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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 11 KB, 300x225, tipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5939922 No.5939922 [Reply] [Original]

Who all on /ck/ doesn't believe in tipping?

>> No.5939925

The entirety of the civilized world reporting in

>> No.5939926

i didn't, and don't, but the fact is that the poor fuckers are taxed regardless and there's not an icicle's chance in hell of the tax code being fixed, so i suck up the couple bucks

>> No.5939939

Everyone gets taxed, so why should they get a bonus for doing their job when everyone else doesn't?

>> No.5939944

Only if she does a good job. Then I'll give her just the tip.

>> No.5939949

fuck tipping
fuck being waited on in general

>> No.5939954

>double dubs
Lord Tipper confirmed

>> No.5940028

Just remember to tell your waiters that you don't tip so you get the service you deserve ;^)

>> No.5940043

The only tip service staff get from me is from my fedora.

>> No.5940045
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>> No.5940047

it's people like you that make eating out shitty. I should not have to bribe some asshole to get a decent meal.

>> No.5940057

I would rather tip the cook if the food was good.

>> No.5940063

reading comprehension, anon
Do you get taxed on money you didn't earn?

>> No.5940068

When you have a real job, you do get a bonus for doing your job well.

>> No.5940077


they get taxed on the assumption that they get tips, idk if it varies from job to job but when I worked at a coffee shop I believe it was around $2 an hour

>> No.5940078

Yuropoors and other trash.

>> No.5940090

I was reading an article in the paper that some fancy restaurant did away with tipping. Instead, you don't need to tip at all but there's a FUCKING 20% fee surcharge tacked on AUTOMATICALLY.

I found it.


>> No.5940093

I tip the waitress well when the food is delicious.

>> No.5940096

20% is low for fine dining

>> No.5940105

They wouldn't even need the 20% charge if they just factored the extra costs into the price of the food. I don't get what people don't understand about this part. Sure, prices are going to be higher, but not by a noticeable amount.

>> No.5940111

They should've done that instead of the 20%.

>> No.5940116

>complaining about having to pay for goods and services like everyone else


>> No.5940123

The cost of the service should be factored into the cost of the goods like most other businesses.

>> No.5940163

In places with good service a waiter will always be tipped, in places with mcdonalds tier service why the hell are you expecting a tip?

>> No.5940168

I like the idea of tipping because it gives the customer direct control over whether or not doing exceptional work is incentivized. It also allows the customer direct control to punish substandard work.

>> No.5940174

Except it doesn't work that way. Even when people go somewhere they will never return to, get shit service, and didn't like the food, they often still tip pretty well. Tipping at all for poor service is just stupid (not to mention that tipping in the first place is dumb).

Most servers when interviewed don't even care when a few people give them shit tips (which means you as a tipper hold no power over them) because they know they will probably make up for it with other tips through out the day from people who don't think of tipping as some power trip they hold over others.

God fuck, tipping pisses me off.

>> No.5940175

that's the dumbest thing ever. the waitress has ZERO INFLUENCE on how the food is made, her job is literally: 1) tell the kitchen what you want, 2) bring it to you in a timely manner, 3) keep you drink filled. The kitchen staff are the people determining whether or not your food is good, moron.

>> No.5940183

I find that I enjoy female waitresses and will tip a few % more if she smiles at me or compliments me.

Male waiters get the usual tip.

>> No.5940186

>20% is low for fine dining

on what planet, exactly? 20% is a generous tip for any level dining experience. Average service merits 15%, above average 18%, and exceptional service merits 20%. To go above that amount would require sexual favors from the waitstaff.

The problem with tipping that people seldom discuss is that no one wants to be seen as a "bad tipper" so in the last 20 or so years (in the US at least) people have been tipping more. It started out that tipping 10-15% was considered a good tip (1970-'80s), so some overcompensating idiots started tipping 15-20% (1990s), which might have been reasonable, but now restaurants are trying to convince people that 25% or more is a good tip. Fuck that. I will never pay an additional 25% fee for an unskilled laborer to do a job that a trained monkey could do.

>> No.5940206

>Except it doesn't work that way

you don't get out much, do you? Servers DEFINITELY notice when somebody stiffs them on a tip, mainly because they all feel entitled to being tipped. Look at what happened a couple months ago when LeSean McCoy left only pennies as a tip on a $70 bill: that shit made international headlines. He felt he got shitty service, left a small tip as a statement, and that blew the fuck up into people sending death threats and Charlie Sheen paying the "poor" waitress $1000 to make up for it.

I'll agree that not enough people take advantage of tipping as a means to comment on poor service, but if more people did, it wouldn't be the shitty system it is today.

>> No.5940220

I dont believe in tipping.

I simply can not wrap my head around why restaurants don't simply pay their workers normally like any other fucking job. It makes absolutely no sense to me.

Then you hear about waiters or whoever how they are always bitching about not getting any tip or not enough of it.

You shouldent even bother being in a job that relies on other strangers to pay you random amounts of money in the first place if you are going to complain about that shit. It is so ass backwards. Especially when there are other entry level jobs out there that will actually pay you.

>> No.5940227 [DELETED] 
File: 1.92 MB, 257x193, deal with it tom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy watching people who regularly tip poorly eating boogers, rat droppings, and bug parts. Because that's what happens.

If you tip badly, don't ever go back to that restaurant. If you're a bad tipper and you frequent the same restaurants-- what's it like knowing you ate some cooks ass cheese? Because you have. 100% no doubt, you have.


>> No.5940234

>implying I actually go to a place full of self entitled fucks in the first place

>> No.5940245 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 222x227, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, k

>> No.5940246

What kind of scumbag still tips in 2014?

>> No.5940252

The only place I tip is at a local teriyaki place. There are two guys who work/own the place and they work 6 days a week, 9 hours a day. A couple bucks every time I visit isn't a big deal.

I don't tip anywhere else though.

>> No.5940255
File: 10 KB, 259x194, Nigga you fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le "don't tip" meme again

Enjoy waitresses spit on your food, y'all deserve it.

>> No.5940258 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 250x250, sarcasm lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kind that knows he's not eating snot and rat shit?

You clearly enjoy chewing filth, LOL.

>> No.5940259


tumblr, please.

>> No.5940261

lol jokes on you I dont go to restaurants in the first place. I just cook for my self and I am more than satisfied with that.

>> No.5940262

>Going somewhere often enough that the wait staff recognize you.

I never fucking understood this. Why are you going to a restaurant so often?

>> No.5940265

>le spit food epic meme XD

You know when you see people going to bathroom right before they pay and leave? Those bills they give you have gotten a thorough run through the pits and sidecrotch. If you're annoying enough about the tip, there might be able to make out a brown kiss mark on one or two of them.

>> No.5940276 [DELETED] 
File: 967 KB, 450x254, snooki-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this lame and tryhard after he knows he's eaten a sweaty cook's boogers and some waiter's cock cheese

>> No.5940287

>tripjiggaboo damage control

>> No.5940295

nigger please. I don't mind tipping for good service but having to tip to make sure my meal doesn't get fucked I think is bullshit.
so fuck you fadora.

>> No.5940298

Where are you that you tip to make sure your food doesn't get fucked with?

>> No.5940318

anyplace that expects tips. they should just pay the staff better instead of arbitrary amounts of money to pay as ransom so you get food that is up to code. If you feel it's okay to fuck with someone's meal because you have a redwood dick up your ass and you didn't get the tip you want, you are the problem with tipping.

>> No.5940323

So, just to get this straight...you tip prior to getting any service so the wait staff doesn't fuck with your food?

Is the food that good that you go somewhere they hold it for ransom (a tip) and if you don't pay the ransom you get spit in your food?

Or do you just visit a place so often that the wait staff know your face, and are leering at you so hard that you know if you don't tip this time, they will spit in your food the next time you go there?

>> No.5940336

no, what I'm saying is that I shouldn't have to leave a tip so the next time I go there I have a meal that isn't a health code violation in the off chance someone remembers me.

>> No.5940344

Sounds like you visit some shitty places. I'd stop eating there if I knew the wait staff was going to be so vindictive over a few bucks. What a bunch of assholes.

>> No.5940360

I stopped I make a bunch of lunches because my line of work is on call on top 40 hours a week. (hasmat clean up) I don't have time to cook sometimes, after a few times and wariness of my food I make a bunch of simple lunches.

>> No.5940519

>Our waiters actually get paid
>Always leave my spare change as a matter of courtesy, only tip them a specific amount if I feel they have made my dining experience better than average
>Visit USA sometimes
>Fully aware that waiters there don't get paid, or have to pay rent on their tables or pay 110% income tax or whatever the fuck /ck/ keeps bitching about
>Therefore aware that a decent tip is expected
>Leave a decent tip
>Later meet and befriend an Americlap waiter playing games online
>She tells me waiters routinely defile the food of British customers as a matter of principle, because they know we don't normally tip as well due to cultural differences
>Have to put on a bad accent next time I eat out
>Never leave another tip

You don't deserve it, you fucking slimeballs.

>> No.5940528

I don't b ut when you live in america you kind of have to.

>> No.5940672

hahaha you stupid limey bastard. you fell for that?! God you fog breathers are hilarious!

>> No.5940729

I give practically any waiter 5% whether they did a good job or not. But only up to $10. Works for me.

>> No.5940740




>> No.5940856

Waiters of /ck/, is it true that niggers don't tip?


A black Anon that actually tips

>> No.5940864

If by "niggers" you mean trashy urban youth, then yes. Dumb kids don't tip regardless of race.

>> No.5940904

ITT: Butthurt waiters who get payed below minimum wage because they fell for the scam of a job

>> No.5940935

I always tip extra if the service makes me say wa la.

>> No.5940937

By fall for a job you mean they weren't able to get another job. I will tip if appropriate but I won't tip as standard.

>> No.5940956

who all seen da leprechaun say yeah

>> No.5941395


I tip 10-15% no matter what. Otherwise I feel bad.


If I'm stuck in the 80's, I'm staying there.

>tfw only lived to see 3 years of the 80s

>> No.5941408

Depends on the wages for service staff in the area you are in. In Jewrope, minimum wage is high so a few quid or Euro's is fine. In America the minimum wage is shit so you cough up a bit more.

>> No.5941442

>complaining about work


>> No.5941613

If you live in the United States there is no such thing as "not believing in tipping" you tip motherfucker, to support the employees beyond their shit wage, unless they did a bad job.

>> No.5941618

It's also because wages haven't adjusted to the real value of the dollar adequately, so a 20% tip now does as much as a 15% did in the 90's.

>> No.5941635

tippings not a thing here, i just dont get why you would pay extra for people to do their job

>> No.5941636

I first read this thread as "Who all on /ck/ doesn't believe in tripping?"

>> No.5941639


Or even less than that, at least where I live because living costs have increased dramatically but wages have barely increased.

>> No.5941669


>> No.5941696

you deserve good service no matter what

I know a lot of servers who prefer it to any other unskilled labor jobs they make a shit ton more money.

Servers make great money, the fact of the matter is most people tip so a few people not tipping doesnt really matter. While if you don't make enough in tips the company has to make up the difference to minimum wage in the ~10 years I've been in the industry I've never once had a server that didn't make enough for this to happen. They may not on a daily basis but good days make up for bad days. A lot of servers make more than the cooks.

I personally tip solely on services rendered, if the service is shit they get little to no tip. I think giving a set amount is stupid and so is a %.

There is no reason a server should get extra money if my meal is 50 vs 35 when they do the same amount of work. I also don't time on wine. Why should, say, a 50 bottle of wine automatically give you and extra 10-20?

That said I work for a restaurant group(5 places) and when I got control of the current one I made the decision to pay my servers $8/hr (the only one at all the places that does this). Because of this I expect a lot from them. Any tip they get is just that. I have a place on the menu to let the customers know this as well though most still tip. Because of all the "hard work" a lot of young servers opt for another serving job elsewhere

>> No.5942497

Because I live in a small god damned town and there's one cafe, one bar & grill, and one chinese place. Everything else is fast food shit

>> No.5942514

when did tipping became 20%
just a few years ago it was just only 15%

>> No.5942634
File: 54 KB, 600x450, Shirts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with tipping here in the UK, where you just leave a few pounds relative to your bill, depending on the quality of service, or no tip if service was poor or unremarkable.

I don't agree with the tipping in the US where it's mandatory and has a minimum percentage due to employers not properly paying their serving staff a minimum wage. It's not a tip if you HAVE to do it. It's an odd idea.

>> No.5942640

It's not mandatory anywhere, nor is there a minimum percentage required. Stop listening to all the butthurt servers that say otherwise.

If you enjoyed the meal and enjoyed the service, leave a decent tip as a sign of how much you appreciated it. If it was terrible, then don't tip.

>> No.5942682


*tips fedora*

>> No.5942698

its not mandatory anywhere

>> No.5942705

Wow what a bunch of scumbags. Does anyone complain about your policy?

>> No.5942716

Time for autism mode: whether you tip or you don't and whatever your reasons, people DO tip, so obviously I fucking "believe in tipping". Learn to articulate your thoughts, faggot.

>> No.5942720

It's a social contract though. Break it and society shuns you for it. Not tipping should only be the case if the service is bad enough to have an emotional impact on you. The last time I did that was when the waitress would just walk away from the table in the middle of me asking for stuff (i.e. in the middle of my the drink order, food order, finishing my order she previously walked away from, and asking for to-go boxes). I had to catch her in the middle of running around to actually complete my order (never did get the appetizer order in because she walked off again mid-sentence). I don't agree with the contract, but I'm stuck with it since I'm not moving. I just think waitstaff should earn higher wages like in Europe. I didn't feel the service was any worse when I was there for a few months.

>> No.5942728

Wow, this is the first industry person I have seen with this attitude. I'm glad you control one of the restaurants and pay a normal wage.

>> No.5942836

I gave a $9 tip on an $11 burger and fries. I usually don't tip but waitresses get to keep most change.

>> No.5943037

Like who? The customers don't and if the servers want to they can get a new job. I've got a good bunch right now who've been with me for a while but I went through a few in the beginning.

>> No.5943049

Thanks, I worked my way up from a commis so I know what its like and I've seen first hand a lot of the server bullshit and since I pay them a good wage I expect a lot from them and they dont have any room to bitch. I also get a lot better quality server because of it.

>> No.5944519

There's some restaurants down in LG that doe the 20% surcharge on your ticket and the wait staff still expects additional tips depending on the size of the group.

>> No.5944534


Is $8 an hour a lot where you live? Where I am servers are paid minimum wage which is higher than that.

>> No.5944857

I feel bad when I go out to eat by myself, so I usually tip 50%.

>> No.5944861

>implying niggers tip

>> No.5945200

former waiterfag. I worked at a nice, fine dining restaurant and black people would never leave a shitty tip. White people and Mexicans tip the worst, fucking $2 no matter what the bill. Black people are always very friendly and polite in my experience.

>> No.5945229

Tipping is terrible but until the revolution comes, you tip or you go on the gulag list.

>> No.5945261

i do it if they earn it. end of fucking story

>> No.5945438

nigger detected. do they tip you in bananas monkey?

>> No.5945442


Shitty service = shitty tip

>> No.5945443

My bad should have been more specific. Yeah i meant the workers.

>> No.5945444

I have fucked up morals but I tip at every establishment I eat at. It must suck to be poor and angry enough to justify a few dollars after a good meal at someone else's place.

>> No.5945490
File: 51 KB, 500x300, 1KZQIOy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is too obvious of a lie.

You don't even have to be a waiter or waitress to know that black people never behave in restaurants and they certainly don't tip. They also cause an ungodly fuss over the dumbest shit, and try to get out of paying the bill (THE STEAK I ATE WAS TOO RARE, I'M NOT PAYIN FO DAT)

Occasionally you'll see one flip shit if they were seated first and someone else gets food before them.

I've never worked in a restaurant and certainly wouldn't want to work in one in the South where those sorts are so common, but holy shit. I know you're just trolling but anybody who has ever worked CS around blacks knows better.

>> No.5945517


i tip exorbitantly, every time, because i am not poor, and i like being treated like a King

>> No.5946300


Yeah, but she could have told you when you ordered the calf fries that the cook doesn't really make calf fries very well and maybe you should try something else.

>> No.5946306


They are dying off quickly now, but it seems to me that people who grew up during the Great Depression and had a really rough time of it tend to be very poor tippers. I'm talking like maybe one or two quarters for the entire group.

In their minds, a quarter is still a lot of money.

>> No.5946309

As long as they are up front and honest about this, and they don't sneak it onto you like some restaurants will try to do, then that's fine. It's just part of the price at that place.

>> No.5946313


I used to go to one restaurant so often that they rarely even asked what I wanted to order. When the cooks saw me walk in the door, they would start cooking my meal for me before I even got a seat.

I really miss that place, but it's about 700 miles away from me now.

>> No.5948007

they would be baking 2.25 otherwise but yeah cost of living is pretty cheap

>> No.5949711

Didn't read the whole thread but here's my thought.

In America tipping is kind of a necessary evil. That being said, I don't like feeling like I have to leave 20% of the bill when a server has done well.

I like even less the guilt I feel when the server was shit and I still feel obligated to leave at least 10%.

The problem, in America at least, is that a good tip is SUPPOSED to make up a server's wages, and provide incentive for good service. But in most cases, the prospect of a good tip doesn't mean good service.

I fear that if the employer covered the wages completely, that the incentive to provide good service would be even less that it already is, and I would ultimately STILL be overpaying for a night out.

TL;DR. I hate that I feel obligated to tip at least 10% even when the service is shit. I hate that I feel obligated to tip 20% if the service was good, but I feel like you do actually deserve it. But if the tip was included with the bill, you probably wouldn't work for it, and I would overpay for shit service on a regular basis.