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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 259 KB, 1536x1024, Brown Eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5934772 No.5934772 [Reply] [Original]

Post pictures of food that taste disgusting

>> No.5934775
File: 673 KB, 2400x1600, Raisin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5934777

So I take it you prefer white eggs?

>> No.5934778


>> No.5934781

>Here, let me suck all the juice out of this grape and then you can eat it.

>> No.5934784
File: 375 KB, 440x3266, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5934785

More delicious raisins for me, then. Also prunes. Love me some prunes, too. ^_^
Especially prunes, actually. Even more than raisins. Raisins can go suck a shit if prunes are around. Prunes beat raisins, always. Fuck yes, I want some prunes. Also, did I mention prunes?

>> No.5934790

*raises paw*
um, but prunes are gross

>> No.5934793

Dont forget to leave it under the sun for a few days first

>> No.5934799

>ITT /ck/ confirmed for having shit-tier tastes

>> No.5934802

You did, to the point of being fucking annoying and sounding like a faggot.

Fuck, now I want prunes too

>> No.5934803
File: 39 KB, 1200x630, pumping_seeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5934804
File: 8 KB, 273x185, dsakfjhl2w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5934807
File: 958 KB, 2000x1500, rye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sickening that of all the delicious breads, the hipsters chose the most shit-tier one to make popular.

>> No.5934810

I would post a human vagina but this is SFW.

>> No.5934813


>> No.5934814

Come over and have some prunes! I'm about to walk downstairs and get myself a handful of delicious, delicious prunes. :3


>> No.5934819
File: 1.89 MB, 3008x2000, dsc_0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are people actually unironically eating these things?

>> No.5934820

Salted sunflower seeds are the most horrible things I've ever eaten.

>> No.5934821
File: 534 KB, 1728x1296, dsc07207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[vomiting intensifies]

>> No.5934824
File: 494 KB, 1024x768, 1392157030650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Source; Jew Mom

>> No.5934825

I don't think /ck/ hates anything more than they hate eggs

>> No.5934827

What the hell is that yellow shit.........

>> No.5934828

I just ate a handful. I should go back downstairs and get more. They're simply delectable. n_n

>> No.5934829
File: 214 KB, 1600x1200, caper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5934830


>> No.5934831

what are those things? ew

>> No.5934832

Not entirely sure... but I think it's sea urchin.

>> No.5934834
File: 191 KB, 1600x1253, Chickpea soak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5934835

Prunes. Delicious, delicious prunes. They're so sweet and paradoxically most for being a dried fruit. They're just magical.

>> No.5934837


>> No.5934838

Aw. You don't like chickpeas? I think I can change your mind were you to try them any of the several ways I prepare them. They're pretty good! And good for you!

>> No.5934840

Ever have salted ones rather than brined? Different taste. You might like those.

>> No.5934848

Are you fucking retarded? Read the replies already posted, its sea urchin row. If you dont know the answer dont post. Its clearly not mustard you stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.5934852

>sea urchin "row"
>calling others retarded

You're the one that seems retarded to meow, bro. :3

>> No.5934855

And how do you know it's not mustard? It looks like mustard.

>> No.5934858

It looks like yellow caviar to me


>Every time I have had a Tiradito de Pescado I have been suprised with a new flavor combo. I would have to say this combination was the best. Light, sweet, and somewhat briny flavor of the Sea Urchin complemented by the rich, tender, and buttery Toro (Tuna Belly), whats not to love?`

It's sea urchin

>> No.5934862


Look at the 'fn picture. You can clearly see the small round eggs.

Besides, mustard wouldn't make any sense in that dish.

>> No.5934863

English isnt my first language i see now that its roe. still clear enough that you know what I meant and had to be pedantic to correct me

its clearly not mustard

>> No.5934866

been answered several times already m8

>> No.5934867

Hard boiled eggs are nasty.

Best is scrambled with heavy cream so it's light and fluffy and top with ketchup or salsa

>> No.5934869

But this time there's proof because it's the description of the image posted on a blog.

>> No.5934870

Eating rye is like chewing on cardboard

>> No.5934871

>waaah!!! not a native speaker!!!
Yeah? It's not my first language, either. Nor my second nor even my third or fourth.
That's no excuse for needlessly calling someone who asked a question
retarded when you're going to be making a mistake as you "correct" that person.
As the old saying goes
>there are no stupid questions; just stupid people.
You are one of them. Stupid people, I mean. You're stupid, you big stupid. And not because you made a mistake but because you were so arrogant about correcting someone then got fanny-flustered when someone corrected you.

lrn2English, you mong.

>> No.5934873

Sorry, 4chan is for adults.

>> No.5934875

Dude, omurice needs ketchup.

>> No.5934876

If you think boiled eggs are nasty, then you're boiling them too long. 8 minutes=perfect eggy weggy.

>> No.5934877

Their mistake was much worse than a misspelling of roe you fucking cockmangler

>> No.5934879

>I speak 5 languages respect me!

>> No.5934880

I like ketchup on (or even mixed into!) scrambled eggs.
And by mixed into, I don't mean the raw eggs. I mean cook'em up then squirt some 'chup all o'er'em and mix. Om nom nom.

>> No.5934884

Ohh japanese cuisine... that sounds promising.
*Rolls eyes*

>> No.5934885
File: 43 KB, 453x268, the_bread_based_jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5934887

>waaaaaaaaaaah!!! someone called me out on my bullshit!
Cry more. Your tears sustain me.

>> No.5934890
File: 3.06 MB, 2793x2793, Onion_on_White.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another thread? I guess I'll post the obligatory then.

>> No.5934892


>> No.5934894

What mistake?
Someone simply asked if it was mustard then someone else, presumably you, was needlessly unpleasant to that poster and mocked him.
Then got mocked himself.
Then got bumblasted about being mocked.
That's exactly as it went, silly-tits. ^_~

Meh. More like
>don't use the fact that you're not a native speaker of a given language as an excuse to make mistakes, especially when you're trying to correct someone else using that language

>> No.5934901

>needlessly unpleasant
reddit pls go

>> No.5934902


>> No.5934905

Don't hate until you've tried the food of my people

>> No.5934911

Never been. What's it like?

>> No.5934916


>> No.5934918

4chan 5 years from now

>> No.5934929

le oldfag mehmeh

>> No.5934940

Eating rye should be a sin.

>> No.5934946

For the longest time I couldn't stand egg white, it just tasted like almost nothing and had such a gross texture, every time I had eggs I'd only eat the yolk and leave the rest. I don't know how or when it changed but at some point I eating the white just fine, I think it was when I started cooking for myself. Though even now I still can't eat just the white. Yolk master race for life.

>> No.5934960

Do you likes scrambled eggs?

>> No.5934965


>> No.5934987

I haven't tried any since I started eating the egg white since it's not something that is a usual part of meals I eat, though I'd be up for trying it again since I made my own omelette that was pretty good.

>> No.5935010
File: 23 KB, 362x322, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5935104
File: 62 KB, 300x357, aunt-jemima-syrup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5935114
File: 31 KB, 456x273, 2972414772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off when cantaloupe is perfectly ripe it is delicious you must be a nig nog that prefers shitty mealy watermelon

>> No.5935176

Not him but objectively watermelon is better

>> No.5935197

why can't we have both?

>> No.5935206
File: 48 KB, 500x487, 224223519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can it's just that one is clearly better than the other (watermelon)

>> No.5935232
File: 66 KB, 720x445, mint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything mint is for fags

>> No.5935251

I spit mustard all over my keyboard reading this. What a dingus

>> No.5935252
File: 269 KB, 720x960, 1412367221649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed for never having ripe cantaloupe

>> No.5935280

Well it does look a bit like mustard

>> No.5935357

I like honeydew.

>> No.5935427

I do too but like cantaloupe it has to ripe or it has no flavor but yeah cantaloupe and honeydew are my favorite melons

>> No.5935500

All melons except good watermelon.

>> No.5935511
File: 5 KB, 224x225, images-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't like mango? Nigga is you serious?

>> No.5935538
File: 717 KB, 500x281, 900fc17f-2b27-4cb0-8b6c-07cd8722b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Melon fags desperately trying to shill their shity melons
Watermelon is the only melon doing it right

>mfw I realized cantaloupe barely has any juiciness and always tastes dry

>> No.5935546

This. Cantaloupe so bad

>> No.5935548

We all have, and we all know it's comprised entirely of derivative shit.

>> No.5935550

Except Japanese cuisine is one of the most respected cuisines after Italian.

>> No.5935557

That's because you buy them at a grocery store that buys them from a factory farm where they pick them before they are ripe because muh profits. Fully ripened cantaloupe is objectively more flavorful than a fully ripened watermelon. You don't know this because you are ignorant. I'd suggest going to a farmer's market but I know your dumb, ignorant ass won't because you are dumb, ignorant and probably (most likely) a pompous ass hole, so I would suggest that you fuck yourself in the ass with a horned melon.

>> No.5935561

Farmers markets are just mexicans selling stuff from wal mart with dirt poured on top

Liberals are dumb

>> No.5935565

>Disgusting cantaloupes are more flavourful than delicious watermelons
Post discarded

>> No.5935567

Not him but I buy them from the organic section; I know they're ripe. And they still taste like cardboard.

>> No.5935570

>m-muh farmers markets
Just stop. Enjoy buying overpriced shit with bugs in them.

>> No.5935571

>>5935561Maybe in California, haha.

Trashy, ignorant niggers are dumb. Keep on keeping on brotha.

>> No.5935572

>everyone is a faggot except mr

>> No.5935574

Stay trashy, dumb and poor niggers.

>> No.5935575

>down here in the south, we support our farmers yuuup mhm

>> No.5935585

Upstate NY and I don't care about supporting farmers, I'd just rather pay less for objectively better food. But hey you are a dumb, ignorant, trashy nigger so I can't blame you for the mistake. It's your parents fault.

>> No.5935586


>> No.5935672
File: 136 KB, 498x318, green_olives_trikala_peppers_498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5935677

Funny troll.

>> No.5935763

>thinking I'm trolling
Olives a shit.

>> No.5936752

You're retarded.

>> No.5936758
File: 2.03 MB, 2560x1920, English_Breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The English in charge of breakfast
Not even once.

>> No.5936759

>too much cream in the coffee
>no pulp OJ
>uncooked yolk
>beans for breakfast
>a random whole tomato
>shitty sausage
>no butter on the bread

>> No.5936767

Are you complaining about sunny-side up eggs? I guess the yolk could be cooked more if they used lower temperature, the bottom of that egg is a bit too brown.

Only real advantage of an English breakfast is that it's focused more on protein than carbs or sugar.

That meat looks like shit though. Needs ham and better sausage.

>> No.5936772

Bongs don't care. They're just happy to take a break from boiled meats only for just one meal.

>> No.5936774

>boiled meats

Please don't tell me this is a thing. I can not handle this idea.

>> No.5936778

>no bacon
>no mushrooms
>no black pudding

That ain't an English breakfast.

>> No.5936780


>> No.5936783

It's not, it's just another le epic ck me-me. There's one ancient dish, jellied eels, that no one eats anymore that was made by boiling diced eel. If anything British cuisine is about roasting.

>> No.5936789

boiled ham's pretty nice

>> No.5936798

>boiled ham

That's different because it's roasted at the end, kind of like reverse braising and everyone loves braised meat dispite half the cooking of it being essentially boiled.

>> No.5936800
File: 740 KB, 1000x813, Norinokonoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5936814

But Italians boil some meats and everybody loves it and raves about how fancy and shit some of those boiled meats are.

>> No.5936820

>italian cuisine
>most respected
I enjoyed a hearty guffaw.

>> No.5936823

How have you never heard of boiled chicken?

>> No.5936846


I'm not the guy you're replying to but I've been cooking seriously for about 12 years now and I've never heard of it either.

Poached chicken? Sure. Master stock chicken? Yeah, heard of that too. I even make it. But boiled? Why the fuck would you want to do that? The moment you get the heat above a simmer you can expect a nasty cloudy broth and unpleasant texture in the meat.

>> No.5936856

>I've been cooking seriously for about 12 years now

Guess you wasted 12 years. How the fuck can you not know about boiled meat?

>> No.5936893

>How the fuck can you not know about boiled meat?

Because nobody who knows what the fuck they're doing actually boils meat? Poach, sure. Boil? No.

>> No.5936905

Are you niggas ignoring Honeydew?


>> No.5936931

I like Rye for reubans. But that's about it.

>> No.5936935

Looks like you don't know what you're doing. You should feel ashamed for being such an ignorant amateur after 12 years.

>> No.5936941

kill yourself furfag

>> No.5936942
File: 697 KB, 640x628, dSr82KL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5936943


cool story bro

>> No.5936944

I love rye bread, but people need to learn there is a whole rainbow of choice for rye.

They might like light rye, which is more "bready"

But children prefer light and airy bread for their bologna sandwiches

>> No.5936946
File: 402 KB, 3264x2448, l59utHj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5936947

Nice meme retard.

>> No.5936948


>> No.5936949
File: 19 KB, 365x487, fy0hIfW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5936955
File: 307 KB, 840x630, 46Mv6JE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5936958
File: 194 KB, 840x630, z4WX200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5936963
File: 260 KB, 840x630, FREIQbK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5936966
File: 235 KB, 840x630, xtcGkKg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5936970
File: 189 KB, 840x630, ZWjPBjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5936972

why did someone put dog shit on a waffle and then cum on it?

>> No.5936975
File: 251 KB, 840x630, Hrz7EF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5936976

what am I looking at here exactly, Jeff?

>> No.5936977


what the fuck is happening

>> No.5936978
File: 235 KB, 840x630, FpZuoWl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5936980

Thanksgiving dinner!

>> No.5936981
File: 19 KB, 800x600, 1412791393860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5936982
File: 297 KB, 840x630, 0e9Zq9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5936984

>pumpkey pie

>> No.5936986
File: 309 KB, 840x630, zTeykNp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5936988

What's more confusing is, why the fuck is that dish sitting on a heap of hay?

>> No.5936990

it's all some reddit faggotry

>> No.5936999

legitly looks like 4chan/wizardchan though

>> No.5937002

>Black olives

>> No.5937003

fucking kill yourself

>> No.5937008

Die in a fire meme insults.

It's from malechef.tumblr com
has nothing to do with reddit

>> No.5937012
File: 313 KB, 616x926, caulk cone1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5937014

That doesn't make it better or even matter.


>> No.5937016

even gayer

>> No.5937017
File: 303 KB, 617x978, caulk cone2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5937018

>look at me being a nig newton

>> No.5937021


pot au feu, faggot.

u think u no shit but u dun

>> No.5937022

>implying this isn't the best thing on that shit site

It is actually better than anything on reddit. And I wasn't implying it was somehow better, I was pointing out that you're a turbofaggot with no original thoughts so you spout reddit generalizations.

>> No.5937024


>> No.5937025

What's with the fucking newfags?

>> No.5937028

Back to reddit newshit.

>> No.5937031

This could have been fine if it werent for that fucking football

>> No.5937037

I see unfunny tryhard pics and I think: reddit
That's how I roll

>> No.5937045

nah you see things you don't like and you immediately think reddit

>> No.5937047


>> No.5937050

You should take your own advice and fuck off back to rebbit

>> No.5937103

That reminds me, I need to clean the litter box.

>> No.5937130

sea urchin gonads, known as uni.

>> No.5937134


Damn you Haruhi, always abusing Mikuru to get what you want.

>> No.5937166

You're a useless, shitty person if you say "newfag" outside of /b/ real talk.

In fact, go back to that board and stay there.

>> No.5937196

How come you don't like onions? Do you like them grilled?

>> No.5937216
File: 45 KB, 460x360, roasted-brussels-sprouts-fd-lg-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst vegetable ever invented

>> No.5937231

But that's not artichoke...

>> No.5937292


both of you are fucked

>> No.5937341

>thats tea m8
>all english orange juice is imported, therefore no pulp
>our eggs aren't infected like yours, safe to eat raw
>grilled tomato
>breakfast chipolatas are based as fuck
>the bread is already fried in butter

>> No.5937373

>>fight the power

>> No.5937375

Try cooking them

>> No.5937379

Eat shit and die

>> No.5937386

>all english orange juice is imported, therefore no pulp

The fuck you on about, you can easly get orange juice with pulp here.

>> No.5937401

It tends be a very small minority though, compared to say Spain where nearly all juice has pulp.

>> No.5937484


very small minority? like every supermarket stocks it alongside the smooth stuff. stop talking out of your bumhole.

>> No.5937498

I've never known a person who actually buys juice with pulp though. It's just sort of there.

>> No.5937504
File: 20 KB, 300x300, Can-I-give-my-baby-lima-beans[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone actually like lima beans?

>> No.5937511
File: 145 KB, 1024x600, dat ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While scrolling down the page, I thought that was a picture of a baby with it's face down and ass up...

>> No.5937519


>cream in coffee

gonna hurl, also that's tea you plonkah

>no pulp OJ

how is there anything wrong with that

>uncooked yolk

oh i see you're just a faggot

>beans for breakfast

and what

>a random whole tomato

and for what arbitrary reason is this tomato 'random'?

>shitty sausage

lol americans trying to talk shit about sausage. too small for you?

>no butter on the bread

optional extra

>> No.5937525

>how is there anything wrong with that

You must 12 years old

>> No.5937553


like every other fucking juice product is filtered and we drink it happily. the only reason you're prissy about pulpy oj is cause you spent your childhood thinking it was manly and adult to drink it even though it's completely unnecessary.

>> No.5937657

They call them "dried plums" now because folks are cunts.

>> No.5937667

Funny that I bought a box the other day and it read "prunes," in large, friendly letters right on the label.
Odd, that.

>> No.5937688

That tea looks watery as fuck.

>> No.5938005

hell yes. i also like most green things.

>> No.5938109

roasted, they taste really good, i don't know why you don't lime them

>> No.5938152
File: 27 KB, 483x400, notcheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No reason to use this "cheese" ever. EVER

>> No.5938161

But that's wrong.

>> No.5938182

prove it faggot. Give me one dish where there isn't a cheese that would be better. Don't you fucking dare say hamburgers or grilled cheese either. Both of those taste way better with literally any other cheese that's not a piece of disgusting processed shit.

>> No.5938184

I-is that sliced liverwurst stacked like cake and covered in mayo and mustard?

Oh god is that cheese product? I accidentally got a pack once and threw up a little when I grabbed a slice and took a bite.

>> No.5938206

Just because the only American you've tried is the bottom-of-the-barrel, non-melting plastic kind, it doesn't make you an expert. As a matter of fact, quite the opposite.

>> No.5938208

>talks about boiled chicken
>complains about memes

>> No.5938235

No. I've had faggots like you tell me all the time "No you just need to try THIS american cheese" Kraft Singles, Velveeta, some "fancy" shit sliced off a block, it's all gross. It has the consistency of soft melted plastic, it sticks to the roof of your mouth, has an unpleasant taste, and has an unpleasant aftertaste. WW2 ended nearly 70 years ago. There aren't anymore restrictions on cheese. We don't need to suffer like our grandparents did

>> No.5938260

Even if you could somehow prove that American Cheese is somehow not a disgusting soft shitty nightmare you can't prove that it is better for anything. Literally anything you can use american cheese on would be better with cheddar. Burgers are better with cheddar or swiss, grilled cheese is better with cheddar, the list goes on.

>> No.5938308

>I've had Kraft Singles and Velveeta, I know what I'm talking about

It's a form of mild cheddar that has been processed, usually with sodium citrate, so that it has melting consistency. Quit being overly dramatic, I've processed other cheese myself and it doesn't really change the flavor profile.

>> No.5938318

>reads list of 2
>thinks that's all the shitty american cheese i've eaten

Why don't you just melt your cheddar cheese in an oven or steam it you fucking moron. If sodium citrate can make cheese taste that fucking terrible than why ruin perfectly good cheese with it?

>> No.5938323

>proving my point

Tell me about your other culinary boogy men.

>> No.5938358

Is that what americans call milk in coffee, or do they actually have cream in their coffees?

>> No.5938362


When we say cream we mean half and half. When we say milk, we mean milk.

>> No.5938364
File: 9 KB, 224x225, muh nemesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic horribly related

does anyone actually like this shit

>> No.5938374


this isn't delicious food that looks horrible

>clearly 7 layer dip or something similar
>would scarf in a heartbeat

>> No.5938398

> getty images

>> No.5938400

Yea like a billion far east Asians love it. My wife scarfs it down as if it was mac'n'cheese. I mean kimchee is one thing but natto is a whdiff diff bag of tricks

>> No.5938404

jesus i kekd

>> No.5938406


i just haven't been able to get there mang

stinky tofu, no problem

natto is my waterloo

>> No.5938430
File: 164 KB, 1000x669, mushrooms-fried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These shit things.

>> No.5938436

Mine also. It makes me sick. I'm always on for testing new food (especially asian ones) but Natto is where I draw the line.

>> No.5938471

ITT manchildren with no palate.

>> No.5939500

goddamn they're disgusting

>> No.5939518

That picture looks delicious.

Would eat/10.

>> No.5939561

Hamburgers and grilled cheese

>> No.5939567

The only cheeses better for burgers than American are butterkäse and raclette. No others melt as delectably delicious as does American.

>> No.5939586
File: 149 KB, 600x902, mentaiko-pasta-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




meh tier



absolutely disgusting

>pic related, not even once

>> No.5939601

Confirmed for not eaten real melons once.

>> No.5939605
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>> No.5939612

what the hell am i looking at

>> No.5939624
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>> No.5939630


>> No.5939641

that's a lot of semen

>> No.5939647


>> No.5939652
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>> No.5939658

*gags at the thought of mushrooms being near me*

>> No.5939659

>pasta with fish
2/10 try harder

>> No.5939824
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>> No.5939855

Roasted cauliflower is amazing.

Some people boil it to death and it tastes like death

>> No.5939861
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>> No.5939956

It tastes awful and is just as awful for you.
No reason to not be eating broccoli instead.

>> No.5939980

Shit, those were one of my favourite sweets as a child, my spouse hates them though.

>> No.5939996
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I have never liked Oreo cookies, nor their imitators Hydrox and the ilk. The creme filling makes my stomach turn, the cookie it's self is dreadful. The combination of the two is nauseating. It is like eating chemically sweetened grout. Cookies and cream anything is just as awful.

>> No.5940117

>hating on oreos
Just leave

>> No.5940127

Fucking hell I love natto.

>> No.5940136

I dislike them, too.

>> No.5940282

Hydrox is not an imitator, it was around before Oreos.

>> No.5940353

What kind of name is Hydrox anyways? Sounds like a kind of chemical to clean a pool with.

>> No.5940888
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runny egg whites *barf*

>> No.5940898
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>> No.5940979
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A-are those erasers?

>> No.5940985
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>> No.5940994


10/10. Would Clap Again.

>> No.5940995


If you've ever wanted to know what licorice's vile bastard children with coconut, vanilla, lemon and various other flavours taste like, now you can!

They're also sickeningly saccharine-tasting to me. Simply horrid.

>> No.5941026

I eat one, go "hmm, yeah these aren't bad"
eat another one and then think they taste like satan's asshole.

Grandad loved them though.

>> No.5941032

>mixed with coconut

I don't have and I can't find a vomit image sufficient to express my feelings about this. You know the one of the guy vomiting what appears to be milk from his mouth, nose, and eyes? Maybe if I had a 10000x10000 mosaic of that image in different colors forming a composite vomiting-from-every-orifice superimage, with the "ONLY THE DEAD CAN KNOW PEACE FROM THIS EVIL" macro superimposed onto it, that would come within a few orders of magnitude. It still wouldn't be enough, but it would give the average 4channer a vague idea of the sheer unspeakable disgust and terror I'm currently feeling. This is the kind of indescribably malevolent, soul-destroying emotion that is normally reserved for those who lay mortal eyes on one of the Great Old Ones.

>> No.5941034

They're disgusting.

>> No.5941084


>hating rye bread


>> No.5941097

I love licorice. I love aniseed. I detest allsorts. They're amongst the worst sweets ever concocted.

Even Australian licorice is better than allsorts.

>> No.5941107

>unironically liking rye

>> No.5941135


Rye is the best.
Second Best is pumpernickel
Third is Potato
Fourth is sourdough

>> No.5941152

Whole wheat > white > honey oat > flatbread > > > > > literal dog shit > all that hipster bullshit you listed.

>> No.5941158

>potato bread

>> No.5941162

>Implying white bread isn't the best
Everything else is practically shit compared to white bread

>> No.5941345

See in my household growing up we put onions on or in pretty much everything. it wasn't until I went to college that I realized it wasn't common to do this. I love onions tho

>> No.5941350

Try taking a break from white bread. I've spent a year or two away from it, and now whenever I have it just tastes overwhelmingly starchy.

>> No.5941387

fucking goyim

In all seriousness, I'm not at all Jewish and I love bagels and lox. What don't you like about it?

>> No.5941398

This shit, this shit right here.

I guarantee there are some fatasses that think this garbage comes out of a tree. I was sometimes subjected to this as a child because it's cheaper than the real thing, but I'll never eat pancakes again before I'll have fake-ass corn syrup with 'maple flavor.'

>> No.5941407

ya get you rbrain checked

>> No.5941412


I grew up in a single parent household, had to ride the city bus to school while everyone else had cars, but one thing we never had was that fake ass corn syrup for pancakes.

Always real food, no exceptions. Other corners could be cut.

>> No.5941439

Has nobody here ever made chicken and dumplings by boiling a whole chicken, picking the meat off, straining the stock and returning the meat then adding dumplings and seasoning? I mean... What the fuck how do you people make stock for soups without boiling meat or bones? Shit's got me confused.

>> No.5941505
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>> No.5941516


>> No.5941954

Holy shit your all a bunch of fucking rubes seriosuly

>> No.5942361

The point of emphasis is the difference between boiling and poaching, or even simmering. You'll get more tender chicken and a clearer stock by poaching or simmering rather than boiling.

>> No.5942440
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raw oysters

>> No.5942458


Shits far too sweet.

>> No.5942463

>people complaining about eggs, peaches, and oreos
>they're rubes

>> No.5942469

>not eating them dipped in milk


>> No.5942495

If it ain't 100% rye, it ain't rye bread.

>> No.5942502

I make chicken stock in a pressure cooker. You don't get much more boiling than pressurised water. Considering that water boils at 100°C (212°F) and pressurised water raises the temp of the boiling point by 30° (to 130°C/266°F), that's certainly more boiling than boiling.
And guess what? It's clear as crystal.
You're a faggot.

>> No.5942506

>ou don't get much more boiling than pressurised water.

Actually, it doesn't boil at all. Because it's pressurized.

It's not the temperature that makes stock cloudy, it's the boiling action of the bubbles and whatnot rolling around. Pressure cooker doesn't make the stock cloudy because the pressure suppresses the formation of bubbles.

>> No.5942520

... is that what I think it is

>> No.5942523
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I drop a couple oreos into milk and let them get soggy, then eat them. Shit's like crack. It's almost too sweet for me now, though

>> No.5942526

Be this true, you've taught me something and I thank you. Be this false, I will shit in your socks.

Pray that you speak truth.

>> No.5942531

> this is what americans actually call cake

>> No.5942540
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>he prefers British cake

>> No.5942542

shut up nigger those are great. Taste like sugary bliss.

>> No.5942543

Trop merveilleux! C'est vrai!

I guess that explains also why my tonkotsu now, though nice and thick like it should be, lacks the milky colour of when I used to make it without the pressure cooker. I assumed it was because of the quality of the pork I've been buying lately.

>> No.5942601
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Prawns (US: Shrimp)

>> No.5942645


>> No.5942655

it tastes like soapy water.

>> No.5942691

Fuck off, onions are a gift from god

>> No.5942700

And I suppose you also fish them out with your fingers...?

>> No.5942704
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I can't stand them. They taste like feet.

>> No.5942807

LOVE Parma Violets!

>> No.5942811

You shouldn't.

>> No.5942895

This. I like thanksgiving and Christmasone thing I deaqrly lovwe is xheap tutkey thighs. Everryone else wants perfect white breast meat. not me. usually dey and tastesless. the only way I like a turkey breast sandwich is with mayo and or stuffing. Butt... cheap turkey thighs. pressure cooled with a few carrots, onions, celery tops or ends) coolled, striped. the meat in zip loxk baggs for uae in turkey salad, torkey sammiches turkey hash, the list is endless . strain the broth through a collander lined with chesse cloth or a clean n old pillowcase.. clear broth to make noodle soups I tend to get gout and high blood presure. so you can control your salt or other intaske. lastly, if you have pets like cars or small indoror dogs (or even large out door types) the bones are sofened and wont choke..caution I know ck. don't do it alone or drinking.

>> No.5943019

I truly apologize ck. I made a bet that I could write or respond without my glasses. I lost. but the turkey stuff is true. good stuff. and the pressure cooker stuff even morso. dont go off and leave one alone, with kids or get durnk or high..please.but a lazy afternoon, you can make some good stuff, beter and cheaper than "store bought". One last thought everyone likes to cook at holiday times. Food brings us together. Turn the handles of the pans toward the inside of the stove so little hands cant grasp and pull it down/over themselves. Jaysus, hallowen is gone but that is one horror story no one should ever have to live or relive. and it only takes an instant. be careful. no funny meme

>> No.5943023


>> No.5943333
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It tastes literally to nothing.

>> No.5943944

>having no palatte

>> No.5943977
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Fuck tripe. I don't care if you call me a picky eater, I will never again eat tripe. There are things not meant for human consumption and tripe is definitely part of that list.

>> No.5943982


>> No.5944019

Is this catering in the church of Satan?

>> No.5944036
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Ugh, I can't stand any melon. They're all just fucking sweet and watery. Why not just pour some water in a bowl and eat it with a spoon?

>pic related
>a good fruit

>> No.5944081

>I wont eat melon
>But I'll suck on disgusting lemons

>> No.5944084





allsorts are almost as GOAT as fisherman's friend and pear drops/rhubarb and custard for idle mastication

>> No.5944087

>sucking on a lemon
>not eating it
I'm sorry you'll only pure and wet sugar

>> No.5944094

You've, quite literally, the worst taste, ever. It should be punishable by law to have such shit preferences.

>> No.5944096

You mean the fucking juice? Might want to lay off the lemons they're damaging your taste buds.

>> No.5944113

theres a shit ton of people in Spain that don't tolerate juice with pulp in it. If you're getting it freshly squeezed of course it's gonna have pulp but when you buy it packaged you actually have to look for the brands that do have pulp in them. they have big signs on them to specify it.

source: I live in Spain

>> No.5944117


>> No.5944125


I golden sliced garlic on a saucepan, then add boiled cauliflower. sautee for a while then add a couple of beaten eggs and scarmable that together careful to not make it a mush. Serve it with serrano ham and toasted french bread.
It's fucking delicious let me tell you

captcha: phSCEr SAVOURY

>> No.5944131

ok this convinced me. this a definitely a troll thread

>> No.5944499

my nigga

>> No.5945855

how do u fucking hate lox and bagels, you got capers and cream cheese then u slam some fine ass salmon on it and onions if u care for it

shits perfect although a bit overkill for breakfast

>> No.5945870
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i think its harder to find good honeydew over cantaloupe though so experiences when ripe are great but are mostly obscured by how shitty they usually end up being and most of the time that means theyre mealy and dry without sweetness

I always feel ripped off like when I went to buy a quince without fucking knowing what it was or a cherimoya

there ya go Cherimoya, deceiving fruit right next to a quince

>> No.5945915
