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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5891003 No.5891003 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cook your steak /ck/?

>> No.5891009

>inb4 the overused "well-done with ketchup"

>> No.5891033

Medium well done obviously. Anything else and your a pretentious faggot.

>> No.5891035

15 minutes on high in the microwave usually does it.. then I douse it in A1 sauce.

>> No.5891038
File: 247 KB, 1000x750, 100_0948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anywhere from medium rare to medium well.

I suck at judging "doneness", and I'm not picky.. so I throw it on there until it "looks good" and eat it wherever it happens to be!

>> No.5891039

Medium rare

>> No.5891048

pretty much this. if I'm out at a restaurant i'll order it medium rare. but if I cook it myself I'll just throw it on for a few minutes and let it sear and take it off.

>> No.5891049


This is about as rare as I like. Any more than that and it doesn't taste cooked and isn't enjoyable to me.

>> No.5891050

Rare to medium-rare, depending on what cut it is.

>> No.5891055

Fucking come at me bitches.

>> No.5891070

I tend to go for medium if it's a place I've never been, medium rare if I think they'll actually get it above rare.

For me, the middle has to be warm. I don't care if my plate is covered in blood, that shit doesn't bug me, but I find biting into a cold piece of steak unpleasant.

>> No.5891073

On a grill.

>> No.5891090


It shouldn't be cold in the middle if you let the steak sit out for 30-60 mins before cooking. Never cook it straight out of the fridge.

>> No.5891093


I don't know how, but my grandmother cooks steak in a frying pan and it's fucking amazing.

I'd love to ask her how, but I honestly can't stand the woman. Her cooking is the only thing I enjoy about my yearly guilt driven visit.

>> No.5891095

Well done

>> No.5891109

Thank you!

>> No.5891112


it's not hard, you just get it hotter than shit and sear it, then turn it down a bit until it's done

>> No.5891121

errything else med rare

>> No.5891130


why? i cook my ribeye's medium rare and it's gorgeous

>> No.5891157

I take my steak and sear it in a non stick pan [I don't put oil or butter or anything in it, I heat it till it starts smoking] at that point, I'll put butter or extra virgin olive oil [they're about the same] on the outside of the meat .

Then I'll throw it in, cook for 20 or 30 seconds. Flip it and do another thirty or so second, then I slid it out, and put it on a glass plate
I put it in the microwave, and zap it for three minutes at high

Comes out perfect every time. And it keeps my room mates from asking me to make them food because they're worried about radiation

>> No.5891210

Blue Rare

>> No.5891215

I think it is better if the fat renders down a little more

>> No.5891501

I prefer medium, but will enjoy anything from medium rare to medium well.

Rare and well done are shit tier.

>> No.5891507



>> No.5891513

>How do you cook your steak /ck/?

Beef jerky. I like actual flavor.

>> No.5891528

you mean you like salt

6/10 made me reply

>> No.5891531

Medium rare a bit more on the rare side.

Anything under just has zero flavor to it aside from the rawness of the meat.

>> No.5891982
File: 11 KB, 373x343, 1361262503687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I eat medium rare
>MFW this caveman hasn't figured out fire yet
>MFW I'm a pretentious fuck but it's cool because Liberal Arts College

>> No.5892013


what's wrong with salt?

>> No.5892155
File: 425 KB, 2448x1836, wynBg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medium rare to medium

Medium rare for anything of quality and or at least know to be fresh.

Medium for steaks my family buys or what mostly offered at my friends.

Reason being my family, girlfriends family, and friends buy on cheat grocery store steaks. Often on sale. And I don't trust them

Steaks I buy I'm happy to cook medium rare.

Also for think cut steaks.. or steaks I get from my local proper butcher. Often much thinker then your regular store cut. I use the constant flip method/ or sear and broil finish.

Constant flip method (lack of better term) basically you don't go with the one flip is the best and only way bullshit that everyone thinks is best. And don't give me some bullshit about how Gordon Ramsay and others suggest to cook that way. Yes they do but they also use other methods for specialty cuts most loser never cook at home. Professional have way more tricks then they will show you in demo.

Using cast iron or carbon iron pan. Flip the steak every 30 or so seconds. Adding butter half way or near the end spooning it over the steak constantly. At this point you can add aromatics (garlic, rosemary, ect.), or sometype of rub/ seasoning. By adding your seasoning at the end it doesn't burn 99% of the flovor off the steak. That shit doesn't absorb into the steak. It's merely a coating on the outside. Well at least virtually.

I'm coming off as steak snob but I'm really not. It's not in my budget honestly. It's a tread.. and I enjoy cooking from friends in family. Even when it sucks.

The one thing that pisses me off is people insisting that one flip is the ultimate and only correct way to cook a steak. That is full on bullshit.

*cooking starts at 1min.. this guy is a bit of character haha.. Also the steak is extra dark from the coffee rub and lighting.

>> No.5892158


come at me

>> No.5892341

depends on the quality of meat/skill of person cooking it

-blue rare at work
-rare/medium rare at other restaurants
-blue at home

>tfw big family dinner
>"anon yours is rare even though its gross :)"
>its medium well at best

still ate it to be polite and not waste it obviously, but anything over medium rare turns even the finest fillet into a glorified burger

>> No.5892342

I like mine blue rare and slathered in yellow mustard

>> No.5892344

steak threads are always the plebbest threads

>> No.5892345

>heat carbon steel or cast iron pan to the temperature of the sun
>coat the room-temp steak in salt, pepper and neutral oil
>depending on the thickness, fry for 1:30-2 minutes per side
>rest in a warm place for 5 minutes

It's not fucking hard. If you are more experienced, you can flip the steak every 15 seconds for a more even doneness, but it's optional.

Medium-Rare steak every fucking time.

>> No.5892347

So I am a bit of a convert. Beef isnt my favourite meat, never has been, when I was younger I would insist on it being welldone, I couldnt stand the sight of the juice, and I ould usually smother it in mustard.

About two years ago, my boyfriend and I went out to a bar and grill, both ordered very expensive steaks, and from reading (particualr from /ck/) that "this kills the cow, I ordered mine rare.

It was probably the best steak I have ever had. This doesnt always translate well, cause of course you're not going to get prime cuts or perfectly aged beef at home, but If I see its a good piece now I almost always get it rare.

>> No.5892392

Rare, medium if I cook it too long.

>> No.5892394

Like any meat. Well done and topped with catsup.

>> No.5892431

>fry 2 minutes per side
enjoy your well done steak

>> No.5892439

I eat it well done, but when I choose to eat Fiorentina, it must be as it is, rare.

>> No.5892444

enjoy your wallmart 5mm think steak

>> No.5892448


Sprinkled with coarse pepper. On the stovetop in a heavily buttered pan. Burner set between 'simmer' and 'medium'. Watch side of steak until sides show cooking about half way through and with light browning on the side. Flip and repeat. Let steak rest, on wire rack if available, while I wash the dishes I used to cook it. Then eat.

>> No.5892451

>I don't know how, but my grandmother cooks steak in a frying pan and it's fucking amazing.

Maybe she learned to cook at a time when grass fed beef was common. Cook gently. Learn to do that with grass fed beef and it works really well with grain fed beef, too.

>> No.5892489

Medium rare or Medium well, but it's usually the former. Although I've never tried my steak rare, would any of you recommend I bother?

>> No.5892617

>Although I've never tried my steak rare, would any of you recommend I bother?

They don't call it the perfect steak for nothing breh

>> No.5892622


medium rare is better in general but it depends on the steak.

>> No.5892639

Pan fried to rare and covered in caramelized onions.

>> No.5892661

Medium rare

>> No.5892687

With A1