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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5859484 No.5859484 [Reply] [Original]

>Every sunday i like to smoke some ribs and make steaks with friends
>sit in a lawnchair and drink beer to the sweet smokey scent
>angry neighbors just moved in, a vegan mom and her 3 pale skinny offspring
>one particular evening 4 hours into to my smoking the neighbor lady comes out and starts screaming over the fence that the smell is making her children sick
>tell her theres nothing i can do about it, and i go back to sitting with my buddy
>20 minutes later a police officer shows up about a neighborhood disturbance
>the bitch called the police on me
>explain the situation, the officer leaves
>i go back inside to get the butcher paper to finish off the the ribs and as i come back shes on the other side of the fence with a hose watering down my smoker
>screams at me about im no better than a murderer and next time she's going to call the fire department

tl:dr how would you deal with this person

>> No.5859486

check my crazy ass into an asylum
>this is a fantasy

>> No.5859489

Normalfags: the picture

>> No.5859491

Call the police on her.

>> No.5859492

Wake up from my dream

>> No.5859496

>>>/r9k/ you autistic virgin

>> No.5859501

>never happened

>> No.5859511
File: 68 KB, 604x484, hannileck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have 2 options OP 1:keep doing what your doing just move your smoker out of hose range, if she keeps calling the cops etc she will get fined for wasting the municipalities time on false complaints
option 2: burn her house down with her in it

>> No.5859516


>> No.5859518

Smoke erryday. Set up three or five grills in your yard and cook some fine meats every morning, noon and night, in all weathers and at all times of year. Put a slow cooker full of pulled pork in your window with a desk fan blowing the scent towards her house. On your next birthday hold a 'slaughter your own steak' party and fill your whole neighbourhood with the screams of dying livestock and the satisfying sizzle of beef fat. Leave jerky under her doormat and/or give it to her kids so she can smell it on them. and so on

>> No.5859521

I would ignore her.

Let her call the cops and the fire department all she wants, you're doing nothing illegal. The cops and fire dept will catch on to that and will eventually issue a citation to her for wasting their time, perhaps even give her a bill for misusing public services.

>> No.5859540

you have a great imagination op!

>> No.5859545



>> No.5859546


>> No.5859547


Eventually the cops will stop actually responding to her at which point you sneak over to her house and kill her

>> No.5859549

I would turn things up a few notches, OP
A few notches indeed

>> No.5859552

Oh Anon. Don't you know that violence begets violence and an eye for an eye makes everyone blind?
Meet her on a personal level and let her see that you're not a monster.

>> No.5859553

Smoke all the veges you can get your hands on and invite her over. Become friends and be happy. Months later, murder her children and you will no longer be suspect number one.

11/10 making me reply.

>> No.5859555

You can't negotiate with vegan terrorists.
No, the nuclear option is the only course of action here.

>> No.5859558
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rape her and also save those children from her insanity

>> No.5859560

Let her call the fucking fire department.

>> No.5859566

Call the police for destruction of property and sue her to get a even better smoker.

>> No.5859568
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Do your smoking wearing one of these while sitting quietly and watching her children play

>> No.5859573

Not even.

>> No.5859575

women are retards.

either fuck them, or ignore them.

it really is that simple.

>> No.5859576

Get a bunch of cheap ass bologna and throw the slices all over the cunts yard and roof of the house.

Also, get a bunch of cheap hot dogs and chop them into little bits and throw them all over the place so it will take for fucking ever to pick them all up.

>> No.5859578

No, just don't. She may be a psycho, but that is no t the way to go. Don't steep down to her levels.

>> No.5859583
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>> No.5859586


you know you've found the jew in the thread when they make the best suggestion.

>> No.5859588

>get brown paper bag
>take to bathroom
>fill bag with faeces
>roll bag up
>place bag outside angry neighbours front door
>set on fire

>> No.5859590


sounds like your beta ass has only had the opportunity to associate with stupid women :^)

>> No.5859592

>> :^)
i dont think so.

fucked 30+.
you lose, beta.

>> No.5859595


>Today on "things that didn't happen"

>> No.5859625


low-level humans mate with low-level humans. the number of low-level humans is irrelephant.

>> No.5859638

>Smoke all the veges you can get your hands on

Ignore the rest of this post, just do this, OP. Smoke a bunch of non-meat items and wait for her to flip her shit and call the cops. At that point, reveal that you weren't even smoking meat and make her look REALLY stupid.

>> No.5859641

Sure it's /b/ and /r9k/ levels of retarded up in this thread.

OP, if you're actually dealing with this, just move the smoker out of house range. Failing that, build a simple shield around it with plywood our something to keep it from getting wet.

Be as polite as possible whenever she confronts you, and I'd she calls the police again, calmly explain the situation to them, and tell them if she's been attempting to ruin your smoker.

>> No.5859645


clearly you are not a male, yet presume your feminine bias to be universal.

>> No.5859649
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> :^)
You dont belong here.

>> No.5859650

>intelligent women
heehee you funny guy

>> No.5859869

but what if she was worried about the smoke, and not the stuff that you've been smoking?

>> No.5859885

even better, the cops might charge her with fraudulent call or whatever it's called

>> No.5859896

>buy industrial fan
>get 10 smokers

>> No.5859911

Not a vegan but Jesus fucking Christ, if I had to deal with a stank-ass toxic cloud flooding my property for 8 hours every weekend, I'd be pissed too. That's just fucking nasty and inconsiderate OP. Like many inconsiderate things you can do to your neighbor, it's probably legal, but it's what makes you a shitty neighbor and shitty person. If you want to do multihour smoking on a regular basis, you should rent suitably sized or industrial property to do it on, install a pollution filtration system, or build a tall smokestack so you're not blasting your neighbors with your stench (zoning laws permitting).

>> No.5859922

>vegan detected

>> No.5859924

Not op, but you're a fucking moron.
He pays taxes for his property, he can do whatever the fuck he wants within the legal limits. Obviously that vegan bitch is nuts to have sprayed his property down and calling the cops.

>> No.5859925

>I had to deal with a stank-ass toxic cloud flooding my property for 8 hours every weekend
>a stank-ass toxic cloud
>not a vegan
Your word choice gives you away. You are no better than the JIDF posting their images labeled in hebrew moonrunes.

>> No.5859926

I don't think you know how that works, OP.

>smoke some brisket
>set up video camera facing fence
>bitch hoses smoker down
>call police
>have her charged with destruction of property

>> No.5859931

Just move the smoker out of hose range and ignore her.

>> No.5859941

That didn't happen

>> No.5859944

You've obviously never used a smoker before.

They put out very little smoke, and if you're doing it right, you're only actually making smoke with it for the first hour or two.

After that you just get the mouth-wateringly delicious scent of cooking meat.

>> No.5859987

you, of course, called the cops on her for destruction of property, yes?

>> No.5860001

>as i come back shes on the other side of the fence with a hose watering down my smoker
call the cops on her. she's destroying your property and making false claims to the police.

is this some kind of /b/ raid?

>> No.5860002



>> No.5860024

I've had similar happen to me, so if your only 'evidence' about this story being fake is that you think it to be far-fetched, then you really need to get out more. And stop calling people racist when they complain about gypsies

>> No.5860029
File: 186 KB, 600x400, police_typical cop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how would you deal with this person

Call the cops.

>> No.5860033

As an ec-cop, it's very much plausible

>> No.5860039

ex, faggots

>> No.5860042

Do what you do.

She can only call 911 for no reason so many times before the cops and fire department stop taking her seriously.

Don't get passive aggressive. You can't give her any real proof that you're antagonizing her.

Set up a lawn umbrella to keep her from shooting water on your shit.

>> No.5860135

Why are those dogs so big?

>> No.5860149

Native americans call horse "big dogs"

>> No.5860150

Stand your ground. That hose pipe could take your skin clean off. You had no choice but to defend yourself.

It would be better on her kids too. Hopefully their lack of protein so far hasn't fucked them over completely and doomed them to be skinny manlets for the rest of their lives.

>> No.5860159

Throw meat trimmings over the fence. The bloodier, the better. If questioned, tell her to fuck off.

>> No.5860167

The next time you smoke some meat, make it a big family cookout with multiple smokers churning full blast constantly with multiple whole hogs on spits over an open fire coupled with multiple BBQ's.

It would be expensive, but you could ask your guests to bring something to add to the fires each.

Completely gas her out of her home with meaty goodness.

>> No.5860177

Hold large block parties and get the neighborhood on your side. See if she's crazy enough to hose it down in front of everyone.

>> No.5860188

Invite the cops in for extra next time.

>> No.5860192

I would probably start yelling back at her, that tends to scare white females

>> No.5860212

The average person doesn't know enough about nutrition to raise children on a vegan diet in a healthy manner. Get that child abuser arrested for trespassing, or some crap.

>> No.5860433
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I'd assume so. >>5859911 too

This sounds an excellent idea

>> No.5860468
File: 442 KB, 1280x960, yeahok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smoking meat
>"stank-ass toxic cloud"

>> No.5860474

>shes on the other side of the fence with a hose watering down my smoker
hahahah WREKT

>> No.5860482
File: 3 KB, 125x120, 1372102056884s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mother of god, why are they so soft

>> No.5860485

oh god
cows can be so cute

>> No.5860493
File: 57 KB, 191x250, 1323973728627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cows are pretty fucking cute.
and pretty fucking tasty.
>tfw grew up on farm
>tfw freezer full of every kind of delicious cut you could imagine
>tfw hugged a cow and thanked it for being so tasty when i was 6

>> No.5860501


I wonder if cute cows taste better then ugly ones?

>> No.5860507
File: 40 KB, 550x369, Hereford_bull_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all cows are cute.
all cows are tasty.
therefore all cows taste best

>> No.5860513
File: 19 KB, 350x250, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


clearly, that's not true. However I think we should start murdering the cutest cow we can find for a taste test and science.

>> No.5860521

>now eating belgian blue bulls
>not absorbing their gains like mad

>> No.5860533

>>i go back inside to get the butcher paper to finish off the the ribs and as i come back shes on the other side of the fence with a hose watering down my smoker
>>screams at me about im no better than a murderer and next time she's going to call the fire department
why didnt your friend stop her?

>> No.5860541

>Haven't done anything illegal
>Half the thread suggests antagonizing her and harassing her which is illegal

Don't ask 4chan for advice on anything involving other people. Too many people on here are as unnecessarily confrontational as she is.

But like others have suggested, just ignore her, if she harasses you to the point you're uncomfortable or she is damaging your property, call the police. Don't sue her, you won't make any money. The best thing to do is make it harder for her to spray your smoker, umbrellas, etc... I know it's maddening but some people just hate everyone who isn't like them and can't really be changed. See this thread for evidence.

>> No.5860547

You can do a few things if you really want to fuck with her.

1. Call child services about her depriving her children of vital nutrition. Probably won't go anywhere but the call alone is offensive.

2. Secretly feed her kids meat. Nothing could be better than having her think her kids are vegan when your secretly giving them some delicious smoked meat.

3. Move smoker away from hose range and get a locking gate to your yard/build up a tall fence.

4. If you like your other neighbors invite them all to a bring your own meat BBQ. Offer to do all the cooking all they have to do is bring their choice of meat, don't forget to invite the vegan as well. Enjoy a fun day of beer BBQ with your nice neighbors. And pissing the vegan off. If it goes well make it a weekly event

>> No.5860551

Smuggling jerky to her children might be a good idea.

>> No.5860564

why is that tranny trying to eat his foot? trying to shake it off doesnt seem to be working, he needs to shoot it

>> No.5860568
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Secretly feed her kids meat

>> No.5860571

>get a locking gate to your yard/build up a tall fence.

I actually wouldn't recommend this. Just move the smoker out of hose range.

If she enters his yard to try and do something to it, all the better for him. Then he can call the cops and be much more certain of getting a response. Trespassing is clearly a crime. Spraying a smoker with water isn't.

>> No.5860596

Half the thread is vegansfags trying to get OP to incriminate himself.
There's nothing wrong with listening to 4chan, so long as you know how to recognize terrible advice.

The vegan has already broken the law by destroying your property, if you let it slide this time, make sure and goad her into doing it again so you can nail her with it next time.

>> No.5860621

>goad her into doing it again so you can nail her with it next time.

See that's exactly what I was saying is terrible advice. "Get revenge," isn't advice, it'll just escalate things. Quit making this into a political battle. It's just some crazy lady being crazy. Goading her into doing something can be considered antagonization and this whole issue is such a grey area that he's just going to get himself into legal battles that'll be costlier than a smoker that he would have to prove was destroyed, which hoses don't do, and it's all around stupid to get into.

So yes, you're being unnecessarily confrontational and giving terrible advice.

>> No.5860669

p.s. I hate meat

>> No.5860687

I would have let it slide until the hose came out. She should get a nice cut of meat in her mailbox every week from now on.

>> No.5860703

>shes on the other side of the fence with a hose watering down my smoker
How the fuck did you not call the cops on her for destruction of personal property? Hell if you had friends over they're witnesses. Even if no one was over the previous cop that came by can testify that she's a loon.

>> No.5860755


water her kids

>> No.5860758

my neighbors rabbits gave my dogs flees so I fed my dogs their rabbits

>> No.5860788

have a video thing set up when you cook meat outside, and cook meat outside every day.
dont try to reason with it. just cook meat and when she yells at you just stare at her while you eat

>> No.5860794

>wasting meat

>> No.5860802

>tl:dr how would you deal with this person
>record your next bbq
>get video evidence of her being batshit

>> No.5860818

you are disturbing her environment with your smoking. You shouldn't do that.

Smoke is nasty and causes cancer and you are an asshole.

>> No.5860831

>nearly 100 replies to this low quality b8

Come on people.

Some carnist got BTFO yesterday in the pescetarian thread after he tried to turn yet another thread into a veganism debate, and he was very butthurt. He then spammed about 6 of these threads in a 10 hour period.

Mods deleted most of them but apparently this one slipped through. You guys meanwhile utterly failed to do the right thing, which is to ignore shitposters.

Next time you're wondering why this board has gone to shit, you guys can all look at yourselves in the mirror.

>> No.5860845

keep being awesome
videotape her next time she harasses you
build up several hours of footage
get restraining order
force her to move

>> No.5860850 [DELETED] 

You are the reason the board is shut.

>> No.5860862

Had a chuckle.

>> No.5860863

You are the reason the board is shit.

>> No.5860866


Why? Because I'm willing and able to discuss things other than bacon bacon bacon and muh burgers?

I enjoy burgers and bacon, sometimes. What makes me a better poster is that I don't think they are exciting enough to make multiple threads per week about them. Fast food is boring. Steak is boring. How many species of plants and animals out there? Out of those, we have to talk about a few cuts of meat from just two of them, prepared in a very specific way?

And meanwhile you people have to fly off the handle when someone wants to talk about fish? Or legumes? Or, god forbid, beef that isn't factory farmed?

Why do you have so much hate for foods that aren't part of your epic mealtime approved list?

>> No.5860928

Because his imagination doesn't work like that

>> No.5860962

>The only people that like meat are vengeful towards stupid people!

You're a giant idiot

>> No.5860965

Smoke something that smells like delicious meat, and when she tries to call you out on it, show her the fuck up "Look you useless slag, it's fucking jicima slices with pineapple! Fuck off!"

From now on, every time she accosts you, the restraining order you filed if you were smart will take care of the problem.

>> No.5860997

Vegan fag detected, why must you insist upon being wrong about everything? Carnist is one of the worst represtentations of a dietary style I've seen, we aren't a bitchy fag like you, we and most people who eat meat are omnivorous, yes timmy, that means we have a brain and consume both vegtables and meats, magic isn't it
4/10 I responded

>> No.5861003

Typical carnist, no reading comprehension. See >>5860866

Eat less boigahs, a heap of cheap meat for every meal isn't "omnivorous".

>> No.5861008

I would like some pics of OP's BBQ.

>> No.5861019

>better poster
>he values his appearance on a image board for Chinese cartoons that features independent boards for shitposting, my little pony, and stormfags
>lol i in salted u by saying u liek tu eet lik a slab becus u lik tu et met
For the record, bacon is meh at best, faggot, and carnist isn't even a word, perhaps you need to check your vocabulary and stop spouting made up jargon from vegfag sites.
>few cuts of meat from just two of them prepared in a very specific way
Dear lord cleanse my soul, people enjoy something to the extent it is common, SUCH HERESY
>implying I don't enjoy fish or legumes and I don't purchase free range
You're gargling cocks at an unusual rate for fags of your type
>no reading comprehension
Nigger I didn't even read your waste of a post, I read your first one and responded specifically to that one, and that is all, faggot. Plus you didn't even mention that you eat meat, but I presumed you enjoyed cock of a large variety judging by your posting style
>hurr le bord is going to shit
Perhaps you are the problem, nigger.

1/10 I replied with slight discourse, try harder. It's obvious you're a vegan fag trying to pretend to be a omnivore

>> No.5861027


Or take a vitamin pill if vegetables are icky, it's probably better than nothing

>> No.5861031

>attention span of a five year old
Man, that lack of meat really is fucking up your brain, might want to go get that checked out

>> No.5861034


I had salmon for lunch. If you save up maybe you can know what it tastes like

>> No.5861038

>implying salmon is expensive
Wow, you really are a nigger

>> No.5861041

For you

>> No.5861044

Was being a faggot part of your plan? ;^)

>> No.5861058

Your sexual interest in me is not mutually felt, carnist-kun :(

>> No.5861059

S-senpai pls ;_;

>> No.5861266

Invite her over for the festivities. Tell her to bring her vegan shit for the grill. Make sure you invite her every week.

>> No.5861333 [DELETED] 
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>People still act like vegans are heretics
>Make up stories to try to demonize them because they know they can't insult them with anything factual
>Why am I on 4chan?
>Fuck this.

>> No.5861337

Most of the shit positing is one person

>> No.5861343

is carnist supposed to be insulting? that sounds pretty cool to me

>> No.5861359

Be defensive, not aggressive. Don't escalate things with a crazy person. Just do your own thing and take defensive measures to protect your meat. Put a motion camera in your backyard to catch her when she eventually climbs over and wrecks your shit, then have her arrested.

>> No.5861365

Carnist is basically what vegans call idiots who gloat about the suffering they're causing and suffer from extreme delusions and defensive mechanisms such as making up bullshit stories about some crazy vegan who either never existed, or are made to sound crazy through omitting information and skewing facts, not realizing anyone with more than half a brain would understand that even if it was true, it would be completely irrelevant and they're making absolutely no point. But since they have childish, simple minds, they believe they have convinced others to not take vegans seriously and thus reinforce their lack of responsibility through social approval.

>> No.5861690

Are you that one vegan fag who uses the same fucking tumblr reaction image? Avatar fagging is bannable. Did you just greentext everything in your post, do you even know the context of greentext? Yeah, why is your pathetic tumblr ass on here anyways?

>> No.5861710

get some of those bacon christmas ornaments and put them all around your house

>> No.5861718

Stuffed animals in your backyard

i'm sure you can find some used taxidermy on craigslist real cheap

>> No.5861731
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>> No.5861733

expanding further on that, shit like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJfM23iChzs would really help too

>> No.5861762

That guy is the only vegan I've ever heard of who has the immaturity and idiocy of your standard social network using meat eater. Congratulations, you found one of us with a level of insanity comparable to yours.

>> No.5861799

lel, false flagging much?

>> No.5861992

I have a pretty good series of story's from living in a smallish town and being friends with hillbillys.
>have friend
>he has a pretty big slot of land but its shaped really odd
>narrows down near the back and is between two other property's only in the back
>No one lived on one side and the other side had chill as fuck people
>hot as Satan's taint summer day
>were chilling out by the creek behind his house
>decide to go swimming
>creek is pretty secluded and we were lazy so skinnydipping
>hear a gasp and kind of chuckle
>see suberban woman and her husband standing at the opposing fence to my friends back property
>awkward way to meet the new neighbors
>heres where the trouble begins
>the state we live in has pretty lax nudity laws especially on your own property
>they were a little creeped out by it but cant really do anything
>fastforward a few weeks
>friends raising pigs
>time to take them to slaughter
>like five of them
>we start putting them down and bringing them to his shop that's mostly open and gutting away
>just fucking shrieks of horror
>womans looking at us over the fence
>losing her shit
>runs into her house
>husband comes out
>starts screaming about murdering defenseless little things
>starts talking about how hes going to sue us for disturbing his wife
>they stay quiet but always spy over the WAIST HIGH FENCE acting like they are sly
>we have a party one night
>cooking a full pig on a spit over the fire
>smells amazing
>a bunch of people getting drunk standing around a roasting pig
>look over
>neighbors are recording it
>what in the fuck
>walk over
>they start freaking out and run inside
>about an hour later cops show up investigating a domestic disturbance
>fucking nothing came of that
>the next year
>friend gets more pigs
>calls me one night
>says his neighbors cut a hole in his fence and tried to steal the pigs
>he called the cops on them
>husband spent the night in jail
>he has a restraining order against them now
I have a few more.

>> No.5862098

Thats adorable

>> No.5862118

>I have a few more.
Please, continue.

>> No.5862159

I'm all ears.

>> No.5862177


>fill your whole neighbourhood with the screams of dying livestock

My sides have attained terminal escape velocity

>> No.5862192

stepped away for a bit.
>his restraining order is only land based, they cant come on his property AT ALL
>a few months after the restraining order
>we intentionally just fuck with them now every time we hang out
>friend put his grill against the fence but its butted up to the side of their house so they cant see it; but they can sure smell it
>the neighbors started putting signs up in their yard pointing to his house with sayings like "This man is a soulless murderer"
>they keep that shit up for months
>finally after someone freaked the fuck out on my friend he slapped them with a harassment lawsuit.
>fines out the ass
>forced to pay him a settlement
>builds a chicken coop right next to his grill AKA the side of their house
>fucking die laughing at the thought of them hearing chickens all fucking day and night.
>he gets more pigs
>after they are ready for slaughter
>slaughter happens
>they are just glaring daggers at us
>friend dumps some of the blood in the creek
>it washes down past their house
>they will for ever have blood on their lawn touching the creek
>they flip shit
>call the cops
>the blood was washed away before the cops got there so ONCE again they called the cops for "bullshit" and they were not happy
>apparently they arrested the wife
>not sure what happened to her since she was back the next time I went over for another huge bonfire cookout
>friend started drying rabbit and coyote hides on racks facing their house
>they try to sell their house and move
>no one wants to buy the house once they see the neighbors
>this gos on for a while
>eventually some one shows up on his door step
>an older lady
>its his OTHER neighbor
>she asks whats with all the dead animals in the backyard?
>we laugh and explain it to her
>she chuckles
>her exact words "that woman is a horrible cunt, I have seen her in the store and she never stops talking about her wonderful life on the east coast before moving to this shithole town"
apparently shes a real bitch.

>> No.5862236


>> No.5862240

Did you think saying not a vegan would make people think you'te not a vegan?

Because its clear you're one and never used a smoker.

>> No.5862243

Invite her over and say you want to make up for all the trouble you've caused her, and give her soup made with real beef beefstock.

>> No.5862245

Good thing you ignored it too, smart vegan!

>> No.5862256

you know there's a jew in the thread when they assert that jews make the best suggestions.

>> No.5862301

You obviously live in some USA shithole OP, just get yourself a rifle and sit on your porch with it, next time she says shit just point and the rifle and smile. Failing that go to her house and start strangling her kids

>> No.5862359
File: 8 KB, 159x235, doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every sunday I like to smoke ribs and make steaks with friends
>Sit in lawnchair and drink beer to the sweet smokey scent
>Angry neighbors just moved in, a vegan mom and her 3 pale skinny offspring
>One particular evening 4 hours into my smoking the neighbor lady comes out and starts screaming over the fence that the smell is making her children sick
>tell her theres nothing i can do about it, and i go back to sitting with my buddy
>my buddy says "dude wouldn't it be hilarious if she called the cops"
>i think it's pretty funny, we riff for a little while describing possible scenarios
>lady never bothers us again, but the story sounds funny in my head so I tell it to 4chan

>> No.5862363

isn't there a law against people calling the cops on you without a reason?

>> No.5862398

yes, but giving you the benefit of the doubt is less effort.

>> No.5862474

>everyone thinking OP's story is true

you're all mentally handicapped.

>> No.5862489
File: 69 KB, 400x400, yesyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5862604

I'm a vegetarian and even I think that bitch is crazy,
time for more outdoor cooking, every kind of meat you can find

>> No.5862620

quality, not quantity

>> No.5862974

Why do cultists always assume everyone sees them as heretics instead of simply crazies?

>> No.5863179

>you're a retard to think that a believable thing that has happened before numerous times is a true story.

You're as bad as that obese man that complained about an XXL-size jacket I sold him being too small

>> No.5864051

>either fuck them, or ignore them
You can't ignore them since they're obviously already ignoring you.

>> No.5864065


>> No.5864068

Human ancestors were eating meat cooked before we came about. We've never existed without eating meat. Also, animals, while they have nerve endings, etc, cannot suffer the way we can.

TL;DR: Vegans should be force fed lard, gluten, and GMO, because they are massive faggots

>> No.5864157

OP, exactly why the fuck couldn't you move the smoker elsewhere? You understand one does not have to be a vegan to dislike or have adverse reactions to smokers and "liquid smoke flavouring", right?

You sound like you don't understand what manners vs law is. Laws are there so we don't kill each other. Manners are there so we don't drive each other nuts.
Do you even know what smoke is? It's literally aerosol carcinogens.
>You're only actually making smoke with it for the first hour or two
Would you say the same shit to a guy loudly tuning his amp setup for his electric guitar? It only makes loud inappropriate noises for the first hour or two, then he'll play DRAGONFORCE and it'll be fine!!!

>> No.5866461

This. Roast whole pigs over open flames,with the faces towards her house.

>> No.5867971

I imagine the guy's smoker was somewhere in the middle of his lawn. Like other anons have said, you must have never used a smoker before because it stops smoking after a while and just lets out the smell of delicious meat. I imagine his neighbor smelled the meat and flipped out because "its against muh lifestyle" and thus forced her shiteating ideas down his throat. She wasn't breathing in smoke, but the smell of delicious cooking food.

>> No.5868125


>> No.5868184

Put a no trespassing sign on the gate and he can legally shoot her if she comes in.

>> No.5870578

Your tl;dr is worthless

>> No.5870861

>Went to school with vegan girl
>Pale and weak as fuck
How can parents to this to their kids, much less themselves?

>> No.5870872

If your barbecue is "stank-ass" I don't know what the fuck you're cooking

>> No.5870877

>Secretly try to feed meat
>Gets caught, mom claims child molestation

>> No.5870882

> hey kids would like some delicious smoked meat?

>> No.5871004

OP as someone raised by a psychotic uber vegan like this woman you described, I beg you for the children's sake to smuggle them some proper food. I can only imagine how much it tortures their starving guts to smell all that beautiful meat. Submitting your own body to a vegan diet is bad enough, forcing it on a kid is straight up abuse.

>> No.5871051

I would be your neighbor. Would probably bother you to go dear hunting with me though.

>> No.5871420

>keep doing what your doing just move your smoker out of hose range, if she keeps calling the cops etc she will get fined for wasting the municipalities time on false complaints

This is a good course of action, she'll just have to live with a murderer as her neighbor.

>> No.5871597


Obviously not from Texas.

>> No.5871613


Filing a false police report.

One time I went with a friend to his ex-wife's house so he could see his daughter for his scheduled visitation.

The guy's ex-wife was the type who completely hated every ex she ever had. Once they had broken up, she would do everything she possibly could as punishment.

When we got to her house, she called the police and reported two people trying to break into her house. We went back to his pickup and waited. Before long, there were four police cars there with their lights on.

They spent a long time talking to her and one of them finally motioned for the friend of mine. He got out and talked to them a few minutes. Once they found out it was a domestic dispute between a divorced couple over visitation, they chewed her out for making a false police report. I think they threatened to arrest her if she ever did that again. We were, of course, free to go.

>> No.5871628

Be ready to spray her ass back with a fucking firehose if she ever tries that shit again...

>> No.5871765

>go dear hunting with me

"Hello dear, meet our new neighbor."
"You're a good dear hunter."

>> No.5872003

Funny how you talk about shitposting while your post isnt far from that.

>> No.5872039


>> No.5872854

Low level humans also have difficulty spelling

>> No.5872868

Get a restraining order on her. Make sure that she is not allowed anywhere near you.

>> No.5872906

Get video