodka yet i buy it all the time. One seeks the inebriation, m8. Feels bad

>> No.5956941


Drink more then report back

>> No.5956946


Yes, yes, we are addicted to the taste of alcohol. That's it.

>> No.5956947

Im bout to go in pretty buzzed. Im not scheduled tonight but got called in just now. I doubt anyone will even notice but fuck em all if they do. Its friday night and I was supposed to be off.

>> No.5956953

Yeaaaaah, I've come to realise that what gets you addicted to alcohol isn't alcohol itself. I mean to trully be an alcoholic, to destroy your life with alcohol, that takes some serious dedication. What makes you do it is having serious problems that you cannot solve [or think you cannot solve]. That's why people drink themselves to a slow deathh.

>> No.5956957

I've tried pretty much every drink for a good few years now. They all have that same awful bitter taste to them, some worse than others, vodka is particular disgusting.

The least worst alcoholic drinks for me, are always the ones that have been mixed up to the state where they're almost like an exotic fruit juice with no alcohol at all.

>> No.5957005

How on earth do you afford being an alcohol then?

>> No.5957033

some poor asses buy alcohol just to resell it when the liquor store closes
thats how some afford to drink

>> No.5957039


Quantity, not variety

>> No.5957055

stop with the bullshit. i drank for five years and way harder than this guy did and my "whithdrawal" was basically difficulty sleeping and irritability for a few days. fucking americans think they need medicine for every little thing. no wonder you guys get addicted all the time. withdrawal is just an excuse to try a new drug.

>> No.5957089

Eh, I agree with you, but it does affect everyone differently. I drank like a fucking sailor every single day and I had next to no withdrawals as well, but a guy that lived in my town died from them a couple years back.

>> No.5957360

My mum is a vodka fiend, my Dad doesn't drink at all.

>> No.5958042

Came home shortly after 5 in the morning. Had been drinking steadily the entire day, but managed to pace myself in such a way that i have neither a hangover (which i don´t usually have anyway) nor unpleasant residual alcohol. Though i probably shouldn´t be allowed to drive, still. Gonna go out later to buy some more wine for the weekend.

Two downsides: one, i spent a lot of money again, between 50 and 70€ i am sure,
two: i am seriously not in the mood to cook lunch atm and i don´t want to spend even more money to eat out again either...
