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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5860254 No.5860254 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a thread for cheap as shit, yet delicious and simple food for the poorfag.

Pic related is ham and greated cheese, in a tortilla and thrown into the microwave for 1 min (or just until the cheese is melted, don't get your tortilla too soggy, faggot.) Black pepper and sometimes a bit of ketchup, depending how I feel.

This is my favourite poorfag "meal" at the moment. Post yours.

>> No.5860262

>$.87 can of chili
>$.50 of rice
Bam, complete meal.

>> No.5860272


You mean lazy.

>> No.5860273

>"Hello, Mr. Grocery Store Owner. I'd like to buy $.50 of rice and $.87 worth of canned chili, please."
what fucking planet do you live on

>> No.5860280

>can of chili

man make your own, stores very well and easy to make. Canned food is definitely not cheap.

fuck off

>> No.5860282


What's so strange about that? Many grocery stores sell rice in bulk. You scoop out however much you want and pay by weight.

As for the chili, sounds like a normal price for generic brand cheap ass canned chili.

>> No.5860285


Whatever you want to call it, then. Shitfood general?

>> No.5860294

Sour cream on a tortilla, rolled up and cut like sushi.

Ate that many a night when my parents were broke. Still eat it every now and then for the nostalgia. And hell, it's a damn tasty snack too.

>> No.5860295

>fuck off
i'm sorry i don't live in bumfuck nowhere where you can buy half a cup of rice at a time
>in bulk
bulk isn't the question, if you want to make one single meal, you're going to have to spend more than 50 cents to get a serving of rice.

>> No.5860300

There's a whole bunch you can do with five pounds of chicken thighs and a suitably large crockpot. Throw in a couple jars of supermarket salsa and/or a can of black beans, for e.g., or buffalo chicken with a couple bottles of Frank's Red Hot.

>> No.5860304

Dude. Calm the fuck down, who the fuck gets bent out of shape over rice?.

>> No.5860306

>>in bulk

Sorry, perhaps I wasn't clear. I didn't mean you had to buy the rice in a large quantiyty. I meant that the market sells rice without packaging. It's in a large bulk bin with a scoop provided. You scoop out however much you want. You can buy however much or however little you want. In other words, you don't have to buy a large package of rice. You can buy however much you want--whether that's one grain or hundreds of lbs.

>> No.5860312

frozen grocery store brand perogies
hot dogs
cook in pan then eat with mayo ketchup

>> No.5860313

>if you want to make one single meal, you're going to have to spend more than 50 cents to get a serving of rice.

this would be applicable with foods that spoil quick or foods that reduce greatly in quality when frozen, but rice keeps forever so there's not gonna be any waste at all, unless you literally just never use the rest ever again

>> No.5860314


You do know what board you're on?

>> No.5860320


Stop gaying up the thread you cunts.

>> No.5860325

15 replies

>0 pictures

Post pics of your cheap food plz

>> No.5860329

This. Jesus christ.

>> No.5860333

I never take pictures of my cheap meals. I usually just talk about it only because it looks like shit most of the time

>> No.5860343

Potato scones
Can't get much cheaper than potato and flour

>> No.5860346
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I like to whip up a few of these when a need a quick cheap snack.

>> No.5860356

>pan fry bacon, sausage or ham
>fry eggs in rendered fat
>eat with toast and hot sauce.

15 minutes of cooking at the most, 0 prep, minimal cleanup. Most breakfast foods are cheap and require no effort

>> No.5860371

Awesome sausage pasta bake. Feeds me for 3 days.

Fry up an onion in some oil for five minutes or so on medium low. Add in a few cloves of garlic and fry 2 minutes. Take the meat out of 8 sausages and add it into the pot and brown it. Add one can of chopped tomatoes and a vegetable stock cube in 300ml water and boil for ten minutes.
Boil 400g of penne pasta until it's cooked, then drain and add to sauce.
Pour into baking dish.
Make a roux with 50g of butter and 50g of flour.
Slowly add 500ml of whole milk to make bachamel.
Thicken for 5 minutes.
Pour over red sauce.
Bake @ 200C for 20-30 minutes

>> No.5860540

>i'm sorry i don't live in a city where you can buy half a cup of rice at a time


>> No.5860550

I like lentil stew, maybe with beans!

>> No.5860552

lentil stew is always better with beans!

>> No.5860619

>fry eggs in bacon fat from bacon

nah dude thats how you get gross eggs. just cook them separetly or clean the pan that had bacon in it and then cook the eggs in a little bit of butter.

i know it "makes sense" to fry it in the bacon grease but dont. it will just overwhelm the eggs and make for a really greasy experience.

>> No.5860634

College-friend here, I make some delicious chicken salad on toast

~20 grams of deli chicken
Slice it up
~Quarter of a tomato
Slice it up
Throw together in bowl
Add a few tablespoons of Mayonnaise
A teaspoon of Dijon mustard
Swirl around until everything is coated
Add some black peppercorns
Spoon out on top of some buttered whole grain toast

>> No.5860655

>$1 box of pasta
>86 cent can of diced tomatoes
>dried basil, and oregano
reduce all liquid from tomatoes

delicious and inexpensive. one box of pasta is about 4 meals for a normal person

>> No.5861126

>refried bean and cheese (optional) burritos
>soup beans and corn bread
>vegetable/chicken/any meat soup
>biscuits and gravy (plain gravy if extra poor)
>chicken and dumplings

None of these are very expensive to make.

>> No.5861255

>>$.87 can of chili
>Canned food is definitely not cheap.

Indeed. The "good" tasting stuff is Bushes brand that has tons of stuff in it and costs $2.59 a can here. For like $10 I can make at least 10 times that amount and still be as good or better than what they have in a can. I even have stuff to pressure can it for later if I want.

>> No.5862181

thats not poorfag meal

potato-soup, rice and beans... pasta with tomato sauce

>> No.5862260

I used to just eat rice with onions. That was a pretty cheap meal. If I had a little extra cash, I'd splurge on some cheap shitty soy sauce or steal some from a chinese restaurant.

>> No.5862266
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>> No.5862281
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1 whole wheat tortilla (29¢)
1/3 can refried beans (25¢)
1 egg (24¢)
salt & pepper

Heat tortilla on stove.
Heat beans in microwave, then spread on tortilla
Put scrambled egg on top of beans
Season w/ salt and pepper
Devour it

78¢ for a meal, lots of fiber and protein, very filling and gives lots of energy. If you want, you can change it up by adding any of the following:
>diced tomato
>thinly sliced red onion
>sour cream

>> No.5862291

If making a wrap or burrito or something using a tortilla in a microwave sit the thing on some wooden chopsticks layed across a dish with raised edges or a bowl.

I use 4 chopsticks when doing that, the purpose being to avoid the bottom from getting moist. Then let it sit for a bit with the microwave door open to cool off and let the tortilla dry.

I'd do it for longer than a minute, I can make wraps and burritos in a microwave and if done right the burrito can even crisp up. Make whatever's laid across the chopsticks wont drip into anything except the dish.

I find a leftover chinese plastic takeout dish works great, the rectangular ones, especially since the edges are flat so the chopsticks don't roll.

>> No.5862294
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2 tbsp miso paste (10¢)
handful of bean sprouts(5¢)
handful of spinach (6¢)
2 ounces of diced green onion (3¢)
dash of sugar (0.00000004¢)

>combine miso with 2 cups of water, heat to boiling
>reduce heat, add everything else and cook for two minutes
>pour in bowl and consume delicious poor-mans miso soup

24¢ for this meal. takes 2 minutes to make, very tasty, and very filling. add shrimp, sliced pork, or diced tofu if you can afford it

>> No.5862304

It's a bit of a time consuming process, but I really like making breakfast potatoes whenever I can.

2-3 potatoes, preferrably yukon gold
1/2 onion, preferrably sweet maui
3-4 cloves garlic, or garlic salt
2-3 tbsp butter or olive oil (or both, I've done both)
1/4 tbsp oregano
1/4 tbsp rosemary
salt and pepper to taste

>chop potatoes into cubes. smaller cubes means faster cook time
>rinse potatoes to remove starch, then pat as dry as possible. this is important for the browning process
>roughly chop onion while potatoes are drying
>mince garlic
>add grease of choice to large skillet, preferrably one that's not non-stick for delicious fond
>heat to medium high, dump in potatoes and onions
>let bottom of potatoes brown before turning
>add garlic and spices after first turn

All together this takes about 30 minutes to make, but oh man is it worth it.

Total cost something like $5 if you buy a bag of potatoes and an onion or two, which means multiple meals.

>> No.5862320
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cheap and easy

>> No.5862322
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you just have to know were to buy your cheap vegs

>> No.5862329

Nice white ass bread

Holy shit

>> No.5862331

>white bread
>not toasted potato bread

oh shit nigger what are you doing

>> No.5862658

I have been living off of Spinach and Tomato sandwiches so far as my staple.

Its not quite full poorfag mode, but it is reasonable considering a bag of Popeyes spinach cost me 2.50 and roma tomatoes are 88cents a pound (which is like 4 of them).

The real "Struggle" food is Hamburger Helper...without the hamburger [DUN DUN DUUUUUN]

>> No.5862661

Not a poorfag and I enjoy provolone melted on a flour tortilla with some sriracha.

>> No.5863229

nigga just buy tuna helper. a can of tuna from Wal-Mart© tuna is like 70¢

>> No.5863312

Or just heat up the tortilla on a skillet.

>> No.5863320

I used to eat microwaved beef burritos all the fucking time
I had to eat them with Sriracha though

>> No.5863325

Place bologna on a napkin
Drop a scoop of rice in middle
Add some soy sauce and top with a little butter
Microwave for 30s to 1m depending on your microwave
The bologna will become a makeshift bowl

>> No.5863337

roma tomatoes were 9 cents a pound here a week or two ago

needless to say i loaded up

>> No.5863364

Spaghetti, olive oil, cheese, salt and pepper.

Boil the pasta, drain it, plate it, while it's still hot drizzle some olive oil on it, add salt and pepper, grate lots of cheese on top.

It's filling and cheap and tastes pretty good.

>> No.5863383

>peanut butter
>jam or banana slices if you're a fatcat

>> No.5863402

Lentil stew is always better with beans!

>> No.5863415
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Southwest Spinach Balls.

1 pkg. (6 oz.) Stuffing Mix for Chicken
1-2/3 cups hot water
1/4 cup butter or margarine
2 pkg. (10 oz. each) frozen chopped spinach, thawed, well drained and patted dry
1 cup Grated Parmesan Cheese
1 cup corn, drained
1 small onion, finely chopped
4 eggs
1 4 ounce can chopped green chilis

Heat oven to 400ºF. Mix stuffing mix, hot water and butter in large bowl until blended.
Add remaining ingredients; mix lightly. Shape into 60 (1-inch) balls. Place in single layer on 2 rimmed baking sheets sprayed with cooking spray.
Bake 15 to 20 min. or until lightly browned.

I make 2" balls and cook them for thirty minutes. The great thing about this recipe is most of the stuff is usually in my kitchen anyway.

>> No.5863437


>> No.5863684

>Add some black peppercorns

Like whole peppercorns? I've never eaten whole black peppercorns, nor was I aware that other people did.
That's pretty cool if I'm not misunderstanding you.
I like whole green peppercorns, but of course the texture and flavor are completely different.

Also quick chicken or egg salad are great poorfag meals. Deli chicken or fresh can both work, and eggs are seven bucks for five dozen. Your spice rack is your best friend, OP.

>> No.5863687

>1 minute

are you retarded?

That's about how long it would take to heat in a pan. What the fuck do you need to microwave deli ham and cheese for a minute for?

>> No.5863691


This. If you're really fucking poor, condiments and spices are your friends. Either buy big bottles of store brand stuff or nab a few packets from a fast food place or restaurant. You can eat rice for dinner every day and not be too miserable if you have a variety of sauces/spices to add to it.

>> No.5863724
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I eat them at work and we have a microwave, not an entire kitchen.

>deli ham and cheese

>> No.5863736 [DELETED] 

These "poor" threads are always bait and shit.

OP's food looks like trash and if you actually use a microwave to do any cooking you should be banned from /ck/

>> No.5863808


>Poorfag food

Man I don't know about you, but where I live bacon is one of the most expensive damn things in the entire supermarket. Price of bacon has been going up like crazy for the last couple of years.
On top of that, they're also selling a lot less. Packages used to be 500g, nowadays the average one is more likely to be 375g. It fucking sucks.
Bacon is a damn luxury and that should not be.

>> No.5863859


Agreed. Bacon used to be considered shit-tier and didn't sell very well until an ad campaign ran, convincing people that bacon was the greatest breakfast food ever.

As it is, it's far more expensive than it should be. I buy mine in three pound packages, running anywhere from $13-22 a piece, and freeze it in half pound quantities.

>> No.5863878

pork belly seems to be skyrocketing too

>> No.5863922


I think it's become somewhat trendy the way bacon has. I see a lot of celebrity chefs "elevating' it and getting patted on the back about it.
You know how people are.

>> No.5864038

My personal favorite is can of sardines (in olive oil, water, or hot sauce) and like 5 or 6 water crackers to put them on. Healthy, satisfying, and delicious if you like tuna

>> No.5864040

Do you fucks even know what poor is?
For me
rice+canned tuna
quesadillas with onion, tomato and cheap cheese+sriracha

>> No.5864044

Tin of mackrel/sardines/pilchards on toast. Jazz it up however you want and tweak the flavourings.

Canned fish, cheap onions and hot sauce were a cheap saving grace from my broke college days

>> No.5864132

Dried beans cooked either in a pressure cooker or soaked overnight and boiled make a great protein source for almost no cash. Tofu also does...at around 1.50 to 1.75 a block it's cheap and plentiful and with a bit of marinating substitutes well into almost any dish.

>> No.5864160
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Half a can of off-brand canned salmon, mixed with a bit of wheat gluten (regular flour works too) , soy sauce, salt, MSG, granulated garlic and a beaten egg. Fried in tallow that I rendered from beef scraps I got for free from the butcher. Has the minimum daily protein requirements.

>> No.5864168

>poorfag food
>not "look at how lazy i am i microwave a hotdog for dinner" food

fuck right off m80

>> No.5864189

Saltine crackers, water, and vitamins. Even less money than chili and rice, and with no prep time.

>> No.5864203

Refried beans with rice, maybe topped with diced tomatoes and salsa

Falafel and hummus are also cheap and easy.

>> No.5864281

tear up green onion, kale, and gai lan, sautee in pan with a lot of garlic.

add 1/2c lentils and 1/2c brown rice, appropriate amount of liquid, and put the lid on. cook until the rice is ready.

this has been surprisingly good. the lentils mush up so it's kind of like colcannon, but it's better for you.

>> No.5864369

tahinne, or whatever the name is (sesame paste) is not cheap at all.
also what's your recipe for falafel

>> No.5864397


I pretty much follow this for falafel. Though I found it helpful to chill the balls for an hour or so before frying them so that they remain intact.

And yeah, tahini isn't cheap but I find a single jar goes a long way. cheaper than buying pre-made hummus

>> No.5864417

Gracias my friend, looking forward to cook it.

>> No.5864430

What are some things you do to mix it up with your rice?
For me it's an egg, onion, garlic, potatoes, any meat I can get(a stick of pepperoni can go a long way here), fried versions of these when I have soy sauce, or with chilli or beans.

>> No.5864700
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Not delicious, but not bad and can be made in bulk.

>> No.5864776


I duno if ya'll have ever been to this site bu this lady keeps track of the cost per serving and to cook full meals. she recently did the snap challenge were she would live on only 30$ a week for food. if you check some of her older reciepies though she has some decent ones for really tight budgets. lots of different bean and rice dishes, how to make your own tortillas and such pretty handy. granted your cost of food might vary from state to state but it'll be pretty close.

>> No.5864796


This is a very good recommendation, been going there for years.

Also you can make anything taste good with: olive oil,balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, salt, pepper, paprika and garlic salt.

>> No.5864857
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>greated cheese
How great was it?

>> No.5864865

What a fucking bitch

>> No.5864903

when you remove the egg from the pan let the grease drain from it for a couple of seconds and you'll be fine

>> No.5864953

>mfw i had bacon tonight, with eggs FRIED RIGHT IN THE FUCKING GREASE with toasts.


>> No.5864959

>buy container of rice at grocery
>cost/serving = approx $0.50?
I'm just guessing.

>> No.5864971

shut up


>> No.5864986

it's fucking delicious

>> No.5864990

any tortilla in any microwave for 1 minute will ruin it.

>> No.5865014

bacon!! fat!!! fry!!!! america!!! haha

epin, simply epin

I bet when you go to the ice cream parlor you get bacon in your cone you fucking maggot

>> No.5865023

I've seen many things but people getting buttmad over bacon is new

>> No.5865025

I like this idea. do you think it would be detrimental to the dish if I added black beans to them?

>> No.5865026

tired of retards thinking they're awesome for eating pork fat

>> No.5865249

Or just use a small amount of the bacon grease, then you get the flavor without the disgust.

>> No.5865269

Shit, now I wanna try this. It will be my dinner.

>> No.5865494

back in my poorfag days I'd head to the nearby supermarket and grab a load of clearance area veg and meat (or sausages if no good price meat), then head over to the sauces/condiments aisle and get a packet of pepper/chili/stroganoff etc powder, take it home and make a delicious stew with them. would usually have it with rice or mash potato. would keep me going for a few days and might cost me about 2-3€

when I was feeling REALLY frugal, I'd get a kg bag of pasta (49c) and a jar of cheap indian sauce (usually korma or tikka, 79c) and just make a pasta bake that could last me 3, even 4 days

>> No.5865756


I'm sure it wouldn't actually taste that bad, but just the fact that they don't seem to care what goes into it makes me sad. Miscellaneous vegetable, some kind of potato, some kind of bready starch. Also the only seasoning is seasoning salt.
Don't get arrested in Vegas, kids.
Also, appreciate your mother's meatloaf.

>> No.5865805

Minced beef
2 onions
1/4 cabbage (feel free to use as much as you want, I usually end up using more than half a well sized head)
8 dried tomatoes
2 cloves of garlic
(if you're feeling filthy rich, add bacon to taste)

Brown the meat in oil, chop the onions and slice the bacon finely and fry it in the end.
Dice the cabbage and dried tomatoes into finely and add them to the meat and onions while reducing the heat.
Add the garlic, salt, pepper and a few cups of water and simmer for about half an hour.
Serve with pasta, the more absorbant the better

>> No.5865811
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I really went crazy with the cabbage here, and added a few carrots that were going soft.

>> No.5865868


All that onion. I bet the kitchen smells great while that's cooking. Would definitely eat.

>> No.5865873

Oh it's mostly cabbage.

>> No.5865897


Oh, I thought it had two entire onions in it. Still, cabbage is delicious. I'd make some garlic biscuits and load them up with that mixture. So good, so cheap.

>> No.5865912

Aah, it does have 2 whole onions in it, and then about three times that much cabbage.

Just though you though it was all onion.

But yeah it's great with most starch, except potatoes, for some reason it just doesn't work.

>> No.5866462
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>rice keeps forever

>> No.5866480
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>> No.5866482


Free protein.

>> No.5866486


Easy Cheese is not cheap.

>> No.5866490

Do you know how expensive canned cheese is, son?

>you're ruining this family

>> No.5866527

Thats why I freeze every batch of rice I get. Kills the eggs.

>> No.5866528

I had those the other day for the first time. Really wasn't terrible.

>> No.5866534


>> No.5866553


I've had a can of these in my pantry for a couple months. I was wondering what they would look like. Thanks, not as bad as I thought.

>> No.5866566

if you combine them with hormels shitty canned chili it's pretty great drunk/poorfag food.

>> No.5866568


who cares? you don't taste them and they aren't to do anything bad to you

>> No.5866570
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Rice and a raw egg.
Add a stock cube when cooking the rice, mix in raw egg after it's been cooked, sprinkle with salt -- and pepper if you're flush off a dead relative's inheritance or something.

Wa la

>> No.5866572

>not sweating your eggs in the microwave

>> No.5866580


After seeing the picture my mind immediately went to hot sauce or salsa.
Maybe add some shitty chilli, hot sauce, onion, and a dollop of sour cream. That actually sounds pretty appetizing. Gonna probably do this next time I'm drunk.

>> No.5866581

Also forgot to say it comes with endless variations, like substituting the rice for noodles.
Or you can leave out the egg and just eat the rice or the noodles.

>> No.5866605

On food stamps it's cheap

>> No.5866612
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Pumpkin korokke.

Roast and puree 1/2 a kobocha squash, add 1 small diced onion and a few spoonfuls of flour. Shape into patties, and bread them using panko (coat in flour, dip in beaten egg and then coat with panko). Fry in 2-3 inches of oil in a heavy bottomed pan.

Goes really well with tonkatsu sauce.

>> No.5866626

It's actually illegal to serve that in prisons now. It was specifically made to be completely bland and able to be eaten without utensils or even plates. It was meant to be given to prisoners who couldn't have those things and made illegal because it's considered inhumane to punish them with food.

>> No.5866634

How long does it take though? I find getting a good jacket potato takes almost 2 hours. Probably doesn't help a poor fags gas bill. Do you have a quicker recipe that's just as good?

>> No.5866643

Must have a shitty oven, then. It takes me an hour from fully uncooked to delicious, mushy firmness.
You can part boil the potatos before you put them in the oven though, it speeds up the process but I dunno bout saving mone.

>> No.5866733

Day 1 - "Spicy ricey meat suprise"

cheap bulk rice
cheapest meat on sale (usually mince)
some tortilla wraps
cheap salsa/whatever for taste, dump in

Day 2 - "Anons shitpot"

cheap pasta, boil
cheap sausages/chicken, cut up and fry
tomato/whatever sauce for taste, warm up and dump in
eat from the pot

repeat for 9 months

>> No.5866957

That looks pretty tasty.

>> No.5866971

Day 271
Give birth to a healthy antichrist

>> No.5867027

try it with salami and swiss, also warm it up on a stove, tastes way better imo. microwaved tortillas are pretty awkward.

>> No.5867029


>> No.5867059

microwave it for ~10 mins and then either oven for some time (depends on potato size etc, experiment) or grill (broil) until crisp

>> No.5867822

>Ground beef
>Garlic salt and pepper

Really good if you're a anemic like myself.

>> No.5867984

Here's what I have cooking in my crockpot right now:

-3 chicken breasts
-1 packet of taco seasoning (65 cents)
-1 small can of diced green peppers (80 cents)
-1/2 a jar of black bean and white corn salsa ($2 at Wal Mart)

I also got a small bag of shredded cheese and a shitton of corn tortillas on sale for under $2. I'm gonna make some balla quesadillas.

>> No.5867994

Man one of my favourite meals as a kid was spinach flan, which is pretty much this in pastry

>> No.5868004

Dude, memories of eating cheap food growing up makes me feel sad. I tend to get nostalgic about things, but I don't like the feeling that comes from realizing as a young adult, that for some time as a kid (actually, for much longer for my older brother and my parents), we were relatively poor - like Vienna Sausages in a tin from Big Lots poor.

>> No.5868025

>White bread
>Potato chips
>Kraft Singles

>> No.5868027

I find once they begin to cool down they get a "stale" like texture. I have no idea why.

>> No.5868077

I think I'll try this because I have so much frozen spinach.

>> No.5868083

I like to do this when the rice is hot enough that it almost cooks the egg. I add soy sauce too.

>> No.5868233
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Just finished cooking, and holy shit is it good!

>> No.5868260
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The amount of arepas you can make from a $2 bag of this stuff is insane. Stuff with whatever you have on hand. Sweet, savory, it all works.

>> No.5868269


the box of pasta I have are .99 and have 6 cups in them, I usually cook 2 cups per meal, unless I am super broke I will do one cup per day.

>> No.5868284
File: 75 KB, 634x476, jason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

planters unsalted peanuts + salt

>> No.5868314

did you just get here from leddit?

>> No.5868342
File: 93 KB, 400x400, pe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use Potato Express.

>> No.5868927

Arepas, pls

>> No.5868944

Genuinely laughed out loud when reading the names.

>> No.5870023

I cheat and put the egg in boiling water for 2 minutes because salmonella is scary. The egg still comes out mostly raw with just a bit of white.

>> No.5870123

I bet you eat a bowl of baby dicks every morning fag

>> No.5870153
File: 67 KB, 300x300, Shinramyun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This brand of ramen (~$1/packet)
A bag of frozen dumplings, veg/pork/whatever you like (~$0.25 per dumpling)
A bag of onions (~$0.80/onion or $0.27/meal)
Mushrooms (~$0.50/ounce)

slice onion
slice mushrooms (wash them first)
saute onion and mushrooms for a few minutes, until onions are translucent
add water and bring to boil
add noodles and two or three dumplings
simmer for four or five minutes
enjoy meal that cost less than three dollars but doesn't entirely suck

>> No.5870194
File: 56 KB, 300x225, e8bcd020196e515e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad used to call sour patch kids sour baby dicks and he had to stop eating them because he ate so many he couldn't feel his mouth.

>> No.5870195
File: 98 KB, 500x374, winco-bulk-bins-picture (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait you don't have a single store where you can go get literally 50c worth of rice from a bulk container? I can also buy a habanero for like 7c, if I just need like one. Also a can of cheap chili is approx 87c

>> No.5870202

$8.00 per lb of mushrooms? Holy shit.

>> No.5870209
File: 26 KB, 320x214, _DSC0131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently these peasants have never heard of Whole Foods

No wonder they're all concerned about "food security", their grocery stores are complete shit

>> No.5870217

>whole foods
slow down there, moneybags.

>> No.5870226


It's much cheaper to buy lundberg farms brown rice from whole foods from the bulk bins than the riceland shit in jars from the shitty C-Town down the block. The only reason people think whole foods is expensive is they buy prepackaged yuppie junk food there like amaranth date energy bars and $10 coconut chia smoothies. The real food is usually competitively priced.

>> No.5870360


>> No.5871260

corn tortilla in the microwave for 1 minute turns it into a tostada shell.

>> No.5871435

what kind of poorfag can afford cheese

>> No.5871464

what kind of failure human bean can't afford food in the US?

food is extremely cheap over there

try to be poor and live in a developing country like me, faggots

>> No.5871479

Little Ceasers 5 dollar pepperoni pizzas are REALLY good as far as chain pizza goes. and they're 5 fucking dollars and decent sized. I could literally eat one every day and my wallet wouldn't give a fuck

>> No.5871481

this post really made me laugh for some reason
it sounds like something one of my friends would say while high or drunk or something or even sober and then I would think about it for the next few days and laugh whenever it pops in my head

>> No.5871483

5 dollars is ridiculously cheap for a pizza that size and that quality. Maybe I just have a good little ceasers near me but that's some good fucking pizza.

I'm taking advantage of it until people catch on and they raise it a dollar like they did with certain taco bell item menus that im still mad about

>> No.5871484

lol u live in a shitty country

i feel sorry for you

>> No.5871656

Loaf of bread, $1...

>> No.5871803

It's called having some common sense and draining some if the grease out if the pan so the eggs are not fucking swiming in it.

>> No.5872008

Rice, can of cream of chicken soup, milk.

If you can afford it add a small onion and some mushrooms.

Salt, pepper.

>> No.5872087

the deep dish is where it's at, but it's less bang for buck because I eat the whole thing in one sitting

that's all I need for a day, though

>> No.5872093


>> No.5872149

>Mixing chili with anything
I bet you eat chili-beans too.

>> No.5873026

White bread, butter, garlic salt and grated parmesan cheese

>> No.5873055

Can we please get some ideas that aren't Mexican food? I'm sick of cooking up combinations of rice, beans, tortillas, cheese, and salsa. Everyone knows that, let's not sound like a broken record here.

>> No.5873056

And then put into the toaster oven of course

>> No.5873060
File: 341 KB, 1600x875, maruchan-ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you take one of these and cook it like you usually do, and when you're done add some mayo (like 3/4 tablespoon) and grated cheese (colby, cheddar, whatever you like) and if you want to, dump your favorite hot sauce on that bitch.

boom delicious meal

>> No.5873065

Here's something cheap and easy: Bread. You buy it, slice it, butter it, eat it.

>> No.5873160

for those of you that like fried food:

Plantains and zucchini are cheap and perfect for frying.. cut or smash thin, then fry the shit out of them in a cast iro skillet on high with vegetable oil.. take out when golden brown and salt like crazy.

They are good on their own, but you can dip in whatever sauce or dip.. i like to use "fry sauce"..

VERY CHEAP bar quality fried goodies.. perfect for the drunk.

>> No.5873185

I love fried plantains and salami

>> No.5873259

>human bean

>> No.5873270


I usually add hot sauce and peanut butter, but during desperate times, I've considered tossing in a bit of mayo instead. How does it come out?

>> No.5874555

>tfw local supermarket (big chain) doesn't sell black beans
>at all
>slightly less local one only sells them as part of their fancy organic line
Fucking UK.

>> No.5874578


>> No.5874579

I don't necessarily do single meal/processed foods because after a long time of being poor fag, I have found that I spend more money in a chain grocery store and buying canned food.

I found a cheap deli and a cheap farmers market. They have ground beef and pork for 99 cents a pound. One pound makes two days of dinner for me.

I buy a sack of potatoes for about 2 bucks
5 pound bag of rice at an asian store for about 4 dollars (this will last me over two weeks)
Various cheap vegetables.

I generally spend about 20 bucks per week on groceries.

I also keep spices. I buy them slowly as I need them since they are kinda expensive.

I love making meatballs. Boils some potatoes and chop 'em up into little cubes. Take some old bread, throw it in the oven at 300 for about 10 minutes, tear em up. Season a half-pound of ground pork and a half-pound of ground beef. Mash the potato, the meat, seasonings, the toast, and an egg all together. Put em in a lightly oiled skillet and cook em on medium low until cooked all the way through. Delicious and cheap.

And I often make sauteed cabbage and rice for quick and easylunch or dinner.

>> No.5874587

> steamed broccoli (10-16 ounce bag for a buck)
> chicken leg quarters (.50-.99 cents a pound)
> rice (buck for a pound)


>> No.5875441

what is this?

>> No.5875491

>$2 for 4 cans of tuna
>not poorfag


>> No.5877607

I checked the whole food near me in tucson and i Saw nothing of the sort.

>> No.5877609

He's talking about buying canned chili not spending 5 hours cooking.

>> No.5877617

strange how spice is expensive out of everything else. if you leave near an ocean you can get salt for free.

salt is the king of spices.

just need salt and pepper.

>> No.5877915

>implying that pasta is filling

>> No.5877937



>> No.5878061

wow that's cheap. Here in the uk it costs way more than that, about £1 a tin.

>> No.5880203

Check out the Good and Cheap Cookbook here. Pretty legit food for poorfags, specifically designed to be able to survive off of food stamp money.

>> No.5880312

makes it creamy, but knocks down the spiciness so you have to add more hotsauce

>> No.5880332

Making tortilla chips

Currently resting masa over night and will post pics tomorrow

Its just masa harina, water, fat for frying

Dirt cheap too

>> No.5880344

not 2spicy4u?

>> No.5880348

I throw in a can of Vienna Sausages that I chop up while I'm cooking the noodles. It satisfies a meat craving.

>> No.5880361

Potato candy.
Boil and mash a potato, then mix in powdered sugar until saturated.
Then spread into a sheet and spread Peanut Butter on it, and roll it up.
Set in the fridge to chill for a while, and slice it into wheels.

>> No.5880442


>> No.5880448


what the fuck

>> No.5880563

>eating chicken asshole
i can vouch for this being tasty. also a good idea if you dont want to spend money on candy for Halloween but have and abundance of potatos

>> No.5880570

Like most things, spices are expensive if you don't know how to shop for them.

I was talking to a white girl and she was like "I would cook Asian food, but ginger is SOOOoooo expensive!" She only ever bought it from western-type grocers rather than from Asian ones.
I showed her that just as milk is expensive at Asian grocers because few Asians use it regularly, ginger is expensive at western markets because few westerners use it regularly.
You want cheap spices? Go to an Asian grocer and buy whole spices. I don't trust buying pre-ground, powdered ones.

>> No.5880571

i frowned when i read this post

>> No.5880591

The woman who designed that potato cooker lives in Winterville NC.

I know her, and she gave me one of the originals made from an old quilt.

Small world. I use it to reheat old biscuits and shit.

>> No.5880593

could it really heat potatoes like that doe

>> No.5880596

Hers work very well. The company she sold the patent to makes them with a combo of cotton and nylon, while her hand made ones are 100% cotton.

The manufactured ones tend to melt in the amount of time you'd need for a medium to large russet, but the cotton one I have is bomb as fuck. Fuck preheating nigga, we a microwave now.

>> No.5880666

that was a shitty picture the 1st time it was posted, and guess what? it's even shittier that you saved it & reposted

>> No.5882285

Those are croquettes, you fucking weeaboo. Spell it correctly.

>> No.5882294
File: 38 KB, 300x300, prodpicnr5151-maggi-austriaonlineshop[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rice with Pic related Insta meal, Rice with eggs and salt insta meal, rice with ground meat insta meal, et cetera.
I live on rice and ramen.
Also buy Miso paste and make some plain soup with just miso and water

>> No.5882696


Same day bakery bread on its own is just as damn good.

>> No.5882821
File: 1.23 MB, 3353x2669, bucket-of-chicken-livers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These bitches right here.

They sell for a 1.30 for a two quart tub for God's sake.

>inb4 squeamish fuckers talking about how toxic and unsafe eating livers is.

>> No.5882843
File: 10 KB, 259x194, descarga (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5882973

>not adding onions
nigga, step it up

>> No.5882981

seriously, onions taste great with both eggs and potatoes, you done messed up twice

>> No.5883365

Isn't porkbelly just uncut bacon?

>> No.5883373

Never had chicken liver. Always used it as bait.

>> No.5883766

you goober, it says winco in the filename and everything.

>> No.5883770

i second this. incredible source of protein when you're on budget. too bad you cant really eat that too often because it has shitton of vit A

>> No.5883812

>go to Wendy's
>spend a buck for side salad
>get to go
>fill back with free ketchup and saltines
>go home heat up pot of water
>add ketchup to hot water
Instant tomato soup with crackers and salad

>> No.5883873

interesting fact about liver. some guy attempted to kill his wife by giving her vitamin a poisoning through eating livers. not sure how it turned out tbf

>> No.5884309

Bacon is cured.

>> No.5885964

That is some ghetto shit right there

>> No.5885971

It used to be half that price, but its went up in price last 5 years or so

>> No.5885979

>some bacon is cured

>> No.5885988

I routinely buy store made italian bread, a pound of cheap deli meat (sometimes prepacked stuff), half pound of white american cheese, lettuce and tomato.

Its relatively cheap and it makes me sandwiches 4-5 days out of the week.

>> No.5886014


kinda made me sad in a way i was sad when Tom Hanks was stacking dem crackers with catsup and mustard in The Terminal

but it also gave me a good idea, thx

>> No.5886157

Why would you need something for making baked potatoes in the microwave?
>wash potatoes
>poke a few holes in them
>microwave for 4-5 minutes, flip them, microwave again
I've ate them like for for ages and they're great.

>> No.5886665

I love raw egg yolk and I'm not scared about salmonella, but the texture of raw egg white makes me want to vomit. I can't stand the disgusting slimy mucousy membrane feeling, especially where it clumps together like snot.

I wish eggs came with just the yolk.

>> No.5886739

My potato just exploded in the microwave you fucking asshole

>> No.5886780

>€0.25 to €0.5 per tortilla
>poorfag food
fuck off

>> No.5886803

post pics

>> No.5886804

>buy bag of 5 lb bag of instant masa at flea market for 1 dollar
>make infinite tortillas
kill yourself

>> No.5886824

still 1.29 a pound here

>> No.5886829

>buying food from a flea market
let that sink in for a moment

>> No.5886838

masa $4 for 5 pounds here in Canada

Shit sucks I love corn tortillas

>> No.5886845

nice b8 m8

>> No.5887578

Most parents don't let their kids eat homemade crap cause you don't know what's in it..especially potato candy what the hell

>> No.5887636

MY FUCKING MAN. I've been telling people my whole life about the glory of tinned mackerel on toast my whole life, and always got looked at like I was fucking weird for it. All you need is a little bit of pepper and MAYBE a thin drizzle of squeezy mayo. Perfecto.

>> No.5887640


>> No.5888926


What kind of bugs are those?

>who cares? you don't taste them and they aren't to do anything bad to you

You have to be careful eating bugs. They aren't always as harmless as you think. My cat got worms because she ingested fleas while she groomed herself. The fleas carried worms. The same could very well happen if you incidentally eat those bugs thinking you'll be fine.

>> No.5888943
File: 1.33 MB, 392x400, 1412801906447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got left over passover matza for 50 cents a box
>2 dollars for a pound of reduced ground beef
>Eggs on sale for 99 cents
Cheap ass meatloaf/balls

>> No.5888983

Whelp it's the most expensive thing he could think of. That said I duno if the average poor fag would like foie. Truffles are kind of universal though.

>> No.5888999
File: 57 KB, 407x550, tortilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy cans of chunky soup
>heat and serve over cooked rice

Pretty cheap and filling. I especially like doing it with vegetable beef and chicken tortilla soup (sometimes I'll also add extra black beans, corn, etc). The chunky vegetable beef soup also goes pretty well over mashed potatoes, it's better than the frozen tv dinner equivalent imo.

>> No.5889076

buy bulk sesame seeds and puree them with whatever oil you can afford. It is much cheaper and you get the same flavor. Alternatively, use peanut butter.

>> No.5889133

When I was younger I'd enjoy box macaroni and cheese with a packet of tuna and a 3/4 cp of mixed frozen veggies, or just peas.

>> No.5889504

rice bugs

>> No.5889508

tuna burgers or bean burgers are pretty cheap to make

>> No.5889517


What was wrong with it?

>> No.5889559

1 can black beans ~$1
Salsa ~$2-4 for a jar

Combine, Stir, Microwave

>> No.5891636

>bean burgers
how you do?

>> No.5891888

On a budget, gotta go for dried beans.