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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5893222 No.5893222 [Reply] [Original]

I was eating the most delicious bagel I've ever had today when some jew told me it was a shit bagel because it hadn't been boiled. What do boiled bagels taste like and what's so special about them?

>> No.5893229

boiling bagels makes the outer layer of the bread's starches cook and form a starchy gel around the outside of the bagel
This gel, when baked, becomes a thick chewy layer which gives bagels their chewy crust and also helps to keep the inner dough dense

source: i am a jew who makes bagels

>> No.5893233


All bagels are boiled, by definition.

Saying "boiled bagels" is like saying "frozen ice".

Where are you living where people are selling bread donuts and calling them bagels?

>> No.5893240

If it ain't boiled it ain't a bagel.
I say this as a redneck from the Ozarks who makes bagels.

>> No.5893242

How do I activate almonds, /ck/?

>> No.5893246

Unless from a mass-manufacturer, most bagels are boiled briefly. Mass-produced ones tend to be steamed rather than boiled.
There's a difference. Boiled ones have a denser crust and a softer crumb, like a soft pretzel, while steamed ones are soft throughout.
As for which is better: it's up to the person eating it. If you think that one was the best, then it was the best. To you. And no beigel-eating keikel should tell you otherwise.

Beeteedubs, bagels, like potato pancakes, kugel, hamantaschen and even matzo balls, are not even of Jewish origin. They're all universally central European. Most immigrants to English-speaking countries of central European origins were/are Jews, so these foods get associated with Jewishness rather than central Europeanness.

>> No.5893247

Would he prefer the bagel if it was put in an oven instead?

>> No.5893250

Thomas' bagels are steamed. Most bagged, supermarket bagels are steamed, actually. Very few, if any at all, are boiled.

>> No.5893262
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>Thomas' bagels

Foods in the frozen foods section of the grocery store have all kinds of surprises.

I'm referring to normal bagels you get from a normal bagel store like pic related.

>> No.5893266

Thomas' are frozen? I honestly had no idea. I've never bought a bagged, supermarket bagel, actually! I just pulled a well-known name out of thin air as an example.

>> No.5893272


I haven't in maybe 20 years, but I'm pretty sure you find them in the frozen section. Maybe I have them mixed up with another brand.

>> No.5893292

Fair enough, I guess.
I really should open a bagel bakery. For a city of this size, there are surprisingly few. Three that I know of, anyway. And two of the free fucking suck and I've never been to the third.

>> No.5893297

>two of the free
plx2swap F for TH, kthx

>> No.5893397

lots of modern bagel stores steam them now too
you would be surprised how nice and chewy with a good crust they can get when treated a certain way and steamed and how crappy they can be when treated poorly and boiled.

>> No.5893432

Yeah? I wouldn't be surprised if they steam-baked or used injection ovens but I'd doubt they steam bagels rather than boil them and yield good texture. It just doesn't add up.

>> No.5893442

>It just doesn't add up.
Like the Holocaust!

>> No.5893462

Fun fact.

Bagles were invented by the Jewish as a way to save money when they used ovens back in the day.

>> No.5893470

>just doesn't add up
And what is the miraculous difference in your calculations? Other than, of course, finding out which places steam them and then concluding you do not like them based on that fact alone?

>> No.5893478

Shove them up your buttholio for a few days

>> No.5893488

They they are not bagels.

>A bagel (also spelled beigel)[1] is a bread product, traditionally shaped by hand into the form of a ring from yeasted wheat dough, roughly hand-sized, which is first boiled for a short time in water and then baked.[2] The result is a dense, chewy, doughy interior with a browned and sometimes crisp exterior. Bagels are often topped with seeds baked on the outer crust, with the traditional ones being poppy or sesame seeds. Some also may have salt sprinkled on their surface, and there are also a number of different dough types such as whole-grain or rye.[2]

>> No.5893490

>not jewish
the other things, sure, but hamantaschen is specifically Jewish in that it refers to Haman from the Book of Esther.
There might be a similar pastry of European background, that the jews maybe even based the Hamantaschen on but there is no way that pastry was called hamantaschen prior to the jews making it.

>> No.5893499

many aren't shaped by hand anymore, either
are those not bagels?
the ones with non-traditional garnishments baked on, are those not bagels?
you guys are worse than no bean people sometimes

>> No.5893561

>which places steam them and blah blah blah
>implying i buy bagels
I can't even recall the last time I bought a bagel. At least three years, now. I know how to make them, though, and have noticed a distinct difference between steamed ones and boiled ones using the exact same dough. The difference I noted in >>5893246

Thank goodness I'm multilingual. I did some research in several languages because hamantaschen have so permeated English as a solely and purely Jewish thing that any information saying otherwise in the English-language is buried beneath so many Jew-related websites on Google that it's impossible to wade through it all in a timely manner.
But no. Once again, not originally Jewish. How could it be? You think Ashkenazim who speak different languages and lived several hundreds of kilometers away from other Ashkenazim all sporadically popped up the exact same food? For example: Ashkenazim from southern Slavic countries, such as Bulgaria and Serbia, have never heard of latkes, for example. Because these are specifically a Northern Slavic (most specifically Ukrainian) food. Hamantaschen, however, were born in New York, it turns out. A Dutch biscuit was carried over to the New World into New Amsterdam. Jews from Central Europe new to the New World and to the then-changed name of the city (to New York) grew to like the biscuits and immediately appropriated them to their own culture in much the same way Israelis have done with quite literally all Mohammedan foodstuffs.
They have since fallen out of favour in their country of origin and subsequently forgotten.

This is much the same way as Americans incorrectly believing that the Irish eat corned beef: because Irish immigrants to the US grew to fucking love the stuff (from Jewish delis, at that!) though the food is virtually unknown in Ireland itself.

>> No.5893587

So, as i said, they were not called hamantaschen until the jews adopted them.

That is a fun fact though, thanks!

>> No.5893630

So you boiled some and steamed some and didn't treat the dough any differently and were surprised by a different result? How did you steam them? Did you have access to the same sort of steam injecting combi ovens such companies use? There are many other aspects to the treatment of the dough that can or does make a much larger difference, and there are plenty of things which are done. So even if you did a side-by-side at home, that doesn't mean anything at all.

>> No.5893631

>they were not called some jewy word until the jews co-opted them from some unsuspecting culture and started a PR campaign to erase nearly all mentions of their prejudaic existence
Yup, exactly.

>> No.5893639

goy please.jpg

>> No.5893673


>biscuits and immediately appropriated them to their own culture in much the same way Israelis have done with quite literally all Mohammedan foodstuffs.

K so I avoid /pol/ and have avoided the vast majority of /pol/ bullshit on this board since it was added. But! I'm honestly curious about this.

You claimed biscuits were brought from overseas to ny. Then jews renamed the item. How are biscuits in any way bagels?

And I have no emotional investment in this question what so ever. I'm purely interested in the history of bagels and hiw biscuits could be compared to bagels and shit.

>> No.5893679

I'll try to be as precise as possible to avoid misunderstandings since you've clearly imagined some scenario that's not at all what I'm talking about.
First, steam-baking is not the same as steaming. Before baking, bagels are water-treated. The water treatment step will vary. They can be boiled (traditional) or steamed (newfangled). Steam-baking as you described is steaming /while/ baking. Even if you have an injection oven, the bagels must still be steamed or boiled first to achieve that smooth crust.

Next, I worked at a bakery for five years (all through uni and one year after before I got my first big boy job), so yeah. That.

What I did was boiled some bagels and steamed some other bagels. Due to the higher heat of boiling water v that of a steaming chamber, boiled bagels need less time to water treat than steamed bagels do. While a quick blanch of no longer than 60 seconds (at most!) is perfect for a boiled bagel, steamed ones are left in a bit longer. The temp differences and time differences yield different textures not to mention the cooking apparatus itself: steamed ones sit on a rack while boiled ones are free-roaming throughout the hot water.

Next, going back to injection ovens, you can just put formed bagels into the oven and let the steam do its magic for the steaming step. However, this isn't ideal. Why? First, because the oven will be too hot (bakeries leave their ovens on from open to damned near close). Secondly, the damp environment remaining /after/ the steam injection procedure is over will yield bagels with a softer crust. It'll be more akin to a very dense Wonderbread than to a bagel. For these reasons, even if you use the steaming method rather than the boiling one and have an injection oven, you have to have a separate steaming rig in order to get a passable crust.

I hope this answered everything as concisely as possible!

>> No.5893684

whenever i make bagels i boil them in a sodium carbonate solution. it makes them brown a ton on the outside. you gotta alkalise that shit brah

>> No.5893685

>i didn't follow the thread or even read the post that i'm responding to: the post

>> No.5893688


kek, trying to save money... what are they thinking. they should have done like the goys and invested in ranch dressing and NASCAR.

>> No.5893700

How are biscuits bagles?

>> No.5893703

>implying anyone said anything even remotely like that at all anywhere ITT
are you drunk? you seem drunk

>> No.5893715


>A Dutch biscuit was carried over to the New World into New Amsterdam. Jews from Central Europe new to the New World and to the then-changed name of the city (to New York) grew to like the biscuits and immediately appropriated them to their own culture in much the same way Israelis have done with quite literally all Mohammedan foodstuffs.

Hey man, take a deep breath. There very well may be the possibility that a human is misunderstanding what another human is typing.

It's /ck/ I come here to have some interaction pertaining to food. I've only asked questions. I have no agenda. If I'm not understanding what you're trying to explain my apologies. Why so absolutely hate filled all the time?

>> No.5893723

>conveniently omitting the sentence just before that clears up the whole thing
you must be drunk, you lush

>> No.5893724

not the guy you're talking to; you should learn to read before you post.

>> No.5893728

Probably because 4chan neckbeards can't talk about the juice without foaming at the mouth

I like to Jew bait as much as the next guy but it's just fun and games for me

Some people here take it way too seriously

>> No.5893737

I'm not omitting anything for a specific reason. Like I said, and you seem so helpful in posting out... I'm not understanding your point. Maybe you could break it down to a simpleton like me. That's actually what I asked in my first post itt. Again, you seem pretty steamed up man, I am asking to be filled in that is all.

No one is attacking you, I'm asking for a brief, simple history of the bagel as it seems there have been explanations itt which I can't decipher.

>> No.5893748

Hey, fuckwad, you're talking with another baker here. And you are still trying to dance around or reframe the issue, which, if you don't know that you are wrong about, you are an idiot. The deal is that those companies which steam them also use ovens built specifically for that purpose. And if you're arguing that a 10-15 second difference with a slight temp difference accounts for a fast change, then you are beyond any hope and you can just fuck off on your own stupid way.

>> No.5893750

I'm not jewish or supporting jews birthday am I racist. I was curios by the correlation of biscuits to bagels. That's all. The foreign words posted b4 anon actually posted the words biscuit and bagel are like moon runes to me lol.

I'm stuck on the fact that biscuits and bagles are so far apart from each other that I don't see why they were compared?

>> No.5893752

vast* change

>> No.5893757
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Hahahhah! lol... I'm not all about birthdays hahah! And I'm not racist! Got a new phone and I'm getting used to the keyboard.

>> No.5893764

>he still misses the point!

>> No.5893768

>he thinks someone compared bagels to biscuits!
wow... sometimes, people are so lacking in basic reading comprehension, there's not much you can do but stand agape at how dumb they are

>> No.5893777

>dance around the issue
Okay. Clearly, you've made up your mind even though I've given a very concise, polite and thorough explanation of why and how steamed bagels differ from boiled ones. That's not on me. I don't get paid to change your mind, silly billy.

No one compared them. That entire post wasn't even about bagels which is why the word 'bagel' doesn't appear in it even once. It was about hamantaschen. Follow the thread and Google the words you don't know. Alternately, compile a list of the words you don't understand and post it here and I'll tell you what each means.

>> No.5893788

The only thing I've been doing is asking for a simplified explanation to the history of bagels. Sometimes people don't understand things and need to have it broken down.

If that's not a possibility, eh I'll remain ignorant and enjoy a bagel a few times a year while remaining ignorant of how jews stole some boiled bread with a hole in the middle as thier own.

>> No.5893796

>he still thinks they were talking about bagels!

>> No.5893843


What does that even have to do with /pol/? That it involves something Jewish? Are you that fucking afraid of /pol/ you have lost the ability to read and anything Jewish related is /pol/?

Here is a tip. Read what the guy was responding to.

>> No.5893850

>why and how they differ
except you're wrong on that and too stupid to know it and want to argue about it and think so long as you don't use a swear word that makes you right or something moronic like that

>> No.5893851

>Beeteedubs, bagels, like potato pancakes, kugel, hamantaschen and even matzo balls, are not even of Jewish origin.

I'm confuse. It's clear that there are some really PASSIONATE people here talking about language, bagels, jews, and some shit I clearly can't understand.

Can one of you sons a bitches tell me where the fuck bagles originate from!? My spaghetti!

>> No.5893857

Blither, blither, blither. :-(
How sad for you.

>> No.5893880
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>Are you that fucking afraid of /pol/ you have lost the ability to read and anything Jewish related is /pol/?

And thread/

>> No.5894829

In England we have beigels, which are like bagels. How do you New Yorkers rate our beigels?

>> No.5894861

Which means that >>5893246's claim that the _food_ is not of Jewish origin is correct. Who gives a shit about the origin of the name?

>> No.5894863
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>muh cultural appropriation

>> No.5894866

They weren't talking about bagels, they were talking about hamantaschen. They didn't clearly state this because they expected you to have been able to fucking read the posts that they were replying to.

>> No.5895089

>you provided examples and reasons for the differences
>i'm going to say those examples and reasons aren't valid
>i'm not going to give valid examples or reasons
>in fact, i'm not going to give any examples or reasons at all whatsoever, valid or otherwise
>i'm not going to explain how or why your examples and reasons aren't valid, only that they're not
>i'm not going to provide any evidence to counter your claims, only that your claims are wrong even though they're clear and logical
>i'm not going to do anything but go donkey kong apeshit towards your clear and logical claims, whether they're right or wrong or otherwise
>i just want to chimp out and argue with someone who provides an explanation of something that i still haven't explained
>i wish i had a friend
Sounds about right.

>> No.5895424

>this retard

That's like saying pizza doesn't have to be flat it can be a cube and still be pizza. Hurr.

>> No.5895781

I used to work on a bagel deli, where nothing was boiled, but the oven steamed the bagels IIRC and also they were generously sprayed with water. Once before going in the oven, and then again when coming out.

But it was a franchise store owned by a manlet Korean man with a nasty temper (and oh boy I have horror stories about the way he and his wife managed the place), I wouldn't expect anything authentic from that. They were some tasty bagels though.

I learned something today.

>> No.5897622

there are a bewilderingly high number of hot asians from NY

>> No.5897964

They tend to boil things because they're uneasy around ovens.

>> No.5898389

>i am a jew
And you admit it?!

>> No.5898408

ewww gross nipples.

>> No.5898419

What is deep dish

>> No.5898420


I lol'd

>> No.5898575

To you I say
>pizza cones

>> No.5898580
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>> No.5898581
File: 43 KB, 580x354, pizzacono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A casserole. It is not a pizza. Pizzas are not baked in oven dishes. Casseroles are baked in oven dishes.

Pic related.
>I've always wanted a convenient way to get molten, cheesy, saucy napalm all over my hands and fingers! YAY!

>> No.5898613

Don't forget pizza pockets!

>> No.5898626

it's basically makes a bagel a bagel

>> No.5898634

>look it up
It's basically a microwavable pizza pasty or calzone?
I could only imagine the nuked, superheated filling melting the flesh from my tarsals.

>> No.5898635

o whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i wish i was like Voyager I who quit the heliosphere recently... far away from this earth....

>> No.5898674

Food/culture appropriation is essentially the basis of all "cultural foods"

It would be like saying pizza isn't Italian because they got flat bread from the middle east or that Swedish Meatballs aren't Swedish because they stole meatballs from the Turks.

>> No.5898695

Casseroles don't have a bottom crust and have some form of topping so try again

>> No.5898698

>Can one of you sons a bitches tell me where the fuck bagles originate from

>> No.5898700

>implying flat bread specifically comes from the middle east and nowhere else
Tortillas are sandcunt food, too!
>implying meatballs didn't exist before the turks

That's a really shit comparison you've made, tardmeister.

>> No.5898702

>lasagne aren't casseroles

>> No.5898743

Calm down, that's just historically where they got the culinary influence/recipe for the dish

Charles XII brought the recipe for the Swedish variant of meatballs from the Ottoman Empire during his exile
It's also where they get stuffed cabbage rolls from

I'm not implying anything, I am just stating history

>> No.5898748


>> No.5898792


>As for the bagel? Smith writes that this ring-shaped treat is "suspiciously similar" to a bread that Uigher merchants sold along the old silk route in China. And in Italy, she notes, a bagel-shaped bread called a taralli was sold as early as the late 14th century — "though it was reported to be both sweeter and harder."

From an npr piece. Possibly dating them back before the 1600s in the Wikipedia. The wiki also kinda implies they were a Jewish thing contrary to what some
anons stated itt. So who knows.

>> No.5898793

But neither of those things are true.

And neither is this.

>> No.5898805
File: 62 KB, 500x332, taralli-sugna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taralli are entirely unlike bagels. They're a type of biscuit (Yankinese: cookie) or a type of cracker, depending on which part of Italy you're from. They're a cracker in my part, flavoured with long pepper, almonds and lard that are commonly made from wholemeal and served with beer. Pic related.

>> No.5900380

i'd forgotten about him. why anon why

>> No.5900397
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>The wiki also kinda implies they were a Jewish thing contrary to what some anons stated itt. So who knows.

Wikipedia also says the British didn't know how to fry fish, until the Jews showed them how....

>> No.5900415

I wonder who could be behind this.

>> No.5902005

Boiled bagels suck if they're not still fresh out of the oven.

If you're buying bagels to save for later, might as well go steamed.

Also, a bagel that is never boiled or steamed is called a bialy.