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5940244 No.5940244 [Reply] [Original]

Pepsi or coca cola?

I'm a poor southerner so my drink of choice is Pepsi

>> No.5940248

If I were given a choise I'd pick pepsi, but it's not like I have some sort of affiliation with either that I'd go into argument about.

>> No.5940256

Coke was invinted in Columbus Georgia. Why are you drinking an over sweetened nigger version of it? Niggers drink Pepsi and whites drink Coke. Don't be a nigger

>> No.5940272 [DELETED] 
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Master Race reporting in. Plebs only please respond in the negative. Haters prove me right.

>> No.5940271

B... But cultural sensitivity.

>> No.5940325

I prefer Pepsi because they have the Pepsi Throwback option at the same price as regular Pepsi. Respect.
Fuck the Coca Cola

>> No.5940334


Enjoy drinking medicine.


>> No.5942118

Pepsi Twist. Cola is so much sweeter and more disgusting. At least where I live

>> No.5942119

rc cola

>> No.5942421

I like Pepsi
It's more crisp
Coke feels too 'foamy' I guess you could say
Then again. I cut down on drinking soda years ago
I drink maybe one a month

>> No.5942544

I prefer Coke, but I buy generic brands so it doesn't matter. When I was with family who bought Pepsi I would pour it into a glass half filled with water because it was too sweet otherwise.

>> No.5942566

>not drinking cuba cola

>> No.5942668

pepsi because everyone else does here and I don't want to be the odd one out

all the fucking stores here, displays are always pepsi, they dont carry nearly as much coke and it's always off in some corner, legit dont know why

>> No.5942672

regular coke tastes like shit
regular pepsi isn't too bad

diet ones all taste like shit, more used to the diet pepsi though, but I avoid diet whenever possible, just drink fucking less pop if you want fewer calories.

>> No.5942685
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>Pepsi or coca cola?


Pepsi is for Black people and children.

>> No.5942712

I knew "Pop" was the correct term. Saying "Soda" means you're an inbred hick

>> No.5942713

fuck pepsi next, at least the type that's sweetened with stevia

tried that shit and turned out I had an allergy to that stevia stuff and I ended up having massive diarrhea, constipation and stomach cramps (probably due to the prior two) for like a fucking week. Happened twice before I even began to question that it was stevia causing it. Literally felt like my digestive system was being raped.

>> No.5942718 [DELETED] 
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>go to one restaurant
>Yea, i'll have a coke, please
>Sorry, we only have pepsi products

>go to another restaurant
>Hi, i'd like a pepsi, please
>Sorry, we only carry pepsi products

I never get it right
If only places had both

>> No.5942724
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>go to one restaurant
>Yea, i'll have a coke, please
>Sorry, we only have pepsi products

>go to another restaurant
>Hi, i'd like a pepsi, please
>Sorry, we only carry coke

I never get it right
Why can't they carry both?

>> No.5942736

I think you're reading it wrong

>> No.5942744

Am I alone in being impartial to either? I can happily take either if they're offered, they're both alright.

>> No.5942745
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soda is the correct term, derived from the sodium used to carbonate beverages in a gasogene.

pop is just short for soda pop.

>> No.5942754

Both are similar but I'd say coke. Too much sugar in one can so I split it with someone else.

Hungry skeleton but it's good to watch sugar intake.

>> No.5942757

Because of distributor agreements required for wholesale pricing.

>> No.5942765

I'm a traditional Coke fellow mysef but there's just something about the novelty of RC Cola that I really love. It's like it's the perfected version of a generic store brand cola.

Recently I decided to stop/heavily reduce my soda intake so I make sure when I drink one it counts.

>> No.5942773

You're not alone. I don't have strong feelings about either, I like them both.

>> No.5942775
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Cola of champions

>> No.5942781

Everyone knows California and New England are hick central!

>> No.5942934


Only a retard would name something based on the rudimentary sensations that they are feeling in a moment.

>hurr it pops, therefore I'll call it pop.

>> No.5943010


>> No.5943036

r.c. Cola bitch nigga, its cheapes and best

>> No.5943040

My granpa used to be an alcoholic and traded it beer with pepsi. It took him 40 years to finally get diabetes. And he still drinks the stuff daily. He's going to be 90 soon.

>> No.5943058

When it comes to alternate flavors, I like Vanilla Coke better than Vanilla Pepsi. Wild Cherry Pepsi more than Cherry Coke.

Otherwise it's essentially the same fucking shit, barely a difference in taste (Pepsi tastes just a little bit sweeter to me).

>> No.5943152

God yes, thank you

>> No.5943196


>> No.5943199

>At least where I live
I'm pretty sure coke tastes the same everywhere in the world.

>> No.5943208

coke experiments with its formula constantly and not every nation accepts the taste of HFCS

>> No.5943439

Royal Crown

>> No.5943472

Dr Pepper is the only coke I drink.


>> No.5943481

No. You exaggerate every 5 minutes.

>> No.5943697

Between the two, Coke.
Dr. Pepper is the superior large brand soda, though.

>> No.5943700

You exaggerate the amount I exaggerate.

>> No.5943795

Dr. Pepper is fucking disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.5943919

Dunno about that. Coke in a glass bottle from Mexico is bretty good man. No HFCS, sugar instead.

>> No.5943930

>Niggers drink Pepsi
Are you serious? Fuck no, those niggers love some cherry coke with hot fries

>> No.5943931


Pepsi is for canadians

I like diet coke, everything is is too sweet.

>> No.5943934


I have a pretty sensitive tongue and couldn't taste the difference.

More than anything I think drinking out of a glass bottle made the experience more enjoyable.

>> No.5943941

Coca Cola. Pepsi is too sweet for me.

but also diet coke, please, i love that after taste.

>> No.5943949


Everything else rather


this nigga knows

>Why are you ordering diet coke anon, you aren't fat


>you know diet coke is just as bad for you as regular coke right

real talk I started drinking this stuff because it doesn't get sticky when you spill it, now I can't enjoy more than just a little bit of any other soda.

Also I don't have to worry about the HFCS boogeymen going off on me about how its literally cancer

Gotta deal with the aspartame fags tho

>> No.5943953


fucking choke on shit and die

>> No.5943960
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Dr Pepper because of this anime

>> No.5943966

Fair enough. But I will agree on that. Glass bottle > Can/plastic bottle. There's just something about drinking out of a glass bottle that makes it so much better.

>> No.5943968

The only thing you can do when those people who can't handle somebody enjoying the fake sugar whatever substitute, is say "okay" and continue. You can't engage them or educate them. They don't want to be right, they want to preach.

>> No.5943988

Root beer, nerds.

>> No.5943989
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>> No.5945015
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>> No.5946392
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Y'all are my kinda people. My physical makeup is probably 86% diet coke at this point, because it's the greatest cola. Regular coke is way too goddamn sweet.

I will drink diet pepsi if offered or if it's the only option at the time, but I wouldn't pick it given a choice between the two.

and aspatame fags can eat my ass

>> No.5946413

>be me
>live in bumfuck alabama, the supposed hotspot of people referring to soda as "coke"

why do you fucking faggots on the internet keep telling me that we call soda "coke"? nobody fucking does! fuck!

>> No.5946803

Royal Crown

>> No.5946808

superior and cheaper

>> No.5946850

What the Fuck pepsi costs just as much as coke unless it's on sale.

>> No.5946851
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>an intellectual drink, for intellectuals

>> No.5946855

I prefer coke zero to diet it has less of a chemical like taste.

>> No.5946866
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>drinking soda

>> No.5947064

>2014 >not drinking shaq soda

>> No.5947123


>> No.5948898

I don't know why people keep posting this retarded picture. I live in Texas and soda is the generic term.

>> No.5949030


>chemical taste

When will people stop saying shit like this? Everything tastes like chemicals because that's what they're made of. Stop thinking that because it has a negative connotation that it is actually something bad. You're an idiot.

>> No.5949170

I live in Mississippi, and people definitely say "coke" instead of soda.

>> No.5949180

give us a better word for it, then.

until then i'll keep calling it a chemical taste.
might as well get mad about "medicinal" and "gamey" while you're at it.

>> No.5949783

You're the one that wrote "rudimentary sensations", anon.

>> No.5950923

pepsi wins

>> No.5950944

only the finest filtered water for m'lady and i, straight from the tap like god intended :)

*lifts pinky*

>> No.5950973

Shasta California Dreamin' Orange Creme
Dr. Pepper Vanilla Float
Pepsi Vanilla with le real sugar

these are the best sodas I've ever had.

I like Coke a good deal more than Pepsi but either one with real sugar and I'm split since bother taste amazing.

I also have a huge boner for cherry colas and cream sodas in general. Shasta makes a delicious one as does RC.

>> No.5950984
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To clarify I meant Shasta and RC make great cherry colas. Shasta's Cream Soda is just okay, nothing special.

>> No.5950991

coca cola tastes bad to me.

>> No.5950994


>i'm a poor southerner so my drink of choice is Pepsi

Coke is so popular in the South, it's what we call all the sodas... what state are you from?

>> No.5950997
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my negro

>> No.5952649

As long as it isn't diet, I'm fine with either

>> No.5952675

I prefer Coke to Pepsi
But I like Pepsi products better
Doesn't really matter to me, I'll only ever get Soda on occasion if I'm eating out or ordering pizza.

>> No.5952688
File: 56 KB, 602x402, avenger_JS_Afri-Cola_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Afri Cola. That or Grapos Cola.

>> No.5952702

Does Pepsi Throwback taste any different?

I love soda but hate HFCS, been making my own soda with natural sugar.

>> No.5952734


Kentucky here, live right on the boarder of north/south

I always hate travelling north because pepsi is fucking everywhere

>> No.5952805


I prefer pepsi generally.

>> No.5952844
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Cheers m8s