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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 171 KB, 800x603, full-english-breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5916131 No.5916131 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best breakfast and why is it a full English?

>> No.5916134

I prefer eggs in hell or eggs benedict.

>> No.5916135
File: 626 KB, 711x400, colazione napoletana 2011-05-12-08h32m49s151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My traditional brekkie is best.
Full English is too heavy for me. Makes a good mid-day meal, though.

>> No.5916137

>stodgy canned baked beans in tomato sauce

There are so many better ways to do beans people should stop eating that slop

>> No.5916140

Heinz baked beans are god tier m8t

>> No.5916142



>> No.5916148


>Heinz beans have been ruined since they started making them in Holland. European legislation made them take all the salt out, Brussels has gone too far, this is why we should leave the EU.
>why not just put some salt int them while they're cooking then?
>That's not the point, muh sovreignity, muh self-determination, we should leave the EU
>Then you'd have to import Hainz Beans from Europe, with tariffs and taxes, so they'd cost twice as much and they'd still have no salt in them
>That's not the point, LEEAVE EU NAO, They're messing with traditional British products
>Heinz is an American brand, m8

Actual conversation I had with a moron a couple of days ago.

>> No.5916160 [DELETED] 

Yeah there's a lot of anti EU bigotry going on in the UK at the moment, mainly perpetuated by a bunch of Nazis in disguise; UKIP. We're eating far too much salt now days anyway.

>> No.5916162

Do you not know how to spell "breakfast"?

>> No.5916164

American here. What are we going to do about the growing Nazi problem in our countries? It seems like it's getting worse and worse every day.

>> No.5916175

We should all sit round a full English and decide. Jokes aside, when you get economic downturns hateful right wing doctrine always gains traction.

>> No.5916176

Introduce more matzo ball soup into their diets

>> No.5916181

>hateful right wing doctrine

also hateful left-wing doctrine (which is invariably right wing doctrine in disguise). So you end up with the bizarre Greek coalition of Nazis and Stalinists.

It's not much different to 1914 right now, and if something doesn't give, there's going to be "strong men" emerging all over to fill the gap. Then we'll have to have another big war, which will no doubt make a lot of people happy and give an even better opportunity to reduce civil liberties.

Fun times ahead, kids.

>> No.5916183

I think it's come to the point where the citizenry is completely fucked unless we get the military on our side. If we can convince them that they're being fucked just as much, if not more than, everyone else, there might be some kind of coup, and if the right men are in charge of it, they'll know that they have to allow a new government to be formed that isn't controlled by the military. I think about this a lot.

>> No.5916184
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Wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.5916192


>> No.5916196


>> No.5916202


>> No.5916205

>expecting the military to save you from totalitarianism
>I think about this a lot.

You don't think about reading history books a lot, do you?

>> No.5916206

>Australian slang
It all makes sense now.

>> No.5916209

I'm not Aussie. I don't have enough skin cancer. It's a Brit term too, m8.

>> No.5916217

Yeah you're right, China is a good example - we're all fucked ha.

>> No.5916219

What about Turkey? They were doing alright for a while. I know that it's not likely, but it's one of only three possible options: we progress into a completely totalitarian state, the entire system falls apart, or we have a revolution. The revolution cannot succeed without the support of the military; it would be crushed otherwise. There are some incredibly intelligent, and surprisingly liberal, members of the military, especially among officers/NCOs who lead infantry forces and have personal relationships with grunts. I'm holding out hope that enough of them will get fed up with being treated like tools to be disposed of once they're no longer useful and help the people start something better.

>> No.5916222
File: 272 KB, 1600x1200, UK 2013 015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to get a good photo of a full English because of all dat brown.

Still look fucking glorious though.

>> No.5916227

Back on point, how does /ck/ feel about chips being thrown into the mix? I know it goes against tradition but I always like a bit of potato action and don't feel like hash browns (unless they are really good and have onion in the) cut the mustard.

Also, brown sauce for the win.

>> No.5916228

Is it weird that my favorite part is the tomato? I fucking love grilled tomato.

>> No.5916233

Not at all, I'm actually glad more places tend to do it now instead of tinned toms.

>> No.5916234

Not for me - hash browns are just right.
Sauteed potatoes can work.

>> No.5916240

Black pudding is what makes a full English the GOAT

>> No.5916242

This thread has inspired me to go to the one English style pub in my town and get their full English. They're normally not open in the mornings, but every Saturday they put the EPL on the TVs and serve a full english. Never tried it, but I've heard good things. Will report back later on whether it's actually good, or the Midwesternized garbage I've come to expect out of this town.

>> No.5916244

I think you mean

>> No.5916246

get a photo

>> No.5916245

Actually, I want you Britbongs to decide if I should go or not.
What's your opinion on their menu?

>> No.5916253

I had full irish in dublin and the only difference that I could tell was the irish one had black and white pudding.

It reminded me of the black pudding we have in sweden only it was helluva lot more greasy and a pretty bad texture

>> No.5916256

Give it a go and this >>5916246

Menu isn't bad, pleasantly surprised to see curry and chips on there lol.

>> No.5916259

Nice selection, could be shit, could be amazing.

>> No.5916260

They don't open until 9, which is about an hour and a half away. Which team should I root for? I only ever watch association football when it's an international competition.

>> No.5916264


>hash browns

Do you even full english m8?

Bubble is the only way.

>> No.5916266


>> No.5916268

Is that pronounced sout hampton or south ampton?

>> No.5916273

But South-ampton is what people tend to actually say.

>> No.5916275

Sunderland, they need all the help they can get at the moment.

>mfw city are 1-0 down to the hammers

I can't be dealing with cooked cabbage on a hangover m8t

>> No.5916286

So what's with the sunny-side-up eggs in all of these? Don't they know how to properly fry an egg in bongistan?

>> No.5916296

It's just the done thing, good for dipping your fried slice in - one of the most hedonistic pursuits if there ever was one.

>> No.5916312

>tfw cannot do hash browns for my life

I mean, they TASTE fine, but I always end up with this half-scorched pan-sized potato cake, and it always takes much longer than the rest of the meal. Is there some trick I'm missing for quick, easy hash browns?

>> No.5916325

You ARE using cooked potatoes and letting them warm up from being in the fridge, right?

>> No.5916334

A good English Breakfast is the one you make yourself.

I like to have: back bacon, sausage, baked beans, eggs, fried/grilled tomato, fried bread, mushrooms, and fried bread or hash browns.

I find a lot of English/British food is better when you make it yourself, at least it is for me when I make it. I don't think you can really go to a restaurant to experience it.

>> No.5916341

Naw, grilled tomato is my favourite part as well. Tomatoes are just Godly all-around.

>> No.5916359

>England’s version of everyone’s favorite, Shepherd’s Pie!
Please, both cottage and shepherd's is English (and interchangable).

>no sunday roast

The "Taste of England" bit is a bit lacking to be honest, though I can't even see full english on there.

>> No.5916361

The full english isn't a part of their regular menu. They only do breakfast on Saturdays, and it's just that one meal.

>> No.5916366

You'll probably come to "rescue" us again by killing everyone.

>> No.5916368

What if England and America falls into the hands of Nazis, and the world has to be saved by Germany?

>> No.5916369
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>> No.5916374

I used to pretend to be a bigot on the internet, but then I saw so many idiots taking it seriously and agreeing with me that I had to stop.

>> No.5916444

Underrated post

>> No.5916504

pot noodle and a wank ftw

>> No.5916511


>pot noodle for breakfast

Posh. Round here, the full english is two cups of tea and six Lambert & Butler.

>> No.5916528

>lamby bamby's

I wanked off me mate for a teenth of soap-bar. not gay tho.

>> No.5916543


Sainsburys' own brand are far superior.

>> No.5916548

Waitrose or go home. All other supermarkets a shit.

>> No.5916554

I llike sainsbur'ys
it keeps the riff-raff out of waitrose

>> No.5917243


THAT would be a twist

>> No.5917378

I like fucking with the system, I will go into Iceland, get the crap shit I want and then mosey into Waitrose to buy mai artichoke hearts, deli meats etc. You can almost smell the despair on their stuck up faces as they see the Iceland carrier bags...priceless.

>> No.5917397
File: 1.29 MB, 384x184, anigif_enhanced-buzz-31980-1405848411-11.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5917399

Toast with a sharp cheese and salad sprouts
Croissants with hazelnut spread (not the gross meme kind)
Orange juice
Fresh strawberries

Then sex afterwards.

>> No.5918197

So...why is this breakfast so great?

>> No.5918237

It's a good balance of carbs, fats and proteins (depending on how you portion it).

>> No.5918257


Local farm shop or GTFO.

>> No.5918261


is this for real? I see plenty of poor people in waitrose. Its prices are not any different from the other supermarkets.

>> No.5918558


Learn how to greentext, you fucking faggot.

>> No.5918568

It is GOAT, but i can't have it right now because i'm on a cut :/

>> No.5918576

I'm partial to a good breakfast burrito myself but i'd love to make a full english breakfast minus the tomato sometime

>> No.5918589

Are those fucking baked beans? We usually eat that shit with barbeque over here in normalville

>> No.5918599

If its good enough for barbeque its good enough for breakfast.

>> No.5919500

>I see plenty of poor people in waitrose
What's your technique for identifying them, the peasants are looking more and more like us.

>> No.5919503

No wonder the UK is the most obese country of europe.

>> No.5919506

>tfw tried to make a bastardized full english breakfast
>ended up with two pieces of buttered toast cut diagonally, scrambled eggs, three sausages, sliced apple, and rice.

>> No.5919518

Despite it's name it's actually not commonly eaten over here, most people don't have the time to make it and just have cereal for breakfast. If you ask anyone they usually only have it when staying abroad/in a hotel. Though I like to make it occasionally, maybe like once a week or something since I'm a housewife, it's a pretty good way to start the day if you don't have it too often or balance what you have for the rest of the day around it.

>> No.5919536

what the fuck

>> No.5919543
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>> No.5919570
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>> No.5919574
File: 246 KB, 1550x1011, mcdonalds_hawaii_breakfast2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5919575


Surely looking at the fat knacker across the table would put you off eating all that.

I think I'll just have a croissant and some jam, thanks.

>> No.5919583

what is the black disc thing? Canadian here, never seen it before. everything else looks pretty good.

>> No.5919588

Someone list everything on that plate. I don't know what a lot of that stuff is. I know the mushrooms, sausage, beans, and tomato. THe others I am clueless about

>> No.5919593

Black pudding. It's a type of sausage made with blood.

>> No.5919594

ham, tomato, beans, sausage, egg, mushrooms, looks like corn beef hash and I don't know wtf that black disc thing is or the spherical fried shit

>> No.5919604

If you're not like a traditional lumberjack or something you'll get fat for devouring that amount of greasy shit for breakfast.

>> No.5919611

define traditional lumberjack, I eat similarly for breakfast and am not fat.

>> No.5919615

>bacon (back bacon, not that fatty belly bacon that you're probably used to if you're American)
>egg, looks like a poached egg rather than the usual fried egg you get with a full english
>black pudding, see>>5919593
>fried bread or toast under the egg
>croquette, I'm not certain about this one but I think that's what it is, it's not usual to a full english though I guess it's like a hash brown in a way

No idea what the brown thing next to the croquette is, looks like it's maybe a faggot.

>> No.5919622

Or any job which is mostly manual labor, something where you actually use your body and break a sweat and need nutrition.

>> No.5919625
File: 69 KB, 602x378, bacon and ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there are people in this world who can't tell ham (the circular thing) from different cuts of bacon and only know of belly bacon

>> No.5919627

...you don't recognise bacon?

The black disc is black pudding. No idea what the fried thing is; could be some really weirdly shaped hash browns?

>> No.5919629
File: 470 KB, 1024x1371, 10351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German meat breakfast

>> No.5919632

>weirdly shaped hashbrown
I've seen that shape in grocery stores. Not everything is McDonald's bro.

>> No.5919636
File: 1023 KB, 1196x857, weisswurst_fruhstuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ahem. real german meat breakfast reporting for duty.

>> No.5919638

gross. that's latvian.

>> No.5919639
File: 242 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're grrrrrrrrrreat!

>> No.5919640

I found out that I really like weisswurst, but that it also has enough sodium to murder me if I eat more than two a week.

It's also one of the only things I like mustard with.

>> No.5919641
File: 58 KB, 597x335, obey_consume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is covered in brand logos
>traditional breakfast

When did Germany turn into a John Carpenter dystopia?

>> No.5919653
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>> No.5919669

Which Airlines?

>> No.5919677
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The domain name on that mineral water is .my so probably malaysia air

>> No.5919688

No wonder brits are so fat.

>> No.5919695


>> No.5919700
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>> No.5919727

I don't think McDonalds do hash browns in this country. I guess it might be a breakfast thing, but I've never had McDonalds breakfast.

>> No.5919734
File: 34 KB, 938x445, c1f049b0bb[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what that "English style" restaurant serves in america? Fish and chips are street food, curry and chips is... a weird combination that I wouldn't pair together, bangers and mash the typical "kids meal" selection, and I'm pretty sure shepherd's pie is english itself.

Pretty bad selection honestly, you've got a kids meal, two fast food takeout meals, and a meat pie, looks like the reason america thinks poorly of british food is becoming very apparent.

>> No.5919740
File: 28 KB, 550x366, malaysian breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also probably malaysia because a Malaysian breakfast is a (usually chicken or shrimp) curry, rice, cucumber salad, and a cold hard boiled egg.

They sell Malaysian breakfasts in nicer Irish restaurants, they are god-tier

>> No.5919743

Heuheuh, my spouse glanced at that while walking by and comment "ew, looks like prison food".

>fast food
>for breakfast

No wonder yanks are so fat.

>> No.5919757

Yeah what we need is to replace the pancakes with three different kinds of sausages to make it healthy right?

>> No.5919765

apple and rice?

>> No.5919790
File: 1.18 MB, 1976x1425, Sausage-gravy-009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biscuits and gravy

>> No.5919807
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>> No.5919808


Dat passive aggressive.

Were you saving that the whole thread because you were upset bongs got called fat way up top?

>> No.5919825

>flat, dense scrambled eggs
kill me now

>> No.5919838
File: 27 KB, 236x338, f5df981bedce9c80917376f736c7b0fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best of the best.

>> No.5919850


>hurp durp only british people make fun of americans

>> No.5919851 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 487x650, britain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would need a fork-knife to all of that.

>> No.5919857
File: 87 KB, 500x500, Rock-Camera-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was my breakfast today because i'm poor

>> No.5919875

who in the holy fuck eats this much first thing in the morning

like, a coffee, a croissant and a soft boiled eg is more than enough

>> No.5919888

A healthy breakfast is supposed to be heavy you ignoramus. All other meals are supposed to be light.

>> No.5919896


>> No.5919898

Turks, I think.

>> No.5919900

After 7-8 hours of sleep and a mostly empty digestive track breakfast needs to be the most filling meal.
Big breakfast and small meals later.

>> No.5919905


>hurp durp damage control

>> No.5919906
File: 2.05 MB, 2560x1920, fucking_krauts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think that may be more to do with the fact that I took the first pic I found on the goggle imago search.

Here's a less commercialised one. My apologies, I didn't even see he sponsorship on the other.


You got to have the sweet mustard, or it's just not right. Although I only like that mustard when I'm there. I brought a pot home from Bavaria last time I was there and it tastes like shit on everything I try it with here.

>> No.5919907

Hrm. What cultures do that? I'm used to small breakfast, small dinner, medium/medium-large lunch.

>> No.5919911


>this country

If you mean the UK, they do, or did about five years ago when I last bought one. They are indeed part of the breakfast range - I used to get a egg muffin and stuff a hashbrown into it and nom it on my way home from nightshifts.

It's not nice, but it's fatty and salty and starchy so there's that.

>> No.5919916

It really varies in quality. Good black pudding is imperative in a full breakfast.

>> No.5919917


>what is an omelette?

>> No.5919923

>What cultures do that?
Probably all Anglo nations.
If there's one thing Britain, the US, and Australia can agree on it's that they eat a monstrous breakfast.

>> No.5919932
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>What cultures do that?

Civilised ones.

> I'm used to small breakfast, small dinner, medium/medium-large lunch.

It must be awful to live like an Italian or something. Are you poor, or foreign?

Breakfast as a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper: this is the way to health, wealth, empire and the linguistic dominance of the entire planet.

Also, whenever you people talk about english breakfast, it's always horrible bacon egg soss fried slice etc. like a builder.

What about some fucking kedgeree or porridge or kippers with a poached egg on top. There's a lot more to English breakfast than fried meat and greasy carbs.

Although a full English is, obviously, nice every now and again.

Finally, American diner breakfasts are ace.

>> No.5919984

>They sell Malaysian breakfasts in nicer Irish restaurants

Wait, what? Where does this happen?

>> No.5919992


>> No.5920000

It seems the Germans will slap a pickle-hume on Merkels head any day now and start talking about getting Austria back.

You know, just to save face.

>> No.5920005
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>> No.5920029

it doesn't get anymore bourgeois than porridge

>> No.5920033

gross, is what it is

>> No.5920036



Tell that to the scottish and see how you get on.

>> No.5920041
File: 242 KB, 1600x983, dsc01314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5920057


What the fuck is that? It looks quite tasty in a horrible sort of way, but it doesn't look like breakfast to me.

>> No.5920068


>> No.5920075


Well, that explains fucking everything. Thanks a lot. Fucking Tapsilog, eh? How stupid of me, now I know everything.

Is that an airline version or something, and the real thing is actually really nice? Because that one looks sort-of-nice, but a bit processed and horrible, a bit like >>5919700

>> No.5920081

The manneurysm of this post makes me feel as if some British gentleman is berating me while occasionally hitting me with a cane.

>> No.5920085

I said "tapsilog" but meant "steaksilog," sorry. I'm used to having tapa, not salisbury steak.

Basically, -silog plain (IE garlic; for Filipinos, if it's "plain," it's got garlic in it) fried rice with an egg and X where X will be pretty much whatever the fuck you want, usually (almost always) a meat. Hotsilog would be hotdogs, hamsilog would be ham, tapsilog is tapa (almost like the Filipino version of dry rendang, though not as tasty) though embosilog is a little difficult to guess. Give up? Meatloaf (embotido in Filipino).

>> No.5920088

see >>5920085
Sorry about that. Hit "post" before I'd meant to.

>> No.5920089
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You'd like that, wouldn't you, you dirty little oik.

>> No.5920096
File: 478 KB, 1920x1280, Tapsilog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I googled it anyway because I'm not as lazy and stupid as I pretend to be for "comic" effect. It's as I thought, it looks good, but your pic looks like a kind of McDonalds style thing.



>> No.5920095

And yes: It's quite tasty, though I don't often like steaksilog (salisbury steak more commonly than a proper steak) all that much cuz of the gravy. Fried chicken silog is bestsilog.

>> No.5920106

I wasn't the one that posted that pic, just the explanations.

And it is a McDonald's like thing. That one is from Jollibee which I guess you could call a Pinoy equivalent of McDonald's. Much larger and more varied menu, though. They do everything from burgers to fried chicken to waffles to rice to spaghetti (though Filipino spaghetti which is awful and made with red-dyed banana sauce and cut up hot dogs).

Hotsilog is great. :-)

>> No.5920124
File: 131 KB, 500x375, hotsilog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>red-dyed banana sauce and cut up hot dogs

Good god man. What did the americans do to you? Are you in national counselling. Can you show us on this non-threatening menu doll where they touched your cuisine?

Is that banana ketchup stuff filipino? I like that.

Hotsilog, dude. Serious. I read somewhere that going from Spanish rule to American imperialism was like 200 years in a convent followed by fifty years in a whorehouse. I didn't realise they made you cook like hookers as well.

Hotsilog. Jesus wept.

>> No.5920139

>England's version of Shepherd's Pie
>Cottage Pie!


>> No.5920148


Yeah, I noticed that too. Fucking dumb fucks.

>> No.5920149

Not Filipino myself, brah. Grew up in Angeles, though, and Singapore. Gad a three different Filipino nannies in as many countries (all three of which had the same first name: Maria... well, one was 'Mary-Grace' but we called her 'Maria').

>banana ketchup
That's the red-dyed sauce they put on their overcooked spaghetti. It's awful.

Filipino hotdogs aren't the same as American or Brit ones. They're softer and sweeter, generally.

>> No.5920152

>Gad a three
>Had three

>> No.5920157

I'm partial to the full Texas breakfast

Chicken fried steak
Refried beans
Fried okra
Hash browns
Grilled jalapeno

All covered in queso and served with a shot of tequila.

>> No.5920176
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Tomatoes crimini mushrooms 2 sunny side up eggs with avocado and some red onion.

>> No.5920178

>Baked beans
Why does anybody like that disgusting oversweet slop?

>> No.5920219
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>They're softer and sweeter, generally.

That's not really selling it to me.

>rice, hotdog and egg

>> No.5920245
File: 539 KB, 500x400, 1353268469565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having heavy breakfast is retarded.
First, empty stomach is sensitive. Secondary, it's usually good idea to get a nap after heavy meal.
Also, I'm not going to cook this shit in 5:00 am.

>> No.5920257

i really want to like the full english but who the fuck decided to call baked beans a breakfast food

>> No.5920283
File: 70 KB, 634x538, british_beauty_quiien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Common people. If you look 100 years ago, an english cooked breakfast was bacon, eggs, maybe a mushroom or two if you're lucky. You'd have some toast and marmalade, and away.

This plated mess of everything is the equivalent of a 48pc McNugget dinner, but for fat English people.

>> No.5920295

Beans are optional. I never order them with mine because I'll only eat baked beans with most of the sauce removed.

>> No.5920301
File: 9 KB, 356x294, Husarbolle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bread butter cheese

>> No.5920314

Can any one else here only eat black puddin and bacon with a runny egg

other wise the black puddin taste to rich and the bacon too salty

>> No.5920567
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>> No.5922474

I can't stand black pudding fullstop.

>> No.5922497

Why are britbong hashbrowns always shaped in triangles also what's up with the half a mother fucking plain tomato

>> No.5922501
File: 26 KB, 300x214, фотошоп-мастер-сделал-сам-Комиксы-project-x-1085703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bacon too salty

>> No.5922552

Dump the beans and add wilted spinach

>> No.5922565
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>Yeah there's a lot of anti EU bigotry going on in the UK at the moment, mainly perpetuated by a bunch of Nazis in disguise; UKIP. We're eating far too much salt now days anyway.
I can't even begin to tip it enough to this post

>> No.5922567

I wonder who could be behind this post.

>> No.5922568

Where's the god damn black pudding?

>> No.5922570

You can always tell the quality of an establishment by if they offer chips with a fry-up or not.

>> No.5922574


Yes, real life is divided into superior 4channers and fedoric redditors. The superior 4channers all vote for a racist clown in a colorful suit.

I'm so glad I come to 4chan so I can be redpilled every day.

>> No.5922579

That's a poor example considering the fact that we're on /ck/ and it's obviously filled with tumblrians and people who have facebook on another tab.

>> No.5922582

Never been a fan of grilled tomatoes. They go all mushy.

>> No.5922589
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>England’s version of everyone’s favorite, Shepherd’s Pie!

>> No.5922590

>tinned toms
That was a thing? Ewww.

>> No.5922596
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>Burger topped with American cheese

>> No.5922598

>everything I know comes filtered through inane social media sites so everyone else must be like that too

Do kids these days actually read traditional media at all, or is that for 35+ people only?

>> No.5922604

How many hours do I gotta spend watching MSNBC before I agree with them- I mean educated like you, boss?

>> No.5922605

What, you fry your eggs until they are solid? That's the shit way only a pleb would have them like.

What good are eggs if they aren't dippy?

>> No.5922607
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>> No.5922609

favourite /ck/ meme

>> No.5922611


MSNBC is a TV channel.

Does it give you a headache to read something longer than a single sentence under funny pictures?

>> No.5922612

What is it with the extreme reaction from burgers when they see an American creation?

>> No.5922620
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>tfw tried to make a bastardized full english breakfast
>ended up with two pieces of buttered toast cut diagonally, scrambled eggs, three sausages, sliced apple, and rice.

>> No.5922625

Fucking jocks.

>> No.5922626

Why don't you give me a few suggestions?

>> No.5922628
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>corn beef hash

>> No.5922631


Don't they have a library in your area? You could start there, most libraries have a wide selection of internationally relevant newspapers and magazines, which approach journalism from a wide variety of perspectives.

If you have trouble at first, ask mommy and daddy if they can get you a script for ritalin. I've heard that it's used to cure kids who can't perform well in school these days. I'll bet most of your better performing classmates are on it.

>> No.5922633
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All hail the glorious leader Shilliband! He will finish the job that Labour started and ensure that the British people will forever be wiped out.

>> No.5922636

I don't know, the side effect of turning into a soft unlikable cunt seems like a major turn off.

I won't run into snide losers who pretend to read on the internet but hang out in the manga section will I?

>> No.5922637

>Filipino spaghetti which is awful and made with red-dyed banana sauce and cut up hot dogs
Jesus, not like Spain looked after their colonies too well, but they shouldn't have let the Seppos have any.

>> No.5922641

>curry and chips is... a weird combination that I wouldn't pair together
What sort of upper class toff are you? Is that you Craven?

>> No.5922642
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>What's the best breakfast

my favourite is kedgeree. But a full English is a masterpiece of culinary excellence. Also kippers with poached eggs and buttered wholemeal toast.

>> No.5922647

>looks like the reason america thinks poorly of british food is becoming very apparent

To Americans, stereotypes are fact.

>> No.5922651
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Cat vomit on a scone?

>> No.5922653


A lot of scummy people hang out at public libraries because it's a free comfortable place to sit down and use the internet. So you should feel comfortable there.

There won't be a "manga section", that's not how libraries work. There might be some manga somewhere though. Ask a librarian for help.

>> No.5922656


Mustard is spicy.

>> No.5922659

I won't have to wait long to pretend like it's an accomplishment and post about it on the internet right?

Don't act like you're not an expert in this field.

>> No.5922661

>I can't be dealing with cooked cabbage on a hangover m8t

Then you're gimping yorself squire. Cabbage is just what you need with a hangover - full of vitamins, so is the spud, and the grease from frying it will line your stomach.

Get it down your fucking neck and stop crying before I give you something to cry for.

>> No.5922664

>A good English Breakfast is the one you make yourself.

Absolutely the opposite of the truth. The best one is the one that someone brings to you.

>> No.5922665
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A good kedgeree in the morning is heavenly.

>> No.5922670
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Not in Bavaria. The traditional accompaniment for a weisswurst is Süßer Senf. And it's delicious. Nice to dip a big old brezel into as well.

There's millions of kinds of mustard. You ought to get out a bit more often.

>> No.5922671


Like what's an accomplishment? Knowing how to use a library? To be honest I kind of assumed they still taught that stuff in schools, although now that I think about it, it would explain a lot if they didn't.

I'm just trying to help you get some basic cultural literacy here so you can discover how news gets generated, recycled, and eventually finds its way to your facebook feed in the form of a funny meme. If you just spend a half hour a day reading primary sources, you can have opinions of your very own. If you want them, that is.

>> No.5922674

>Baked beans
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.5922677

>First, empty stomach is sensitive
If you are a little girl maybe, but civilised people aren't that pathetic.

>> No.5922678


Supposedly the quality of baked beans in america is pretty sub-par

>> No.5922680

>plain tomato
They are grilled.

>> No.5922684

>Watching old media

Yes, I like being indoctrinated with lies and agenda by our friend Rupert Murdoch.

If you use old media, then you are objectively retarded. The Sun, the Guardian, the Daily Mail, all of them as retarded as each other.

>> No.5922687
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>> No.5922688

You are genuinely the worst sort of fedora tipper.

>> No.5922689

The acidity of the tomato cuts through the greasiness of the rest of the food.

I don't know about the triangular hashbrowns. Maybe the Illuminati likes them that way.

>> No.5922691
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>> No.5922693

>I only know about three wildly slanted tabloids therefore all media is a jewish lie
>I'm going to get my news from a chemtrail conspiracy site instead

/pol/ logic

>> No.5922694

Yeah, I heard that American beans are made with sugar instead of tomato sauce, making them sickly. It probably explains their complete shock and horror to seeing beans for breakfast, although the fact that they pour syrup over American pancakes and bacon sort of goes against this.

>> No.5922696

I'm really impressed you could keep a condescending tone this entire way through. You come off as generally unpleasant in real life too?

>> No.5922697

>the quality of baked beans in america is pretty sub-par

Actually, that's crap. They're not bad at all, just different. You wouldn't want to make beans on toast with them, but they're OK with barbecue or burgers or whatever.

They come in all kind of hickory smoked and jack daniels glazed versions and all kinds of shit, and yeah, they're a bit sweet, but I would imagine that depends on the brand and the flavouring.

Mostly I wouldn't want yank beans with a breakfsat, but I think beans with your cooked breakfast is a bit common anyway tbh, and they swamp the plate and make everything taste beany.

Since the recent EU regs on sodium content, I actually think the eurobeans are too sweet now - heinz and crosse & blackwell are sugary as fuck.

>> No.5922699


If I heard an early 20s shitbird talking like the only possible source of information was twitter and facebook in real life, yeah, I'd probably have something to say to him that would come off as condescending.

I suspect if you talked that way to your parents you'd get a similar response, but considering how you turned out, maybe I'm giving them too much credit.

>> No.5922701
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>tfw you're too uneducated to realise that condescension is really the only response to your sorrowful situation.

>> No.5922705

>all media is a jewish lie
>I'm going to get my news from a chemtrail conspiracy site instead

You fucking idiot.

>> No.5922707

He sounds like the embodiment of tumblr, an actual fedora tipper.

His poor mother.

>> No.5922708

If being snarky and condescending is your first reaction to some degree of silliness it says plenty.

How do you feel about Irish stew?

>> No.5922711


It's not silliness though. Quite often on 4chan I see this sentiment expressed that ideas come from tumbler and facebook and so on. It's disturbing to me that an entire generation is growing up this way.

The irish stew post was a work of comedic genius and/or mental illness. Likely a combination of the two.

>> No.5922719

Are you new or something?

No one BELIEVES that ideas come from tumblr and facebook.

On 4chan anons accuse people of using fb and tumblr as a way to ridicule them because the average person here thinks it's dumb.

>> No.5922721

American baked beans are different to British baked beans. American ones are sweeter, and use molasses, whereas british ones are in a tomato-based sauce.

>> No.5922729

>No one BELIEVES that ideas come from tumblr and facebook.

It's a default response to any political position someone disagrees with. How could some of your generation NOT believe this? I don't see how it could have become a source of ridicule otherwise.

>> No.5922741

Because it's believed that the average facebooker or tumblrian holds a certain set of beliefs that are really caricatures of the "SJW" or "average dumb kid" and that's why it's really just an insult when people accuse you of using those websites.

No one believes that those ideas originated from those places but are just heavily inhabited by people who think that way.

>> No.5922769


I've never felt that baked beans tasted even remotely sweet, and they make everything on your plate taste of the tomato sauce rather than beans themselves.


>> No.5922787


By beany, I meant saucy, I guess.

Sorry to see that you're having problems with candlejack, he seems to be hungry recen

>> No.5922794


whats candlejack? take your reddit memes back to wh

>> No.5922834

Anything harder than over-easy is abominable but when you cook them sunny-side up the entire top of the egg stays slimy and the yolk is more done on the bottom than the top. It's much better to flip them when they're about 3/4 of the way done so that the white crisps up a bit and the yolk cooks from both sides.

>> No.5922848

I don't know what half of what you just said even means, but you use the spatula to splash oil on top of the eggs to ensure the whites are cooked and the yolk is still runny.

>> No.5922855
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>having that much oil in the pan

>> No.5922858

Are you some sort of queer? Christ, how do you even do your fried bread?

>> No.5922923

You butter the bread, you mong.

>> No.5922935
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Hello there fellow 4chan user.

>> No.5922941

>You butter the bread
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.5922948

What the fuck is wrong with YOU?

Unless your pan is swimming in oil, your bread is going to burn.

>> No.5922968

Of course the pan has oil in it, because you just fried your eggs in it.

>> No.5922975
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>> No.5922979

I almost threw up in my mouth looking at that.

>> No.5922987

that is filth m9

>> No.5922996
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>> No.5922997

Why? It's not lie there is gravy on it. It is no different to a fry-up sarnie.

>> No.5923000

And you'll fucking thank me for it.

>> No.5923006
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>> No.5923011

filth in a good way m8. would eat.

>> No.5923023


Pick one.

>> No.5923036
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has there been a more british conversation on this board?

>> No.5923063

Top 3 breakfast sandwiches:

1) Sausage and bacon
2) Black pudding and bacon
3) Sausage and egg

>> No.5923068

Anyone else get disappointed if there isn't the option to have chips with their breakfast? It just isn't as satisfying without them.

>> No.5923071

>no sausage, bacon and egg
you some kind of poof m8?

>> No.5923083

Too much going on in that kind of sandwich.

>> No.5923084

>yes, yes i am

>> No.5923086
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>> No.5923370


>butter the bread
>fried bread

Are you on some kind of medication?

>> No.5923387


>no egg, bacon and tomato

Fucking nonce.

>> No.5923399


As are most foodstuffs. They seem to put sugar in, and on, absolutely fucking everything.

>> No.5923427

aww yea son

>> No.5925687

>no meat
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.5925693

So what exactly makes that an "English" breakfast other than the thing that looks like poop under the hashbrown?

>> No.5925696

Where are you from? What brand do you buy?

>> No.5925702
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>> No.5925703

It's eaten in England for breakfast.

>> No.5925730

I don't know what the fuck you are even going on about, but egg yolks should always be dippy.

>> No.5925733

>You butter the bread
>Fried bread

You utter cretin.

>> No.5925738
File: 466 KB, 1024x681, Breakfast butty - black pudding, bacon, fried egg, sausages and topped with HP sauce .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go the whole hog and get a full English butty.

>> No.5925743

>actually wanting chips with your fry-up
You are the biggest pleb to post on this board.

>> No.5925746

What sort of insult is this?

>> No.5925748

The fact that it's a traditional meal eaten in the place it's named after and has a set list of components maybe?

>other than the thing that looks like poop
It's like your 8 years old.

>> No.5925765

Homemade breakfast burritos are my favorite.

I make a huge batch of like a dozen, stick em in the freezer, then just microwave one when I need a quick meal in the morning and for whatever reason it tastes exactly the same as when it was fresh.

>> No.5925954
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>> No.5925967
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How do you make scramble eggs so perfect like that.

>> No.5925984

chef probably hadn't shit it out yet

>> No.5925986

oh man, what a hilarious original joke

>> No.5926039
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Benny best breakies.

I don't understand the British. Why do you always insist on putting in a variety of disgusting awfulness in all your meals?

>> No.5926047

>egg sauce on top of eggs

Are you trying to kill your heart.

>> No.5926067

Bacon egg 'n cheese on a roll
> inb4 NYC fag

>> No.5926069

Yes. Yes i am. With love.

>> No.5926100

I can't stomach full English any more. Too heavy and too oily.
Apparently Indian breakfasts are similar.
After a couple days you just want some soup or anything else.

>> No.5926135
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>> No.5926265

It's shocking because baked beans are not typically eaten with breakfast here in America. I actually enjoy a full English and like the beans. Not all Americans are the way you think they are, friend.

>> No.5926283


>> No.5926285

Chips go well with every single thing on the plate. You're eating toast instead anyway, presumably. Why not substitute that for chips?

>> No.5926288

I had these once when I was a student, never again.

>> No.5926290

jesus christ that looks fucking terrible

how can I get some

>> No.5926293

Yeah I'm a sucka for em too.

>> No.5926303
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>> No.5926305

Fucking boak

>> No.5926317

best breakfast:

scrambled eggs. no need to add milk or some bs just crack them and mix them.

i like to add chunks of cheddar at the end though

2 pieces of bacon

one cup of good coffee. black.

>> No.5926389
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I had this yesterday, it was decent.. they call it desayuno campesino

>> No.5926910
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>> No.5927115

I can't believe I just read through this entire fucking thread.

>> No.5927385


What does that translate to? Dry piece of cardboard with bleeding diarrhoea and an egg?

>> No.5927406

what is this?

>> No.5927419
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>> No.5927455

blood pudding i believe

>> No.5927583

>If you use old media, then you are objectively retarded
>lists 3 tabloid newspapers

>> No.5927608

Of course, but soft egg whites are disgusting and slimy in a fried egg. The egg should always be flipped briefly so that the other side of the white gets a chance to firm up.

>> No.5928191

>sunny side up
/ck/ HATES sunny side up eggs.

>> No.5929298


close, but it means farmer breakfast

>> No.5929385
