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5845521 No.5845521 [Reply] [Original]

>claims to be a vegetarian because of animal cruelty in the meat industry
>still consumes dairy and eggs

>> No.5845523

Depends, most people I know who are vegetarian for animal care reasons raise chickens or goes someone they trusts who treats them well

For dairy they go to the local cows hare farms who are small care and you can show up anytime morning to evening to get some fresh milk and check in with "your" cow

Not even joking, Bay Area/Portland is cool for somethings

>> No.5845542

It doesn't matter. Nobody would be a vegetarian if they couldn't talk about being a vegetarian.

>> No.5845547
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>le reddit straw man
>le reddit ironic fictional condition purported to be true of straw man

>> No.5845556

>Vegetarian against cruelty towards animals
>Against abortion
>Eats eggs

>Vegan against eating eggs cause it's cruel
>For abortion

literally the worst people on the planet

>> No.5845558

I never even thought of that. So true.

>> No.5845563

>a woman having the right to choose what to do with her body makes her the worst kind of person in the world
>>>/r9k/ you misogynist retard

>> No.5845565

>abortion activists
>all life is precious except health care workers who should be murdered on the street in cold blood, and innocent people swept up in the criminal justice system, because we can't let a couple of clerical errors take away from our collective need for blood vengeance

>> No.5845572


Only retards don't hate women.

>> No.5845575
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>> No.5845580

It's fucking easy to eat Cage free.

Eating eggs aren't abortion unless fertilized. Most roosters just get ground into nuggets :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJ--faib7to

>> No.5845583

Nice try but I'm gay, I don't put the pussy on a pedestal like you white knight pathetic faggots.

>> No.5845586

If anything the white knight manginas are usually the fat neckbeards defending the M'ladys.

>> No.5845587

I know your trolling but I'm entirely pro choice.

However, having a contradiction in the way you value human life demonstrates that you don't understand it. That root logic can lead to all sorts of ethical miscalculations. Stay the fuck away from anyone who displays that contradiction.

>> No.5845589

>Claims doesn't like the taste of meat
>Still eats Tofurky, tofu sausages, tofu bacon, chicken and beef stock.

Just going to die with my dog, I know she wont refuse good food.

>> No.5845590

Vegetarians are the fucking plebest of all the plebs. They won't eat good food because muh feelings.

>> No.5845620

>>Claims doesn't like the taste of meat
A bit of straw-manning there.

>> No.5845679

>claims to be a vegetarian because of animal cruelty in the meat industry
>doesn't realize how many animals are killed during plant harvesting

>> No.5847093

'hurr durr animal cruelty' is the plebbest of pleb reasons for not eating meat.
especially if your non-meat dishes are gonna be imitations of meat dishes.
especia-especially if you don't get quality non-meat food required for survival where you live

I'm a lacto-vegetarian, by choice, with hardcore meat eaters in my family, living in a predominantly vegetarian country (I'm sure you can guess) and vegetarians don't give up diary here. Plus, we can easily get really fresh veggies and fruits here, and there are limitless ways to make them taste awesome, not just pale imitations of meat dishes.

But if there's nothing to eat and I'd like to continue to live, I'll physically bite the neck and kill any animal to eat and survive.

I just like eating vegetarian stuff better. But with every bite I take, I know I've killed hundreds and thousands of plants/grains/blah for that meal.
And no fucks were given

>> No.5847427

You lucky motherfucker you.

>> No.5847462

Eggs are the chicken's period, they laid up unfertilized eggs all the time, unless they are fertilized by a rooster.

>> No.5847591

>claims to be a vegetarian
>still eats meat occasionally

>> No.5847660

Eggs offer more ethical complexity than a simple "it's not an animal" mentality. A common approach to egg production is to kill all/almost all male chicks born (sometimes inhumanely), and to kill the females as their egg-laying rate winds down (typically 2-3 years into their 7 year life span).

>'hurr durr animal cruelty' is the plebbest of pleb reasons for not eating meat.
>especially if your non-meat dishes are gonna be imitations of meat dishes.
Why do you think the shape/flavor/texture of their veggie meals diminishes the rationale of reducing animal cruelty by not eating animals? That seems irrelevant.

>I just like eating vegetarian stuff better.
That seems like a pleber of pleb reasons. I like Cheetos better than Cheez Puffs, but I'm not going to stake my identity on a vow of Cheez Puff avoidance. You sound like a picky eater attention whore who likes to be a pain in the ass dissing people because you think you know better than others.

>> No.5847688

The only valid reason to be vegetarian other than health is because of concerns over climate change or the environment.

>> No.5847869

By this logic vegetarianism is worse than eating meat, to obtain eggs and dairy, you have to keep the animals alive, and there usually live in shit conditions, but if you want to eat meat, you have to kill the animal and that would at least put an end to it's misery.