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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 142 KB, 500x333, 52919ec868439chickenstrips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5837523 No.5837523 [Reply] [Original]

>Manchildren who get invited to a restaurant and order chicken strips, french fries, and a soda

Is there anything worse than this?

>> No.5837529


>> No.5837531

Manchildren who get upset over what other people eat.

>> No.5837554

Manchildren who invite manchildren to restaurants that serve manchildren cuisine. Go eat somewhere less manchildren-y.

>> No.5837555

>muh sports bar

>> No.5837556


Yeah, people who call places that sell chicken strips and fries a "restaurant"

>> No.5837561

You think they're somehow indebted to you because you invited them? Why does that matter

>> No.5837572
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>making up shit threads just to be contrarian against some random demographic you hope to enrage

There's so much irony in your post.

>> No.5837574
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Stop going to places that serve chicken strips and fries.

>> No.5837585

Know what's weird? My local sports bar doesn't serve chicken fingers or chicken nuggets.
It's also a lesbian bar, so that might be it.

>> No.5837610

Maybe if they do it consistently and won't eat anything else. But once in a blue moon chicken fingers and french fries with a cola just sounds good. Anyway, why the fuck do you care so much?

>> No.5837620

christ that looks nice op

>> No.5837638


Exactly what >>5837610 said

Every once and a while is perfectly acceptable, especially if you've already had or planning to have a number of beer. If you eat it every time due to picky eating then you might have a problem.

>> No.5837644

i have to agree, i want some fucking chicken strips right now

>> No.5837672

>lesbian bar

Hot tuna?

>> No.5837698

Some excellent clam. It's so hot. It's absolutely steaming. You'll just lap it up.

>> No.5837699

In the end, manchildren who insist on eating crap and manchildren who make fun of people for what they choose to eat are on the same level.

>> No.5837703

Any phallic shaped foods at all?

>> No.5837718

They do this AYCE Sunday brunch buffet (dykes fucking love brunch) with bacon-wrapped breakfast sausage.
Game nights, they have beans and franks out on the buffet table.
I think those're the only two things I can think of that they have that's phallic.
It's actually a pretty nice bar, dykes be damned.

>> No.5837721

Oh and whenever I go to said bar, I leave the toilet seat up as a matter of principle, even if I sit down like a bitch to pee.

>> No.5837727

You sure are showing em what's what, eh anon?

>> No.5837737
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This. Sometimes a dude is wicked hungover and just wants something shitty and greasy, not because it's "good food" but precisely because it isn't.



> popscockles

>> No.5837751
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i had chicken strips for dinner tonight. watching tv at mom's house. she went and got popeyes. i usually go for the bone-in, but wanted to try their strips. they're marinated for two days. fucking juicy and tender. love my adult childhood.

>> No.5837753


quite a lot of thing would be much worse

> ordering a certain way because you claim to be a vegan/vegetarian/some other retarded word that has similar restrictions
> or falsely claim you cannot eat gluten

>> No.5837768

Damn straight I am.

>> No.5837771
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>yfw he knows you're paying and got it because it's the cheapest thing, just generally trying to be a good friend

>> No.5837780

>Is there anything worse than this?

Depends on whether you think well done steak with ketchup isn't worse than some chicken strips. And you probably do, so there, you already knew the answer to your own god damned question.

>> No.5838494

>not liking chicken strips, french fries, and soda
>thinking you're superior to someone else for NOT liking fried chicken strips, french fries, and soda

Fuck off you pretentious elitist cunt

>> No.5838695

What choice of dipping sauces do they have?

>> No.5838699

What fucking restaurant do you go to that sells chicken strips, fries, and a soda? Seriously i want to fucking laugh at this menu then at you when you tell me you take your friend to KFC and order a salad because its a "adult" meal and then look down at your friend for ordering what he enjoys.

>> No.5838710

> TFW I just like eating like a child sometimes
It's nice to get a burger, fries, and soda some days.

>> No.5838746
File: 1.33 MB, 3258x2159, kk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what sort of faggot doesn't like chicken fingers and honey mustard?

>> No.5838762

People who cry about their inability to meet people they actually like?

>> No.5838779

>the one bitch who just orders dessert

>> No.5838780

>Is there anything worse than this?

Yes. Pompous jizzbags that comment on other people's food to feel superior.

>> No.5838790

When I'm invited I usually pick the cheapest dish :(

>> No.5838802

i hope you dont complain about your money out loud, that kinda shit ruins my outside-friends boner.

>> No.5838814

When I eat out with friends, I order off the kids menu at restaurants if it's the same thing just smaller portion.

I don't need an American sized portion and take home a doggy bag.

Saves money too.

>> No.5838817

Women are barred from ordering chicken strips at Hooters. So I had to do it for my girlfriend.

>> No.5838827
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>> No.5838833

When there's a group meal with like 8 or more, I always get the steak. When the check comes I divide evenly since nobody likes handling the check.

the few times I get to eat well

>> No.5838835
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Feminist mindfuck.

>> No.5838836


>> No.5839178
File: 65 KB, 350x233, chickenbonege6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eating chicken off the bone

How do people do this?

>> No.5839197

>Out with a group
>Everyone orders
>One guy orders the sirloin steak
>Orders it Well Done
>Entire table stops and stares

>> No.5839278

My roomate does that.. he's almost 30...
He also only drinks white soft drinks because he doesn't like brown soft drinks. He has a teddy bear on his bed. He doesn't like the "strong" flavors of tomatoes, mushrooms and olives. He rarely eats at home. When he does he eats pre shredded iceberg lettuce with a shit ton of kraft vinaigrette and calls it an healthy meal. His mom does his laundry. He wears star trek cuff links at work. He also has a Fallout bubllehead thing at work.

He's lost.. he's a 8 y.o. trapped in a man's body.

>> No.5839288

I love ordering the chicken tendies off the kids menu everywhere I go.

>> No.5839294

You're a terrible person

>> No.5839308

Womanchildren suck a lot of cocks instead.

I think manchildren kind of win in this department.

>> No.5839309

What's wrong with Kraft vinaigrette? The cucumber one is rich and creamy with a silky texture that compliments any salad.

>> No.5839327


He sounds cute as fuck, he's not obesefat is he? I mean provided he's ok looking, I'd probably rape him a few times.

>> No.5839335
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>i'm so adult and intriguing and sophisticated and patrician that if they don't order caviar with voss water then they MUST be a manchild, please validate my insecure self-image, /ck/. i beg of you. karen left me today for a stronger, more manlier man than i am. i'm so fucking pissed, /ck/. now i project these insecurities on a cambodian picture forum because i still miss karen. karen was a bitch though, i'm glad she left me even though i loved her. it was probably the best for me. but i still lover her, /ck/. thanks for listening to my problems, /ck/. XD

>> No.5839339

>Chicken strips and fries

I used to do this unashamedly at Outback.

Dem tenders and dat honey sauce mang,

>> No.5839341


Maximum kek

>> No.5839365

I lol'd

>> No.5839400

If I'm eating chicken strips and fries at a restaurant it's because that restaurant is so incompetent at making any other food that chicken strips is the only thing they can't fuck up.

>> No.5839424
File: 164 KB, 500x688, 1379908815281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am le food patrician. I eat nothing but filet mignon, lobster, pate, and $200 wine.

>> No.5839426

You left your name on, samefagging dipshit.

>> No.5839431

Been forever since I've had chicken strips.

>> No.5839432

no way do people irl give a shit about this

>> No.5839440

probably was a /ck/ meetup in L.A. last month.

>> No.5839442

I wonder where you would've gone with this if you didn't out yourself for samefagging. Probably had an entire debate worked out..

>> No.5839453


i think he just has short term memory loss. like 10 second pete did in 50 first dates. poor guy... always has to say his name pete every 10 seconds to every person he meets.

>> No.5839458

>ordering overpriced chickenstrips at a sitdown when I can buy them at the grocer in bulk for less

>> No.5839471

>implying ardbeg isn't the new Manchild's Malt

>> No.5839486

>mfw I realize which of my friends had retarded pleb parents because their kids don't like many vegetables and muh no onions no tomato on everything

enjoy your plain ham and cheese and babbys first chicken strips you mongaloid

>> No.5839489

K I will

>> No.5839501

>He also only drinks white soft drinks because he doesn't like brown soft drinks. He has a teddy bear on his bed. He doesn't like the "strong" flavors of tomatoes, mushrooms and olives. He rarely eats at home. When he does he eats pre shredded iceberg lettuce with a shit ton of kraft vinaigrette and calls it an healthy meal. His mom does his laundry. He wears star trek cuff links at work. He also has a Fallout bubllehead thing at work.
what a faggot

>> No.5839547


>going out to eat when I could just cook

>> No.5839596

what the fuck? really?

>> No.5839622

What is wrong with not liking most colas? I don't like soda particularly much, and root beer is pretty much the only one I'll drink. Foodwise I'm fairly normal.

>> No.5839626

>dykes fucking love brunch
lol the gay bar here does sunday brunch as well. gay/lesbian bars are actually a great place to go pickup women.

>> No.5839636

I fucking hate straightfags that do this. Stick to your own places dipshit.

>> No.5839637

there;s a nice restaurant in the gay district of chicago called "wood"

their brunch service is called "morning wood"

>> No.5839807


thus right her.

>> No.5840771

Who says they gotta be shitty anyways? It's just sliced fried chicken breast. You can season it like any other piece of fried chicken.

>> No.5840827

Cry more, degenerate

>> No.5840883

>when people go to themed buffets and pick out the pizza and fries

>> No.5840896
File: 45 KB, 500x333, faggot leavings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the guy who eats two extra slices of pizza, more than everyone else, because you don't eat crusts. Then you stiff us on the bill.


Dip your pizza crusts into the garlic sauce or marinara sauce and eat them you massive faggot.

>> No.5840900

Why would a themed buffet have pizza and fries if pizza and fries were not part of the theme?

>> No.5840908

>cooking when I could just eat eat cereal, milk in the bowl first

>> No.5840956

>people going to chinese buffets
>get french fries and pizza

yeah i feel that

>> No.5840985

>milk in the bowl first

That is Jedi-level cereal eating. You can pour in a little at a time and eat it and it will still be crunchy.

That isn't a Chinese buffet. That is a mixed cuisine buffet with a Chinese sounding name most likely.

>> No.5840997


You're that person that thinks they're smarter than everyone else when in reality the reason we stop hanging out is because everyone hates you.

>> No.5841015

They're meant for children.

>> No.5841026


>> No.5841030

Ranch drink :^)

>> No.5841293

>making fun of my safety bubble

Piss off homo, If I'm spending this much money I'd rather spend it on something I know I"ll like then something that might put me off.

Unless you want to buy my meal, or they have salmon. God I love me some salmon.

>> No.5841298

Do you actually do this?
Why even go out?

>> No.5841302


Cause it's still fun to be out with a group of friends?

>> No.5841320
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That is disgraceful behavior and you should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.5841328

AN 8 year old.

>> No.5841339

What if he did it on purpose, then took his name off to accuse himself of samefagging.

>> No.5841848
File: 157 KB, 337x388, Screen shot 2014-09-30 at 8.37.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You belong in a garbage can.

>> No.5841859


Islay malts are the plebbest of whiskies

>> No.5841860


drink bleach

>> No.5841865

you belong on my dick

>> No.5841896

>people that order spaghetti bolognese at a restaurant

>> No.5841899

dude sometimes chicken fingers and fries are good.

>> No.5841909

A friend of mine wrote a play/musical (never went to see it, so don't know which) about live in college titled "Chicken Fingers: Food of the Gods."

It is a staple of the white, American college student because their mothers couldn't cook beyond mixing a can of condensed soup with a can of water and some frozen vegetables and heating it up in the microwave.