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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 607 KB, 2272x1704, Peeled_garlic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5880607 No.5880607 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a list of meme food products anywhere?

>> No.5880611

Craft beer
In n Out/5 Guys
Lengua/tripe/shitty organ meats in tacos
Anything japanese

>> No.5880613
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>le memeprefixing

>> No.5880614

and bacon, butternut squash soup, schawarma, and sourdough bread.

>> No.5880615

Hot sauce
Homemade pizza
Chicken wings
Steel cut oats
Vegan anything
Tea fags
Black coffee
White bread/rye bread

>> No.5880619

black coffee is a meme now?

>> No.5880620


>> No.5880622

Chili with beans
Chili without beans
Lobster and crab
Pickled and self-canned food
Slow cookers
Corn tortillas
Cake pops

>> No.5880623

GMO corn
Homemade nut butters

>> No.5880626

Chicago pizza
Chicago hot dogs
New York pizza
St Louis pizza
Kraft cheese
Making your own stock with chicken carcasses
Munchie boxes
Chicken tikka masala
Rare steak

>> No.5880636

Unlimited breadsticks

>> No.5880658

>meme food
You're an idiot

>> No.5880679

Pretzel buns

>> No.5880690

Sriracha and nutella.

Everything else is just people going "stop liking things"

>> No.5880697

I've been eating Nutella for like 30 years. I don't think a 'meme' can last over 30 years, do you?

>> No.5880702

>I live in The Land Where The Giant Metal Bird Seldom Goes and have only recently become aware of things that have been available in The Lands That Actually Matter for over 20 years
I'm sorry the giant metal bird passes your area by (you might even say that it might fly over it, without stopping there). It's okay, Cletus. No need to be upset.

>> No.5880709

steak is a meme food

>> No.5880714

It probably can but no. That doesn't change the fact that it's become a product that people senselessly rave over. Sure it's good, but just as sriracha it's become this "lol it's just so good on EVERYTHING xDDD" I know rite xDD"-product and everyone all around the internet (and subsequently real life) people praise it as some sort of paragon of food.

Nutella and sriracha are great, but their current status is ridiculous.

>> No.5880716

All food is a maymay.

>> No.5880723
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>telling me what foods I should and shouldn't enjoy/talk about just because you don't like the popularity they've garnered

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

>> No.5880745

Piss off, cunt. Tongue is one of the best cuts of the cow.

>> No.5880757

ghost peppers are pretty high up there

>> No.5880759

>eating food

Fucking plebs

>> No.5880772

Poorfag brown count detected

>> No.5880773

Meant to say cunt
Poorfag brownfag cunt please go

>> No.5880793

What am I supposed to eat when a lot of things I like have turned into meme food, maybe I should just keep on eating them and remain a gigantic faggot.

>> No.5880798
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>> No.5880821

memecular memestronomy

>> No.5880847

>What am I supposed to eat when a lot of things I like have turned into meme food

Two approaches:

1. You can adopt the tried-and-true hipster douche line, "I liked _____ before it was popular."

2. You can adopt the tried-and-true hipster douche strategy of jumping on the next meme-to-be trend. Monitoring LA Times/NY Times food pages is particularly effective if you're a hipster in a flyover state...you'll get a 5 year jump on the competition, during which you can extoll the virtues of sriracha and truffle oil and banh mi while your pleb peers are like "huh? what?" and are then amazed at your prescience when your gas station's Subway finally introduces their Footlong Truffle Oil and Sriracha Banh Mi for $5. ("Liven it up with Subway Ghost Peppers, just $1 more!")

>> No.5880854
File: 30 KB, 475x351, shygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f oreo
>0 results found

Are you even trying

>> No.5880860

This. Lengua is the shit. Anyone who says otherwise is a troll. In fact, anyone who talks about "meme food" is most likely a troll.

>> No.5880865


Is this a serious question? How the fuck would continuing to eat them make you a giant faggot? Eat whatever the fuck you want. I don't know if it it's that you have friends who make fun of you for it for something, I'm not friends with intolerable cunts so I don't have to deal with that.

>> No.5880878

Epic burn. I like how you even explained your awful joke within the hoke itself.

>> No.5880929

Don't forget sea salt

>> No.5880996

Activated almonds
Using mason jars for any purpose other than canning
Gluten free
Ye olde cooked egg within a bread slice

>> No.5881033

Two approaches:

1. Push the boundaries of what "food" is an explore new territories of flavor, texture, and presentation. Oats are a meme, bacon is a meme; turning both into a palatable dish is not a meme.

2. Listen to this guy >>5880847

>> No.5881074


eat what you like

avoiding foods that you like because you're worried about it being meme food is more retarded than just about anything that has to do with deliberately eating meme food

>> No.5881075

So many implications, so little truth.

>> No.5881078


uhh, no

eat whatever the fuck you like

>> No.5881124
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>no phs or pink himalayan salt

>> No.5881139

Bacon, sriracha, and nutella are the holy trinity of memefood.

Remember folks, memefood is only bad when you put it where it doesn't belong.

>> No.5881154
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Don't you know? Anything that is remotely popular is meme food.

>> No.5881163

>You're an idiot

It's your, faggot. l2spell

>> No.5881170

the only right answer

>> No.5881174

that's uh..that's a pretty comprehensive list actually

>> No.5881176
File: 61 KB, 528x703, oreo-wtf-xzbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this thread real life? its like im on /d2g/

french food
asian food
non blue steak
overcooked steak
fried mars bars
chocolate milkshakes
cazu marzu
chocolate with chilli
heinz baked beans
cream of tomato soup
white fish
parma ham
italian food
cheeze whizz
usa food
jewish food
middle eastern food
ben and jerrys

>> No.5881180

>thinking its a meme food
>not a /ck/ food
>not owning a pink himalayan salt lamp
go back to /e/

>> No.5881181

Siracusa is just an Asian thing, I grew up on it because Viets and other south East Asians had it everywhere

I don't get how its a bad thing

>> No.5881189

Fried oreos
Bacon everything
Takis covered in Sriracha

>> No.5881203
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>tfw uve been eating memefood for the past 3 years

>> No.5881204


>> No.5881209
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munchy boxes

>> No.5881211


I've eaten it for like 20 years too and it was on the tables at several restaurants I've gone too, I guess it just wasn't super popular in a lot of states in the US so now apparently its some epic mayamay food

>> No.5881213


meant to say that it was on the tables of several restaurants I went to as a kid

granted I live in a place where that are shitloads of asians, but still

>> No.5881223 [DELETED] 

Garlic isn't a meme food you piece of shit

>> No.5881324

ITT: Everything I dislike is memes

>> No.5881337
File: 77 KB, 780x566, Hipsters.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off, hipster

>> No.5881347

Only bacon. Shwarma is a fairly old middle Eastern meat dish. Squash has been in North America long before Europeans came here. I'm sure the Indians ate tons of squash soup. Bacon has become such a retarded meme lately. I still eat it on breakfast sandwiches but that's pretty much it.

>> No.5881539

If anybody is judging you on the food you eat, they have issues. If their judgment of you based on the food you eat affects you, you have issues.

>> No.5881546
File: 11 KB, 346x346, fotolia_1882599_XS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

number 1 on the meme food list right here

>> No.5881551

Pretty much everything in this thread is old. I always thought the "meme ____" referred to whatever had a cultish internet following but I may be wrong. I just started seeing it on every board in the last couple weeks.

>> No.5881586
File: 75 KB, 616x521, mayoi tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uhh, please tell the difference between popular and "meme" food.

>> No.5881593

OP's autism is the difference.

>> No.5881614


>> No.5881616

meme is a label that insecure people attach to popular foods that they like

>> No.5881644

>ramen 1 result

cum on step it up

Ramen is the original maymayfood

>> No.5881681

but they look like they'd be great whilst drunk.

>> No.5881683

How is tongue and avocado a meme food if I'm living in Mexico?

>> No.5881694

Why are you living in mexico

>> No.5881711

Pumpkin spice
Fried chicken and watermelon
"Exotic" meats eg. alligator, buffalo, ostrich etc.

>> No.5881724
File: 142 KB, 369x366, 1412401009139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink Himalayan Salt
French Pressed Coffee
Pumpkin Spiced anything
"Infused" Voss Water
Lobster (I blame golden corral)
The "right" way of making and eating PB&J
Quesarito (Chipotle and Taco Bell)
Black Beans

>> No.5881754

I never said garlic is a meme food.

>> No.5881786
File: 261 KB, 800x1197, 1412553438230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you're correcting someone's english on Food & Cooking

>> No.5881788


You seem to have missed the joke.

>> No.5883033

It's because that joke it 2gud4me.

>> No.5883103


fried eggs on things

>> No.5883138

Activated "X"

Where X is any food you can think of.

>> No.5883217

>no results

>> No.5883259

activated activia yogurt
can you imagine the poops

>> No.5883278

what does activated mean?

>> No.5884138

>I don't think a 'meme' can last over 30 years, do you?
Never Gonna Give You Up.

>> No.5884173

>Its too popular to like
No /ck/, you are the hipsters.

>> No.5884323

Never Gonna Give You Up isn't a meme. Rickrolling is a meme. And that wasn't a meme until 2007 and no one has rolled anyone, rick, duck or otherwise, in a few years now.
Memes are trends. Trends, by definition, pass as new trends are picked up.

>> No.5884420
File: 1.27 MB, 320x240, why.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I blame golden corral

>> No.5884433

sprouted or made alive.

Basically soak nuts or seeds in warm water till they come back to life.

>> No.5884438


It's a mis-quote of sprouting almonds prior to eating them. The mistaken use of "activated" as opposed to "sprout" was so silly that people repeated it.

>> No.5884470

meme is a meme, think about it

>> No.5884477

>trying this hard to force a meme

>> No.5884481

i'm just sayin'

>> No.5884625

There is no such thing as meme food.

>> No.5885932

there's being an explosion in the popularity of kale recently

>> No.5885937

So does that mean fucking your mom is a meme too?

>> No.5885963

fuck you

>> No.5885985
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>> No.5886003

whiskey should be just narrowed to Scotch I think. Especially Glenfiddich drank neat.

also donuts and cupcakes

>> No.5886007
File: 57 KB, 443x447, count_chocula[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown count

>> No.5886150

Then what do memes eat?

>> No.5886534

>Detox water
>It cleans you :DDDDDDD

>> No.5886559
File: 471 KB, 2048x1536, Gorilla-Munch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "meme" food products.

But this is the first thing that came to mind, and I'm surprised it hasn't come up yet.

>> No.5886564

manface nugu

>> No.5886566

nutella is only a memefood in the US
god damn hicks

>> No.5886569


whether or not the person who is judging the food is a retarded teenager

>> No.5886573

>Is there a list of meme food products anywhere?
1. Anything I don't like

>> No.5886586
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>> No.5886596
File: 628 KB, 300x169, clapping pitt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme food
>thread inevitably lists every single food ever discussed on /ck/
8.5/10 great concept, decent execution, not a bad troll thread OP.

>> No.5886603

Any food you don't like

>> No.5886644


Pretty much this, which describes the majority of 4chan.

>> No.5886648

OP are you implying a simple seasoning like garlic is "meme" food? I put that shit in everything, it's delicious and great for you. I don't see hipsters raving about garlic like they do Sriracha.

>> No.5886656

So what about Shrodinger's Chili? Still meme food?

>> No.5887639
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it never ends this shit

>> No.5887878
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>> No.5887917

>tfw they changed the packaging and Jimmies-san is no more

>> No.5888179
File: 25 KB, 480x480, 1412735991750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.5888182

And they say /v/ is the worst blue board on 4chan.

>> No.5888254

At first I thought that was melonpan or a concha.