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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 463 KB, 2560x1920, Cheeseburger-@-Burgers-Berlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5859744 No.5859744 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make the perfect burger, /ck/?

>> No.5859749

Go to The Burger Joint and they'll do it for you.

>> No.5859751

good quality meat i find the best a publix.

>> No.5859850

based as fuck

>> No.5859954

Use a good bun.

>> No.5859956

Cook your meat well done, put some ketchup on that sucker and fire away

>> No.5859962


Grind your own blend.

>> No.5859964

McDonald's burgers are actually pretty good despite all the hate they get on this board

>> No.5859967
File: 16 KB, 412x351, mm hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garden fresh tomatoes and onions, 80/20 ground beef. Sharp cheddar. Fresh out-of-the-baker's-oven rolls.

Add pickles, lettuce and mayo if that's your thing. However, the above will make a tasty burger.

>> No.5859984

80/20 ground mix from Market Basket

butter, plenty salt and pepper in a cast iron pan
4 min a side on med-high

bulkie roll, mayo, fresh tomato, lettuce

>> No.5860021

80/20 ground beef
cooked on a charcoal grill
cooked medium well
cast iron pan fried bacon
served on bulkie roll with LTO
and blue cheese dressing

>> No.5860056

Well the thing about a hamburger is it is made with HAMBURGER. You want the Hamburger to be the main attraction. Your goal to making a perfect burger is to better the meat by pairing it with a good combination of condiments, toppings and a bun to play on the toppings/condiments.

This link has some good examples, I'll leave it here...


>> No.5860062
File: 48 KB, 600x350, mcdonalds-pink-slime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You like those pink sludge patties?

>> No.5860070

>People still not realizing that that pic is icecream

>> No.5860072

80/20 ground beef and ground pork blend seasoned with salt and crushed black pepper.
Medium to medium well (red center necssary)
Grilled, not pan fried.
Toasted bun

>> No.5860087

Mustard and pickles only.

>> No.5860155

>medium well
>red center

>> No.5860156

>You want the Hamburger to be the main attraction
>Links to a site trying to peddle Wisconsin cheese

>> No.5860183

Fair enough, but that does not make my point less valid. The website has a lot of examples of burgers people consider to be good/great. Even if people dislike some of the burgers on the site maybe it'll give them inspiration to experiment with their burgers which isn't nessisarly a bad thing. Just remember to keep the hamburger ( not the cheese ) the main attraction.

>> No.5860207

Wow, you're right. Massive brain shart.
I meant pink.

>> No.5861339

Minimal handling -- the more you mix it, the more it will resemble the sole of your shoe.

>> No.5861342

>muh boigahs!

Imagine if vegan extremists actually existed, they'd crapflood your threads the way you carnists ruin every thread that isn't about muh boigahs

>> No.5861345

pepper, salt, cayenne pepper, and some garlic powder. cook to a nice medium and top with grilled onions, mushrooms, bacon if you insist, and provolone.

>> No.5861357


They exist.

Fortunately, even the mention of eating meat bothers them so much that they wouldn't have the fortitude to stay around long.

>> No.5861361


I made one nauseous once when I made a very minor passing reference to cooking a meat item. I no longer remember precisely what I said, but that woman was extremely upset.

>> No.5861382

ur dumb and bad

>> No.5861394


You're obviously never eaten a great hamburger.

>> No.5861401

Putting a bit of the highest smoke point cooking fat I've got in a cast iron skillet and getting said skillet hotter than the surface of the sun before I sear the burger in it. I know that for the most part we like our beef bloody here, but for burgers made from ground chuck I cook mine medium-well, because getting that chuck to 154 degrees melts the collagen present in the meat and makes it more flavorful

>> No.5861455
File: 223 KB, 750x500, 2014-02-03 23.51.35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motherfucking Worcestershire sauce mixed in the with meat, along with some salt and pepper. that shit does magic for flavor.

also this place called Tucker Dukes near me makes great burgers and puts some kinda special sauce on them thats fire as fuck.


>> No.5861495

OK you don't have to do this, and as others have already said 80/20 is king, but when I want a REALLY tasty burger I get a single grind 75/25 from a butcher close by, take some Sweet onions and put them in a food processor till they are almost a paste, mix in and then do the 2ng grind at home, then grill to a warm breath over medium.

Good buns and veggies are critical too. No cheese most of the time, but, and I will be accused of slumming but the ONLY cheese I put on a burger is an American single, sharp if you can find it.

>> No.5861532


>> No.5861567

Venison/bacon ends ground meat is the best, buffalo/moose if you can get it. Elk will make amazing burgers as well, and any bear added in works great.
Don't overcook it, worst thing you can do.

>> No.5862759

Only buffalo burger i had was overcooked to hell and it tasted off. Im gping to have to try myself because i apparently cant trust people who get paid to cook meat not over cook it.

>> No.5862855

>Only buffalo burger i had was overcooked to hell

In all probability, it was cooked like it was a grain fed beef when it should be cooked like grass fed beef, only more so.

The key is to cook it low and slow.

Real cooks adjust their techniques to the ingredients so that they can get excellent results.

>> No.5862960

What is wrong with over handling the meat exactly?

>> No.5863007

Where in the heck do you get buffalo meat in the united states? I can get bison meat all day long but I've never seen water buffalo or cape buffalo anywhere.

>> No.5863020

Bison are buffalo are the same.

See bull and steer.

>> No.5863021

I just go to McDonald's.

>> No.5863172
File: 353 KB, 1000x1000, bison-vs-buffalo_50290cdd93cd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they're not. You've been misinformed.

>> No.5863189

>homemade brioche bun
>fresh ground to order lean beef mixed with fresh ground to order fatty bits, 80/20
>salt mixed in the mince
>yes, i have had it unsalted
>yes, i have had it where the patty is formed and is salted just before cooking
>yes, i have had it where the patty is cooked and salted thereafter
>none of those are as good as salting the mince directly
>fuck you
>form the patty
>cook over charcoal
>place sautéed mushrooms and onions on top
>place cheese on top of the mushrooms/onions and melt in place like a cheesy, tasty bonnet keeping mushroom/onion right where they need to be
>place on toasted-then-mayo'd bottom bun that's been topped with a thin round of raw onion
>top with toasted-then-mustard-slathered top bun
>munch on that fucker

Das muh puhfikt boigah.

>> No.5863206

>What is wrong with over handling the meat exactly?

The usual reason is because the more the meat is handled, the more the fat separates from the meat resulting in a drier cooked hamburger. This can be largely alleviated by keeping everything cold to retard that separation.

More importantly, I think, is that when you handle it, you are compacting the space between the strings of ground hamburger. Eliminating those spaces eliminates places for the juices to accumulate during cooking. More juices run out and the drier the result. It's much like the often made mistake of pressing down on the patties while they cook with a spatula to compress the meat and force the juices out.

The result is a second rate hamburger.

If you want to mix stuff in with the hamburger, the best way would probably be to mix it in while grinding the meat (with a chilled grinder, of course). I don't feel any need to mix things with the meat although I once had a fairly good hamburger that had chopped jalapenos mixed in.

If you are going to mix things in, I suspect that about the worst would be things that fill in the air spaces in the meat. Things like eggs. Some people seem to use eggs to hold the hamburgers together, but in all my years of cooking hamburgers without mixing in eggs, I've only had a couple that fell appart. I can't imagine what kind of torture these people are doing to hamburger to need to mix in eggs to hold the patties together.

>> No.5863208

American Buffalo == Bison
African Buffalo == Water Buffalo
While African Buffalo aren't exactly Water Buffalo, they are a close relative
if you buy Buffalo in American, chances are it's just Bison

Proof: The Buffalo Wild Wings Logo has a picture of a Bison on it
American Bison are also commonly known as Buffalo
This is not a hard nor is it an uncommon thing. This is just a regional dialect difference

>> No.5863211

American buffalo and African Buffalo are not close relatives.

>> No.5863219

Yes, okay,
I didn't actually say that they were close relatives, I said that African Buffalo and Water Buffalo are.

>> No.5863245

>I said that African Buffalo and Water Buffalo are.
Different genera can hardly be construed as "closely related".

>> No.5863253


>> No.5863510

That makes sense, thanks. Always handled them as much as possible but was never sure why. I think the pre made burgers people buy are so clearly compacted and don't taste as good. I never mix anything in with my burgers anyway but especially not eggs. I wrap mine in cling film and stick in the fridge 1/2 hour before sticking on the grill and people are amazed how good they are. Now if I can just convince people that onions taste better raw it will be all good

>> No.5863513

*Not as much, as little lol

>> No.5863546

>not combining the mayo with ketchup, relish and salt to make a "big mac sauce" type spread

>> No.5863836

The quality of grocery store ground beef is based on supply and demand. Where the good supply is trimmings from the other stuff the cutters prepare. But when they run out of trimmed lean, they open up chubs and mix those with whatever fat they have left. Depending on the store they may label and/or charge one differently from the other. A "premium" sticker, a different UPC, etc.

There's also just ground chuck which is explicitly labeled as such (and which probably costs more). You can also just ask them to grind whatever item from the shelf.

>> No.5863945

Bison is the same as buffalo, language wise in my area.
I've also called them "beefalos".

>> No.5863949

Depends where it came from and how the meat was handled as well. My buffalo came from my uncle getting to hunt a few years back, gave me ~100 lbs of it.

>> No.5865627

>I've also called them "beefalos".

Then you're called them wrong.

The term beefalo refers to a hybrid usually created by mating an American buffalo cow with a bull. It has the DNA from both buffalo and cattle.

>> No.5865815

Lean ground beef
Worcestershire sauce + salt + papper + sprinkle of lemon juice
Mix and mash
Grill to taste

>> No.5865876

I do the exact same but add 1/2 lb bacon diced to the meat mixture

>> No.5865881

>not knowing what thousand island dressing is

>> No.5865884

>that bacon on the outside that burns
>that bacon on the inside that remains chewy
I seriously hope you parcook the bacon and stuff only the center.

>> No.5866081

> Market Basket
SETX or the East Coast?

>> No.5866152

>lean ground beef
Stopped reading there.

You need ground chuck, 80/20. Otherwise you'll get no fucking flavor.

>> No.5866437

>i don't know how to cook
>i don't know what temperature control is
>i have no idea what i'm talking about

>> No.5866442

>not liking lean mince

Some of the best burgers I've had were venison.

>> No.5866471

Not a real burger

>> No.5866481

Good meat, good buns, dont let it cook too long.

I like mayo with parsley and rosemary mixed in.

>> No.5866501

not even once

>> No.5866508
File: 1.67 MB, 4128x3096, PjcMLHD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this friend

>> No.5866512


Venison is great, I'll give you that. But as far as beef goes, you want a fattier cut. the fat helps keep the burger together without having to add a lot of silly shit to it. extra-lean beef also has a grainy texture in the patty even if it does taste good.

Personally I prefer short rib meat. Cut it off the bone, grind it fresh. It has the perfect fat content and is also very flavorful. Much tastier than chuck IMHO. Brisket is good too. My 2nd choice if I can't get short rib is 50:50 brisket and sirloin. The sirloin can be a bit lean so make sure you're adding enough of the fat from the brisket to shoot for about 20% when done.

>> No.5866517

"Burger" is not a type of mince. Venison burgers exist and you have to deal with it.

>> No.5866531

still not a burger, and you can fuck off to tumblr

>> No.5866539


And likewise "mince" is a verb, not a noun.

However in real life we aren't anal and we don't stick religiously to grammatical rules. Everyone knows that "mince" refers to minced meat. And likewise, everyone knows that "hamburger" usually refers to a beef patty. A venison burger would be called exactly that: two words.

>> No.5866544

let's not "mince" words, anon


>> No.5866551

that is a straight up krabby patty

>> No.5866552

Meat & bread only.

>> No.5866555

Literally 12 years old

>> No.5866559

I bet you put ketchup on your hot dogs

>> No.5866561

I have a local farm where I can buy farm animals like cows and pigs. Some family, neighbors, and friends all get together and pitch in money to buy a whole cow or pig and take dibs on what parts they want and how it needs to be cut. The cows are all grassfed and don't even get antibiotics and are never sick. You can go right out into the field and play around with them if you want to.

I normally get a bunch of lean steaks. I'll take a few, cut them up, and run them through my antique, hand cranked, food chopper to make a type of course hamburger. It still packs easily into patties. This is what I use as my hamburger patty.

So, I fry the burgers in a cast iron skillet with either butter or a little bit of peanut oil or some refined lard or just bacon grease. Whatever I have on hand.

I have a local source for homemade cheeses so I normally have a couple pounds aging in the fridge. The bun I make from scratch, but they are whole wheat. In the spring I have cattail hearts I can put on the sandwich, but the rest of the time I use immature pumpkin slices, immature cucumber slices, and in the fall I use sunchoke slices. I rarely use tomato slices, but when I do I use Cherokee tomatoes since they are super meaty.

That's about it. In the winter and spring I normally use venison steak instead of hamburger.

>> No.5866575
File: 231 KB, 637x639, hipster faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ

I saw this in another thread but it's much more appropriate here

>> No.5866576
File: 49 KB, 469x463, tips meme hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only eat beef burgers, venison burgers are for tumblr vegans!

>> No.5866577

i bet you eat hot dogs with your ketchup

>> No.5866584

since when did the fedora apply to something other than a raging atheist?

>> No.5866588

It's also stupid because lots of fedora atheists are white knight feminists with a tumblr account

>> No.5866591

I'm a farmer, not a hipster. I live in a farming community where it is super cheap to buy animals and have them butchered. Before becoming a farmer, at every job I've ever worked, there was always a circle of people that wanted to know if you were in on buying a beef or pig. It is great if you have the freezer space or make jerky. I also make my own wines and meads. Keep your memes to yourself please.

>> No.5866597

>le wild contrarian posts

Back to /b/ with you.

>> No.5866602

>using le seriously
>ordering someone else to go to /b/

>> No.5866606
File: 132 KB, 500x281, 1411348011036.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you seriously ask that? Do you even know where you are?

>> No.5866607

>hipster farmer
We're all doomed

>> No.5866610

It evolved to apply to anyone who holds strong beliefs over mundane shit and tries to somehow appear as being above the person they're talking to. Fedora-tipping threads are a thing on other boards.

>> No.5866623
File: 46 KB, 357x276, Amish_Mafia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amish hipsters are worse. Just look at them. You can tell they are plotting a barn.

>> No.5866624

sounds like it made a weak insult even weaker

still, venison burgers aren't strictly burgers

>> No.5866633

>still, venison burgers aren't strictly burgers


Hamburger, a food item
Ground beef, or minced meat/beef mince or other meat used to make hamburgers
Patty, especially in the United States
Chicken burger
Veggie burger
Rice burger


>> No.5866639

>A hamburger (also called a beef burger, hamburger sandwich, burger or hamburg) is a sandwich consisting of one or more cooked patties of ground meat, usually beef, placed inside a sliced bun.

Thanks for playing, faggot. Better luck next time.

>> No.5866642

Well, it is a type of burger. If I ordered a burger and it was venison instead of beef, I'd be surprised and perhaps even displeased. But if you say "It's a venison burger", everyone gets that it's a derivative of a burger but with beef swapped for venison.
It's a derived version of a burger, and just like you can have a burger with or without pickles, choosing a different type of meat doesn't make it "not a burger" in my opinion.

>> No.5866646

I'm not that guy but jesus christ you are a pedantic fuck

>> No.5866652

For the inside of the burger I use nothing but good course ground meat. Don't handle it to much shape it gently, one time and then leave it alone
For the crust on the outside I use celery salt, chili powder, onion powder, black pepper and old bay (put the spice mix in a shallow bowl and gently press the patties into it to make sure it gets covered on both sides)
Grill them over direct heat just until they get a nice crust and then finish them on indirect heat until they're medium rare

it's breddy good

>> No.5866653

wait who's arguing for what now

Because "usually beef" means ∃b ¬Beef(b) and b ∊ Burgers

>> No.5867287

Mcdonalds burgers are awful. Infact the only good thing at Mcdonalds are their fries and nuggets, which they don't make with any consistency because they hire dickheads.

>> No.5867304

That's objectively wrong though

>> No.5867363
File: 37 KB, 640x480, P090313_2312[01].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plug in, heat up the foreman grill
>in freezer remove two patties out of frozen burger bag
>put on foreman
>heat up two buns in the microwave. 10 seconds on power level 4 does the trick in ours
>put mayo on top and bottom of both buns
>cut up some onion, some lettuce, get out the pickles, the jar of mushrooms, 2 slices of cheese, your choice, we usually use american or swiss.
>Apply onion to top buns of each bun to stick into mayo.
>Put lettuce on top bun
>when burgers are to your required temperature apply slice of cheese.
>remove burgers from grill, apply to bottom buns of each bun.
>on one burger put 1 to 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
>apply pickles and mushrooms to both to both
>apply top bun to burger

wham bam thank you mam. Dinner and desert. You can forgo the gooberburger and just make a double if you desire.

>> No.5867371

Please PLEASE remove the onions and mushrooms

>> No.5867407


>> No.5867699

>>in freezer remove two patties out of frozen burger bag
uh huh
poor fag much?

>> No.5867739

ice cream in cardboard boxes?

>> No.5867746

Smoke 'em. Takes a while but there's a much greater margin of error. You'd have to let them sit for 10 minutes extra to actually overcook them.

>> No.5867773
File: 71 KB, 500x500, 0007874201349_500X500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. We make real burgers when we BBQ a few times a year, but when we do that it becomes quite a process. I think most here would probably call it meatloaf with how we cram the meat with stuff. We're not going to go through the 30 minute - hour process of doing all that for just a quick dinner. And when we do that we generally do all the other BBQ stuff with it, dogs, macaroni salad, beans chips and all that.

My pic from >>5867363 was actually from such a BBQ and real burgers, I just don't have a pic saved of one of the frozen ones. Found the bag online of what I usually pick up at the store

>> No.5867779

>Grilled, not pan fried.

what's grill?

>> No.5867784


M8 it takes literally 20 seconds to make a burger with store bought ground meat.

Frozen food is shit and tastes like shit.

>> No.5867788


I don't understand why anyone would buy frozen burgers.

>> No.5867790


Because they are lazy and love paying 2x more for an inferior product.

>> No.5867791
File: 1.52 MB, 3072x2304, LutherBurger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no luther burger
Why don't you just hang a communist flag outside your door?
My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

>> No.5867799

WAIT!!! This is a real thing?

>> No.5867801

looks gay bro

>> No.5867803

If you're just going to use raw ground beef sure. But who the fuck keeps thawed ground beef around all the time? And who just makes a plain ground beef patty, because if that's all you're going to do you might as well pay for the convienence of having it ready to go. Same reason why I'll spin by wendys or something on the way home from work time to time. Yeah, even the frozen burgers are cheaper than wendys but I'll fork over more for having it good to go right then because it suits my timeframe better

>> No.5867806


I ate this at PYT in philly, only the bacon was dipped in chocolate and there were 3x as many fries as in that picture.

The entire plate was probably at least 2000 calories of food but I ate it all and then some of my friends fries as well.

I felt like absolute death about an hour afterwards and the entire next day.

I will never eat one again.

>> No.5867809
File: 47 KB, 640x480, P111413_1608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheese. Lots and lots of cheese. And a little butter on the bun.

>> No.5867810


>suits my timeframe better

M8 it's called planning out what you want to eat.

I'm a busy as fuck graduate student and I still have time to spend 20 seconds to make my own burger using meat I bought that weekend during my weekly super market trip.

Jesus christ.

>> No.5867812

Grill some krispy-kremes, put it on meat.

>> No.5867815


>posts kraft singles


>> No.5867818

Breaking News: College students has a lot of time on his hands.

>> No.5867823


>college student
>graduate student

High schooler detected.

Fuck off with your frozen pink slime burgers

>> No.5867829

>he thinks a bachelors degree is a big deal

>> No.5867832
File: 645 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a burger i made last week:
ground bison
fried duck egg
pic related garlic sauce & pesto
on homemade bagel

plz rate

>> No.5867835


>this guy with no high school diploma thinks he can lecture someone when he works at subways making $7.75 an hour

Top kek.

>> No.5867837

fresh ground beef
fresh buns
old cave cheddar
onions sauteed in guanicale
mushrooms sauteed in onions just before transluscent
homemade ketchup

and thats it

>> No.5867891

Grind up some chuck, push an onion through the grinder after, a splash of heavy cream and a pinch of salt. Form into a thickish patty and pan-sear to medium. On a bun with some bib lettuce, tomato and a little garlic mayo.

>> No.5868252

Just normal ground beef... fry in the skillet with onions.

>> No.5868254

i forgot bourbon
every part needs bourbon

>> No.5868976

sounds very exquisite for a burger.
Never had bison or duck egg before though and can't make any statements as to the sauce, but I do dig garlic sauce in general.
Would probably eat/10

>> No.5868990


The bison is iffy. It does taste great but it also dries out very easily & gets a mealy texture. If you cooked it well it would be delicious, though sadly most of the bison burgers I've had were overcooked and really lacked in texture.

shallots, garlic sauce sounds great. so does the fried duck egg.

Bagel? Depends on how firm it is. I don't like putting soft fillings in a sandwich made with bagels because the bagel is usually firmer than the filling is. So when you bite through the bagel the stuff inside just gets squished out. On the other hand if you made a fairly soft bagel then it could work great.

>> No.5869111

you know that image has been debunked, right?

>> No.5869183

looks great and bet it taste just as great, to bad my artery gets clogged by looking at it.

>> No.5869204
File: 151 KB, 586x391, 1410896012938.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw britfags can't make a proper burger

>> No.5869443


Most likely, the cook was only used to cooking grain fed beef and thinks that you have to use high heat.

For lean meats, cook low and slow so that you won't dry them out.

>> No.5870172
File: 23 KB, 380x380, kitchenaid-fga-food-grinder-attachment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also only takes about 2-3 minutes to grind a few lb of chuck, with your kitchen aid mixer + grinder attachment. Personally after all the pink slime and preservatives etc shit. I feel more comfortable grinding my own.

>> No.5870346

If you go to McDonald's for a burger, you're a fucking pleb.