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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5904936 No.5904936 [Reply] [Original]

How many people are actually on /ck/ to talk about cooking? I feel like I'm in the minority here.

>> No.5904939

Go away and take your shitty trollpizza with you

>> No.5904945

There's your answer, OP. >>5904939

>> No.5904949

I am here to very gently promote veganism or at least cutting back on factory meat consumption.
I feel that if even just one or two people are swayed by my arguments, many lives will be saved.

>> No.5904952

I shill for fast food corporations and the big ketchup conglomerates.

>> No.5904961

>How many people are actually on /ck/ to talk about cooking?

>> No.5904963

your and idiot

>> No.5904979

We just have different values anon.

>> No.5904982

i would be tempted to pick up that pizza, fold it in half and eat it like that. fuck using a dull knife and fork.
>tfw everyone would look at me like i am a barbarian

>> No.5905020
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I'm here to argue semantics and minutiae until threads turn into 150 reply, greentexted shitfests.

>> No.5905057

What are your favorite things to nitpick?

>> No.5905060

I'm here to find love

>> No.5905077

I comment infrequently about opinions on how to cook or a recipe someones asking for. Otherwise I just lurk and laugh at the faggots on here

>> No.5905079

I only post trope threads.

>> No.5905084

I come here because its like /pol/ but with food

>> No.5905088

I come here to see food pics from Japan

>> No.5905089
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/ck/ is pretty damn shit these days but it isn't even remotely /pol/ bad, please don't exaggerate.

>> No.5905090

Fuck off, newfag

>> No.5905094

>p-pol is the last b-bastion of oldfag glory! 2008 was gr8!

eat my shit, retard.

>> No.5905095


>> No.5905097

I'm here for the Fazoli's threads. Haven't had a good one in a while.

>> No.5905118

Im hungry

>> No.5905123


I want that pizza

>> No.5905136

I talk about fast food, food trends, and preach my food-related alternative lifestyles.

>> No.5905144

For every person you convert over to the religion of veg*nism, I'll restore the balance by eating more delicious factory farmed animals.

I am on a 0 carbohydrate diet and contribute to the deaths of hundreds of animals annually, so don't think I can't do it.

>> No.5905162

>want to talk about food
>post recipe
>"What the fuck, that's completely wrong. Here's the authentic recipe"
>-"You're saying THAT is the authentic recipe? You fuckup, this right here is authentic"
>--"My great aunt is from [country] and this right here is the authentic recipe"
>---">eating food"

That's how those threads go

>> No.5905381

Your in no position to judge me.

>> No.5905382

When you think of a shitty meme-filled board you think of something like /mu/.

/ck/ is like secretly the same except the memes aren't meant to be funny.

>> No.5905394

I'm here to contribute homemade food pics with bad lighting because I don't live in a fucking photography studio

also to suggest recipes and laugh at people's stupidity.

>> No.5905503

You read my mind, OP.

It's not terrible, but sometimes when I come to /ck/ it just seems to be full of pretentiousness. Wine threads, whiskey threads, threads claiming one food is above all else.

>> No.5905523

You fucking monster!!!




>> No.5905658


>> No.5905665


>> No.5905673

I use /ck/ as an alternate to /an/ to talk about foods I don't know.

>> No.5905685

I always participate in chili threads because people here think it has beans in it. Just trying to educate the masses, there aren't any beans.

>> No.5905689


>> No.5905690

I only come here for the alcohol threads, excluding the alcoholic threads, I want to talk about nice things not read a bunch of pathetic alcoholics blog about how sad their lives are. All in all /ck/ is full of poor people and morons who just want to talk about fast food and call everything memfood, fedora or hipster.

>> No.5905693

u wan sum weenie BB? xtra ketchup on dis plump juicy frank


>> No.5905695

No Chipotle.

>> No.5905697

Fazoli's threads can be funny sometimes though.

>> No.5905727

actually, im starting up a new /ck/ on a dead chan. its pretty much just gonna be me posting up commercial recipes and methods.

>> No.5905751

/ck/ is a board that wants itself to burn.

See: "memefood"

>> No.5905769

Probably started by the same shitheads who forced "wa la". Each time they post, the quality of /ck/ goes down.

>> No.5905774

Every single meme ever was forced in the beginning.
You just don't like to see the sausage being made.

>> No.5905789

It's you, isn't it?

>> No.5905828
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>he comes on /ck/ to talk about food

>> No.5905843

I don't like to talk about cooking because it doesn't matter. Nothing I make tastes good, no matter how closely I follow a recipe.
Cheap shit I can buy and microwave or eat out of a bag tastes ten times better than something I put love and effort and time into.

>> No.5905852

So why go to a cooking board?

>> No.5905854

>Food & Cooking
the food part

>> No.5905865

As near as I can tell its about six people.

>> No.5905868

That doesn't seem possible. Post some recipes you tried cooking.

>> No.5905903
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i come to post stuff i made sometimes and talk about recipes and restaurants in NYC.

pic related it's korean tacos i made with my gf

>> No.5905915

>muh gf!

>> No.5905921

not him but you jelly fags make it so obvious when youre jelly. nobody should have to hide minor backstory details or pretend to be gay to appease you faggots

>> No.5905927

>doesn't describe anything about the tacos other than "korean" and "made with my gf"

>more effort now put into talking about gf instead of tacos

you suck

>> No.5905937

this is /ck/ the majority of people in threads that actually involve cooking are older and have money to spend on nice cooking. they don't care when you say >muh gf

>> No.5905958
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I'm the korean taco poster that's...really true actually. I didn't even think it'd be weird if i mentioned i cooked with her.

Anyway here's some pizza i made.

>> No.5905964

I'm not him I'm defending him though. He just said who he made them with, it's the same as "I made with room mates" but it happens to be a girlfriend. female rage induced faggots I swear

>> No.5905967

It kind of reminds me of that autist that spergs out here when someone mentions Vietnamese cooking. It was later found out that a Vietnamese girl turned down his advances.

>> No.5905974

I like to come here to reply to OC threads, look at food when I'm hungry, and generally just get ideas.

I feel like a mom on pinterest but whatever

I like looking at good food and learning how to make it. ck can provide both of those things with an added side of shitflinging and homosexuality.

>> No.5905994

looks good. is that just really dark sauce?

pretty much what I do. pick up ideas and tips here and there while still browsing 4chins.

>> No.5906000


yeah, i slow cooked some marinara sauce and froze it, and it got kind of dark in the freezing/reheating process (still delicious tho)

>> No.5906008

Tell me more about your recipe, did you make the tortillas?

>> No.5906014


>> No.5906022

Yeah, I like posting grainy 4000x3000 pics of the same pie over and over. Or the shittiest looking pizza. Only lighting I use is my pink himalayan salt lamp

>> No.5906023


nah, store bought tortillas. Found a pretty easy slow cooker bulgogi recipe, made a batch, and gf's family makes homemade kimchi which is amazing. Added some cilantro and then proceeded to chow down.

It's not the most "impressive" recipe but I like the way the picture came out

>> No.5906028

I have yet to be inspired by /ck/, guess that says as much as it should about this board. I get a lot of my ideas from watching food tv and reading food blogs but here, it seems like 90% of the threads are arguing about something stupid and when someone posts OC it often either gets ignored for the most part or criticized.

Maybe we should have monthly themes or something, like this month is for cooking fish or this month is for baking pies etc. Would inspire people to try to participate in the theme.

>> No.5906029


more OC. Paella I made for a Labor Day BBQ.

>> No.5906035
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Goddammit forgot picture

>> No.5906049

Did anyone call it fried rice?

>> No.5906063


no, my friends aren't plebes

>> No.5906067

I'm glad to hear it. I felt so bad for this girl who painstakingly made it for work only for fucking John from accounting to call it fried rice.

>> No.5906089


that's awful :(

>> No.5906192

4chanX secret names bullshit

>> No.5906372

Damn , looks good

>> No.5906892

I do it 8 hours a day, the last thing i want to do is talk about it on a Philippino Kabuke Cave

>> No.5906925

it's a blue board so naturally most people are here to use "le pleb mehmeh" to feel better than people

>> No.5907421


People actually confuse paella with fried rice?
I didn't know that was a thing..

>> No.5907745

I used to pst threads wher eI mad estuff and posted photos of the process and stuff but in the end I got too many "fuck off to instagram"s and threads died within the day replaced by the same old fast food trol lthreads so now I don't bother.

>> No.5907751

Its the same thing anon just a different country.
Flat bread us just a tortilla.
A zepoli is just a sopapilla

>> No.5907815

I'm here to talk about food when I can, and to piss off vegans, health food idiots, and "natural" food luddites when I can't.

>> No.5907819

In that scenario you just got three alternative recipes for something, even if two of them are flat out trolls you're still getting some constructive posts.

>> No.5907823

/ck/ is the /mu/ of food.

>> No.5907826

i lurk /ck/ during a cut. for me looking at pictures of tasty food serves as a substitute to eating tasty food

>> No.5907838

>John from accounting

Why are accountants such plebs?

>> No.5907883

Why call it a cut?
You are just going on a diet.
People think renaming something changes it.

>> No.5907894

He needs you to know he lifts, unlike girls and girly men who diet.

>> No.5907896

Primarily here to:
>laugh at the weebs who think ramen is the only food in the world
>laugh at Americans who have no idea about food and food culture outside of the USA
>seek out new recipes and ask genuine questions

>> No.5907898

I don't want to her bulky. I just run on the treadmill and I call it the same thing.

>> No.5907903

its what people call it when they want you to know they lift weights

>> No.5907916


>> No.5907967

i'm here to laugh at elitists on a cantonese picture forum

>> No.5907984


>laugh at Americans who have no idea about food and food culture outside of the USA

why would anyone care about food culture outside of the US

>> No.5907991

Hmmmm.. because most of the american food culture came from there?

>> No.5907995


Yeah, so the US has pretty much the best Europe has to offer as well as south America.

I'm not hurting for the loss of african foods

>> No.5908004

>Yeah, so the US has pretty much the best Europe has to offer as well as south America.
But it doesn't, and that's the whole problem. It just gets watered down, sugared and salted up and then modified by big corporations who make a fast buck while slowly killing it's customer base.
It's fucking disgusting.

>> No.5908014

and I'm not anti American but you've taken food and created something that is so far from the original as to be unrecognizable. All this shit does is prop up hedge funds and big pharma. It's not food, it's chemical warfare. Think about it, Diabetes is a lot more profitable to manage than it is to cure.

>> No.5908017

yeah sure, some of it does. if you really think you can't get good african food in america you don't know anything bout merca and you can just git out

>> No.5908023


>Food from my culture is unique and delicious
>food from your culture is watered down sugared and salted up copies

Yeah alright, no one cares about your bland food

>> No.5908038

>But it doesn't, and that's the whole problem

I disagree. Sure a lot of americanized food is shit, but you don't have to buy it. We have the good stuff too.

For example: yesterday I went shopping for groceries and needed some parmesan. The supermarket had the shitty fake cheese in the green cylinder but it also had proper imported parmigiano-reggiano, as well as various in-between options. I bought the real stuff.

Likewise when I went to get some meat: yeah, the frozen saline-injected chicken breasts in big bags were all over the place. But so were fresh free-range whole chickens. I bought the latter.

Just because a great deal of american food is garbage doesn't mean the real stuff isn't available.

>> No.5908044

That's a pretty weak argument my friend.
As for bland, ever had a decent curry, a decent piece of roast beef, Lancashire hotpot, cottage pie, real Stilton. I could go on, don't be blinded by ignorance, try cooking for yourself, I can recommend some good recipes if you wish.

>> No.5908045

Nice one mate !

>> No.5908048


I'm arguing against ignorance with ignorance anon because there's no sense in actually trying to make a decent argument with you.

You've formed your opinion on American food, regardless of how uninformed it is.

>I visited America once and ate at mcdonalds and olive garden why is american food so bad
>i even went to wal-mart to try and make my own food and it was really bad

>> No.5908051
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Pizza thread?

>> No.5908059

>yurocuck pizza

>> No.5908067

Not at all, I FUCKING love America and have eaten some amazing meals there.
My point is you are overwhelmed with crap pushed on you by corporate USA, mainly aimed at the poorer sections of society that has created an ignorance of food.
If you are redpilled then good on you but the majority of your countrymen are not. No hate here mate, eat will and have a happy life. I wish you well my friend.

>> No.5908070

Opinion discarded.

>> No.5908089

Shhh. Yuros think all we eat is hot pockets and McDonald's.

>> No.5908110

Brits don't realize that every country has chavs as well as doctors and philosophers.
The trouble with us is that we don't hide out idiots as well as most counties do.
In fact we put them on prime time television.

>> No.5908115

and crystal meth, don't forget the crystal meth.

>> No.5908127


To be fair, a HUGE portion of american food culture is based around major fast food/fast casual chains and prepackaged foods, so it's no surprise that foreigners get that impression, and this being a thai video forum, it'll come out in the form of shitposting from retarded bongistanis.

That's not to say that we don't have an army of flyover dwelling lets-bring-everyone-down-to-our-level faggots that'll call you pretentious for liking anything that doesn't come with a kraft single on it. That also doesn't help

>> No.5908147

Stop you're making me hungry

>> No.5908191

>flyover dwelling

You know, it's not really fair to denigrate the food culture of "flyover country" some of the most distinctive branches of American cuisine come from those places, they've just been harder hit by corporate homogeneity than the cities.

>> No.5908214
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>Commiefornians and jewyorkers thinking they are American

>> No.5908250
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>I feel like I'm in the minority here.

I'm not in the business... I am the business.

>> No.5908778


People telling you that beans don't belong in chilli isn't exactly constructive.

>> No.5908824
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>People telling you that ketchup don't belong on steak cooked well done isn't exactly constructive.

>> No.5908937

That's your fault for trying to discuss chilli on /ck/. At least you got a recipe for a version without beans.

>> No.5910632


Yeah, fantastic version that is. Exactly my chilli, just without beans.

>> No.5910651

All /ck/ is borderline homeless/ college students trying to survive on nothing, complaining about tipping, and fast food

>> No.5910707

I only browse /ck/ to find images of food. /ck/ is fucking terrible for anything else, since 95% is "muh ketchup and muh ramen and muh shit"

You need to post more images of food anon.