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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5869491 No.5869491 [Reply] [Original]

I eat out of trash
Any tips were I can feast?

>> No.5869499

a restaurant

>> No.5869500

Supermarket dumpsters. They throw out fresh food.

>> No.5869502


>> No.5869503

High school during lunch time. Just watch out for the bees.

>> No.5869507


just watch out for the automated compactors or stores that dump bleach or other toxic chemicals in an attempt to thwart gleaners

>> No.5869510
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>>5869499 fuck you
>>5869500 thanks>>5869502 thanks>>5869503 thanks scared of bees

>> No.5869521

>stores that dump bleach or other toxic chemicals in an attempt to thwart gleaners
That's a dick move.

>> No.5869525

we used to go to Mcdonalds after closing, they threw the cooked food out in a separate bag , sealed up on top every time.
Thanks whoever you are/were

>> No.5869533

I used to work at a bagel shop where we would do the same. All the bagels went into a clean bag at closing and we set them beside the dumpster instead of in with the refuse.

>> No.5869534

If you have access to a stove and a saucepan you could easily live on all organic wevil infested rice and lentils I chuck out at work. I'm not telling you where it is though.

>> No.5869541

please tell me

>> No.5869562

I go to restaurants order a drink and when I see someone get up and leave and they still have food on their plate I go to their table and eat the rest.

>> No.5869567

Some time I see kids eating just take there food.Most time they just stare @ me I figure they can get more @ home.

>> No.5869601

You sir are a bully , I hope the kids licked all over their food like most kids do!!

>> No.5869775

Have you tried the ocean?

>> No.5869788
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>> No.5869805

> were I can feast

> take there food
> using "@" instead of "at" when they both require two keystrokes

So you're a bum and illiterate. Should have stayed in middle school anon.

>> No.5869821
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u should stay in bathtub with your mom

>> No.5869836

Well then thanks for useless post you fuckwit.

>> No.5869868
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your life is useless

>> No.5869900
File: 195 KB, 418x417, hank-desu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on your side bro. Dude was teasing us with his source of dumpster goods but then refuses to tell us? Cock move.

>> No.5870440

The Chili's dumpster at Evansville IN

>> No.5871605

Your mom's cunt...

>> No.5871623

hey that was not very nice!

>> No.5871815

lmao fucking hobo

>> No.5871889

Why say that ? Is that what you dp ?

>> No.5871899

so is eating shit out of the dumpster and being able post about it.

>> No.5871906
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I hope your proud of yourself.

>> No.5871919
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>> No.5871924

order pizza to 2 different locations, one close and another a bit futher away, when the pizza Guys come to drop off a pizza at location nr. 1 you go to his car and take other pizzas

>> No.5871930
File: 74 KB, 720x540, 140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>als datograph perpetual
>case is obviously mass produced platinum garbage
>not wearing the only stainless steel double split known to exist

The hobo isn't eating, he's puking because he accidentally looked at the poster.

>> No.5871931
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good 1

>> No.5871949
File: 1.68 MB, 504x279, 1412700365572.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the hereafter, we dont need more people suckling at the teat and offering nothing in return for their entire life. But The Family will see to that.

>> No.5872062

School dumpsters

>> No.5872063
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I want 2 go

>> No.5872075
File: 319 KB, 970x1293, 1347314447-dumpster_diving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool thanks mam

>> No.5872084

the mall dumpsters around closing time

pretzel places throw out a LOT of shit

>> No.5872121

I dint think they do it to be nice, that's just what happens when they need toss all leftover stock at the end of the day

>> No.5872140
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>> No.5873191


If they where caught doing that they would face heavy consequences.. such things are illegal in most states.. do you really think they would risk that to thwart hobos?