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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5911019 No.5911019 [Reply] [Original]

>work at ramen joint
>get ticket
>ticket says they don't want noodles
>ordering ramen with no fucking ramen

Retarded customers thread

>> No.5911020

How is that retarded?

>> No.5911035

>Make me an omelet without eggs please

>> No.5911040


So what did you end up making them? Bowl of soup?

>> No.5911042

Well to many ramen is a soup so they might think that's a normal thing to do. In fact in Japan abura-soba which is basically ramen without the soup got somewhat popular for a while, so the reverse happens.

>> No.5911043


It would be like going to a pizza place and asking for no crust.

>> No.5911047

>Yes I'd like Fettuccine Alfredo, no fettuccine please.

>> No.5911050

Yeah, just the soup with the usual handful of toppings

I told one of my bros on the line the next day and he said that he once got an entire table that did that. What the fuck.

>> No.5911052

>Work a menial, soul-crushing job as a server at a coffee joint while in college
>"I'd like a cup of coffee please."
>"Sure. And what would you like in that?"
>"Ummm... COFFEE?"
>"Alright, so black coffee then. One moment please."
>Serve coffee
>"What the fuck is this. I asked for a coffee! There's no cream or sugar in this, it's disgusting!"

Every single day.

>> No.5911055

Probably some weird anti-gluten people.

>> No.5911056

"I'd like a Caesar salad with honey mustard dressing"

>> No.5911066

gluten intolerant maybe ?
Fucking think about other people not just yourself you moron.

>> No.5911078

>Gluten intolerant
>Ordering food at a place that serves mainly gluten-based foods

That's asking for an allergic reaction due to cross-contamination.

>> No.5911082


Why do you think that an intolerance and an allergic reaction are the same thing?

>> No.5911085

Because one is made up
The other is real
If you screw up on the one
Big fucking deal

>> No.5911086


why wouldn't they just go to a place that serves non-wheat based noodles instead, like pho

>> No.5911094

not a coffee drinker
is this really that frequent?

ive always noticed how coffee "enthusiasts", you know the kind of person that "cant do anything without my coffee in the morning" (cue laughter), are the biggest assholes.
ive worked in service, but never out fron twith the customers.

ill never understand the people that treat their waiters like shit

>> No.5911097

I should have simply said "reaction". My mistake.
Be it Celiacs, an intolerance, an allergy, a sensitivity, or whatever other bullshit, it's still an unpleasant reaction that you risk experiencing. And for what? To have some broth and toppings?

>> No.5911108

At shithole places like Dunkin' Donuts, Starbucks, Tim Horton's, etc... yeah, it's pretty common.

>> No.5911114

>"cant do anything without my coffee in the morning"
>order some nasty concoction that's 40% cream and sugar, 30% flavor syrup, 20% ice and 10% actual coffee

>> No.5911120

>Work in fast food joint
>Call other people retards

>> No.5911126

That's not even close to being the same.

>> No.5911127

Pho without rice noodles is a sad, sad thought.

>> No.5911130

Yeah a bowl of soup and toppings is totally ridiculous /sarcasm

>> No.5911133


>Order black cofee
>They ask if I want cream or sugar
>Have to tell them no, I don't want cream or sugar in my black coffee

Every fucking time

>> No.5911135


the point is you dont go to a ramen place and order something without ramen

you dont go to a steakhouse for fries and coleslaw.

stop trying to sounds smart

>> No.5911144

You're the one trying to call others retards and make yourself feel smart. I like ramen broth or soup or whatever you want to call it and there is pork belly, hardboils eggs etc. I can get in it. I've never ordered ramen without noodles and never will but the notion is far from ridiculous.

>> No.5911150
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it's exactly the same, ramen is the noodle.

>> No.5911154

Who cares ramen is shit tier weeb food anyway.

>> No.5911169

why would you go to a restaurant to eat ramen when you can get it in a bag that costs 30 cents at costco

>> No.5911176
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>> No.5911203

My sister use to order yakisoba with no meat or vegetables. It was all just noodles and whatever liquid/sauce they cook them with. She's still a picky fuck and will eat some meats cooks some ways, but not cooks other ways.

She also doesn't like pork, but when you tell her it's chicken she loves it.

>> No.5911226
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why would you go to a restaurant to eat ramen when you can get its neutered equivalent in a bag

>> No.5911234

>work at a bar
>work alone on slow nights, so im the cook and the bartender
>serve your generic disgusting bar food, beef/chicken sliders, fries/tots, chili, etc
>two fatass women come in for food
>fatass number 1 tells me their order
>"I'll have the chili and she'll have-- what do you want?-- two orders of the beef sliders"
>ask the other woman what she wants on her sliders
>"oh well, what do you usually put on them?"
>shrug and laugh a little, keptchup, mstard, some pickles, maybe some mayonaise if she's feeling adventerous
>"on beef? no, disgusting. don't you have any horseradish or anything?"
>shake my head no, she orders them just plain
>go and make the chili and the two orders of food, bring them out and they eat
>the entire time i can hear them making personal comments about me (my hair, how i walk, how i talk to other customers)
>finally pass by them again and they tell me i forgot the sliders.
>i point out that she just finished eating them
>"well we ordered two orders"
>i gave them two orders, she ate all of them
>fatass number 1 wanted some for herself, so she orders another thing of sliders and two more things of chili
>when i walk away they comment about how i screwed up the order and how the place i work at is a dump
>bring them the more food, fatass number 2 pours all of her crackers in immediately and tries it
>"this isnt hot enough for me"
>well, i can microwave it
>"with all of the crackers in it? can't you just make me a new chili?"
>dump an entire bowl of perfectly good chili, get her a new one, nuke it for 2 minutes so its lava tier hot
>they eat the food, say nothing else to me until they pay
>$40 worth of food and drinks
>give me $1.23
>hear them arguing about the tip
>fatass number 2 says "if she wanted to actually make money she would get a real job"

>> No.5911239

Yes, it is, because ramen toppings usually consist of something like a few thin slices of pork, an egg, and some green onion. If you want soup without noodles, go get a fucking vegetable soup or something. You know, something that's not going to be 95% broth and that's not going to make you look autistic.

>> No.5911247
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>"if she wanted to actually make money she would get a real job"

wow....just wow....i fucking hate these kinds of people. Nice job holding it together when you could here them talking about you.

>> No.5911248


>>fatass number 2 says "if she wanted to actually make money she would get a real job"

pls be in london qtpie

>> No.5911254


imna go watch a chevy chase movie

>> No.5911481

>i want my tomato all the way to the egde of the pizza please

>> No.5911502

why are anime little girls?

>> No.5911870

To be fair, asking for sugar is pretty reasonable, considering it'd still be black, and in my experience lots of people order black coffee with sugar.

Asking if you want cream or milk is just silly though.

>> No.5911933

Well it's not just for your sake. It's to make sure they know what the customer wants before they make the drink and hope the customer doesn't freak out.

>> No.5913788

Oh man you sure showed him

>> No.5913798

because anime little girls

>> No.5913849

let me guess... Tim Hortons, you canadian bastard? Happens to me too

>> No.5913890

Why wouldn't they just go to Soup Plantation?
>work at liquor store in US
>two mexicans come in
>bring beer to the front
>"ID's please"
>they look confused so I talk like an idiot so they can understand
>one doesn't have their ID and the other isn't even 18
They didn't speak english that well so I assumed they were fresh out of the trunk

>> No.5913900

ITT people who don't realize that the broth is the important part of ramen. There's nothing wrong about leaving out the noodles. They are just another "topping" like the bean sprouts or charshu.

Also maybe he/she was sick and needed some nice broth. Have some empathy.

>> No.5913908

>getting pissed at a liquor store clerk for carding you
>being self conscious about drinking cider or Mike's so you say it's for your wife
>trying to score free booze
Just stop

>> No.5913919


>getting pissed at a liquor store clerk for carding you

I'll never understand this. You have your wallet out already, why are you so butt flustered when the clerk asks for something that takes all of 5 seconds and is required by law? People throw shit fits over the stupidest things.

>trying to score free booze

People actually do this?

>> No.5913923
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Tim Hortons customers are the worst
>Work at timmy's in highschool
>"May I have a triple-triple please?"
>"Let me get a quadruple-quadruple?"

It's like 75% cream and sugar at that point. A large triple-triple has like 1000 calories in it, don't even want to know what is in the quad-quad.

>> No.5913950
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10/10 most underrated post of the year

>> No.5913957

More like 400 calories but it's still atrocious for a morning beverage.

>> No.5913971

>getting pissed at a liquor store clerk for carding you

I just hand my ID along with my credit card before they even ask, I don't see why people care so much about being carded if they're not 16 and trying shit they saw in Superbad.

>> No.5914043

Wait, why no toppings? They just said no noodles.

>> No.5914110

>used to work at a casino fast food window that also served beer
>every single friday and saturday, assholes trying to get beer after last call
>"well you sold my buddy a beer a few minutes ago, are you sure you can't just grab me one?"
>a few half-jokingly try to bribe me, despite a dozen cameras pointed at both of us

>> No.5914556
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Mine gripe isn't food related, since these shenanigans took place at a specially sectioned off counter in a grocery store that sold tobacco. If anyone doesn't know, Ontario has pretty draconian tobacco/ID policies. Someone in the store got busted for selling to a minor and as a result the remaining cashiers had to card everyone. EVERYONE.

Some people got really offended. Old lady (maybe 60s) bitched me out, another guy called me retarded (in front of a manager no less). We put signs literally every two feet and nobody read them cause they didn't think it applied to them. That was hell for a few months.

>working in a bagel deli
>"Uh yeah, can I get a double double?"
>"Here is a cup sir, our coffee is self serve!"

>> No.5914576

based literal retard

>> No.5914663

There was a regular that would legitimately ask if there was anything free every day. I hated him so much.
One day a lady came in crying and asked if I could give her a discount because she had a bad day. She was fat and gross so I said no.

>> No.5915472


nocarbs/paleofaggots detected.

they do this shit all the time then blog about it

>lol I super improved on dem pleb migrant worker meals, watch my abs yo

>> No.5915495

>working at good local pizza joint
>couple comes in
>they get one pizza with different halves
>girl orders normally
>guy orders and then says he wants no cheese on his half
>ask if it's an allergy
>says no and goes on for a good 5 minutes about being a vegan and how there can be absolutely no cheese on it
>continues stressing about the no cheese part even more
I didn't have any issues with vegans up until that point. The worst part is we were busy as all fuck and I had to stand there dealing with his bullshit.

>> No.5915499
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At the little texmex place I work at I've had vegans order quesadillas without cheese and "shell-less tacos" (Instead of ordering the goddamned taco salad)
I also worked at a pretentious "fine dining" resort restaurant that sold stupid shit like lobster mac and cheese.
>mfw I watched a girl eat everything but the lobster

Also, all those soccer moms that suddenly have ~gluten allergies~

>> No.5915517

Well I get how someone like that can be annoying.
At the same time I wonder why you went to ask if it was an allergy. It wouldn't change the order one way or the other, no ?

>> No.5915542

that could affect how cautious he is about making sure there's no cheese on that half

>> No.5915548

Yeah, basically this. Any time someone tells us they have an allergy (which happens every now and then, especially with cheese) we have to wipe any surfaces completely clean and take every topping out of the fridges in the back to avoid any cheese ending up on the pizza. We do that with any allergy.

>> No.5915563

But at the same time a joint that can't properly deliver an accepted order, can't be considered good.

And when you ask if it's an allergy you sure do sound like you'll do a half assed job.

>> No.5915568

makes sense

>> No.5915570

What do you mean? I would have been fine doing his pizza the way he wanted and I did. I was just concerned it was an allergy, that's it. I didn't want anyone to get sick, it's happened before where people forget to mention it's an allergy, I ask if it is and they thank me for reminding them. Just trying to do my job, I'm not looking to offend anyone.

>> No.5915590

No, it doesn't make sense, you're an asshole if you read into such minor things like asking if a particular request is allergen-related

>> No.5915621


I agree it's kind of a weird think to ask, but the reasoning seems reasonable enough to me.

I don't like ham on pizza, but if some ham residue happens to make it onto the pizza I don't really give a shit, and I certainly think it would be ridiculous to expect them to go all hazmat the way they would if it was an allergy and that residue might kill me.

>> No.5915627
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>60ish mother 40ish daughter
>order calamari with chili mayo
>"Is the chili mayo hot? Can I get regular mayo?"
>"Of course ma'am."
>20 minutes later
>"My daughter's very sick! Was their any egg in the food? She's allergic."
>"...Yes, in the mayo..."
>"What!!! Why didn't you tell us!"

Going through your entire life not realising mayo has egg in it? At the time I thought it was a really poor attempt at getting a law suit happening, but I didn't hear from them again. Anyway, had to call an ambulance and clean up vomit.

>> No.5915633

Dairy allergies and intolerance's in general aren't exactly uncommon though. It's perfectly reasonable to ask over cheese.

>> No.5915636

you have all the power why didnt you just refuse to serve them because they were "intoxicated" or something and get rid of them. fuck fat people.

>> No.5915638


Have you ever worked this kinda job? I did when I was in school. You get conditioned after a while when it comes to dealing with orders. Eventually you don't even listen to what the customer is saying, you just listen for keywords.

In my experience. most people say "coffee, no milk or sugar" or "no cream or sugar".

Coffee black isn't said often enough, chances are all the waiter heard was "coffee" and instinctively followed it up with the same "milk or sugar" question they literally ask hundreds of times a day.

Poor work ethic? Maybe, however when you are running on like 4 hours sleep and burnt out from school, you arn't exactly at your peak.

>> No.5915653

You deserve an award, holy shit.

>> No.5915986

>gluten allergies
This shit infuriates me. Gluten is almost hypo allergenic. You will not go into anaphylactic shock from gluten unless you're under 5 years old. You are not allergic to it, nobody is. At the worst you have celiac disease and if that's the case, then i'm sorry for your tummy ache. I'm lactose intolerant and it's the same severity, but i still drink chocolate milk because i can handle the shits later and am not a huge faggot.
TL:DR soccer moms cat have gluten allergies.

>> No.5915989

Except nobody is allergic to cheese. I would understand nuts or some shit because that is a real allergy, but cheese isn't an allergen.

>> No.5916041

>customer calls in to order a pizza
>no cheese
>mushrooms only
>final destination

Looked like a buncha shit when it came out of the oven.

>> No.5916074

you might be retarded
are you implying that people cannot be allergic to dairy?

>> No.5916080

>Work at Jet's Pizza
>Guy calls, ask what they would like to order

>> No.5916085
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I had a customer order a pizza today

no cheese
no sauce
pep only

it basically looked like pic related, but the pep sort of stuck on the dough better

you think a kid only wanting a plain cheese pizza is bad, imagine having a kid that only wanted the pizza dough and a few pieces of meat

>> No.5916107

Tims has always got my "Black" coffee right, no questions asked.

>> No.5916169

Lactose intolerant does not equal allergy. Dairy products doesn't contain allergens.

>> No.5916177

Wait, wait, wait!

You think I'm dum because I brought my own homemade ramen?

>> No.5916182

But at least they dont watch anime.

>> No.5916186


>> No.5916195

Because I dont watch anime? Yeah /v/ seems more like your place.

>> No.5916203

Not watching anime is fine.

Implying watching anime is a bad thing can go back to /v/.

>> No.5916223

If you watch anime then you belong on /v/ moron. Also yes its a bad thing you manchild.

>> No.5916231

>work at Jimmy John's
>"What can i make for you?"
>"*repeats Subway order*

then there's always the amusing mispronunciations of the #1 as "pee-pee" or the Gargantuan as "Gargatron" or something crazy

>> No.5916679

Yesterday I had a customer complain that her burrito was too small after she decided that she only wanted meat and beans on it. What did she expect? I mean, she didn't get the majority of the ingredients, of course her burrito was small.

>> No.5916755

Any food substance can be an allergen.

>> No.5916873
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op very true. I worked at a barbeque place. little pigs, ceramic. hogs.
The sign outside said "little pigs barbeque" also "cue chicken, beef ribs.fried fillet of flounder and burger hotog/ fries if you wanted though not very good- mickee de or bk is across the street or a block over..almost everry day some a-hole tourist would wander in then say We all would like a nice big steak, Really?(kyles voice from south park) not to mention there was no alcohol the owners were Greek and orthodox . feed transients or homeless, but you don't want to be a target store for dumpster divers. long story short-the customer is always right is dead wrong educate your self . but to spit or other things? never,and keep it clean (go to the stoe and buy chep chuck if they insist 9 steak) we have it's like an md degree. firt thing is do no harm..don't go to a days inn and demand shereton service it's tough, it's always tough when a night auditor, making minimum and a caddy, benze or royce pull uo i would silently say ug oh One of my personel heroes is/are the Patels. Hidi. bestest advice of my life who is thy neighbor?/go and do likewise. dont go to pizza slut and ask tacos. depending on the o\wners you might get it, kinda, or a swift into into the street,the anwer? go and do like wise

>> No.5916929
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amen. first chilly night i <55 degees f ibroke out in sores next day lasasrus style. mould on the heast pump air intaske I know this is reliigion, diy, gay or stright, old or young,check outthe less than obvious before you blame othrs or yorself

>> No.5916940
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>(kyles voice from south park)

>> No.5919007

Either you are incorrect, or we are arguing semantics over a definition. If drinking it causes breakouts in hives and the swelling/closing of a throat, leading to death by anaphylactic shock, I have been calling such an allergy.

>> No.5919009

some people enjoy the broth more than the noodles. or your places noodles suck (not made instore for example)

>> No.5919010

Yeah, we are arguing semantics. And it's stupid, so let's stop.

>> No.5919011


>> No.5919012

Fair enough.

>> No.5919285

I hope english isn't your first language

>> No.5919417

Maybe they just wanted the broth you judgmental piece of nigger shit. Fuck you.

>> No.5919462

>If you post anime then you belong on /a/ moron. You can watch it, that is fine. Also I am wrong and there are actually animes targeted specifically at the older generations, and it isn't all equivalent to liking My Little Pony or Spongebob. I like dicks.

>> No.5919486

Mb they can order steamed rice and eat it with the broth. I actually find ramen broth good fit with sticky rice

>> No.5919488

you sound like an idiot

>> No.5919534

Christ almighty learn English you fucking retards

>> No.5919550

why go in a pasta bar if you can't eat pasta?
Also some recipe use rice noodles.

>> No.5919565

>>"What!!! Why didn't you tell us!"
That's such a shitty excuse. People can be allergic to pretty much anything, if you don't declare your know allergies you just can't pretend people should have told you because they simply can't know.
I guess she only eat low price jarred mayo, that has so little egg in it that it doesn't trigger her allergie. Still stupid to not know.

>> No.5919633
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>> No.5919644


>costs $8 (+tip)
>why do I never have any moneeeyyyy!!!

>> No.5919663

Remember anon, those retards manage to reproduce somehow.

>> No.5919680

Working retail is a repetitive menial job involving doing the same thing constantly throughout the day.

Once you start your shift you automatically react to what needs to be done, it rarely requires much mental brain activity.

Also you have to remember that no two customers should be the same, yes there is one guy who will order "plain black coffee" and then bring up how you didnt offer him the sugar he wanted in it. So don't take it personally when someone asks if you want sugar in your "just black coffee" order.

If you have ever worked retail you'd understand why the people working there ask you redundant questions, because there is always that awful customer who isn't clear with their order.

>> No.5919683

I think it might be the return of Rambling Old Guy...

>> No.5919685

Not that many soup plantations/sweet tomatoes in the US outside of the west coast

>> No.5919690

Druuuuugs. Possibly prescription.

>> No.5919752

Then you dont like ramen, you like beef soup.

>> No.5919817

>Yesterday I had a customer complain that her burrito was too small after she decided that she only wanted meat and beans on it. What did she expect? I mean, she didn't get the majority of the ingredients, of course her burrito was small.

She expected that you'd add more meat and beans. Which with meat would get expensive, and I can see why you don't want to load it up more, but tossing her a few extra beans would seem like a pretty normal thing to do. Depends on the burrito though...Chipotle has given people the expectation that burritos need multiple layers of metal wrapping to keep them from bursting apart.

>> No.5919829

>almost everry day some a-hole tourist would wander in then say We all would like a nice big steak, Really?
Dang, how hard would it be to keep a few steaks on hand for them? Easy to cook, absurd markup. I mean I understand you need limits on your menu, but it seems like if it's a common request, it'd be a natural addition, moreso than shitty fried flounder or hotdogs.

>> No.5919845


Shut the fuck up, give me the ramen sauce

>> No.5919856

I know you're trolling but You could make that argument for basically every food

>> No.5919858

I forgot to mention I gave her a double scoop of both beans and meat, even though I'm not really supposed to. I was really confused as to what she expected me to do.

>> No.5919867

Holy fuck this. I work at a bowling alley and people always get pissed when they didn't bring their ID (90% its women for some reason). Nigger I'm not going to jail because you were too stupid to bring your ID when you were going out drinking. Its illegal to not have your ID on you anyway, fucking retards.

>> No.5919876

>30 cents for a brick
What island shithole do you live in that you're more than 25 a brick?

>> No.5919928
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>> No.5919958

They're like 12 for a dollar, are you buying ramen at Whole Foods?

>> No.5919997

So what. It's not your job to like what they order, it's your job to serve it. Do you get bent out of shape every time someone does something inconsequential that you don't personally like? Get over yourself.

>> No.5920078


>Yeah, let me get a chicken sandwich but remove the chicken. Thanks

I know you're baiting but you sound like a fucking dick head if you believe thats okay.

>> No.5920104

>work at casino
>people routinely fail to bring their ID or have their social security number memorized
>can't pay out their jackpot
>they get mad as fuck
>I get mad as fuck because more paperwork

>> No.5920116

>memorizing your SS number
Only faggots do that. If some asshole pulls a knife on me demanding my SS number i'll have an excuse because I don't know it

>> No.5920197

>I'll have an excuse because I don't know it
that makes sense

I'm sure the knife wielding gentlemen will understand

>> No.5920211

>SS number
I thought it was tattooed on your arm.

>> No.5920308

A guy can't like cheese chicken?

>> No.5920318

what do circus peanuts taste like?

>> No.5920368

>I am not going to take the time to remember a nine digit code
What are you? Five? You took the time to learn phone numbers didn't you?

>> No.5920372

>You took the time to learn phone numbers didn't you?

Nobody knows phone numbers anymore gramps. I don't even know my own mobile number. I know it starts with a 0.

>> No.5920373

>i'm sorry for your tummy ache
My mom's had celiac disease for a little over 20 years and she gets violently ill for 2 days if she eats gluten.

The "fashionable gluten intolerance" thing is fucking retarded though, I agree.

>> No.5920454

you are the one sounding like an idiot actually if you don't understand what he means. and guess what? you sound like an asshole, too.

>> No.5921745

>be me
>university part time job
>waiter at a high class Japanese restaurant
>customer orders sashimi with some cold sake, and tekkadon (raw tuna donburi)
>"Are these cooked?"
>Sorry sir, sashimi is all raw seafood, and tekkadon has raw tuna. Would you like some Unadon (grilled eel donburi) instead?
>"Sure, I'll take the Unadon and the sashimi"
>Along with the sake? And the sashimi will unfortunately have to be raw
>No, I want the sashimi COOKED, not RAW. I don't want any mercury in my food.
>Sir I'm sorry but sashimi is raw seafood. Would you like some Maguro Kabayaki (Grilled Tuna) insetad?
>"Wow this restaurant sucks, I TOLD YOU I want COOKED SASHIMI. Gimme COOKED SASHIMI."
>I'm sorry sir, we don't serve cooked raw tuna.

Got the manager after that, the bitch got kicked out lol

>> No.5921931

Who the fuck goes to a high class restaurant if they don't understand the food at said restaurant.

>> No.5921950

...disregarding EVERYTHING else, she thinks cooking removes mercury?

>> No.5921951

rich bitch undergrads

>> No.5921970

Obviously she was stupid. I didn't mention anything about the mercury because, as you said, mercury doesn't disappear after cooking. I did provide her with our restaurant's DineSafe pass notice (Toronto fag here).

>> No.5921981

Was it a girl or a guy? Your greentext says sir repeatedly but now you're saying she and her I'm confused.

>> No.5922017


u can serve me sliders anyday bb girl

>> No.5922031

That's just excuses for poor service

i have served several morons who ask for black coffee with cream and sugar .

you always ask because you don't assume the customer knows these things, if the question really annoys you then just fucking say coffee with no cream and sugar

>> No.5922052

ramen is noodle soup

take away the noodles and it's regular soup

the only retarded thing is you

>> No.5922067

I'd give you my sliders ;)

jk I've never made them

>> No.5922072

>tfw never carded
>tfw 23
I'm gonna die at 40 aren't I

>> No.5922088

Manager was weird. Said we were to call everyone "sir" because "ma'am" could be taken offensively more likely than calling a woman "sir".

>> No.5922096

Anywhere that I have to be over 21 to purchase/go into I always have my card out as soon as I walk in. On my 21st birthday in New Orleans I got shoved by a bouncer because I forgot to show him my ID, and I never want to be shoved like that again.

I mean I doubt liquor store cashiers would shove me but you never know.

>> No.5922104

But you have to watch out for the more common knife wielding assholes. They're not very understanding at all.

>> No.5922488


If you use frozen or dried noodles, your noodles aren't worth eating. At least your pleb broth will keep the other ingredients warm and moist.

If you actually pull your own noodles, you're not on 4chin.

Checkmate, atheists.

>> No.5922860

That isn't so bad IMO

>> No.5922896

I've been legal drinking age for 8 years, and I still regularly get carded. It's a bit annoying, but I don't get mad at the people asking. I know I've got a baby face and I know they're just trying to protect themselves from losing their jobs and going to jail. It's seriously not a big deal to just flash a little ID. Most servers and liquor store employees laugh about it afterwards, or I make a joke about being young forever. I seriously don't get why someone would get mad about needing to show ID unless they're underage.

>> No.5922908

>illegal to not have your ID on you
in Nazi Germany, maybe

>> No.5922921

And? It's just soup you daft cunt.

>> No.5922955


>tfw get carded everywhere i go,unless the waiter is a gay guy
>tfw people think im a college freshmen
>tfw 24 yo

>> No.5923616

I've heard of this for America. It's like so if you're arrested you can be identified if you're some douche that refuses o give your name for being a convict or something. Also if collapse and the hospital need to ID you.

>> No.5923815

its illegal here in chicago i think. but most cops dont care enough to arrest you for that here. theyll just plant some coke or something instead

>> No.5924115

Go back to wikipedia for a few minutes doc.
Lactose intolerance and dairy allergies are distinct from one another, lactose intolerance is caused by an inability to digest various proteins and acids in milk that then shit up the rest of your digestive tract where they don't belong.
An allergy is an autoimmune response where the body begins to destroy itself reacting to a contaminant in a disproportionate fashion.
Easiest way to note the difference is that lactose intolerance is all in the gut and butt while allergies are more in the throat and head.

>> No.5924158
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I got a tip for you.