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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5918079 No.5918079 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel really bad for fast food employees every time they order food from their establishments?(not the greasy teenage shitheads)

>> No.5918088 [DELETED] 

nah i dont care about flyover plebs

>> No.5918095

I feel bad for them because I know the shit they have to put up with every single day.

That's why I always try to be decent to them.

>> No.5918097

why should I feel sorry for them, if the faggots weren't afraid of manual labor they could easily double their income, but instead they took the easy option

>> No.5918100


Nah, but I do feel bad for anons who try to force shit memes. Also, most of the people who are working are there by choice.

>> No.5918105


Exactly. My first job was 17/hour and I basically got to be on my own all day driving around, and could basically spend a good 4+ hours on my phone sitting doing nothing, and I still hated that job, someone telling me what to do even once in the day pissed me off.

I cant imagine being on your feet the entire day, ordered around by assholes, and making less then half I did at my first job. Shit must suck so bad

>> No.5918116

you only get ordered around if you aren't the type to see what needs doing and do it. if you're lazy or unmotivated then yeah your gonna be ordered around because it's the only way you'll get stuff done. you got to have your sweet gig because you would do your work without someone hovering over you making sure you were doing it

>> No.5918118

Yes because I've worked those jobs. I'm always as polite as possible because I know how many intolerable cunts they have to deal with.

>> No.5918119


Not necessarily true, sometimes managers are batshit insane and will yell at you even if they're upset because someone else was being lazy. But yes, typically what you said is the case.

>> No.5918150 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 1200x1098, hamburger-cartoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most yes fry cooks no! I HATE THEM

>> No.5918153

unlike me they have a job so no

>> No.5918160 [DELETED] 


>> No.5918167


>> No.5918170

I only eat whole foods. I do not order food from fast food establishments.

>> No.5918184 [DELETED] 


>> No.5918188 [DELETED] 


>> No.5918242
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>> No.5918254 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5918256

give us a specific example where they are guaranteed a 14.50 an hour job doing manual labor.

>> No.5918262

do your own fucking legwork lazy ass

>> No.5918271

>not the greasy teenage shitheads
All the full-fledged adults that are still working in fast food are burnouts, assholes, or downright retarded. I feel worse for the teenagers stuck with them than the adults.

>> No.5918272

warehouse worker
there's a shit load out there if you bother to look

>> No.5918367

Now a days I work as a truck driver
my handle is good buddy.
I run 1/4 mile 10.10 @ 136mph on my 1300 Suzuki it does have 3grand in mods on it
I bench little over 300lbs
Here is a vid when I didnt stop for a red light.
green lite, red lite wooh gives a fuck.

>> No.5918494

This. I mean fuck, people who work at chain fast foods are stupid. Then again, I'm in jersey, and diners are a dime a dozen. Easily earn 15$ a hour here doing the same work.

>> No.5918509

The guy in that picture looks like Cosmo Wright

>> No.5918550

How much do you make a year?
How often are you at home?
Is trucker food as bad as the rumors?

>> No.5918591

I'm entirely sure janitors do it for free though.

>> No.5918615

union carpentry
your minimum after 4 years is 23$

>> No.5918649

I feel badly for the people who eat at those places. Don't particularly have an opinion on the people working there.

>> No.5918678

bismarck north dakota. mcdonalds is starting at $12 an hour.

>> No.5918683

I do. I went to fucking Indiana for the first time the other weekend and saw more sad people than ever before in my life.

One of the saddest bits of the whole trip was this woman in her late 40s or 50s who was working at Burger King on the late night shift.

Where I'm from, you never see anyone under 30 working at a fast food joint. It just seemed so sad to me that this woman was stuck working at burger king at that stage of her life.

Fucking depressing, man. If I could give her a better job, I would, but I'm just a college student.

>> No.5918684

Last time time I got Subway it was obvious that the qt 3.14 sandwich artist did not want to be there. I wanted to pat her on the head and tell her everything will turn out OK.

>> No.5918710


>go to smashburger
>usually ugly neckbeards and Mexicans in the kitchen, visible through an open window behind the counter
>always find myself glancing to make sure they're not spitting in my food
>this time, QT 3.14, nerdy-looking type with dat ass and glasses [exactly my type] is working in the kitchen
>get so distracted I forget to order haystacks
>get stuck with shitty pleb fries

stupid sexy fast food worker

>> No.5918976

yea and i also feel kinda bad for most h&m and urban outfitters employees too

>> No.5918991


> people who work at chain fast foods are stupid

yeah, sure, because you have gotten to know each one of them. right?

>> No.5918999

It's a general observation based on intuition. For example, I can tell that you're stupid.

>> No.5919015


>needs to reduce people on the internet to feel better about himself

sure buddy

>> No.5919050

> Went on job hunt for 4 months
> Lower my standards every two or so weeks
> No construction going on [this was right after the housing bubble burst]
> No custodial work, no warehouse, no factory
> Give in and apply to fast food places
> three weeks later, I'm about to give up entirely, when out of no where get a call to interview with cfa
> Worked there 2.5 years ended with 12 $/hr salary and some decent friends.

I was sad to leave my friends, but happy that I no longer had to come home smelling like peanut oil everyday. Now I have a job that has to do with my degree.

So no, not everyone who works in a ff job is stupid. Sometimes you have to suck it up and take what you can get. Thanks for those who are kind.

>> No.5919268 [DELETED] 

Bingo go thru life end up there total loosers
I think that's how most on here will end up

>> No.5919292 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 360x444, slater-mcdonalds-in-paris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All people that work @ mcdonalds are low life losers.They have no ambition they are lazy they belong in jail.

>> No.5919318 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 360x444, slater-mcdonalds-in-paris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mcdonalds workers have no ambition.

They got no were in life and are going nowere in life.
The majority of them belong in jail.

>> No.5919347

Lots of them are also poorfag students who need a source of income. But yeah a lot of them don't have high ambitions although you could say that about a large chunk of the population too.

Also lots of immigrants that don't have the skills/language to get jobs elsewhere.

>> No.5919381


Why not get a job at a restaurant though? It is marginally less degrading and even at the shittiest of restaurants you will make more then minimum wage with tips.

>> No.5919404

They get paid minimum wage to take your shit and serve you garbage all day. and they sustain mental and physical harm from their work environment (burns, blisters, cuts, bruises)

>> No.5919406


I've never interacted with a mcdonalds employee who seemed to be intelligent enough to be college material.

Chipotle, starbucks, and other chains, sure. Never mcdonalds.

I don't know what it is about that place.

Also I love you please have my babies.

>> No.5919409

Oilfield work. Usually 18-22 an hour depending on the kind of work

>> No.5919411

Funny, I'm a doctor and worked at McDonald's. chances are a chunk of your family has worked in fast food.

>> No.5919420


I worked at Burger King and McDonalds when I was a student, and I ended up teaching History at a university.

Every other thread on /ck/ is about fucking burgers, so I don't understand why people have so much contempt for the people who serve them up.

>> No.5919429

The problem is students tend not to have job experience which makes them difficult to hire. Only fast food places which provide on the job training anyway will take them. When I was looking for a summer job I applied for dozens of restaurant jobs and McD's was the only one that would hire me.

Honestly most workers just go into automatic mode, it's not the kind of job where you need to turn on your brain. You literally just have to memorise the routine and are nothing more than a machine. The only reason they haven't been all replaced by machines is because it would creep out customers and start a shitstorm.

>> No.5919432


No, I'm the only person in my family who worked for fast food (regional coffee shop chain for a couple of months).

My dad washed dishes at a hotel as an undergrad, my mother never had to work because her family back home was loaded (third world aristocracy). None of my cousins worked in fast food either. Some of my aunts and uncles worked menial jobs at department stores and stuff like that when they were younger.

I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying McDonalds seems to attract unusually stupid people. There seems to be a pecking order with these chains, but I don't really understand why. It can't possibly be competition for wages or differences in operating procedures.

>> No.5919443


Huh, maybe it's because of the area I live in, but I find it hard to believe that it is that hard to find a job at a restaurant. For instance, I walked into a shitty restaurant, asked for an application, talked to the manager, lied about my experience, and then had a job two days later. All my friends have had similar experiences.

Don't restaurants have very high turnover rates? Thus they are always hiring people?

Maybe it just depends on where you live.

>> No.5919461


Probably because you can speak in complete sentences and look people in the eye when you talk, and the manager was like ZOMG HOLY SHIT THIS GUY IS AWESOME.

People tend to associate with people similar to themselves, but you overestimate the employability of the average man on the street.

During my 6 months working for a chain coffee shop, I had a few people drop off applications. I remember the only person I actually liked and wanted to work with turned out to be an ex felon (white collar criminal looking for his first job out of jail). Everyone else was borderline retarded, visibly pregnant, or had some other fatal problem (of course it wasn't up to me, but in any case the manager hired none of them).

>> No.5919482


I reckon you are right. I grew up in a fairly well off area so I guess my sense of the average person is probably a little skewed towards the right of the bell curve.

>> No.5919512


so what happens when he realizes that you're not actually experienced?

>> No.5919555

the worst are old niggas who have to work in the store. asian cultures are spot on with keeping grandparents at home. free child care, extra social security income to household

>> No.5919563


If you can't figure out how to wait tables you might not be cut out for human existence

>> No.5919591


If you try to learn silver service on the job, I'm going to kick you out of the fucking restaurant before people get past the amuse m8.

There's a lot more to waiting tables properly than popping up in a Chili's polo shirt and saying "my name's Shavondra and I'll be your server today can I get you settled with some drinks and breadsticks?"

Try going to a good restaurant once in a while. Just remembering which wine belongs to which table is tough for most people on their first night in a proper place.

>> No.5919616


The guy literally said "walked into a shitty restaurant", do you think the manager even knows what an "amuse" is? If you want to wave your e-peen, I think the tea thread is currently the fashionable place for that.

>> No.5919620


they have a job

i don't care what anyone else does, i'm not insecure about what i do

those people make the world go round and apparently also big macs

>> No.5919628

My little brother is 21, hopping from McJob to McJob and failing community college classes.

He made his choices.

>> No.5919656 [DELETED] 

yea shure lot docters hang on the chan lol hehehe I need my boots on here

>> No.5919658 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 629x510, Burger-King-Employee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets hear more lies

>> No.5919660

Not always true. I know a guy who had towork 2 fastfood jobs. He got laid off and his wife left him.

>> No.5919667 [DELETED] 

is this liar.org lol baaa hahaha

>> No.5919678


just because you're surrounded by scum and are scum yourself doesn't make the entire world scum, bbq king

>> No.5919686 [DELETED] 
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im a doc I make good money in fast food im smart I can google bbaaaaaaa hahaha your killing me baw haw haw

>> No.5919694

on my way :3

>> No.5919699 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5919745 [DELETED] 

I have to agree this site full of liars.

>> No.5919853

yeah, I do. a local Bojangles (chicken place, mostly south east us). they make a "buffalo chicken sandwich t6hat is great. lightly breaded, deep fried, ltm, cajun mayo. 4 bucks and worth every penny. an older black lady at the drive through. 70+. I asked her. she said her dauaghter was in jail,she was raising her 9 year old grand daughter, and social security did not pay enough. she made an addional 8k, plus she liked interacting with people. 72 years old. what a great lady. being tipped is verboten. so I hand her a ten and drive off before she can make change..

>> No.5919887 [DELETED] 


>> No.5919929

>b-but they have to stand on their feel all fay anon!

>> No.5920350

have you tried helping him?

or are you doing worse?

>> No.5920356

>Joining a union.

I guess some people enjoy being the whipping boy to greasy old men.

>> No.5920370

I'm sure if they got a lawyer they'd be allowed to work from a hoverround

>> No.5920412

I'm often uncomfortable with my appearance but thank you Jesus I'm not that kid

>> No.5920811


Yeah, laborers who don't join unions.

Maybe you should learn basic history about labor unions before making diarrhea-tier "troll" posts on an anonymous chinese cartoon image board.