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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.96 MB, 1280x720, your meal will be ready in two days sir.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5832827 No.5832827 [Reply] [Original]

>You will never be rich enough to enjoy food and drinks like this ;_;

>> No.5832877

thanks asshole
now I might as well kill myself

>> No.5832884

1. get high
2. go buy mcdonalds

solved your problem

>> No.5832887

If you're really hungry pretty much anything tastes good.

>> No.5832892

I was more impressed by the totally bitchin black paper towels that guy used. Where the fuck can i get those.

>> No.5832896

I know right! meal is worth the 40,000 if I can get those paper towels!

>> No.5832897

I can buy a duck and cook it myself to a decent standard. why give a fuck about some high end jap place.

Also I'm no whisky expert and I don't smoke so..

>> No.5832901

>I don't drink
>I don't eat at restaurants
>I don't like spending a penny more than absolutely nutritionally necessary
>No one should care about things I've got no experience in

You sound like a lot of fun guy and I'm sure a lot of people are interested in your opinion

>> No.5832903

it would be nice if there was a breakdown of WHY the chef was doing the steps the way he did.

What does the liquid nitrogen do to the duck?

>> No.5832909

>I'm no whisky [sic] expert
You're not an expert in most other things as well since whiskey isn't in any of the videos

>> No.5832910

Is it ok to just watch something and take pleasure in watching it, without Alton Brown narrating?

Are you a girl by any chance? The kind who asks me to explain the movie halfway through, spoiling the scene, because she thinks I know the answer for some reason and doesn't understand how entertainment works? Or perhaps she does, and just likes to play double dumb because that's how she was taught women should cultivate a bond with a mate?

>> No.5832911

A strawberry candy made out of strawberries and filled with strawberry jam.
Shit is Zen as fuck until he FUCKING RUINS it at the end

>> No.5832914


What? You're just making stuff up, I never said any of that.
I do drink, I just don't know much about whisky.
I do eat at restaurants, just not insanely priced ones. I'm not happy paying much more than $50 for a meal.

>I don't like spending a penny more than absolutely nutritionally necessary

One extreme to the other dude.

>> No.5832918

If this is entertainment and not a technical film this is the most pretentious shit I've ever seen

>> No.5832919

jesus christ dude

I'm curious. New techniques I've never seen before make my curious.

>> No.5832920


well rum then, whatever, didn't read the title.

>> No.5832922
File: 726 KB, 2888x1761, Avocados-from-Mexico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's weird how just about anything is seen as pretentious on /ck/.

Even chipotle is "for hipsters" because it's slightly more expensive than another brand of fast food.

Here, why don't you rage at this avocado.

>> No.5832924

Avocados are delicious as a smoothie with a bit of sweetened condensed milk.

>> No.5832926


Wow. You're an idiot.

>> No.5832927

You basically have to have some sort of science degree to understand why the fuck those gastronomy chefs work. If i had to take a guess, and that one video with a sous-vide liquid nitrogen steak i saw a guy make i guess its similar. Produce a sufficient maillard reaction while retaining a tender juicy duck without drying it out, because duck is pretty prone to drying out. Just a pure guess.

>> No.5832928


Fuck of to cali you pretentious hipster fuck

>> No.5832930

holy shit! Im loving this youtube channel

>> No.5832937

same here! lol did he put the bag into the blender on that strawberry video? was it cellulose or osmenthe?

>> No.5832948

He used the liquid nitrogen to keep the heating process that he used to crisp the skin from permeating into the meat and prematurely cooking it. Some people are doing this with their steaks, by letting it get to room temp, then putting in the freezer for like an hour before searing so the heat gets as little as possible in the body of the meat.

Though a lot of that video was japanese pomp, there was some cool ideas.

>> No.5832953

Thanks for the explaination

that's some real next level shit!

>> No.5832965
File: 244 KB, 1769x995, cccccccccccccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck japan. That's not how you cook

>> No.5832980

>be white guy in Okinawa
>Okifriend takes me to a really high end bar
>we walk in, I see a piano
>I don't realize the bartender is telling me to leave and my friend is convincing him I'm not a tool
>play the fuck out of that piano, holy shit haven't seen a real one in years
>20 minutes go by, I've lost myself in the classy jams
>get up, go to bar
>bartender makes me some drink I've never even seen before, takes like 10 minutes to prepare
>it's free

And that's how you get awesome shit at a high end Jap place.

>> No.5833107


>> No.5833156

it was tragic

>> No.5833162

The $50 point is when you start to notice a big jump in quality.

>> No.5833180

I remember Tibetans have a dish called wind-dried chicken. Basically some of the organs and all feathers are removed without killing the animal and then it's hung into the wind to dry, still alive.

>> No.5833219

I'd love to order that drink and then before I drink it, pull out a can of coke from my pocket and pour some in

>> No.5833242

Stress hormones and shit makes the meat bitter. That's why you always kill animals quickly

>> No.5833261

What about halal?

>> No.5833271

Ok, so how much does that duck shit actually cost? I feel like you could hire someone to make this for you, but a restaurant could also just make a hundred servings worth of it and sell them at not-too-high prices, since half of it is just waiting around for the thing to dry out.

Anyway, what was the point of that stupid organburger thing? I'm not waiting around for two days to eat a fucking burger! The fillets look incredible though.

>> No.5833302

Most Halal (Actually the slaughtering in specific is called Dhabihah and is part of Halal) meat you buy had the animal killed or unconscious before emptying the blood.
Cutting the jugular kills the animal very quickly anyways so the effect of stress doesn't really set in

>> No.5833344

Strictly speaking, a proper Halal butchering should result in the animal losing consciousness more-or-less instantly from the sudden drop in blood pressure and then bleeding out in a few seconds afterwards. Of course this isn't always the case, but any slaughtering can go tits-up.

>> No.5833345

Leave it to the Japanese to fuck up booze and Chinese street food while burying it under layers of false prestige.

>> No.5833352


That's exactly why halal meat has regulations about never letting the animal see the blade that will kill it and in draining the blood quickly. Halal is itself an attempt to reduce the pain and suffering that makes meat taste bad.

>> No.5833356


I never figured out why retards think halal slaughter is supposed to be some kind of exceptionally cruel killing method.

But then again we're on the site where having set foot in Japan is something to be ashamed of, so maybe this is an opinion held only on 4chan. I certainly haven't seen it expressed by anyone outside of this site.

>> No.5833359

Bizarrely, that isn't a "Japanese" characteristic, it's an imagined feature of Japonisme that westerners created a market for. Of course there are a few actual Japanese who will take advantage of that now.

>> No.5833366

What? I never said anything "retarded" about it being "cruel," I said "what about halal" in response to "you always kill animals quickly." In other words, I implied that halal was a slower slaughtering practice compared to others.

The clarifications from >>5833302, >>5833344, and >>5833352 that halal slaughtering avoids the typical pitfalls of slow killing by causing the animal to lose consciousness immediately were very helpful and settled the question. I don't see why you're getting aggressive about it. What does this conversation even have to do with "setting foot in Japan?"

>> No.5833375
File: 191 KB, 1600x700, dusit-thani-dubai_exterior[1].jpg_139538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why retards think halal slaughter[...]
Because hurr durr primitive sandniggers

>> No.5833376


Whoa buddy, calm down I wasn't attacking you.

I've just seen people, in other threads dedicated to halal food, saying that halal butchery is a sign of the supposed inherent cruelty of islamic culture.

If you're not completely new to /ck/ you've no doubt seen this opinion expressed.


>> No.5833383

Isn't that just racism? I've never heard an actual racist person talk about halal food mostly because they just don't know about it, but I see people in the real world say "[x] proves that muslimism is an evil religion" all the time.

>> No.5833397


Sure but can't people pick more convincing examples? I mean if someone wants to go "durr durr X people are wicked and should all be nuked", surely there are compelling examples to be found, based on facts.

>> No.5833411

Again, they are generally racist and uninformed. Their lack of information sometimes motivates this racism, because they are more susceptible to beliefs like "muslims won't rest until they have conquered the entire world."

>> No.5833428

Comfiest youtube channel OF ALL TIME. Thanks OP. I know how to spend my hung over day off.

>> No.5833442

>I never figured out why retards think halal slaughter is supposed to be some kind of exceptionally cruel killing method.

Because if you don't do it exactly right it's utterly excruciating for the animal, and most sandniggers don't care if they do it exactly right so long as it's still halal. The main argument that western methods are more humane stems from the fact that the animal is stunned first and as such botching the actual slaughter doesn't result in the animal being tortured to death.

>> No.5833452

If nonracists were well informed they would be racists

>> No.5833463


Maybe you haven't read about the fact that the American meat industry (some with no religious affiliation, some with religious affiliation) has made it a crime to report on code violations that don't just relate to food safety, but even the safety of the employees working in the plant.

For the most part, when meat processing is a large scale industrial affair, individual cases of suffering, environmental damage, or whatever pet cause you may have, tend to take a backseat to other requirements. This isn't unique to a religion.

>> No.5833880

Does anyone know what brand that automatic mill is?

>> No.5833900

halal chicken tastes fucking awful

>> No.5833906

>false prestige
nigga you wouldn't know real prestige if blew a fart into your fucking ramen.

>> No.5833909


People become racist when they are forced to be around other, lesser races. It's easier to say "MUH SOCIOECONOMICZ" when you don't have to step over a strung out nig to walk to the grocery store.

>> No.5833931

>blacks and whites are the only races

If I lived in the south I'd probably lack education just like you

>> No.5833945

I live in a major city on the west coast. What education exactly? The fucking LIES they shoved down our throats in school about everyone being equal, all races and cultures being beautiful and unique? About how MY race is the reason why africa is a shithole, south america is a shithole and asia is a shithole?

No, whites carry this world on their back, and are spit on for it. We fund black from cradle to grave, we get the knockout game. We let mexicans run wild and lawless, they get off scott free from nearly every law whites have to follow. Asians get the fucking welcome mat these days, they respond by cheating whites every chance they get and trying their damndest to make sure they never have to interact with a non-asian in their life.

That's race relations in this country.

>> No.5833948

Your post made me smile. Most of this kind of posting is in jest. You're the genuine article.

You know that movie "falling down"? You made me think of the scene with the crazy survivalist nazi guy.

Good luck bro. Lots of issues to work out :)

>> No.5833960

>Most of this kind of posting is in jest

Hooooo ho man if you only knew.

If you only knew how many people you see in your daily life that hold a deep, burning desire for a Race War. If you just went through your day where you could see each one, you'd shit. If you saw a big red arrow over each one that would get behind making the USA a 100% white country, you'd see an arrow over your friends, your co-workers, two over every cop car and fire engine, a whole crowd of them at the VA hospital too. Hell, you'd probably see plenty of arrows in the University lunch hall, going up and down Wall Street. A ted nugent concert would look like a sea of red, lol

>> No.5833964

Man, both of those videos were pretty damn cool. I bet that duck tasted amazing.

I have to say though, the presentation of that drink was fantastic. I know it's not really something to be impressed about but the leaves on that wood coaster really added a lot to that presentation once the drink was actually finished.

Also, professional Japanese bartenders are fucking snazzy as hell.

>> No.5833972

This is like when stoners convince themselves that everyone secretly enjoys weed because they only surround themselves with other stoners. Get out more, dude

>> No.5833976

Are you implying that most people don't "enjoy weed?" Do you mean "enjoy" as in "partake of on a regular basis?" That might be true, but I'm pretty sure most people would "enjoy" weed if they used it.

>> No.5833978

You know exactly what I meant, you nitpicking idiot

>> No.5833992

I'm no vegetarian, but the gradual and precise fondling and dismemberment of that duck to artificial sounding somber music, is kind of unsettling.

>> No.5834732

Ask a guy who regularly dines in good restaurants (have been to four three star Michelin restaurants, eight two star and around two dozen one star) anything.

>> No.5835161

What is the best meal you've ate?

>> No.5835189

What is the best meal you've eaten?

>> No.5835270

>2 days of preparation
>raw duck

>> No.5835358

>Two days of preparation
Try again.

>> No.5835362

Are you a food writer or some such?

>> No.5835383

>mallard reaction

>> No.5835543

>Avocados are currently a popular food put on the menus of even fast food joints recently
I don't think you understand what a hipster is.

>> No.5835554
File: 50 KB, 316x366, you tricky bastard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5835570

Pah, al lthat shit is overrated. What you're really enjoying is the experience of the new. After a few times the novelty wears off and you either go and find another ridiculously expensive thing to spend your money on or realize what it is and give it the value it really deserves.

>> No.5835571

No, just a guy who likes good food and has some disposable income. If I were a food writer I'd probably visit more of the three star places. I travel pretty often but don't really have the foresight to reserve a table several months in advance.

I've been wowed too many times to honestly choose a single favorite so out of sheer local patriotism I'd say dinners at the Hôtel de Ville in Crissier are the very best, their veal is utter perfection and Benoît Violier is a genius. I live in Lausanne (Switzerland) so it's only a short drive away and it's the only three star Michelin restaurant I've been to more than once.

>> No.5835583

They're not normal paper towels, they're shop towels you can get at a hardware store.

>> No.5835590
File: 13 KB, 230x304, Jean-Anthelme_Brillat_de_Savarin_(1755-1826).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the value it really deserves.
A wise man once said that a new dish is of more value than the discovery of a new star. I'd certainly have to agree considering the entire premise of money is based on worthless things like gold and gems. So really there's no amount of money you CAN pay to match the value of an excellent meal.

>> No.5835611


You tremendous asshat.

>> No.5835660

How can a vegetable be hipster?

It's a vegetable. It tastes nice, end of the fucking story. Doesn't matter who likes it, it's still good.

>> No.5835676


>not wanting to educate yourself

>> No.5835678



define proper...

>sudden drop in blood pressure

confirmed for having never seen ANY form of slaughter.

Shit doesn't just drop dead the second you slit it's throat... and if you're doing it without stunning/etc them first you're a cunt.

>thinking that whispering a magic spell while cutting an animals throat makes the painless

>> No.5835680


Avocados are berries. It's a fruit.

>> No.5835753

I don't think your verbal SAT score was very impressive. For that matter it seems unlikely you ever pursued higher education.

>> No.5835993

that looks vile and artificial. It retains nothing of the original culture or national identity - not that there was one worth keeping to begin with. It's as if some fattened Saudi Prince has simply lobbed a load of oil money at his contractors and asked them to be as 'modern' as possible...oh wait.

>> No.5836008

He was talking about primitive though, and that city is more advanced than the city you live in.

>> No.5836014

advancement is relative. There is nothing 'advanced' about that city beyond base amenities. The Arabs have a lot to learn if they think having the world's biggest shopping mall makes them advanced.

>> No.5836023

Duck is pretty cheap
it costs a bit more than a chicken, but less than a turkey
and that's if you buy the whole duck

You see what the guy in OP's picture is doing is drying out the skin so when he cooks it the skin turns crispy and crunchy
you don't have to hang it up for 18 hours
you can just leave it in the fridge overnight

>> No.5836037

The power grid is more efficient and stable. The buildings are placed according to CFD simulations to guide wind in desirable directions. Traffic lights are interconnected on a large scale. It has the worlds by far tallest building. Wi-Fi is excellent all around...

All you're saying is "My culture>Their culture". Which is fine. But it's just an opinion. nothing you can state for a fact or even argue.

>> No.5836039

I think only soccer moms from Flyover Land who have sheikh prince sexual fantasies due to watching Sex and the City Part 3 think that the giant shopping mall on the persian gulf is a sign of an advanced civilization. The Maktoum family has made it pretty clear that their cultivation of real estate and other foreign investment was due to their relative lack of oil wealth compared to others in the region. They wanted to become the singapore of the middle east. Whether or not they're going about it in the right way, or whether they'll be successful, is debatable.

>> No.5836084
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, Bartender anime cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn that drink was nice. Just like my Taiwanese handpuppet shows.

>> No.5836132

Activated charcoal towelettes

>> No.5836146


Oh great, they're activating charcoal now too? Fucking hippie liberal college kids. I wish this superfood nonsense would just stop. It's gotten completely out of control, like third world foods being shoved down our throats by cultural marxists.

>> No.5836183

>Shit doesn't just drop dead the second you slit it's throat...

I didn't say it would. I said that the sudden drop in blood pressure should be enough to render the animal unconscious more-or-less instantly.

>> No.5836186


The other guy probably thinks that twitching means it's still alive.

Same people who lose their shit over ike jime and stuff like that.

Because Smithfield Pork's official procedures are the only correct way to kill an animal for consumption. Load it up with antibiotics and pay a subnormal minimum wage to dispatch it with a a captive bolt gun.

>> No.5836220
File: 5 KB, 160x242, 1408370917495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>organs are removed without killing the animal

>> No.5836238

>like third world foods being shoved down our throats by cultural marxists.

Thank you. Id just like to confirm that no one really likes Pho, right? It's the least flavorful soup ever!

>> No.5836243


>> No.5836244


Daily Mail readers seem to get up on their hind legs about this stuff. So yes, it's just racism and bullshit.

>> No.5836246

Most likely it would still die relatively fast because of the blood loss.

>> No.5836248

midf gtfo

>> No.5836253

>My culture>Their culture". Which is fine. But it's just an opinion.
>actually being a moral relativist

I thought you people were just some boogeyman that philosophy teachers tell their students! Holy fuckbeans

>> No.5836261

>MUH racism, diversity is a strength!!
Get rekd, you ethnomasocist CUCKOLD.

>> No.5836268


Oh look, it's that sex pervert who has a fantasy of his wife getting gang banged by blacks while he gets verbally humiliated.

Why do racists have this thing about cuckolding? Did your babysitter force you to watch her have sex with her boyfriend when you were a baby and you got traumatized?

>> No.5836276

Take this shit to /pol/. Fuck off.

>> No.5836300


lel, you guys and your awe for the black cock. you're hilarious.

>> No.5836373

A little heavy-handed but you've pretty much got it.

Funny how the guy disagreeing with you is just using condescension and "you're crazy" instead of evidence.

>> No.5836386

Bro have you ever seen a halal slaughter, especially in modernized countries where it's no longer done by hand?
They hold its head in place (without it being stunned), a giant claw-looking thing rips its entire throat out, and they dump it onto the floor where it writhes around for a lot longer than you'd think.
If you cut an animal's throat properly it's pretty quick, but the way it's done most of the time is fucking brutal.

>> No.5836409

I wasn't aware of that.

>> No.5838359

Activated charcoal has been in the loop for more than a decade now.

>> No.5838400

>whisky [sic]
>You're not an expert in most other things as well
Right back at you faggot

>> No.5838808

>18 hours of fanning
>implying nips aren't deathly afraid of leaving a fan running overnight

>> No.5838919
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>> No.5838921

Thats koreans

>> No.5838943

Alright, the food isn't even all that expensive to make yourself. It would just take a lot of time and effort. The drink? Only expensive because alcohol has insane markups. Probably it takes 8 minutes to make without the scene splices. I bet that's the only drink he makes all day for 100 people. I don't want to wait that long for something that won't go down as nice as a vodka baybreeze. If seeing this kind of stuff gets you down, you need to start focusing on the bright side, OP.

>> No.5838949

this guy is a pro artisan. dat nitrogen. dat torch. dat consistency with the boiling. the brushing. how can you not appreciate the level of effort he puts into that duck? this is a truly appreciative artisan. nobody who handles food this delicately can be considered anything less than a true enthusiast for food preparation. i wish i had half as much devotion to my cooking. also, what happened to the onions? it looked like they got mashed but that doesn't seem right. and mixing raw meat with cooked? and what was the light with the frosting? shit looks wild. im guessing it was to bind all of it together to make the patty. jesus man....this is some next level shit. and was that seaweed wrap he put in with the broth?
>hexagonal potatoes

oh man that soup refinement...FUCK. i need to do this. i never tried rendering stock before. the fire seems to just nullify all that work though.

>> No.5838957
File: 1.06 MB, 3264x1836, WP_20140919_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yawn. That's a bunch of baloney. You probably believe everything said in that shitty movie known as Food, INC.

>> No.5838960

Not necessarily so, anon. People have been perfecting that method for a while. Think about surgery.

>> No.5838962

Are you flipping off your fast food burger? What is the point of this?

>> No.5838963

butthurt cause i didn't get any semen in it ;-;

>> No.5839654

It dies, but it takes time.

>> No.5839698

But I am rich, bro. I eat good food all the time. I don't drink but I could also have expensive cocktails if I were so inclined.
It's pretty great.

>> No.5839925
File: 2.06 MB, 288x288, amazement.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That bartender video was really neato. And there are plenty of them more to watch. I wonder what such costs.

>> No.5839950

Not to mention the amount of slaves in that city. Also the only reason they built all of that is for western tourists.

>> No.5839959

>>You will never be rich enough to enjoy food and drinks like this

even if i was rich i doubt i would enjoy that pretentious over prized crap

>I'd rather get some porridge

>> No.5839980

So why wouldn't I be able to afford food and drink like that?

>> No.5840000

some people would rather pretend that kind of thought doesn't exist

but goddamn it is scarily frequent. Get more than a handfull of whites together, get a few beers in them, it sounds like a damn nazi rally

But honestly that is true for every race.

>> No.5840006

Which i believe the term for is "slope"

>> No.5840007

I don't need drinks to sound like that.
Hitler did nothing wrong.

>> No.5840039

Don't cut yourself on that edge, kiddo.

>> No.5840153

>get a handful of working class whites

Educated well traveled people may sometimes hold such views but it's only a given in a certain other class ;)

>> No.5840280

Looks like gelatin.

>> No.5840301

>implying it isn't true
>implying I am not a nazi

>> No.5840345

Aint nobody got time for all that prep

>> No.5840428

cool self-insert daydream, bro

>> No.5841544
File: 89 KB, 600x800, le fez face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my friend worked at Ryugin

>> No.5841554

We're all nazis here.

What are you, NOT WHITE or something?

hey guys! get a load of the non-white!

>> No.5841564

>make that yourself
lel. I bet you can't even make a fried egg properly.
yea. The soup was insane. When it boiled, there wasn't a single particle of protein rising. Just unbelievable.

>> No.5842380

>I'm a moral authority because I advocate the extermination of all whites

You must be real proud of yourself.

>> No.5842693
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>> No.5843194

Sure he did, he was sloppy, overreached, only of any use as a figurehead and managed to bungle up the Panzer production with uninformed demands for armament and looks.

>> No.5843195

How do you like your hotdogs?

>> No.5843294

> onions
> light with the frosting
whittu pepperu
> patty
yeah it's a glorified hamburger
> mixing raw meat with cooked
it actually goes raw chopped, raw diced, seared
pay the fuck attention. it's to get a blend of textures and a bit more caramelization&smokiness into the final product
> was that seaweed wrap he put in with the broth
dried seaweed, yes, wrap no
> broth
it's called a stock