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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5844638 No.5844638 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ can you name something more amazing then a simple bowl of grapes?

>Pro tip; There isn't anything more amazing

>> No.5844641

A bowl of pomegranate seeds.

>> No.5844643

grapes are the worst fruit

>> No.5844651

A bowl of strawberries, leafy stem area removed, with a healthy sprinkling of sugar.

>> No.5844657


What the fuck is wrong with you grapes are spectacular.

>> No.5844659
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>> No.5844661

>healthy sprinkling of sugar.

>> No.5844663

they're astringent and taste like water
also theyre in everything and boring

>> No.5844669

Confirmed for not having tried it.

>> No.5844672

>because I don't want to become the fatness

>> No.5844675

Class is for swag, men are for boys.

>> No.5844679

Eating them frozen is better

Also lychee and lilikoi
I just prefer juicing them
What sad place are your grapes sourced from and then shipped to underripe?

>> No.5844682
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>men are for boys

>> No.5844684

You ever try jam, friend?

>> No.5844690

nope. nor jelly.
Preserves, on the other hand....

>> No.5844695

Has added sugar. Either you're fat or eating these things sparingly at reasonable volumes doesn't make you fat. Checkmate atheist.

>> No.5844701
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>Preserves, on the other hand....

>> No.5844708

Yeah, as a preservative. Its not like I'm dousing my fruit in sugar like some amerifat. Why the hell do you feel the need to do that? I can't even imagine it without feeling a little sick.

>> No.5844719

>only function is as a preservative
top lel

Why don't you just blend strawberries in your blender and put that on toast?

Unbeknownst to many of the world's ignorant inhabitants, yourself included, added sugar enhances the strawberry's flavor.

>> No.5844729

>added sugar enhances the strawberry's flavor

Fatties actually believe this.
There is no evidence supporting this, I looked. You are confusing sugar with vanilla.

>> No.5844731

>Why don't you just blend strawberries in your blender and put that on toast?

>implying I use preservatives regularly and not just eat fruit like a normal person

>> No.5844732
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>> No.5844735

This is gross and you are obviously fat.
Stupidest shit I've read all night.

>> No.5844740

>added sugar enhances the strawberry's flavor.


>> No.5844748

Sure thing, bud. Did you know you can freeze strawberries without combining them with sugar? Wonder why adding sugar to them is so popular? Makes you wonder!

You can eat fruit and toast with preserves, or just fruit. Whatever floats your boat.

Underused meme.

Well, I'm not fat though. 6'4" 200. Size 36 waist.

Use your mouth sometime, and continue wondering why people combine strawberries with sugar when that's unnecessary for preservation given that freezers do this fine.

>> No.5844758

>freezing fruit
>viable way of preservation
yeah, because the power never goes out.

are you retarded?

>> No.5844763

>Well, I'm not fat though. 6'4" 200. Size 36 waist.


>> No.5844766

>Wonder why adding sugar to them is so popular?

No, I never wondered this. I see fat people all over and its obvious why it happens.

>> No.5844768

most people dont live somewhere where the power goes out often or for long periods of time and the ones that do have generators

>> No.5844770

>Use your mouth sometime
Great citation.

> unnecessary for preservation given that freezers do this fine

Freezing is NOT preserving you fucking idiot. Its not a viable way to arrest bacterial growth, it just slows it.

You are probably the stupidest person I've seen here in a while.

>> No.5844775

Do you think there is going to be peer reviewed studies on every food combination?

>> No.5844778

Freezing doesn't even preserve food though, it just slows bacterial growth. Preserving food renders it uninhabitable for bacteria once canned/jarred. They are not the same.

Also I live in an area where the power goes out occasionally during large storms, and generators are not common here. You are painfully misinformed and fat.

>> No.5844780

You know, THERE ARE.

Fucking idiot. Cooking and reviews of cooking have been around since humans learned how to write.

>> No.5844784

>He doesnt freeze dry
>stopping bacterial growth while frozen isnt arresting bacterial growth
top kek

>> No.5844785

>can't find citation
>talking out his fatass


>> No.5844787

>implying thats the same

Stop, just stop. You are digging to fucking China.

>> No.5844788

can you show me these peer reviewed studies that show why strawberries are good with cream, why chocolate and peanut butter go together, why rosemary works with chicken, why lamb works with mint?

There most certainly arent peer reviewed studies on every food combination. Youre fucking stupid.

>> No.5844792

>thinks freeze drying stops bacterial growth
>doesn't know it just extends the life by a few months at most
>being this consistently stupid about everything

>> No.5844799

Im not even the same guy. There isnt goint to be a citation. Can you show me a citation showing that it doesnt? nope, because it doesnt exist

>> No.5844800
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He's not me, by the way. And here're a pair of my work pants, for >>5844763. Hope you're happy, princess.

>> No.5844801

doesnt know the definition of arresting

>> No.5844802








Don't ever post here again. You are stupid beyond belief. ALL viable combinations have been tested and written about. You shouldn't even be allowed to post here anymore.

>> No.5844805

>peer reviewed studies = anyone's opinion that gets corroborated

Christ almighty, shameful display.

>> No.5844806

>Im not even the same guy.

Not your pants.

You are an idiot.
bottom two definitions.

>> No.5844807

Freezing does stop bacterial growth it just doesnt kill all types of bacteria. You are thinking of mold. Freezing molded foods only drastically slows growth not stop it completely

Which one of those is a peer reviewed study?

>> No.5844811

>peer reviewed
You are still being stupid, and everyone can see it. I hope you are ashamed of yourself.

You don't even know what words mean.

>> No.5844816

to check the course of; stop; slow down:
to arrest progress.
Medicine/Medical. to control or stop the active progress of (a disease):
The new drug did not arrest the cancer.

Exactly which is why you are retarded for saying freezing doesnt arrest bacterial growth

>> No.5844817

>Freezing does stop bacterial growth
Only at - 18C or lower, which a freezer cannot reach.

>> No.5844820

>he doesnt know what a peer reviewed study is

>> No.5844821

>to arrest progress
Freezing, in a freezer as you said, does not get cold enough to stop bacterial growth. I have no idea why I am even bothering, you have been proven wrong by multiple people every time you post and now you're just butthurt and crying.

>> No.5844825

>thinks they were mentioned
>confusing peer reviewed studies with reviews, and the posted explained
>still wrong and butthurt

>> No.5844826

That's not the issue, nigger. STUDIES is the issue. Even though I'm not even the guy you were originally getting into this with (I'm actually the huge fatass that likes strawberries with sprinkled sugar), I'm still replying because you're simply wrong. The issue is with one poster's stupid request of hard scientific evidence for certain flavor combinations and you replied with blog shit. Peer reviewed study is not that, peer reviewed study is entirely academic.

>> No.5844830

It does but even if it didnt

>to check the course of; stop; slow down:
to arrest progress.
>slow down

See, you really are retarded

>> No.5844833
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I never even mentioned peer review studies, you did because you wanted to shift focus off all the evidence contradicting you. If you can't win an argument within the original confines, then you can't win an argument. No amount of filibustering will help you now.

>> No.5844836

>studies never even mentioned
>still failing

>> No.5844839

What do you mean? If you dont want scientific proof showing why strawberries taste better with sugar what do you want?

>> No.5844844

>to control or stop the active progress
The word was used correctly, not my fault you are a retard. Actually, I know you know I'm right. You're just upset that so many people have evidence that you are wrong all the time.

>> No.5844846

"Anonymous 10/01/14(Wed)01:10:53 No.5844788 ▶>>5844802
can you show me these peer reviewed studies that show why strawberries are good with cream, why chocolate and peanut butter go together, why rosemary works with chicken, why lamb works with mint?

There most certainly arent peer reviewed studies on every food combination. Youre fucking stupid."

It was mentioned retards, and I suppose you're all confused because you're different people who wanted to butt in even though you missed this crucial post.

>> No.5844852

>Cooking and reviews of cooking
This is what was mentioned.

the faggot king then decided to jump on "peer reviewed studies" to try and change the direction of the argument because he was losing on so many fronts.

>> No.5844853

A simple bowl of olives.

>> No.5844856

>ignoring the whole definition
you said freezing doesnt arrest bacterial growth. It does. Even if it doesnt kill all bacteria it still greatly slows it down which is arresting

>> No.5844859

>Cooking and reviews of cooking
This was what HE mentioned. You took it another way because you were losing and knew it, fatty.

>> No.5844864

At this point he is just trolling or actually retarded. He even thinks its one person arguing with him.

>> No.5844867

One definition of 4. I went with the one that referred to a disease as a bacterial growth can lead to disease and they share a common medical aspect. Sounds like you don't know shit about context and are still wrong all the time.

>> No.5844871

>arguing with him.
>thinks its just one person

>> No.5844873

Its in colloquial use. Just google it.

>> No.5844877

>Uses one of the non-medical definitions when a medical one was present

>cherry picking facts to suit his needs

>> No.5844878

Its just you, and us. And you really need to die.

>> No.5844880

Uh no, arrest is to stop or slow down. Sorry you were wrong. You should probably get used to it though.

>> No.5844881

Holy fuck, strawberry fatty needs to calm down and educate himself.

>> No.5844889

>can't get over his wrongness
>still using one of the non-contextual definitions
>so desperate
>so pathetic

>Medicine/Medical. to control or stop the active progress
I've never felt like more of a winner on 4chan before.

>> No.5844890
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>wrong on all accounts
>seeking petty validation through dubious means
>thinks people won't notice

>> No.5844891

He really does. This is getting to be pathetic. He's like a guy I used to know named Thompson, complete asshat. Would constantly try and twist facts to suit his needs because he felt a sick desire to be the only knowledgeable person in the room despite failing out of school and joining the national guard to become a mechanic. A real loser.

>> No.5844894

Look at the medical definition retard.

You need to educate yourself.

>> No.5844895

There is definitely more than one person saying the dude asking for citations on why strawberries taste good with sugar is retarded

>Slowing bacterial growth almost to a halt isnt controlling it

>> No.5844901

I'm the "fattie" and I stopped arguing awhile ago because there were too many cross-contaminations of argument replies and it became fruitless. You'll have to stay mad that someone thinks strawberries with sprinkled sugar are completely more delicious than strawberries by themselves.

>> No.5844908

>implying you have "control" over bacteria that still grows

And no, there isn't. Its all you, fatty. Stop samefagging.

>> No.5844909

Humans love the taste of sugar and crave it so adding it to strawberries will increase the pleasure you derive from eating them. So yes, they do taste better with sugar

>> No.5844912

>thread about fruit

Wrong again, fatty. The very first picture and most of this discussion is about fruit, therefor, this thread is fruitful.

See what I did there? I used the worst possible definition for the context and decided it fit just like you in your retarded "arrest" argument.

>> No.5844916

I haven't been arguing with you at all, in fact I am the "fattie" (read: normal sized individual at 6'4") that originally posted about strawberries with sugar. I have not said a word about 'arrest,' that's someone else. I am also not >>5844912.

It must be amazing for you to learn that there are multiple people on the internet.

>> No.5844919

>Humans love the taste of sugar
>Your tongue craves sweetness because it signals ripe fruit.

go to sciencemags and look up "why humans crave sugar, salt and fat"
It says my link is spam.
nothing to do with sugar.

>> No.5844920

Sorry, meant to link >>5844909. This is also a different person.

>> No.5844923

The thread isn't about fruit in general its about why grapes are the best fruit.

>> No.5844926

Are you seriously trying to say sugar doesn't taste good to humans?

>> No.5844927
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>there are multiple people on the internet

>> No.5844930

>at least three people arent multiple

>> No.5844933

Don't even attempt that shit with me, son. Don't try and twist the argument because you're wrong. Sugar tastes good, we crave sweetness because it signals ripe fruit. The additional sweetness of sugar does nothing to the fruit except trick your mind into thinking its riper. Just eat properly ripe fruit you fucking fatass american cunt.

>> No.5844940
File: 77 KB, 640x480, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow...This thread is.....yeah.....

>> No.5844944

>two of us
>one of you
Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.5844945
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Watching these asshats argue is making my night.

>> No.5844947

I wish I had some popcorn and a cocktail.

>> No.5844955

>Neuroscientists have shown, using fMRI to scan the brain‘s activity in real-time, that sugar leads to dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens – an area associated with motivation, novelty, and reward. This is the same brain region implicated in response to cocaine and heroin.

Therefore eating sugar with strawberries will increase the pleasure derived from eating them more than just eating them alone.

>When we eat food, the simple sugar glucose is absorbed from the intestines into the bloodstream and distributed to all cells of the body.Glucose is particularly important to the brain as it provides a major source of fuel to the billions of neuronal nerve cells.Neurons need a constant supply from the bloodstream as they don't have the ability to store glucose themselves. As diabetics know, someone with low blood sugar can quickly lapse into a coma.Bizarrely, scientists have found even just the taste of sugar can give our brains a boost. Tests have shown that participants who swill water sweetened by sugar around their mouths perform better on mental tasks than when they gargle artificially sweetened water.

Which is why we crave sugar, not because it signals ripened fruit but because sugar is beneficial to our body.

>Since sugar is a basic form of energy in food, a sweet tooth was adaptive in ancient times, when food was limited. However, excessive sugar in the bloodstream is toxic, so our bodies also evolved to rapidly convert digested sugar in the bloodstream into fat. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors needed plenty of fat — more than other primates — to be active during periods of food scarcity and still pay for large, expensive brains and costly reproductive strategies

Again not because it means fruit it ripe, it also shows, again, why adding sugar to strawberries improve its taste.

>> No.5844961

I never said I was the only one arguing with you, I'm not the OP of the strawberries thing I was just pointing out that at least 3 people("us and you") is in fact multiple people even though you said it wasn't

>> No.5844971

I actually met some guy that spoke and looked exactly like that at work, his mom kept apologizing every time he spoke to me about some strange convention he just got back from.

>> No.5844977
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Shhhh shhhhh, hush now. No more fighting.

>> No.5844980
File: 461 KB, 1698x1131, Strawberries-Dusted-in-Powered-Sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image makes me mad, /ck/. I'm just steaming about this.

>> No.5844982

Not much to argue about now that I've shown why sugar added to strawberries tastes good.

>> No.5844986
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Its ok hun, just calm down.

>> No.5844988

This deserves its own thread.

>> No.5844994

Is this chick retarded or something?

>> No.5844995

>doesnt know who lexi belle is

>> No.5844996
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Shhhhh. Calm yourself, dear. There is no need to be upset, just have yourself a nice cuppa and relax.

>> No.5844999

Fuck off tripfag

>> No.5845001
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Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Be chill.

>> No.5845008

Why is she holding her fork like it's a dick? No fucking table manners.

>> No.5845013

wtf svet. havent seen you in almost 8 years, and you just pop up on /ck/. do you still post on /k/?

>> No.5845014

What a hussy. I wonder if she likes sugared strawberries.

>> No.5845018
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>like it's a dick
Well, she is a pornstar after all.

I took a break from 4chan for a while. I did post on /k/ about a week ago, that place is still a mess.

>> No.5845021

Then she should eat off the floor instead of at the table like she's people.

>> No.5845029
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Probably. I think most people do. I used to eat strawberries dipped in nutella a lot when I was younger.

Oh, dearie. No need for all the hostility. You should get some tea and put on some nice music.

>> No.5845034

>took a break
was it because they leaked your pics? or because they stalked you? /k/ is still a overrun by angry kids but i think there are a few who would love to see you again. cutest camwhore on /k/ ;)

>> No.5845047
File: 118 KB, 684x912, 1260416877244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left because of the reasons you stated. I didn't camwhore though, I just took part in video chats with others from /k/.

>> No.5845057

get fucked kid, you roleplay as a woman on a weoans board and these virgin faggots eat it up

you are litterally cancer

>> No.5845061

>pretending to be female

only newfags dont remember you being exposed as a man

its quite pathetic, as are you

>> No.5845072

Cold, sweet, watermelon.

>> No.5845074
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I claimed to be male, all the time. No one listened. Even told people my name was Russel, but to no avail.

>> No.5845082
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>> No.5845083

>I just took part in video chats with others from /k/.
i know, i was there, but a cam was involved, so i would still call it camwhoring.

ive seen her on cam, so have others. be jealous.

kinda hard to pretend to be male when you camwhore. do you still chat with the others from cube's stream?

>> No.5845084

no, you only did that AFTER you got caught out

>> No.5845090
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Actually at the behest of the first tripfriend who found out I was female that I pretended to me male. There were other females too, all were scared away over time. This was long before the drama started. Not that it matters, you will believe what you like regardless.

>> No.5845099
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No I do not, unfortunately. Cube got a new gf, Grenade disappeared, Soap was deployed, and thingus has been ignoring me since Cube said goodbye. I think Alice and Marisa are still around but both are creepy. Anonycat and I had a falling out after a fight. Both of us were pretty mean that night.

>> No.5845102

Strawberries go pretty well with freshly cracked black pepper.

>> No.5845106

you are male, fuck off

>> No.5845111

Super male. Big dangly balls. My name is Russel by the way.

>> No.5845115

Most things do. God-tier spice.

>> No.5845120

fuck off you attention whore

>> No.5845121

i only know cube and grenade, i think. is that el chupogrenado? i used to watch cube's streams because i thought it was awesome that a french girl was browsing /k/. sorry to hear about cube and anonycat. also aren't alice and marisa both guys? i remember they were the only ones in cubes stream who didn't vid chat or voice chat.

i've seen otherwise, she's adorable. or was. that was long ago.

>> No.5845127

>samefagging his way to credibility

fuck off

it was PROVEN that you are a male, PROVEN

and yet you still try and pretend otherwise

been on /k/ since 06, i fucking saw it with my own eyes

>> No.5845133

I only fuck on, sorry dear.

Yes, Grenade used the name El ChupoGrenado on Cube's steam. Yes, both Alice and Marisa are men.
>or was
I've grown a beard and a second penis since then.

Yes, I know, we proved it. Proved the hell out of it. Proved it so hard you still believe it 8 years later.

>> No.5845136


you still roleplaying as a female? are you that desperate for attention? fucking pathetic

>> No.5845137

Who are you by the way? Sorry if I offend but I can't tell who you are by this limited conversation.

>> No.5845139


fucking pathetic

>> No.5845141

yeah...proven....right. i had nothing to do with that epic trolling. tricking you fags was easier than convincing you svet was in the military. man fluffer was so eager to find her than when redskull claimed he had her fb he jumped on it, never bothering to look into it beyond the comprehensive friends list. so much fun.

>> No.5845143

This thread's supposed to be about fruit as in the foodstuff, not as in what you idiots evidently are. Fuck off tripfags and fuck off everybody replying to tripfags.

Clementines are a pretty good citrus fruit.

>> No.5845145

Men say "dear", honey. I would know, I am all that is man.

Leave the trade secrets out of it. Still would like to know who I'm talking to.

>> No.5845146

>this samefag

i didnt want to do this, but you do realise there is such thing as the greasemonkey ID script that enables IP based IDs on all boards? the architecture is there, just not activated

just fucking stop, you are so pathetic.

>> No.5845150

pathetic samefag

>> No.5845153

moose, you probably don't remember me. i was one of the guys who sent you dick pics with svet written on our cocks for an invite to cube's channel.

fuck off this doesn't concern you. adults are talking here.

>> No.5845155

This is the best thread on /ck/ right now. Sit back and enjoy it.

>> No.5845156

pathetic samefagging

>> No.5845165
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>using samefag as an insult

>> No.5845170

Hi Mooseknuckle. Of course I remember you. You helped with the dramafest. I deleted that pic, just do you know. Not really of interest to me.

Yes, I know what a tripmarker is. Probably better than you do, dear.

>> No.5845172

Oh I samefag all the time, any post that isn't you is actually me. All of them.

>> No.5845173

says the samefaggoteer


not even remotly what im talking about

you samefaggoteering is useless seeing as we can all see you doing it

>> No.5845177

wow you actually remember. kinda glad you deleted the pic, its embarrassing to be honest. i was an awkward kid.

im pretty sure he's the same guy who used to follow her around /k/ trolling every post she made. he even printed out her pic and pooped on it, then showed /k/. no lie. he's obsessed.

>> No.5845178

all we can see if you being obsessive and spamming a thread while people are trying to talk around you. go away.

>> No.5845181

Of course I remember you. You were a regular on Cube's stream. You even sat through the entire Firefly marathon with us even after cube started blaring techno over the movie. You weren't awkward, just young.

All faggots are the same, and I am all faggots.

>> No.5845182


Are you a fox?

>> No.5845185
File: 112 KB, 688x1434, i hate apples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5845188

>taste like water
ok either you've never had grapes and/or water before or your taste buds have come accustom to sugary drinks like soda. i knew a girl who hated water and only drank coke. she was fat and had diabetes. we were at a gas station and i was drinking a peace tea (which to me is still offensively sweet) and i made here try it. she said it was ok but had no flavor. kill yourself anon since diabetes is a shitty way to live.

>> No.5845190


fucking pathetic

>> No.5845192


samefag detected

>> No.5845193

i think im the same age as you, or pretty near it. i dont remember most of that marathon. once el chupogrenado declared shot-o-clock things got fuzzy. does your old aim still work?

>> No.5845196

he's one of those troubled guys that can't get a girl and probably lusted after svet but his love went unrequited so now he tries to destroy her. if he cant have her no one can.

>> No.5845197

you are him, samefag

and more samefaggoting

>> No.5845200


right, because i can get around post limits.

>> No.5845207

fuck off samefag

>> No.5845209

I am a man, with hairy nutdanglers and a big girthy penis. My phallus is the envy of all male mammals. Yay sports!

You can do as you please. You're a wizard, Harry.

>> No.5845214

fuck off samefag

>> No.5845218

Missed this one, I'm roughly twenmumblemumblemumble years old. No, my aim doesn't work. The one I used back then wasn't even mine, nor was the laptop. I have since gotten a new laptop. I don't really chat online anymore.

>> No.5845229

you sound stoned again. you still 420blazeitfaggot?
you used to be a hardcore pothead.

shame, id love to chat with you again sometime. does cube still stream vids?

>> No.5845233
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underrated proust

>> No.5845238


>> No.5845246
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No I stopped smoking after college. Now I have a family and such. I don't know if Cube still streams. Haven't talked to her in years. As far as I know she's still mad at me. I tried talking to thingus a while back asking about her but he ignored me, I would assume because Cube told him to.

I need to get to bed. It was nice to hear from you again, Moose. Hope to see you around.

pic is for OP

>> No.5845257

goodnight, if you post more you'll hear from me more. good to see someone from the old days.

>> No.5845294


>> No.5845300

WTF is up with these faggots lately?
They're in every thread.
Are they migrating from /b/ and /v/?

>> No.5845307

Its just one unsupervised child that attacks random posters in an attempt to incite a reaction. I think he just wants someone to talk to but has no social skills at all.

>> No.5845319


>> No.5845324

I thought that faggot had OD'd on dicksauce by now.

>> No.5845328

Honestly, I'd prefer that over what is going on now with trips. At least he was obvious, easy to avoid.

>> No.5845834

Try singing "Amazing Grape" while eating them

>> No.5845881

> a bag full of dicks . something you are probably nibbling on right now