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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 136 KB, 498x318, olives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5867420 No.5867420 [Reply] [Original]

Post pictures of food that taste disgusting

>> No.5867424
File: 22 KB, 595x330, liver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5867427
File: 587 KB, 939x511, junk-food-industry[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

olives are delicious fuck you

>> No.5867428
File: 39 KB, 1200x630, pumping_seeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5867432
File: 7 KB, 300x235, Black Licorice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also pizza with pineapple on it

>> No.5867433
File: 920 KB, 1184x2932, 1363916674114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried these and /fit/ literally can't cook or just has no taste.

>> No.5867435
File: 56 KB, 568x600, black-licorice1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5867437
File: 231 KB, 847x567, 489735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5867438

>not adding sugar and vanilla

>> No.5867442

When you grow up you'll understand the taste.

>> No.5867446
File: 3.06 MB, 2793x2793, onion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5867453

Oh I understand the taste alright.
I understand it tastes like shit

>> No.5867457

>have 4 eggs
>cottage cheese

is this a joke?

>> No.5867460
File: 983 KB, 1280x853, nasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these things

>> No.5867461
File: 2.03 MB, 3462x1911, p1000556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5867464
File: 305 KB, 1600x1200, hashbrowns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5867467


Not sure if trolling or just vegan...

>> No.5867469
File: 9 KB, 300x284, cauliflower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do people even eat this shit anymore?

>> No.5867472

It had a great texture, man. Carries flavors real well.

>> No.5867476
File: 48 KB, 416x288, black olives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black olives are the worst.



>> No.5867477

>not making mashed cauliflower with a grip of heavy cream and cream cheese

it may not be good for you but goddamn it's delicious

>> No.5867478


>> No.5867484

>shit taste

>> No.5867489
File: 21 KB, 567x328, plantain3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the lesser banana

>> No.5867493

i agree, those do taste like shit

>> No.5867496

Are you an idiot or just completely clueless ?

/fit/ means gains not health.

>> No.5867500


>> No.5867502
File: 58 KB, 500x500, breadandbutter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These and pic related, sweet pickles. The only two things that I turn my nose up at. Yes, I'll eat them if they're part of a dish/sandwich/whatever but I probably won't be enjoying it.

>> No.5867503

I've never tried one of those, but i've been curious.
I've heard they're pretty good if you fry them

>> No.5867506


>> No.5867509

Hipster bitch

>> No.5867510
File: 51 KB, 154x376, le cautious mutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see where you're coming from but you stil have shit taste:

Est nefas turpissime:

>> No.5867511

Any Mt Olive pickle. They're all bad.

Also, black olives from a tin = horrid. Oil-cured or bucket olives = delicious.

>> No.5867513

It's still raw inside.

>> No.5867515

That fucking recipe I got from /b/ back in 08, the ramen and egg fried on a pan. It was fucking disgusting, I didn't eat eggs for four years because of it.

>> No.5867518
File: 20 KB, 400x224, raw_beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Anon, this is raw. Now inspect the color difference.

>> No.5867519

Marty pls

>> No.5867520
File: 23 KB, 640x458, soy-sauce-bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5867522


>> No.5867524

Any meat cooked "rare"
If i wanted blood I would go to a blood bank

>> No.5867528

This, onions are overhyped. If you actually take a bite of one you would realize the taste is shit.

>> No.5867529

>black olives from a tin = horrid. Oil-cured or bucket olives = delicious.
This is the only way I've ever had them which is why I probably hate them. I keep meaning to stop at the olive bar at the store, but I never really think about when I'm there. Some day I'll try the good ones.

>> No.5867545

They taste like starchy bananas. That doesn't sound very descriptive, but when you try them, you'll see.

>> No.5867548

they are disgusting. insanely sweet and greasy from vegetable shortening that leaves a film in your mouth.

>> No.5867562
File: 2.03 MB, 2560x1920, English_Breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the morning
>drinking coffee

>> No.5867561

You're thinking of oxtail.
Liver is still cheap and most hipster don't know how to cook anything that can't be tossed in a slow cooker.

>> No.5867563
File: 15 KB, 300x300, exps39030_HC1597097D60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything with Coconut is fucking terrible

tastes like lotion

>> No.5867566

Oh anon.... stop....

>> No.5867570
File: 130 KB, 500x354, castelvetrano_olives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know it's a bit hipsterish, bit try castelvetrano olives.

>> No.5867576


That one is overcooked on the inside and undercooked on the outside

>> No.5867580
File: 47 KB, 500x500, Maraschino-Cherries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5867587
File: 211 KB, 500x853, fluff-marshmallow-fluff-212g-71-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5867589

The wording sounds blasphemous, but you're totally right.

>> No.5867593
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 51njqLRu9BL._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck those things, also chocolate covered

I get like 40 boxes of these things around christmas every year.
Into the garbage they go. All of them.

>> No.5867594

Why is it that everything that we naturally eat in my culture and upbringing is suddenly hipster? Fucks me right up. I could get oxtail for like $3/lb. Now? I'm lucky if I can get it for under $6.
Same with tongue.
Even fucking bones are getting costly. They were about $1/lb last year and now I can't get a split beef bone for under $2.50/lb. :-(
At least hipsters haven't caught on to beef knees and spines in general, yet. I can get still chicken backs for 49¢/lb, pork ones for 79¢/lb and beef for $1.19/lb.
Fucking hipsters. Co-opting my foods. Oughtta be a law!

>> No.5867597


It's almost as bad as nutella is good.

inb4 nutella

>> No.5867598


Original Anon. That steak is the perfect doneness for me, I'd eat that in a heartbeat.

>> No.5867599


I always wonder how people fuck up steak like that. It's literally the only kind of meat (well, seared tuna is similar to some extent) where the goal is to burn the outside and leave the inside raw. It's the easiest kind of meat to cook because you can have the temp as hot as you want, and you don't have to guess the internal temperature because it's done when the fat is crispy.

>> No.5867603

I like how they're not afraid to label corn syrup right out there on the label. Like they're embracing it.

>> No.5867604

These are so bad

>> No.5867615

Where do you live, Anon?

>> No.5867621
File: 27 KB, 600x600, whiskey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any whiskey or rum.
Why do people want their throat to burn?

>> No.5867623

Denver, Colorado

>> No.5867628

You learn to LOVE the burn

>> No.5867630
File: 49 KB, 542x360, 1371119548753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you drink enough of it, you stop feeling anything at all.

>> No.5867631

Good luck. I don't there're any traditionally olive-eating people in that area. Mexicans don't really eat'em much.

>> No.5867633

It only burns when you're not used to it. After only a little experience it becomes a spreading comfortable warmth.

>> No.5867636

That sounds worrying.

>> No.5867639

>tfw you wish this was true
Life would be so easy, but the bottle never helps you forget.

>> No.5867642


After the first few shots, you tend not to feel the burn. Great way to get smashed for me.

>> No.5867643

>understand taste
How can you understand a taste? That's like saying you understand a color. Makes no sense.

>> No.5867647


It doesn't burn, it warms you from the inside.

>> No.5867648

It's like how nobody likes broccoli untilt hey grow up and realize it's incredible.

>> No.5867649

I understand smells. That makes perfect scents.

*yuk yuk*

>> No.5867655

That was beautiful. You're a wonderful person.

>> No.5867656
File: 65 KB, 1504x1084, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone has to say it, I guess it will be me.
It tastes like shit on it's own.

>> No.5867663

then you clearly aren't drinking skim milk like any sane person would.

>> No.5867668

Peanut butter and Marshmallow Fluff sandwiches are fucking incredible

>> No.5867671

[Said no one ever]

>> No.5867674

skim milk is fucking disgusting, I can't stand the stuff.

Whole milk or GTFO. I get it fresh from a neighborhood farm. You know it's good when you have to shake it before you drink it.

>> No.5867675

>tfw i've always liked broccoli of various sorts
The only veg I dislike is this slimy spinach-like one. I don't know what to call it other than "slimy leaf vegetable" because that's actually what its name translates into in English.

>> No.5867687

>i'm a lardass and i brag about it
lol okay

>> No.5867698
File: 41 KB, 400x399, xdd6BRS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either grew up with no good cooks around or just a faggot
>plain chips are somehow disgusting
never had real Mexican food and also a faggot
mental illness
huge faggot
an actual child
picky eater faggot
cum guzzling fairy

Holy shit just look at this thread.

>I've never done hard days work in my life

Oh my fucking god. When did this place get so soft and gay?

>> No.5867703


There's actually no correlation between consumption of skim milk and reduction in obesity.


Moreover, skim milk is 1% fat whereas whole milk is 3.25% fat, and if you're just having a glass with dinner or in your cereal it's not like the extra 50 calories are going to somehow make you fat, all other things considered.

>> No.5867706

>m-muh hashbrowns

>> No.5867708

>all other things considered

What other things?

>> No.5867710

>people actually like coconut
what the fuck is going on here

>> No.5867712


How many calories you get in a day. If your maintenance level is 2000 calories and, including milk, you get 2000 calories, you won't lose or gain weight regardless of whether you drink whole or skim milk. Drinking whole milk just means you need to eat 50 fewer calories elsewhere. Which I think is worth it for the taste.

>> No.5867713

Maybe because it's god-tier and an essential baking ingredient

>> No.5867716
File: 29 KB, 250x250, coconut pudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Coconut is delicious, especially as haupia

>> No.5867721

>cholesterol and fats are bad for you
fatty confirmed

>> No.5867724


I'm the sort of person that day-to-day eats a small amount of very rich food. I don't care how many calories something has, I'll just change the portion size to match my desired macronutrient levels. If I need 100 calories of milk and that's my max, I'd rather drink a little less whole milk than a regular amount of skim milk.

>> No.5867728
File: 33 KB, 421x485, kramer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's going to turn down coconut? Its nutty its creamy its delicious.

>> No.5867734
File: 37 KB, 308x390, dill-pickle-relish-s600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any and all relish

>> No.5867738
File: 146 KB, 1500x1500, mustard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well add this while you're at it

>> No.5867742
File: 3.02 MB, 3157x2125, cranberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5867744

the fucking texture of that shit and the bitterness is absolutely awful, makes me sick

>> No.5867749

ur sick

>> No.5867754

>Le Fast food is le so bad for you and gross

>> No.5867757


>> No.5867758
File: 673 KB, 2400x1600, Raisin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit it's like "let's take everything good out of grapes and eat it that way!".
It doesn't even look appetizing. it looks like an old woman's elbow.

>> No.5867763


>> No.5867767

You should give them to me, anon.

>> No.5867771

Take yourself to a bridge and push yourself off of said bridge.

>> No.5867772

I like oatmeal raisin cookies a lot. There, I said it out loud.

>> No.5867774
File: 2 KB, 125x70, 1412280712291s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're such a fag

>> No.5867778
File: 124 KB, 520x466, 1292123500755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5867780

"Look at how meme-manly I am! Watch me talk about Chuck Norris and handle-bar moustaches!" - You

>> No.5867798


It's posts like this that almost make me wonder if there is some sort of genetic "switch" that makes people think this. I don't get any sort of soapy, bitter taste at all, just a sweet, nutty, fatty taste, but I've met several people who swear it tastes soapy.

>> No.5867830




>> No.5867839

I like the burn...

>> No.5867844

Are they black? A lot of black people I know think that. I think it's because their mothers use coconut hair cream when they get thurr hurrs did.

>> No.5867855

fuck you onions are amazing

>> No.5867865

>eating processed memefood


ayy lmao

>> No.5867869


My step-siblings all hate it, they're a quarter italian and quarter native american.

>> No.5867882

>quarter italian

So black.

>> No.5867889
File: 9 KB, 207x244, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing in this thread has been disgusting food at all.

>> No.5867897
File: 1.70 MB, 400x300, 1408883926653.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5867915

I have no reason for not liking these.... I just can't even get them down without gagging

>> No.5867926
File: 139 KB, 350x343, eggplant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.5867947


>> No.5867951

That's because ur not supposed to deep throat them idiot.

>> No.5867953
File: 2.87 MB, 420x355, 1378702478460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.5867957
File: 58 KB, 685x625, 2342342342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> literally nothing in the thread is disgusting

Why do you guys even come to a board about discussing food and cooking if you hate food?

>> No.5867975

Not him but olives really aren't good and i dont know why /ck/ shits over them. They are a warm salty mess.(not even mentioning that nasty red thing in the middle)

>> No.5867981

Try a few different olives if you haven't. Even the shitty olive bar at Kroger has some that are leagues above what you'll get from a jar. Yeah the canned and brined ones aren't great by themselves but definitely add to things (pizza, pimento cheese, garbanzo salad) if you don't have fresh olives. A good, fresh olive that hasn't been soaked in salt water is buttery and savory and fruity sometimes, with just a hint of perfect bitterness to balance it out.

>> No.5867987

i don't know. i get that some people don't like certain things, but i don't think there's anything that i don't actually like. the closest i'd get is probably admitting that i try to stay away from fast food because i think it's overrated, but i'd still eat it. but seriously, you guys complaining about actual food items like liver and shit are crazy

>> No.5868008
File: 19 KB, 406x305, limabeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely disgusting. I'm sure they're extremely good for you, but they taste awful. I used to hate brussel sprouts as a kid, but I love them now...these...have always and will always despise them.

>> No.5868010
File: 21 KB, 284x284, sprouts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atleast there's one thing we can all agree on

>> No.5868011


>> No.5868013
File: 44 KB, 565x246, jay-and-silent-bob-internet-scene-guy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have your addresses so I can come fight you?

I'm going to stay in this thread and keep drinking and personally attacking every new post I disagree with.

>> No.5868017

Who the fuck hates cabbage

>> No.5868018
File: 97 KB, 450x338, 412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boiled Cabbage is disgusting.

>> No.5868019

Cut them in half, blanch, sear them in bacon fat, then cook them (ginger optional) on the flat side until crispy and drizzle in reduced balsamic and TELL ME YOU STILL HATE THEM

>> No.5868021

You don't have to force yourself to like it to be unique

>> No.5868026

lol sorry i can't help it i like brussels sprouts i am just such a nerd XD

>> No.5868222


Eh. Steak is one of the few foods I will never eat. So much chewing for one bland note.

>> No.5868232

I eat it nearly every day. Shit, I'm roasting a couple this weekend to go whit my turkey.

>> No.5868234

Awww... you're trying to troll the simpletons of /ck/.

I know you. Mr. Jackoff Man!

>> No.5868236

Fuck off, liver is the shit.

>> No.5868247


Not even though. I don't know. When I was young, one time my old man made steak and left it on the counter to rest. One of our cats came over and sprayed the shit out of it. My dad still made us eat it. It's always kind of tasted like cat piss to me since.

>> No.5868281
File: 50 KB, 600x585, frogproblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recipe I got from /b/

>> No.5868298

You don't even need half that shit, it's enough not to cook them for three weeks before serving like gran used to do.

>> No.5868312

Ever tried them raw? Its pretty good to chop them up and and put them over a stew or taco of whatever the fuck.

>> No.5868328

you claim you dislike one thing and suddenly you hate food

>> No.5868332

Mmm, the poison storage of the body

>> No.5868348

so true

>> No.5868353
File: 73 KB, 664x431, tumblr_mh0aj3T6Yn1qg5xklo1_r1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things have the texture of kiwis but have zero taste, it's pretty to look at but disgusting to eat


>> No.5868360

How is it disgusting if it has zero taste? By definition, it's bland.

>> No.5868363

The mixture of the texture and it's blandness makes it disgusting to eat, texture is important to me for whatever reason

>> No.5868379
File: 46 KB, 680x516, 1406646076099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill everybody in this thread.

>> No.5868401

Snack food is one of the things America does best, come on. You even chose the best flavor of Doritos (still in production).

>> No.5868404

Too low a temperature I guess. I'd still eat it though.

>> No.5868444
File: 174 KB, 750x850, 1376178401549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5868463

>people don't like things


>> No.5868473

I prefer oatmeal raisin to chocolate chip cookies, especially when they're fresh.

>> No.5868512

legit terrible taste

>> No.5868515

This, picky eating habits are a sign of immaturity.

At least my parents raised me right.

>> No.5868518

Does anyone in this thread dislike pork? if so you are a gigantic faggot and should shove you head up your massive gaping butthole.

although if you are a woman you are excused, a lot of women dont like pork for some reason

>> No.5868522
File: 57 KB, 500x373, tumblr_m0fmi3lkKe1qhex9r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5868526
File: 133 KB, 580x689, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally vomit-tasting

>> No.5868531

I used to like it somewhat but now it just grosses me out. Bacon on the other hand, I fucking love but ham and pork? I'd rather avoid it.

>> No.5868543

they are

>> No.5868561

i even eat it raw

>> No.5868568


Olives in general are usually good, but Op's brined generic Green olives are disgusting.

>> No.5868587

>all those veggies
>all those fruits
>all those healthy cuts of meat

I don't like to blame the USA, but this thread... Is definitely American in culture

>> No.5868590

what even is that?

>> No.5868596

>cuts of meat



>> No.5868602

There's more unwanted garbage calories in that shit than in the regular recipe for pancake.

>> No.5868954
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1404228294180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Non nordics and netherkankers will never enjoy tasty licorice

>> No.5868963

Sweet pickles are tasty as fuck.
Only 16 year olds who only eat hot pockets don't like them

>> No.5868967
File: 52 KB, 300x217, Liquirizia-Pura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nordics will never enjoy real licorice
I feel sad for you. :-(

>> No.5868969

Try it with some creamy sauce, me mum always used to cook chinese cabbage with this creamy sauce made of cheese and butter?

>> No.5869025

>being that stupid to think people only enjoy that there

>> No.5869030

Because you're meant to do it as the instructions say, with bread and butter! it goes shit with anything else

>> No.5869037
File: 94 KB, 820x500, salmiakkietuJI1310_ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To be fair, salmiak (aka salt licorice) is virually unknown and usually despised outside of the Nordic region.

Personally I love it, but then again I was born in Denmark. I have found that most people, even those who claim to like licorice, find it overpowering.

>> No.5869147

how do you even eat it, suck it, bite it. I tried some and it just felt like i was eating salt.

>> No.5869166


Trick is to get the low-sodium cottage cheese and add vanilla. Doesn't work with the regular cottage cheese because the salt content is too high and ruins the flavor.

>> No.5869169

My brother went to Norway and fell in love with them. Now, the only place he can get them is Disney's Norway.

>> No.5869190

all food

>> No.5869208

I'm British but salty licorice sounds like something I'd really enjoy. Unfortunately can't get it here so I've never been able to try it. :(

>> No.5869216



horrible stuff

>> No.5869232


Mail order.

>> No.5869259

No, fuck you two.

>> No.5869262

>not loving olives

fucking pleb

>> No.5869270


>> No.5869301

>sweet pickles
>good for anything but relish
Gherkin master race reporting in.

>> No.5869339

God lima beans suck.

>> No.5869395

>uses coconut scented lotion
>complains that actual coconut tastes like lotion

>> No.5869427

I really like lima beans.
Maybe it's because they're called butterbeans here.
And I only eat them canned because fuck dried beans.

>> No.5869501

Boiled cabbage its the shit

>> No.5869538
File: 48 KB, 450x265, SaltWaterTaffy__67591_zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 70 year old woman like these

>> No.5869540
File: 21 KB, 620x413, celery_442368c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my hometown in Europe there's literally a vending machine with fresh milk. It was the most delicious milk I had ever tasted.

Coconut is best. Shredded in cookies and coconut milk in curry is my favourite thing.

Pic related is one of the very few things I can't stand. The smell or even flavour from it in soup just kills me, can't do it. Ditto with celery root.

>> No.5869550


>> No.5869560
File: 41 KB, 460x360, cilantro-de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I SERIOUSLY cannot handle this. The smell alone makes me GAG let alone the taste.
Anyone that likes cilantro needs to leave /ck/ now.

>> No.5869571

raw celery is bad by itself... i can tolerate it if it's topped with cream cheese or dipped in ranch but other than that no thank you

fuck you salt water taffy is great

>> No.5869579

Fuck youuuuu.

>> No.5869584

Cilantro is terrible. Maybe I'm a minitory. Maye my opinion is unpopular. But I simply do not like that taste, and when it overpowers dishes. I do not want it to stand out.

>> No.5869587

Shouldn't you ladies be tending to your osteoporosis?

>> No.5869597

Damn i want some now.

>> No.5869600

OKay, yes. Sweet pickles are absolutely fucking awful.

>> No.5869615


You ever heard of the theory that some people are genetically predisposed to thinking cilantro tastes like soap? It's something like 15% of the population IIRC, so your opinion can't be that unpopular.

>> No.5869622

Yeah, I have heard of it. Maybe. It just tastes like super strong parsley. I don't know, I find it really just doesn't go with any dish.

>> No.5869628

>tfw i love saltwater taffy and was diagnosed with osteopenia at the tender age of 24
Maybe saltwater taffy gives people bone problems.

>> No.5869690
File: 82 KB, 778x518, blanched green beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5869696

british style beans are great
nowhere near as sweet as American BBQ beans

>> No.5869762

>not making a special trip down to the boardwalk after work for a bag of saltwater taffy and a leisurely stroll by the beach
Every Thursday, when the weather's nice.

>> No.5869765
File: 351 KB, 900x675, delicious softboiled egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5869766

That sounds awful

>> No.5869778
File: 243 KB, 600x600, Lee-Kum-Kee-Chicken-Bouillon-Powder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Never boiling in a water mix of salt/sugar/white pepper/chicken bouillon powder/soy sauce/fish sauce.

Ya nigga, that's why it's disgusting, because you haven't tried it with the right seasonings.

Inb4 Asian confirmed.

Captcha: yellow oothenn
Oh shit son.

>> No.5869779

/fit/ doesn't cook for taste, they cook for the macros

>> No.5869785

are you literaly 11?

>> No.5869793
File: 118 KB, 800x600, sorrel1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have vague memories from my early childhood about mum spilling a bowl of sorrel soup over my head after a wouldn´t eat it. She denies it, but i still get nauseous from the taste.
I also get nausea from the taste of whiskey since i drunk too much of it once.
How does one get over things like this?

>> No.5869798


I'm 32, and pretty adventurous about food. I think licorice is the only thing I've never acquired a taste for.

Of all the things I used to dislike, for whatever reason, like cooked tomatoes, dill pickles, olives, cumin, spicy food, wine, beer, coffee, mussels, grapefruit, eggplant, sardines, pickled herring...

Black licorice (And fennel / star anise / Sambuca etc), has always been gross.

>> No.5869799

fuck i have to buy some tomorrow

>> No.5869800


this = less evolved
many years ago coriander was poisonous or humans couldn't eat it. now its amazing and used lots in Indian cooking as well as many salads. those who do not like it usually complain its like soap. they are just whining because they are less evolved then normal people.

>> No.5869806

It doesn't take like soap, it tastes like literal garbage

>> No.5869808


I've had natto. It didn't look like that. I guess it was fried afterwards, because it was dry.

I suppose most people's grief is in the texture, not the taste, because it tastes pretty good. If it feels like lumpy snot in your mouth though, like your picture, I doubt I'd have enjoyed it as much.

>> No.5869810
File: 2 KB, 209x215, 1262810255650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a mad spree here.

Very well. I find em too salty otherwise they're okay.

Can eat to a certain extent. Don't expect me to eat it like I eat a steak.

If staying slim, can understand.

Fuck yooou

Eh whatevs.

Never tried.


Fuck yooou

Fuck yooou

Haven't had enough of these to assess

Fuck yooou

Fuck yooou

Fuck yooou

Is alright

Fuck yooou

Fuck yooou

Fuck yooou

Fuck yooou

Don't eat enough of these

Continued next post.

>> No.5869811

>not enjoying lima beans and Ham hocks
is this nigga serious?

>> No.5869813


British too. not found it outside of the Christmas markets in London and Leicester.
rare if it turns up.

>> No.5869815
File: 34 KB, 552x532, 1412708692869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Fuck yooou

Trash tier candy

Yet to drink this

Fuck yooou

That looks bloody good

Don't mind this

Only if for Chicago dogs, and honey mustard has more applicable uses

Fuck yooou

The only crappy part is dried fruits tend to have more sugar than fresh fruit

Is alright

Fuck yooou

Haven't eaten enough of em, but look like mini cabbages

Fuck yooou

Fuck yooou

Never ate these before

Never ate these before

Never ate these before

You're alright

Fuck yooou

Fuck yooou

Fuck yooou

Have yet to eat balut

>> No.5869816


Maybe it turns people into old ladies. That's why it seems only old ladies like it.

You're on a slippery slope, my friend.

>> No.5869819


You try it again after a period of downtime.

If you still don't like it, wait a few months and repeat.

>> No.5869871


Dragonfruit is one of the worst things in the world.

>> No.5869916
File: 68 KB, 1000x667, IMG_2119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level, you fast food manchilds.

>> No.5869923

>unironically liking cilantro

>> No.5870008

> thinking your defective genes make you better than anyone
Yes, fucked up genetics is the reason you think cilantro tastes bad. You're basically a retard who thinks he's smarter than a math professor because he can't count to potato

>> No.5870012

I'd be okay with being an old lady if only for senior discounts. I'd rather be an old lady than an old man. Old men seldom get as much respect as old ladies do. For this reason, I plan on getting a sex change the day I hit retirement age.

>> No.5870043

Tea eggs taste good.

>> No.5870059

Century egg yea no fuck you buddy.

>> No.5870060

>he thinks they're tea eggs!

>> No.5870126

/ck/ has fucking awful taste

>> No.5870129

>implying they arent

>> No.5870135

>eating everything

how was poverty treating you?

>> No.5870171
File: 95 KB, 1024x767, avocado21-1024x767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5870181

I'm not implying it. I'm fucking telling you: they ain't tea eggs, faggot.



>> No.5870224

pick 1, retard

>> No.5870234

>trying to justify your shit taste

>> No.5870244

Just leave troll

>> No.5870261

Are you shitting me? They're basically cabbage. Cut in half, fry in bacon grease or with chopped up raw bacon, some garlic, some seasoned salt and fresh ground pepper...fry until starting to turn brown on the side cooking on the pan so it's cooked through and go a nice crisp too it...shit is DELICIOUS!

>> No.5870352
File: 651 KB, 1772x1488, pineapple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5870405
File: 48 KB, 534x356, pesce3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any kind of fish immediately makes me gag.

I like shrimp, mussels, scallops are ok sometimes. I don't care much for crab or lobster but I can eat it.

But anything that has that nasty fishy taste ugh can't do it.

>> No.5870532

You are such a fag holy shit

>> No.5870536

> They're basically cabbage

>> No.5870547

i think you should leave and hang yourself.

>> No.5870550

and you can die in a fire

>> No.5870567

I want to eat all the fish in that photo and all their fish friends.

>> No.5871081
File: 243 KB, 1200x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't even make a good banana flavored candy

>those noises peoples mouth make when eating one

>> No.5871103

The banana that the common banana flavoring is based off of is extinct, so people think it tastes weird compared to "normal" bananas

>> No.5871167

pic related, what I'll never like.

I even ate this shit tonight for some reason knowing I wouldn't like it. I told myself it would be good because it was just a part of the dish and ended up just pushing the pieces off to the side.


what are you, 12?

1. raspberries
2. strawberries
3. blackberries

I can't eat blueberries raw

I liked these when I was a kid and my mom would bake them in the oven with some salt around halloween.

I was this close to buying a bag of flamin hot lime cheetos at the store tonight but opted for Zapp's instead

bacon wrapped chicken liver ain't bad

I always come back to this thinking I'll like it but I never do

these can be excellent if cooked right. I prefer them a bit crispy but have also found they go hand in hand with a good dijon.

I haven't been trick-or-treating in 8 years, are people still giving these out?

>> No.5871171
File: 1.03 MB, 2144x1424, Mushroom-Quinoa-Patties-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5871179


it does. when you reject something but then you grow and realize its appeal, that's understanding. be it a food or color or type of music...

>> No.5871185

lima beans are the devil

>> No.5871231
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>> No.5871240

Any banana is putrid. The texture alone and the peel surrounding it should warn anyone about taking a bite of it

>> No.5871250

wow this thread just reminds me that the average poster on this site, and on ck, is someone who eats chicken fingers every day because they are "picky". holy shit you fucking retards. everything you dont like you are in the minority. these products wouldn't exist if most people didn't like them. fuck you

>> No.5871255
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, k-pax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your produce alone has been worth the trip

>> No.5871457



>> No.5871460

beetroot is GOAT

>> No.5871495

Wow, you're actually a shit human been.

>> No.5871998
File: 9 KB, 275x183, pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe no one has posted this pleb-tier garbage yet.
>mmm fungus!

>> No.5872028
File: 112 KB, 628x371, uptown-darkchocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark chocolate isn't good

>> No.5872037

whats the name of this devilfruit, what powers will it give?

>> No.5872044

I'm pretty sure its just a big joke between people that eat them.
They are slippery and chewy and disgusting

>> No.5872046

Why are the Chinese so fucking repulsive?

>> No.5872053
File: 785 KB, 2048x1536, chine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-muh chicken fingers

>> No.5872059

get out!

>> No.5872066

But it's not. Not even for baking.
Milk chocolate is superior in every way.

>> No.5872070

it's sold all over the place in germany

>> No.5872077
File: 69 KB, 450x600, spadina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've clearly never been to an actual Asian market. I loathe the midwestern mean n potatas bullshit that middle America prides itself on, but I am left speechless at the absolute garbage food that Chinese culture scarfs down.

>> No.5872083

>I've never tried it but it sounds gross! Ew!
Typical American spotted

>> No.5872091

>Pork rectums? Well shit, it could be good eatin!

Homeless man spotted.
Anyone who is willing to put a pork asshole in their mouth is a goddamn animal.

>> No.5872111

But eating a liver is fine right

>> No.5872305

they have beef "pizzle" and pork uterus here

>> No.5872310

Is everything symbolic with you? You sound like a superfluous child.

>> No.5872315

If you don't like the taste/texture of a mushroom that's fine but if you're one of those faggots who refuses to eat it because "it's a fungus HUR" then you are everything wrong in this world.

>> No.5872323

Just not everyones food, that's it. I sorta like them now despise being all "eww" as a kid.
Specific taste, hard to cook right so I personally avoid or eat what mom cooks when I happen to eat at her place and she decides to cook liver. Which is quite rare.
Love seeds, pumpinks themselves aren't popular in Russia for some reason, so I never get by actual pumpkins to buy and eat. Not like I'm trying, but still.

>> No.5872328

>Knifes are overhyped, if you actually stab yourself you would realize that you are bleeding.

>> No.5872332

Funny, my grandma hates it too. Says "It's like eating soap".

>> No.5872339

Why is the word "mustard" so small?

>> No.5872342

because pc thinks there the master race.

>> No.5872684
File: 47 KB, 700x525, durian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody ever said Durian.

>> No.5872696

I love coconut but I noticed as I got older, more people started saying they hated it and I wondered if that was just the cool thing to say at the time to fit in with everyone else. I never turned my back on you, coconut. More Almond Joys for me, fuckfaces.

>> No.5872697

Durian is delicious. Anyone that says otherwise is a child.

>> No.5872771
File: 509 KB, 1600x1192, Laughing Cow Creamed Spinach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way my parents ever prepared spinach growing up was creamed. Looks, smells, and tastes absolutely disgusting. When they finally switched over to plain cooked spinach I realized it wasn't so bad and raw spinach makes for the best salads, but holy shit who came up with creamed spinach

There are dozens of god tier edible mushrooms and bleu cheese is tasty as hell, if a bit strong. Fungi are delicious.

>> No.5872796

I didnt know was spinach really was until i was in my teens. Until then i had only seen it in creamed form and didnt know you could just eat the leaves in a salad or something. Fuck you you too, mom

>> No.5872810

spinach dip is godlike

>> No.5872836

Mushroom are shit. It's like buttery plastic. Don't eat them.

>> No.5872843

Raw celery. Instant revulsion when I bite into a piece that's mixed in a salad.

>> No.5872846


>> No.5872998

Dark >>> Milk >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dried shit filled with semen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> White

>> No.5873048

Omg lol i sincerely hope this is a troll because you couldn't be more wrong.

Milk > > > White > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Literal Shit > > > > dark

Dark chocolate tastes like fucking trash. White chocolate tastes sweet and delicious. Milk is god-tier.
Just don't.

>> No.5873051

No, no, no. Dark chocolate tastes like heaven, White tastes like recycled processed garbage. Milk is fine.

>> No.5873058


I think they're disgusting. Ridiculously sweet and fake tasting. I always expect them to taste chocolatey because of the colour, but they just taste of sugar and grease. I don't get the whole deal about oreos.

>> No.5873076
File: 22 KB, 240x369, engelse_drop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even the dutch import English Liquorice.

I like the brown salmiak stuff you get in holland myself, but also the hard english stuff. And those pipes you get in England are nice.

Liquorice is really good.

>> No.5873145

Neither of you know anything

>> No.5873165

itt: proof that our entire species is fucked

none of you have any taste at all.

>> No.5873174

>he likes celery

>> No.5873423


these looks like jack skellingtons poop

>> No.5873446


Proof positive that /ck/ is 12. What the fuck do you people eat? Just chicken nuggets?

>> No.5873448


It's OK anon, you'll grow out of thinking sugar=yummy eventually. Maybe.

>> No.5873449

Try it prepared differently. I've always disliked spinach. Turns out I just hate it the chopped frozen shit. Sauteed baby spinach is da bomb.

mah nigga
I love veggies but man fuck celery

Chocolate is kind of like breasts. There's preferences, sure, but at the end of the day all varieties are kind of tasty.

I'd say dark chocolate is my favourite though. (in b4 euphemism)

>> No.5873463


I like my chocolate like I like my women.

I don't like chocolate.

>> No.5874087

nigga u gay

>> No.5874097
File: 147 KB, 1024x735, Graham Crackers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always knew /ck/ was autistic, but this thread made me realize just how autistic you faggots are

graham crackers are good though

>> No.5874357

>liking dragonfruit
Pig disgusting

>> No.5874424

>I don't know how to prepare it so I'll just call it gross