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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5907241 No.5907241 [Reply] [Original]

How did /ck/ lose weight? Lapband? Partial stomach removal? Aitkens? Cardio ? Starvation? Bulimia? etc

>> No.5907242

Just stop gorging faggot

>> No.5907243


>> No.5907253

skip lunch and abstain from fatty food

>> No.5907264

You'll just gain it back when you're cured

>> No.5907268

Not being a fucking glutton and eating a normal portion size

>> No.5907273

it's called a balanced diet you fat fuck

>> No.5907275

month long green juice fast. seriously makes you reassess your relationship with food. my portions are half the size they used to be and i don't crave shit anymore. first week was a TOTAL bitch though.

>> No.5907276

I've lost 90lbs this year, so far.
I'm a female, for reference. I'm 5' 6" and I started at 230 and I'm currently at 137~140.

I literally just started paying attention to what I ate.
I learned about nutrition, I started weighing my food, I learned how to into proportions, I kept myself under my TDEE, and I learned to enjoy proper foods.

You don't need to skip meals or get on some retarded plan.

>> No.5907280

Stop eating.
It work for me.

>> No.5907282

Portions* fuck

>> No.5907288


What's the target?

>> No.5907291

>tfw elitists patronize every single fat person on the planet, going so far sometimes to call for either genocide or disease to wipe all of them out
>tfw I try my hardest to eat twice a day, normal portions, yet I gain weight regardless of the calories I cut and the food I choose
>tfw cannot lose weight no matter how hard I try

You people do not even understand how difficult it is for some of us. I have attempted everything, from walking or jogging four miles a day and decreasing my calorie intake, to full on not eating anything for two days.

My body is just noncompliant.

>> No.5907296

I started out just wanting to be in the healthy BMI range and I've made it. Now I think I want to tone up my body so I'm not skinny-fat.

So hopefully I will be around 130's but with less flab and more muscle tone.

>> No.5907299

This has to be a troll post.
This absolutely has to be a fucking troll post.

Honey, don't do that to yourself. You know that's bullshit. I would have posted the same thing a year ago and I knew it was bullshit. You can lose weight. There's no drug side-effect or bodily malfunction that keeps you that overweight.

Fuck that has to be a troll post.

>> No.5907302

It isn't. Tried for the past two years with no yield.

Doctors just try to refer me to nutritionists every time I try to see if there is something actually wrong, and then retract their referral when I tell them exactly what I have been doing, and then say they have no idea.

>> No.5907308

There is nothing wrong with you. You cannot defy the basic calories in;calories out logic.

If you take in more than you put out, you will gain.
If you put out more than you take in, you will lose.

It doesn't matter when you eat, how much you eat, etc. It comes down to calories. Some of those calories will be nutritionally void. Some of them will be tiny amounts of food (think oils) some of thm will be giant amounts of food (think broccoli or celery).

Hurr durr, reddit, I know. But you should seriously look into /r/fatlogic and look at some of the studies that are posted there. Most of it is just poking fun at stupid logic, but they bring up a lot of good points.

I still think you're trolling though.

>> No.5907309


>tfw cannot lose weight no matter how hard I try

If you are eating normal portions of proper food and meeting your daily calorie intake, then you cannot keep gaining weight, it is a physical impossability.

You are not being honest with us, you have to be exceeding your daily intake of carbohydrates/sugars/fats to gain weight, you cannot produce body weight out of nothing.

Do you know how much I weight? I weigh 120 lbs and I am a 5ft10 male, I don't eat enough in a given day to gain weight, I have to gorge myself (often to the point of feeling like I am going to vomit from overstuffing) to gain a few lbs, I sincerely despise anyone who claims losing weight is difficult.

>> No.5907312

diet and exercise

>> No.5907314


Your body is not a miracle that defies medical science, you are consuming too many calories.

>> No.5907316

bravo chunky, you're the one magical person who can overcome physics. we should study you, you'd solve the world's energy problems. in the future all our power will come from magical fat people like you.

>> No.5907322


>> No.5907323

Just starve yourself. Don't listen to the pussies telling you it's bad for your heart to do that

>> No.5907324


Most likely all of those mid-meal snacks you think don't count towards your diet are an extra 800-1000 calories every day you don't need.

>> No.5907328

No shit, doctors don't have time to fuck about with liars

>> No.5907341

I have to eat a big dinner of unhealthy food and lots of booze nearly every night for my job, so my diet is nothing but cigarettes and coffee until my one meal a day.

>> No.5907343

>muh calories in calories out
if you burn almost no calories you won't lose weight because the hunger will make you miserable

that's why you 'can't lose weight no matter what'

pop caff pills, drink a lot of water, and drink only a glass of v8 a day

then tell me you can't lose weight

>> No.5907346

Just eat smaller portions, that's all. I had an eating disorder in high school, but you really don't need to eat that way to lose or maintain weight.

>> No.5907347

As a fatty. It's difficult adjusting to a new way of living when you have been sedentary for two decades. Mom's cooking and her fear of me being kidnapped enforced my eating habits. Can't leave the house after school because I'll get kidnapped. Played video games and watched TV. When I was bored I would snack on cookies and chips.
I am not a picky eater, however, my mother's cooking was high on calories. I am just starting my adulthood and I have hated my body image for a while.
Counting my calories, running, and drinking water and unsweet tea are helping me shed pounds.

>> No.5907348

That's retarded. You can be healthy, eat a shit ton of food, and still lose plenty of weight.

Your weightloss won't stop just because you feel miserable. Eating nothing but a glass of v8 a day will be miserable to anyone who enjoys food.

>> No.5907353

Is he eating ham? I thought he was Jew

>> No.5907354


you should submit yourself for scientific research then because apparently you have some sort of magic source of energy

almost every fatass I talk to says they don't eat shit, they're just so unused to having awareness about what they're eating that they'll keep shoving down those mini hershey's bars next to their desk like they're nothing, and never acknowledging it (a former roommate did this)

>> No.5907356

fuck off fatty
you can't fight physics

>> No.5907358


he is right in that you could eat a high volume of food and still lose weight, provided the food was low in calories and/or you were very active

>> No.5907359

lol no, I'm

You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight. You don't even have to starve yourself to lose weight quickly. I eat tons of food a day and stay under my TDEE. You can eat like a pig and still lose weight. You can hardly eat anything and still gain weight.
It depends on what you eat and how many calories are in those things.

>> No.5907366

My case:

1. Plan to go on a diet.
2. Learn to cook. Salads, diet soups, such stuff.
3. Learn to cook goulash, pastries, other goodies
4. Slippery slope ahoy! I can cook so delicious food the diet is forgone.

No weight loss for me.

>> No.5907371

I used to be like that. I'm getting better, but still, 2-3 times a month I have to binge or I go crazy.
Not, 'oh man i want some twix' but 'IF I DON'T SHOVE A TWINKIE IN MY FACE RIGHT NOW I AM GOING TO SCRATCH MY ARM SKIN OFF'. The first month had a lot of sleepless nights, and shamefully last night was a binge night for me.

>supplements with my toast and water
>iced coffee for lunch
>stuffed cheesey bread, italian sandwich and pasta breadbowl from dominos for dinner
>ate half last night, other half this morning

Gonna skip lunch and have spinach and rice for dinner

I'm still -10 pounds net but still.
Shameful as fuck

>> No.5907373


you don't lose weight by dieting, you lose it by exercising.

>> No.5907375


well at least you don't deny physical laws of the universe and admit you are just eating 2much

>> No.5907377

>There is nothing wrong with you. You cannot defy the basic calories in;calories out logic.

You know nothing

>> No.5907378


good post anon you sure told him with that well throught out and factually supported post

>> No.5907380

You can lose weight by either diet or exercise. It's better with a combination of both, but either one works. As long as you're making your total daily calories under your TDEE.

Eat as much as you want, work off all of the extra calories.
Eat under your daily calories
Eat around your daily calories and work off any extra.

>> No.5907382
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Better than eating 4much amirite?

i'm still 345 pounds though

>> No.5907387

OP you just have to watch what you eat. It doesn't matter if you work out like a beast, chances are youll do it wrong and you won't put out as much as you put in. 2000 calories a day.


(Pick ONE)
Cereal with milk
Hard boiled eggs with whole wheat toast and peanut butter
Homemade lowfat quiche (any paleo site has a good recipe)

Snacks (10a & 2p assuming you eat bf at 8a)
(Pick TWO)
greek yogurt (yoplait is a scam it has over 9000 sugar per cup)
handful of peanuts/almost (they have a lot of fat, good fat, but fat. so take it easy)
popcorn (pop it yourself you lazy fuck, shit in the bags is worthless)
grapefruit, oranges, berries
a banana
cheese (small quantities)
a bag of steamed vegetables (jolly green giant makes prepackaged ones that are good and ready in minutes)
tuna (no mayo, get the one in olive oil)

And for dinner just make what you want but:

Avoid frying
Avoid take out
If you're going to get fast food or go to a restaurant I suggest you read 'Eat this, not that'. A lot of hidden gastrobombs. Never order a salad from California Pizza Kitchen if you're trying to lose weight.

Other rules:

DO drink coffee
DO drink warm water with lemon in the morning (it cleans out your gut)
DO drink lots of water (I find loading mine up with ice helps)
DO drink red wine in moderation.
DO drink vodka with club soda if you like to go out.
DO eat baked chips and salsa. Salsa is good for you.
DO eat soup /ck/

DO NOT drink soda. This is super basic. If you LOVE something fizzy just go get fucking La Croix club sodas that are flavored.
DO NOT eat Doritos. If you do, start to wean yourself off and switch to baked potato chips.
DO NOT eat frozen dinners. Lean Cuisines are for bitches and hoes. They don't fill you up for shit. Hungryman meals have too many calories and sodium.

If you can throw in 3 days of doing some cardio, start there. Weight training is superior but I'm not sure where you're at in your fitness.

>> No.5907390

Be physical as fuck. I didn't cut anything from my diet, in fact I ate more as I worked out more.

Work out, go camping, ride bikes, help people with stuff. I don't know what else to say, just always be on your feet doing stuff. The first few weeks suck but once you get into it your body kinda takes over, you'll wake up and actually want to do stuff.

My fat friend is really jealous but still really fat. Every single day I try to get him out of the house, and every day it's the same "uhhhh.....*sigh*.....I don't know man, I'm tired. Think I'll pass"

I tell him he's only tired because he sits around so much, and my body is living proof that it works, but he doesn't listen. So get out there OP, doesn't matter what you're doing just do something.

>> No.5907404


I think he's one of those atheist communist jews

>> No.5907413

I started a manual labor job with shit pay. I was burning calories nonstop ~8 hours a day, and my extremely limited budget made me really think about the food I was buying. Soda, chips, snack foods and already prepared, instant foods are tasty and convenient, but expensive and not as satisfying or filling in the long run.

I was never too fat, I'm 6' and the heaviest I ever got was around 200 lbs. What's nice, though, is that I'm now around 160, which is less than what I weighed through most of high school. I'm toned, too, and this is without any extra exercise or working out.

To any fatasses out there complaining how they can't lose weight and even their doctor can't figure out why, I challenge you to work a real, physically intensive job and still say that a year later. Work in the fields for a farmer, get a job in construction, bus tables, anything that keeps you busy and moving around all day. I guarantee you will drop more weight than you expect without even trying to lose it.

>> No.5907434

But that's wrong, stupid.
Obviously since a single candy bar is worth at least a full hour of running, it'd be easier just not to stuff your face like a fat retard.

>> No.5907444

The way my hunger signaling works, I cannot get fat no matter how I eat.

>> No.5907447

well, I knew I could never restrict the SELECTION of my diet, because I simply enjoyed the flavors of food too much. Instead, I opted to eat the same food but in signficantly smaller portions. I was still happy most of the time because I could eat what I wanted, and I lost 80lbs in a year eating chik fil a 5x a week.

>> No.5907466

I'm convinced a Tory time traveler came back in time and threw the unions ballot to make Ed Miliband come out ahead of David Miliband.

>> No.5907467


Moderated intake and went down 20kgs in a couple months.

>> No.5907474

ethnically Jewish, not by faith

by faith he's an outright Soviet

>> No.5907478

eating at the same fast food joined sure sounds like you enjoy a large selection of food. IT sure does.

>> No.5907481


He didn't say he wanted a LARGE selection. Just that his specific selection was important to him

>> No.5907550

I'm with you, anon. I too am at the end of my rope with this shit. I watch what I eat very carefully. I eat small portions, when I do eat. I swim for an hour a day (and I don't just paddle around, I swim proper laps, as many as I can do in an hour), plus I do yoga and go for a walk in the mornings before I get ready for work. The only fats in my diet are the small amount of oils I use for cooking (avocado oil and rice bran oil, mostly) and the fats naturally found in the foods I eat. I cut all sugar from my diet, except those naturally occurring in my fruits and vegetables. I eat minimal fruits, because of the sugar factor, sticking mainly to apples and pears, and now pomegranates since they're in season. I stay away from breads and pastas completely, but I do eat rice sometimes.
Now, I have had some medical problems that may or may not have contributed to this. I was on courses of prednisone 6 times in the past year and a half, plus an injected slow releasing steroid (for asthma). I just had an ultrasound of my thyroid done, but it came back fine.
But I fee like I'm at the end of my rope, seriously. I went to the doctor the other day, for an unrealated reason, and I got a 45 minute lecture about how I need to lose weight and I'm like NO SHIT, like I hadn't realized that before. The bitch told me to watch the Biggest Loser for inspiration and quit swimming and start running (yeah, that will be great for my asthma) and to do NO strength training at all, because that's bad for me and won't help me lose weight. I haven't been that angry in a long time. I'm still pissed off. Oh, and to use smaller plates when I eat (like I had never heard that before and haven't been doing that already). Anyway, after I get these other test results back, I'm going to start looking at other avenues for help losing weight, like acpuncture and holistic shit, because that's the only thing I HAVEN'T tried yet.

>> No.5907564



Also, can you please post what you ate yesterday? Maybe us co/ck/s can help.

>> No.5907568

I dropped 40 pounds after moving to a city where I had to walk places and had to buy and cook my own food with a small budget.

>> No.5907576

Lapband. That or just start running with a ventolin puffer in your pocket

>> No.5907577
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>> No.5907578

>if you burn almost no calories you won't lose weight because the hunger will make you miserable
What does this even mean?

>> No.5907592

Yeah, I do weights already (in spite of that stupid doctor's advice to not do them).
Yesterday, I ate :
Breakfast - 1/2 cup cooked spiced lentils on top of some spinach
Lunch - a green juice (that I juiced myself, I didn't buy it, that consisted of some celery, dandelion greens, wheatgrass, cucumber, ginger, lemon and half an apple) plus a boiled egg that I flavored with Tapatio.
Dinner - I wasn't very hungry last night, to be honest, because i was still angry from that doctor's visit, and when I'm angry and pissed off, I kind of lose my appetite. But, I made a small salad with spinach and lettuce, tomato, cucumber, red onion, a couple slices of turkey, and some sunflower seeds. No dressing, just some salt and pepper and a few shakes of balsamic vinegar.

>> No.5907597

I went from 92kg to 84kg in eight weeks by simply counting calories, it's not hard.

That's 202lbs to 185lbs for you amerifats.

>> No.5907632

Underrated post. I'm following a similar diet plan. Still eat whatever the fuck I want for dinner, as long as it isn't a carb bomb or deep fried. But cut out energy drinks, switched to vodka and calorie free mixer instead of heavy craft beers, cut out most snacking. Only on week two, but I'm expecting to see some change if I keep it IP.

>> No.5907647


recipe for disaster.

>> No.5907674

no, ffs

snacks cure hunger pangs

if you don't cure hunger pangs you're probably going to overeat

>> No.5907679

The sad thing about calories is that you can overeat by just 100kcal a day and be a fat ass in 5 years, just because you wanted to 'treat' yourself with a snickers bar everyday.

The good thing is most people eat +/-100kcal around their maintenance unconsciously.

>> No.5907681

>I gain weight regardless of the calories I cut and the food I choose
You fucking dont.

It's simple math, calories in vs calories out. If you gain weight you eat too much.

>> No.5907694

mind over matter

If YOU don't cure your hunger pains YOU will overeat.

I do just fine.

>> No.5907698

stop thinking about yourself

there are people who can't control their cravings and will overeat if they suppress their hunger

>> No.5907703

thats not my problem

>> No.5907705


you're cool for dickwaving your self-control in this thread

i hope i fed your ego

>> No.5907732

I put on loads of weight due to an injury, I got to around 250lbs in two years, I was a chubber.

Once the knee was better I started simple, I started walking, twice a day (before work and after dinner) I would put a podcast on and just walk, I started at two miles and increased when it became easy, in about a month I was walking 12 miles a day, just walking along listening to my podcast, my main rule was that I HAD to push myself and make myself really sweat each time, rain or shine.

At the same time I cut out the booze completely and any sugary drinks, I watched my calories and carbs and kept them as low as possible and realised I had to deal with the hunger and just ignore it, I became pretty good at that.

After about a month I started adding swimming rather than doing two walks a day, I'd swim for an hour just doing lengths.

After ten weeks of that I was down to around 210lb, it was fucking hard work but it did work. Then I found that the weight loss really slowed and I felt a lot fitter so I started to run every third day, I joined a gym to mix it up even more on the cardio, as with the walking my goal was to push myself and make myself sweat and my heart beat fast. I wasn't going to be one of those people who sits on a bike and just pedal away on level 1.

About a month and a half later I was down to what I wanted to be, I was around 190lb, which for my height and muscular build is perfect for me. Once I was there I looked at my diet and allowed myself to eat some shit food now and again and I allowed myself alcohol. I didn't want to keep losing weight, I wanted to enjoy the food I loved and stay as I was. The way to do that was to keep up the exercise, I'd got into a good routine doing cardio, weights and rest days, and I ate a balanced diet, some good stuff and some of that oh so delicious bad stuff and that's what I still do today. If I have a week where I hit the junk food hard I'll make sure I hit the gym hard too.

That's what worked for me.

>> No.5907733

>i hope i fed your ego

no thanks im not hungry

>> No.5907736

It's impossible. You just have to change to a healthier diet so as not to die ofheart disease.

>> No.5907738
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you clever girl, you

>> No.5907750

You don't get hunger pangs if you eat proper meals, though. 0.5lbs chicken breast+0.5lbs steamed asparagus+0.5lbs mushrooms+tbsp of butter to sautee the mushrooms gets you about 580 cals, which is nothing, but you will definitely feel full for a while.

After that, if you absolutely must snack, celery sticks and radishes, no dip. You can snack on that for hours and it won't do anything

>> No.5907755

yes. i was just arguing that snacks are necessary for some people; it is not unnecessary for all as anon claimed.

>> No.5907784

I have dropped about 80 lbs over the last 2 and a half years, and have a few thoughts that may help others.

1) when you are fat you are always hungry, and you wonder how the hell people manage to moderate their food intake. For me the solution was to, initially, go on a low carb plan that ignores calories. I realise that the only reason this works is because a low carb plan leads to a calorie deficit, but its easier when you can eat what you want with things like steak and eggs, you basically can do it without being hungry.

2) after a while you will stop losing weight on a low carb diet, the calorie deficit will have become not enough to matter, and all those nuts, avocados & 85% chocolate will negate the diet plan, however at this stage you should be back in control of your hunger, and can now move onto a calorie controlled diet successfully

>> No.5907814

I dropped 60lbs over two years, and have managed to keep it off for three years since.

I started by making rich foods a once in a while thing. So anything fatty (and/or sugary) became a once a week (or once a month) treat. That included things like fatty meats, eggs and dairy (particularly cheese).

Then I started working out. That was a bitch at first. But I managed to get my ass trained in free weights. I chose kettlebells, because they seemed to give the most result for the least time investment. Bought a few of them, and have been kicking my ass with them at least four days a week ever since. Would recommend this to anyone. In 30-35 minutes you can make your whole body sore, then feel pretty energized for the next couple hours. I feel strong as fuck.

Two years of that had me down about 45lbs. Then I said fuck it, and went vegan six days a week. 15 more pounds came off over the next few months. But I had to learn a whole different style of cooking...

>> No.5907856


>> No.5908162

Everyone talking about snacking, what the hell do you do with your life that makes you constantly go around thinking about food? I mean, if you have a job or are at school you can't be so single minded that all you do is to think about food?

>> No.5908171

I eat one meal a day

>> No.5908178

Keto. The weight fucking melts off if you just stick to it and stay on top of things.

After hitting my target weight I just went back to eating pretty much whatever I want, just in much more moderation.

>> No.5908199

>after a while you will stop losing weight on a low carb diet
> all those nuts, avocados & 85% chocolate

Eat like a slob and you'll remain a slob. You WILL continue to lose weight on low carb diets so long as you keep it healthy and nutritional. Stuffing your face full of fats and empty calories is fucking stupid no matter what diet you're on.

>> No.5908209

So far Ive lost 52 pounds over the course of 8 months. Going from 210 down to 158 from doing P90X3 and just eating better as in lots of apples and carrots and broccoli and celery for snacking, plain quick oats with a cut up banana for breakfast, turkey sandwiches on healthy bread for lunch, and simple grilled chicken for dinner. Yea it's boring but the last two months ive lost an average of 2 pounds a week. Cheers

>> No.5908236

I only eat one meal a day, where I don't restrict myself

That way I can gorge and stay thin

>> No.5908277

Eating under my maintenance calories

>> No.5908353

diet shake in the mornings. its also a great time saver.

vegetables + protein - carbs for lunch,

regular dinner.

replaced soda with water.


also doing some excercise. but changing your diet is more important.

starting easy and forming habits is what really helped me keep going.

>> No.5908375

also if you HAVE to eat a snack then eat some carrots or bell peppers or other raw vegetables until you are not hungry anymore

>> No.5908419

Are you me? I dont have a bit to eat until 7 or 8 at night, then I eat whatever I feel like. Being so hungry makes that food taste extra good too.

>> No.5908445

I lost about 100lbs in 6 months with a low carb diet but gained it back over the course of 2 years.
Shit wont stick if you dont change your eating habbits for good.

>> No.5908483

I workout specifically so I can eat like a hog and not become some ginormous fatty.

Muscles? Aesthetics? Better health? Yeah, I guess that stuff's okay but those are really more like side effects to me since I don't exercise for that purpose. I exercise so I can eat like a fatty without being a fatty. :-)
183cm/6ft. 77.5kg/171lbs. Perfectly normal body weight and size. Not fat. Not muscular. Not skinny. Juste-juste; presque parfait. ^_^

>> No.5908493

>replaced soda with water.
This so hard. Also if you plan on eating sweets force yourself to eat some veggies before so the sweet is like a reward to eating your carrot.

>> No.5908514

>drinking water is hard
I understand that it can be for many people. I drink fizzy so infrequently and mostly consume water that the very notion of /not/ drinking water is a bit foreign to me, but can imagine how difficult it would be if all you've ever had growing up were colas and things like that.

Do this, then: there are several brands of no-cal/low-cal powdered drink mixes, yeah? Try a few, mixing them with just a little water to make a concentrate then adding that concentrate to carbonated water (soda water, seltzer water or tonic water; whichever you like) in the right quantity until you find a flavour you like.

I'd be surprised if this didn't make it a little easier.

>> No.5908520

This is what I'm doing, as well as working out at the gym about 3 or 4 times a week.

>> No.5908542

in high school about 8 years ago i reduced my calories until i was counting precisely 670, dropped a bunch of weight and developed anorexia. then bulimia the following year. still bulimic and haven't gained the weight back, but my life has gone to shit.

>> No.5908544

Go away Sceak. Nobody loves you and you have no friends.
Also, anyone would be bulimic if faced with your cooking.

>> No.5908545


i also run daily. i'm not underweight thankfully, no hospitals 4 me.

>> No.5908554


nigger i'm not sceak.

>> No.5908570

>I sincerely despise anyone who claims losing weight is difficult.
Why? Those fat people have a similar problem as you. You make it sound so hard to gain weight, just like how they claim it's hard to lose it. Some of those people don't have that vomit-inducing overstuffed feeling that you get, so they just keep eating until there's nothing left. They probably despise you, too, for claiming that gaining weight is hard. Do you despise yourself, anon?

>> No.5908579

GTFO and take your saggy nipples with you.

>> No.5908586

What's your height, weight, gender, and average daily caloric intake? As you said you weren't hungry last night because of the doctor visit so that's not indicative of what you normally eat.

>> No.5908594

Recorded my intake on Cronometer.com, realised I was eating more than I thought, stopped eating as much.

>> No.5908596

you become fat because of a combination of bad habits

its possible to change habits

as long as you do it one at a time

>> No.5908599

He probably means that if your activity level is low you can't afford to eat much food at all and still lose weight. Therefore, when the hunger eventually hits you you'll end up binging and ruining all of your progress.

>> No.5908617

How did I lose weight?

I changed my diet to be more balanced overall, without cutting out anything in particular (aside from processed foods, fast food, and soda). I reduced my portion sizes to much smaller amounts and to compensate changed my eating schedule to 5 times a day rather than 3. I started a low impact exercise routine that involves alternating days of cardio and strength training.

I put in the bare minimum of effort and didn't make many changes, but I've lost 30 pounds in the past 4 months and will hopefully continue to do so.

No fat/low fat/no carb/low carb/etc. diets are stupid. Eat what you want, just be more aware of what you're eating.

>> No.5908623

>drinking water is hard
Who said drinking water is hard? It's super easy and free.
Soda burns and makes me burp.
h2o is 10/10

>> No.5908653

>herpa derp idklol h2follow thread conversations!! DURRRRRRRRRR!!

>Who said drinking water is hard?
I'll tell you who, you fucking retard: >>5908493 did. That's who. Goddamned shitbrained faggot.

>> No.5908658

>Shit wont stick if you dont change your eating habbits for good.

>> No.5908676


isn't this common sense? do people really think they can permanently keep their weight down by temporarily eating less or more healthfully? that defies all logic...

>> No.5908691

>but anon: you know mike, right? that guy that jogs around the neighbourhood and works as a personal trainer and swims daily? well, he stays thin and he eats triple what i eat!! once you get the weight off, it stays off! mike's living proof!

>> No.5908999

Down 143 pounds from my heaviest.

I put the goddamned fork down.

>> No.5909009

I actually gained weight. Started lifting. Going from skeleton to dyel put on 15 pounds. Still goin up up up though

>> No.5909043

counted calories and ate less than i burned. easy as fuck.

>> No.5909439
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Is a lapband for life?

>> No.5909452

>Partial stomach removal
What? I lost 30 lbs by just eating less calories and actually portioning/weighing out food.

>> No.5909456

Crohns diesese kinda did it for me. Danm you crohns...

>> No.5909471

All that shit is so dumb and wasteful. All you have to do is exercise and not snack constantly. You know how when you exercise with a full stomach it makes you feel sick? Just exercise on a daily basis and you won't gorge yourself into oblivion.

>> No.5909481

But that would require conscious effort!!! waaaaah!

>> No.5909484

Eat 500 calories under your tdee.

You can expect to lose 1.5 pounds a week by doing this.

Revise your tdee every 4 weeks.

>> No.5909507
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One for lunch, one for dinner. Sometimes two for dinner, if I was feeling really hungry. They're only something like 300 calories each.

Did that for a few months and dropped from 250lb to 150lb. Probably the laziest diet of all time.

>> No.5909515


>> No.5909517


Adderall bro.

>> No.5909531

Avoid all processed foods. That's where most the profit margin is. You'll save money by walking past that shit. No refined sugar, no oil, no white flour. It's probably nearly impossible to be morbidly obese without processed shit.

>> No.5909546

was 6'4" 229 about 3 months ago. I've been in a period of heavy DXM usage. At 189 now

>> No.5909652

Stopped all dairy products, lost 10-15 pounds in about a month. Wasn't even meaning to lose weight but my dermatologist said the hormones in dairy products made by acne worse by promoting inflammation.

>> No.5909677

Eat less, count calories, exercise. I've visibly lost weight (idk how much, no scale) doing that, walk for an hour, do some jumping jacks, masturbate furiously, just get your heart pumping. Also if you eat less for a while your stomach will shrink and you'll feel full with less.

>> No.5909697

I just eat everything I ate earlier but skip almost all sweets, plus do 1 hour of nordic walking every day. Cycling is good too. I've been steadily losing 1kg per week so far without even trying. I'm not obese though so it's pretty easy for me. Fatasses can try something simple like the 17 Day Diet for starters, or keto if they're desperate.

>> No.5909708

I cut off one of my legs which was like 7.5 kilos right away. Plus blood loss. Felt like a new person.
You could alos try to get type 1 diabetes. I hear that's good for weight loss.

>> No.5909745

Just make sure you pat down the excess grease with paper towels first.

>> No.5909751
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This looks fucking disgusting. How did you manage?

>> No.5909765

I just dont have that kind of appetite. I probably eat <1000 calories a day. I don't know how people can be so hungry.....I can't do it.

>> No.5909774

those look g-d tier
crack a raw egg on top before cooking, drizzle with olive oil and sriracha, add black pepper, and it's a 10/10 meal

>> No.5909782


>> No.5909785

Good job bruh.

>> No.5909787

Ride bikes 3 times a week (17 miles a ride)
play Racquetball once a week

>> No.5909803

I just exercised and ate at a caloric deficit

>> No.5909860

Well, a weight loss thread seems like a good place to ask this question!

Of the two choices that I have, /ck/, which do you believe would be better for me from a weight loss standpoint?

When I pack lunches for work, I'm not sure if I should throw in some cheese or have a glass of milk (both of which would fulfill the "Dairy/Calcium" part of my overall meal)

I drink Skim Milk, so a glass of milk will have less fat than the cheese, but it WILL have more calories, more carbs, and more sugar. Also, I can't help but feel that being a liquid somehow means it is "better" for weight loss than a solid food like cheese. So I'm not sure which is the better choice. Basically:

Milk: 90 calories, 0g fat, 13g Carb, 13g Sugar
Cheese: 60 calories, 4g fat, 0g Carb, 0g Sugar

Oh, the agony of choice. What do, /ck/?

>> No.5909866


It being a liquid has no association with it being better for weight loss. I can make a milkshake, does that mean I'm going to lose weight on my "liquid diet"?

Anyway the cheese will probably be more filling. Not sure why you didn't list the protein but I already know how much they have.

Unless you're lactose intolerant like I am, then if you're that desperate you can just drink milk and feel pregnant and then fart up your entire office.

N-not that that's h-happened or anything.

>> No.5909875


Ah, I forgot protein. I believe milk would be 9g and cheese would be 6g.

I'm mostly put off by the carbs and sugars in the milk, and I was wondering what /ck/'s input would be based on the strait comparison.

>> No.5909877

Read the sticky on fit.

>> No.5909893


Well, as a 6'2 200 lb male who lifts weights, 1 visit to chik fila is typically about 1/3rd of my TDEE, and it was right next to my dorms. I ate plenty of other stuff

>> No.5909904

Went vegetarian, lost over 60 lbs, still going. anemia is gone, blood sugar issues gone, bloodwork is perfect.

>> No.5909917


nah shit is pretty fucking good just give it a nice hot sauce bath

>> No.5909925

You're a lazy fuck and you know it. You'll never lose weight if you don't put the effort in every day to do it. I just know you're one of those people who tries something new but then goes "It's not working!" because you're putting in a half-assed effort or not sticking to the regiment for long enough. It's not that you CAN'T lose weight, it's that you DON'T WANT TO lose weight. No sympathy for a disgusting slug that bitches and whines about their problems instead of trying to fix them. In fact I hope the rolls on your neck continue to increase in number so that you suffocate in your own gluttony like the pathetic animal you are.

>> No.5909934

went from 160+- to 85 in 4months just by eating like a normal person instead of the usual fries 2 pizzas a couple of hamburgers and a 3 bottles of cola dinner

>> No.5909945

Your diet's not much different from keto. Have you given it a try?

>> No.5909946

Alcohol took my 5'10" frame from 200 lbs to ~160 lbs, but I'd advise against ever doing anything like this.

>> No.5909947


are you a midget

>> No.5909960

I think he is talking about KG not LB

>> No.5909962


You don't lose weight by eating enough to feel satisfied, that's what made you fat in the first place. I'm sitting here with my belly audibly grumbling because I haven't eaten my breakfast. Am I bothered by it? Not particularly. If I'm too busy I sometimes end up missing a meal. I never snack. I'm not trying to lose weight, the opposite if anything. It's just mind over matter, people who are fat are incapable of self control and enduring a little discomfort.

>> No.5909965
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OP, I've lost 39lbs eating right and exercising in the last 3 months, but the past few weeks I've been completely not sticking to the diet other than drinking a fuck load of water daily, I even had a fucking deep friend mars bar the other day, but even with eating like shit lately, I've been going to a boot camp and the gym a few days a week, so many people are telling me how good I look, but I barely notice it. I can't seem to take a compliment, every time someone compliments me in front of me, I look away, get a little nervous and say "Thanks, but I've still got a long way to go"

I guess I don't love myself.

>> No.5909970

You don't have to starve yourself to lost weight. I lost ~100lbs just exercising and eating at a caloric deficit. Very rarely was "my belly audibly grumbling"

>> No.5909975

I ate less and lifted more
cardio a shit, you need to run 10 miles to compensate for the caloric equivalent of a continental breakfast

>> No.5909979


I'm the same person who replied initially. I can't claim to be a professional but I am a senior majoring in nutritional science with a concentration with dietetics, and plan to become a dietitian. Neither the carbs nor the sugars should worry you on their own, they aren't bad. Almost nothing is bad unless you eat a fuckload of it.

>> No.5909981


I've lost weight by eating enough to feel satisfied and I'm not a fatty. It's not hard if you know how to cook well enough to make well rounded low calorie meals that still taste great.

>> No.5909988


No, you don't have to. My point is that the fact that my belly is making a noise doesn't bother me. Yes, I'm hungry, and I'll get to having my breakfast soon, but I could easily ignore for a couple of hours until my next meal. Fat people don't need to eat something every time they feel hungry, they need to learn to ignore their hunger.

>> No.5909992


>> No.5909994

hunger is not a disease, retard
it's normal to be hungry before every meal
but you can ignore it

>> No.5910018

Or you could eat and not feel hungry and still lose weight. Youre just a stupid fuck is all

>> No.5910021

You should eat before you are hungry just like you should drink before you are thirsty.

>> No.5910027

losing weight = burning more calories than you consume in a day

it's as simple as that

google BMR and eat at a deficit

google TDEE if you exercise

>> No.5910029

TDEE is what you use when determine what you burn in a day without exercise just what your body burns on its own daily

This bullshit you spout is why /fit/ is such a shit board

>> No.5910035

no, you should not, because doing that fucks with your full-o-meter and you become a lardass without even noticing

>> No.5910044


>> No.5910047

but that's BMR you shitlord

>> No.5910049


you are wrong and so is the guy you replied to

unless I guess you were in a situation where you would have no access to food for many hours, then you might as well eat even if you are not hugnry

>> No.5910050


>> No.5910051

do tell

>> No.5910052

can you please at least google the terms if you're going to spout bullshit?

i bet you're one of the hamplanets that refuse to lose weight

i'm trying to fucking help you and you won't listen

you're speaking of BMR, not TDEE

>> No.5910054


i'm done

/ck/, i'm done. too hungover for this bullshit. like arguing to a wall. l8r shitlords

good luck with those knees of yours

>> No.5910062

yea kg's

352lb to 187lb for you americans

>> No.5910064


I'm not trying to lose weight, you fucking moron. I'm pointing out that fat people are fat because they don't know how to ignore their cravings, They lack the strength of will to just shrug off the fact that they feel hungry. Anyone used to eating 4000kcal of crap a day is bound to feel unsatisfied by 2500kcal, but anon was talking about acceptable snacks. Losing weight is a lifestyle change, one where people have to give up on instant gratification. If you're trying to lose weight then snacking when you're hungry isn't a good idea, a bit of self discipline and just learning to ignore it is.

>> No.5910076


Caffeine, methylphenidate.

>> No.5910078


to be fair you don't have to ignore your cravings in order to lose weight, you just need to not eat a fuckload of them every day. I don't ignore my cravings unless they are for things that are inaccessible and I'm 5'9 130

>> No.5910092

Impressive weight loss. My congrats

>> No.5910189

No, shit-for-brains.

He said the phrase "This so hard", should have been stylized as "This, so hard" which means he agrees greatly with the statement 'replaced soda with water'.

He did not say replacing soda with water is hard.

>> No.5910223

i ate like a garbage disposal and drank a gallon of milk a day and ate thousands of calories even when i wasnt hungry BUT i also powerlifted at a gym 5x a week and had a construction job 30-40 hours a week and lost 40-50lbs, felt great

>> No.5910224

went from 6'1 240lbs down to 195lbs which is the lowest ive been since highschool. and yes im considered "skinny" at 195lbs

>> No.5910229

I stopped drinking fizzy drinks and I ran two miles a day. By the end of the month I was running three miles a day. In a few months I was running five miles.

>> No.5910240

yeah sure

>> No.5910253

the 5:2 diet is working great for me, lost 5kg in 10 weeks, plus it supposedly reduces your risk for a whole range of degenerative diseases.

I've also noticed an increase in my overall levels of self-control, I've managed to cut back on booze, pot, porn, cigarettes. I plan to stick with it for the rest of my life.

I think it's only healthy for men though, for whatever reason it seems to lead to infertility and thyroid disease in women.

>> No.5910262

I stand corrected. You're still adopted, though, and no one will ever love you.

>> No.5910267

he means kg not lbs.

>> No.5910274

I just stopped drinking 5 cans of Coca-Cola every day and didn't eat at McDonalds anymore, lost 4 stone in a year.

>> No.5910286

I drastically reduced my intake of sugar, stopped eating overly processed food, and eased up on the simple carbs. I stopped eating as much of the daily recommended amount of whole grains and ate a quarter of what the USDA recommends. I didn't substitute "diet" food for regular food, I just ate the most nutritious food I could find. I avoided all artificial sweeteners too. I started feeling better about two weeks in, after the intense sugar cravings subsided. By then I had lost a few pounds and found I wasn't so tired. So I moved around more, after about losing 15 lbs I felt even better so I started working out more consistently. The weight slid right off. It was sort of slow, 2 lbs a week sometimes 5lbs a week, but I wasn't hungry. I have lost about 80lbs. The hardest part was kicking the sugar. I only need about 25 grams of sugar a day, but had been eating MUCH more.

>> No.5910294


>> No.5910303

4 kidney stones? :p

>> No.5910454

initially cut calories to ~1500 (ate mostly small meals consisting of mostly carbs and starches like rice, cornflakes and toast to feel full, even went veggie for the first few months) and did a load of walking

as I was quite a fatarse at the time, the bulk of the weight dropped off pretty quickly from ~200lbs in 2011 to something like 170-160lbs by 2012;

went back to a more balanced diet and gradually increased exercise and am now at ~140lbs. my diet is certainly not the best (eat a lot of crap at the weekends and drink like a fish) but its far better and lighter than it was a few years back

>> No.5910474


Step 1: Stomach Shrinking. Did an ECY stack (Ephedrine, Caffeine, Yohimbine HCL). Convienient side effect was I no longer felt hungry.

Step 2: Removed most sugar and carbs from diet. No soda, no candy, no chips.

Step 3: Intermittant fasting. Was only allowed to eat from 11:30am - 6 pm.

Step 4: Keep a food journal, write down every single thing that goes into your mouth. Enter it in at wolframalpha.com , estimate calorie intake. I shot for 1600 calories.

Step 5: Exercise as much as you are capable, keep improving. Walk if you cant jog, jog if you cant run.

Step 6: Prioritize fats and proteins, protein is the most filling, and calorically the most efficient.

Remember 1 lb of fat, is about 3500 calories. If you want to lose 1 lb you must log a 3500 calorie deficit.

>> No.5910625

Not uh, my mom loves me.

>> No.5910629

ITT: anecdotal evidence
Amphetamines are guaranteed to work, though.

>> No.5910661

starving and puking

works like a charm til u have to go to hospital and put it all back on

but once you're out the sky's the limit again and you know how to not get caught (y)

>> No.5910712

I'm not even the person you were responding to.

My parents are divorced, but they both love me. Just graduated a top-20 university and I have a job.


>> No.5910729

Deep down in the pit of your heart, you know the truth: it's all your fault. They divorced because of you. Neither of them wanted you full time.
You're insufferable and they never loved you and no one ever will.

>> No.5910889

Just found out I weigh 97 pounds at 5'6". Female Cancer patient, 22 years old.

I don't even look model skinny so I am wtfing right now.

>> No.5910905

You got hollow bones, Ms. Skeltal!

>> No.5911010

You look flabby because you don't have much muscle to keep things tight?

>> No.5911093

This is a good post. Thank yous.

>> No.5911098


u have a relatively high body fat percentage at that weight.

>> No.5911136

You should only do that when the question is posted after the answer.

>> No.5911172

Do yo9u fags even DNP?

>> No.5911174

Plant-based diet

>> No.5911191

No I should not.

>> No.5911206

Major diet overhaul.
>Stopped going out to eat all the fucking time
>Stopped buying so much useless garbage while grocery shopping
>Cheap veggies as sides rather than french fries/potato chips/other shit
>1200 kcal daily limit on top of all that
Once you purge junk food from your house, it gets easier. No mindless snacking/comfort eating. You start asking yourself "Wait... am I REALLY hungry, or am I just bored?" 80% of the time, I wasn't actually hungry.
Lost almost 30lbs and saved a ton of money.
>tfw people say losing weight is expensive
>it's expensive to eat less food

>> No.5911209

diet and exercise, learn some self control you spergs

>> No.5911213

Eat a protien rich breakfast and dinner, typically skip over lunch unless I'm really craving for something. Doing cardio 5 days a week and weight lifting 3 days a week.

I've went from 386 to 348 from late August to now doing that. Also COUNT YOUR CALORIES AND GET A FOOD SCALE TRUST ME ANON

>> No.5911287


This. A scale helped me so fucking much.

>> No.5911343

Just drink and eat everything and then spend every night puking.
Works great.

>> No.5911356

>read /fit/ sticky
>eat at caloric deficit
>lift heavy weights

its not that hard

>> No.5911371


It literally couldn't be any more simple, yet somehow there is a multi-billion dollar diet industry funded by gluttonous fucks who want to lose weight without a bit of effort.

>> No.5911475

Is there a pasta for this.

I have made a similar comment a few times and I see other people do it but we really need a good pasta

>> No.5911480

you are simply either a liar, or just plain delusional about what you are eating. Even with legitimate medical disorders, losing weight is not impossible

>> No.5911491

>you don't lose weight by dieting, you lose it by exercising.
this is completely fucking wrong. You will never lose significant weight through exercise if you don't diet. On the flipside, you can be completely sedentary and still lose weight via diet alone.

>> No.5911496

But alcohol is chock full of calories (and pretty much nothing for your body BUT calories), how would that even work?

>> No.5911511

Good parenting

>> No.5911809

Maybe getting so drunk and violent that every restaurant and grocery throws you out

>> No.5911817

>presupposing I was ever fat

>> No.5912119

>implications being made you were ever healthy and satisfied with yourself

>> No.5912145

How many fat alcoholics do you see?

>> No.5912158

Pretty much this.
OP, I had obese parents and I can tell you that 90% of fatties have no idea what portion control is. They can't count calories and have no idea how much a "normal person" should eat.
Pick a calorie limit (2000 cal or under) and start writing down EVERYTHING you eat.

>> No.5912164

Skipping food for booze and probably vomiting a whole lot. Plus hangovers really cut down on an appetite.

>> No.5912170

Alcohol contains calories but they're not metabolized by the body very well. Calories consumed doesn't necessarily mean calories retained in the case of alcohol.

>> No.5912227

Started exercising, had smaller lunches (never eat breakfeast really) and quit being an alcohol.

Of course, when I relapsed, it kind of put everything to the wayside so I'm still a boombalatty.

>> No.5913236

Just the same shit

>> No.5913246

i'm fat and i'm a HFA

i workout doe so i'm on dat perma-bulk

binge drinking and eating is so self-distructingly satisfying

>> No.5913287

What are some good recipes that are filling enough to keep me happy until a second meal? I want to do the two meals a day diet but I have as of yet been unable to find anything sufficient enough to stop me from eating again. I have a fast metabolism but I am also fat as fuck, so you can probably imagine how much I eat.

>> No.5913292


that's not entirely clear, there's a paradox as far as that goes. It's been consistently shown that alcoholics are not able to effectively use it for energy, I'm in the process of submitting a research proposal for a study of non-alcoholics for 6 weeks in a metabolic ward.

plenty, but that doesn't necessarily have to do with the caloric content of alcohol

>> No.5913297

this down 90lbs
its gonna take time but you can do it

>> No.5913467

Alcohol contains a lot of calories, but it also takes a lot of energy to break down, so the net gain isn't as large as you'd expect, especially if you're drinking stuff like vodka or gin where most of the calories come from the alcohol itself.

In addition, you get into a sort of rolling hangover, where you don't feel particularly in pain, but you definitely don't have much appetite or desire to eat large amounts.

>> No.5915630

What the hell is a metabolic ward?

>> No.5915703

56 Pounds or 25 KG

>> No.5915763


>> No.5916329

I'm doing low fat, low to mid carb, high protein, and intermittent fasting.

Stats: Male, 6'0", 210lb. Starting weight: 300lb Janrary, Goal weight: 180.

I eat 2 meals a day in an 8 hour window. I eat most of my carbs on the first meal, then exercise, and then have my protein heavy meal #2. In total, I'm doing about 1000-1200 kcal a day and 45 min of cardio. I'm losing about 3lb a week. I sometimes feel like shit towards the end of my work out.

It's hard to exercise on a big cut like I'm doing, but I'm still pushing through it. I slacked off during the summer and lost a couple of months so I'm trying to make it up right now. On The Biggest Loser, they push you to your limit. So yeah, it's doable. Just 30 lbs / 3 months to go and I'm going to go into maintenance mode. I plan on getting into lifting soon after (I don't want to even bother lifting on a cut). Really looking forward to it.

>> No.5916338

I don't eat lunch

>> No.5916402

Hyperemesis gravidarum. Not pleasant, but it works. At the end of my pregnancy I was 30 pounds lighter than when I started.

>> No.5916468
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>> No.5916610

Vouching for this, I weight my food aswell but that's from my being diabetic, but having a quick glimpse on the calories is fine and I stay under my TDEE. I went from 295 to 180 at 5'11, Male.

>> No.5916701

I love food. But I realized gained to much weight. If you enjoy food and don't want to give that up the only solution is sport. I lost already 35 pounds in 4 months and feel much better while I still can enjoy my food. The only thing I changed is that I reduced my sweets. The beginning was hard. but after 4 months I feel pretty used to it and comfortable with my new lifestyle. I still want to loose more weight

>> No.5918762
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>inb4 your baby weighed 30 pounds

>> No.5919125

>for whatever reason it seems to lead to infertility and thyroid disease in women
citation please. Everything I've read said that it can actually help thyroid function.

>> No.5919142

I'm not even that nigga, but fuck, anon. You just made me feel like I was 9 again and my parents divorce was my fault.

>> No.5919229

it wasn't your personality or what you did or did not do that was your fault

it was that they never needed a kid for their love so they divorced

divorce isn't necessarily a bad thing

well, it is for the child.


>> No.5919231


>> No.5919238

is it expensive?

>> No.5919249


Depends on what you eat. I spend a lot of money on food, not gonna lie.

>> No.5919253

how much money do you spend on supplements?

>> No.5919257

Eat smaller portions.

Drink water.

That's how I lost 10 kilos.

>> No.5919284

Adjusting portion sizes. I had this shitty habit of eating until I was stuffed. As soon as I stopped doing that I started to lose weight.

>> No.5919289


1 bottle of Iron, Selenium. B2, B12 and calcium costs about 20 bucks and lasts for 100 days.

>> No.5919302

See. This is why veganism is bullshit. You can't subsist on a vegan diet naturally without incurring vitamin deficiencies.

>> No.5919329

You also couldn't live if you had to hunt for your meat instead of buying it from a grocery store

>> No.5919331


I'm allergic to milk protein and I have trouble digesting meat. And I took vitamins long before I became vegan or even vegetarian. Sucks but eh.
But my vegan diet has helped my fucked up digestive system a lot. I've been able to cut back on some of my medication.

>> No.5919332

Eat 1600 nutrient packed calories and walk half an hour each day

>> No.5919333

False equivalency. Anyone outside a city can raise chickens and rabbits in their backyard without any real difficulty. If you have the space for it, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from raising and butchering your own meat.

>> No.5919340

Sou you admit you can't do it, and it's all because these "chains" you call a city bind you ? Well you don't exactly sound very free relying on other people to let you do something so basic as live now do you little american ?

hahaha you always were a pathetic slave race

>> No.5919341

Were I a betting man, I'd bet that 99% of people would have a better go at survival /attempting/ to hunt than trying their hand at synthesising and isolating nutrients.
is a bullshit retort to the legitimate claim that veganism cannot be done without the purchase of supplements.

>> No.5919349

How did /ck/ get fat in the first place? I've been skinny all my life and I've never understood how someone can eat enough to get fat, the amount I eat keeps me just within a healthy BMI (18.5) and I would struggle to eat more as it would make me uncomfortably bloated.

>> No.5919350


so you found a dictionary now too huh ?

>> No.5919353

I fail to understand your criticism. Some meat others are cowards and wouldn't eat meat if they had to butcher it themselves. Yeah, those people deserve to be criticized. I am not one of them though. I myself have been on farms and have seen livestock be killed. I would absolutely do it myself if that was the most convenient way for me to get proteins into my diet.

>> No.5919356

Seeing isn't doing

>> No.5919357

>i have nothing of import to add to the conversation, so let me lick my wounds and pounce on one of your small, difficult words
You could have just said.

>> No.5919364

Well only because I don't have to do it and because I probably CAN'T do it. I'm a city dweller. My patio is probably 5m by 2m and I'm sure the neighbors wouldn't want to listen to chickens.

>> No.5919370

hey buddy you only have to lie to me once, but you've gotta lie to yourself every god damn day so you just keep talking :)

>> No.5919376


>>5919231 here. Of course it's impossible to get all your needed nutrients on a vegan diet without supplements. Anyone who claims different hasn't done their research and probably has mouthsores. From malnutrition.
It out modern society that allows us to chose a vegan diet, should we wish to do so. But humans are, and always have been, omnivores. Arguing with that is pointless.

>> No.5919378

your point is pretty stupid. Delegating the butchering of animals to someone else has been the norm since civilization started.

>> No.5919382


It's our*

>> No.5919383

>. Delegating the butchering of animals to someone else has been the norm since civilization started.

So has racism

>> No.5919397

again. false equivalence. racism is a part of human nature. it was always with us and will always be there. maybe you should've picked slavery as an analogy.

well, are you going anywhere?

Look, I'll just spell this out right now for you. I don't care about animal life. Human life is basically worthless, thousands die every day needlessly. Why should I give two fucks about lifeforms lower on the food chain?

>> No.5919401
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>> No.5919418

You're just as much as a misanthrope as I am, if not more.

All that energy and money you vegans throw at your pet projects for animal "well-being". Why not spend that money instead to build wells and sanitation facilities in some shitthole in Africa to save human lives? PETA and other vegan organizations have millions of dollars. That's millions that could go to saving human lives. Don't you care about your fellow man?

Ethical vegans care more about animals than humans.

I care about neither. That's the only real difference between you and me.

>> No.5919419

You're reasonable. I like you. Lets get together and go bowling and have drinks after.

>> No.5919427

>My body is just noncompliant.
With the laws of physics? You're just grossly underestimating how much you're eating.

>> No.5919430

He must be black. Always breakin' laws 'n shit.

>> No.5919434

Literally who gives a fuck if your fat. Sure you might not bang 10/10s, but its not unheard of to snag a few 7/10s and marry one. all about personali-

>Reading your post
Actually give up, you sound like a whiny fucking cunt. Who gives a fuck about the opinions of keyboard heros on the internet?

I have been friends with tons of dudebros and im a fat fuck. Hell they even invite me to parties and shit, and the one hooked me up with a real qt I dated for months

>> No.5919438

>Lets get together and go bowling and have drinks after.

Dr. Craig Spencer pls go

>> No.5919439

I didn't follow the whole comment thread. But if the guy has some thyroid problem or something serious like that then yes, he would have a medical condition that predisposes him or her to gaining weight. If he/she doesn't have that, then in that case, they are full of shit.

>> No.5919446


Thanks, m8. Bowling is fun lets do it.

>> No.5919457

Then it shouldn't be hard to sort it out with some thyroxine or other hormone, depending on where the deficiency lies. People with genuine thyroid problems that cause weight gain tend to have a pyramid shape to them (as in, increasing amounts of swelling over the norm towards the bottom of the body, including the legs) while those with "muh thyroid condishun" will be more rounded, in line with just being a tubby fucker.

>> No.5919470

>Literally who gives a fuck if your fat.

It depends on how fat you are and how your body handles it.

I'm a former morbidly obese person. My blood pressure would shoot up dangerously high 200s. My heart rate would shoot up just walking a few steps. I was constantly out of breath. My shirt would be drenched in sweat just by doing any exertion for more than 2 mins. Knees and back would ache like I had fallen off a ladder. My GERD would almost suffocate me in my sleep etc etc.

In my case, I lost out on genetics and got a shitty body that couldn't handle being fat. Some fat people do remarkably well, but alas, not everyone is fortunate.

So yeah, the point in my anecdote is to advise fatties on here: get checked out by the doc and see how your general health is. If your body is crumbling under all that weight, then you have to lose it, unless you're fine with developing serious health conditions and dying early.

>> No.5919475



>> No.5919481

Im pretty good. Passed all my blood tests with flying colors.

Only problem is a bit high blood pressure, some out of breath, and GERD, but I just take Ranitidine for that

>> No.5919491


How old are you?

>> No.5919493


>> No.5919505

Well that's good to hear, but you're still at risk at developing the serious stuff. You may feel good now, but 5 or 10 years down the line, it might different. Keep that in mind broseph..

I can only speak for myself. I felt like I was dying at my 360lb weight. I can never return to that. I'm at 205lb right now and I feel so immensely better. I want to lose 45lb more and then maintain.

Seriously consider doing a weight loss journey. Anyone reading this. Please consider it. It can be done. If you want it bad enough, you can make it happen.

>> No.5920225

He's wrong because he lives in the city and can't slaugther what he eats, but still you claim to be right, even though you wouldn't be able to acquire your supplements outside of civilised world?

>> No.5920267

i eat 7000 calories a week

>> No.5920766

1500kcal a day and regular excersise. Now at 154 pounds 6'

>> No.5920786


>> No.5920800

How tall are you and how much weight have you lost?

>> No.5920812

No idea man, sorry. Guessing, it would be around 16ish

>> No.5920818

I excersise but i just dont work out if that makes sense

>> No.5920838
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I went from 195 to 165 in roughly 2 months after high school.
>Stopped drinking Soda
>Be slightly stressed out
That was all I did, 30 lbs in 60 days. It was simple as fuck.
Just try not to think about food as delicious as this.

>> No.5920970

i was 113 when i started, haven't weighed myself since

>> No.5921124

Hypothyroidism only accounts for around 100, maximum 200 calorie reduction in your basal metabolic rate. Genetics don't break the laws of thermodynamics.

>> No.5921126

I went vegan with occasional periods of full fasting and the weight fell off. Went from an XL to a small in 4 months.

>> No.5921179

For about 3 1/2 weeks I've been limiting my calorie intake to about 1200 a day. So far I've lost 16 pounds. I started at about 210 and now i'm at 194. My goal is 170

Just stick to the diet and work out at least 3-4 times a week.

>> No.5921362

depression :DDDDDDDDD

>> No.5921378

what were you depressed about?

>> No.5921544

in particular about a break-up of a 5 year relationship, though I'm kind of a downer regularly, too.
lost ~30 pounds in about 2 months, kept the weight till now.

>> No.5921722

how did you guys break-up?