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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5875718 No.5875718 [Reply] [Original]

Post some good ideas for munchies

I'll start with some jet's pizza, that shit is tasty

>> No.5875720
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dem ribs cuzzz

>> No.5875727


>> No.5875849

hah sick memes bruh you shore showed dem lowlives! LOL you are definitly so authentic and REAL like wow dude you carry urself so well and dont afraid of anything forreal brah nice

>> No.5875890

as someone who just finished a joint


learn to cook, weed improves the flavour of everything. but junk food is just fucking junk food.

i hate the stereotype that weed has to go with lazy food, it always makes me a lot more imaginative with seasonings and prep.

>> No.5875901

Cherry tomatoes are god-tier. Healthy and low-calorie, but when you're high the flavour fucking explodes in your mouth. I've also been known to eat dry Weetabix.

>> No.5875904


i guess that seeing these threads all the time makes me think that smoking weed is an excuse to eat garbage. i mean, its okay to indulge in crazy greasy food every once in awhile, who doesn't, but when its this thread every day...? you guys are literally eating this shit every day?

>> No.5876085

>dry Weetabix
Back in the day it was raisin bran for me.
The textural differences between the flakes and the raisins, the way the sugar melted off the raisins, and seeing how many raisins we could keep in our cheeks was way more hilarious than it had any right to be.

>> No.5876118

California burritos
Honey chevre on crustini

>> No.5876122

Bbq twists mayne. Started eating them after Snoop said they were his favorite, and they quickly became mine too.

>> No.5876126

I used to, but I've tapered back to once a week since I was getting disgusted with myself. I find that weed just takes the salty and umami flavors and just elevates them to mind blowing levels. It's a beautiful experience. I also find that some foods just take on a completely different flavor profile on weed.

>> No.5876147


> smoke reefer
> eat shitty food

> But weed makes u smarter! !! Xdd

>> No.5876192

cyanide you drain on society

>> No.5876195
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Personal favorite.

>> No.5876204

Somtimes I'll eat a whole bag of salt and vinegar potato chips and then my tongue no longer can taste anything from all the salt.

>> No.5876224

Sounds like eating Campbell soups.

>> No.5876238
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>> No.5876239

degenerate, board is degenerate

>> No.5876242
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>> No.5876244
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>> No.5876247
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>> No.5876251
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>> No.5876252


>> No.5876257
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>> No.5876266


>> No.5876291
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>> No.5876299
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>> No.5876307
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>> No.5876311
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>> No.5876314

ITT: Stoner retards prove they'll eat bad food.

ZERO taste

>> No.5876329

Not everyone can apply what they've learned from watching Food Network 10 hours a day like you can.

>> No.5876338
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>> No.5876549

For stoner food I advise al pastor tacos that comes with pineapple or barbacoa that goes with pulque should you find the good stuff you will enjoy a real treat.



>> No.5876553
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failed img

>> No.5876561
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muh nigga

>> No.5876563


Stupid doped up kid.

>> No.5876629

speaking for yourself I must guess

>> No.5876651


No. I didn't intend to upload an image and forget about it, pal.

>> No.5876655
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, hey+hothead+are+you+calming+baneposting+started+out+in+tumblr+_b5ab7a3fb32dc335d0338ae92d0cb728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you mess up the captcha sometimes it can remove your image.

Quit acting like a hotshot on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.5876679

Poutine!! It traditionally made with fries, brown gravy and cheese curds.

>> No.5876692
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>> No.5876756
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Murikan here, drives me crazy that I cannot get this.

>> No.5876776

Worst briss ever

>> No.5876787

Fried calamari and mozzarella sticks

>> No.5876817

You could make your own pretty easily anon

>> No.5876819

I want this

>> No.5876990

Assuming thats kebab meat I am having trouble finding lamb here. Not very popular in the US.

Also I don't get stoned but when I drink I love to chow down and I am usually in no position to cook at that point.

>> No.5877003

I like eating bread beef and cheese and pretend i'm in a medieval tavern. or stew

>> No.5877282
File: 55 KB, 396x266, corn_nuts-tumblr_li8soipETt1qzaq1no1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corn Nuts, plus there's the Corn Nuts jingle...

Corn Nuts Jingle
Bust a nut, bust a nut
Grab a bag of corn nuts and bust a nut

>> No.5877310

tostitos and salsa
pizza pockets
party mix munchies

>> No.5877320

Vanilla ice cream, peanut butter, and pancake syrup over the top.

Any type of pastry.

Quesadillas are pretty good and easy to make.

>> No.5878666
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I too do love to inhale me some of them marijuanas once in a while,

>> No.5878693

dude OP just 240 do weed! smoke some fat daddies, man!

weed is good for you, smoke some duuuude 240 240!

>> No.5878698

Is that....falafel?

>> No.5878817

Cheese and onion on toast

Classics are classics for a reason

>> No.5879009

>smoke a blunt for the first time last thursday
>before it was just edibles or bowls
>get about four hits in when the bad feel starts to hit again
>literally feels like my skin is prickling
>have panic attack again

People have told me to try other strains, try different forms, but I always get the same weird kind of panic attack. Thursday I even started hearing voices and I was shaking so hard that my boyfriend had to hold me down to steady me. I was just vibrating, not even shaking.

I just want to experience the chill like everyone else. I've had one time where the high was good and then I ate little caesars and had coke zero and thought it was amazing.

Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.5879031


satanic trips confirms stoner shaming is wrong and you should feel terrible about it


>> No.5879032

i eat ass when high hope it helps ;)

>> No.5879053

>cook something up
>smoke a joint during the last minutes of cooking time
>have great meal

that is generally the best way to go at it. actually making food while high usually ends in eating random stuff straight from the fridge and when you're done with cooking, you're not hungry anymore. and not cooking at all leads to junk food.

>> No.5880498

Man these always make me hungry and I'm a britbong but I've never eaten them, they always look like the kind of thing that you'd hate yourself for afterwards, not sure if want...

>> No.5880503

take smaller puffs

>> No.5882657

clean up your system you seem to need to reset your tolerance

>> No.5882679

no one said it does loser

>> No.5882683

Popcorn with a flavoring agent instead of butter. I like using powdered cheese.

>> No.5882693

>coke zero was amazing

yeah i think i figured out your problem, you're actually smoking pcp.

god I've been wanting to try this lately. i live in florida, fat chance getting poutine here.

when i'm high my food preferences don't change. but i do find myself really wanting watermelon sometimes. it definitely helps the dry mouth. also being high as fuck is the only reason i ever settle for fast food, and even then i feel shitty for it.

>> No.5882695

>not 8 corner
Fucking stoners.

>> No.5883805
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I put a little honey on some saltine crackers and call it good.
I can't really cook very well when I'm high because I get freaked out by the oven/stove. Burned myself as a kid and the fear comes back.
Popcorn, dried fruit, and pocky are probably my favorite things though.

>> No.5883808

You know what makes Jet's pizza even better? When they cook it in a pan that had cinna stix baked in it recently. You get that sugar and cinnamon burned on the bottom of the dough. It's an amazing flavor on your pizza.

>> No.5883882

y'all niggas need charleston chews.

For real food, anything home cooked tastes about 10x better than fast food, I guarantee it.

>> No.5883914

When I used to get baked all the time one of my favorite things was to have a nice cup of tea. Depending on the season depends on what I eat. I like fruit/veggies in the summer because it's too hot to cook. I like savory things in fall like meat pies or mashed potatoes and hot chocolate. In winter I eat like a beast. Chocolate, candies, pretty well anything I can get my hands on. In the spring I feel bad about myself for binging and try to transition into fruits/veggies again.

>> No.5883931

jets is a shit

I got a free coupon for that and it sucked ass.

>> No.5883953
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>> No.5884032

I usually don't smoke weed but I get the munchies when I'm drunk. Eat all kinds of nasty shit.

My favorite was red tostadas with ham.

>> No.5884273

>smoke a bowl
>think to myself, "Yeah, go cook something!" while waiting for it to kick in
>start gathering ingredients, boiling water, whatever
>weed kicks in
>still cooking but am hungry NOW
>start eating whatever's in the kitchen
>food gets cooked, but I don't even want it any more


>> No.5884715
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Ehh, looks nice, but too many veggies for drunk/stoner food.

Needs more meat/cheese/potatoes/grease

>> No.5884759

lamb is everywhere in the US I eat it all the time

>> No.5884791
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Fucking broccoli.
Not even kidding.
With some melted butter all over it.

>> No.5884816

roast broccoli with garlic and lemon is godly

>> No.5885160


what is the dipping sauce?

>> No.5885188
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this roasted or pan fried
Garlic and garam masala
Lemon or mayo or both
Even some toasted nuts
Bong up

>> No.5885199

I don't smoke as much as I used to, but the more I got used to weed the less I enjoyed eating a lot while high. Nowadays I can't even eat meat while blazed. Just give me green tea and fruit. Keep in mind that I'm not a picky eater nor a vegan/vegetarian. I just don't enjoy animal products like I do when I'm sober or drunk.

>> No.5885934
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>Man I'm hungry
>Put in pizza rolls
>Get bored waiting for them
>Get high
>Man I've got the munchies something fierce
>Oven goes off

>> No.5885960

queso dip

>> No.5886011
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Coconut yoghurt.
It's the perfect combination of creamy, chunky, fruity, tart, sweet and cool to cure a cottonmouth and fight munchies.

>> No.5886013
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>what is self control

>> No.5886015

Pls go /tv/

>> No.5886016

What even is this?

>> No.5886017

Has anyone ever noticed that you get a better feeling for which food is good or bad for you while high?
After smoking some haze, I get a fierce appetite for anything, but I can feel which foods are just too fat/just empty carbs/not good for me right now. Fruit, vegetables, tea etc. works basically always. But I know exactly when I've had enough pizza, enough beer, enough candy or whatever.

>> No.5886020

This guy fucking knows. I'll go through a sleeve before I understand what just happened.

If you're going to post poutine don't post this fucking sad travesty of the dish. Fuck.

That's a lot better.

>> No.5886024

.....is this opposite day? I wish I was more like you, I've been known to eat maple sugar with a spoon.

>> No.5886025

>while waiting for it to kick in

Ive never had a delayed high from smoking, it should hit you before you cash your bowl out.

>> No.5886029

Nah, I get heartburn very very easily so I have a decent sense on how I will feel after what I eat.
I kinda ignore those feelings when im high.

>> No.5886038

Same here, I'm usually high by the time I'm done smoking. Obviously, some methods work faster than others. Edibles take a while, but if I do bottle tokes I'll be high 30 seconds after I exhale.

Also, bottle tokes are fucking gross, don't do them.

>> No.5886043

I had never even heard of a bottle toke so I had to google it
Everyone I smoke with just has real glass so we dont ever resort to anything like that

>> No.5886065

Good for you m8, because it's disgusting. As a teenager, we didn't always have the necessary equipment, so we had to make do. It makes you cough like a bitch and tastes terrible. On the bright side though, it hits you like a fucking ton of bricks.

Nowadays there's always paper or a bong on hand, so it's not a problem anymore. Some idiot might still offer it at a party once in a while, but I just decline.

>> No.5887939

Try smoking less; being high isn't binary, there's a spectrum between sober and Stoned like Mt Atlas

Find your comfort zone in there. Don't try and follow other peoples pace for some bullshit notion of social standing or "being hardcore". If it takes less to get you where you wanna be, good on you, tha's less cash spent, less smoke inhaled, and all in all, you're low tolerance makes all seasoned tokers jealous.

Also consider that cannabis simply may not be for you.

Almost forgot so I'll add this real quick: 1) Hash gives most people a more "relaxed" high, look into that 2) Anxiety might stem from some subconcious problem in your life that needs addressing, look into that.

There's plenty of druggie forums on the web with better answers than you'll find here.