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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 204 KB, 500x335, foods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5883078 No.5883078 [Reply] [Original]

1. Italian
2. Mediterranean
3. Afghan/Iran
4. Chinese
5. Arab
6. Thai
7. Indian
8. Mexican
9. American/American renditions
10. Japanese
9001. Russian
900001. Scandinavian
900000000000001. French
90000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001. African Bush shit aka Ebola Cuisine

>> No.5883081

>italian food
>any good
Literally just bad French food.

>> No.5883082

>Mexican, Chinese not in the top 3

They are the most diverse of all cuisines. Please leave the food ranking to the Amer-lards, since they have the best of every world.

>> No.5883084

Ethiopian food is pretty good. West Africa's spicy soups and fufu are pretty top notch too though I prefer both over rice rather than their staple starches.

Where did you experience African food that left a bad taste in your mouth?

>> No.5883087

outright wrong


i'm not talking about african food as in the dips and shit, i'm speaking of the bush culture

monkeys, bats, etc

african food otherwise is okay

>> No.5883089

My mistake.

People are really quick to shit on African food for some reason. I forgot to mention North African couscous dishes are pretty good too.

>> No.5883092

probably because a lot of people think ALL african food is eating bush meat

>> No.5883093


>> No.5883094

Mexican, Peruvian, Thai, Chinese, French, Indian, Italian, Vietnamese

If these aren't in your top 10, then you don't know shit about food

>> No.5883095

Replace Mexican with Japanese and you have yourself a deal.

>> No.5883097
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We'll have to agree to disagree, m8.

I think a good lamb tagine over couscous is pretty good.

>> No.5883099
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> not listing based Lebanese

>> No.5883101

Why are kebabs so based?

>> No.5883104

The man who fucked my mother served couscous for dinner once. He was not my father. I hated him. I hated couscous. You don't know me, anon. I am not your m8.

>> No.5883105

I sure think this. fuck africa food. bad people, bad ingredients, bad cookware, bad everything. fucking ape palm soup? no thanks.

>> No.5883108

>Spot the Boer

>> No.5883109

Mexican is the best cuisine in the Americas and the most diverse after Chinese and maybe Indian. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.5883111


>> No.5883114

It is a personal choice, you outrageous faggot. Mexican is disgusting as fuck to me. There are no exceptions in any of the Mexican cuisine. All of it just makes me want to puke.

>> No.5883115

You've never tried good Mexican food other than tex-mex, therefore into the trash it goes. Anyone who dislikes Mexican has never tried real Mexican.

now fuck off pleb

>> No.5883116
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All those in favor of making Louisiana Creole Cuisine distinct from American/American renditions and above Mexican?

>> No.5883117
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Not even a sope?

>> No.5883121


Get over yourself and your shitty cuisine choice. I toured Mexico and tried as much of the cuisine as I could while there. None of it was remotely appealing. I sought out exceptions to that, but there were none.

>> No.5883122

Creole can't even compete with one region of Mexico, much less the entire continent

>> No.5883123

citation needed

>> No.5883125

>citation for personal experience
Now you are just spouting your favourite fallbacks.

>> No.5883126

Typical American that thinks countries don't have specific dishes in certain areas just like they do

>> No.5883128

Tell me where in Mexico you've gone and what did you try? I'm going to enjoy this

>> No.5883130

Buddy. I am not going to list every single place I went or every single thing I tried.

Face it, there is a person in this world who hates all Mexican cuisine. Sorry to burst your idealist "everyone likes what I like" bubble.

>> No.5883133
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>Buddy. I am not going to list every single place I went or every single thing I tried.

into the trash it goes

>Face it, there is a person in this world who hates all Mexican cuisine.

That's blasphemous.
Mexican food varies in flavors and style. Vanilla, Tomatoes, tuna, chocolate, peppers are all native to Mexico (or was imported from), so you get a bit of everything due to the influence of other cultures and the superior ingredients. Mexican has arab, Japanese, Caribbean, Italian, spanish, french and other american influence, to say they hate all mexican is to say they hate every type of cuisine.

Don't forget that Mexico gave one of the most iconic dishes in the world as well

>> No.5883139

Found the Mexican. No one who is not Mexican would be trying this hard to push a cuisine at someone who has clearly stated they sampled food from all around Mexico and still hated it.

>> No.5883143

Unless you're Diana Kennedy, no one can make that statement

>> No.5883146

Mexico pls stop pushing your shitty cuisine.

>> No.5883153

>shitty cuisine

pick one

>> No.5883159

Yes it can, there is even Creole-Mexican food in Zwolle :3

Our microregions have as much variation as some nations
Its completely different in origin, Louisiana cuisine and Louisiana Creole of all colors aren't American in a historical or culinary sense

Two different worlds bruh

>> No.5883161

0. Indian

>> No.5883164

I think Creole is fine, but you're comparing a region with a country. Mexican-Indians were bbqing fish for thousands of years meanwhile Europeans were boiling meats

>> No.5883166
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>> No.5883168
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>> No.5883170

We have both upland and bayous native influences

Rice cultivating Senegambians

French, German, Swiss, Italian and Spanish food traditions

Along with Mexicans and Filipinos

Its a state now but again its very different

So long as the variation and actual methods and flavors are unique should it size really be a factor?

>> No.5883171
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>this nigga's knocking ALL African food

Ethiopian food is the fucking bomb, nignog. Look at this shit, you don't even need a fork. Just scoop and eat with that delicious porous bread.

>> No.5883173
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>> No.5883177

LOL you may just be mad that creole cooking tops the cuisine in your entire country. Notice Britbong food is not even allowed to participate in this ranking system you bitter filthy wanker.

>> No.5883179

No need to like be a troll. A lot of folks just never had my people's cuisine so they don't understand just how different it is.

Like this bait is so unwarranted

>> No.5883182

>indian not top 3
>mexican not top 3

it's like you're retarded or something OP

>> No.5883186
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My list would rank like this, though I am only really including things I can get locally for I am not well traveled.

Mexican, Indian, Vietnamese, Italian, Creole, Brazilian, Mediteranian, Southern American

I haven't found any chinese, japanese that I found especially appealing, and I've yet to find a place to try many more nationalities(african, poutine from canada, etc)

If anyone has any good suggestions in the Houston area I'd be very interested in trying something new.

>> No.5883187

>all this hate on scandinavian cooking
I bet all you have eaten is meatballs in IKEA, or some crap like that.

>> No.5883189
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>> No.5883190
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>> No.5883191
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>> No.5883194
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>> No.5883195

I'm surprised because New Nordic Cuisine is world renowned right now, they are selling out in Tokyo and extended their stay because of the demand!

>> No.5883196
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>> No.5883197

I swear I could eat this with plantain inside the emoladas right now

fuck i'm hungry

>> No.5883199
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This as well

>> No.5883203

sorry I think you mistook this for the "spam unrelated pics general" thread, though I like mexican cuisine pls read the OP.

>> No.5883204
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raise your hand if you've tried non-chinese dumplings

>> No.5883205

nordic cuisine is like fish eyeball stew and shit


>> No.5883206
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>> No.5883207

what is nordic cuisine?

>> No.5883209

fish eyeball stew and shit


>> No.5883211
File: 131 KB, 691x453, varenik-bistro-vkusno555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian homemade food is the best food.
You can not eat it in big cities. Come to small town, like mine, and try out domestic "vareniki, borsht, meat roulette, pel'meni " and other dishes. You will be pleasantly surprised.

>> No.5883212

chinese eat cats, thai eat rat, mexicans eat armadillo, britions just eat shit in general, we can't cherrypick now

>> No.5883214

Russian Restaurants do not exist because the food flat out sucks

>> No.5883215

This is what every small food nation says.

>> No.5883221

But they do exist.

>> No.5883223

show me one

>> No.5883226

> meat roulette
I think I've seen videos of this. They sit a girl down in an office chair while 6 naked guys stand around her and spin the chair, right?

>> No.5883227

Reminds me of a thing I watched that was about Ecuadorian food I think, they ate boiled guinea pig as a delicacy. I would totally try any weirdish animal as long as it looks like it was prepared decent. Plus I've had a long haired guinea pig and they are the most useless animal in existence, being edible is probably the only thing saving them from extinction.

>> No.5883229

you but brittish above scandinavian? nigga u trippin

>> No.5883232
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>tfw Finn

>> No.5883234

google your closest big city + russian restaurants.
7 in paris, France for me. New york also have some.

>> No.5883235

Just go to Brighton Beach in Brooklyn

>> No.5883242


the nearest to me serves like 80% ukranian food

called the "Red Square Restaurant"

>> No.5883277

More or less nordic ingredients cooked simply (simply as in few ingredients, few spices). All you need is good quality ingredients and you can let them talk by themselves.

No eyeballs what so ever.

>> No.5883298

At least, lapin rieska is good.
Oh, and this "au papillote" salmon with sour cream, turun sinappia and herbs...yummy

>> No.5883429

Chinese food is disgusting

>> No.5883432

french cuisine is the best by far

>> No.5883458
File: 232 KB, 640x480, 6241078427_f2f8f5794a_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why isn't british number 1?

bangers and mash
egg and chips
munchy box

>> No.5883460

I'd kill for a lahooh right now

>> No.5883463

>above any other Asian food other than flip garbage

like seriously, you fat weeaboos eat a bowl of ramen (which was invented by resident aliens) and some raw fish and some expensive fucking cuts of steak and all of the sudden you think a country filled with seaweed and ketchup spaghetti and 20 different ways to braise something in soy sauce and sugar is haute couture.

if I made a list of Asian cuisines it would look like this:
1 to bottom-2: everything but Japanese
bottom-1: Japanese
bottom: Philippines

Go to fucking Vietnam or Malaysia or even Korea before you keep kidding yourself that there is anything good about Japanese cuisine other than its consistency and inoffensiveness, on level with New England "cooking"

source: I live in Japan and have enough money to take a few intracontinental vacations a year

>> No.5883490


satay amd sushi rolls are 10/10

>> No.5883504


>exclusively Japanese

>> No.5883520


>> No.5883530

you dumb fuck, not who you're replying to but im a white as fuck texan and ill seriously jab you in your gabber over mexican food m8. Mexicans as a people are pretty decent honestly, but Ill fight you over their food, shit is aces you tasteless piece of shit

>> No.5883532

Philippine food is great, though.

>> No.5883559

filipino food is fucking disgusting.

>> No.5883569



>> No.5883575


This guy knows his shit

>> No.5883576
File: 452 KB, 640x480, filipinospaghettisauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True dat. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.5883585

I'm not sure how authentic it is, but went to a phillipino gastropub that my philippino friends suggested and got a whole fried fish, some braised pork, and this bone marrow dish. all of it was pretty awesome.

>> No.5883620

>phillipino gastropub
all my lols

>> No.5883634

there's a few good ideas thrown into this cuisine, and then a lot of really horrible ones. the best ones seem to have been influenced by other countries (Spain, China, etc) with very limited adulteration, but the remainder are clearly some indigenous chimaera that deserve no audience.

>adobo (chicken and/or pork braised in garlic, vinegar, oil and soy sauce, or cooked until dry)
>until dry
>kaldereta (meat in tomato sauce stew with liver)
> mechado (larded beef in soy and tomato sauce)
>puchero (beef in bananas and tomato sauce)

come the fuck on

>> No.5883636

If it tastes good and leaves me wanting it again IDC where its from
Good food is good food

>> No.5883682
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>9. American
>putting American "cousine" above Spanish
sewer tier pleb

>> No.5883683

Spanish cuisine is good but I honestly don't think it has all that much variety. American cuisine is easily the most varied Western cuisine, for better or for worse.

>> No.5883703

>the most varied
Maybe because it is a land of immigrants, that would explain it.

American cousine:
Take Italian dish
>add cheese
>add bacon

Take Mexican dish
>add cheese
>add bacon

>> No.5883707
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>> No.5883723
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It's great on paper.

>> No.5883730

I would contest that any nations food is best except for USA as its just a fucking mashup of fucking shit from cultures from everywhere.

Also from the USA. It bleeds me to live here.

>> No.5883741


>> No.5883745

1. British

>> No.5883749

What the fuck is a "munchy box"? Do you people seriously speak like this?

>> No.5883752

Including american. Not including portuguese. that's silly. Also: french so low.

>> No.5883761

There's a few Ethiopian places around town. Some good Persian places too.
There's just about every kind of regional Chinese dish you could want down Bellaire, just have fun with the terrible old Asian drivers. God damn they're ridiculously bad.

I'm currently trying to find a good Indian place. Admittedly, I haven't been looking very hard.

>> No.5883780


Spanish cusine are included in mediterranean cusine.

>> No.5883800

Mexico. For their diversity

>Green mole Pastes
britbong influence

>ahi tuna in ponzu tostada and fish tacos
japanese influence

>huitlacoche crepes /cajeta crepes
French influence

lebanese influence

>stuffed plantains
Caribbean influence

>Ceviche and tiraditos
South american influence

>Churros and chile en nogada
Spanish influence

>Caesar Salad
Italian influence

>Mexicali style fried rice

chinese influence

>> No.5884131

Reviewbrah should make a list out of this

>> No.5884238

Clearly you've never been to Portugal for a bite.

>> No.5884271

>3. Afghan/Iran
>5. Arab

Just no.

>> No.5884278

I'll only rate places I've been to or eaten food cooked by people from that country:

Top tier:
Japan, France, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Lebanon, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Mexico

Good tier:
Greece, Austria, India (including Pakistan & Kashmir), Morocco, Switzerland, Denmark, Portugal, Germany, Ecuador

OK tier:
UK, Australia, US, Sweden, Norway, Jamaica

Shit tier:
Costa Rica, Panama, Holland, Ireland

>> No.5884322

1. France/Italy
2. Spain/Portugal
4. Japan/Mexico
5. UK/USA/Rest of western Europe

>> No.5884327

Just add AIDS depending on your preference.

>> No.5884331
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I'm comfortable with that list.

>> No.5884405

>i have daddy issues
>therefore the dish he made once is shit

>> No.5884500

Let's not conflate the terms. Mexicans were blessed with a huge variety of vegetables that were simply not available in most other countries,
but let's be honest, the mexican preparation techniques are a joke and don't even come close to the sophistication of the french cuisine.
Of course the swedes can't have as much variety as the people of mexico.
Their growing season was only 4-5 months. When you have such a short growing season and all you can grow are cabbages, then it is inevitable that you have less variety.
But where is mexico now? The swedes, brits and germans are churning out recipe are recipe and improve upon dishes from all over the world, while the mexicans are still eating the same old same old.

>> No.5884572

>But where is mexico now

Evolving + having some of the best food cities in the world

Mexico =/= Mexican american

>> No.5884640

Where are you getting this info from? Your info seems 10 years too late.





Mexico in general has everything you want when it comes to food.

Traditional on par with chinese and indian, fine dining cities such as new york and tokyo, and world class street food such as singapore, bangkok and vietnam.

>> No.5884678

Chinese Restaurant Chinese or "We eat anything that moves" actual Chinese food?

>not listing delicious polish or german cuisines

Bread-hating faggot

>> No.5884726


What food fucking IS American in a historical context? America is super young but beautifully diverse compared to the other countries listed ITT and the fact that we're mostly eating food from differing cultures shows that.

>> No.5884754

>Spanish not listed
Do you even high cuisine/pork?

>> No.5884774

Please take your Mexican ass kissing elsewhere you incestual druggie.

>> No.5884790

>I am not your m8.

Ok friend.

>> No.5884798

persian/afghan food is delicious

source: my mum is iranian

>> No.5884811

He was not my father. He was a man with whom my mother cheated on my father.

>> No.5884814
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Holy shit, anon. I thought that this would be something the Japanese would come up with.

>> No.5884845

Iran > everything else.

>> No.5884848

Yeah when it comes to the most hilariously failed communist coup in history.

>> No.5884855

Yeah, and cooking.

>> No.5884872

Thanks for the taco arabes, kibis and al pastor!

>> No.5884878


Yeah, because IRAN when I tasted their shitty food.

>> No.5885112

Bavaria ftw

>> No.5885127
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>> No.5885153
File: 227 KB, 500x800, Iran then and Now 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got bad news for you brother. Persia got overrun by the middle-east equivalent of inbred rednecks a long time ago. They are arab now. Violent and fundy as fuck.

>> No.5885165
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I meant their cuisine. It's complete shit.

>> No.5885171

Yeah it's pretty boring.

>> No.5885174
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>Indian in top 10

Sure fucked up big time

>> No.5885177

Canada should be dead last on all your lists we are just the worst at it

look at this gore http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_cuisine

>> No.5885178

Do Nepali count?

>> No.5885181

is that an arm/leg with claws in there? mmm

>> No.5885186

I would put Italian much lower. Maybe it's because I live in suburban New York, but I find it boring nowadays.

What's wrong with French food? Who doesn't love expertly prepared animal fats and top-tier baked goods?

>> No.5885215

If we're making a countrywise list then variety both in taste and technique would be how I judge them. In that case I'd go

>India(most variety in taste, only like 10% of the cuisine has made it here)
>France(most variety in technique deserves to be #1 but my personal preference is Indian)
>South-East Asia(Lumping them together since they don't stand a chance individually)
>Middle-East and adjoining areas

I don't know much about South America and Africa so the list is incomplete.

>> No.5885235

3.Chinese & Japanese

>> No.5885285

Yes French food is not top ten ... you cant cook!

>> No.5885444

Polish guy here and my list is something like this:

1. Malay
2. Indonesian
3. Thai
4. Mexican
5. Chinese
6. Japanese
7. Viet
8. iTalian
9. American
10. Moroccan
11. Greek
12. Persian
13. Belgian
14. British (it's actually not that bad)
50. German/Austrian
70. French

90. Cuban
900. Czech
901. Dutch
OVER 9000. Polish
OVER 9001. Slovak
OVER 9000000. Russian

Can't really judge other cuisines as I've either not visited the country or haven't had enough of the cuisine anywhere else.

>> No.5885454
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Thanks I will definitely look into the Ethiopian. If you want a few suggestions for Indian I am somewhat obsessed with it and try new ones frequently. If you want something on the cheaper side there is a truck called Desi Grill in a velaro gas station parking lot that's been there for years at Veterans Memorial and Sableridge Dr, very good butter chicken, curry and naan, they actually have a tandoor oven in the truck. If you have a bit more cash to spend there is a place called Rangoli Fine Indian Cuisine, it's around $20-25 a head but it is seriously off the charts, and their naan game is on point. They are both BYOB and on yelp, I recommend them to anyone in the Houston area.

pic related is garlic naan and butter chicken from Rangoli, picture taken with a potato.

>> No.5885465

Oh my bad, you probably have never had good Mexican food in Iowa or where ever the hell you are, sorry wasn't trying to poke fun at your unfortunate circumstances.

>> No.5885474

1. French
2. Korean
3. Italian
4. Spainish
5. Japanese
6. New age fusion
7. Thai
8. Indian
9. Turkish
10. Sri Lakan

>> No.5885489

Portugal and Spain have the most under-rated cuisines. You cannot even explain how good the flavor is.

>> No.5885512

You need to embrace the mashup as well as our originals. KeyLime pie, Sourdough, Fajitas, Cornbread, Jambalya, biscuits and gravy, good ham and bacon, crabcakes, popcorn, PB&J, mac and cheese, fried chicken and waffles, new england clam chowder, buffalo wings, Nachos, Reuben, Thanksgiving dinner, Cheeseburger, pumpkin pie, and of course true BBQ

self-shamming bastard. You have no idea, do you

>> No.5885524

Dude, go to an actual Korean restaurant. Veggies, mushrooms, sesame candy, their BBQ is on another level. That country has amazing food and an amazing style of eating - true family style with 10+ dishes for dinner. It is way more than dog meat and kimchee

>> No.5885530


At least you tried, OP

>> No.5885567

By all means please pack your shit up and move to japan or where ever your little fantasies take you. The USA does not want you faggot. Seriously, you should leave.

>> No.5885599
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but don't forget the best restaurant in the World is in Denmark (Noma)- even if the Chef is from Albania/Kosovo-.

>> No.5885605

Very interesting. I've always wondered what Polish cuisine was like, I read couple of pages online to see what's it about but I didn't find anything satisfying. More importantly, why choose Malay as number 1? I been there once and I can say their murtabak (pic related) is the only dish that stood out, but other than that everything was meh. I tried to limit myself to small local restaurants and home-cooked food in general.

>> No.5885607

I was pretty sure the file was attached, but whateves.

>> No.5885725
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that was a totally based response

>> No.5885747
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>> No.5885785

All these fucking weeaboos, jesus. Look, I like living in Japan but the food here is suffering. Unless you've been to Japan, you clearly know nothing. There is hardly any remarkable food here, it's mostly toned down bland reimaginations of other countries' cuisine, and what isn't is mostly soy sauce, sugar, and mirin. It's not like other countries haven't discovered those ingredients either. Japanese cuisine is the consequence of a resource-starved island devoid of creativity. It is Mongolian cuisine with a more temperate climate. You could easily replace the entirety of Japanese cuisine with a Taiwanese analog, but no one sees fit to do so when making these shitty power rankings. At least cite some dishes when you make a list so you don't sound like a retard.

>> No.5885804

1. Mexican
2. German
3. Italian
4. Peruvian
5. American
6. Junky Americanized Chinese

And the rest I either don't have an opinion on, haven't had a chance to try, or just can't remember at the moment.

>> No.5885857

>accuses people of being weeaboos
>most people do not have japan as #1 like a real weeaboo would
>makes tremendous effort to talk about living in japan and being a weeaboo faggot
oh the irony

>> No.5885893

First time I've had English breakfast I was confused why pieces of coal were on the plate

Then I found out that it's some kind of horrible thing you do to liver and call pudding

>> No.5885940

Knowing about Japan and giving it undue praise are two entirely different things, the later being the raison d'etre of the weeabookind. Considering that this is 4chan, it's hard for me to believe that so many people thought Japanese food is a top ten cuisine for reasons other than they tried sashimi and thought it was a uniquely Japanese invention or ramen and decided it was a unique consequence of Japanese aesthetic. Just off the top of my head here is some number of foods that could take a ranking before Japanese: French, Italian, Spanish, American, Mexican, Greek, Lebanese-Israeli, Tunisian and Morroccan, any of the five Chinese styles, Korean, Thai, Hmong-Viet, Indo-Malay, Punjabi, Taiwanese. That's already 19 places so what the fuck is Japanese doing skipping up ten or more?

>> No.5885958

Japanese cuisine is world-renowned for being good and is recognized as such by pretty much every organized authority on the matter, for example having the most three-star restaurants compared to other countries.

You're going on an autist-tirade and are making an awful lot of assumptions about the people praising Japanese cuisine, while on an anime message board, while living in Japan. Could it be you're compelled to be the most elite outsider nerd, by not only rejecting Japanese food, but rejecting it in Japan on 4chan, of all places?

My sneaking suspicion is that you're a negative person in general, and you find ways to loathe whatever viscera makes up your surroundings at any given time.

Or I'm completely wrong, but you should humble yourself in a similar fashion and realize you could also be wrong about the people you're generalizing - or I guess every Michelin workabody is a 18-year old Naruto fan who posts on your weab site.

>> No.5885962

>he doesnt know japan getting all those stars was to boost michelin sales in the region and to be able to say they don't focus on one style of food

>> No.5885967

1. Authentic Italian (aka none of this "bolognese" made with chopped tomatoes or carbonara with cream)
2. British (good old roasts and steak pies)
3. Portuguese (piri piri is probably my favourite chili)
4. South African (amazing meats, especially cured)
5. Mexican (preddy good street food)

>> No.5885968

also you are wrong about japan have the most 3 starred restaurants. Tokyo is the most 3 starred city but japan isnt the most 3starred country

>> No.5885980

I'm pretty sure most iranian food is comfort food.

>> No.5885984

>mac and cheese
>American original

Hon, macaroni cheese (macaroni baked in a mornay sauce) appeared in a 17th century English cooked book. It's English, not American.

>> No.5886114

Japan also has a stunning amount of UNESCO sites but ranks shit for intercontinental tourism compared to countries that are filled with cheap whores. This is a particularly appropriate analogy because you're comparing the nation's elite food culture with its overall sense of cuisine, which puts all developing countries at a disadvantage. As another anon noted as well, most of those stars are from Tokyo, a metropolitan (read, filled with people who can't speak the native language) city where everything is expensive. And on top of that one of the Michelin winners is Jiro's, which has notoriously bad service and atmosphere, the only charm point being how well its hermit owner has mastered the art of shoving rice into a ball with a slice of uncooked poultry.

It pisses me off watching people suck the dick of a cuisine which torments me every fucking time I want to go to a restaurant or get a ready meal, because it fucking sucks.

>> No.5886119

btw Tokyo gets its michelin stars the same way Kansai gets its UNESCO sites: with lobbying, political dicksucking, a facade of historic artistic culture, and clean bathrooms.

>> No.5886141

Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago are three of the best cities in the world for food. Plus barbecue in America is aces. source: I'm Andrew Zimmern.

>> No.5886176

>Italian not the same as Mediterranean
>Popular because of fancy names and buckets of cheese

>> No.5886229

When did you eat monkey or bat?

Or are you talking out your ass about food you've never even seen outside of pictures?

>> No.5886259

>Maybe it's because I live in suburban New York
>Implying the wops eat actual italian food.

>> No.5886261

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.5886272

>Arab higher on the list than Indian.
>Afghan higher on the list than Indian.
>Italian and mediterranean separate

>> No.5886277

Adobo is 3/10.
Good pork roast though.

>> No.5886280

>sophistication of the french cuisine
Being a dainty fuck is somehow a good thing?
I blame french cuisine for the pretentious faggotry that exists about food today.

>> No.5886286

>Japanese cuisine is world-renowned for being good and is recognized as such by pretty much every organized authority on the matter, for example having the most three-star restaurants compared to other countries.
Japan has 3 star restaurants because of their compulsively anal behavior about everything.
There is no cuisine in the world that is so shitty despite working with the top ingredients.

>Acquire expensive fish
>Serve it raw


>> No.5886287

bouillabaise, cocq au vin, beef bourguignon... lots of things made with the cheapest fish and cuts of meat possible and prepared in the most unpretentious way too

>> No.5886662

Mexican should be at least 3rd.

>> No.5887157

>refutes no other point than an example by googling and reading a wikipedia article for 5 seconds, sourced by a speculative link.

>> No.5887180

Japanese street food, even the most generic, still has the benefit of being savory as fuck, it's basically a nation of health and comfort food.

Let me guess, your rant translates as "I'm a white guy in Japan who can't afford its good restaurants."

>It pisses me off watching people suck the dick of a cuisine which torments me every fucking time I want to go to a restaurant or get a ready meal, because it fucking sucks.

Get over it; your opinion is not the only valid one, Ken-sama.

Citation needed.
Citation needed.

Also saying raw fish isn't valid cuisine because it's "just raw fish" is like saying cheese is bullshit because it's "just coagulated milk."

>> No.5887212

it's actually a black pudding, a type of blood sausage. very yum

>> No.5887221
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French not in top ten, mfw !

>> No.5887227

Trying to argue against the quality and refinement of Japanese food is a fool's errand. It's just making you look ignorant.

I'll agree that some places in the US that serve "Japanese cuisine" are shit, but the food in Japan is off the chain. Even the cheap shit is delicious. They are not fooling around when it comes to food.

>> No.5887242

I guess you don't actually follow the Red Book but the fact that japan has lost stars like crazy the past two years has been everywhere the past two Januaries

>> No.5887277
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So much shitposting. Then again, I'm not really surprised. Always so amusing..

>> No.5887875

>Japanese street food
there's pretty much no such thing. there's festival food and there's a few vendors in Osaka serving takoyaki, yakisoba, and okonomiyaki in the open. festival food is literally generic bulk food from Gyomu Supaa (basically a simpler version of Costco) tossed into a fryer, and the Osaka yakimono is, while edible, simply not that good. Taiwan and Korea both have these giant markets while in SE Asia there are carts and booths spilling all over the place. Japan has less street food culture than perhaps any country in the entire world that actually has streets.

>Let me guess, your rant translates as "I'm a white guy in Japan who can't afford its good restaurants."
I've had Kobe beef before. Delicious, but at 60 bucks for 120g it is not something I could be eating every day. Although I imagine at that price, you could find delicious food anywhere in the world, so I don't know why that's a fair estimate.

>Citation needed
*grabs dick*

>> No.5887883

>Trying to argue against the quality and refinement of Japanese food is a fool's errand. It's just making you look ignorant.
Euphoric weeaboo detected. Japanese news media itself has debunked the freshness/food quality argument. However, I will say that Japanese food has a far better record for hygiene and freshness than most countries, but that does not excuse the lack of culinary aptitude.

>the food in Japan is off the chain
I'm trying to figure out what your metric for this is. Cheap Japanese food is excessively reliant on deep frying, soy sauce, and sugar. Perhaps if you take a money-fueled 5 day trip through the country you can shield yourself from the reality of how awful the food is, but from the experience of living here I can tell you fried shit and msg as a spice gets old fast.

>> No.5888029

B-b-ut wikipedia says it so it must be true.

>> No.5889315

Not even close.

>> No.5889540

>mfw Australia has fucking amazing food

Vietnamese should be on your list as well, it's great cutting food.

and if only more people knew how good British food was before WW2, seriously more traditional British food makes french food seem bland. Remember, the British trade empire was mostly about spices.

North African food is Arab food

>> No.5889546

Ethiopians are dark skinned Caucasoids, not Africoids

wrong part of Africa

>> No.5889552
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Teriyaki is japanese

I like Japanese food, just not the raw fish. in fact i'm not huge on seafood at all

here is some Australian food

note the mixture of Mediterranean salad with a British style roast chicken served with plenty of gravy?

Australian food is usually a mixture of various styles, not as in a big mixing pot where the foods merge together but as separate foods that compliment each other in a single meal. With somewhat excessive amounts of high quality meat.

>> No.5889557

and teriyaki is extremely uninspired.
it's chicken, soy sauce, sugar, sake, salt, mirin. same five ingredients in everything else.

>> No.5889565

Windows Phone, my nigga

>> No.5889721

Why is even American cuisine in the list. Honestly, besides Burgers maybe, I have no idea what the American cuisine constitutes of. Pies? BBQ, pulled pork?

Also the rest of the list is kind of fart, at least in my opinion.

>> No.5889752
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Sup babe. Where you been?

>> No.5889794


>B-but North Africa is just the Middle East!


>> No.5889811

Shitty list. I'll do one, some things will be condescend for brevity, and don't explain my favorite foods of a region.

1. Chinese
2. Mexican
3. Middle Eastern
4. Japanese
5. South Eastern Asia (Thai, Vietnamese, Korean etc.)
6. Italian
7. Mediterranean (including North Africa)
8. French
9. Indian
10. Southern American

Not perfect. I'll accept critique.

>> No.5889831

>I have no idea what the American cuisine constitutes of.
Aside from all the farmhouse cooking descended from English and German there's Italian-American, Cajun &Creole, Low Country, TexMex, CaliMex, whatever the fuck they do in New Mexico, New England seafood cooking, various styles of BBQ, steakhouses, fast food culture (like it or not), Latino cafe food (like the Cuban sandwich) and various Asian fusion dishes all qualify as American cuisine.

To say nothing of the fine dining culture in New York, which is currently influencing major cities around the world, while lifting ideas from them.

>> No.5889835
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God Tier

Shit Tier
>everything else

America! Fuck Yeah!
I mean how can you choose a taco over a burger? It's unamerican and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.5889851

3)Mexico City
9)Mexico state
10) Sinaloa/Sonora/Monterrey

>> No.5889855

That's a good list!

>> No.5890358

>British style roast chicken
I'm sorry but the britbongs do not get to take credit for cooking a chicken with dry heat, just because sticking something in an oven is the peak of their culinary skills.

>> No.5890369

I would add Guerrero and add it around 7-10

>> No.5890371

I like south american food but you really need to try to get out of the ghetto and try some new food.

>> No.5890647
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>not bringing up argentina

>> No.5890671

Mexican food is only good if it's authentic. I live in Seattle and there are a shitton of awful Mexican places. if you want Mexican food and you're somewhere up north find a good taco truck.

>> No.5890692

Um, dude... dude... that's North American food.

>> No.5890722

>muh lengua

Just because it's exotic to whitebreads doesn't make it authentic

>> No.5890779

Sometimes the best Mexican outside Mexico is to pick up a cookbook and make it yourself.

>> No.5890783

what is that on the left? bread? some kind of skin?

>> No.5890826

Steak, Empanadas, mediocre Italian food, sandwiches and...........that's about it

>> No.5890829

that list is so fucked up it's not even funny.

>> No.5890933

I'm sorry that you hate french food, maybe eating in tourists restaurants or foreigners french celled restaurant is shitty but seriously, as a french, try the duck magret, with a True vegetable julienne & roquefort sauce. If everything is french, it's baby jesus in a silk diaper (yes,we've strange expressions.

>> No.5891082
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Argentinian food is meat only. The Southern Cone together can be a winner, though, since Chile has a lot of god-tier vegetable recipes and also awesome wine and fish.

I can recognize these.

>> No.5891594

It's all south of the USA so it is all south american, I don't give a shit what continent they're on.

>> No.5891638

>South Eastern Asia

>> No.5891642

looks gross

>> No.5891644

>Iran higher than India

fuck off

>> No.5891648

uzbek food, fucking awesome. they know how to put on a feed, and roughly five bucks a bottle of vodka. its an amazing place

>> No.5891675

Yup. Same here.

>> No.5891908
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A lot of things of chile are also things of argentina, they are actually just called "patagonic" for the area, fact is it a very large country so you have different typical foods depending on what province you are in, but meat and empanadas are a constant.