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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.62 MB, 3000x2300, Candy-Corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5864807 No.5864807 [Reply] [Original]

whats the GOAT candy to hand out on halloween?

>> No.5864808
File: 8 KB, 228x281, 10645335_1546464988903233_1425252729554651735_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything King sized.

>> No.5864811


>> No.5864813


You glorious bastard

>> No.5864829

chocolate bars or chips, everything else a shit

>> No.5864855

I would go for best treat instead of best candy
and best treat would go to coins or better yet loose change

>> No.5864862

My mom used to hand out half litre cartons or strawberry and chocolate milk.

How would you feel if you received this as a treat?

>> No.5864866

really annoyed, is your mum brain damaged?

>> No.5864868

There's few decent candies that aren't chocolate.
Dots, Skittles, Fun Dip (just the dip stick, those are great, the powder sucks)
I was a fan of caramel stuff, the soft chewy ones.

>> No.5864875

milk is just what everyone wants when they're out walking around all night

>> No.5864880

it's chocolate milk though, tasty refreshing chocolate milk

>> No.5864883

Not milk, go for some chocolate water like yoo hoo.

>> No.5864885
File: 154 KB, 800x600, halloween-toffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These godly things.

>> No.5864890

yeah people love running around town with stomachs full of milk

>> No.5864895

what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.5864897

More for me, then.

>> No.5864900

>eating your haul while trick or treating
Did any of you faggots wait until you got home?

What the fuck is wrong with you? Dots are basically jujubes. Who the fuck hates jujubes?

>> No.5864902

Are you nuts? I love pulling bits of it out of my teeth for later.

>> No.5864908

>Not sucking on Dots until they dissolve in your mouth

>> No.5864910


hostess cupcakes, twinkies, etc.
bags of cheetos, doritos, etc.
beef jerky; slimjims, jack links, etc.
loose change or money

>> No.5864911

so I'm supposed to carry your mom's fucking shitty milk around all night and let it get warm?

just accept that giving away milk is a horrible idea. you might as well give out pennies if you want to be known as the shitty house.

>> No.5864914

>>hostess cupcakes, twinkies, etc.
>bags of cheetos, doritos, etc.
>beef jerky; slimjims, jack links, etc.
>loose change or money
OP was asking for the best Halloween treats

>> No.5864915


toys, squirt guns, confetti spray, etc.
eggs, toilet paper, etc. "ammo pak"

i dunno, as long as it was better than candy it was pretty dope

>> No.5864918
File: 22 KB, 350x342, unicef-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a kid I went trick or treating with a Unicef box and then pocketed the money at the end of the night and bought fire crackers. I feel pretty guilty about it looking back.

>> No.5864921

I wish I was smart enough to do that.

>> No.5864924

Kill yourself if you hand out those disgusting things.

>> No.5864925
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What >>5864829 said

>> No.5864928


well, if you're going into 'candy' territory
>ANY FOREIGN BRAND THAT MAKES YOU WANT TO TRY IT, especially japanese confections

by the time you regret saving the wrapper to find out whether local store carried the product, it slowly fades away into memory lane...

...only to relive the nostalgia when you find it available online 10 years later!

i remember a time when some asian houses gave out snackable spicy nori packets

>> No.5864944


...Whoa, I had a friend who did the same thing as a kid.

>> No.5864997


>> No.5865013
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mini bottles of liquor

>> No.5865036

I remember people where giving out capri suns once too, which I loved at the time because walking around was tiring when I was hauling ass to every house.

>> No.5865041

Have multiple things and let the kids pick which one they want.

>> No.5865045
File: 2.19 MB, 3240x1640, Strawberry-Candies[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feed on disappointment

>> No.5865082

What's so bad about those? I always enjoyed them.

>> No.5865087

Damn I loved those. Do they still make em?

>> No.5865091

My mom used to make treat bags for all the
kids in my neighborhood. Stuffed with pixie sticks, tons of chocolate bars, Keystone (local) chips (party mix, corn chips, pork rinds, etc.), BK coupons, stupid spider rings and shit. It was very festive.

I was a huge gaylord and liked getting bags of Party Mix.

>> No.5865113

I never understood the hatred behind those and Werthers. They're delicious.

>> No.5865143

I think we have these in America?

Only they come in a generic black or orange wrapper. That's literally it. One devoid of any logo or label. They're fucking disgusting.

>> No.5865495
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>> No.5865523

I always liked the homemade baked goods folks handed out, I was probably poisoned like a million times

>> No.5865531

Candy corn is the devils anus of candy.

>> No.5865545


>> No.5865548
File: 111 KB, 490x642, mini vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hand out those little airplane bottles of vodka.

>> No.5865551

> handing out 9/11 conspiracy theory documentaries on Halloween

>> No.5865564

I could go for some 100 Grand bars. Delicious.

>> No.5865590

Halloween isn't too big where I live and I never had a child ask for candy
feels bad

>> No.5865609

No you don't

>> No.5865623

Oh yes I do!

>> No.5865650

I literally came into this thread to see if anyone mentioned these. The day after Halloween I go into the supermarket and buy up giant bags of it to last me throughout the Christmas season.

>> No.5865652

You can find them at Dollar stores up here in west canada

>> No.5865769
File: 24 KB, 534x443, 1340930491716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone over the age of 21 ever trick or treated before?

do people not give you candy if you try and go door to door with a mask on and a tape recording of a young boy saying trick or treat?

>> No.5865777

>looks like a chew
>hard candy instead
More disappointing than actually bad

>> No.5865813

I have a 54 year old friend who stands 5'2" and is skinny as a bean pole. Every year he puts on a spiderman costume and goes trick or treating.

He's been doing this his entire life.

>> No.5865826

would 5'7" work? too tall?

inb4 manlet

i know, nigga

>> No.5865848

Maybe if you squeak your voice and jump around a little.

manlet (I'm sorry)

>> No.5865860

that would be too obvious... what 5'7" kid would do that?

i'm just gonna ring the bell and then play the tape recording and then stand my ground until that bitch gives me candy. i'll even use on of my nieces as a wingman.

what could go wrong?

>> No.5865872

It worked when I was 16, and the worst that could happen would be they recognize it's a recording. I'm sure you can extrapolate all the possiblities.

Just buy your own damn candy.

>> No.5865874

I wasn't serious when I posted these. They are fucking repulsive. That's why the stores have plenty in stock.

>> No.5865877

>Just buy your own damn candy.

now you're talking crazy

>> No.5865991
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Jesus christ...

>> No.5866823

I always hated getting chips and tootsie rolls.

>> No.5866914

Happy, your mom is awesome. Milk to chug down all that chocolate and candy.

>> No.5866928
File: 517 KB, 1024x711, db48f1f3-97f4-4c26-830a-a16926e9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give out these fuckers every year. I work for the company so I get them for next to nothing. The kids love them, but the neighbors down the street hate my guts. The kids down them and throw them in people's yards.

>> No.5866929
File: 78 KB, 1000x1000, Sexy-Swedish-County-Beer-Wench-Girl-Halloween-Costume-Outfit-Free-Shipping-V06071C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mother and her slutty swedish outfit. Must admit, she looks bretty good in it.

>> No.5866949

A friend of mine really likes dots. We went for halloween one year and he started munching on dots once we were done for the night. I was so enraged that he liked such a shitty candy that I grabbed them out of his hands and threw them into the street. He almost got hit by a car saving that tiny box of Dots.

>> No.5866975

Halloween was the only time i ever saw those flavored tootsie rolls

>> No.5866994

>that old lady who gave out popcorn balls

>> No.5867001

No trick or treating is for kids 12 and under.

>> No.5867017
File: 277 KB, 631x419, hershey_twizzlers_strawberry_16oz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These taste like crap and i think people throw them in just for filler. I'll take the shitty fruit cups then these tasteless crap

>> No.5867021

I like the blue raspberry ones.

>> No.5867075

100 Grand and Twix.

Everything else is second below.

>> No.5867089

nothing but normal sized butterfingers
Last halloween I gave out nearly 300 bucks worth of butterfingers and I ruined walmart and other gas stations because I took them all


>> No.5867235




>> No.5867245
File: 220 KB, 550x309, CBR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep a rock next to my candy bowl in case Charlie Brown shows up.

>> No.5867252

I don't know, but you posted the absolute shittiest of shit tier.

>> No.5867300
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>> No.5867310

Australia here. Does count chocula on!y come out at Halloween? Like I looked it up and I keep getting articles from august-september 2013 and I can't tell if it was coming back from being discontinued or coming back for the Halloween season. The reason I'm not sure if it was from discontinuation is because there aren't similar articles for this year.
I'd like to get some imported, I know it wasn't on shelves two months ago so is it only a Halloween item?

>> No.5867328

hot pennies or razor blades.

>> No.5867366

wow you're an asshole

>> No.5867367

she's wearing it hoping you'll notice

>> No.5867501

Lemon tootsie rolls

>> No.5867517
File: 1.98 MB, 450x269, mfw black liquorice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried to like candy corn, but I just can't.
Its the flavor, and the texture. Its just.. too wierd.
I try some every year around this time, wondering if my taste buds had changed, but every year I end up spitting them out in disappointment.

This one lady at my work brought in candy corn, black liquorice, and clove candy. This unholy goddamn trifecta of shitty candy that I had to stare at on the desk all day.

>> No.5867538

She probably bought all that crap so it wouldn't get stolen.

One of my coworkers kept a box of liquorice cigars at her desk and one day I just threw them out when she was gone for the day because I hated looking at them.

>> No.5867584

scopolamine-soaked gumdrops

Srsly though, I usually just buy two bag of mixed chocolate bars and set it on the porch with a note that says "take whatever you want, when it's gone, it's gone"

>> No.5867590

>candy corn, black liquorice, and clove candy

Those were always my favorite. I can't stand regular milk chocolate, either.

>> No.5867641
File: 235 KB, 1000x667, whoppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoppers and milk duds were my favorite as a kid.

>> No.5867653

I like rolling those around in my mouth until all the chocolate melts off, then squeezing the inside part with my tongue till it goes soft.
I love the taste of them, but the texture irks me.

>> No.5867688

I don't know anyone who eats them any other way than what you described. I think its mandatory.

>> No.5867802

I never really understood why people don't like them. They are sweet and chewy.

>> No.5867968

those eyeball candies that have fudge or peanut butter inside.
alternatively, blue pixie sticks. only blue.

>> No.5868217

Mini Reeses cups.

>> No.5868237
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I pass out tooth brushes

>> No.5868239

I just pass out.

>> No.5868257

This is going to be my first Halloween where I've got my own house, rather than just living in student dorms where no one trick-or-treats.

I have no idea what kind of a turnout there may be, since I don't know how many kids live in the neighborhood, but I don't think there's that many.

What should I get and how much?

>> No.5868261

>you'll never live in a utopian society where instead of candy, people hand out dried fruits that they grew in their back yard, and various dried fruit creations incorporating nuts and pumpkin without refined sugars, oils, butter, flours, artificial colors/flavors etc

>> No.5868266

be the change you want to see in the world, anon

you hippie faggot, you

>> No.5868270

>utopian society
>without refined sugars, oils, butter, flours, artificial colors/flavors etc
Fuck that world.

>> No.5868275


I take it you've never eaten a date before, especially stuffed with walnut butter. It makes you wonder why processed candies exist

>> No.5868285

this is good advice, asshole

>> No.5868474


First time I was in my own gaffe I just ignored the knocks since I was drinking...the wankers egged my house. Was pretty funny actually.

>> No.5868489

because dates are super expensive, and walnut butter is even more so

>> No.5868504

Make your own caramel candies and then smash some glass and mix it in.

Dont hand it out at your own house (stupid) leave it in little bundles around the neighbourhood the night before and kids will pick it up for sure.

Go home and think about what you have done and wait for it to be on the local news.

>> No.5868511


>> No.5868528

apple with razor blades on the inside
the razor blade is to cut the kids mouth right as soon as they take a bite hoping to taste some sweet delicious apple

>> No.5868667

yall r fukd

>> No.5868700

cigarettes or candy cigarette

>> No.5868799

Yes, it's seasonal. You can buy it from the beginning of October till stores run out in December. There are three of those made by General Mills. Very sugary.

>> No.5869042

Banana chips and double salted licorice.

>> No.5869046

I prefer to use sewing needles

>> No.5869064

>T-thanks for the 14 hour-old burger m-mister.

>> No.5869067

Why the hell did this make me laugh? especially the news part.

>> No.5869079

Each Halloween, I stretch clear fishing line across sidewalks at about neck level. On the fishing line, I secure barbed treble hooks. When the children run down the sidewalks, they get snagged in the face and eyes by the hooks.

I change the neighborhoods every year so I always have a pool of unsuspecting victims.

>> No.5869465

im glad youre still alive to tell the story

>> No.5869511

I remember a gay couple in my friends neighborhood who would pass out hamburgers instead of candy. we just sat on the curb and ate them before moving on.

>> No.5869651

Snickers, Kit Kats and Reese's for good costumes.

Smarties, Flavored Tootsie Rolls and Heath bars for shitty costumes or teenagers with no costume.

I keep a couple king size ones for excellent costumes.

>> No.5869671

I really liked it when I got pretzels. It was a nice salty contrast to all the sweet and chocolate.

It's not the coolest thing to hand out or the thing most people get excited over, but I feel like somebody has to do it. Kids just don't realize they need it.

>> No.5869686
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Dip onions in caramel and present them to kids as caramel apples.

>> No.5869699


>> No.5869705
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>muh image!

>> No.5869835
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Huh, I never thought about it like that. I would always just give them to my sister.

What I did last year
>2 candy bowls
>bowl full of chocolate
>bowl full of raisin boxes
>allow kids to choose
>most kids chose chocolate
>inside each box of raisins is a 2 dollar bill
>kids face when they get money for Halloween

>> No.5869846

I'm usually gone out drinking on Halloween so I just leave a big bowl with a note that says "Take one or dump the whole bowl into your pillowcase, whatever LOL"

>> No.5869847
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Thank you senior citizens.

>> No.5870138
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>live just down the hill from a "rich" neighborhood
>busloads of city kids trucked in every damn halloween

>> No.5871134

id drink the shit out of that milk dude

>> No.5871172

>Heath bars for shitty costumes

But Heath bars are the best candy!

>> No.5871173

Too edgy for /ck/ lol.

>> No.5871175

those god damn urban punks i tell ya

>> No.5871180

>inside each box of raisins is a 2 dollar bill

you cheeki little...

>> No.5871198
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>> No.5871204

I once put a lighted santa claus statue on my front porch on Halloween and got no doorbell rings. It works if you want to keep people at bay since they think you are a religious fanatic that doesn't believe in Halloween.

>> No.5871219

Its not a true story.

All it takes is for one kid to open a raisin box, tell everyone what's inside and his porch would be deluged with kids snatching up handfuls of raisin boxes.

>> No.5871221

That's bad and you should feel bad. I just remembered in elementary school being given those boxes and thinking I could really change the world with them. I miss being a kid.

>> No.5871223

fucking scumbag

>> No.5871225

I wish you lived in my town. You seem awesome.

>> No.5871226

I dress up like Jesus Christ, hand out wafers and grape juice and tell people to eat me.

>> No.5871230

Sometimes I can't tell if you people are going to write for a good comedy show or end up getting arrested in these threads.

>> No.5871252

That's hilarious, and I'm not surprised. Kids being kids.

>> No.5872079

Pretty ingenious

>> No.5872466
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that made my morning, 10q

>> No.5872670

They may give you something if you dress up as a nigger with a gun.

>> No.5872729

would you anon
there's no shame in it
what's her best feature

>> No.5872777

what's your mom doing tonight?

>> No.5872783

Candy Corn. I actually fucking love it. I obsess over it. Failing that, Reeses. For some reason that was always "The One" for me on halloween. Everything else was filler, the Reeses were the real candy. Nothing reminds me of trick or treating more.

Man, let me tell you. I miss Trick or Treating more than these faggot "adult" parties I'm invited to now. Go, get wasted, whatever. It's not Halloween, we do this every month. Just now we're dressed like whores this time.

>> No.5872811

fuck yes fuck yes fuck yes fuck yes. these amdn Mary Janes.

>> No.5872817

>Spider ring
hng I fucking love your mom.

>> No.5872835

Only if it's her breast milk and only if she's hot.

>> No.5872902

Pretty stoked when I was a kid. Now I'd be like "shit this is gonna go bad being all warm and out of the fridge, I ain't drinking this" I'm fucking neurotic nowadays.

>> No.5873128

I fucking hate Halloween. Retarded kids are trying to make it a thing in Germany so they'll have to pay.

I have a box of Haribo licorice I didn't like that's been getting hard as diamonds over the past two years.

Little fuckers gonna enjoy this.

>> No.5873132

You're touched in the head. Those things taste like burnt molasses.

>> No.5873142

Same thing is happening here in Australia. I just shut the curtains and switch off the lights.

Some of the little fat fucking kids don't even dress up, they just roam the streets with a bucket expecting you to put candy in it.

>> No.5873152

An overweight retired neighbour tried that and they egged her house

They avoided mine because that year I put a styrofoam dick painted in revolting colors on the door bell

>> No.5873211
File: 25 KB, 700x378, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buh buh buh hoo hoohoooo
i-im' a mean and edgy ol faggot, don't touch me i am the blood of the night

>> No.5873225
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, halloween_2012_015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using halloween as an excuse to party with sluts in skimpy costumes for a week straight

you're doing it wrong.

>> No.5873227

anyone have any 2spoopy4u halloween stories?

>> No.5873229

is that even a female?

>> No.5873242

If you're over 18 and still want to go trick or treating, it's a little trickier.
You either need to completely disguise yourself (e.g. ghost bedsheet or mask) or be babysitting a bunch of little kids or infants to have an excuse.
Some people actually refuse to hand out treats to older teens or adults if they're alone.

>> No.5873252

I dunno if I could refuse. I'd just be thinking "I wish I was as ballsy as you, you sweet retard" I'd probably give them candy.

>> No.5873255

>party with sluts in skimpy costumes
Yet you chose that picture...

>> No.5873266

Believe it or not anon, but some people in this world are horrible wet blankets.

>> No.5873283
File: 60 KB, 600x325, Sodalicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents used to hand out Sodalicous by my insistence. Those things were great, and there's was always extras.

>> No.5873287
File: 394 KB, 1600x1200, kitkats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kit Kats, Twix, and Reeses Cups, OP. They're pretty much top tier.

Mallow Cups, Butterfingers, Baby Ruths, Snickers, Generic Chocolate Candy Bars or Whoppers are great as well.

If you want to be a fancy motherfucker, give out Caramel Apples or Halloween Cauldron Punch.

If you want to get egged, get some Loser Candy like liquorice or popcorn.

>> No.5873296
File: 42 KB, 404x389, 0203Jordan01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Walk into kitchen
>Decided to make some food
>Grab some frozen fish and let it thaw
>Throw it on the pan and set it on a medium flame
>Decided to watch some TV
>After some time, realize that the fish was still on an active stove
>Run in and flip it
>It's the perfect shade of brown
>mfw it will never happen again for any reason

>> No.5873299

wax lips, circus peanuts, and carrots. I hope those little shits don't come back.

>> No.5873339

the gods are watching over you

>> No.5873343

Don't know the name of them, but they're chocolates filled with buttery caramel, peanut butter, or they're crunchy. They're also wrapped in foil with some kind of halloween figure (like a vampire).

What are these called? I used to love finding them in my bag when I went trick-or-treating.

>> No.5874104
File: 32 KB, 552x370, reeses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reese's cups

if the brat tells me he has a peanut allergy, i tell him to stop being such a faggot and i give him two reese's cups

>> No.5874114

Popcorn balls. Sometimes I give out full size candy bars....it's really actually pretty cheap.

>> No.5874133
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>> No.5874134
File: 128 KB, 610x458, tetra pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by little cartons do you mean tetra packs? a lady down the street always used to hand out some sort of beverage in a tetra pack. i thought it was a great idea.

fucking loved it when i was given a beverage

>> No.5874136
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I mean someone has to have taste cause clearly you don't.

>> No.5874146

dirty double nigger, confirmed

>> No.5874155
File: 76 KB, 500x333, white rabbit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of Chinese people used to give out these weird Chinese candies with this edible rice paper around them that you eat.

Thank you Chinese people, they were actually pretty decent.

>> No.5874190

i loved these

they use to give this shit out all the time when i lived in Hawaii

>> No.5874197

make sure to get candy that you like. or candy someone you know likes. get more than you think you'll need. if you have any extra, you can just eat it/give it to whoever you like

>> No.5874201


You're a dumbass, those things are a tier 2 halloween candy, and EASILY the only acceptable hard candy outside warheads.

>> No.5874212
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old ppl have some decent candies

>> No.5874243

>> Candy corn
Fuck I love your taste. Let our tongues marry and consummate under the red moon.

>> No.5874247
File: 1.28 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20141011_022308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what we're giving out

The kids get to pick what chocolate bar they want, get a beg of cookies and some little chocolates for their parents.

Also we move the one cup brewer by the door to offer the parents coffee (it often snows on Halloween here)

>> No.5874252
File: 63 KB, 920x459, feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no more chocolate laffy taffy

>> No.5874266
File: 67 KB, 240x207, zombie chews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucken mini Zombie Chews!
They're like crack to children, plus I can live vicariously through kids who can eat this glorious brain melting crap without raping their teeth(as bad as it does to me now)

Anyone else had these?

>> No.5874273
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>i remember a time when some asian houses gave out snackable spicy nori packets
First taste is always fucking free

Damn those crispy irresistible motherfuckers, I bought 2x three packs the other day and struggled to save the last one to have with my noodles that I ate about 40mins later
I was more animal than man

>> No.5874275

you rich cunt i hate you

>> No.5874280

Clearly you've never sipped booze through them then ate them

>> No.5874282

I feed on your hate

We go all out on the decorations so we have to give out good shit, though I to try and keep some wunderbars hidden for myself.

>> No.5874285

i still hate you

tell me more of your lavish life, asshole

i dare you

>> No.5874298

Costco mother fucker, do you know it?

but in all honesty yeah, all this was like $30 not a lot and we have more than enough k-cups to spare some warmth for the parents

>> No.5874300

>buying the sugary jew to feed the ghost fucker shills

>> No.5874311


There it is. There's the GOAT candy to hand out on Halloween. I'd have completely lost my shit if I got one of those in my trick-or-treat bag growing up.

>> No.5874909
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>> No.5874916
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>mr. BIG - anal original

>> No.5874934

You must not have niggers in your area or else all that shit would be gone within 5 minutes.

>> No.5874959
File: 110 KB, 412x266, hersheys_twizzlers_cherry_pull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're gunna give away twizzlers, then it better fucking be pull and peel twizzler.

They just taste better for some reason

>> No.5874962

If the Trick or Treaters are black, I give them a snack size box of Sun Maid raisins.

If the Trick or Treaters are white, I give them a regular size candy bar.

>> No.5874975

My hero

>> No.5875024

If I were you I'd spray my house with Pam in case anyone ever got wise.

>> No.5875154

and that is why you once held office

>> No.5875165

u is me i is u

>> No.5875265

I know how my sister would feel

Still, not a bad idea. Trick or Treaters get thirsty. a couple houses in my neighborhood would give out water bottles or have glasses of water ready if you asked for one. Much better than having to rip open an ambient temperature bag of overly syrupy juice.

>> No.5875272

I live in bumfuck nowhere, population: 3 digits
At the very most we get like 10-20 trick or treaters or hungry penniless teenagers, so we started just buying a couple dozen king size chocolate bars

>> No.5875282 [DELETED] 
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my parents thought every candy that wasn't packaged sealed (a.k.a. tootsie rolls or candies that you would just need to unravel them to open them) had razors in them

>> No.5875299

The powder is amazing dude. The stick is only there to serve me powder.

>> No.5875305

That sounds so good.

>> No.5875317

>10/10 would put on a different costume later and come back trying to get more tier
Full sized chocolate bars
Full sized bags of candy
Corner store candy (fun dip, candy necklaces, jawbreakers, push pops etc)
Gummi candies

>Good tier
Chocolate bars
Bags of candy
Chubby soda
Pastries/baked goods

>At least you tried tier
Bags of chips
Juice packs

>0/10 only saying thank you because my parents are watching me from the curb
Grandma candy
Fruit Juice cartons

>> No.5875325

Are you a girl?

>> No.5875364

Here's an idea: Ask your fucking neighbors.

>> No.5875426

i can be if you want :3

>> No.5875494

fuck I'm laughing way to hard at that

>> No.5875797
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Don't know about anyone else but I would always go back to any house that gave out wagon wheels

>> No.5875801

This. I've owned a home for 2 years and neighbors are always so fuckin timid. I'm not going to bite your head for asking me something about where we live. Inb4 I'm at fault

>> No.5875919


>> No.5876008


Do your neighbors have decorations up? (Better yet, do you?)

In my experience, a house with decorations and lights on = treats very likely; decorations and lights off = worth a shot, but consider the possibility of no treats; no decorations and no lights = keep walking.

It's also not unusual for families from shittier parts of town to drive over to the better areas and have their kids trick-or-treat there. Nothing wrong with that, in my opinion. Turn off your lights if you run out of treats.

>> No.5876897
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i'm guessing you're upper middle class

>> No.5876917

Roofies, syringe needles, and those little bottles of booze ya get on airplanes.
Good times!

>> No.5876927
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The only problem is I end up eating too many myself.

>> No.5876943

My grandfather told me that my great grandfather handed out cigarettes on Halloween.

Back then, cigarettes seemed as harmless as beef jerky.

>> No.5876944
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Reese's Cups

Because Reese's Cups

>> No.5877017

>I never had a child ask for candy
just go to the elementary school everyday and handout candy to kids

>> No.5877019

Looks like someone had a good childhood

>> No.5877023
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>I was so enraged that he liked such a shitty candy that I grabbed them out of his hands and threw them into the street

>> No.5877034

From your van

>> No.5877072
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a few years ago my grandma wore a tan/beige body suit with fake "pubes" and breasts on halloween to handout candy (she dressed up as a nudist, in other words) and was paid a visit by the police because there were reports of a crazy naked lady giving out treats to kids

some old people seem to have spent their years learning how to be based

>> No.5877095

If I don't like Eskimo pie, does that mean I'm a gay Eskimo? How would I dress up like a gay Eskimo for Halloween? Whale skin tights?

>> No.5877258
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Kitkat bars, Reese's cups, 100 Grand bars, Baby Ruths, Starbursts, Airheads, Tootsie roll pops, anything sour, anything white chocolate (that really varies from person to person though), most gummies (not fruit snacks though)

The only ones I was really disappointed to see were Twizzlers, Mary Janes, and Sugar Daddies.

>> No.5877476

>some old people seem to have spent their years learning how to be based

because there was no internet back then where SJW's make incessant self-righteous blogs of nothing to prove a point that they don't fully comprehend

>> No.5877478
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i found this

sorry for the image quality, it's google image's fault

>> No.5877526
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>Count Discount

>> No.5877557

this is really really cool

>> No.5878240
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>chill for color-changing thrills!

>> No.5878424
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and give them only 1

>> No.5878524
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>not giving out weeb candy and getting funny looks from fat american parents

>> No.5878528
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That fucking picture

>> No.5878530

Only the fat ones give funny looks for moon candy?

>> No.5878533

>giving away your weeb candy

>> No.5878549

But black liquorice is great
Fucking Americans can't handle anything that's not pure sugar

>> No.5878551

Only the americans, yes.

I accidentally hit 0 when I was adjusting my order and ended up with thirty packs of them, and I don't really eat snacks enough to finish them all by the expiration dates.

>> No.5878553

what did you buy? processed food doesn't really expire, especially candy

>> No.5878559

Pumpkin Kit Kats. The wafer usually goes soft/stale after it reaches its best by.

>> No.5878569

ive had it, its not so good. the taste isnt the issue, its the texture.

>> No.5878637

My parents and I usually make some grab bags that last most of the night, each one gets four or five candies in it. So usually I'll do something like a snack size reese cup, twix, a pack of skittles or m&ms and a roll of sweet-tarts.

Did they taste good?

>> No.5878662

Yep, you can hardly taste the pumpkin though.

>> No.5879136
File: 398 KB, 800x600, gandalf_in_a_timbits_box_by_oldschool_sinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growing up, there was one old couple who gave out boxs of timbits

that was the shit

>> No.5879170

when is the best by date?

>> No.5879179

It's either March 2016 or June 2016.

>> No.5879223

Entire boxes? Shit, old people in my area were really cheap.

>> No.5879227
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>tfw you live in an apartment and don't get trick-or-treaters

>> No.5879233
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impying that's a bad thing

>> No.5879282

Well back then the snack packs were cheep

>> No.5879288


>tfw you live in a small rural town in the Midwest and only entitled spoiled white kids come to your door

>> No.5879290


>> No.5879350
File: 26 KB, 253x300, Expression-Fig-20-Terror-253x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grew up in East Idaho
>in the rich neighborhood (by Idaho standards)
>every year buses and buses of native kids show up from the reservation right next to town
>literal flocks of 15-20 year olds show up with no costume on
>every year we have a separate bowl of shitty candy for the natives because they take so fucking much
>dum dums, single tootsie rolls, etc

>10th grade English class, the day after Halloween
>at the time we were reading through Huckleberry Finn
>talk about how racism is so bad day after day
>seriously, teacher is a bleeding heart liberal
>teacher gets up and walks to front of class, ready to start a lecture
>turn to my friend and ask "so, you have a separate bowl of candy for the native kids, too, right?"
>he doesn't answer
>turn around
>teacher is standing right the fuck behind me
>stomps to the front of the class
>looks straight at me
>turns out that she already planned on giving a lesson about how giving different candy was a form of segregation
>and how it was just as bad as the slavery in Huck Finn
>I shit you not
>next 30 minutes are her yelling shit at me for being a racist
>whole class is silent

>after class find out that every one of my classmates does it too

>> No.5880520

I know l'm going to be in charge of giving out candy again this year and the candy will be Reese's Cups so my dad can steal some. I'm thinking of going out and buying king sized candy to give out to the first 20 kids who show up.

>> No.5880525
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>oppall never feed me his lollipop for holloween gift

>> No.5880546

I save up from a few paychecks beforehand and buy a massive amount of cheap candy in bulk. Doesn't matter how nice or shitty your costume, everyone gets a scoopful. Then I go and piss off my sister by giving my niece and nephew the remains, which last year worked out to about half a pound to each, plus the good shit I bought especially for them.

>> No.5881392


Do you give out full 4 packs or just one can per kid?

>> No.5881394

My family did this too. I don't see it as a race thing, really, because I didn't really care if the kids were brown or not; they just didn't have a costume, fuck them, they are not getting my candy

>> No.5881503

I always just assumed candy corn was horrible, but I don't remember actually having any before.

My Aunt had some out for Thanksgiving last night and I tried one... Tastes like butterscotch pudding. Pleasantly surprised

>> No.5881833

>be 11
>love Halloween (still do)
>go all out on werewolf costume
>save my birthday money for expensive rubber mask
>buy cheap pair of jeans and flannel, rip and tear and glue patches of fur that match the color of the mask in holes
>motherfucking werewolf hands
>kept my old worn out shoes, tore them up slightly, scuffed them with some fake blood
>fake blood all over
>wait until dark to go trick-or-treating for maximum spooky
>creep around in bushes, walk with a gait and stalk people from down the street
>several groups notice and fucking book it away from me
>stop at father's place of work on Halloween (they gave out candy, idk)
>start walking to the glass storefront to leave as 3 black children are walking up
>one is literally crying at the sight of me, the girl is freaking the fuck out, oldest is holding the door closed so I can't get out
>have to remove my mask AND werewolf hands before they calm the fuck down
>leave the store laughing at how dumb they are for being scared of the shortest werewolf ever

>> No.5881847


>> No.5881860

>I accidentally hit 0 when I was adjusting my order and ended up with thirty packs of them
And you're so bad at arithmetic that you didn't notice this reflected in the total price?

>> No.5882004


This never happened.

>> No.5882118

it's too bad these things were pulled out cause of melanin or lead or someshit in the edible wrapper

>> No.5882162
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One of the last year's I ever went trick or treating we hit the jackpot.

Pepsi Blue must've just recently been discontinued because the guy had cases and cases of 2 liters on his porch. He told us to take as much as we wanted so we all got all we could carry then headed back to my house. Only bad part is that one of us got jumped for their candy so everyone else had to split some with that guy. If I had to guess I'd say Halloween of 03' or 02

>> No.5882187

So delicious. I love the elmers glue substance in the middle that makes your teeth stick together

>> No.5882580

wait so how many kitkat bars did you order? give a number of bars, not boxes (or give bars/box and number of boxes

>> No.5882602

>Pepsi Blue must've just recently been discontinued

About 10 years ago. Not sure if that was still good

>> No.5882616

There was melamine in the milk products that went into the candy. This was awhile ago. I believe production for non-Chinese markets was completely offshored after that.

>> No.5882637



>>If I had to guess I'd say Halloween of 03' or 02

>> No.5882791

where do i find these they look amazing

>> No.5882833

in the 90's

They were amazing ;~;

>> No.5882941

reese's pumpkins, gobstoppers, and swedish fish

>> No.5883169

>They just taste better for some reason
This. I cannot explain this phenomenon.

>> No.5883220
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Absolutely loved getting these motherfuckers right here.

>> No.5884112

is it fun pretending to be this edgy

>> No.5884296


>> No.5884799


>> No.5884860


>> No.5884865

I hope you get stabbed with an AIDS infected hobo knife

>> No.5884907

tiny things of nutella to the skinny kids

apples and bags of olives to the fat fucks

>> No.5884911
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>> No.5885011
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>bags of olives


>> No.5885357

Fuck off hipster shit

>> No.5885450
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>> No.5885461

They probably read the sex offenders list, bro.

>> No.5885466

>things of nutella

Did you mean the big and scary word... "jars". I know it's a difficult word for some of our smaller children here in the school of /ck/, but we encourage the use of such big, scary words for the toddlers! This way the young-ins grow up with an extended vocabulary.

Kill yourself.

>> No.5885565
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Thanks for the laugh, anon. I really needed it.

>> No.5885615

American having trouble finding some. Ralphs doesnt seem to carry them anymore and i cant really access any other places very easily.

>> No.5885622

i really love this .gif, mind if i save it?

nigga you be projecting

>> No.5885664

Even better; Anal Originale

Fuck, I'm laughing too hard at this

>> No.5886459

Feel free, my friend.

>> No.5886481
File: 11 KB, 181x278, FEELTHEPAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will feel the great joy and then burning agony that yellow warheads will give you.

I once ate a huge bag and pretty sure I destroyed the entire inside of my mouth.

Totally worth it. I give these out so kids can seperate the strong from the weak

>> No.5886485
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>mfw those sick dubs

>> No.5886497

even his watch is screaming i cant Breath

>> No.5886538

I'm pretty sure I burned out my sour taste buds when I was 12-14 when I ate three bags of Warheads in two days.

>> No.5886558

You guys were great friends for sharing with that dude. Fuck anyone who jumps kids for processed sugar.

>> No.5886659

When I was a kid there was this house in a neighborhood that gave out little pocket bibles.

>> No.5886681

UGH I think every neighborhood had that one house. Thanks for reminding me.

I think I recall a story of a neighborhood up in arms because parents were finding anti-abortion pamphlets in their kids candy bags.

>> No.5886727

An apple or some carrots.

>> No.5886728
File: 72 KB, 467x350, a7a34ea9fad8d2147d2ec0bd030d87f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone legitimately gotten a razor in one of their candies?


>> No.5886745

Never happened except some loony guy in the 70s who also poisoned his own children.

>> No.5886766

The best treats are non-food like pencils or bookmarks.

>> No.5886770

only like 10% of the money you got was going to people in need anyways anon.

>> No.5886774
File: 2.09 MB, 275x150, 0b772f5484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bite into a Snickers bar
>There's a 10 pack of disposable Bic shaving razors inside, the package is still sealed

>> No.5886819
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My parents always got a big bag of this shit.

I guess it was aight though cause we lived in a rural area and no one ever trick our treated our house. I guess they just wanted an excuse to buy a bag of candy, but if that's the case why such a shitty bag of candy.

>> No.5887281

>Not making your own candy stuff to give to faggot kids and let them taste your sweet skills

>> No.5887290

>one of us got jumped for their candy
where do u live