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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5933821 No.5933821 [Reply] [Original]

>white people food

awww hell nawww

>> No.5933828

Looks good to me

>> No.5933831

>trying to force a stereotype on a class in a desperate attempt to hurt them like they hurt you

awww hell nawww

>> No.5933836 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 400x400, GG17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no chicken

>> No.5933841

Asian here. Swedish meatballs are delicious.

>> No.5933846

I would kill for that right now.

I'm white. You figured me out OP.

>> No.5933847 [DELETED] 

reported or racism.

Enjoy the ban

>> No.5933848

check your white privilege hun

>> No.5933852

I checked your racist views, it was enough for the night.

>> No.5933855

>accusing others for racism

>> No.5933857

You just called him white?

Da's racist.

>> No.5933864


>> No.5933865

this bigotry is unacceptable, please leave. I hate to read these racist views

>> No.5933869 [DELETED] 
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aww are you hurt :(

>> No.5933885 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5933910
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>checks out

>> No.5933973

>awww hell nawww

>> No.5934102
File: 197 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Bryndzové_halušky_so_slaninou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally nothing wrong with that image

meatballs with gravy and mashed potatoes with lingonberries on the side is great

>> No.5934140

>Expect microwave meals
>Get something actually good

If you want a white trash thread, do it righy

>> No.5934991

>negro detected

>> No.5934996

I had african friends back in university. One day I invited them to eat at my place and made fishsticks with potatoes and broccoli. They called it white people food.

>> No.5934997

> not bushmeat

>> No.5934999
File: 89 KB, 430x269, Stuvade Makaroner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the? Looks like stuvade makaroner

>> No.5935005

>invite people to eat at your place
>give them a childrens meal


>> No.5935008
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Another nordic food, Chinese Pie, eaten in parts of Quebec where the closest immigrant is at least 200 kms away.

>> No.5935015

I'm from a relatively catholic family and we would always eat fish on friday's. So I made fishsticks. It was not a formal event, just a friendly lunch.
I wouldn't call fishsticks childish. SImple yes, childish no.

>> No.5935017

That just look like cottage/shepherds pie where someone made a layer of sweet corn instead of mixing it into the meat sauce.

>> No.5935020

Don't get me wrong, I like fishfingers and simple meals as much as the next person but they're pretty plain and not really a meal I'd give at a social gathering, formal or not. It's something you either cook for yourself or for the children after coming back from a hard days work and you don't have the energy to make a fancier meal.

>> No.5935023

>Doesn't destroy your body, clog your arteries and make you gain 20lbs per bite
>Aww hell nawww white people food

Fucking niggers.

>> No.5935034

>Mash potatoes

I'd eat that every meal for a year

>> No.5935056
File: 55 KB, 632x412, 6a00d8341bf67c53ef014e88f80a4f970d-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black people food

>> No.5935111

Why is /ck/ so racist? Actually, I only ever see white and black yanks being racist. Huh, guess americlaps are best at bein a shit civilasation as well. :^)

>> No.5935122


So an Arab? An Indian? A Mongolian?

>> No.5935299
File: 224 KB, 2048x2048, 4534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Tfw those pesky summer months are over and it's time again for proper nourishment again.

>> No.5935315

It's because /ck/ is /int/ with food.

Also you just proved my point.

>> No.5935334


>> No.5935356

>Also you just proved my point.
checkmate, christians

>> No.5935399

Nah, on /int/ it is open and free racism. It is funny. It is much nastier here.

>> No.5935414

yeah, they used to be hot shit till that idiot napoleon decided to fight a war in the russian winter

>> No.5935436

On /int/ it is funny to be racist.When you are racist to someone, expect it back. Saying /ck/ should be like /int/ is like saying /b/ should be like /v/ :^)

>> No.5935465

>black people food

>> No.5935478


What you actually see is white people assuming anyone making fun of white people is black.

Take me, for instance. Whenever I make a comment about white people, I get a comment back about how "you people should be grateful we rescued you from africa". Huh?

>> No.5935484

Well, you are right. I've laughed at Japan's antics in the pass, but /ck/ is just bile.

>> No.5935485
File: 56 KB, 350x415, knm3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dem pickles.
I used to hate them on anything but now I love it when there's pickles on my sandwich.

>> No.5935487

Back to /v/ troll.

>> No.5935525


You're just mad because you can't figure out what insults to use :^)

>> No.5935535

Back to /v/ you quarter-cast.

>> No.5935536


You're not going to guess. And I haven't set foot in /v/ since one brief visit around 2009ish

>> No.5935539


first trap hentai i fapped to

>> No.5935543

are you of the faggot race?

>> No.5935552


We can do this all night. I did this to someone on /g/ once and the thread 404'd. I suggest you give up now.

>> No.5935556

Now I want to see who has the shittiest comment that makes the thread 404. You can do this all night though, yeah?

>> No.5935558
File: 919 KB, 400x240, 6849d4d8-1b87-4a2d-8d9f-486014ab9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically being straight

>> No.5935559

nah, it's potato dumplings with sheep cheese and bacon
super simple, very comforting. sometimes I'll just use fried spaetzle and whatever sheep cheese I have available, like pecorino

>> No.5935573
File: 222 B, 300x300, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black people food

>> No.5935579

I bet you say yolo and dueces all the time.

>> No.5935582

Yes. Also, can be able at a few months and I can get a lot to the way of this is not sure if I can you have any questions about a this is not be a bit more about the other use of me know what I am not be a bit more than that the new year?

>> No.5935588

Ah! So you are a lazy geordie slag! Should of guessed.

>> No.5935590

I'd fuck her.

>> No.5935593
File: 1001 KB, 500x372, 5f64e75a-50bd-43fb-9eb3-058b46bae.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking you are worthy of any of the queen's time

>> No.5935595


The other guy didn't have that one. But no. Also, open a bit of a we are the other than that the way you are not be a bit and I have any. Game on Tue Dec I can get a few days to the other than a lot to the way of the other. Brand manager at the way of this email and the way you are not be able and then we have a bit more information contained herein.

>> No.5935597

I entertained you for a moment, I won't suffer this abomination of English again.

>> No.5935599
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>> No.5935603

Keep going. I want to see how many you have. What's that slags name agian? Didn't she suck a dick? Brb.

>> No.5935604

>shit posting cooking boards with paris hilton gifs


>> No.5935622

That looks good and I'm not even white.

>> No.5935629

That was disappointing.

>> No.5935740

Mothafucka, where the cornbread at?

>> No.5935750

Cornbread is so sweet that they only use it for dessert

>> No.5935759

Nigga is cornmeal, salt, egg, buttermilk and lard aint no sweet

>> No.5935760

What's with the sandwich pickles? I like it

>> No.5935761

What's with the white people good stereotype? I'm not into social media so I miss these things.

White people have been making next level food for centuries. Weird ass cheese with mold on it, aged in caves, salt crystals forming in the cheese, thousands of dumb shit cheeses alone. Weird ass alcohol with smoked peat in it

Most African cuisine I've had is pure shit at worst, or outclassed by a similar dish (which they "borrowed" from anyways) at best.

>> No.5935766

I think it's more making fun of Midwestern cuisine where it's all plain food or casseroles.

>> No.5935773

>making fun of the backbone of America
Midwest we got your back
- the south

>> No.5935805

I remember when trolling was funny. We didn't have 4chans in those days though.

>> No.5935823

What you were trolling? That's cool man don't let me stop you. I'm sure you'll find your footing sometime soon.

>> No.5935856

I would never trolll, nor shitpost. Your insinuation otherwise is quite offensive. Thanks for your support.