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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 101 KB, 690x460, brunch-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5936167 No.5936167 [Reply] [Original]

I am a loner. Would going to a brunch place and getting brunch for just myself be or look weird?

>> No.5936172

yeah, people will look at you

>> No.5936173

ugh :(

>> No.5936174

Wouldn't know. Haven't paid attention to what others are doing while I'm busy eating delicious, delicious brunch.

>> No.5936175


no? people do it all the time. when I lived in the city cafes were full of people on their own getting their breakfast, you're not going to meet up with someone every day just to get your breakfast dude.

>> No.5936177

Not at all. I do it all the time. In fact I eat solo in restaurants regularly - don't sweat it.

>> No.5936179

I never understood that. Why would you be embarassed ? Eating delicious brunch buffet, while reading a book. As if you would not be autorised to eat something better than a stupid sandwich just because you are alone.

>> No.5936181

You're a fucking dumb faggot for thinking anyone even gives two shits about you when you leave your mom's house. You're a ghost. No one sees you

>> No.5936193

Breakfast places are the only restaurants I feel completely comfortable eating alone in

>> No.5936198

It will look normal OP i've worked at these places and never wondered about these people ever.
If someone is on there own i usually guess they are out of town traveling or a worker just having his breakfast.
Nobody will look at you weird they are usually occupied with there own shit, and as for the staff serving you well yeah, they honestly don't care if you come alone or with people.

I use to be the same OP, you should do it for sure, this will be good for realizing nobody really cares that much.

>> No.5936206

why would you even ask that

would you judge someone for being alone eating brunch


so fucking go get brunch you poor hungry pussy

>> No.5936230

Foreveralone guy here. I don't feel ok eating alone anywhere, unless I'm unavoidably detained and it's the only thing I can do. Whenever I've tried to eat alone I've rushed through the courses. Once a waiter tried to convince me toshare my table with a stranger and I never returned to that restaurant :(

>> No.5936251
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truckers eat breakfast alone.

>> No.5936260


First rule when being alone, you don't take shit from anyone just for being alone.

>> No.5936271

This is only a question / concern on 4channel alone. Everywhere else, people do whatever the fuck they want minus the mental health deficiency.

>> No.5936348

Depends how you act, I usually just browse news sites or 4chan while eating by myself, actually quite relaxing.

>> No.5936360

It depends on the place. The trendy yuppie urban new parents cafe around the corner from me is one of those everyone knows everyone places and there are little kids running around that think everyone is their babysitter.

I'm the type who doesn't like to small talk with waiters, I find it uncomfortable, so for some reason they don't like me even though I'm polite, I'm dressed nicely, and I always tip over 20% especially if it's peak hours and I'm taking up an entire table.

Weekend brunch is a no-go zone, showing up without a sexual partner from the night before, or a pack of little crotch spawn monsters carried in the $1500 triple seat stroller you parked outside with the expensive dogs tied up with hand made heritage chromexcel leashes from seattle, is basically throwing off lonely single people stink waves like in a charlie brown cartoon and I suppose it just kills the togetherness vibe for everyone else. Mostly, I just stop in there for a cup of coffee to go now, and try to avoid tripping over a greasy screaming little toddler who thinks I'm a jungle gym. It's too bad because the food is so good.

>> No.5936369

Try living in a city. You can do pretty much anything alone and it wont even register to people. I eat lunch alone a few times a weeks since there are awesome restaurants near my work. Lots of others eating alone and its never been weird.

>> No.5936370

No but if you're an awkward fuck then yes, but only because of you.

I get lunch by myself all the time and so do many of my coworkers (sometimes we go out together but sometimes we prefer different food)

>> No.5936373


Dude, no. Eating lunch alone on a Tuesday is totally different from going to weekend brunch alone. How could you even think they're comparable.

>> No.5936398


>> No.5936412

If you are a weirdo then no matter what you do it will look weird to people.
Try to stop being a weirdo.
If its too hard then there is always /r9k/.

>> No.5936418

Take a book with you

>> No.5936498

People will notice that you are alone. Note the subtle body language of all the normies as you walk past their tables. They lean in towards each other to speak, and their eyes shoot glances at your face. A face they will remember -- as if they're studying you. Finally, they get to observe a lonely depressed introvert coming to face his fears of being socially rejected and ridiculed.

You are seated;

Your body temperature will rise. Sweat begins to drip from your brow. That uncomfortable sensation begins to rise. Your ears become acutely demi-god as you search relentlessly to pick up any hint of talk about you. Then you realize you have been fidgeting the entire time. Was it five minutes? Ten? An eternity. The shame will overwhelm you as the room begins to spin. You let out a huge fart, shit your pants, and storm out of the restaurant, leaving behind a trail of laughter and tears.

>> No.5936501

dude, just ride the rail. bartender will keep you well oiled & you'll get your food before all the other assholes. best known secret in brunch.

>> No.5936502


>> No.5936537

Dress like you have a job to go to after eating. A guy eating alone with clean, smart clothes will look less conspicious than someone eating alone with a Brony t-shirt with dried egg yolk stains.

>> No.5936549


On a saturday? I hope it's a work uniform because if you're wearing office type clothes to brunch, alone, on a saturday, it makes you look even more pathetic.

>> No.5936563
File: 380 KB, 1216x1251, MovieGuide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can apply some of the tips in the picture to restaurants.

Anyone knows if there's a similar guide for restaurant goers?

>> No.5936582

So you are saying eating brunch alone is pathetic in the first place?

>> No.5936599
File: 1.63 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it op

I am at a brunch place alone right now, I enjoy it. Pic related.

>> No.5936605

>disposable plates
>actually serving a plastic bottled drink at the table
>plastic dispensers
>food looks cheap and gross

This isn't brunch. It looks like a truck stop or something.

>> No.5936611


Are you ok?

>> No.5936614


Sure. It's just that at truck stops, you're kind of expected to eat alone. It would be weird if you didn't. Whereas at a brunch place where they're serving eggs benedict and mimosas and shit like that, going alone is going to make you stick out and look like a sad sack.

>> No.5936616

That's the saddest image ever.

>> No.5936620
File: 1.56 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah it's not a proper brunch place, it's a cafe in a supermarket. Does the job though and is cheap.

>> No.5936618


Yes. Inherently pathetic. Brunch is unique in that way, for every other meal there is always an excuse. Well except maybe christmas dinners and that sort of thing.

>> No.5936623

Pretty much this.

If you're alone, and the place has a bar, eat at the bar.

>> No.5936630

What is this meme? Is it related to baneposting?

>> No.5936919


Bring a magazine but brunch is one meal you really can't do alone.

>> No.5936929
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>mfw brunch includes unlimited mimosas

>> No.5936951

That's a challenge I can accept.

>> No.5937030

God dammit OP.

As someone who makes a pretty good attempt at pretending to be normal, nobody cares whether someone in a cafe is eating alone.

>> No.5937036

Abosultely OP.

It will show up on your annual 'What People Think of Me' report that should be received by mid-December.

>> No.5937057

>I am a loner. Would going to a brunch place and getting brunch for just myself be or look weird?

No. Walk up to the hostess and, in a loud, clear voice tell them you'd like a table for one.

Sometimes you're on your own. No reason not to go out.

>> No.5937368

So I've just found out a mimosa is a kind of cocktail

Always just assumed it was some sort of miniature samosa.

>> No.5937380

>mfw after making fun of people for years by suggesting they order mimosas because it sounds gay i discover that it's just bucks fizz

i fucking love bucks fizz

>> No.5937392
File: 154 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_muzcfdrUaE1rt5rx2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating with all those people around

>> No.5937395

>Bucks fizz

I remember there was a a pub quiz we used to always go to when I was starting uni where the second prize was always a case of Bucks Fizz for some reason. Basically 6 champagne bottles of bucks fizz.

Our team seemed to consistently come in second place, and our monday nights were brightened by getting drunk on cheap Bucks Fizz in a shitey pub in Glasgow.

Good times man.

>> No.5937403

this is what foreveralones actually tell themselves

how sad

>> No.5937408

don't be mean

>> No.5937432

Stop being so autistic, no one will give a shit, go get breakfast.

>> No.5937443

Go out and do it. Nobody cares. I never understood why people require another person to enjoy food. A meal with another person is nice, but eating along can be nice also. There was the person who went to L'Enclume posting it on here last week who seemed to enjoy a great meal by themselves. I did it all the time when I traveled alone. I also did it a lot when I was between marriages. It's fucking great to enjoy good food while not having to listen to someone else's babble and feel like you have to babble on as well. It's peaceful and relaxing.

>> No.5937449 [DELETED] 

Brunch sucks cocks.

I don't want to pay 15$ for a Smashed Avocado on Toast. I don't even fucking care if its hottest boy pussy of all time. Ill be mad if i have to pay for Smashed Avocado like all those fucking trendies.


>> No.5937456 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 895x597, 3BagsFull-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking shit? are u serious?

That is shit. Don't worry at all.

I was thinking like a proper Brunch Eatery Cafe Joint. >pic related

And yes, Brunch is ridiculous in Australia. It's the new Dinner.

>> No.5937466 [DELETED] 

theres many more of them

Theres one about a Dome where you can seal the shit niggers and children away from the patricians in a cinema.

>> No.5937477

>There was the person

That was a qt3.14 azn girl at a michelin starred restaurant. First, she gets a free pass for being a girl. Second, it's a kind of destination restaurant where the meal is the attraction. It's ok to eat alone at that place because you might be a business person or a tourist.

What we are talking about here is brunch in town. We know the issue is with solo males, likely kissless manlets under 6'2", going out and trying to join in on what is traditionally a post-overnight meal for couples basking in the afterglow of sex and intimacy. The purpose of brunch is togetherness and sharing part of a lazy morning together, thus prolonging the intimacy that started the Friday (or sometimes Saturday) night before. The small tables that let them touch each others hands sometimes, and bump knees, and speak softly, as if still in bed together.

All you'd be doing is filling the room with your lonely neckbeard stink. The people at nearby tables can smell your desperation and they see right through your "I just happen to be alone at this particular instant" façade. They know you were getting cabin fever from being in front of your computer for days, and that you hoped to slink in among the normies for a brief role play at being a happy successful person. They won't say anything, but they know. They know from the crack in your voice that shows that you haven't spoken out loud to another human being that day. They know from the way your fingers play upon the touch screen of your phone in a way that cannot possibly be exchanging text messages with a significant other. They know by the way your face gets sad when the waiter seats you and takes away the other place setting.

Anyway, for god's sake, don't ever go out for brunch alone.

>> No.5937516

Not certain why you feel that way about brunch. I went out to breakfast and brunch alone when I was single because I wanted good hangover food. Why give a fuck about couples that are out? Bars with friends the night before, wake up late, shower, and get my grub on. I never felt weird about it

>> No.5937584
File: 710 KB, 196x125, 1394045234571.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that self projection

>> No.5937599

>dome for the niggers and children

That doesn't sound sad, that sounds like what the movie theaters in heaven must be like.

>> No.5937663

What's the worse that will happen?


it could have been fun

>> No.5937701

There actually are, for real, some movie theaters with a separate soundproof room for parents with small children.

>> No.5937783 [DELETED] 

>implying there are niggers in heaven

>> No.5937849

This picture just made me so sad

>> No.5937860

Eating at a restaurant isn't Fizzbin.

>> No.5937901

OP, I'm a loner too. It's pretty simple, just stop giving a fuck what people think, they don't know you or care at all. I eat alone at places all the time. In saying that, there's no fucking way I would at this place >>5937456

>> No.5939786

I like the tea...i can't get that where I'm at. The food looks disgusting.

>> No.5939891

its only awkward if you make it awkward...

>> No.5939901
File: 16 KB, 220x220, 1269729235047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress up fairly nice and bring a small bouquet of flowers. During the meal keep checking your phone. People will think you got stood up by a brunch date.

Or just don't give a fuck and go eat.

It's up to you.

>> No.5939904
File: 1.79 MB, 245x219, 1389720490926.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you fucking pussy, go wherever you want and don't fucking give a shit about what anyone else does.

Be like me and every morning when you wake up, take a huge pull of whiskey while you look in the mirror, and just say

Fuck the world.

And then put on your shades and leave.

>> No.5939912
File: 16 KB, 309x284, 1410536270002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5939919

Do they have a counter seat? If so, do that. It looks normal doing that rather than being at a table.

>> No.5939929

Yep. Most long haul truckers don't generally tend to run a husband/wife tandem unless they're an owner/operator.

>> No.5939945

I'm local, so I get to eat breakfast with my kids every damn day.

Fuck that OTR or OO shit. They can mingle with the rest of those fucktards.

>> No.5939973
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>> No.5940029
File: 438 KB, 225x201, a9doy3L_460sa_v1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post

>> No.5940056
File: 44 KB, 771x227, Fucktheworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeping this on me for a while, that's not a bad way to look at things.

>> No.5940062

best post in weeks

>> No.5940075

why would anyone ever do that?

>> No.5940177

If you go to a place like a cafe or sandwich shop it doesn't seem too weird to be alone. Or at least if you have a phone or something like a tablet out people will think you're working or studying.

Just don't tell anyone you go to concerts or the movies by yourself.

>> No.5940180

What are you guys, fucking 12?

>> No.5940184

That's it, you creepy samefag lurker. I don't even know what this argument/whatever is about I just came onto /ck/ and noticed you congratulating yourself on one of your fucking posts again and I'm fucking sick of it. You're not that clever and that's why people don't reply to your posts, don't shit up my /ck/ with your creepy samefaggotry anymore. Jesus fuck.

>underrated post

>> No.5940191

How's the seventh grade treating you?

>> No.5940201

nawww dude, it's the same guy who wrote the thing. He's this creepy dude who says shitty things to people and then writes an unlimited number of samefag responses patting himself on the back like a fucking creep. Sorry I had to interject. I know he's probably going to think I'm the guy he's arguing with and be like "hurr durr, he mad" Well I am mad because samefagging on this retarded level pisses me off. I haven't even read whatever is being said here I've just noticed this happening a lot on /ck/ lately. I think he came in with the Fazoli's crowd.

>> No.5940203
File: 102 KB, 512x512, 1412257979447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this buttblasted

>> No.5940218

>underrated post

>> No.5940228

>underrated post

>> No.5940247

I'm screencapping this thread and everytime I see this creepy fuck on my /ck/ again I'm reposting it and embarrassing him. I urge you all to do the same until he either goes away or learns to stop being a faggot.

>> No.5940250
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>> No.5940257

Honestly there has either been one person doing what you described for several years or there are a few diff anons who use the samfag technique.

We've even caught trip/namefags doing it over the years. They all end up leaving.

>> No.5940260

just go
this is getting pathetic

>> No.5940267

Passcloud, angie, skeak to name only a few ( who have been caught replying to themselves ). I have old ck screen grabs from like 2006... I never boot up my macpro anymore though.

>> No.5940284

Yeah this guy does it a fuckton though and he's really egregious about it. It's literally like:
>ur a faget
>underrated post
>this guy
>y u mad tho?

If he was funny or clever to begin with I don't think I would be so fired up about it.

Also the fact that he's drawn to the chillest board on 4chan... it boggles the mind.

>> No.5940300

is it brunch even about eating and no about meeting and socialize?

>> No.5940315
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>> No.5940317

I go to bars with good breakfasts, that way I can just sit at the bar. That's not weird to do alone

>> No.5940354
File: 34 KB, 600x600, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5940388

Stop acting like a fucking faggot. You might or might not look weird but stop giving a fuck about that. Looking weird has never killed anybody beside beta faggots that can't man the fuck up.

I go eat out alone all the time because people that I hang out with don't always want to go, but I do so I just fucking go.

If you aren't some retarded autistic man-child and you can try to socialize with strangers and even sit with them to eat.

>> No.5940553

>"Hey look, that person is eating by themselves, what a faggot." -said no one ever

>"Hey look, that person is eating by themselves, let's carry on with our conversation." -said no one ever

>*carries on with conversation, not paying attention to anyone else* -typical

>> No.5940658


>under 6"2

jesus christ listen to yourself

>> No.5940674

What you talking bout, that looks delicious.
Looks like an english breakfast

>> No.5940684

No. As long as you're reading the paper, tablet, or book you'll look like an intellectual.

>> No.5940698
File: 153 KB, 853x739, u6R0KE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>under 6'2"
>not a manlet

Get a load of this manlet

>> No.5940720

I'm 25.
I can verify that I am the guy who posted it and I've done no samefagging here.

>> No.5940917

Actually, I would recommend looking as haggard as possible. Hungover people get a free pass for doing just about anything solo up till about 2pm.

>> No.5941259

Replace whiskey with fernet and that's me.

>> No.5941703


If some busybody doesn't like it, then so what? Why would you care what J Random Bozo thinks about you?

I'll eat at any restaurant by myself as long as I have something to read while I eat. One good choice of reading material at restaurants when eating by yourself is The Economist.