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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5920244 No.5920244 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a food pet peeve thread?

I'll start.

>People who don't salt the water when making rice/pasta
>People who refer to lettuce or any leafy green as "salad"
>People who confuse canadian bacon with bacon
>Fat people that order a the unhealthiest shit at restaurants but think it's ok because they're drinking diet soda
>Pineapple in carrot cake

There's probably more.

>> No.5920270

>Faggots who bitch about everything

>> No.5920273

isn't it better that they don't add an extra 200 cals?

>> No.5920276

biting into the core of an apple

>> No.5920279


>> No.5920281


>> No.5920282


Completely empty calories at that.
Maybe the fatties are rationalizing their shitty meal, but at least they aren't adding an extra 200-600 calories of pure sugar.

>> No.5920285

>salting the water for pasta

Yeah I remember when I thought that made a difference too.

>> No.5920287

People salt the water for rice?

Why would you do that?

Stupid faggot.

>> No.5920299


Pls don't bully me anons, I'm a girl ;_;

>> No.5920311


yeah it's one of those things that comes off kinda dumb, but really the other option isn't better at all

>> No.5920319


Escalation of commitment is a bitch.

>> No.5920329


Guys, bullying women is wrong.
Rape is more appropriate.

>> No.5920342

Why wouldn't you ? Perfect rice, no need to salt further.

I also do that with potatoes.

>> No.5920344

You are so edgy i almost cut myself on you.

>> No.5920354

>>people who confuse canadian bacon with bacon

you are stupid

>> No.5920386


Sorry, I'll try to be more careful next time.

>> No.5920410

you're so serious i almost thought you were bruce wayne

>> No.5920421

>Smelly fat neckbeards detected

>> No.5920429

better tasting rice? i also add a little bit of vegetable oil

>> No.5920438


>Bleeding vagina detected.

See, I can use clichés too.

>> No.5920445

Unsweetened iced tea is godlike and it has caffeine in it, there's absolutely no excuse to drink diet soda.

>> No.5920458

I'm not.

>> No.5920464

>See, I can use clichés too.

Probably because you're ugly.

>> No.5920482
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>> No.5920539

People who say "foodstuff"

Like this faggot:

>> No.5920983

my mom just did it to me now. when whom ever you live with has a decent amount of food left (2 maybe 3 bite fulls) and they hand you the left over food only to fuck you over by YOU washing their dishes

>> No.5921043

People who scrape the fork across their teeth as they pull it out. The sound sends me through the ceiling like fingernails on chalkboards. I had to tell someone I was eating with one night to stop doing it, because I couldn't eat when my jaw was clenched up tight and I'm about to bite my tongue off. I have to eat far away from anyone who scrapes it like that.

>> No.5921046


>taking the leftover food from another's plate
>even though you know you're going to suffer consequences

Are you really fat, or really stupid? You're like one of those african monkeys who gets caught in a trap because they won't let go of the bait.

>> No.5921054

>people who use the term canadian bacon instead of back bacon

>> No.5921056


>live with your mom
>don't do the washing up as a matter of course

What do you do, you fat little bastard? You just take your trough up to your room and wait until someone calls Hoarders because the smell's so fucking bad?

If you were my child I would hit you.

>> No.5921064
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people who have to slurp shit real loud or make obnoxious smacking noises when chewing food makes me rage for some reason...

>> No.5921082

It was chef boyardee and I'm not gonna say no

>wait until someone calls Hoarders because the smell's so fucking bad?

I know u still live with my mother but come on I do have dignity

>> No.5921089

>People who break their spaghetti in half before boiling it
>People who criticize/openly dislike a meal but still finish most/all of it
>People who claim to have gluten sensitivity (unless they've been legitimately diagnosed by a real doctor)
>Women who actually believe men can't cook
>Men who actually tell women to get back in the kitchen
>Everybody in the Irish stew story (everybody; the OP, the host, and the guests)
>People who bring children to non-family oriented restaurants
>People who actually believe Olive Garden is fine dining
>People who put cinnamon in their cooking because the recipe said "your choice of spices," and cinnamon is technically a spice
I shit you not, my aunt made spaghetti with cinnamon because the recipe told her to use any kind of spice
>People who write recipes in both metric & imperial, not using just one
>People who outright refuse to eat certain kinds of food because it came from a different culture

>> No.5921090

>I know u still live with my mother

Let's get one thing straight, son. She lives with ME. And if you don't button your fucking lip, I'll change your bedtime next time you come to stay.

>> No.5921092

My food pet peeve is seeing all the fat shits in my college classes literally eat garbage in class. Candy and soda everyday. I watched one guy go through an entire bag of mini Reese's PB cups throughout one Spanish class. It's even worse when fat people are drinking diet soda, thinking all of their weight issues will somehow magically disappear, or skinny people thinking that there are literally no problems with diet soda's. Try drinking some fucking water.

>> No.5921101
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>> No.5921107


>People who break their spaghetti in half before boiling it

Ha, I do this all the time. Why? It's makes less of a mess when eating. I hate when one strand coated in sauce hits my chin.

>> No.5921129

Welp its about time I get up off my ass get a job and support mom. At least she don't have to tolerate your smelly feet no mores.

>> No.5921140

>Everybody in the Irish stew story (everybody; the OP, the host, and the guests)
I missed that one. Care to summarise?

>People who think minced beef and onion in tomato sauce is a decent bolognaise.
>Listing some pre-made shite or branded concoction as a recipe ingredient (Except for the handful of pre-made things that are of comparable quality to homemade and much more feasible given the time it takes to make eg. filo pastry, stock, etc)
>People who eat pizza with ketchup
>Faggots leaving bay leaves or cloves in a meal when they serve it
>People who think deep pan "pizza" is superior to thin base
>Retarded people being allowed to sit in view of everybody else in restaurants / cafes (I'm trying to fucking eat, don't want to see some drooling snivelling potato covered in ketchup and mash guffawing).

>> No.5921149


fun fact: spaghetti breaks into 3 parts

>> No.5921159


>> No.5921258
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>> No.5921265

Wasn't there another post by that guy?

>> No.5921270
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Possibly this one?

>> No.5921273

>undersalting food.

>> No.5921275

i like butter

>> No.5921899

You are EPIC Bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5921905

tits or gtfo

>> No.5922028

No one drinks that where I come from so there's nowhere to buy it/I don't know jack about it
But am curious.
Is there a way to make this at home?

>> No.5922057

>Paula pls go

>> No.5922071

Dumb girlfriends who order a steak well done. It's not really a big deal but it seems a waste of money, I don't make an issue of it or anything because it's their meal.

Dumb girls, that's pretty redundant isn't it?

Also, chicks that start acting stupid after only one beer. That's marriage material allright.

>> No.5922076

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.5922083

You need to go get raped and then kill yourself now.

>> No.5922090

>>Retarded people being allowed to sit in view of everybody else in restaurants / cafes (I'm trying to fucking eat, don't want to see some drooling snivelling potato covered in ketchup and mash guffawing).
I can't eat around children or old people for this same reason, fuck.
I'll be fine sitting accross the table form my partners fucking grandad drooling is Easter egg then slurping it up to take another bite but when I just get to the point of swallowing a mouthful of what I was eating it all threatens to come up...
I politely left the table and just walked around in the hallway to shake the feeling...
Fuck I felt ill typing that, I make sure to leave the table when he starts eating... he cuts everything up on the plate, scraped it into a pile and just shovels it in excessively noisily while talking ...in his grainy old people voice, like there's constantly caught in his throat
I've never known another old person to have so much saliva
Fucking fuck.

>> No.5922314

You can use cinnamon in spaghetti.

>> No.5922358


Why doesn't everyone chew with their mouth closed? I don't understand...

>> No.5922414

it's like this is /b/ or something


>people who are so hung up on their food preferences they refuse to eat stuff even at dinner parties. It's cringe worthy and tomatoes aren't going to kill you or make you vomit. Just get over yourself
>calamari as luxury food
>burger kings punk ass watery burgers
>pasta salad with no seasoning just ingredients assembled
>people who say they're allergic to sound trendy when it's just them not liking a particular food
>stored cheese that crumbles to shit when I try to grate it
>peeling garlic
>starbucks in general

is this also friends/family etc rage? i have a few

>ex used to cook steaks with no seasoning
>his mother baked spaghetti carbonara in the oven (?????)

>current boyfriend
>doesn't like any of the following: tomatoes, any seafood, coriander, bacon, any marbled piece of meat, pasta putanesca, or any other rice than basmati
>doesn't like beer
>hadn't tasted beetroot until he was 33

>> No.5922446

People calling drink made from teabags "tea".

>> No.5922456

make tea
put in ice

>> No.5922458

thanks, I gagged

>> No.5922460

What a shitlord

>> No.5922462

Gtfo /b/itch

>> No.5922463

I wonder if tea works any different than coffee, because I just let my 'iced' coffee soak in cold water for several hours and it comes out great.

>> No.5922472
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Cheap cuts of overcooked unseasoned "steak", People who always want to eat fast food, too much salt in things, putting a shit ton of dressing on salads, cheap drink mix

>> No.5922484

there are no women on the internet.

>> No.5922485

I'm going to shove my huge cock in your virgin ass

>> No.5922489
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>No excuse to drink soda
Why the fuck would someone need an excuse to drink soda?

>> No.5922490

It's edible and you get more apply for your money

>> No.5922491


>> No.5922498

>>Listing some pre-made shite or branded concoction as a recipe ingredient (Except for the handful of pre-made things that are of comparable quality to homemade and much more feasible given the time it takes to make eg. filo pastry, stock, etc)
I've seen a recipe for orange chicken using Mountain Dew

>> No.5922504

Cold Brew Coffee. This makes you a hipster and I bet you didn't even know it

>> No.5922520

>people who order extra cheese on their thin crust pizza
>people who hog all the edge pieces of the lasagna or brownies
>people who dont finish their pizza crust
>people who dont finish the milk after eating the cereal
>people who pile fuckloads of food on their plate and then only eat half of it
>people who eat out of their cookware
>people who bring kids to the grocery store or non family restaurants
>people who eat excessive amounts of meat or dairy with their meal instead of having a balance and variety of things
>shitty cooks who think they are Wolfgang fucking Puck or something because they put bacon on everything they make
>when friends ask me where I want to eat and then shoot down every suggestion I come up with.

>> No.5922525


I think I was in that thread at the time.

>> No.5922528

I don't see how.

>> No.5922529

>people who hold their utensils or a drumstick of chicken like 5 year olds
>people who dump their wasabi into the soy sauce and make that shit disgusting looking slurry
>people who cherry pick and take all the good portions of food for themselves instead of mixing it up IE they only take middle pieces from a square cut party pizza, they only take the good wings and leave the drumsticks behind, they take more meat and avoid the veggies when we are at a chinese restaurant
>family members who always want to choose where to eat and half the time its some experimental shit or a place they havent even been to before
trying new restaurants is great when you go by yourself or with your SO but when its a family thing just pick something that everyone knows is good.

>> No.5922530

>people who dont finish their pizza crust
>people who dont finish the milk after eating the cereal
>people who pile fuckloads of food on their plate and then only eat half of it
I really don't get that, i mean beyond that stuff being yummy that's just plain wasteful

>> No.5922533

not finishing cereal milk is fucking weird but what really gets to me is cherry pickers. the ones who only take the good parts and leave the shit behind for everyone else.

>> No.5922535

Jesus stop saying yummy

>> No.5922537

Not fucking weird at all milk is disgusting

>> No.5922540

What do you eat your cereal with?

>> No.5922541

I'll cherry pick my own food for myself but yeah in a group setting that's just being a dick

Yummy food is yummy

>> No.5922544

Almond milk bruh

>> No.5922547

Grown adults who refuse to eat vegetables. And fucks who think everything needs chilli sauce added to it.

>> No.5922580

>isn't it better that they don't add an extra 200 cals?

The answer is yes. People will tell you know, but that's because they think it's cool and clever to be like "THEY EAT TEN DOUBLE CHEESEBURGERS BUT, OH WAIT, IT'S OKAY BCUZ DIET SODA"

As someone who lost a bunch of weight, opting for diet coke is definitely a good choice if you're only eating 1400 calories that day. I don't drink soda at all, but 0 calories is far better than 200.

>> No.5922725

An even better option is to get used to drinking water, like a normal human being.

>> No.5922766

I actually like biting on cloves.

>> No.5922804
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referring to a pizza as "zah" or just " a pie"

>> No.5922824

>People who claim to have gluten sensitivity (unless they've been legitimately diagnosed by a real doctor)

I don't need to ask a doctor if I'm sensitive to gluten when after I eat something containing gluten makes me gassy all day and breathe some of the most rank burps I've ever tasted.

Doesn't stop me from eating food with gluten tho

>> No.5922845


>that passive aggressiveness

Your mad, femanon, your mad.

>> No.5922880

>>People who don't salt the water when making rice/pasta
Because it makes it have a lower boiling point so it cooks faster.

>> No.5922939

>people who call themselves fat while they are eating
>people who talk about their fucked up relationship with food and their bodies while eating or cooking, or right after a meal
>people who say "I'm going to be bad and order the ________"
>people who complain about being full but continue eating
>when no one will take the last piece, instead they keep cutting it in half until they are cutting a tiny crumb of food in half so they don't take the last one
>when someone you live with makes a pie and leaves it to rot without even eating a piece
>when people talk about how little they have eaten that day while ordering food from a restaurant

I'm pretty lenient about people making food in ways I don't make it, or eating food I don't care for, but I just wish they would stop turning a meal into something to be a moral anus over. Makes me furious.

>> No.5922946

>people who bring kids to the grocery store

i get the rest of the list, but really, someone should hire a sitter to go shopping? and how else will kids learn to make healthy and economic choices as they grow?

>> No.5922953


>> No.5923162

>people who bring kids to the grocery store
Why? The grocery store isn't some secret club or fancy restaurant. I'd honestly rather be around loud and obnoxious children over a faggot like you.

>> No.5923167

Sounds like you have some unresolved issues anon

>> No.5923172

>almond water and cereal
fucking dropped

>> No.5923185


Although I've worked at a grocery store for 6 years, I never really got that fed up with kids. They were mostly behaved, and rarely annoying. Mostly middle age+ women that were terrible people. Kind of pathetic how easy parents give in to their kids begging for sweets and snacks though.

Also (98% of) kids don't really learn much at all about economic choices in the supermarket. Their parents don't usually involve them in the process enough.

>> No.5923208

>Implying I still have my anal virginity

>> No.5923230

>cow tit puss and anything


>> No.5923251

>>People who put cinnamon in their cooking because the recipe said "your choice of spices," and cinnamon is technically a spice

Nigguh, I put cinnamon in my samosas and you wouldnt believe how godly it makes them.

>> No.5923253

>>current boyfriend
>>doesn't like any of the following: tomatoes, any seafood, coriander, bacon, any marbled piece of meat, pasta putanesca, or any other rice than basmati
That's all really strange and all, but everybody has a handful of foods they don't like...
>>doesn't like beer
Leave him

>> No.5923255


Moar like lactose intolerance if you ask me. Coeliac disease doesnt cause that.

>> No.5923270

Yeah, this. Isn't cinnamon pretty much standard in Indian and Chinese cooking?

>> No.5923275

Must be something else in breads, because I can drink milk without having any problems.

>> No.5923277

>standard Chinese
garlic is standard Chinese

>> No.5923339

>people who dont finish the milk after eating the cereal
i don't see the appeal

>> No.5923343

Cold brewing is definitely a thing.

For a half gallon
Simmer 2 cups of water, add 6 tea bags
Let steep for 5-6 mins
Pour into pitcher and fill with remaining 6 cups of water

>> No.5923472

Infants crying are just annoying. What I cant stand is they put their kids in the main compartment of the cart so they get their dirty feet all over the place people keep the food. Kids are also less spatially aware and they dart out of no where when you are exiting an aisle or they dont realize they are blocking the aisle when they stand beside their parents.

Grocery store pet peeves could fill up an entire thread on its own so Im not going to bother here.

Just wasting perfectly nutritious milk which is probably the only healthy part of most cereals out there.

>> No.5923479

>dont realize they are blocking the aisle

that is indeed annoying. alas it happens just as often with adults staring at their phones too.

>> No.5923484

welcome to society, friend. there are people in various stages of life and we share a community with them all. you were once a child, and based on your autism i would venture a guess that you were annoying as fuck. those kids are the ones who will be wiping your ass when you're old and stuck in a nursing home, so why not foster a learning experience. instead of raging when a kid (or adult) is in your way, say "excuse me," and model for them how civilized people act.
as far as feet in the cart... yeah, that's gross, but i also don't put anything i will be putting directly in my mouth directly in any part of the cart, because they also sit outside and get covered in dog piss and bird shit.
tl;dr, calm down and be reasonable.

>> No.5923489

Doesn't it pop like mad..?

>> No.5923491

>you were once a child,

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but that's exactly why that kind of behavior irritates me at grocery stores too. I remember being dragged out to the supermarket with my mom when I was a kid. It was annoying because I had to stand still and keep quiet while my parents shopped...and I was a hyperactive little bastard. If my parents could keep me quiet and polite then why can today's parents not do the same.

Of course kids, especially young ones, are going to make mistakes and get in the way. What's annoying is when that happens (or worse: the kids are screaming or running all over the place) and the parents do nothing about it.

>> No.5923492
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>People who break spaghetti in half, put it in a pot, cover it with cold water from the tap, and THEN bring it to a boil.
Your pasta isn't a stuck-together clump of mush because you bought the store brand instead of barilla you dumbass.

>> No.5923496


No, why would it?

>> No.5923505

Women that say:

>hahahaha of course I don't like whiskey, I'm a girl
>I only drink [whatever the fuckin brand is of those shitty margarita flavored beers]

Bitch, try a manhattan, try a glass of chardonnay, try a Roby Roy, a Cuba Libre - FUCK.

Meanwhile all my female cousins in Mexico will drink meh-tier blended scotch whisky with a splash of club soda or ginger ale at most.

>> No.5923506

i hear ya, ill behaved children in public bother me as well. my initial issue was that anon up there said people who grocery shop with children period bother him. that's fucking retarded. a kid having an issue or two while in public and being corrected is normal and should be acceptable. lazy trash parents and their hellspawn make me berserk. i was making a distinction.

>> No.5923509
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>doesn't like beer
He's gay and is only using you so that he can convince his parents that he's not gay.


>> No.5923524

>people who dont finish their pizza crust
I do this, but I am a professional pizza slave.

Most of the pizza we make (be it pizzas we make to sell by the slice or individual pizzas) are horridly undercooked because people will complain about it being burnt.

For example, it takes 7 minutes in our 550 degree oven to cook a large cheese pizza.

When I make a pizza, I put it in, got outside, smoke two cigarettes (roughly 10-12 minutes) and return to perfection.

Unless it's that level of 'well done', I generally don't eat the crust. The consistency is all wrong.

Also, the chains are all trash and I will generally never eat their crust, even if I can get them to actually 'burn' my pizza properly.

>> No.5923526

The most diabetic thing I've ever tasted was a bowl of Fruity Pebbles immersed in Big Red soda.

Just like the double-down from KFC, it's something I've only tried once and will never do again.

>> No.5923568

>like a normal human being.
As someone who prefers water and drinks it nearly exclusively, it seems now that drinking water, especially when at a dinner or eating out is now seen as strange.

>> No.5923681

Bitch please enjoy your breast milk and puss. I'll stick with my bowl of deliciousness.

>> No.5923686

>Implying I know the sex life of some retard on the internet

>> No.5924031

>that's irrelevant to this thread

>> No.5924043

>>Fat people that order a the unhealthiest shit at restaurants but think it's ok because they're drinking diet soda

2005 called and they want their easy target back.

>> No.5924053


>implying eating ~400 less calories is a bad thing

>> No.5924058

>>people who dont finish their pizza crust

Sorry but most mainstream pieces of pizza crust are inedible pieces of straight up dough. If you think you're being more frugal by chomping down on that rock hard garbage then by all means, I'll settle for giving mine to the local ducks.

>people who bring kids to the grocery store or non family restaurants
You sound like an anal sperglord.

>> No.5924119

>400 less calories from soda
>still ingesting 3500 calories from unhealthy food
keep telling yourself those 400 fewer will make you fit, though, I'm sure you'll be a skeleton in a matter of days.

>> No.5924144

Rick and Morty called, they want their joke back

>> No.5924159
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>Eating sushi/Japanese stuff with friends at a restaurant
>One of them finishes his bowl of rice and pours soy sauce into the bowl
>It's almost full, probably used 1/3 of the Kikkoman bottle
>Our sushi arrives
>He takes each piece with a fork
>Bite my tongue, it's his food, etc.
>He dunks each piece of sushi into the soy sauce
>Completely submerges it
>He does this to probably 20 pieces, has to refill the bowl at one point
I don't know how that fucker didn't die, I remember seeing a troll guide on /b/ that tried to kill people by making them drink soy sauce.

>> No.5924287

vegans who shove their stupid lifestyle on everyone. If you don't want to eat meat or dairy, good for you but don't tell me I can't eat it...

>> No.5924324

But it's not sustainable and you are causing the destruction of the planet with your selfish choices while I am saving the world with my selfless choices. Maybe you should think about what kind of world you want to live in. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies, and are more than just ice king on the cake. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite

>> No.5924363

thats what dipping sauce is for, tear off the crust and eat it first you dumbass its still edible and palatable food.

As far as the kids go...
>their parents let them ride in the cart with their dirty feet
>they appear out of nowhere and or block the aisle while remaining unaware that people with carts need to get by them

>muslims who try to remove pork products from advertising

>> No.5924365

>I don't know how that fucker didn't die, I remember seeing a troll guide on /b/ that tried to kill people by making them drink soy sauce.
>tfw drank soy sauce before
To be fair I literally had no food in my house except seasonings and sauces and had been living on around 500 calories a day.

>> No.5924404

You did a what?

>> No.5924475

>it's not sustainable and you are causing the destruction of the planet with your selfish choices

deal with it nerd

or better yet your kids can deal with it but really they're mine because i fucked their mother who is ur girl

>> No.5924545

>This pasta

>> No.5924552

Look into CAIR

>> No.5924986
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>people who hog all the edge pieces of the lasagna or brownies
Oh yes. I be he.

>> No.5925003

>when friends ask me where I want to eat and then shoot down every suggestion I come up with.

Fucking this. My friends are such indecisive faggots.

>> No.5925019


> Edge pieces of lasagna or brownies
You and I would get along just fine. I cannot stand the edge pieces, I always get the center/middle bits

>> No.5926687

backed hard

>> No.5926984

>food pet peeve
I'll share a few:

>Piling shit quality cheese all over food because more is better, hurr durr
>Chicken breast versions of dishes where chicken doesn't belong (Caesar salad, Alfredo pasta, tacos)
>Food that arrives so lacking in flavor that it requires being dunked in or smeared with condiments before eating
>Rich food served in giant portions - if it's something really rich I don't need to eat a mountain of it, and would happily pay less for a smaller portion
>Fast Casual - I'm not interested in fast food made with a handful of token "fresh" ingredients, and I'm not buying the "upscale" image they try to sell you along with it. If I want something "fresh" and "upscale" I'll go to a proper restaurant. If I want fast food I'll go to a fast food joint.
>Mediocrity - It isn't that hard to make delicious food, so if you're a pro and serving food that's less than delicious you're half-assing it. Why would I pay to eat half-assed food when I can make delicious food at home? Nothing annoys me more than going out for an OK meal. It's like an insult.

>> No.5928870

>Grown adults who refuse to eat vegetables
Can't stand this shit, ones who actually throw a fit over vegetables -wont even eat them for show to be courteous. My fat cunt ex was like this

>> No.5928874

>Also (98% of) kids don't really learn much at all about economic choices in the supermarket. Their parents don't usually involve them in the process enough.

Mostly it's just a practice ground for kids to sorta learn how to act around strangers in a place you have to be

>> No.5928875

>Leave him
This ^
Half of every experience you will have in your relationship will be annoying

>> No.5928877

Yeah coeliac makes you shit your ars out

>> No.5928881

Would some lemon juice and sugar or some kind of sweetener be appropriate to add to that?