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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 36 KB, 400x400, sunny side up eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5921143 No.5921143 [Reply] [Original]

Post pictures of food that tastes disgusting

>> No.5921154

Obvious bait.

>> No.5921155
File: 17 KB, 405x305, ry0401_carrotcake.jpg.rend.sni12col.landscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5921157 [DELETED] 

This is bait. Sage.

>> No.5921164
File: 314 KB, 850x1280, 1400023565666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5921165

OP has a point, uncooked yolk is terrible.

>> No.5921171
File: 507 KB, 2372x2072, Watermelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5921219

>implying any china food is good

>> No.5921226
File: 146 KB, 500x333, 20100416pastrami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5921229

never go full retard

>> No.5921246
File: 41 KB, 460x360, cilantro-de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually disgusting food coming through

>> No.5921284


Is there any truth to there being a genetic predisposition to disliking cilantro? I've heard it tastes like soap to a lot of people. I'm not a huge fan of cilantro, but I never thought it tasted soapy.

>> No.5921289
File: 115 KB, 680x459, poop11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5921293

No that was just made as part of the cilantro agenda

>> No.5921295



>> No.5921301


Cilantro agenda? Is that where we try to drive all the brown people out of the country by making them feel bad about cilantro?

>> No.5921306

>tastes bad

Go fuck your own face, you sniveling dick weasel.

>> No.5921311

Oh god this

>> No.5921312

Sorry for your untermensch genetics

>> No.5921313


>> No.5921324

Yeah, carrot cake is great if you're over 60.

>> No.5921326
File: 88 KB, 887x591, Cauliflower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cauliflower you fucking freaks!

>> No.5921330


You know... I've never really cared for watermelon

>> No.5921331

Cilantro lovers are literally FORCING cilantro onto the rest of us. That's why we need to outlaw cilantro. For our children.

>> No.5921341

Me either. My family had a garden and all the fresh watermelon I could eat.

But I just never cared for it.

>> No.5921348

Call Alex Jones, it's a conspiracy by the lizard people!

>> No.5921360

There's a conspiracy between the jews and the lizard people to force everyone to eat cauliflower and brussels sprouts.

>> No.5921369
File: 30 KB, 700x450, crab_people-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... by forcing people into eating cauliflower and brussels sprouts their evil plans will become reality... they will make you...

>> No.5921376
File: 1.77 MB, 320x240, I eat watermelon the same way I eat pussy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5921382

Agenda 21 actually mentions cilantro because it's easy to grow in a box garden in densely populated cities, leaving the countryside as a playground for the rich.

>> No.5921384
File: 65 KB, 778x518, cooked bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5921385

Yeah but what real nation gives a shit what the united nations has to say or enforces anything it enacts?

Agenda 21, I got yer fucking agenda 21 right here!

>> No.5921394
File: 59 KB, 640x480, hotdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5921409

Or don't have an infantile palate

>> No.5921423

Get out.

>> No.5921434


I hated Brussels sprouts for years. But recently I tried them roasted and actually like them a lot. All caramelized and tender, definitely glad I gave them another shot.

>> No.5921443
File: 297 KB, 1280x960, suck my dick, trolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree, ketchup is terrible.

it should look more like this

>> No.5921466
File: 9 KB, 299x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5921478


>> No.5921479
File: 51 KB, 525x350, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5921489
File: 107 KB, 1600x1071, DSC06890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MARZIPAN. Like cyanide but you get to live with the taste.

>> No.5921501

Bacon is an overrated meme food, but it doesn't taste bad.

>> No.5921508

I don't understand who could like Marzipan.

>> No.5921512

really? im trying to convince my mom to give marzipan a try and make figurines for her cakes

>> No.5921515

I like it because its made of almonds and almonds are delicious.

>> No.5921565


I like my eggs to be runny on the inside so that I can use the toast to wipe up the yolk.

>> No.5921575

>this is the guy who was posting about tripping on acid, but it's cool cause he and his friends all have Ph.Ds, so you should all move to legalize acid cause respectable faggots like this guy do it

oh, the irony.

>> No.5921582
File: 142 KB, 750x695, egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could make creepy marzipan babies

>> No.5921618

i hope you die of ebola

>> No.5921622
File: 15 KB, 460x345, towelie_bong-Blazed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna do some bong hits?

>> No.5921631

Fondant is 100x more disgusting than marzipan.

>> No.5921635


I just did three whole marijuanas and I'm tripping balls. I think maybe I snorted too many. Can you OD on marijuanas?

>> No.5921644

Naw, you'll just fall asleep laughing about silly shit

>> No.5921647

Not if you stir fry them. Most vegetables taste good if you stir fry them Taiwanese style

>> No.5921655


Oh good, I was orried for a minute. I took one and didnt' feel anything, so I took 2 more and now i don't feel great. I didn't think you could OD so I said fuck it. Glad I was right.

>> No.5921659

Not with you, you euphoric faggot.

>> No.5921731

People seriously need to stop putting a full salad on their burger/hotdog.
That pic belongs in this thread

>> No.5921734


>> No.5921735

*gags uncontrollably*

>> No.5921737

>muh white bread
>muh pig lips/assholes

and? where's the flavor, faggot?
don't be scared of veggies bc your dad expanded your anus in a garden, anon.

>> No.5921738
File: 148 KB, 1024x768, IMG_2036-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trolling.

>> No.5921741

>hurr I need a salad to eat a hotdog

>> No.5921743

>what is a chicago-style hot dog?

Never had one myself, but i'd love to try.

>> No.5921744

>omg I'm so BAD for eating this hotdog, I better put a huge amount of shit-tier vegetables on it to make myself feel better.

>> No.5921747
File: 266 KB, 800x649, scallops2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5921751
File: 2.13 MB, 2592x1944, steak_and_ketchup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Medium well is the only proper way to cook steak.

>> No.5921754
File: 791 KB, 1109x845, JUST ONE BITE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confirmed for never having a chi-town dog
there's only 3 veg, 4 if you count the neon relish.
the dog balances acidity with a deep, savory flavor.
i may sound like a fag for talking like this, but you need to try one bite before you judge.

>> No.5921756

Call me old fashioned but ketchup, mustard and relish are the only things that belong on a hot dog.

>> No.5921758

i'd understand if your pic had been shit-tier, but you posted the most delicious-looking way to prepare scallops. please reevaluate your life.

>> No.5921759

that's fine by me, if you can accept that some people enjoy it like this and that taste is entirely subjective (even literal shit tastes good to some).

>> No.5921760

*raises paw*
um, but scallops are disgusting no matter what they look like...

>> No.5921765

Fuckin' savage!
You're gonna stew for eternity in the boiling cauldrons of hell's own sewage for not enjoying the bounty of the sea!

>> No.5921766
File: 25 KB, 460x350, Obama-hot-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that eating a hotdog is super gay and you're probably closeted

>> No.5921769

He's on the down low

>> No.5921770

no im pretty open about it

>> No.5921776

>the guy in the background
So is eating a hotdog in public just announcing you're cruising?

>> No.5921797

There is always that one knob who wants to be a hipster
Sure bacon isn't as great as people talk it up to be but it's not disgusting, it's simply a salty versatile meat snack, it's not even overly salty if you don't buy the extremely povo shit
Get out jew.

>> No.5921800


>> No.5921802

>don't be scared of veggies bc your dad expanded your anus in a garden, anon.
Fuck mate

>> No.5921805

You're right, OP. Buttered toast IS disgusting.

>> No.5921809

Man I had bacon and scallop pasta from an Italian restaurant a few weeks back, suuuuper fishy smelling and tasting and really stringy scallops
The pasta sauce was so great, ate the hell out of it but was still a little disappointed

>> No.5921813

Yeah, next stop is cruising the gay bars in chelsea and on christopher street with one hand full of poppers and the other hand a tub of vaseline

>> No.5921814

Sounds like those weren't real scallops. A lot of places (including grocery stores sometimes), sell stingray as scallops, because the texture and flavor is similar. They basically punch cut stingray and call it scallops.

>> No.5921817

I like eggs but they often make me feel queasy. Am I egg-intolerant or something?

>> No.5921824

Maybe it was surimi gone bad

>> No.5921967
File: 559 KB, 2034x1423, sloppy_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be honest, I've always thought these tasted like complete shit.

>> No.5921972

Possibly yeah, it was some brand new *totally* traditional restaurant too so much disappointment

There was a couple sitting in the table next to me clearly on their first date eating the same thing -yeah both of them ordered it- there was obvious awkward disappointment

>> No.5921980

Yeah they're really not that great. They're always made with those shitty GFS white buns and the whole sandwich turns to glop on the plate, or if not there, then in your mouth as soon as you bite into it. It's like chewing this weird liquid meat/airy bun mass.

>> No.5921997

Ew, what even is that

>> No.5922010
File: 136 KB, 460x1250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fish sauce is possibly the worst-tasting thing on the planet.

>> No.5922015


OP is troll

>> No.5922023

>confirmed for having never made delicious as fuck homemade sloppy joes

Try this recipe: http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/2010/04/sloppy-joes/

I'm serious, it's fucking god-tier. Probably one of my favorite meals of al time. Espcially during the winter.

>> No.5922034

Gotta use potato rolls, nigga.

>> No.5922075
File: 9 KB, 275x183, pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5922082

By itself it does, but for some reason it's essential to so many oriental dishes. Even something like fried rice tastes 100x better with a little bit of fish sauce.

>> No.5922091
File: 15 KB, 192x192, 1327120945351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5922138

I hope your mom has cancer.

>> No.5922149


looking back on it, I have no idea how I ate that shit as a kid, it's really bad.

>> No.5922158
File: 1.84 MB, 320x214, 1410316319410.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shits fucking delicious

>> No.5922188
File: 32 KB, 700x466, 270678-celery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5922190


because it balances the palette fucktit.

similar products are essential to sicilian and north african cooking.

>> No.5922213

>ketchup is terrible
Has unnatural neon green relish...yeah

>> No.5922235

To me, it tastes like blood.

>> No.5922237

>Not liking poop.
underage b&

>> No.5922291

>overcooks their eggs

No wonder you fucks hate eggs.

>> No.5922295

I don't understand the aversion. Celery has a nice peppery taste and a satisfying crunch. Whats to dislike? Is a gene thing making it taste different for some people?

>> No.5922310

>let's post disgusting food!!
>every food posted is delicious
>welcome to ck

I hate French fries and ice cream. Do I fit in??

>> No.5922311
File: 655 KB, 3024x2016, absolutelydisgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5922342

No need to be a cunt about it m8.

It's just when I tell folks I use fish sauce in my cooking they gag until they try it and realize it brings out that traditional "asian" flavor. Most non-asians think that all you need is soy sauce.

>> No.5922348

What possible issue could anybody have with carrot cake?

>> No.5922352

not that Anon, but it tastes like absolutely nothing to me, which wouldn't be a problem, but the veins running up and through are always tough, so I can't just bite into it, I end up having to like rip it, and the veins are like little strings sticking out. Not enticing.

>> No.5922353

Sup jew york.
Non murrican here. Chicago style is superior to NY style hotdog.
New york pizza is superior though.

>> No.5922365

People don't always always share the same opinion as you. No need to freak out you autistic fucker.

>> No.5922404

Nah, he just hates runny eggs. I was like that too, but I think that was mostly due to exclusively eating scrambled eggs in the past, and runny scrambled eggs are shit.

>> No.5922411

carrots are for rabbitts

>> No.5922423

Taxes are for men

>> No.5922464

only in cartoons
in real life carrots are for humans

>> No.5922467

>doesn't know how to chop vegetables

>> No.5922519
File: 42 KB, 438x338, 0806-tuna-salad_li.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5922521
File: 31 KB, 425x360, 1175867819_cutepuppy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5922524
File: 80 KB, 964x723, 11192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mayo on hotdogs

>> No.5922542
File: 27 KB, 483x400, notcheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this processed joke. They lifted the cheese restrictions a long time ago so it's time to stop putting this plastic goopy shit on anything. Use real fucking cheddar.

>> No.5922573

the hell is this?

>> No.5922597

>places that dont clean out the oyster bile

the only thing that keeps me away
is this common practice? i dont think i've eaten an entire oyster dish (even fried) and not had bile in at least one or two.

>> No.5922709
File: 48 KB, 534x356, fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




absolutely disgusting what is wrong with you



>> No.5922717


makes me projectile vomit. no fooling. I'm pretty allergic to it.

>> No.5922847

looks like shit too

>> No.5923107
File: 3.06 MB, 2793x2793, onion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one has posted this yet?

>> No.5923110

What the fuck is wrong with you??

>> No.5923118

>people like slippery chewy fungus that tastes like garbage

>> No.5923127
File: 136 KB, 498x318, olives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5923136

>hating on onions
literally how
next you're gonna say garlic's bad or something

>> No.5923140

Onions are overrated

>> No.5923158

When I was a kid the smell of cooking bacon made me feel sick, and I didn't enjoy the taste

Now I enjoy it, though usually when it's complementing other foods rather than on its own

>> No.5923165

Insects are pretty hard to get right, especially because most people saw some tribe eating it and decided they knew what was up

>> No.5923170

rabbits prefer leafy vegetables did you know

>> No.5923181

I'm a rabbit and actually agree with this

>> No.5923183

This would probably be pretty good.

>> No.5923191


>> No.5923256
File: 2.80 MB, 4608x3072, dsc_0040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carrot fries
Also polenta fries

>> No.5923276
File: 218 KB, 1365x1024, 57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5923299

is that fucking wonder bread with sprinkles on it?

>> No.5923307
File: 737 KB, 446x250, pigs_feet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best part of the animal.

>> No.5923317

Actually looks bree good.

>> No.5923333

Hey now, that's the finest example of Australian cuisine, fairy bread.

>> No.5923336
File: 88 KB, 960x540, IMG_59544232173277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2nd best

>> No.5923349
File: 55 KB, 621x672, 1370432250977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tastes like fucking cum. Seriously. Tried them with a friend who was raving and making those, "OOhhhhh, these are sooooo goooood." Consistency and taste of cum.

I think they were faggots.

>> No.5923351

>he's tasted semen before

>> No.5923365

>he doesn't eat his own cum

>> No.5923372


>not a semen demon

>> No.5923375
File: 2.07 MB, 2592x1936, mushypeas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peas in all forms, normal, mushy, in soups, all of them.

>> No.5923381


They are alright frozen.


>not recycling your cum?

step up senpai.

>> No.5923383


>not liking garden peas picked straight from the plant and eaten out of the pod

whats wrong with you

>> No.5923389

>not liking caramelized peas
maximum pleb

>> No.5923395
File: 76 KB, 1417x781, vom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're fucking disgusting

>> No.5923412
File: 48 KB, 620x345, pbandj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5923429

I believe you, but I'm just confused on what exactly there is to be allergic to? It's practically water. Bodies are weird.

>> No.5923431
File: 297 KB, 700x525, GC_good-eats-meatloaf_s4x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hotdogs, bologna, anything pumpkin except pie or flour-made shit, german food, and that shit australians put on their bread.

I just listed every food that I think is disgusting that I can think of at the moment..

but none of it comes close to meatloaf.

>> No.5923435

German food is delicious, I'd kill for a German bakery or ice cream shop right about now.

>> No.5923436


Dunno. You're right, it's weird as fuck. Apparently it's actually one of the most profound allergies - people go into anaphylaxis and shit like those peanut dodging poofters.

>Celery allergy seems to be far more common in central Europe, mainly France, Switzerland and Germany, and less so in the UK and US, where peanut allergy is the most common. It is one of the small number of foods, the biggest being peanut, that appear to provoke the most severe allergic reactions; for people with celery allergy, exposure can cause potentially fatal anaphylactic shock.


My mum's family are french, so I've probably inherited bad genes from the frog munchers.

>> No.5923438
File: 497 KB, 1110x500, 1411029973209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree though, it is shite

>> No.5923440

>it tastes like absolutely nothing to me

man what
i've always found celery to have a peppery bite to it

>> No.5923444


I doubt you are craving some sauerkraut.

>> No.5923474

How's this girl's cooking channel called again?

>> No.5923544

Meatloaf is really bad. I can't tell if it's just a running gag that people like it.

>> No.5923551

What don't you like about it?

>> No.5923552


>How's this girl's cooking channel called again?

Son you don't English so good.

>> No.5923677

I get the same thing. Eggs and pork mainly make me feel a bit off.

and semen.

>> No.5923688

marzipan is delicious
you don't like almonds?

>> No.5923692

tinned shitty tuna with mayo is fucking disgusting

>> No.5923697

I would never eat an insect as I'm not some ethiopian I just saw it and almost threw up

>> No.5923791
File: 56 KB, 612x295, img_4f7e5f2d8d5a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's wrong

>> No.5923814

Agreed. Seedless watermelon is shit.

>> No.5923817


I only like it raw.

Cooking it smells like farts.

>> No.5923824
File: 12 KB, 318x235, r48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>best hotdog
>best pizza

Not even trolling

>> No.5923828
File: 8 KB, 171x251, r118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe I'll get ~just a little~ high

>> No.5923840


[gagging internally]

>> No.5923845
File: 1 KB, 126x128, Robo_Red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always disliked eggs

I have never enjoyed a hotdog. I always struggled to choke it down. Are people just peer pressured into eating them?

Gross. I've always disliked most fish. When I was five, upon entering a seafood restaurant, just the smell caused me to vomit.

I quit all alliums a few years ago. It's nice not having that shit coming out every pore 24/7, and I never get winded since my blood is thicker and more oxygen-dense.

Shit like that made me go vegan.

>> No.5923854
File: 177 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_6836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5923859

>Are people just peer pressured into eating them?

No, you're just a picky bitch.
>alliums (really bro? Really?)

>> No.5923860

You sound like an insufferable cunt

>> No.5923868
File: 111 KB, 400x400, avocado-heart-400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buttered grass

>> No.5923896

>having no palate

>> No.5923897

I don't think that avocado is ripe.

>> No.5923901


>> No.5923902

if it tastes like grass then it isn't ripe yet ya dingus

>> No.5923903

You're the one who likes buttered grass. Ever think that maybe you have the palate problem?

>> No.5923911


>> No.5923924
File: 560 KB, 1920x1440, brains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5923930

? Have you even tried them?

>> No.5923933

dem prions tho

>> No.5923935

Yeah fried in butter. I was more disgusted at the texture and appearance than the taste.

>> No.5923946

what's the texture like when fried?

>> No.5923957
File: 199 KB, 575x557, pumpkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything about it

>> No.5923964
File: 75 KB, 500x669, eggplnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5923967

What the hell is that?

>> No.5923972

It's an eggplnt obviously.

>> No.5923998

It looks gross.

>> No.5924004
File: 47 KB, 1000x720, Cinamon3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5924011

The stuff in a can is usually a different kind of squash. I usually don't eat much squash even though I get it gratis because it's just not calorically dense enough when I eat only whole foods and don't enjoy the sensation of stretching my stomach. If I eat squash, I'll need to wait a while before I can eat the rest of my stuff.

>> No.5924012


>> No.5924018

Pretty worthless. Barely any micronutrients and very little fiber. It's mostly just water, with a few grams of carbs. I don't take it free.

20 pounds of it has as much nicotine as one cigarette.

>> No.5924048


Agreed. I'd rather starve that eat that garbage. Just the smell of it disgusts me.

I really don't understand the amerifat fascination with beef burgers. It's pleb food - I don't care how mush fancy shit you pile on it, it's still ground beef - shit-tier meat. I'll gladly go hungry before I would eat a beef burger.

>> No.5924064
File: 1.72 MB, 2560x1600, cheese-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5924083
File: 195 KB, 500x601, fatpig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're crazy.

You probably grew up on that shit that americans call "cheese".

>> No.5924087

No, I'm eastern yuro, I still fucking hate the stuff

>> No.5924114

You look gross to the eggplant.

>> No.5924128
File: 44 KB, 396x385, 1324249370767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got a problem with ground cherries?

>> No.5924151

Sick troll.

>> No.5924172

I just made a sunny side egg with toast
holy shit that was good

>> No.5924174

You are aware of the fact that it's pretty easy and cheap to grind your own meat, right?

>> No.5924176

Onions are a common cooking staple in nearly every quisine worldwide. Grow the fuck up and develop a palette you simple child.

>> No.5924198

obviously people who think germans eat sauerkraut and sausage all day every day. It's an entire region with a varied cuisine with hundreds of dishes that i'm sure you faggots have never tried or heard of

>> No.5924233

It's an Australian delicacy usually served at kids parties.
Fucken amazing stuff, mostly because of rose tinted glasses seeing as I haven't had it in a while but fuck me it was good.

>> No.5924272

>Deep Dish
pick one

>> No.5924303

pretty much everyone that posted an image are fucking plebs

the amount of picky eaters here


jesus christ do people not know what mince meat looks like any more

>> No.5924315

>cleaning out the bile

bruh can you even into salty brine with a nice tart lemon juice finish? sweet jebus my dick is hard just thinking about it

>> No.5924322


Meatloaf agreed.


Not that guy but I can never understand why people would take ground beef and instead of making burgers, meatballs, or something better they decide to just throw a log of it in the oven and then put ketchup on.

>> No.5924512

oh god its paler than the most basal portion of my dick, why did you let them rinse and dry your dog with the condiments on it?

>> No.5924578

The most correct person

>> No.5924584

The only food I have ever not been able to eat, one mouthful of cold bitter anemone was powerful enough to let me swallow my pride at the same time and admit to the tiny vietnamese lady that I couldn't handle it

>> No.5924626
File: 143 KB, 1300x1374, steamed-cauliflower-broccoli-20727132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5924642


>> No.5924662

you have serious mental issue if you actually believe this

>> No.5924666

That's some shitty looking broccoli.

>> No.5924682

i hated olives up until i was 18 ever since then i have loved them

>> No.5924698

He's objectively right though

>> No.5924700
File: 62 KB, 171x231, Sugar crisp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5924718

It makes me dry heave so yeah. There is. For the longest time I thought people were spitting in my food because I'd taste it the worst in places like QDoba or this shitty little Thai restaurant I went to

>> No.5924728

It makes you dry heave because it is disgusting

>> No.5924743

Olives by themselves yes. Fucking revolting. But the flavor they give other things can be rather nice, just because it's so little compared to popping one of those nasty fuckers straight in your mouth

>> No.5924838

Check urself
b4 u Shrek urself

>> No.5924840

>Having untermensch genetics

>> No.5924851

>falling for the cilantro agenda

>> No.5924922
File: 73 KB, 400x352, 1408774293157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruining your hotdog with ketchup
fucking commie

>> No.5924944

I don't mind an onion flavor that mingles with others but I can't do the sharp taste of biting an actual piece

>> No.5924968

>ruining your meal by eating a hotdog

>> No.5924980

Hot dogs (or at least all the commonly sold types I have tried) have the most disgusting texture to the rendered meat, not to mention they always seem to leave some sort of disgusting oily residue in the mouth. Why the hell did these things ever get popular?

>> No.5925008

>Complain that ketchup obscures the flavor of the sausage
>Covers it in literally everything they can find

>> No.5925041

>Ruining your hotgod with ketchup

>> No.5925051

>Ruining your ketchup with a hotdog

>> No.5925054

I fucking love Chicago style dogs
I'm not even Chicagoan I live in New York
I put pickles and tomatoes on my hot dogs all the time
maybe it's wrong? I guess I'm a rebel

>> No.5925063

Yes it's wrong it's disgusting.

>> No.5925080

Artist looks like Teruaki Murakami, might be wrong though because I don't see as much shadows

>> No.5925154

I absolutely love these but I could not explain why to you if you asked. It tastes like cum and salt and feels like you're eating a gigantic snot, but I crave them all the time.

>> No.5925195

Says the guy who has obviously never roasted it with lemon juice, garlic and bacon pieces.

>> No.5925205

>*raises paw*
What did you expect from a pleb-tier land animal?

>> No.5925206

I've been vegan so long cauliflower is starting to taste too meaty.

>> No.5925247
File: 173 KB, 1600x1110, DSC05016_ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felt a little puke come up as I was looking for a picture.

>> No.5925252

what the hell is that?

>> No.5925254


>> No.5925256

Looks like Ambrosia.

Bionicos are a better version of it IMO.

>> No.5925279

I think its something you have to grow up with. My grandma used to make this and rice crispies for easter so I love it every now and then for nostalgic reasons

>> No.5925420

>not liking fairy bread

>> No.5925433

Sloppy joes are literally the worst thing you can do with ground beef. What a waste.

>> No.5925434
File: 134 KB, 1920x1080, antibacterial_soap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5925449

this sounds good as shit.

>> No.5925522

If it's the fucking costco carrot cake like in pic related then yes it's awful, those ones are just pure fucking sugar.

But so is their red velvet.

Bake don't buy, even if it is only like £9 for 20 slices

>> No.5925674

itt: children

>> No.5925868

C-Couldn't you have posted the qt Japanese girl eating it hilariously quickly?

My sides though, have left the building.

>> No.5925875

For a second I thought Obama grew straight hair.

>> No.5925898
File: 907 KB, 792x984, perfection_salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5926151

All tomatoes

>> No.5926156

Carrot cake is so disgusting. Carrots have no place in CAKE for crying out loud.

>> No.5926215

Looks like an egg from Alien.

>> No.5926227

I like almonds but mixed with the overt sweetness it just makes me want to cut off my tongue

>> No.5926241
File: 2.25 MB, 3499x2332, southern-fried-chicken-2010-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5926248

fuck you nigga

corn starch and panko all the way

>> No.5926255

Looks good except for those absolutely revolting canned cherries

>> No.5926377
File: 28 KB, 550x360, Coconut2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything coconut.

Coconut is disgusting.

>> No.5926759

I only like it pickled. All other forms suck.

>> No.5926765

Brussel sprouts taste like death and vomit. Mostly vomit.

>> No.5926792

someone really wants to die in this thread

>> No.5926820

everything in that hipster box is good

u must be cray or swedish

>> No.5926830

Confirmed for eating only dried coconut

>> No.5926839

you can make an alfredo substitute that's actually pretty good

>> No.5926883

eat it anyway, makes your cum mightier

>> No.5926907

one of my favorite snacks growing up is a green olive and peanut butter sandwich. salty olive bite goes really well with the peanut butter

>> No.5926917

most meatloaf sucks, yeah.
But if you get some quality meat, and go a little crazy with it it's amazing.
I made some with jalapenos and buttermilk and cooked it in my electric smoker and it was amazing. BBQ sauce on top instead of ketchup of course.

>> No.5926921

Confirmed non-human. Everyone loves fried chicken!

>> No.5926941

I don't think you're supposed to eat antibacterial soap

>> No.5926982
File: 123 KB, 640x480, liver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5927547

15 year old spotted
>"eww omg liver is so gross lol!!"

>> No.5927637
File: 237 KB, 1600x1066, Chicken_Hearts-Brasil-IMG_7974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken hearts next

>> No.5927643

It's just not my thing, and I'm not even a picky eater

>> No.5927654

Both delicious.

>> No.5927708

you're just a fucking retard is all

>> No.5927713


>> No.5927717

Onions really aren't all that good /ck/ just likes to viral them.

>> No.5927742

Pastrami is good but having it in a gluttonous heap like that is disgusting.

I'd rather have prosciutto, honestly.

>> No.5927744

I like cilantro though.

>> No.5927747

They're still better than tacos

>> No.5927750

Then you're part of the problem.

>> No.5927756
File: 135 KB, 640x427, mashed-cauliflowr-recipe-7223[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can turn cauliflower into mashed potatoes that taste better than any mashed potato ever has.

>> No.5927759

I hope this isn't a troll and you really are that much of a piece of shit.

>> No.5927766

No you're part of the problem with your shit genes making delicious food taste soapy.

>> No.5927773

I've done this, it works well. Also very low calorie.

>> No.5927777

That isn't true a bunch of snobs with shit-taste started spreading that

>> No.5927794

That looks delicious. I would eat the shit out of all of that.

>> No.5927812

>a bunch of snobs with shit-taste started spreading that

That's an awful way to feel about scientists.

>> No.5927816

That's a HEART...

>> No.5927840
File: 25 KB, 250x188, 250px-Alicha_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethopian food.

Everyone I know talks this shit up like it's the most delicious cuisine out there, but it's actually nearly inedible garbage.

Had to force myself to eat this shit so I didn't come across as rude.

Maybe I'm not cultured enough to understand it.

>> No.5927851

Just go

>> No.5927866
File: 2.54 MB, 4128x2322, 20140405_203743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking glorious

>> No.5927868

So is that just a bunch of vomit or...?

>> No.5927891
File: 2.69 MB, 4128x2322, 20140330_181210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No its teff flat bread with various stews/curries/veg dishes/and often Doro wat... like chicken legs and boiled eggs.

The dishes are heavily spiced with several regionally specific spices, herbs and cooked for hours. It's amazing cuisine. Although it can high in fat and cholesterol as is Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi dishes can be at times.

I've been to all of the etheopian places in brooklyn and the city... they do vary greatly in terms of quality and taste but I've never not enjoyed an ethiopian meal. Sometime the injera is too sour or too dry, or sometimes they use meat that is too lean and doesn't hold up to the long cooking times, or they skimp on veg. Dishes.

tldr: it's fucking good

>> No.5927906
File: 2.40 MB, 3264x2448, 20141027_215613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Made these chicken livers last night. Got a nice surprise and found a random chicken heart in with the livers. Shit was buck as fuck

>> No.5927912
File: 63 KB, 380x376, cute_parrot_attacks_watermelon-1393797299187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cute parrot likes watermelon, in fact he ate the first half and is resting is head on the cool watermelon building up energy to eat the next half.

One likely wouldn't want to stand under him.

>> No.5928126

speaking of chicken hearts, do you have to wash the blood out before you cook them?
I do but it's annoying

>> No.5928190


>> No.5928824

>corned offal
Where the fuck is this the great depression?

>> No.5928828

>what is salt and pepper

>> No.5928837

Use your words

>> No.5928839

>fucking your commie with a hotdog

>> No.5928843

u wot m8

>> No.5928845

That is the worse thing in the world to put celery with what the fuck

>> No.5928849

So much this. How can something that is nearly all water taste so shit?

>> No.5928851

What is the texture like on these when fried or grilled? Never had before

>> No.5928855

Why the fuck would people think Ethiopian food would be good?

>> No.5928864

I like the idea of avocado and still try it on occasion but it still disgusts me. It's annoying

>> No.5928866
