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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 294 KB, 570x238, angry_orchard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5901339 No.5901339 [Reply] [Original]

Is this stuff any good?

>> No.5901345

Depends on the size of your vagina or beard. The bigger your vagina, the more likely you'll like it. The bigger your beard, the more likely you'll like it. If you have both a big beard and a big, fat, gaping vagina, you'll fucking love it.

Basically, I've mostly seen hamplanet bitches, fat-and-hairy lesbians and Jack Black look-alikes ever drink it. My ex was well fit but a hamplanet at heart and loved the stuff.

>> No.5901346


The cinnamon or ginger varieties are the best. I prefer other ciders though.

>> No.5901347

Overall, I prefer Woodchuck. I got a sampler thingy of Angry Orchard, and the only ones I really enjoyed were the crisp apple and (I think) elderflower. The other two were kinda watery.

>> No.5901348

>confirmed for wearing flats on her cankles

>> No.5901352

But they're the only shoes that fit a woman of size like me and let me show off muh curves!

Check your cider privilege

>> No.5901358



femanon detected

>> No.5901359


this shit is way too sweet. It tastes like fucking alcoholic soda.

>> No.5901361


I like it better than woodchuck personally. There are a few others that are nice as well but I'm too tired to think of them all, I know crispin is one of them.

>> No.5901365

I didn't ask about who drinks it, I just want to know if it's good.

I'm not here to justify my masculinity in a beverage, I just want to expand my palate with more cider.

Alright, thanks. My local grocery store just got a bunch of varieties of these and I've been curious about them, especially since they're relatively cheap compared to other ciders.

It's made with fruit, anon. Fruit contains lots of natural sugar.

>> No.5901366


They added a lot of extra sugar for the fermenting process you doughnut,

They also sweeten it further, it's way too fucking sweet.

>> No.5901374

it's nowhere near as sweet as soda wtf are you on

>> No.5901378


Whatever it is, it gives me superior taste buds I guess

>> No.5901379

That is for you to decide. I personally think it's a mid-tier cider. Not terrible, but not great either. Good if you can't afford anything else, but if you're willing to shell out a few more quid then spring for Wychwood Green Goblin.

No they didn't. AO has a very dry finish and is one of the less sugary ciders.

You probably just don't like/can't handle cider.

>> No.5901381

Well, I'm just saying, if you're a corpulent titbeast or some hirsuit bulldyke or resemble a certain second-rate comedian, you'll definitely think it's good.
You asked if it was any good. I told you under what conditions you would think it's any good. It's like asking if the Wes Anderson movies are any good. Depends. If you're a white, upper-middle-to-upper class overeducated, underachieving twat of any gender (though mostly of the cunted persuasion), chances are: you'd think so. Otherwise, chances are, you won't.

>> No.5901382

You care too much about what other people think, anon.

Be your own person instead of trying to emulate what is considered cool on a chinese cartoon website.

>> No.5901383

Flavor is good, but it's cloyingly sweet. If you like sweet drinks you might think it's good. If you like French or Spanish style cider it will seem disgustingly sweet. This stuff is like an upscale take on British football hooligan cider.

>> No.5901384

It's shit to drink but not too bad when you mix something else into it (I've heard of people mixing it with Fireball). You want a cider to drink, do like >>5901347 says and get Woodchuck. I'd also recommend Strongbow and, if you can find it, Bold Rock.

>> No.5901387

>he thinks I'm trying to emulate anything
Just making observations, silly butt. I'm about as cool as August in Atlanta. I'm okay with that. ;-)

>> No.5901389

>caring this much about what other people do

You have issues. You should see a therapist.

Being this vindictive against sweeping generalizations of people you don't even know isn't healthy.

>> No.5901394

It has like 30g of sugar per bottle so it tastes way too sweet. You'd be better off getting a Mike's.

>> No.5901396

>noticing trends = vindication
You don't know what 'vindictive' means, do you? How have I been wronged? How does mentioning trends I notice bring me revenge?


You're bad at this.

>> No.5901397

You should try to conduct activities that will help increase your self-confidence.

>> No.5901398

24g of sugar in 12 fl oz of Angry Orchard
26g of sugar in 12 fl oz of non-concentrate all natural applejuice

ITT: /ck/ finds out fruit contains sugar

>> No.5901401

I'm confident that I'm not cool. :-)
I might be a bit chilly, but certainly not cool. I could do with a nice mug of cocoa and a sweater. Shall I make us both a bit? Do you like yours a bit sweet? I make mine only about half sweet but would be happy to add more sugar if that's how you take yours.

>> No.5901403

You're embracing radical contrarianism because it's cool to be le untrendy guy hehe WAKE UP SHEEPLE XD >:(

>> No.5901405

Nah. :-)

You seem upset. Shall I brew us a bit of chamomile? Or, rather, I was thinking to make some hot cocoa, if you'd like.

>> No.5901409

I can tell you're trying to be causally edgy but your deep seated rage is more obvious than you think.

Seek help before you hurt yourself.

>> No.5901410

Nah, but thanks for your concern. Would you like a jelly bean?

>> No.5901417
File: 116 KB, 240x240, SF1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better option, pic related

Not that sweet. You can drink six of them and not feel like you're gonna puke. Has a pretty decent ABV for cider, too.

Crispin isn't bad either. Variety of good flavors.

>> No.5901420

There are natural sugars that fruit contains, and people who want an artificially flavored beer to taste sweet.

>> No.5901424

Angry Orchard is good, don't listen to any of these other faggots.

Yes it is sweet, Woodchuck is A LOT sweeter and just generally tastes shittier.

This shit is just horrible why would you ever recommend this to anyone?

Strongbow is water.

I don't even particularly enjoy or prefer cider but Angry Orchard is some good shit

>> No.5901429

Im a heavily bearded dude but have an allergy to something in the stouts I love that give me migraines. Crisp apple is good, I drink them like I would a cola with dinner

>> No.5901436

Also, I never said it was the best cider on the market.

Everyone here is talking about grocery-store-isle level cinders (Woodchuck, Angry Orchard, Strongbow) and Smith's Forge is starting to pop up in a lot of places.

I'm sure there's some 300 year old brand of English cider that is super expensive and amazing, but not everyone cares that much because. ....well....it's cider.

>> No.5901443
File: 18 KB, 201x317, Lineupartisanalswebsitev1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that shit is just horrible

Ever consider starting a food and drink blog? Your insights are articulate as well as informative.

What I'm saying is, for the price, grab a four pack at the grocery store and see if it works for you.

I also said Crispin is really good. Which it is. Care to have a stroke about that too?

>> No.5901449

I've found your problem. You are expecting your cider to be like beer.

Cider is not beer. Cider is not supposed to be bitter. It's made with fruit. Fruit is sweet.

>> No.5901454

I love how you bash every cider in this thread, give no substantial reason why they are bad beyond

> it's shit!!!!!
> WTF????? XD
> that shit is too sweet!!!!!

And then....offer no recommendations of your own. So.....

> confirmed for being an underage contrarian faggot who has only ever stolen his dad's beer out of the fridge

>> No.5901456


Like I said, I don't particularly give a shit because cider is babby-tier alcoholic soda shit.

>> No.5901459





>> No.5901468



Woodchuck is too sweet
Strongbow is too watery
Smithforge should not even be called cider or even be available for sale it is such a low quality product. it is like sugar + water + apple concentrate.
Angry Orchard is just right! Not as one-dimensional as the other products and has a bit of a dry finish which I personally enjoy.

Obviously none of these brands are particularly good and I wouldn't drink them regularly but If i saw a woodchuck, strongbow, or smithforge sitting next to a beer i would grab the beer no matter what it was. If I saw an Angry Orchard I would probably grab it since I don't drink cider very often.

>> No.5901470

>Cider is not supposed to be bitter.
You've never had Spanish or French cider then. French cider varies from slightly sweet to bone rattlingly dry, and every Spanish cider I've had had been both dry and sour.

Just because a drink is made from fruit does not mean it HAS to be sweet.

See also: wine.

>> No.5901475

Much better, thank you.

I just find Smith's Forge to be really drinkable. Has a crisp bite to it and isn't too sweet. Pretty refreshing to me, but tastes differ.

The only one out of those I've really enjoyed was Angry Orchards ginger cider. Pretty nice

>> No.5901477

I like the apple one with a shot of fireball whiskey mixed in. Tastes like apple pie.

>> No.5901479
File: 65 KB, 720x540, 1396543191115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5901483


It would probably be better if I was already drunk. I might give it another shot at my friend's bar since I can just get drinks for free.

>> No.5901492

Well, I drink it about like how I drink any light beer. I'm usually grilling, and it's usually hot as hell out. I like it because it's refreshing and you can drink a bunch of them without feeling gross.

Or, (light beer and cider) if it's super cold and I'm at an oyster roast, out fishing or something. Freezing your ass off and pounding bud light never gets old.

> he drinks bud light!!!!! XD

Yeah, go ahead and be that guy drinking beer out on a fishing boat.

>> No.5901495

>drinking memecider

>> No.5901496


I have gained new found respect for you.

I am down with drinking large amounts of any alcoholic beverage.

>> No.5901502

*drinking craft beer on a fishing boat

Are you the guy I was fussing at earlier? I like it.

Yeah, the best part of winter is freezing your tits off with friends roasting oysters, clams, fishing, hiking whatever. Massive amounts of light beer and cold weather go hand in hand

>> No.5901578
File: 2.98 MB, 492x336, 1411143936114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't drink 500 proof or eat raw hops then you're just a baby tier faggot

>> No.5901587

>not drinking beverages that are 250% ABV

>> No.5901615

Drinking light beer isnt about having shit taste. its about not becoming a fat ass, and that is how I drink man.

Natty Lite, bud lite, coors lite all day. I'll have 1 nice IPA or a craft when im feeling drunk already though, gotta drink piss-water to get shit going though.

>> No.5902158

regardless of "durr, People I dislike sometimes drink this, so let me base my opinion on it based on that"

They are pretty good. It won't get you drunk but its good during the summer.

>> No.5902185

its something I would drink if it was offered to me, but its too sweet to session. sort of tastes like martinellis sparkling cider.

>> No.5902190

Where anywhere in >>5901345 did Anon say he disliked those people?

>> No.5902225


The original flavor's pretty tasty, but none of the side flavors I had were special. The ginger was particularly terrible, though.

I'm not sure if it's better or worse than Strong Bow. Pretty close though.

>> No.5904032

I can't consume gluten so it's a pretty alright alternative to beer I guess, but it's sweet as hell.
On a side note, are there any good gluten free brews out there?

>> No.5904036


The elderberry spring one is amazing. So is the green apple. The ginger is okay.

>> No.5905572

I like the "dry" one alright but it's still kinda sweet for me. Ill drink it for soda.

>> No.5905587

Ginger is meh
Original is good
Tradition Dry is meh
Green apple is very good
Elderflower is interesting but still meh

Pic related is excellent
Iceman is good
Strawman is fucking vile

>> No.5905590
File: 170 KB, 952x1267, angryorchardthemuse__79455.1411551355.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.5906150

>drinking beer
>not drinking malt liquor

>> No.5906163

What does it taste like? In Canada that shits going for 15 a bottle

>> No.5906176



Seriously only women and hipsters drink this shit. Its so overly sweet.