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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5938889 No.5938889 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with people you are dining with being shitty to waitstaff? Mostly referring to people being cunts to wait staff when it is not the wait staff's fault and/or they are just being impatient. I never really know what to do in these situations.

Do you apologize to the one being harassed?
Tell the harasser to stop being a cunt?
Stay silent and hope it blows over?

inb4 tip argument, I live in Brisbane

>> No.5938898

Usually a combo of apologizing and telling the harasser to stop being a cunt.

My grandpa is at that age where he acts like a fucking shit whenever the family goes out to eat, so we end up doing the apologize and tell him to shut up routine a lot.

>at all you can eat buffet
>grandpa announces he doesn't like the dessert he got
>well go get a different one then
>no, someone must know how much he hates the dessert
>he starts yelling at the girl cleaning up tables
>tell him she has nothing to do with desserts
>he won't listen to reason
>family starts telling him to shut up
>he starts yelling louder
>half the family is apologizing
>other half is still trying to get him to shut up
>eventually he goes and gets another dessert

>> No.5938900

>telling the harasser to stop being a cunt
this. but do it right away, if you notice someone being a cunt don't let it continue.

don't immediately call them a cunt but tell them to stop.

>> No.5938909

>someone must know how much he hates the dessert
I laughed

>> No.5940200


See I never understood the logic of being a dick to the waitstaff. Why would you even make their day harder? It's just gonna make them hate seeing you and do poorer service with you.

>> No.5940209

I'd assume it's people who never stood on the other side. Yeah I know the "hurr durr get a real job" aspect of it, but some people are just humongous cunts against service staff because they know they're the only ones that won't fight back.

>> No.5940236

not food related, but relevant

>hockey game with dad, uncle and brother
>we're leaving after it's done
>dad is driving out, leaving the parking toll
>he forgot to get the ticket from
the machine or somethinf
>nice young lady tells him he has to get the ticket
>turn of a dime my retard dad just goes off
>uncle joins in
>the cars behind us are beginning to cram up
>the young lady is visibly upset and is gonna lose it
>other people start yelling at her
>she lets us go and i can see her dealing with more angry people

jesus fuck, i have never been so ashamed of my dad. he started this whole clusterfuck because of HIS mistake. i felt so bad for that girl

>> No.5940292 [DELETED] 
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I stare and smile while the cunt eats their booger burger.

No exceptions, it happens EVERY TIME.

You cannot treat a waiter badly and not eat filth. You WILL eat something vomitous if you're rude to waitstaff.

That's why I just giggle while they chew. Sometimes, I'll pass by and say "Hey, how's your food, haha.", just to enjoy the look of panic and fear they always get when they realize that they've just been shitmouthed.

>> No.5940337

If someone's nice to you but rude to the waiter, they're not a nice person.

>> No.5940342

Yeah, some people don't seem to realize the ungodly things that they can do to your food if you're a cunt to them.

>> No.5940367

no wonder /k expelled you, nothing worse than an immature tripfag constantly shitting up a board.

>> No.5940531

>be me
>grow up working as dishwasher
>despite 90% of wait staff at this point

I stay quiet till it stops, but I don't care either way. They make more and don't work nearly as hard as the kitchen staff

>> No.5940550

I work in the food industry so I generally say something to the person without trying to be too harsh and upset the meal. Do no harm but take no shit and all that.

Unless its out at a noisy bar or something and they are being absolute douchebags then I generally call them out.

>> No.5940560

I never understood the logic of being a dick to the waitstaff because who in their right minds pisses off the people who handle/work closely with the the people who handle, your food and drink. Talk about poisoning the water hole.

>> No.5940619

I never thought I had to deal with customers face to face since I work phones.

>guy calls wanting delivery and he lives quite a distance from our place
>boss tells me his minimum for delivery is gonna be $35 because of the distance
>tell the guy on the phone his minimum and starts flipping his shit saying his neighbor got delivery for less
>I tell him theres nothing I can do about it and to take it or leave it.
>He hangs up after that
>about an hour passes and some guy comes in yelling and screaming how shitty the store is for not delivering to his place
>he spots me near the phones because im the only man among two other girls
>tries to start shit but the boss is a big guy and just kind of grabs him by the shirt and throws him out
>bout 5 minutes later an older woman comes in and apologizes to me about her sons behavior, turns out she drove him here under the pretense of getting food

Like what the fuck. That was the weirdest thing that has happened to me in the store. Or ever.

>> No.5940675

Hahahah go fuck yourself you dumb fucking cunt.

>> No.5940696

Easy, don't except tips.

>> No.5940705

I don't associate with shitty people.

>> No.5940726

>cant actually understand what you're trying to say

>> No.5940731

two shitty diners reporting in

>> No.5940745

>Yeah, some people don't seem to realize the ungodly things that they can do to your food if you're a cunt to them.

Yeah, some people don't seam to realize the ungodly things my chef ass is going to do to you if you just look at the food the wrong way. Your sorry ass is there to serve as a bridge from me making the food and them eathing the food. All the work you do above that is just in hope of geting tips.
Deal whit it

>> No.5940760

unintelligent enough to not realize the ripple effects of being rude or mean

not enough self respect to care about the fact that people will tamper with their food

>> No.5940764

and that's why your chef ass is never going to see it happen

>> No.5940767

lol the kitchen workers at my restaurant care less about the food than the servers do

we dont have a 'chef ass' though

>> No.5940773

Zed fuck off and die

>> No.5940775

>giving a fuck
Surely when you get into that job you've got to expect it?

Not that I do that to people, I go out to enjoy a meal and whoever I'm withs company, not to rush in and out.

But I mean it's not my problem. Why would I make it my problem? If you're impatient and your food is taking ages of course you'll bitch at the wait staff. You can hardly wander into the kitchen call everyone a cunt and peace out can you.

>> No.5940792

If you fuck with peoples food you are actually the scum of the earth.
It's your job to serve their food. If you get sadistic satisfaction from doing disgusting shit to peoples food then you deserve to get called shit at your job in the first place because you are.

>> No.5940930

Your kitchen is run by a donkey?

>> No.5940974
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>having a kitchen that isn't run by a donkey

>> No.5941104

Yeah this, dealing with dickheads is an occupational hazard, just get on with it

>> No.5941109

kick em in the shin and say knock that shit off

>> No.5941144

I actually do that quite often. If I get the persons name I later tell them about it on social media anonymously.

>> No.5941167

>things that didn't happen

>> No.5941192

I know a guy who owned a restaurant. Nicest guy you could ever meet, but big, burly motherfucker. Asshole, bigshot bar owner comes into his restaurant, and throughout the night is generally an asshole to the waiting staff, makes some of them cry, that sort of thing.

So, the next day, the big, beatiful friendly bear of a man drives over to the assholes bar, where he's behind the counter. Walks in, straight to the bar, lays the motherfucker out cold. One punch.

From what I'm aware, the asshole never went back.

>> No.5941327

I tell them to stop being cunts. This is assuming that they are just being a cunt for no reason; if the waitstaff were being rude I wouldn't give a fuck, but I don't recall that ever happening.


I imagine this is the case but I really can't understand why you'd need to have had experienced doing something in order to realize that being a gigantic cunt to someone for no reason is inappropriate behavior.

>> No.5941351 [DELETED] 
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Do you know what these taste like?
If you've ever been rude to a server, your answer is "yes".

I'm not saying it's right. I'm saying it's reality. You have to deal with the world as it is, not as you wish it might be.

>> No.5941361

>I imagine this is the case but I really can't understand why you'd need to have had experienced doing something in order to realize that being a gigantic cunt to someone for no reason is inappropriate behavior.
This. I've never been a waiter but I've always treated them well because they're, first and foremost, human fuckin' beings.