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File: 543 KB, 1640x1862, Root-Beer-Float.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5849749 No.5849749 [Reply] [Original]

Can we take a moment just to acknowledge how fucking great the root beer float is?

>> No.5849757

Oven better blended.
Had no idea til this summer you could order them this way .
Thanks /ck/ !

>> No.5849760 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5849766

>tfw never had this
But I will have to now.

>> No.5849784
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All floats are pretty gross except for the Cream Soda float.

>> No.5850543

The table did.

>> No.5850545

>Never had a rootbear float

What the fuck? Not doing your job as an American, son.

>> No.5850564

I had Dr.Pepper float the other day, was okay!

>> No.5850607

No because root beer is one of the foulest substances known to man

>> No.5850617

Don't use chocolate icecream

>> No.5851304

Not drinking a beer float.
>brother leaves pool we work at to go get people luch at a local pizza/sandwich resteraunt.
>he gets a rootbeer float to go
>they somehow fucked up and gave an underage kid beer with ice cream in it.
>he said it was ok not great.

>> No.5852749

Coke and Dr Pepper floats are fine.

But don't try a Kool-Aid float. I did that once as a kid and had to pour it out.

>> No.5852759

I had a Guinness float once. I liked it. Some beers may be better than others for floating.

>> No.5853399 [DELETED] 

>Americans will defend this

Do you sick bastards actually eat this sugar + sugar concoction? Vile. I remember being given one when I was about 6. Nearly got sick. It baffles me.

Do you like it melted into the soda?
Do you eat the ice-cream before it melts?

Either way, it's a disgusting way of destroying two decent substances.

>> No.5853417


Anyway I could see it working with a REALLY dark beer but nothing you could get root beer confused with [based on color]

>> No.5853421

>nearly got sick

Is that the same thing that happened when you got your period? Lel, fucking pansy

>> No.5853422

JFC... Can we have one thread without somebody shitposting about Americans?

>> No.5853438

>Do you like it melted into the soda?
>Do you eat the ice-cream before it melts?

It's a little of both. The soda becomes creamy with part of the ice cream, and some solid ice cream remains at the bottom of the mug when the liquid is gone. The variety of textures is part of what makes it great. (the other part is that it's delicious.)

If ice cream sodas are too much for you, try a cremosa or an egg cream. They're also creamy and fizzy, but not as rich or sweet.

>> No.5853448

Why do you write sugar + sugar as though this is somehow different and worse than simply sugar? Is English not your first language? Sugar is not generally used to refer to discrete units, thus if you have some sugar and then get some more sugar, you would still just say you have some sugar, not 2 sugars.

Hope that helps clear up any confusion you had. (^:

>> No.5853451

>Lel, fucking pansy

Says the babby who eats food made for children.

I bet you wince when drinking beer.

>> No.5853455

Big Red float master race checking in just to say the rest of you are rong.

>> No.5853459

My point is that it's one extremely sugary thing added to another extremely sugary thing.

People tend to mix things of varying sweetness - like Baked Cheesecake and fresh strawberries. Even the cookies/biscuits (UK meaning of biscuits) tend to be not as sweet. It's about balance - to me, Vanilla Coke is a vile mess of a drink as it's two sugary flavours with no tartness to cut through it. It's like mixing

>> No.5853466

god you brits are stupid as fuck

>> No.5853474

What was implied is that they're both sickly flavours in the context of a sugary drink.

Caramel and Vanilla share flavour charactaristics. They're cloying when paired together. You need something tart to cut through it. Imagine having butterscotch flavoured coke?

Also, you sick bastards that like the "cherry" coke or Dr. Pepper - both piss flavoured with almond oil - are disgusting.

>> No.5853483

>Assumptions made

>> No.5853490


The caramel in Coke is a colorant, not a flavoring.

>> No.5853507

You were a child and couldn't even handle it, you're a fucking disgrace

>I bet you wince when drinking beer
I wince when drinking whatever poorly made cask ale the British champion, sure, but actual beer, I enjoy as well, because I'm not a fucking subhuman

>> No.5853510

It's not even remotely overtly sweet, you've just got a plebeian palate

>> No.5853567
File: 120 KB, 400x500, tumblr_linyb9Gc1F1qdnxh0o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yes we can

>> No.5853579


Wait what is this, google is showing no results? I haven't had a root beer float since I was a kid (despite it being the only soda I like).

If there was some special way to order one I might just have to cave in.

>> No.5853586


>sweet must be paired with tart

What. the. fuck.

I was with you with american stuff being overtly sweet, but thats just our preference man. You are dead fucking wrong on how sweetness needs to be "cut" by other flavors.

Does spice need to be cut by something bland to you? Does richness need to be cut by something light to you? Fuck off. Seriously.

>> No.5853589

Things like this are the reason Amerifats are looked at as bottom feeders in the food world

>> No.5853594

would a brown cow be considered the alcoholic alternative to a delicious root beer float?

>> No.5853615

To be fair, traditional british foods are rather bland.

>> No.5853622

>You need something tart to cut through it
check out the buttertooth. not enough malt vinegar in your soft drink? bugger off.

>they're both sickly flavours in the context of a sugary drink
it's fucking carbonated. how much more caustic do you need it to be?

>> No.5853630

Better that than just regular bottomfeeders

I'll enjoy my rootbear float with a well done steak and ketchup, some chicken fingers too

You eat your porridge, pleb boy

>> No.5853635

No. There's too much of a "STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE!" mentality around here to be able to do that.

>> No.5853638

I guess you've never tasted vanilla on its own. There is nothing sweet about it other than its typically used in sweet things. It certainly tastes nothing like caramel which is just "burnt" sugar.

>> No.5853639

>put organic soy ice cream into stevia root beet
biggest mistake of life

>> No.5853643


You're memeing to the max

>> No.5853647

Is stevia a meme? I've been eating it 20 out of my 25 years of life.

>> No.5853652

sorry to fad all over your meme

>> No.5853654

>vanilla ice cream mixed with Sprite (before Rediscover)

Fucking godlike for summer heat. Tried a Dr Pepper one today. Not terrible, but not great either.

>> No.5853655

hah yeah right. I bet you add sugar to your chocolate. stupid amerifat, that shit is already sweet enough on its own.

>> No.5853659

Depends on the chocolate, either way your infant like palate is pathetic

>> No.5853677
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>unsweetened chocolate
>infant like palate

infant like palate a lot

>> No.5853680
File: 87 KB, 382x360, 1408684281397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone experimented with alcoholic variants of it? I have seen just regular beer floats, but I want the taste of a traditional root beer float with the added bonus of getting tipsy.

>> No.5853683
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>> No.5853693
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pic related. it's your weeabo ass attempting to make a tall frosty mug of caramel vanilla root beer shut the fuck up.

>> No.5853696

>lager ice cream float
Sounds fucking atrocious

>> No.5853697
File: 239 KB, 300x401, 1399179240862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Diet Coke

>> No.5853701


I tried one once. Keep in mind, I dislike the taste of beer in general but I wasn't a fan. Had the bittersweet thing going for it I guess.

>> No.5853714

Stouts with ice cream, I've seen lambics with chocolate ice cream

I'd like to try Guinness Extra Stout with vanilla

>> No.5853716

You're going to have post in English, your teethy jabber made no sense

>> No.5853720
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>tfw orange sherbet with Sprite

>> No.5853724
File: 131 KB, 210x314, 1362908513931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u gonna be so mad when i post this anime
>just you wait

>> No.5853728

Toothy. In English mean to say toothy. As in, "your toothy jabber made no sense".

As you were.

>> No.5853729


That seens... different.

I have tried orange soda as a float base before and it worked in a weird way.

>> No.5853776

Not weird at all. You made a deconstructed orange creamsicle. An excellent flavor profile.

>> No.5853825

My uncle would always get me a root beer float whenever we went to a restaurant for me even if I didn't ask for one just to piss off my dad.

>> No.5853848

Its wrong your fucking retard. Sweet Jesus its totally believable that you prefer Big Red.

>> No.5853969

Think he mean "even better blended'.
And they're pretty good. Think a milk shake but root beer instead of milk.