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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 844x1280, nero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5882946 No.5882946 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to start my new Roman diet tomorrow.

For one whole month I will add fish sauce to fucking everything and use only foods commonly available in ancient Rome, such as chickpeas, lentils and pork; and of course, bread, lots of bread and olive oil.

Feel free to give me your advice, tips and whatnot, and also to join along with me in my endeavor.

>> No.5882948

Obviously you have no idea what was available to the Romans. That's very plain to see.

>> No.5882952

Why? if you want to lose weight then count calories. Fad diets won't help, counting your intake will.

>> No.5882954

a big part of the roman diet was anal sex with underage boys both giving and receiving. but that should be easy for you OP since you are such a stupid faggot.

>> No.5882957

But then I'd have to subsist off of Thai food for a month.

The goal is ROMAN.

Its not for health purposes, its for spiritual reasons.

>> No.5882960

that's even more retarded.

>> No.5882996

Which of the old gods will you be making a sacrifice to?

>> No.5883000


>> No.5883010
File: 110 KB, 800x1000, hur dur roman diet bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: Romans werent skinny

>> No.5883015

I never said all of them were, nor did I say I was doing this for health. But most Romans weren't fat.

Also Vitellius was ridiculed by his contemporaries for his corpulence.

>> No.5883020
File: 61 KB, 632x555, Nero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...The Romans fucked more boys than the greeks.

And Nero was more of a jester than an emperor.

>> No.5883025

The difference is that they thought boy-fucking was for Greek faggots. Also philosophy. Romans were the original hipsters. They diddled boys ironically.

>> No.5883037
File: 391 KB, 668x647, otho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could not be more wrong.
From Caligula forward, Roma is a free for all fuck fest with no taboos.

Have you ever heard the quote "Caesar may have conquered the Gauls, but Nicomedes conquered Caesar."
Thats Julius they are talking about, the fucking saint himself, recieving a literal buttfcuking from a barbarian king, as part of a diplomatic arrangement to ensure a peace treaty.
Everyone. Was. Fucking. Always.

Otho was a better Nero.

>> No.5883046

Although just because they said it does not exactly mean it is true, lots of people hated Caesar, saying he got fucked in the ass by a barbarian is like saying he is a beta fag in todays world.

>> No.5883049

You haven't contradicted me in any way. My statement wasn't about what Romans DID, but about what they thought of themselves.

They have been documented as disparaging the Greeks for their homoeroticism and philosophy. Yet some of the most notable examples of both have come from Rome.

You clearly haven't demonstrated an understanding of Roman literature. Go back and read some more before you start contradicting people who haven't contradicted you.

>> No.5883050
File: 113 KB, 700x736, Augustus-Caesar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not a rumor.
Its Roman Custom.
Jokes on you for trying to justify them.
They werent ashamed of themselves, why are you?
Embrace your desire for buttfucking culture.

>> No.5883053

>muh SJW culture
Fuck off. Come back when you've actually interacted with the primary sources.

>> No.5883055
File: 179 KB, 960x1280, hadrian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got buttdevestated and now youre buttfurious. Time to find another ancient culture to nuthug.
Roma Invicta ;3

>> No.5883057
File: 2.87 MB, 640x349, ku-xlarge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people believing everything they read about some old ass society that most likely made shit up in their writings.

>> No.5883058
File: 96 KB, 500x367, steve-brule-lead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not for health reasons.

>> No.5883059

lel. So butt pwn'd!

Tell me more about Roman culture you obviously know what your talking about.

>> No.5883063
File: 37 KB, 550x353, 1SPQR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5883066

There is a pretty high chance it was a rumor.
Fucking someone in the ass is seen as a sign of dominance, for him to let the very people he was conquering to fuck him in the ass would be very unlikely which would then make it rape, which i very much doubt.

The joke/insult was along the same lines as me saying Obama got fucked in the ass by Putin, it is a very unlikely scenario but was simply made up to turn people against Caesar.

I'm sorry but your fantasy world of everyone butt fucking each other was not exactly like that.

>> No.5883076
File: 27 KB, 330x321, greco roman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caesar has a large roman bath, has barbarian king come chill and discuss politics, drink wine. Caesar presents his perma gaped asshole to a confused forestman. Faggytime ensues.
Diplomacy successful!
Gaul forfeits to Roman Law!

Keep listening to your revisionist history. I heard Elvis didnt do no drugs, and Alexander was loyal to his wife.

>> No.5883086

>Caesar is a fucking cunt becoming emperor and shit
>everyone hails him as almighty and amazing
>noblemen go apeshit wtf is this shit
>spreads rumors that he is a submissive faggot that clearly cant be emperor if he takes it up the ass from a barbarian.
>everyone so in love of Caesar now want to mix with fucking barbarians
>fuck this shit guys lets just stab the bastard

I am no expert on history but what you think of barbarians right now is not what they saw them as back then. They are not all badass fucking vikings that girls want to get pounded by, they would be poor disgusting foul men that caused too many problems.

Are you really saying Caesar never bent that barbarian scum over and plowed his ass until it bled? There is no way Caesar would of gave up his public appearance to feel barbarian dick inside him

>> No.5883100
File: 59 KB, 563x520, get tipt on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not whether or not the rumor happened, its that it was a believable rumor because that kindve thing was not unheard of at all. It was commonplace.
Anyways, a tip of the laurels to you, patrician. Who Im pretty sure is not OP.

>> No.5883131

Lol at anyone who thinks promiscuity was seen as a good thing in the later republic/very early empire. Caesar had to disown his son with Cleopatra because having an affair with a foreigner was seen as lowly. Also when was Caesar making such important deals with Gauls?

>> No.5883150

Get the ancient Roman cook book Apicius.

>> No.5883156

Typical queer theory revisionism. The mere fact that non-hetero physical activities occurred in Roman leadership meant that they were all openly flaming SJW homos and totally cool with your modern metrosexual confused modern New Yorker. After all, why would someone use a tripcode unless they REALLY knew how Roman culture worked, even when Roman authorities wrote down how Roman culture worked? The Romans totally lied about what their ideals were.

>> No.5883178

love that every board I go to, be it /ck/ or /gif/ I can get some serious history discussion.

who says we need a seperate /his/ board?

>> No.5883287

I think it was less common place or openly exceptable then it seems, since Ceaser spent a lot of his life denieing the accusations/slanded. He denied it even under oath, which was serious shit back then as compared to todays oathing and what not, although why would you admit to something that only you really knew and everybody else was shit scared about ratting on.

I think the relationship might have been a close friendship without the homophobia of two guys enjoying eachothers company. You can love a man without dicking him. The friendship accomplished the diplomatic aspects.

Yeah fucking around and having orgies was frowned upon. That Augustan period was strong on strengthening the marriage and denieing divorce.

Roman diet would differ largely on how much money you had, like today. Exotic meat for the rich and a little meat for the poor. I think the poor ate a lot of grains.

>> No.5883301
File: 13 KB, 300x225, suspicious_fry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not fucking OP you piece of shit. I am.

>> No.5883303


That fucking picture

>> No.5883308

Did you at least watch this OP?

>> No.5883312

Forgot links.






>> No.5883314

Hope you've practised your latin OP because there are several roman cookbooks and you don't seem to be finding any help here.

>> No.5883327

No, but thanks! I will watch.

>> No.5883330

pass-the-garum on the banned blog site


>> No.5883350

I hope you enjoy doormice OP.

>> No.5883359

>The joke/insult was along the same lines as me saying Obama got fucked in the ass by Putin, it is a very unlikely scenario but was simply made up to turn people against Caesar.

In 1500 Years, Obama will have been the first African President of the United States and a member of the Saudi Royal Family.

>> No.5884767

OP Here.
Roman diet is going great, feasting on cum daily. Even eating cum through my assholes.
Thanks /ck/

>> No.5884900

Nero was an excellent emperor, and the thing about the fire is a slander made up by his enemies.