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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5855349 No.5855349 [Reply] [Original]

Serious alcoholic here. I'm gradually reducing my intake as the mental health team told me it's dangerous to stop immediately as I could get convulsions. Wife died suddenly 2 years ago and my drinking is killing me. 1 litre of vodka per day and I'm cutting down with the help of community nurses and doctors. I get a daily visit for blood samples, meds and a chat.

I'd like a bit of advice on food or recipes to help detoxify my body. I've wrecked my body and have only had toast with lentil soup today. I'm craving sweet things as I come off the booze but I need something more substantial than soup and cornflakes that also is nutritious.

Any advice would be appreciated.

>> No.5855365

have an egg or two

>> No.5855381

Berries and other fruit. If you eat hearty stews you will probably feel better

>> No.5855387

>1 litre of vodka per day
Almost got to that point until I went to the doctor and he told me my liver was all fucked and my blood samples were all over the place
quit immedietely
I too started drinking heavily because of people dying around me, several people actually, and the end of a long term relationship
You can do this OP, its just a liquid, and you're a human

Try not to eat anything to greasy or fatty, and also dont overeat. if you dont feel like eating, which you wont a lot, just try snacking on something small. Crackers, string cheeses, stuff like that.

>> No.5855404

>Wife died suddenly 2 years ago and my drinking is killing me.

I know that feel. I wish I could help you OP, but all I can do is offer my condolences. Good luck, man.

>> No.5855410


>people around me dying
>end of a long term relationship
>becoming an alcohol because of the above

You are me, and I am you.

>> No.5855434
File: 10 KB, 275x183, eggs & toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I used to enjoy cooking. It's just that as I reduce my intake of booze, my appetite is all over. I'm on a load of meds too: beta blockers to stop me shaking, zopiclone to get me to sleep, very high dose vitamin B, eyedrops because they dry out and thalamine as the nurse said there's not enough in my body.

I can cook good food, but as I'm getting this shit out of my system my digestion is all over the place. Maybe I should have taken this to /adv/, but the purpose of my thread is really about nutrition for withdrawal, rather than any personal problems. I figured /ck/ is a better place.

>> No.5855441

wow I made that in your picture like 3 hours ago it was amazing

>> No.5855450

Well alchohol in general is a diuretic so it's going to be sucking water and nutrients out of your body. You'll want to eat tasty healthy meals that will fill you up with lean protein, but are at least chock full of vitamins and minerals to help fortify your system.

Has a good start. Healthy lean protein. Eggs, chicken, fish, lean pork, lean beef try to incorporate those into your breakfasts at least to keep you sated more of the day.

Also good. Berries have lots of antioxidants and vitamins and aren't too caloric as long as you don't snarf a whole 5lb tray of strawberries or something. Blueberries, rasberries, strawberries all are chock full of Vitamins and are really good for ya.

>>try fiberous filling foods to keep you full during the day so you don't get tempted to drink.

Oatmeal with fresh berries in the morning will keep you full and load you up with vitamins.

I know everyone bags on salad, but a good salad say made with shredded cabbage or cucumber will load you with vitamins and fill you up.

Try incorporating brown rice, quinoa or whole wheat pasta as well, they have extra nutrients and will fill you up better than the regular stuff.

>> No.5855460


Continuing on salads, to try and make them less boring, look into exotic spices or make them more diverse. Probably one of my favorite salads to make is a thai style salad that starts with shredded chicken and cabbage, slivered almonds/peanuts (depending on what I can get) shredded carrots and a good peanut sauce dressing I get from my local thai market. It's sweet/savory/spicy and is very filling.

Another good one is a barbecue chicken salad. Grilled chicken chopped up and then tossed with romaine, black beans, red onions, corn and a dressing where I use some light ranch and a tablespoon or two of bbq sauce to give it a different flavor. Really tasty and the beans and corn are definitely filling.

>> No.5855467


Severe alcoholic here, well done for getting onto the road to recovery. I admire that, wish I could get there myself. I'm going to die from this. On a lighter note, did you cook that? Can you give me your soft boiled egg tactic? I'd love to make some eggyweggs like that.

>> No.5855494
File: 145 KB, 415x289, alcoholic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Thanks. Other shit has happened too that has contributed to my alcoholism. But the purpose of my thread is to keep it /ck/ as in withdrawal and getting the right food and drink into our bodies for people going through it. I've heard green tea can help.

Off to sleep now as it's almost 23:00 here in England. I hope the the thread is still here when I wake up, but just had meds and sleep beckons. I'm really interested in which food contain vitamins for this, but of course I can just google it. I'd much rather aske here. Thanks lads.

>> No.5855505
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>Wife died suddenly 2 years ago
i'm so sorry, OP.

what would she think of you if she saw you like this? drinking 1L of vodka a day like a bitch. that's not even a lot.

i'm joking.

seriously, what would she think of you if she saw you like this?

>> No.5855521

Beets. The dye in beets is really good for your liver.

>> No.5855535

Just curious, how much do you alcoholics drink on a "normal" day.

By normal, I don't mean that one day your girlfriend broke up with you and you drank a batshit insane amount, but just a normal, uneventful day.

>> No.5855538
File: 23 KB, 480x141, 1360711119106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OPie, tell us more about your wife? Give us your story.


Normal day, 10 550ml cans of 5% beer.

>> No.5855543

>what would she think of you if she saw you like this?

Hopefully proud that I have medical adivce ,am trying to work though it with medical help.

>> No.5855545

25 units a day? your not so bad, chronics are drinking double that

>> No.5855553


is that true though? i asked because i never know when people say shit like that or if its just hyperbole

>> No.5855564

A few tips for young alcoholics.

1) Its not what they drink that kills them, its what they don't eat!

That was said by my Dr back in the 80's, and its very true, its one thing to try and kill yourself with booze whilst eating a healthy diet, its another thing to not eat and drink the same.

2) Take a day off. maybe even TWO!!

Here is a thought, either face two choices, never drink again, or take two days a week booze free and watch DVD's or play video games! Basically, how much you drink is far less important than how often you drink, your liver needs a rest!

3) Watch the kind of booze you drink

Booze like cider and alcho pops have huge amounts of sugar as well as booze, thats a double liver whammy. So do yourself a favour, if you have to drown yourself, do it with dry white wine, or vodka and diet pop


>> No.5855569

Chronics drink from the moment they wake up easy to do 12 cans of special brew a day, you do the maths

>> No.5855575

Eh, I drink to cope with PTSD and anxiety. Cooking seems to take all the pressure away though. Trying (for my girl) to break out of drinking myself to shit every night...so I'm starting with only 1 beer every other night. I tried cold turkey and after 3 days I was suffering.

Whats good to make that I can put my alcohol into so I don't drink it instead?

>> No.5855577

I've heard from a lot of strippers that to detoxic (drugs/alcohol) they drink a lot of juice (especially prune and cranberry). seems to work wonders for a lot of people.?

>> No.5855579

Daughter found her dead in bed while I was out working and she was getting ready for school. Massive heart attack in sleep. I was 40 miles away, called police nd ambulance. Police took me there. Life turned round. Both ok now apart from my drinking problem. Most difficult for me was to formally/legally indentify her body - no life, but in the exact same position I'd left when I went to work. The fucking bed was still warm. Signing death certs, and arranging funerals etc was hard, but our daughter and I are ok now apart from my drinkinking. There's more but I'm off to bed.

>> No.5855602

damn anon. Goddamn. You have us brother.

>> No.5855615


I am so sorry mate. You have put things into perspective for me and I deserve a brick to the face for acting like things are "oh so hard abloobloo" for me.

If you can recover from this, you can recover from anything. Drop the drinking, and don't do it for you, do it for your daughter. Do not cause her to lose her father early too. You mean everything to her now. You're being tested by life, why don't you give it a kick in the cunt and show it what you're made of. This alcoholic on the internet believes in you.

>> No.5855625

>This alcoholic on the internet believes in you.

Not OP, but damn, muh feelers.

Make that two alcoholics on the internet. Putting out good vibes, OP.

>> No.5855673
File: 27 KB, 400x400, JobuRum400w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep drinking ti DOESN'T get better

>> No.5855678


How clever.

>> No.5855694

Hey, OP. ex-alcoholic here.
I ate lot's of fatty stuff when i stopped drinking.
Interestingly enough i ate a lot of soup (with cheap, fatty cuts) including lentil soup.
A few days into it i realized that i had to stop eating certain foods, mostly fruits and sugar.
I'm not a health expert by any means, but i think it's because alcohol and sugar are both carbohydrates?
I also had to stop smoking, because everytime i lit a cigarette my fucked up brain told me to get a drink, because i used to smoke while drinking in bars. Associations and triggers are very important if you want to quit. You don't want to "trigger" things that you associate with drinking.
Anyway, best of luck to you.

>> No.5855700

i'm sorry

but yor udmbass needs to stopd driunbkig for ujyoure daughtker


>> No.5855703

Lots and lots of B vitamins, OP. B complex and slow-release niacin tabs. That will help unfuck your brain chemistry.

>> No.5855715


OP, listen to this mess.

>> No.5855835


Kudzu root supplements. There is amole scientific research that shows it nullifies alchohol poisoning to a large extent. Its a little bit like all natural antabuse.

Ive tried it ans whike it didnt cure me it cut my drinking in half and made me much healthier

>> No.5855842


I go a pint of 80proof a night and at a bottle of wine what does that make me?

>> No.5855845

Eat more leafy greens, especially wild leafy greens like lamb's quarters, dandelion, and plantain. For sweets, eat more fruit like dark berries. Ethanol is like pure energy and removing that long term source really fucks with your brain health. So, it needs to be replaced with another quick energy source, like the sugar in sweet foods. Congrats on your med team knowing actual real knowledge and not just tards that cold turkey you and possibly give you even more health problems as a result. Pig out on fruit if you feel the need. After a month you should be doing fine with that sort of craving. Drink lots of water.

>> No.5855853

grats on getting help. that's the hardest part. recovered addict here. you wanna concentrate on foods that'll help your liver to detoxify as a few others have mentioned. freshly pressed green juice is fuckin boss for that. you can add cleansing shit like beets and ginger and it's something you can consume easily even if you feel nauseous and have no appetite. broth is good for healing. if you chuck a chicken, some water and salt into a stockpot and leave it overnight, the resulting liquid is full of minerals and shit from the bones and the connective tissues are soft enough to consume without being gristly and also have sick ass healing powers. as a bonus you also have a bunch of cooked chicken meat to add to salads like the ones already posted, or stews and casseroles, sammiches, whatever. at the risk of sounding like i have an ass play fetish, i would also recommend a few enemas to help you eliminate the shit your body is eliminating. i had two coffee enemas per day for two weeks. it was fucking gross but it took a lot of pressure off my system and cleaned me right out. my liver went straight into healing mode after that. but by that stage i was totally off the poison, which you prolly won't be for a while. i wish you well man, take it from me... it might feel like you'll never get there... but if you just fuckin keep trying anyway... one day you will. trust me. you're on the way. best of luck.

>> No.5855872

Doctors don't know shit tbh. All they're looking for are referral kickbacks to rehabs and mental wards. If you're lucky they put you on 10 different meds, that mask the symptoms, but don't help you get over your addiction. The only thing that works reliably is taking part in a group that consists of alcoholics and people who have overcome their addiction. I'd also question your assertion that one should replace one alcohol with sugar, that's treating the symptom and not curing the problem.

>> No.5855876

when i got sober i did a keto diet for the first few months

cabbage (i make a chinese-style spicy slaw that rocks), roast pork, eggs, tofu, broccoli, cheese, some beef and chicken, spinach, lentils

was pretty good actually

good luck with sobriety, one day at a time has worked for me

>> No.5855955

>I'd also question your assertion that one should replace one alcohol with sugar, that's treating the symptom and not curing the problem

You use that to taper off with. The problem is already being cured.

>> No.5855966

All i can say is that sugars triggers me.
Sugars and nicotine are the biggest triggers in my life and i wouldn't ever recommend that people with alcohol problems eat excess amounts of sugar.

>> No.5855972

>I'd also question your assertion that one should replace one alcohol with sugar, that's treating the symptom and not curing the problem.

This is exactly what my dad did. He wound up ballooning up and gained a whole new slew of health problem.
It all depends on the person and how reliant they become on the sugar crutch, but addictive personalities are a problem concerning more that just booze.

>> No.5856199


Jesus fuck, learn to read.

>Pig out on fruit if you feel the need.

>> No.5856728

my trigger is being depressed, and i have suffered from depression all my life. how fucked am i?

>> No.5856734

The father of a good friend was only a mild alcoholic and he died of liver cirrhosis at age 49.

Liver cirrhosis is a shit disease. You don't just drop dead, you gradually lose control over your brain as you slowly poison yourself, since your liver can't help you anymore. If you get this disease because of alcoholism you also don't get a new one in time, since it's your own fault. He basically started drooling, shitting himself, looking like a yellow-eyed zombie and even started and saying weird sexual shit to his own daughters because his brain was mush. It took about three months and he was finally dead.
It was pathetic.

Don't let alcohol do this to you op...

>> No.5856735


>saying weird sexual shit to his own daughters because his brain was mush

did he ever get handsy? any pics?

>> No.5856738

my trigger is being depressed, and i have suffered from depression all my life. how fucked am i?

>> No.5856872


Working out, learning, some type of hobby that you can really get into and makes you feel well.

>> No.5856962

When I quit drinking (for about a year, I drink again now) I couldn't sleep for like 3 days. I went full on insomniac...when I did sleep it was in 2 hour stints and not satisfying at all.

I ate a shit ton of deli meats myself. I craved bread a lot because my body wanted the carbs (heavy beer drinker). I also bought some nutritional bars because I wasn't exactly very hungry but wanted to make sure I was getting nutrients.

>> No.5857363


Try some vegemite with your toast. You need B vitamins..