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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 139 KB, 1280x960, 10722575_574556922670894_1270555119_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5879482 No.5879482 [Reply] [Original]

I like crackers and Vienna sausages

>> No.5879502

Why would a homeless person have a computer ,internet access, and a digital camera?

>> No.5879509

Free Wi-Fi at Starbucks or McDonalds, and Android phones withcameras ccan be bought for $20.

>> No.5879510
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I like You.

>> No.5879518
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Here is a delicious cake.

>> No.5879519

Hey, Grandma

>> No.5879522


Most homeless have phones nowadays.

It sickens me and I don't give them money when they beg, anymore

>> No.5879531

>How dare a homeless person have a phone!
>They should have to SUFFER their mistake of being homeless!

>> No.5879533
File: 123 KB, 960x1280, 10612209_544688005657786_1828313756_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought my phone working for labor ready

>> No.5879537


fuck the homeless, they should suffer. everyday i have to clean up their actual shit off the sidewalk. fuck them.

this looks like a number of pancakes with a jar of frosting.

>> No.5879543


I don't understand, how is he supposed to become un-homeless without a phone number?

Also, panhandlers =\= homeless

There's a piece of shit who has been wandering around my city without shoes for the past 10 years 24/7 and I have no doubt he's pulling in close to a thousand bucks a day because of his well rehearsed "about to cry" voice

I want to beat the living daylights out of him every time I hear him

>> No.5879547

Why? Basic smartphones can run as low as 20 a month these days, and it's a cheap and mobile way to keep track of job listings and interviews, grocery store sales, people who will let you crash on their couch, shit like that.

Assuming you live in America, you live in a fucked up country where three people making minimum wage full time need to split rent to afford a one bedroom apartment in most of the country. If a homeless person is risking having a phone on them it's proof that they're at least trying to get their shit together.

>> No.5879549

Do you think I am a bad person for wanting you to suffer? No, seriously. I hope a serial killer kills your family right in front of you. Does me wanting you to suffer like that, does that make me a bad person?

>> No.5879557


> phoneless = suffering

Fuck, you are a pampered bitch

>> No.5879565

>Implying that shit is from the homeless and not from drunk spoiled 30-somethings doing it for the vine.

>> No.5879566


You sound like one of those losers who whines about waiters getting tips because you don't get tips

How is it that in this country we've trained our lower class to waste all their energy fighting each other for scraps of shit?

>> No.5879568


Most homeless use their phones to inform other bums where the good begging spots are

>> No.5879573


Does that really make sense to you? If you were a bum, would you tell everyone else where to compete with you for handouts?


>> No.5879575


How is it that in this country we feel sorry for bums who buy 20 dollar phones instead of a weeks worth of food?

>> No.5879579

>Most homeless use their phones to inform other bums where the good begging spots are
You're an idiot. No one shares their secret recipes.

>> No.5879580

when I was homeless on a regular basis I would lift some chicken legs and green taco sauce, go to the park and "cook out" on one of the permanent grills stationed around the park

>> No.5879581


stop shitting on sidewalks then.

it is from the homeless. we get to watch them shit on the sidewalks from security cammeras.

they go through our trash looking for bottles to recycle, they actually busted a dumpster once just to dive through it....

when you get to clean their actual shit up you can suck their dick all you want.

fuck the homeless.

>> No.5879585


How would a homeless person even store weeks worth of food?

I feel sorry for both you and the homeless people you're jealous of. I hope things improve for you :(

>> No.5879587

first rule of being homeless is to avoid other homeless folks like the plague

>> No.5879588

>thinks homless will give up their prime spot
confirmed for retarded conservative trained to vote against their better interests.

>> No.5879592
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> jealous
> of homeless people

>> No.5879596


>hurrr cans need to stay cold

enjoy cleaning their shit up when you move out and get a real job.

bullshit. these fucks go around in gangs stealing copper in empty homes, ripping out catalitic converters from parked cars, tear through multithousand dollar irrigation pumps for 400 bucks in copper for their next fix.

Fuck. The. Homeless.

>> No.5879598

>Security cameras
>Security guard feeling superior to the homeless
>only way to feel pride in himself at all

>> No.5879599


Thanks for staying on topic.

>> No.5879600


cleaning up shit off the streets isn't a real job. no wonder you're jealous of them. you're literally a servant to homeless people. lol

>> No.5879605

sorry let me rephrase, first rule of being homeless for the newly homeless who don't wish to remain such for life, is to avoid bums and crackheads like the plague

>> No.5879608


Fuck off you bum. Why don't you use your phone to look for a job insteat of posting your shit food on 4chan.

Fucking waste of oxygen.

>> No.5879611


>i'm security

No, i manage a hardware store in a rurual area. filled with homeless fucks that the hipster town 20 mins INVITED in... and then kicked our way.

i clean it so my employes don't have to deal with your fetid jenkum experiments.

there are plenty of shelters and halfway homes in the area that you don't need to be homeless. the only ones who are homeless are the meth heads who like ripping out people's copper for hits.

their is no excuse to be homeless.

fuck the homeless.

>> No.5879616

>No, i manage a hardware store in a rurual area

Where? If it's close enough to an airport I wouldn't mind flying in and taking a shit all over the front door.

>> No.5879617


nearest airport that accepts out of state flights is 2 hours away.

so you couldn't afford the ticket or the gas to get here...

>> No.5879619
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I have a job, it's only part time, rather not spend 75% of my income on rent.

>> No.5879622

>shelters and halfway houses
that's where the addicts and criminal sleep bruh. I was working while homeless, just didn't make enough to have a place to stay and get something to eat. lived out of my car till it got towed

>> No.5879625


> Im too cheap so I'll just live on private/public property and be a nuisance

>> No.5879626


>i'd rather be dirty than get a roommate

homeless people everyone, dirty stupid fucks that don't deserve the shit that comes out of their ass.

the fucking jesus center isn't filled with criminal scum jackass. YOU just chose not to go their. if your not homeless anymore congrats, but watch your ass that you don't let your life slip way just for the 'thrill' again.

>> No.5879629


The manager of a hardware store in the boonies is telling me what I can't afford

lol again

I probably make enough to buy out the entire property every 6 months, but then, who the fuck wants a failing rural store covered in homeless people's shit

>> No.5879636


if you are so mad you have to make up stories on the internet, then son, your life a shit.

>> No.5879638

fucking jesus house and salvation army are filled to the brim with scum bruh

>> No.5879641


Why would I be mad? My life is pretty good. You on the other hand, with the amount of anger I've seen you expressing in this thread you sound like you're about to have a stroke.

>> No.5879648


salvation army is just a store, you lying faggot. no one sleeps at good will.

the scum stick to the streets because the police visit the jesus center to keep the methheads/dealers and outstanding warrent holders out.

if your life is so good you'd know exactly how shitty homeless people are. But you don't, becuase your still sucking your sociology 101 professors dick.

>> No.5879651


I'm mad with him because you are sticking up for a no good low life bum.

>> No.5879654

whatevs bruh, if you should ever fall on misfortune, have fun getting taken for what little you still have cause you think you've got street smarts

>> No.5879657


> it's your own fault you are homeless

>> No.5879661

Nobody wants to room with a stinky homeless man.

>> No.5879663


No, as I said you're confusing panhandlers with homeless in general. I see the former every day on the subway. They are pretty fucking annoying. Homeless people don't bother me because the doorman keeps them out.


I'd stick up for you too if you let me, but you're too busy attacking your fellow poors.

>> No.5879664


Didn't mean to meme arrow that.

It is your fault you are homeless.

There. Now fuck off bum.

>> No.5879668

bruh, I said whatevs, conversation is officially over and anything else you say just makes you look like an ass

>> No.5879679


Fuck you "bruh". Where are you so I can pay you to shine my shoes and look down on you?

>> No.5879681
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>> No.5879683

>implying I take your money then steal your shoes

>> No.5879684


Yech. I'd call the cops on them.

>> No.5879689

absolutely disgusting

>> No.5879693


everyone falls under misfortune. for a month i slept in my car. but you know what? i wasn't a homeless fuck.

>class from 8-12
>weightclass 1230--2
>shower in gym
>library for studying/HW/jb roommate search
>drove about town doing the resume thing
>parked my car at friend's house, slept their to avoid tickets/the fuzz
>wake up with sun at 5

i had a trunk with cans and jugs of water. sterno cans, campgrounds, and one anon mentioned using a free park BBQ.

never got the chance to do that. few weeks in and i had became someone's roommate in exchange for tutoring/houseservices
>next week real job
>next month get own place with new roommate

Homeless people are homeless becuase they want to be. they either like te meth, the lifestyle, are actually crazy, or won't take their ebil government pills. I've met plenty working at the jesus center.

Those fucks aren't even good for fertilizer. teh pan handling, scheming, theiving shits should be shot.

NORMAL people aren't homeless. htey have misfortune, sure, but they aren't homeless.

And when you see a young man and his family in the shelter for the first time, his eyes red from crying and his wife and kids in hushed sobs... you aks him what hppend.

when he says he lost his driving job becuase some homeless fuck stole the catalytic converter from his car...

you'll say fuck the homeless too. do you even know what a catalytic converter is? or how much they cost to replace?

>> No.5879699

>I have no leg to stand on so I'll argue semantics

>> No.5879704


Go suckered on a homeless dicky if you love them so much you queer

>> No.5879705


>i have no experience and am unable to think coherently with my professor's dick in my mouth, so i'll just green text

>> No.5879706

hey dumbass, I'm the one saying homeless are fucksticks and if you fall on hard times you should avoid them at all cost

>> No.5879707
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>> No.5879709

man, I really think there's something wrong with the guy in the thread who's foaming at the mouth with his hatred of homeless people

>> No.5879710


I'd throw my $5 coffee at them when I drove by.

>> No.5879711

you know why it rains?

it's gods way of washing the filthy hippies

>> No.5879715


they always get a dog too. i always feel bad for the fucking dog. bullshit they drag an animal into their petty thievery. don't give them straight cash, they get whatever high they want before the dog eats. starving dog gets more hits.

you should concern yourself with growing up first.

>> No.5879718

You know if they had homes, they probably wouldn't be shitting on sidewalks. Just a thought.

>> No.5879722

you know they could just go into any fast food joint and shit in a toilet like normals

>> No.5879723


They don't want a home if they are homeless

They choose to live in filth

>> No.5879726


there is such thing as a public restroom. and the fucking woods. or at least the fucking gutter.

>> No.5879751

Have you been to a city? There's about 0 public restrooms. If you're in a rural area outside of a hardware store in the boonies I doubt there's many public restrooms in walking distance anyways.

>I know all homeless people and their motivations

Again just read above.

For the amount of shit that 4chan gives SJWs for getting upset about ridiculous non issues, a good portion of 4chan sure gets upset about ridiculous non issues. Like being personally offended by crazy people doing crazy things and assuming all homeless are alike due to anecdotal evidence.

>> No.5879766


bullshit there isn't any public restrooms. when was the last time you went outside? to a park?

any establishment that servers food or is of a certain square footage is required to have a public restroom. urban areas have more public restrooms than rural by far.


but you don't care huh? you've never been outside or employed long enough to have to clean up for your own filthy kind?

and do not bullshit me on the amount of crime and property damage these fucks do. you still don't know how much it costs to replace a catalytic converter.

if you love them so much make a shelter or homes for them... invite them into your own house. but they won't live their. they rather shit on the sidewalk.

>> No.5879806


Last time I went Outside, yesterday. To a park, earlier this week.

Why do so many places that serve food have a "NO PUBLIC RESTROOM" sign? In my city there are codes on the door in the various Starbucks that you have to purchase something to get access. Same with most restaurants and the ones that don't still say no. When I really need to use a restroom I have to purchase something to get the code. I'm not sure what this requirement you speak about is from. Maybe your head?

Depends on the time of night, public restrooms will even close down.

Clearly then, this is an issue of mental health. No sane person would choose a sidewalk over a bathroom. So you're mad insane people are insane? Congratulations on that.

Why are you so mad and making ridiculous assumptions? My occupation doesn't require me to clean human waste, and I doubt working longer will cause me to.

Your argument is literally that since some homeless people commit crimes and mess with your life that the even mention of them is NO GO FUCK YOURSELF I HATE YOU ALL. The world homeless throws you into a conniption. That's not normal. It's like if a woman has a few bad relationships with men she'll assert that they're all cheaters. Or if someone on /pol/ reads a few sentences about Jews they'll assume all the Jews are in cahoots. It's pretty silly that you're attaching your personal issues with a small portion of homeless to being all homeless people and waging a thought war on them.

>> No.5879812

word not world

Also this whole post started with greentexting you, so that's why some of it so weird

>> No.5879823


sorry you have to lie on the internet to feel justified in your love of subhumans

>> No.5879828

If during that month you slept in your car because you didn't have a house to sleep in then you were homeless.

>> No.5879831

What was a lie? I just like everybody and you're being silly about them. It's okay though. Most people in your position would feel the same. But just know those people doing that aren't right in the head. You're literally angry about insane people that have no idea what they're doing

>> No.5879838


legally rented the parking space. my parking, no tickie.

enjoy the real world in a few years.

>> No.5879846

But you lived in a car thus you were homeless.

>> No.5879855


Nope, homeless would be the asshole jumping into traffic trying to get hit for black mailing or the other guy who stole catalytic converters for a meth high.

You still have no idea how much they are to replace?

>> No.5879856

Dude you're a manager at a hardware store in the middle of nowhere in a flyover state. When did your experience become the basis for the real world? Most people don't go through what you're going through.

>> No.5879861

You can try and sugarcoat that entire month all you want, but you were still homeless.

>> No.5879864

The anger you have over catalytic converters and your constant asking of people how much they cost is hilarious just so you know. Do you ask people that on the street in daily life?

>> No.5879867

So what did you do to end up homeless for a month?

>> No.5879878

homeless people are disgusting and their culture is catabolic but i was really hoping to see some good bum recipes. honestly a little disappointed.

>> No.5879881

>legally rented the parking space
>parked my car at friend's house, slept their to avoid tickets/the fuzz
You had to rent the space in your friend's driveway and they didn't even offer up their couch?

>> No.5879884

Anon you've read his posts. Let's be honest this man doesn't have any real friends.

>> No.5879890


when i paid 20% down on a house and my payment is 700 a month.

it isn't sugar coating. i was determined to get out. i did.

still don't know how much they are? does your dad buy all your gas for your car too?

was rooming for college. 3 of the 5 roomies decided to go to jail for attempted robbery. no longer afford rent. school had just started, no open vacancies/rooms for rent.

pretty much i just had to wait it out till someone got kicked out of college and sent home, then i swooped their room.
their was one enjoyable experiance. using a coal starter i cooked clearance steaks in a park fire pit.

similar to this


i can't find the full episodes, and obvioulsy i didin't get to dry age it. i used a charcoal starter and a camp grate, the biggest difference is i didn't cover it like he does after the initial sear stage. worked prety good for a $2 steak

>> No.5879893

dude unless your in commiefornia theyre like 200 bucks

>> No.5879899

Nice picnic spread, even brought wine. Did u find a qt to picnic w anon? I hope you had change to take the bus so you could lunch beneath the nice overpass!

>> No.5879902

>when i paid 20% down on a house and my payment is 700 a month.

Okay. That means everyone who gets a "real job" is going to clean up homeless people's waste? That's a really cheap house too btw.

>> No.5879903


not with worthless homeless filth.

You've never heard of limiting the number of tennats in a rental? especially a college one? it was rented for 20 bucks a month and the 'contract' was made out by another notary friend. a different LEO friend okay'd it. i only had to use it for 3ish weeks, wasn't too bad with the gym .

guess where the flying fuck i live.

>> No.5879908

Where in California do you live that you have a house that's 700 a month? Why are you screaming about catalytic converters to random people on the internet? Do you understand that you've made yourself look insane and unlikable? What was your purpose in all these posts in relation to the thread's topic?

>> No.5879914

Not him, but did this thread ever have a topic? Im just here to drink and laugh at you ass-mad faggots.

Carry on gentlemen, you are doing well.

>> No.5879919


its reflective of the area. California isn't all shiny pretty. 3bd1bt. works for me and fam.

Again i clean the shit so no one else has to.

california just isn't socal and the bay area.

and i put 20% down to keep the payments low.

and pedro lost his job because some homeless fuck stole the cats out of his toyota work truck. all of them. as in more than 2.

btw pedro is fine now and working for a pest control guy.

>> No.5879924

>one month homeless anon learns to sock puppet

But will he ever learn to love?

>> No.5879925


>ITT: Sterno How to eat it to get High

>> No.5879927

>but did this thread ever have a topic?
I guess not. But it shortly turned to catalytic converters and how much they cost. Do you even know?

>> No.5879932

Who is Pedro? Why are you talking about Pedro? What is wrong with you? Do you have thought disorder?

>> No.5879935


you'd actually have to own a vehicle.

You'd actually have to be literate.

>> No.5879937

ITT: angry faggots, homeless faggots, catalytic converters

>> No.5879938

All I know is I am sipping and laughing at all of you.

>> No.5879940

So you have a small house and work as a manager and your experience represents the "real world?" You're not even middle class dude. Most people aren't going to have to clean up people's poop for a living. You need to get over this stance

>> No.5879942

Hush now one month homeless anon, all will be well.

>> No.5879943


>/ck/ - Catalytic Konverters

>> No.5879949


and where is your real world experience? oh you just love homeless people becuase your teacher told you to?

experience. wow. doge. great. such well.

>> No.5879950

>Why are you so mad about catalytic converters?

>> No.5879957


>you've never had to replace one after a hobo steals one for meth

>> No.5879963

I think it's safe to say most people haven't had that experience, since most people don't live in shit holes.

>> No.5879966

How are you so defensive about this? You seem like such an angry and confrontational person. Why are you mentioning doge? Why are you assuming that everyone is going to have to clean up homeless people's poop? You need to take a deep breath and understand the things you're suggesting here. Calm down. It's okay. I can post pictures of catalytic converters if it'd help calm you down.

>> No.5879967

no and im ok with that

>> No.5879972


so you admit homeless people are the worst and turn nice places to shitholes? actualy shit holes, where no sidewalk goes unshitted?

where no dumpster or can goes untossed? spilling its contents about before the actual trash man even gets there?

why are you asking so many fucking questions? and yes you better start posting pictures of CATS

wait till you own a car.

>> No.5879973


>> No.5879977

>homeless people broke into anons house
>shot father in head
>anally raped mother until she begged for death
>killed her via slow decapitation
>crushed anon's puppy with mom's heels
>made anon watch
>burned family home down
>shat everywhere
>stole catalytic converter

>> No.5879980


pedro is a slick mechanic, not gonna lie.

why do you have fantasies about rape and my mother? you are a sick fuck. i bet your homeless. how many cats have you stolen?

>> No.5879983
File: 120 KB, 300x287, Not Human.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like you're describing raccoons. Are you sure that you've actually seen a homeless person and not raccoons?

>> No.5879986

holy shit how did you get that picture?? that's the guy that shits in front of the store every night! him and his little mask

>> No.5879988

Isn't internet free in America? No McDonald's WiFi around,? You probably dint even need to pay for calls, just find a place to plug your battery

>> No.5879990

Next time I see a homeless person I'm going to save up and hand them a catalytic converter and say, "Here. I know this is what you really want."

>> No.5879991
File: 67 KB, 478x382, Could be a homeless person but probably a raccoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like the one that stole your catalytic converter?

>> No.5879995


security cameras. there are about 6-7 of them in 2 or 3 gangs depending on who stole the last bit of meth roaming around.

i did laugh. i bet that little fuck's thumbs could n't work a hacksaw though.
its twenty bucks worth of meth, he'd suck your wee wee till you hee hawed.

>> No.5879996

>I will take catalytic converters for 500$ please
>"this is something you don't even know about"
>what is cars?

>> No.5879998

>That filename
This thread is great

>> No.5880000


>these fuckers at least wash their food

>> No.5880007

>Could be a homeless person but probably a raccoon


>> No.5880012

God bless homeless for a month man for responding to nearly every post. You've really made my night.

>> No.5880021

Threads like this are why I browse /ck/

>> No.5880041



>> No.5880045

It's not always a mistake, I have an Ex who just chooses to live in the woods and drink away life rather than function in society.

>> No.5880055

This is why Gonorrhea is becoming a super strain. -.-

>> No.5880062


its just a harmless family of racoons anon. they wouldn't shit on your sidewalk or steal CATS. noooo... just racoons.

racoons can't get goonorrhea, just herpes. all gud bruh

>> No.5880068

Heh. Silly me, here I am getting all worked up over nothing.

>> No.5880084

Mouthwash mixed with Lysol is wa-la! Throw in some garbage scraps and you're golden.

>> No.5880091

Are you in Seattle? I am currently homeless in Seattle.

No. I do not do any drugs unless you count caffeine.

>> No.5880095
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>> No.5880098

Um what? I'm a human being.

>> No.5880112

When this thread hits it's limit it needs to be archived for future generations. Never again should people have trouble telling the difference between the homeless and raccoons.

>> No.5880114
File: 30 KB, 443x193, racon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a Racon, those beaky cat things keep eating all my dope

>> No.5880117

That's exactly what a racoon would say.

>> No.5880124
File: 1.11 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20140903_092811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh haha. I get it. But really, if anyone know any computer related jobs in Seattle or surrounding areas then I would like a point in the right direction.

>> No.5880125

Why is that man bottle feeding a homeless person?

>> No.5880206

hell yeah thats the cheese i get!

>> No.5880226

>not knowing who Ricky is

>> No.5880250

He's the homeless guy being bottle fed right?

>> No.5880275

Read this whole thread.

Thank you /ck/.

And fuck off raccoon

>> No.5880296

>currently homeless
>live in car
>fairly nice, it's a truck and I have a cover on it so I can have a bed in the back
>park in walmart because they allow people to park there overnight on weekends, and in my job's employee parking during the week
>have a gym membership so I can use their showers
>really don't want to spend money on rent, and enjoy my life in the back of a car
Honestly it just feels free. I only settled down recently because I really love my job, but before I drove around a lot and did odd jobs for gas money.

Oh wait, this is a food thread. I fucking love shitty canned chili and peanut butter, tastes fantastic together.

>> No.5880377

If I was homeless, I would probably save up for a prepaid phone so that when I go to apply for jobs, they can call me back. And if they can call me back, I can have a job interview, and if the job interview goes well, then I'll have a job, and if I have a job, then I won't have to be homeless anymore.

>> No.5880420

Public restrooms always cost money and the toilets in restaurants and such are only for costumers.

>> No.5880424

>labor ready

Goddammit. I hate those fucking people but nobody will ever hire me so I dont have a choice.
>Just shake some hands!
>go to job fairs!
>lazy ass!

I do back breaking labor for 7.25 an hour. This is the life of someone in Texas with a drug charge. I can't even get a McJob or work at a grocery store. Oh and they don't wanna tell you this but Labor Ready charges customers about double what the pay you. So tired of getting whored out for 7.25-8 bucks and hour so they can make a killing. After taxes I usually take home about 50 bucks a day. That includes being drenched in sweat and covered with dirt, my muscles aching. This is why there are "repeat offenders". Fuck this society.

>> No.5880500

actually end your life

>> No.5880542


The more I read the more I see about bloody catalytic converters

>> No.5880545



>> No.5880588

Just letting you guys know: if you earn under 20k a year in the US you're entitled to a free cell phone from assurance wireless. My boss calls me on mine to let me know when I work, it's a real lifesaver.

>> No.5880667

This thread is tearing us apart you guys

>> No.5880807

I am actually shocked how man people here suck homeless dick. Y'all should avoi that, you'll get theherpes.

The catalytic crusader must be from chico california... all the lib college hipie fucks there decided to invite all the 'transient' fucks from around the country... amd now people get stabbed for notgiving people cigs. One poor fuck stabbed t9o death lutside the 7/11.
I agree with the coon killer., even if he was just a dedicated troll.

Fuck the homeless.

>> No.5880832

hey pal fuck you

>> No.5880833

anyone ever met a nice homeless person? not the "hey, you look pretty, gimmie a dollar" kind, but like an actual homeless person who wasn't offensive. I'm going to go ahead and lower the bar to that. ever meet a homeless person who wasn't an asshole?

you haven't, they are all dicks. putting canned shit on crackers isn't cooking you fucking dick.

>> No.5880887

you realize that the homeless people who are dicks are a tiny minority right? most hobos just look like some dude on the street minding his own business, you can't even tell

>> No.5880895

I grew up in Los Angeles, I saw people get asked for money. When they give a dollar and there are twenties in the wallet. The beggar is going to snatch that wallet.

>> No.5880919

I know you're being serious, but I kind of love this new stereotype that if they don't know how much a catalytic converter costs they are a dirty homeless.

>> No.5880940

Yeah NYC and Vancouver BC have friendly homeless that say please and thank you

Chicago bums are surly and aggressive

>> No.5880952


Oh, you can ALWAYS tell

>> No.5880972

Well most of ours in Vancouver are good. There's some fucking dick ones too though.

>> No.5881024

Don't you think that, maybe, a person who would rather sleep and shit on a sidewalk isn't mentally capable and requires healthcare and rehabilitation? Hosing down the mentally ill doesn't reflect well on you, anon

>> No.5881031
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>> No.5881079
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Steak and onion

>> No.5881085

Anything I can cook on a hot plate. There's an apartment building I used to live in that has an outlet that's accessible from the outside so I usually cook things for the next day there.

I have a job and am not a junkie or anything, I just can't make enough to live in the city I was born in and I don't have enough money to relocate.

And I'm a library, I don't have a computer or phone. I have a gym membership though so I can shower but it's $35 a month. I have a job so I can't just not fucking shower, I don't want people to know that I'm homeless.

>> No.5881096


No parks with grills in your area?

Also planet fitness is $10 a month

>> No.5881108
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>this thread

>> No.5881150
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This was supposed to be about food right pimps? Right?
Oh nigga of little faith we don't give a shit about you shit car, shit job, shitty hatred for homeless people, THIS SHOULD BE ABOUT THE FOOD AND HOW TO COOK IT
Go be pat Bateman about it somewhere else pimp

>> No.5881157

We got some real dickish ones here,
I find the ones on east Hastings are for the most part nicer then the ones that hang around the city centre

>> No.5881236
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>ITT: Racoons and Cats

>> No.5881330
File: 87 KB, 625x469, Raccoons can sell catalytic converters for $50 to $200 a piece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5881391

I respect you, anon.

>> No.5881426

True love, only on /ck/

>dat filename
I respect you anon.

>> No.5881432

Whenever my dad would say, "Fuck you," to me I would just respond, "I love you." I would keep saying it and he get upset and eventually hit me. I kept doing it though because I figured he'd eventually tell me he loved me too. He ended up dying a few years later before telling me that. Now whenever I see someone say that my instinct is to say "I love you" back to them because maybe they'll say it back.

>> No.5881442

That's messed up.

>> No.5881462

We all love you

>> No.5881490

This is the most depressing post of the day.

>> No.5881512
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>> No.5881542
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Fuck, where are these tears coming from?

>> No.5881564

>>on a board about reading.

>> No.5881909
File: 238 KB, 1275x1943, Homeless vs Raccoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a terrible cap I made of the raccoon vs homeless part of the thread.

>> No.5881931

You're such a pansy jackass. I would have broken that motherfucker's jaw and stole his wallet and car.

>> No.5881936


>> No.5881938


There is one I go to occasionally but it's a far but away from where I usually am (aka where you can legally park for a long ass time and is right by the library) and you really can cook a lot on a hot plate.

also no planet fatness near me, I've literally never even seen one so I think there are none within 50 miles or more

>> No.5882521

>I killed myself working today, so now I am going to go home and wait to kill myself tomorrow.

If you are dumb, then sorry, life sucks. If you are capable at all, then you either need to A) move to a more progressive state that doesn't shun you for a petty drug charge, or B) spend an hour every night reading up on a technical skill so that you can get a good job in a year.

I am feel very privileged to be in the position I am in, but if I weren't, I would never settle for life that is = or less than my intelligence level. I don't think there are smart homeless people, I think there are smart and lazy/stubborn/delusional/sick homeless people.

>> No.5882525

>I don't think there are smart homeless people, I think there are smart and lazy/stubborn/delusional/sick homeless people.

I think you're absolutely correct.