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File: 498 KB, 1024x768, Donuts_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5898201 No.5898201 [Reply] [Original]

Opinion on Dunkin Donuts?
I'm craving for some Donuts right now.

Wanted to know what felt about it
Also alternatives.

>> No.5898219


I don't have an opinion on donuts. I eat them two or three times a year. If I feel like eating one, I go out and get one. How complicated is that?

>> No.5898244


Tim Hortons man

>> No.5898248


As a Canadian, I'm sort of curious. I've heard that DD's donuts are not as good as Timmies. To people who have had both, is it true?

>> No.5898252



>> No.5898258

Don't you have a local legit donut shop in your town? If so that's going to blow away DD or TH any day of the week.

>> No.5898259

Their donuts are shit, their coffee is shit, their quick-serv hot food is shit. They've got crazy market penetration, so they're a juggernaut but the quality is awful. When fucking enteman's is making a donut better than your donut shop there's something wrong.
Tim's is better, honey dew is better, any local shop will be worlds away better.

>> No.5898262

Tim's has been complete garbage since they stopped baking fresh.
try Krispy Kreme if you can.

>> No.5898266

Dunkin Donuts isn't bad by any means.
But it's also nothing very spectacular at all.
Go for Krispy Kremes if it's an option.

>> No.5898277


>> No.5898278

>I've heard that DD's donuts are not as good as Timmies.
Very true, Dunkin Donuts pretty bad. They just have no major chain competition outside the North. Tim Horton's is okay, but any local bakery or doughnut shop will probably blow them out of the water.

>> No.5898279


Where bad?

>> No.5898280


>> No.5898942

Dunkin a shit
I traveled to the east coast and everyone was hyping dunkies. It was complete shit.

>> No.5898949


East coast of what? Dunkin donuts has been on the west coast of the USA since as far back as I can remember, which is the early 1980s. I even remember seeing it in Asia around that time.

>> No.5898953

Dunkin has some of the worst donuts, imo. Everything has the same aftertaste to it, shits funky.

>> No.5898987

Any of you guys near PA tried Maple Donuts?

>> No.5899041

Pretty much anywhere would be better than Dunkin Donuts. Literally anywhere., even. DD is shit. Complete shit.

>> No.5899050
File: 74 KB, 533x400, donuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true hidden gem of the working man's donut selection. I used to burn through half a dozen of these a week when I lived across the street from Safeway. It was truely the best of times and the worst of times.

>> No.5899052

DD is by no means gormet donuts. For the price and convenience, they aren't bad. DD has some damn good coffee too. DD has a drivethru and is great if you want to slap down a box of donuts for the office.

If you are looking for a breathtaking experience however, DD is surely one of the last places to look.

>> No.5899057

I thought I was the only one of the planet who thought Safeway had the best donuts.

>> No.5899073

I don't think they have the best. Any bakery that puts some time and effort in will produce better donuts.
But in terms of cost and availability, Safeway is hands down the best donuts. And those newer 'gourmet' donuts, oh my god.
>That maple bacon
>That brownie M&M
>That chocolate frosted cruller

And if you go in after like, 7:30 PM they clear out all the leftover donuts at 50% off.

>> No.5899120
File: 63 KB, 720x960, VooDoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend and I drove to Los Angeles from Canada in May. Stopped in Portland on the way and went to VooDoo Donuts. Best God damn donut I ever had.

>> No.5899122

Not bad, but nothing amazing.

At least its better than Krispy Kreme.

>> No.5899124

Sorry, I don;t support depraved degenerates

>> No.5899143

>totally classless whore culture
yep, that's cali

>> No.5899163

voodoo donuts are amazing, bruh

>> No.5899242
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>> No.5899371

True story, Tim a shit now, I don't understand why people still go there

>> No.5899402

the pink ones are the best!

>> No.5899415

thier corn starch gravy and bisquits are ghettoly delicious but yet totally disgusting!

>> No.5899504

Portlander here, voodoo is pretty much the cancer of portland, everyone that lives here that isn't a faggot agrees that it's awful

>> No.5899595


Canadian here. Tim Hortons is utter shit. The coffee is awful and the donuts are mediocre. They only get by because 1, its cheap as fuck, and 2 they slap the maple leaf on everything and shove hurr "Patriotism, if you don't like timmies you hate Canada, we're as Canadian as hockey igloos and moosefucking"

>> No.5899613

>i'm from portland
>voodoo is no longer the underdog dognut shop so hipsters have turned their back on it
>i'm from portland
>everyone in portland agrees

Certified S.H.I.T.P.O.S.T.™

>> No.5899623

As an American Canadian I can confirm that Tim's got better everything.

>> No.5899628

How mad are you about the shithawks getting BTFO'd?

>> No.5899629


I live in Georgia and I don't even know what sport you are talking about...

tl;dr not a lot

>> No.5899638

damn nigga who shit in your cereal

>> No.5899639

>I live in Georgia


>> No.5899642

Are they still good that late? I often stop by the donut shelf in my ubiquitous Safeway branch but I always say no since I'm sure they're old and reliant on frosting for flavor.

Then again, Safeway cakes are all kinds of exceptional, so maybe I'll bite the donut next time.

>> No.5899647

>living in a suburb of seattle


>> No.5899651 [DELETED] 

>implyging i live in portland

enjoy you're niggers

or if you really are a trannyhawk, enjoy your STD's

>> No.5899665

Fractured Prune has the best donuts.

>> No.5899680


he mad

>> No.5899683

Hmm. Didn't know Canadians like hockey. Guess you learn something new everyday.

>> No.5899743

What? Hockey is basically the national sport of canada?
Where are you from?

>> No.5899746

>Extremely cheap coffee
>Getting pissed off and bitching about how awful it is

Well what do you expect from a coffee that costs less than $2? People like it because it's cheap, fast, hot, and is actually pretty good for the price.

>> No.5899748

They weren't that great.
Certainly not worth waiting in line for 30+min/getting up at 6am to avoid the line, though we needed to get up anyway so I guess that wasn't a huge deal

>> No.5899753

>implying I'm mad.

I don't like how people talk up how great it is and how Tim Hortons basically IS Canada.

>> No.5899766

Dunkin Donuts is a mere shadow of what it used to be. The donuts are still better than pretty much any other chain around (especially Krispy Kreme, I wonder if people who love that place have ever even had a donut before KK), but they aren't what they were in decades past. Also, their coffee is absolute tripe now. Way too weak, and tastes like old dishwater.

I used to love going to DD because it was a great place to smoke, have a little chat with regular blue collar folks, and have a nice morning treat before a workday. Now it's a has-been shitstain that's still around by pure force of momentum.

Better to find a Mister Donut if you can. Or better still, some local hipster joint with music and patrons you don't like but decent product.

The old-fashioned donut joint is long dead.

>> No.5899819

Theres this one donut joint near my parents' house thats run by koreans. Other than their sour cream donuts which have gone down hill, they are pretty damn good donuts.

>> No.5899849

i have a donut shop near me that makes donuts 10x better than dunkin donuts. with DD, the donuts are airy and boring. with the shop near me, they have rich icing and thick dough. their double fried donuts are the best, and their glazed are my second favorite. too bad they are bad for me or i would eat them all the time

>> No.5899876
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Funny thing is the Canadian teams suck. Always getting BTFO in the NHL.

>> No.5899903

Most DD's are run by smelly dirty Indians. I was in line once and there was a fly crawling on the window inside. It was mid-January. I walked out the door and never returned.

>> No.5899914

Oh god same here. Every single one is owned and run by Indians. Not a single worker of any other race and they're all male.

>> No.5899922

Dunkin Donuts in all aspects is breddy nasty IMO . If I want a good donut I go to my local Hannafords supermarket. They have fresh donuts from their bakery.

>> No.5900558

Jesus Christ, 30 minutes? There was one person ahead of us when we went.

>> No.5900578

Here in 813, DDs doesnt even make donuts on site. They are shipped in from Orlando reheated then glazed.

>KK at least makes them on site.
>Only good when "Hot Now" Light is on.

>Faedo's or Perks FTW

>> No.5900588

I had DD once in Bulgaria.


>> No.5900599

They probably just couldn't afford a babysitter. It's not such a big deal.

>> No.5900680

I like krispy kreme because their donuts aren't overly sweet, and where I live every standard donut shop sucks. they often use shitty types of glaze that are loaded with sugar, their donuts are very oily, and often I find cake ones overcooked. it's annoying when you crave a donut and then come to the realization that you shouldn't crave them because you always end up with shitty choices.

>> No.5900729

Why did you get the dick shaped donut?

>> No.5900820
File: 1.39 MB, 250x141, Frank.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's hilarious and I was hungry. I didn't want no bullshit like a Cap'n Crunch donut cutting up my mouth. Instead I got the dick and sucked out the cream.

>> No.5900963

I worked at a Dunkin' for a half-year. I drank and ate enough shit from there that I can rarely go more than a few times a year now. The cinnamon apple donut (cinnamon sugar dusted yeast donut with apple pie shitmix inside) put through the sandwich/bagel toaster was god tier, but I'd never ask someone to do that.

In general, the donuts are meh all-around. Depends on the factory supplying them, but store employees handle decorations in the morning. Bagels are baked in-house from frozen dough, interestingly.

They actually sell a lot more breakfast-style sandwiches than you'd think, people hit those hard at all times of day.

>> No.5900989

>Don't you have a local legit donut shop in your town? If so that's going to blow away DD or TH any day of the week.

If only that was true.
SOME donut places, especially newer ones, are making good donuts from scratch.
But most of the mom n pop places use the same ingredients and fillings DD does.
Big 5-gallon buckets of blueberry filling with gums and starches and artificial colors.

>> No.5901001
File: 541 KB, 1280x1040, blustar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Voodoo donuts has had a lot of publicity for their gimmicks.
Blue Star Donuts is better.
Pic very related.

>> No.5901936

A hipster did. Then he called it modern art and smeared the shit cereal al over his chest until he got carried off by policemen.

>> No.5902502

canadafag now living in usa
DD is garbage compared to timmies
the coffee is weak and donuts tasteless
god i miss timmies

>> No.5902545

DD coffee must seriously be just warm tap water because I can't imagine anything weaker than tims

>> No.5902546

There's no reason to miss Tim Horton's. Just find a homeless man and offer to lick his underwear clean.

>> No.5903671

Where you at?

>> No.5904017
File: 160 KB, 552x530, MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD MA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ohiofag living in Chicago
>we have Krispy Kremes everywhere in Ohio
>Ghostbusters Limited Edition Donuts come out
>"OH SHIT I need them"
>they're all out in the far suburbs
>tfw I will never taste Mr. Stay-Puft

>> No.5904028

I'm going to open a store called Drunkin Donuts. I'll serve as much fat fried food as I can. Dough covered bacon, beer, fried snickers, fried whatever you want - this and that, whatever is popular. You name it, I'll fry it.

>> No.5904035


I think that's taken already. They sell alcoholic donuts. It's in new York IIRC.

>> No.5904047

>Curses, foiled again.

>> No.5904650

Their donuts aren't anything special; but they're not terrible either. If you're going to eat corporate donuts go Krispy Kreme if possible. Their coffee isn't bad though.

>> No.5904654

overly sugared crap

mom n pops are better

>> No.5904669

This anon is talking horsepussy.. DD is complete shit. Their entire schtick that put them on top was that some fat guy got up out of bed when it was "time to make the donuts"... But then they cut corners, started shipping in day-old (or 2 day-old) shit and passing it off as fresh. Every one I've been in there are flies hovering around the food, it just sits there and gets more and more stale.

The sammiches are bland beyond compare. I've had my last two run-ins with that shit. One I gagged on, the other I threw out my car window.

Fresh fuckin donuts are something to behold and it sucks to be you if such is not accessible. Krispie Kreme is not bad, but retards tend to work there, make 3 (THREE) fucking upsell suggestions everytime you go through the drive thru, and it tends to be douche bag kids with no pride in their work and heads firmly lodged in their asses.

>> No.5904673

I wish I were overseas. Mister Donut had the best donuts. They were so good. Dunkin Donuts are just sweet and fluffy but not to a notable degree. They look good and they're smaller than I remember them being before. Bavarian cream is probably one of their best outside of their seasonal donuts. Krispy Kreme is all about the glazed donuts. I haven't had one in a long time but you can easily eat too many at once. Right now, I ate some glazed donuts from 7-11... 2 for a dollar. It's a good deal for what you get, to be honest.

>> No.5904682


These guys used to be beautiful. Donuts hit the racks @ 4am, we would toke up and chow down. Cops always got free coffee there but they never gave us a hard time.

>> No.5904737

Ausfag here - Had Tim Hortons, Dunkin'Donuts, Krispy Kreme and some local outlets that can't/con't hold a flame to any of them.

My Fav? I must say DD, followed by Tim Hortons

>> No.5904956


The donuts in the America are OK. Had Dunkin Donuts in Asia and it tasted better. Just the right amount of sweetness and no chemical aftertaste. They also have other donuts joint there like JCO for one, that make better donuts. tasted damn good.

Dunkin Donuts has decent coffee though.

Small mom and pop stores make better donuts than dunkin.

>> No.5905055

found out a little while ago that they dont make them fresh anymore they come frozen. krispeycream all the way.

>> No.5905076

I used to eat dunkin donuts out of the trash almost every week. They throw out all their donuts nightly and (at least in NYC) leave the bags on the curb at closing time, with the donuts in a separate bag from the general trash. Reheated in the oven, they were fantastic. Once I just went inside and asked for all the ones they were throwing away. On the train ride home, I had a 20 pound bag of donuts and muffins that made everyone jelly.

>> No.5905128

>better than pretty much any other chain around (especially Krispy Kreme, I wonder if people who love that place have ever even had a donut before KK)

Serious question. What's wrong with KK? I like yeasty doughnuts. Everywhere else has cakey doughnuts.

Never tried DD before though.

>> No.5906645

Texas fags especially know about Shipley's. So damn good, but they're known more for their kolaches.

As a kid, one Sunday every month I was taken to Shipley's and I got two sausage and cheese kolaches and a white sprinkled doughnut.

Good times

>> No.5906649

DD is cakey shit. Not good at all. yeast doughnuts and buttermilk doughnuts are the only good ones.

>> No.5906658

not Cali (at least southern)

though saw them opening up a place kast month. bet theyll go out of buisness in a couple years like the last time they tried

at least there, there are still a good amount of chink donut shops in most cities

>> No.5906781

So how do you make your own doughnuts? Bake or fry?

>> No.5906786


Amerifat now living in Canada.
Goddamn do I love Tim Horton's.

>> No.5906795

that's because american teams keep buying up all the talented canadian players while they're still in junior league.

>> No.5906922

Tim Horton's has been slowly creeping into the northeastern US for the past 5 years. In central New York, they're becoming a lot more common. They pair up with Arby's sometimes. One place 10 mins away is a Cold Stone Creamery/Tim Horton's. Bigger variety of everything for cheaper, and this is coming from an ex-DD employee.

I, for one, welcome our new Canadian coffee/donut overlords.

>> No.5906966

I haven't had a decent donut in 15 years. Where I live now, we have to settle for donuts that we would have refused to eat elsewhere.

>> No.5907205

LaMars is fantastic if you live in, uh... AL, AZ, CO, KS, MI or NE.

>> No.5907560

It varies. Anything from them with filling on the inside is shit (unless if it's jelly).

Everything else is delish.

>> No.5907772
File: 2.19 MB, 3264x1836, IMG-20140927-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dd employee here

>> No.5907780

its just ok

>> No.5907829

Wtf is that thing on the top right with the mini dildo sticking out of it?

>> No.5907854

I worked at Dunks over the summer, all the food here is pretty bad generally speaking. I like the dark roast coffee though.

Also here's a fun story, because I think you guys might appreciate this.
>Slow day, store is pretty much empty
>Guy walks in and asks what kind of fruit coolattas we have
>I tell him orange, strawberry, blue raspberry, and watermelon
>He says he'll take all of them in a single large coolatta
>I'm wondering if he's joking
>he's not done
>he asks about what fruit flavor shots we have
>I tell him blueberry, coconut, raspberry, and peach
>he'll take all of those in the coolatta too
>he stands there thinking for a second, before saying he wants an espresso shot in it
>and light milk
>and one sweet n' low
>he pays, I make it, clearly he was not joking
>I hand him the cup, and all he says before leaving is this, with the utmost sincerity:
>"Can you tell that I'm fruity?"

>> No.5907867

how many donuts do you get to take home every day?

>> No.5908186

Ewwww. That's horrid... I always fucking hated making coolattas too. Reminds me of the soda delivery guy at my Taco Bell that wanted 'some of everything in a cup'. Literally every soda choice in one cup.

>> No.5908194

>Opinion on Dunkin Donuts?

dunkin donuts are shipped frozen and reheated. krispy kreme donuts are fried in the store.

winner kind of obvious.

>> No.5909067

Interior Semiotics 2.0?

I'm not the only one who remembers that video. ...right?

>> No.5909084

New Jersey here. My brother used to love DD and when I found out they don't do them on-site I was disappointed. I went in late one night with a donute hankering because it's open 24 hours, and they had almost nothing. That's when I found out they get them shipped in around midnight. I was so disappointed.

My local supermarket and, if you can believe it, gas station makes better donuts (though I suspect the gas station ones are shipped in like DD's, they don't taste of all-day-sitting when I get one at the end of my midnight shift).

>> No.5909416

There's a local pastry shop in my town and I LOVE their donuts! They have an old fashion donut where it's just a rectangle with glaze and it's the best. I prefer them over DD, but will gladly eat it when my boss brings it to work.

>> No.5909449

Krispy Kreme makes me want to vomit.

All that Glaze. How can you do that to a pastry?

>> No.5909483

You can get them without glaze you know.

>> No.5909503

whats with you faggots shitting on KK
You haven't lived until you had oven fresh KK.
Also if you're down in florida, Publix makes some good cheap donuts

>> No.5909557

They tried Connecticut a few years ago and got BTFO

>> No.5909573

>rednecks bragging about publix


>> No.5909740
File: 285 KB, 653x367, Kopia DSC_2524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw yuropoor and live 2 minutes from 2 local donut shops
>their donuts look like this and are fucking badass
>so many fillings - strawberry, halva, vanilla pudding & cherries, chocolate pudding & cherries, etc.
>tfw still miss Tim Hortons style donuts

>> No.5909744

If you're ever in Ocean City, Maryland, visit the Fractured Prune. They make the donuts to order.

I haven't read the thread so I don't know if it was already posted about, but it's really worth going to. Very reasonably priced, too, I think. It's not DD cheap but it's reasonable.

>> No.5910057

I think I'll go ahead and try that next time.

>> No.5910068

those look nice

nice in a way that if i was a homeless man and i was starving and i found a banana peel on the floor that was ran over by an 18 wheeler 18 times over and i contemplate where my life has gone and blame everyone else but myself but also accept the fact if i don't eat this banana peel then i would die but how bad would death be 6 hours later after staring at the banana peel i give in and scuff down that mother fucker

>> No.5910072
File: 128 KB, 600x400, paczki_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never tried European donuts

>> No.5910079

bro those look like cum covered bread

still would eat tho if i was hungover like i am now

>> No.5910083
File: 31 KB, 640x467, donuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that you mention it, Murrican glazed donuts sort of look like someone fucked a sweet bun, making a hole in it with their dick, and then came all over the surface.

>> No.5910088

the secrets of the krispy kreme klan should not be spouted so casually u need to delete u're post now or suffer

>> No.5910095
File: 59 KB, 504x228, QN6FWy5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so sorry man, i don't want ot mess with the kkk. will the cia be after me now?

delete post

>> No.5910098

4chan please delete post

>> No.5910108

it's k

u're sins will be forgiven

when they get you and purify you that is

>> No.5910110
File: 328 KB, 400x619, full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-will they ravage my little donut and turn it into pic related?

>> No.5910119
File: 1.46 MB, 300x226, Hah! Wait, what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5910127

maybe if you're lucky

>> No.5910336

DD is variable here in Texas. Basically, I can only order them in a box, or else the dumbfuck staff will toss them in a bag and mess up the frosting.

Maple is bretty good, tho. I go there because when I head to work, its early enough to the point where I miss Taco Bell breakfast, and cereal sucks every day.

>> No.5910361

If you ever get a kolache that looks like a hotdog in a hallway, you dun goof'd. The kolache needs to be very secure around the sausage. If not, then they aren't made from scratch.

>> No.5911637

How long does a Krispy Kreme donut usually stay good for? I'm probably going to go to one today to see it they have any ghostbusters or pumpkin donuts.

>> No.5911969
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... look... not to get off topic here, but am I the only person here who immediately noticed that the donuts in OP's pic weren't dfrom etsy I think?

>> No.5912004
File: 188 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keyboard fail, lets try again! "...the donuts in OP's pic weren't donuts? they're glass pipes!"

Also, while we're talking about donuts,
>apple cider donuts.jpg

>> No.5912127
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The only correct answer is Kripsy Kreme.

>> No.5912140

Holy shit

>> No.5912415

Their donuts are decent when they're fresh
The issue being of course that they are never fresh. Maybe I just go at all the wrong hours

their hot coffee sucks, and their iced coffee is alright
their sandwiches have gotten better over the years, they're pretty good now, especially the croissant ones

>> No.5912473

There used to be one at Rockville a while back, but I never visited it. I think it's now a Vie de France

>> No.5912721
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As someone who worked at both, donuts come frozen. Both are shit. Go to local bakery which make em fresh.

>> No.5912736
File: 17 KB, 320x411, 6a00d8341ed39853ef0120a749225d970b-320wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually live in the town of said DD in cali. It had a very busy first week, but it has died out now. It being across the street (literally) from a leagues better donut shop has made them pretty dead minus being a poor mans starbucks.

I personally think they have decent coffee, but good god do I dislike their donuts. I got a classic pink sprinkled donuts since those are my favorite anywhere else, and it was so disgustingly sweet I almost puked. This is coming from someone who can eat krispy kreme by the dozen. How they manage to make donuts more overly sweet than a company that double glazes theres beats me but hey.

Anyways, KK or your local donut place >>>>>>>>> DD at its best.

>> No.5912994

Yuhhhhhh. If yever go to Austin, check out Gordough's. They do a kickass donut.

>> No.5913122

Well I wouldn't turn one down if offered...Forget waiting in line for the fucking things though.

>> No.5915064

I fucking hate DD coffee, not that it's not good, but because when every I get one of those flavored coffees, the indians behind the counter are stingy as shit and put like two squirts of the flavoring so after two sips, you're with nothing but water.

>> No.5917180


>> No.5917212

I lived like 45 minutes away from Chicago and we had a KK pretty close when I was young. My dad used to take us to go get delicious freshly made doughnuts and we'd watch them get made while we downed a bunch. Then it closed down and all that I loved was taken away from me. Haven't had a fresh delicious Krispy Kreme glazed doughnut in like 15 years. Bought 'em at the store and it's just not the same.
The cookie dough flavored iced coffee I got was good. But all of the flavoring was at the fucking bottom of the cup, so again after two sips it was just regular ass cold coffee. The first two sips were 10/10 though.

>> No.5917245

stale shit, never fresh

There used to be a Krispy Kreme where I live. Goddamn, those were some of the tastiest freshest donuts. Now they've gone out of business here and only produce from a factory.
Now I buy my doughnuts from a local Mexican bakery where they are always less than a day old