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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 112 KB, 400x374, piece of shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5900942 No.5900942 [Reply] [Original]

I dare you to find a grosser candy.

Go ahead assholes, I said I dare you.

>> No.5900943
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>> No.5900945
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Check mate, m8.

>> No.5900947
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>fat free

>> No.5900967
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>> No.5901005
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>> No.5901010

I l-like neco wafers though ;_;

>> No.5901017

>flying saucers

pick one, pleb

>> No.5901020


Black licorice is fucking amazing! I love it. I love it so much. I actually look at furry porn where the furry characters have black cocks. Not like, a black person cock, but actually black as that licorice. Just because I want to imagine that smooth shiny black cock tasting just like black licorice and working it over with my tongue until it spurts liquid warm licorice goo into my mouth

>> No.5901027
File: 79 KB, 250x238, 1391252515540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck anon

>> No.5901029


What, doesn't everyone have their own little quirks? Haha

>> No.5901037
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>> No.5901043

Circus Peanuts or candy corn


>> No.5901046

>candy corn

Do they really taste like carrot cake? Because it that case wow, delicious.

>> No.5901101

Fy fan

>> No.5901125

It's fairly simple, anon is saying that he likes black licorice and he wishes that, when giving fellatio, his or her partner's genitals and semen tasted of black licorice. In addition, anon admitted to viewing furry porn where the use of true black in the coloration of a penis adds a visual component to the fantasy of a candy-flavored blowjob.

>> No.5901126


>> No.5901135

The sweets that taste like lavender perfume.

I forget the name, but they're gross.

>> No.5901138

palma violets? they are rank

>> No.5901218
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>> No.5901234
File: 88 KB, 999x554, starburstsquirtscrazybabies-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone gave me a bag of this. I had 1 look and said "no thanks!!!"

>> No.5901490

I tried a tootsie roll for the first time yesterday (I'm British) fucking disgusting.

I suppose you'll tell me that's not candy, but it definitely wasn't chocolate.

>> No.5901491

you're wrong though

>> No.5902046

What does circus peanuts taste like?

>> No.5902060

What do circus peanuts taste like?

>> No.5902070

Thompson's Teeth. The only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth.

>> No.5902099

Regular necco wafers are awesome.the clove flavored ones are the best. that being said, the 'tropical' flavored ones taste like shit.

>> No.5903402
File: 43 KB, 600x451, 1334119751095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never understand why only old people seems to like this shit and those colored shit discs OP posted, they taste like fucking death and those old coots just love both of them, it's disgusting.

Did anyone before 1950 was born without tastebuds?

>> No.5903437
File: 45 KB, 459x230, Jujubes-Box-Small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op's a bundle of sticks

>> No.5903475
File: 134 KB, 778x1018, andrethegiant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be like 7
>dump out halloween candy haul
>see necco wafers
>"awwwyeah, bet these motherfuckers are like bigass smarties or something"
>bite into one
>immediately trash the rest

Also, am I the only one who thinks "wafer" sounds really unappetizing? I feel the same way about the word "loaf."

>> No.5903490

Thrills Gum, and it's delicious, actually.

>> No.5903508

I tried to eat those once. I might as well have put thumbtacks in my mouth. Do they literally cost negative dollars to make and ship?

>> No.5903519

loaf is a hilarious word and i use it often

my cat sits in loaf formation

>> No.5904072

what the fuck? no way this is real

also OP is a fag for not loving based necco wafers, america's original and best candy

>> No.5904189

Necco shill pls go.

>> No.5904877

>no one has mentioned boston baked beans yet
I nearly threw up when I tried them.

>> No.5904885

Necco is best, nukka

>> No.5904889

Fucking anything pez related. They are like rubber flavored chalk

>> No.5904890
File: 102 KB, 1116x672, thrills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I forgot all about that shit.

The gum that tastes like soap. It actually wasn't too bad, I think it's flavoured with rosewater and not lavender.

>> No.5904921

I agree

>> No.5904935

guh fuck i had totally forgotten about those. worst shit to get on halloween

>> No.5904951

Probably not bad for some but for me I bought a huge pack of starburst twizzlers as a kid and ate a fuck ton of and violently threw up after. Needless to say I have never eaten them again.

I remember genuinely being surprised that candy could cause me to throw up, especially not eating anything else that day so it could not have been food poisoning.

>> No.5904959
File: 211 KB, 504x338, s655781653114677537_p62_i1_w504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5905037

biased nigga

>> No.5905049

boston baked beans are the bomb you pleb.

>> No.5905130

Hershey's milk chocolate.

It's too sweet, waxy in texture and tastes like diabeetus. Fucking garbage. Hershey's milk chocolate bar for worst candy EVER.

>> No.5905151

yeah tootsie rolls don't taste like chocolate, i dont think theyre supposed to. theyre fucking delicious though

>> No.5905385
File: 55 KB, 510x302, 75b8a2833f268270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Neccos.
And Jujubes (but not Jujyfruits)

pic: about 4 times more than anyone should ever eat in a year.

>> No.5905421
File: 6 KB, 225x225, CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5905434

I hope you get into a car accident.

>> No.5905487


fuck no. ever try freezing them?

>> No.5905508

the guy who said Icelandic licorice was bad should go kill himself
Candy corn is disgusting

>> No.5905514
File: 21 KB, 320x240, double salted licorice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normal black licorice

I'm upping the ante.

>> No.5905585
File: 69 KB, 433x352, 1391575373983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double salted.
This must be a joke candy or something.

>> No.5906557

Fuck old people.

>> No.5906612

Fucking seriously? Charleston Chew is god-ter

>> No.5906621
File: 356 KB, 800x521, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That nasty filling. Ugh.

>> No.5906641

Those are so good. They make really good strawberry ones too

>> No.5906663
File: 24 KB, 236x167, 47e3078cc7d30b7b7fa8bb28120b1c91[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes they were.
pic related

>> No.5906664

Never had the other flavors. I might like fruit. The cream ones are just awful though.

>> No.5906668
File: 16 KB, 300x225, CLV_RetroCandy_Chowards_mdn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

challenge accepted
tastes like soap.
so fuckin gross.

>> No.5906674

i think i'm the only one on earth who likes these, they are one of my favorite candies.

>> No.5906677


Fucking aspic and jello salads. The 50s and 60s were a dark fucking time.

> olives, eggs, cured salmon, ham, licorice, mars bars, astronaut ice cream, everybody into the fucking pool I'm setting you in some goddamn gelatin and making the neighbours eat it

>> No.5906687

i wonder if people actually attempted to make these things. Too bad cameras weren't as wide spread back then, we would have so many more food gore pictures that weren't done on purpose.

>> No.5906730


I don't know. It might not be that cameras weren't as widespread so much as it wasn't cheap-as-free to take pictures. My family has some ridiculously pointless home videos of christmas in the late 60s, but none of it is people just taking pictures of food, it's always shots of people and people's reactions' to things.

>> No.5906736
File: 355 KB, 865x849, pleb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you. Violet everything is delicious. Especially Jujubees.
GOML you fucking pleb

>> No.5906740
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>> No.5906741

ah yeh, it easy to forget pictures use to actually cost a good chunk of money.

>> No.5906744

tell that to the dutch

>> No.5906776
File: 173 KB, 600x600, aw-rootbeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such a disappointing candy for someone who likes rootbeer

>> No.5907420

I loved those

>> No.5907423

Fucking these. I like Jujifruits though.

Also, Mary Janes. Not even going to look up a pic cause I fucking hate them.

>> No.5907477
File: 6 KB, 166x231, tk6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the line: | [you are here]

>> No.5907483
File: 109 KB, 450x401, muellerchoconion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level.

>> No.5907486


Unfair since that's not a typical candy but rather some retard who made a food as a dare.

>> No.5907490

I remember trying to convince myself I liked them because it was the little candy available to me as a kid.

>> No.5907492
File: 40 KB, 442x351, 1407678092905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit anon, now I have a boner.
>tfw no qt licorice herm to suck on and milk delicious liquorice from
>tfw no licorice dick to force sissy anons to warm with their mouths

>> No.5907533

Oh god, I hate licorice.

>> No.5907535

there's always this


>> No.5907542
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>> No.5907547
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? ? ?

>> No.5907551
File: 83 KB, 472x800, amburgers and wootbeer sucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah those are shit.

Here in Canada you used to be able to get root beer lollipops at A&W and they were fucking delicious.

>> No.5907607


Thats very sweet and tasty actualy

>> No.5907611

what doo doo circus peanuts taste like ?

>> No.5907630
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>> No.5907648

I've been on the internet so long I honestly can't tell if you're joking or not.

>> No.5907649

There's a difference between a quirk amd mental sickness.

>> No.5907651
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>> No.5907654


They're like a weird flavored marshmallow but more dense. They aren't good but there are far worse candies out there. I used to like them as a kid sadly but now they taste like sugar foam to me.


Wtf no. Vanilla isn't the best but Charleston Chew makes some delicious flavors.

>> No.5907655

Clove flavored candies and gum give me hardons harder than dragonforce.

>> No.5907659

They're just candy coated peanuts. What a faggot. I bet you kiss girls.

>> No.5907660

>not liking based salmiakki
What a faggot.

>> No.5907662

Did that once with walla walla onions and caramel. Pretty good.

>> No.5907663

They're banana flavored.

>> No.5907664

u had the chance to say
>I'm upping the aniseed

>> No.5909244


>> No.5909323
File: 20 KB, 300x281, maryjane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bullshit related

>> No.5909335

What are these?

>> No.5909338

Dude brah MaryJanes are fucking delicious I don't know what kind of crack you're smoking.

>> No.5909367

I have two, couldn't decide on which.

First, we have the lovely "taffy-like product" that broke all of our teeth around Halloween:

And we have this horrid little abomination from the bowels of licorice flavored hell. Satan's taint and asshole are black licorice flavored, FYI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_%26_Plenty

>> No.5909377
File: 73 KB, 800x600, chocolate-limes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these! i bet you a tenner you cant find something worse than this

>> No.5909381



>> No.5909392

do you agree though?

>> No.5909415

It's strawberry outside, same creme inside. The brightness of the strawberry flavor really helps cut through the greasy/heavy feeling of the cream, which the caramel outside seems to enhance.

>> No.5909429
File: 88 KB, 258x196, candy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit, OP. This fucking shit.

>> No.5909444

I have to second this. Somebody ban this sick filth.

>> No.5909458
File: 20 KB, 310x207, good_plenty_html.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come at me

>> No.5909459


I don't even know what it is. Peanutbutter taffy? Why is the interior mushy?

>> No.5909473
File: 534 KB, 750x464, heroes_0004_AJM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just the sight of them is enough to make me sick

>> No.5909474

Maybe if I ever see it I'll try it out of curiosity. I really don't ever eat candy anymore though. Beer is my candy.

>> No.5909488

Your post makes me sick.

>> No.5909497
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>> No.5909514

Not the other anon, but they are devious tooth-breakers. Fuck 'em.

>> No.5909542

mmmmm i love those.

>> No.5909549

>>5909429I like these also.

>> No.5909552

I greatly enjoy these.
These need to die in a fire.

>> No.5909576

These muffuggas good as hell nigga

>> No.5909587

my favorite

>> No.5909658

Never tasted black licorice in my life, why the hate?

>> No.5909731

What are those nasty things even supposed to be?

>> No.5909990


I get black licorice at my local Italian-family-owned grocery. It's not as good as their strawberry or other flavored ones, but maybe black licorice is one of those taste bud genetics things. People have weird food aversions, like hating pickles.

>> No.5910042
File: 33 KB, 360x275, Christmas-Mix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uncontrollable levels of pleb here

this is what i came to post. but since i missed it here's the only other acceptable answer

>> No.5910060


>> No.5910061
File: 61 KB, 300x300, WAXCANDY2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These little sugar water wax bottle things are so fucking gay

No one has ever been happy to receive one of these. Maybe they would've been cool in like the year 1880 or something.

>> No.5910080

These are delicious whats wrong with you

>> No.5910104


real black licorice is actually pretty good, it's just that nasty fake shit that sucks. It's like the difference between actual tomato sauce and cheap Ragu shit.

>> No.5910113

>calling them Smarties and not Rockets

Those colourful little candy covered chocolates are called Smarties. What do you call those?

>> No.5910115
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>> No.5910116
File: 26 KB, 575x467, 10711674_10154716483260201_1266751191_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the dirty bastard that came up with these? They have the awful taste of black liquorice combined with the consistency of really dry, flaky, chalky candy. I'm fairly certain they stopped making them sometime before the millennium, and what we see every year is just the old stock put back on the shelves. They never go bad. They're like Twinkies. We'll all be dead and gone in a nuclear apocalypse, but whatever survives will have plenty of god damn Liquorice Allsorts.

>> No.5910117

Only the English could come up with something so unpleasant and call it a treat,

>> No.5910134


I will fucking stab you

>> No.5910136
File: 15 KB, 250x183, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these threads so much, although I've never heard of half of the candies mentioned.

I think these little Dubble Bubble gums are the worst. They taste like cavities and diabetes, and they are so insanely hard!
My dentist says that I have incredibly strong jaw muscles because I clench my jaw and grind my teeth in my sleep, but I think it's just from chewing these.

>> No.5910142
File: 71 KB, 470x352, candy_corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad no one's posted candy corn, the boss candy. I can understand getting sick of them if you eat a whole bag, but I still love getting them.

>> No.5910157
File: 7 KB, 180x180, go fuck yourself if you like eating these dicks of satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much hostility in this thread

>> No.5910165

>They taste like cavities and diabetes, and they are so insanely hard!

bruh you've been chewing stale gum.
they're actually pretty soft and tasty when they're relatively fresh.

>> No.5910166


'wtf'd out loud

>> No.5910171


I like those,pretty unique

>> No.5910188
File: 422 KB, 1038x500, why did I make this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two that I would get when I went Trick-or-Treating. The less common ones were the ones on the left and they were easy to chew, but I usually got the ones on the right and they were for some reason just so tough.

>> No.5910578

My man

Candy corn is so good

>> No.5911537

like, where the fuck do you even buy these? i have never seen them in a bag. do they have a name?

>> No.5912765

I think you can find that shit in any shitty 99 cents only store.

>> No.5912785

Increased surface area leading to faster evaporation of moisture. Basic science stuff.

>> No.5912935

I like candy corn, but I can't stand the generic brand stuff. Whenever someone says they hate candy corn, I'm pretty sure they've only had the generic stuff.

>> No.5913015

OK will somebody explain why there's all the hate for almond joys?
I mean I like the combination of coconut, chocolate and the occasional almond. Is it just like something hipster about hating them or something? like oo comic sans sucks sooo much I will punch anybody who uses it.
I even heard a joke on american dad about almond joys.

>> No.5913049

Are those erasers?

>> No.5913063

>shittalking Now and Later

Step the fuck back, son. The package clearly instructed you on how those things worked, and they were tasty to boot. They don't belong ITT.

Good and Plenty on the other hand are unbelievably disgusting and I wouldn't wish them on anybody... except my Dad. He loves the damn things for some reason.

>> No.5913783

>look at list of Now And Then flavours on the Wikipedia page
>Omega Smegma flavour

>> No.5913790

>Here in Canada you used to be able to get root beer lollipops at A&W and they were fucking delicious.

I'm in the States. My A & W still has them.

>> No.5913809

I don't like allsorts or aussie-style licorice. American-style and French-style are okay. Italian-style (100% pure licorice resin with no added sugar) is GOAT. Too strong for most, though. And the racist commercial from 80s for the Tabu brand one is :-)

Scandie style licorice is okay, but I can't have many at once. One piece is generally enough. It's best after a strong, unsweetened coffee.

I've not had other types of licorice. Can anyone ITT recommend others they've tried and enjoyed? In exchange, please accept the racist commercial for Tabu licorice:


>> No.5913811

but why do they even make the two different versions when, scientifically, one is guaranteed to suck?

>> No.5914720

Man, I actually really fucking like these.

>> No.5914819

My mom just bought my dad a 1kg box of these. Gross.

>> No.5914829


Apart from the weird jelly ones, they're nice. Mostly sugar and coconut. Not really very liquorice, at least not compared to something like Dutch salted drop.

>> No.5914835

My uncles all love them. I have one a year to remind myself how much I hate them.

>> No.5914964

REMOVE BLACK LICORICE remove black licorice

>> No.5914974
File: 123 KB, 800x397, IMG_0451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people not remember this abomination of a candy?

>> No.5915000

I dont think licorice-hating is genetic, used to hate licorice as a kid but now I like it - just not the shitty kinds

>> No.5915012

Wtf. Were they like a chewy candy or were they like m&m ripoffs?

>> No.5915017

They were chewy, chocolate flavored skittles.
They were awful.

>> No.5915018

I'm usually not autisti/ck/, but this thread reminded me of how fucking disgusted I get when I hear anons say, "black licorice".

Where the fuck do you come from where licorice isn't almost exclusively black? Oh yeah, you grew up with "red licorice", and for some reason think, "black licorice" is just some shitty flavor of licorice.

>> No.5915023

Sounds disgusting

>> No.5915026
File: 1.02 MB, 3177x2350, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck faggot?
Almost every city has a Licorice stand at their local fair/markets/etc. And black is one out of at least 15 flavours.

>> No.5915047
File: 129 KB, 1024x768, 100_6700_zps0c1bbf34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5915091


Is black considered the basic/original flavor in Finland? Because that's how it is pretty much everywhere else.

>> No.5915095


>yeah, some cancer is going to take that the wrong way...

>> No.5915127
File: 52 KB, 500x405, unholy digusting repulsive shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whole thread
>no mention of the actual worst candy ever

close 2nd

>> No.5915131

you're cruisin' for a bruisin'

>> No.5915136

You are just talking about the ones that are hard as a rock and rough you up more than a deaf dominatrix?

>> No.5915144
File: 1.99 MB, 328x166, wot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rough you up more than a deaf dominatrix

>> No.5915154

There is no hope for you faggots.

That's what I love about candy corn. It imposes moderation on me by being fucking awesome when you have a few, and sickening if I have too many.

>> No.5915275

I'm pretty much the opposite. I used to love black licorice as a kid, but now I can't really stand it.

>> No.5915304

For real, these niggas don't like whoppers and licorice?
For shame...

>> No.5915323
File: 16 KB, 207x300, 0000081_allens-chicos-chocolate-flavoured-babies-190g_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything from allens is pretty shit though.

>> No.5915328
File: 119 KB, 640x322, 7964671688_598cee622d_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just kidding, i fucking love these but I understand why many people don't like them

>> No.5915385

>spicy tamarind candies
That sounds delicious. Can I get them in Burgerland anywhere?

>> No.5915401

The dollar store.

>> No.5915410

Really? Cool, I'll check it out. Thanks. Kinda surprised since they look like an international candy.

>> No.5915428

They're just popular in spanish-speaking countries and South-Western states.
Tamarind is great for sweet and sour flavors

>> No.5915741
File: 348 KB, 453x601, AB Isbil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hands down the grossest shit I've ever had. They're trying to dump them at less than half original price now.

>> No.5915746

I got one of these but it came on a stick. It was like a giant gumdrop but much thicker in texture. I don't normally feel guilty for eating things but there was so much salt and sugar in that thing...It was okay but not sure if worth the calories.

>> No.5915848

Necco wafers are just reshaped confection hearts

>> No.5915916
File: 85 KB, 1005x548, dafuq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the hell doesnt like whoppers?

>> No.5915939
File: 90 KB, 432x432, MexicanCandyBox2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can somebody recommend me a Mexican candy that doesn't suck?

>> No.5915944
File: 53 KB, 500x361, EasterCandyGuidePEEPs[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like a less apetizing cotton candy

>> No.5915955

Black licorice is fucking amazing you guys are plebs

>> No.5915963

I liked them

>> No.5915969

big soft sugary toes

>> No.5915976
File: 85 KB, 399x569, why god why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these things intended for human beings?
Like, are humans actually supposed to consume these?

I will never understand how the same company that makes U-No bars can make these affronts to all things holy.

>> No.5915980

>those bootleg-ass pixie stix

So nasty

>> No.5915981
File: 18 KB, 299x299, t_1659_01.jpg_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit somehow sold me every year on packaging alone, despite the fact that it tasted like ass syrup

>> No.5915983

>bashing the ultimate old people candy

nigga i will fite u

>> No.5915985

You have no idea, that stuff is fucking delicious.

>> No.5915994

I <8 waferloaf

>> No.5915995


>> No.5916448

The first few are good, but the more you eat the worse they get.

>> No.5916497


>> No.5916502

fucking lol

>> No.5917234

Then fucking rejoice, you can buy a truckload of them for pennies soon.

>> No.5917259

Fuck you, Abba-Zaba is the shit.

>> No.5917358

>ultimate old people candy
>not werther's

>> No.5917576


>> No.5917601
File: 681 KB, 889x588, pbk-(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're called Mary Jane Peanut Butter Kisses.

>> No.5917619

There's this nice 80 year-old man who works as the guard at the entrance of this company who's gym i use and i saw him munching on a large bag of peanut M&Ms at his desk one day.

Brought a smile to my face.

>> No.5917776


Someone explain this shit.

>> No.5917811

peanut butter? it sounds like it tastes good...

>> No.5917819

Every year I try to eat these faggots and end up puking a couple hours later.

>> No.5917827

>rico pepino
>pale locas
Man you gringos just get the worst candy we make, huh?
Mazapanes are good though, find the ones with chocolate.

>> No.5917830

I have Necco so fucking much...

>> No.5917844

... I did not expect to see that

>> No.5917858

The brown square ones were ok. The rest were fucking disgusting though, especially the pink circular one with the little balls on it.

>> No.5917875

>Sour Diesel
>Pickled Cabbage
>Metallica Berry
>Pizza Pizzazz
>Vanilla Ice
>other assorted laughs
someone was havin' a giggle

>> No.5918479
File: 626 KB, 300x450, 1389476873620.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one time i was chewing about 3 pieces of this at the same time and...

>be chewing it all day at school
>it lost its flavor but i love the way it feels when i chew it
>starts getting harder to chew
>walking home from school that day
>bit it at some crazy angle with my back teeth
>pain shot through my tooth so hard that I lost balance
>my backpack made me fall

It was like someone shot me in the face it hurt so bad.

>mfw people who saw me probably thought I was picked off by a sniper

>> No.5918521

As an affluent New York City resident, I gain my sweets, if any, from natural, organic sources such as fruit.

>> No.5918775


>> No.5918791

I don't even know how to explain how wrong you are.

>> No.5918793
File: 22 KB, 500x299, fundraiser-chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey mister! Can you buy a Worst Fucking chocolate bar from me for $5? The money will go to my school maybe, I think. If I shill 50 more, they'll give me a walkman!

>> No.5918797
File: 61 KB, 500x330, Pulparindo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love these things, but be carefull. They will destroy your mouth RAW in you eat too many in a sitting. Too acidic.

the yellow ones are better though

>> No.5918821

Almond joys are delicious

>> No.5918845

5 bucks? That shit goes for 1 dollar in NYC and it's delicious

>> No.5918847

kek, just bought a couple from a coworker whose lil bro was selling them. they were $1 each, so i just got a regular one and a caramal one. took one bite and was dissapointed by chocolate for the first time in my life

later that night tho i unwraped one, broke it into pieces and let it melt a lil in the microwave. actually made it taste a lot better

>> No.5918965

those things are THE crowning glory of had candy, and old people candy in general. They are the hope at the bottom of the jar, the single palatable ingot of sugar in a vast ocean of stale peppermins, the deliverance from butterscotch.

You need to leave.

>> No.5918977

Those peppmins be the best of them all

>> No.5918990


This reminds me of hawking Cub Scout popcorn. Anyone else?

What prize did you get with your sales?

>> No.5919003

>my cat sits in loaf formation
Lost it

>> No.5919028

you can just shit your whore mouth thank you very much

>> No.5919059
File: 126 KB, 450x421, GummyMiniHamburger_1_LRG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5919108

you goddamn motherfucking asshole, go back to your swamp you redneck inbred . those gummys were the shit when i was younger
i hope you enjoy eating your dad's asshole tonight faggot

>> No.5920317

what doo doo circus penis taste like?

>> No.5920332

shrek'd yourself

>> No.5920337

I fucking hate those things.
I'd rather eat ten black ones than a single red shit.

>> No.5920338

More surface area, and less volume.
The guaranteed to suck one looks the same in packaging, but is much cheaper.

>> No.5920341

Those were amazing you pile of shit.

>> No.5920343

No safe words.

>> No.5920345

>anything but butterscotch

>> No.5920346


>> No.5920931

Fat free sugar?

>> No.5921048

If you're going after gummies, at least pick the donut with the sprinkles

>> No.5921704

you are a massive faggot

>> No.5921782

who /gravitysrainbow/ here

GOAT bad candy scene in all literature

>> No.5923640

They aren't that bad, but the prices do get a little outrageous. They stopped with the single bar, and went out with some boxed shit for two dollars.

>> No.5924086

Why the fuck wouldn't you remove the skin first?

>> No.5924292
File: 80 KB, 500x334, dulces-Mexicanos-mexican-candy-35332919-500-334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any mexican candy. If you don't know it usually has lead, lime, and chili in it and is some sort of paste that you squeeze our of a tube and suck on like some sort of sticky autistic moron. I love mexican food and even mexican women but I would rather starve than eat any of these shitty confections. The only people who like this shit are the ones who were born in mexico or were too poor to afford the mediocre but still better than shit candy we have in the USA

>> No.5924295

This is a gag gift from philidelphia I think. It's something you give someone as a joke it's not supposed to taste good.

>> No.5924299
File: 9 KB, 225x225, nasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5924306

>not liking Mexican candy

>> No.5924311

Hey, hey, fuck you.

>> No.5924313

Oh god that fucking Lucas salt shit, for some reason it was a fad in my junior high school, had completely forgotten about that shit.

>> No.5924320

>liking mexican candy
so you are obviously a either a mexican, a mexican american too poor to afford better shit, or a retard with no taste

>> No.5924325

yeah for some reason it was big in my junior high too. It was the whitest school ever and for some reason a bunch of the kids thought it was super cool to be as mexican as possible. Even the ones who were "mexican" were whitewashed as shit though. Pretty funny thinking back on it

>> No.5924374

A+ post
Would read again

>> No.5924430
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1200, candycorn_1920x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear you, I love em, but BRACHS only for me.

BONUS: Have an OC wallpaper

>> No.5924439

Is that the rare albino kernel?

>> No.5924442

I used to blow my entire lunch wad over this shit. Back when I was in school they were twice as thick as they are now.

>> No.5924450

Yes sir it is.

>> No.5924455
File: 1.39 MB, 2304x1728, gummy_candy_sux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could barely look at this fucking picture to post it. I hate anything "gummy"

>> No.5924463
File: 52 KB, 482x856, eKTFDJd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5924467

That looks cool and/or autistic

>> No.5924488

it looks like corn you autist

>> No.5924505

>~20 per layer
>6 layers
>placing each one, one by one
>not autistic
no anon, it is YOU who is autist.

>> No.5924530

>counting it out
>calling other people autistic
did i strike a nerve? your hugbox is over here >>>/r9k/

>> No.5924536

>can't into basic math
>calls people autistic then throws a shitfit when they return the favor

>> No.5924541

>has to count by hand each candy corn kernel to prove some weird kind of autistic point
>cries and tells someone to go on an irrelevant board

>> No.5924547

>can't even properly redirect

>> No.5924559

you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.5924581

i declare a tie

>> No.5924586
File: 51 KB, 340x480, 1375130932666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5924594

/lit/ here. There's a hilarious part in Gravity's Rainbow about an old British woman forcing an American guy to eat these

>> No.5924599

>gravity's rainbow
*tips fedora*

>> No.5924603

I'm in the States. My state doesn't have A&W anymore.

Fuck Florida ;_;

>> No.5924641

Come to think of it most sugary candies that I have tried in my live have not been very good. Then again I have always been more of a baked goods man myself.

>> No.5924650

>tfw posted >>5924594 without seeing your post first

What does that word even mean now?

>> No.5924654

>What does that word even mean now?
it means "stop liking what i don't like"

>> No.5924715

that is shit tier candy. i aint even trollin

>> No.5924750

what the fuck

>> No.5924821

THIS MUCH shit taste.

You are so gringo, you shit hamburgers and imperialism.

>> No.5926747
File: 501 KB, 983x1013, 1411849844723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to Netherlands
>buy salted black licorice sweets that look just like m&m's from the outside
>share with friends

>> No.5926866

Just read this part the other day, keep thinking about it whenever I eat candy.
Gravity's Rainbow isn't the right demographics for fedoras, why not just call the pseudo-intellectual card?