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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 71 KB, 698x465, bushmeat6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5842671 No.5842671 [Reply] [Original]

A study of illegal bush meat markets in seven European and North American cities, Found two Canadian cities top the list, Toronto and Montreal more than 1,000 kilograms arriving monthly in each city.

In some cases, Prof. Brashares said, meat is sent to Toronto via the postal system, partly because of its stricter regulations governing what is allowed to be seized and searched. In other cases, raw meat was simply stuffed in suitcases and taken on a plane.
"This was in 2006" Thoughts?

>> No.5842673
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>> No.5842677
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>> No.5842678

>illegal bush meat

People actually eating vaginas ?
Like cannibalism?

>> No.5842680

Not a hell of a whole lot.

>> No.5842681
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>> No.5842683
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>> No.5842686
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>> No.5842687

Regulated hunting is some important stuff. But those couple of thousand kilograms a month is probably rather marginal. And the regions where this shit is rampant have bigger problems to deal with anyway.

>> No.5842689
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>> No.5842695
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>> No.5842696


Ebola-chan will probably be coming to town sooner rather than later.

>> No.5842700

This is what happens when savages are given famine relief.
Populations explode, none of the new humans is educated enough to feed themselves.
Vicious cycle.
Would have been better to let them starve in the 50s.
So much suffering could have been averted.

>> No.5842702
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>> No.5842703

can someone delete this fucking thread

>> No.5842708
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>> No.5842712

I am curious as to the actual impact on wildlife it has and the reason why the 'bushmeat' is illegal.
Seems to me they shouldn't be allowed to buy/sell but if was cooked soon enough after harvesting it might not make them more sick than it does nourish.

>> No.5842713
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>> No.5842717
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>> No.5842719
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>move to civilized countries with standards of living, clean water, cleaner food
>oh man, i really miss that monkey meat i was eating in my shithole village

i don't even understand that logic.

>> No.5842721
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>> No.5842726
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>> No.5842728


in the biology field, HIV is suspected to have originally spread to humans through bushmeat. some asshole hunter had open wounds on his hands, butchered a monkey, their blood mixed, and now we have HIV in humans.

who knows what the fuck else bushmeat could spread to people.

>> No.5842733

Don't underestimate the power of nostalgia and familiarity.

>> No.5842734
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>> No.5842737


>> No.5842747
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>> No.5842749

I'd say this counts a NSFW

>> No.5842754
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>> No.5842756

>become rich as fuck.
>miss the taste of the Mc Nugget.

It happens. Use your imagination.

>> No.5842763
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>> No.5842771
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>> No.5842774

Get the fuck back to work faggot and quit browsing 4chan.

>> No.5842776
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>liking McNuggets past the age of 8 years old

>> No.5842781

All the dead apes are really off-putting.

>> No.5842787
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>> No.5842790
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>> No.5842798

> thoughts
In some cultures, this is everyday food. People need to eat and contrary to what vegans believe, we do require some meat. Therefore, depending on factors such as culture or poverty, we get our meat however we can.

>> No.5842802
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>> No.5842809
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>> No.5842813

Maybe it tastes good. Have you ever eaten monkey?

>> No.5842816
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>> No.5842819

and also any farming/fishing economy collapses because you introduce food into the market that is LITERALLY FREE

>> No.5842823
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>> No.5842825

>whole grilled rats
>rats literally full of shit, cooked with the shit in them


>> No.5842826
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>> No.5842829

It's just meat bro, you don't work at PETA or anything do you?

Youre not a RACIST are you???

>> No.5842832

>toronto lets in thousands upon thousand of 3rd world immigrants
>lets them set up their own little communities instead of making them assimilate into the existing culture
>wonder why they get their 3rd world cousins to send them random meat through the mail

You can take someone out of the 3rd world, but you can't take the 3rd world out of someone.

>> No.5842834

>people eating monkeys in countries where the average native IQ is lower than that of the Monkeys they eat.

someone nuke africa

>> No.5842835

I've got an uncle who likes to have a mouthful of bush meat

>> No.5842850

Also, kuru is more likely from animals like monkeys than say, from other wild animals, though the US still keeps strict regulation on things like sheep brains for that reason.

Think of kuru and the prions that cause it and mad-cow disease as throwing a bit of crystallized sugar into caramel. It will cause nearby molecular structures to mimic it, and crystallize the whole pot -- or in this case, properly folded proteins to re-arrange to match the mis-folded prions and ultimately lead to brain damage and death.

Eat capybaras, rats and crocs; as long as they aren't endangered who cares? Eating monkeys, even small tailed primates, is way too close to cannibalism.

>> No.5842854

Not trolling but
>lets them set up their own little communities instead of making them assimilate into the existing culture
>wonder why they get their 3rd world cousins to send them random meat through the mail

You kinda just described America. Nations don't "let" immigrants set up insular communities and import food from thier home lands, it just works like that and always has. It's not going to dissappear right away. It's gonna take time to tighten restrictions. Dat beurocracy.

>> No.5842880

well jeez, it almost sounds like we should only allow people to immigrate from GOOD countries, not ones where they eat bats and chop people's arms off with machetes for the crime of witchcraft.

what a novel idea

>> No.5842884


>> No.5843157
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Contaminated bushmeat entering the UK(parliament)

>> No.5843182


What the fuck is wrong with people.

>> No.5843300

niggers gotta eat

>> No.5843329
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This whole thread

>> No.5843357

ebola? I barely even know her!

>> No.5843805
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Mans gotta eat

>> No.5843809
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>> No.5843838

I thought the whole "everyone on 4chan is a racist" was just a funny meme...

>> No.5843848

Fuck off idiots. It's not even the racism that bothers me. It's the ignorance.

Moving to the west, and continuing eating monkeys and shit is kind of fucked up. (In that it's illegal and not a custom of ours)

But blaming people from the third world, for not eating the kind of meat that we like, the kind of meat that in the end is probarly way worse for us and the environment, is misunderstood and entitled.

Check your fucking privileges.

>> No.5843859

>blaming niggers for being niggers is wrong

>> No.5843863


>> No.5843873

think neanderthals were hunted for meat?

>> No.5843881

Only after they were raped and molested.

>> No.5843883

I'm in Montreal, where can I get some of this delicious illegal bush meat?

>> No.5843887
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>> No.5843913

Oh boo fucking hoo

can't handle raw foodstuff?