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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5924218 No.5924218 [Reply] [Original]

>go to a restaurnat's website
>go to the menu section
>the menu doesn't show the price of the meals
>they also don't have pics of the meals they offer

>> No.5924226
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>> No.5924239

How did you even wipe your own ass before the internet? You must be fifteen

>> No.5924242

Do what I do:

>walk by restaurant a few days before, during mealtimes
>see what people are eating
>if it looks good, ask for a menu or if you are very confident, ask patrons how much what they are eating costs
>inspect restaurant to inform what I should tip
> go home and calculate cost of a reasonable meal

I have never failed with this method. I use it for all dates and solo dining excursions.

>> No.5925013


Or just go to the fucking restaurant and order something. If it sucks don't go again. Its not like it costs that much.

>> No.5925048

This is what other restaurants besides Denny's do

>> No.5925095

8/10 I laughed

>> No.5925180


autism gone unchecked

>> No.5925904

That won't work well if its a takeout restaurant.

>> No.5925909

>So poor he needs to know precisely how much it will cost
>So uneducated he needs pictures of the food

Do you order by pointing at the menu and grunting, too? Or do the restaurants you normally go too prefer you to order by number?

>> No.5925920
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>I use it for all dates and solo dining excursions.

I know exactly what you're talking about

>> No.5925927

I have another method for takeout, similar but with important changes made

>stand outside the restaurant and look during mealtimes
>take note of type of people coming in and out (clothing, hair, dialect, smell, etc) to determine whether I am in target demographic to enjoy the food
> go inside, pretend to be on the phone or waiting for someone
> watch cash register to determine price
> take a peek in the kitchen saying you were trying to find the bathroom
> look to see whether or not people tip
> if there are condiments on offer, take a few
> say (on the phone) oh let me come get you so we can eat at *name of place* very loudly
> take condiments home and sample for quality
> calculate cost of reasonable meal based on findings

Unfortunately, you can't go right back to the restaurant and get food the same night you do this observation, unless you bring someone else with you the second time and talk to them about how they are going to love this place, you were just here, etc.

Good luck, anon!!

>> No.5925928


It would probably work even better, you don't even have to go in the joint, just ask the punters leaving how many shekels they dropped. Also, you fucking autistic if its a take out place, just call them order some shit and they'll give you the total over the damn phone.

>> No.5925934

>solo dining excursions
this is the best part
I can't help but imagine a young man in an oversized suit with slicked-back hair walking up to people in a restaurant
>excuse me, I'm from the internet and I plan to come here to eat dinner alone in a few days. can you tell me how much that steak costs and how much you plan to tip your waiter?

autism unleashed

>> No.5925939


>just asking the clerk how much shit costs

Risk of spaghetti falling out of fannypack too great.

>> No.5925963

> directly addressing a food service worker to talk about money in a privately owned restaurant

There are rules of etiquette in society when you are dealing with currency. It is incredibly rude to talk about finances and very dangerous to reveal your financial standing amongst many people you are unfamiliar with. The worker may assume you are planning to rob the store or personally assault them when they leave after their shift. They may call the police, or another customer in the store may call the police as a witness. I know better now than to make suspicious inquiries directly to professional food service workers. It is always better to observe or talk to other diners/customers. It is not as suspicious.

This is less about spaghetti, anon, and more about safety and politeness. Learn2society.

>> No.5925991

You are my first cringe of of the month. Congratulations.

>> No.5925994

Cringing so hard I can't even proofread. *of the month.

>> No.5925997

>go to restaurant
>look at drink menu
>no prices
>have to ask server how much a certain beer is
>if I decide against it I have to ask how much another is
>they act all annoyed

Well fuck you, maybe you should tell your boss to put the fucking prices on the menu.

>> No.5926003

i used to list beers from cheapest to most expensive as a waiter
most people stopped me at our first beer, which suited me fine

>> No.5926004


>> No.5926023


>be at a seafood joint
>be with 5 other fggts
>see diver scallops on menu
>"market price"
>to embarrassed to ask how much
>bill comes
>85.00 just for those
>total bill @200.00
>everyone pays 50 bucks

>> No.5926037
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>go to a pizzeria's yelp page
>all good reviews
>one scathing negative review
>complains the pizzeria doesn't have a webpage
>doesn't have online ordering

>> No.5926052

I feel you on that man, they need to know im trying to get drunk on a low budget every dollar counts.

>> No.5926053

Just ask next time

>> No.5926057

They clearly aren't very serious about their business. Who doesn't have a website in 2014?

>> No.5926071

You could, ya know, walk in and grab a menu. Or call to find out their specials.

>> No.5926226


This ain't the 90's anymore grandpa!!!

>> No.5926298

If they've been open to the community for a long time before the internet age, they'll still survive. You can get by with flyers in the mail, word of mouth and the undying loyalty of locals that never move away.

There's a pizzeria near my house that has been open for over 40 years. No website. Just a few years ago they started making deliveries. Closed on Sundays which is always a bummer for me, but that's just how they operate and have been for so long.

>> No.5926439
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>Live in México
>All food and beverage establishments must show the price and quantity of serving or they get decapitaded (fined)

feels good man

>> No.5926465
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>menu prices are just a plain number, no dollar sign or anything, and in an italic font.

>> No.5926493


It always amazes me how people are willing to just shove any food into their mouths with talking to staff or inspecting the area where the food is being made. People put more thought and inspection into buying a phone than they do the food they eat, which goes INTO their bodies. Sad really.

>> No.5926501

Food is what, $10? And your body pushes it out in a day or two. A phone is like a $600 2 year commitment. Of course you research that shit.

>> No.5926526
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Food is a life time commitment with a pretty harsh penalty should you fuck up and contract defaults.

>> No.5926585

I know it. And most people are willfully ignorant of the fallacy of many high inspection grades that restaurants post in their windows. Everyone knows that they clean up and prepare for the inspector, but it is up to you to be aware of what is actually going on.