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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5893514 No.5893514 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you get food poisoning?

>> No.5893515

I've had it twice. Once from spinach, and once from peanut butter. It is the most unspeakably horrible experience imaginable.

>> No.5893518

Once when I had sushi. Never again with that toxic weeb crap.

>> No.5893519

never, but my stomach hates broccoli

i always throw up it back up every time i eat it

>> No.5893520

Never. one of the few upsides to being vegetarian.

inb4 tons of greentext calling me a faggit

>> No.5893525
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That's what you get from eating uncooked food.

>> No.5893529

I've only had stomach aches and diahrea.
Nothing super major because I'm careful with what I eat (even the mex food truck i eat at is highly rated).

Also my family tends to overcook things.

>> No.5893530

You still have a chance of getting it. See >>5893515

Proper food preparation is always important

>> No.5893536

I guess you're right. I probably just jinxed myself too.

rip in pieces my anus

>> No.5893537

>hating broccoli

have you tried steaming/boiling it to make it soft as pudding?

it's good, brah

i love me some broccoli and not with cheese either, just eat that shit alone and it's delicious

>> No.5893543

I learned my lesson anon.

>> No.5893549

I've had it once when I ate a very sketchy hotdog. It was brutal and felt like an alien was trying to emerge from my stomach. Being lactose intolerant I bought some chocolate milk hoping it would flush me out, but that didn't work. It was the last time I can remember drinking milk and not spending any time on the toilet.

>> No.5893551

>rip in pieces my anus

>eat some readymeal shit a while back
>feel sick
>go to toilet
>feel like im going to die
>gallons of water spraying out my ass
>suddenly feel urge to throw up
>uncontrollable jet of vomit coming out of my mouth while water comes out my ass
>the bitch from exorcist would have got nightmares if she saw it
>had to clean my door and floor
>every time i tried to hydrate myself because of how much water i lost, i felt it trickle through me within 5 seconds, literally hearing and feeling it trickling down my intestines
>had to go back to toilet each time take a sip of water

>> No.5893554

Last time I had some was from a late-night trip to Mcdonalds for mcdoubles, complained and got $50 gift card that I sold to someone for $45 and started going to wendy's. Been a few years since then and I haven't been to Mcdonalds aside from getting a $1 drink when I don't got time to stop and run into a store.

>> No.5893557

ive tried it steamed, roasted, baked, fried, tempura, even casseroled.

my stomach just cant handle bitter compounds

>> No.5893567

holy fucking shit i lost it

>> No.5893568

Only had it once.

There was a jar of pace salsa that was in the fridge. Ate it with some chips and it still tasted great.

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling ichy, there was bumps on my skin and I felt nauseous, parents came to see the ruckus and saw I was covered in a rash.

Never ate pace again.

>> No.5893572

that sounds more like an allergy, not food poisoning....

>> No.5893575

vegetables are some of the worst offenders, really
bean sprouts, spinach, (fruit, I know) and melons were the biggest relatively recent issues in the US.

>> No.5893577

you're in ferior genetix maeks u a candidate for euthanization

consider loving broccoli, for your own sake

>> No.5893581

and that's due to production, not negligible preparation, so out of your control

>> No.5893586

>Bitterness is of interest to those who study evolution, as well as various health researchers[23][29] since a large number of natural bitter compounds are known to be toxic. The ability to detect bitter-tasting, toxic compounds at low thresholds is considered to provide an important protective function.[23][29][30]
1v1 me 60,000,000 years ago

>> No.5893589

atheist pls

>> No.5893600

i can not even proccess this post i must give this post to the expert wizards to divulge the true meaning

>> No.5893602


>> No.5893623

Very rarely now that I cook 95% of my meals

>> No.5893716

I only ever get my stake rare and I've never had food poisoning.

>> No.5893739

Never, am I lucky?
Or maybe it's just because I don't eat at shitty places

>> No.5893893

I've never had food poisoning. I eat anything from sushi, to Mexican food.

>> No.5894111

Not often at all. Only times I know for sure what it came from was ground beef.

I like me burgers medium and few times cooking ground beef that was only 2days old I got very light FP. Bad shit and stomach a bit tight. Nothing serious.

So I made it a rule to only cook fresh ground beef from my local butcher medium rare. I prefer it medium rare/ medium but don't trust super market meat for that anymore. Even after 1 day at safe temped medium I got that slight sickness... 2 times this last year

On the other hand I may have picked up slight FP from food and didn't think about it much. My stomach is fairly tough.

I ear raw fish from gas stations in Hawaii and never had problems. Haha. Street hot dogs from Tijuana Mexico and felt fine. *by the way street hot dogs from Tijuana Mexico are fucking awesome. They often cook them on bacon and have more condiment options.

Also I for sure ate uncooked chicken once with out getting sick. Lights off playings games and when I turned on the lights the fired chicken was raw on the inside. Never got sick. Also at bade bacon drunk and never got sick. . . lol

omnibus bylpoisna

>> No.5894123

No, this is what you get eating uncooked food in a shit hole like china.

>> No.5894125

Sushi-grade fish is flash frozen and any parasites would be killed.

>> No.5894126

Never had it, and I eat some downright questionable shit at times. I just ain't no bitch.

>> No.5894134

I once ate 2-day-old fried chicken that I hadn't refrigerated because I was too lazy to buy other food and I was still fine. I don't even have a strong stomach, I throw up all the time for non-food poisoning-related issues, I don't know how people get it so often.

>> No.5894135

I got it from
1. I bought a canned soup without looking at expiration. It was like 12 years old and I threw up immediately after eating it.
2. I made Ramen noodles and puked within 2 mins of eating (might have been contaminated water though).
3. I have also gotten food poisoning from eating sushi. My body cannot digest the seaweed they use to wrap it for some reason.
4. Bojangles chicken. I think it was tampered with by an employee because I ordered Bo-rounds after breakfast.

>> No.5894158

Seaweed (nori) allergies are common.

>> No.5894200

Never had food poisoning, but I gamble a lot with foods. About <10% of the time I've gotten sick from expired foods.

>expired pilbury crescents
>only 1 month
>fack it
>baking kills germs right?
>4 hours later on the toilet

>> No.5894211

I once got food poisoning from Pizza Hut's pepperoni pizza.

>> No.5894335

Can't really remember many unless sour stomach counts. Got sour stomach from McDonald's coffee about a month ago. Years ago some hotdogs made me throw up. And I've never not gotten sick from Hardee's biscuits and gravy (haven't touched them in almost 10 years). I've eaten partially raw hamburgers that I didn't cook all the way a few times but nothing ever happened.

>> No.5894341


Those are actually cysts caused by pork, atleast I'm pretty sure they are, I saw this somewhere recently. Snopes maybe?

>implying it would stop me from eating delicious sushi/sashimi

>> No.5894884

>Those are actually cysts caused by pork
Pork is unclean for a reason.

>> No.5894891
File: 683 KB, 1024x678, Kibbe-plate-POST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive had it once in my entire life, got it from Arbys. And I eat plenty of raw meat multiple times a week and always eat steak rare.

>> No.5894908

Pic unrelated
>well done

>> No.5894927

Never had food poisoning, 26 years old.

Honestly, most people who think they have food poisoning are most likely suffering from some other illness. Unless you went to a doctor for confirmation and had a bacterial culture grown, you should stop blaming the food.

>cysts caused by pork
No, the tapeworms CAN come from pork and CAN cause cysts. Pork does not make your body grow cysts.

>> No.5894934

>dumb bitch sister
>"huhh, I think I'll put this steak on the grill again, anon, it's not well done"
Every godamn time

>> No.5894962

Well-done meat isn't dry. I friend sirloin steak last week, it was slightly chewy but not dry. It was delicious.

I'd rather eat cooked (safe) food than be pretentious an put raw flesh in my body.

>> No.5894971

Been eating medium rare my entire life and never had food poisoning. Just get quality meat and enjoy a good steak. I don't know about fried steaks but I've tasted well done grilled steaks and they're plain as fuck.

>> No.5894979

Well I guess if you appreciate the steak like I do, it isn't plain..

>> No.5895144

You have gastrointestinal reflux. Snort baking soda immediately to neutralize your stomach.

>> No.5895150

You do realize there's no fucking way for bacteria to magically migrate into the center of the cut unless you cut into it? And that all contamination comes from places other than the muscle itself?

>> No.5895231

8/10 very subtle troll

>> No.5895251

i've had real mild stuff a couple of times but never any of the crazy body-wrecking can't keep anything down type.

i am not really cautious about what i eat or about food prep. i should probably be dead.

>> No.5895351

Blue Rare, please

Never had food poisoning in my life

>> No.5895363

>gnarly gelatinous garbage

if you wanted raw meat you should have ordered the carpaccio or tartare

blue rare = ruined meat for ignorant people trying to impress the waiter

>> No.5895375

This. Blue rare is as bad as well done; you NEED some caramlization to bring out the flavor, and the fat to be rendered down a little. Blue has LESS flavor in it than medium(-rare). What a waste of good meat.

>> No.5895429

Never had food poisoning. Little surprised since every time I make a burger it ends up being rare and I like to make chicken breast medium rare.

>> No.5895468

Oh, so close...
>>new house, moving in day
>>food from Filling station over road
>>on toilet with bag between knees as I shit/throw
>>go to bed, heave, dry vomit, shit bed at same time
Feel like shit

>> No.5895474

>He bought shellfish from a filling station!

It's like you wanted to die.

>> No.5895559

When I was like 12 at school we went on a week trip to France. The first place we ate at before we went to the hotel was this miserable looking restaurant. I had a burger with no bun and fries, we all had a choice of either that or one other thing. My burger was extremely bloody but my teacher told me it was fine, had the worse stomach cramps, violent vomiting and diarrhoea all night the first night in the hotel cause of it.

>> No.5895822

I don't think I ever got food poisoned, yet again most of my food is prepared by me

>> No.5895875

I've only had food poisoning once. This new Mexican place opened up in my city and everyone and their mother was telling me to try it. So I finally get around to it and decide to order the enchiladas verde. Tasted alright but the chicken was sort of off. Next day at work I think I spent most of my shift on the toilet.

>> No.5895881

not very often at all
I make most of the food I eat and I have a bit of common sense when it comes to picking eateries and things to eat in general
since it's storytime...
> be kid-me
> sent off to deep back-country cabin for holiday
> my redneck cousins all drink raw milk from cow
> i try that too, spend evening shitting my guts out into bushes
> fuckers were just fine, to a man

>> No.5895888

I order rare at all sit-in restaurants, but have only gotten food poisoning twice. One was at Kentucky Fried Chicken 10 years ago and another time 3 months ago at Carls Jr.

>> No.5895891

Hi all,

My father would only eat rare beef. And, from him, I learned a great ordering techinque.

When the waiter/waitress asked him how he would like his steak cooked, he would say, "I would like my steak cooked...", and then pause. He wouldn't say anything until the server stopped writing, and looked at him. Once dad had, and held, eye contact, he would grin, and say, with the slightest of a nod from his head, "rare", while looking the server straight in the eyes.

And, after the meal, he would make the effort to thank the waiter/waitress for insuring that his meal was prepared to his liking, (often, personally giving a few extra bucks to the person, as tip addendum). And, he would ask our server to pass along his thanks to the entire kitchen staff.

With this method, it was very seldom that he was ever put in the position of sending his order back.

Even when, rarely, his order was overcooked, our server seemed to always be at our table, asking if his steak was cooked to his liking. Again, if he paused, looked at his steak, and cocked his head just a bit to the side, the server was always more than happy to bring him another steak, properly cooked.

I saw this method work in resaurants that we frequented, and restuarants in which we were first timers. And, I've adopted this method. For some reason, it works.


>> No.5895945

you write like an autistic manchild

>> No.5895948

^I currently have food poisoning

Im in backwater china with my wifes family. Ive vomited three times in the last 6 hours and im shitting brown water.

We went to a fish restaurant.

also that fish flavour

>> No.5895994


marry a chink, bum goes on the blink, that's what my mum told me.

>> No.5896164

>implying all theists are young-earth retards.

>> No.5896166

>How often do you get food poisoning?
I'm 23 and I don't think I've ever had food poisoning

>> No.5896169

I've been eating medium rare all my adult life (I had pleb parents. Full-on ketchup of well-done steak pleb) and I've never gotten food poisoning from it.

>> No.5896210
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Actually I ate at a market stall on Sunday because I was there and I got hungry.

Monday my stomach was about to explode and had a little bit of fever.

So yeah... that will teach me not to eat the first shit I smell.

>> No.5896216


>eating pieces of shit

It's like Kanye never happened.

>> No.5898491

Same. I even ate sushi at a fair once and was fine.

>> No.5898513

I ate at an iranian restaurant in london and about 5 hours later i vomited violently for a long time.

>> No.5900370

Twice from corn and once from a frozen dinner I ate about 3 am one morning because I didn't feel like cooking anything. The bad thing about the frozen dinner was that I was leaving at about 9 am on a trip that was about 1,500 miles spread over a week with about 400 miles the first day. It hit me after about 70 miles and from that point on all day long, I rarely made it more than about 30 miles without having to stop.

>> No.5900385

once or twice a year, its never enough to deter me from my reckless eating habits. I cross contaminate like a motherfucker, pay no mind to temperature for long term storage and routinely eat underdone poultry and shit.

If it doesn't look weird or smell weird I will eat it. So far nothing terrible has happened and it usually passes in a day. in fact the worse case of food poisoning I ever got was from checkers. That was one time I considered I might need hospitalization because of how relentless and painful it was.

>> No.5900399

had this happen to me ONCE. my bathroom was trashed after that night. took years to even be around the smell of lasagna of any kind.

>> No.5900405

once every few years. Usually from drinking entire cartons of eggnog.

>> No.5900424

Once every 2-3 years or so.

It depends though, because I travel a lot and enjoy eating whatever I can.

Most people who claim to have, "an iron stomach" are invariably processed meat carnivores that don't stray beyond McDonald's or the antibiotic-treated, irradiated supermarket food.

>> No.5900448


I got it once from Pistachio nuts. Not really sure what that was about but I spent the rest of the night vomiting and ended up sleeping in my bathroom.

>> No.5900457

the last time I got food poisoning was at an upscale italian restaurant. I would blame the carpaccio however everyone had it and only I got sick. The only thing I ate that nobody else had was gnocchi with crumbled sausage.
I shit my pants at work the next day

>> No.5900466

upscale italian for me too. my girlfriend and i ordered the risotto and the puking that night was the worst i ever had in my life. it only hit her the next day.

>> No.5900492

Only had what I know was food poisoning three times in my life. Once from a shitty burger at a roadside diner, once from some pre-made truck stop sandwich, and most recently at a little no-name bar in Madison from some root vegetable stew (which was, at least, delicious).

I eat a lot of ceviche, sushi, blue to med-rare red meat, raw shellfish, and foods/drinks with raw egg, but have never had problems with any of that.