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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 51 KB, 600x450, cafeteria-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5831143 No.5831143 [Reply] [Original]

How good was the food back when you were in school, /ck/?

>> No.5831151

Delicious cause I was homeschooled.

>> No.5831153

If I were to rate it on a comparitive scale as to how original the idea of your thread is:


>> No.5831171

They offered a healthy choice along with the junk food (cause of jamie oliver's campaign) but if you ordered the healthy menu, you were called gay.

>> No.5831182

Pretty shit. We had a Subway in our HS, but they only served the shite meats so we just ate off campus basically every day.

I don't remember anything before that except we had frozen Taco Bell burritos in elementary school.

>> No.5831188

That's hilarious

>> No.5831192

Strangely, our cafeteria let you get your food from an outside window and inside the kitchen.
The indoor kitchen served your traditional tray meal with dried out and flavorless "healthy" options with a greasy side item, like pasta or a burnt out piece of baked chicken.

Outside, they just served pre-packaged microwavable goods with a milk.
Guess which one was more popular?

>> No.5831196

Fridays had a delicious rectangle of pizza...oh and string beans. There were rare days when we had these delicious bbq ribwiches, to this day i still cant find that same flavor. I still remember all i had to pay was 85c, and this was back in 1990-4.

>> No.5831204
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I basically lived for taco nadas and microwavable pizza.

Everything else was utter shit, I wouldn't even bother getting lunch most days.

>> No.5831213
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>> No.5831215

Stuff like liver and onions cooked until rubbery, shepherds pie, cabbage boiled into oblivion, lumpy yet runny mashed potatoes. Oh how I miss the late seventies in England.

>> No.5831230

I honestly can't remember much of lunch from my elementary days. Mostly because my mom would make one to take. I'm sure my schools had the regular stuff that most in the US do.

My most vivid memory is of rectangle pizza slices little pepperoni cubes and a lot of the kids putting ranch dressing on it. The other one is of mashed potatoes with turkey gravy. Both of these tasted awful.

Jr high and High School had better lunch options. A salad bar, a sandwich bar, milkshakes and soft serve ice cream. They had the regular stuff too like burgers and hot dogs. Then there was days when they had taco salads, or fried rice and egg rolls. I mostly did the sandwich bar.

>> No.5831248
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>Public education

>> No.5831324
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>having no friends while growing up

>> No.5831336

>implying he has friends now

>> No.5831347


>> No.5831349

I think that fosters autism, anon.

>> No.5831354

I don't remember elementary school, but my middle and high school had pretty tasty cheesesteaks. I'd get them almost every day. In highschool, I'd swap it out for pasta and meatballs once in a while.

>> No.5831367

Are you enjoying home college as well? Hope to get a nice home job where you make lots of home money?

>> No.5831379

>mfw getting seconds of Turkey and gravy in elementary
>middle school food was alright, the burritos were the size of a chipotle burrito
>Highschool food was just cheesburgers and chicken patties everyday

Im currently working as a cafeteria worker and my god, school food has gone to shit.

We serve unsweetened apple sauce which taste like nothing but mush. We also serve tacos and the ground beef has no salt at all so it tastes really awful.

Every Wednesday is pizza day where we just serve pizza, but its not even the good kind. Its just frozen greasy pizza which tastes awful.

>> No.5831429

It wasn't very good but we had several choices.

There was one bar that always had burgers, sandwhiches, fries, a salad bar, pizza bar, and one bar that had something different everyday. Wednesday they always had fried chicken that was top notch.

Oh and the sweet tea was good, wasn't even mad after they removed soda from the school because they tea was always top notch and they kept it (funny they kept it considering it was as sugary as the sodas)

>> No.5831464

The only thing I remember about elementary school, junior high, and high school (all using the same cooks) was the rolls. They were pretty boring.

The food itself was boring as well.

College, on the other hand, was quite good food. I've eaten at a number of college cafeterias, some of which were pretty bad, but two of them were really excellent. I ended up attending one of the two.

>> No.5831591
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Poutine on Tuesdays and Thursdays!!

>> No.5831600


Fucking terrible. No vegetables or fruit in unprocessed form. Only milk to drink (chocolate, 2%, and skim). Everything was from a freezer and normally had to be thawed and mixed with other things or was a powder that was mixed with water.

It was basically prison food half the time.

I became an illegal candy and lunch food seller, selling shit from home and the store for 300% the original price. Biz was fucking gud.

>> No.5831602

Good until Jamie Oliver had his way

>> No.5831606

Roast chicken, paella, chick pea stew, lentil stew, penne with chorizo, meat in sauce espagnole. It was bretty good actually.

>> No.5831612

>Jamie Oliver
A truly horrible human being. He's almost as bad as Michelle Obama.

>> No.5831617
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Had this a couple of times a week, all for £1.20 back in primary school. Nuff said

>> No.5831634

we had loaded baked potatos for a buck. everything else was the standard garbage

>> No.5831655

I got food poisoning from my elementary school's roast chicken when I was in 4th grade. I vomited on the classroom floor. That was fun times.

>> No.5831684

I thought they were good

>> No.5831689

>he took his mom to the prom!

>> No.5831696

Did you grow up in Spain?

>> No.5831701

I was the only vegetarian in my primary school so they had to make something special for me and they got really annoyed when I said it tasted like shit. So cauliflower cheese, veggie bake and omelettes were my staple meal. With potato smilies of course. At secondary school I made my own pack lunches so I could eat while playing some footie.

>> No.5831702


>> No.5831707

Fairly decent until I had so move to a school in a different county.
Not much that really stood out, I remember the burritos being huge and wonderful, and in highschool if I didn't want a normal meal, I could get a ham and cheese sub. There was always variety.
When I changed schools, it was the same weekly schedule and they got rid of Mayfield milk for that Tru-Moo bullshit. After a few months of that I just decided to buy a coffee in the library.

>> No.5831721

stopped eating lunch in 7th grade, but would eat the occasional yellow fried burrito or square pizza when desperate.

right about the same time that my mom left and my dad threw his 10 year token in the river

>> No.5831724

you poor mexican nigger faggot

>> No.5831737

>Public school gave everyone milk for breakfast and lunch everyday of the school year.

Fuck the dairy lobby.

>> No.5831738

Not that great
>plain buns with fish patty
>sliced cucumbers with seasoning salt dumped on them
>undercooked cubes of chicken
>canned fruit
>that shitty cheese pizza with tiny pieces of tomatoes sprinkled on

>> No.5831747

Always shit. Especially when they took off the Fried Chicken and Black Beans w/Rice deal they had.

>all of those mad black kids, cuban kids, and black cuban kids

>> No.5831754

Our school had a few fast food chains in the cafeteria. Sbarro's, KFC/Taco Bell, Orange Julius and a Panda Express. It was pretty cash.

>> No.5831756

We used to have these things called Yummy Drummy Rolls every wednesday and friday. Basically just two big chicken nuggets with tomato sauce in a bread roll.
>mfw all the fat kids would run to the canteen so that they got there before they sold out

>> No.5831770

You were one of those fat kids, weren't you?

>> No.5831775

No, and so I missed out on many a yummy Yummy Drummy

>> No.5831883


Great, I went to private school so it was catered by the local grocery store.

>> No.5831941

We had tiny portions of lowest quality fries and chicken nuggets most days, and custard for desert. It was common to find chips of wood bark in the food, or shards of plastic.

>> No.5831970

High school food was alright I guess. The pizza was good, but every Tuesday and Thursday was insane. Chicken strips. Spicy and pretty damned tasty, but everyone was so crazy about them you'd think that there was crack in them.
There were fights when people last in line didn't get chicken strips and started stealing from other people's plates..

>> No.5831988


Schools in Canada don't have cafeterias.

>> No.5832001

Private schools in the US and Canada all my life:

Grade school did not provide food. Brown bagged it with sandwich, piece of fruit or pickle slice and sometimes homemade cookie. Easy.

High school had shit tier cafeteria. All foodservice crap that no one in their right mind would eat. Basically prison food. Mom kept up the grade school routine until I made enough money to go out for lunch.

College: food wasn't terrible, but it wasn't good unless they were doing a special menu inspired by some real chef. Got off that shit and learned to cook. Actually only sort of learned to cook, but it didn't make me fat like the meal plan, so it was better,

>> No.5832008

smoke weed and play soccer on the tennis court every day.

lunch is for losers, pound coffee and apple fritters at Winchells after school instead

>> No.5832030

Fucking Mexicans.

>> No.5832039

>elementary school
Whatever looked the least disgusting they had on the menu any given day.

>middle school
A big soft pretzel and a can of hawaiian punch every day. Sometimes a little cup of melted cheese if I was feeling extra fat.

I just stopped eating during school and made myself a real meal when I got home.

>> No.5832136

I went to an elementary school in a small town, and they had a bunch of old southern ladies working the kitchen, so we always had fresh cooked meals for lunch.

Middle school wasn't too bad. They had your typical school lunch stuff (frozen lasagnas and casseroles with a side of canned vegetables). They also had a chef salad available that they made fresh every morning. It had chunks of ham and turkey, and cherry tomatoes. Plus Chick-Fil-A on Thursdays.

High school was fucking terrible. A bunch of illegal Haitian immigrants, none of whom spoke English, pumping out cold pizza every day. Yes, they served frozen pizza every day. It wasn't the good pizzas, either, it was the cheap pizza with rubber for cheese and tomato sauce that tasted like battery acid.

>> No.5832153 [DELETED] 
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my 10th grade year was fueled by pic related

>> No.5832293

A lot of takeaways opened up around our school. We had Chinese, two Indians, some traditional bakeries (twas in the old city center), a pizzeria, a Döner shop, Mexican and McDonalds.
Most of these were even cheaper than our school cafeteria, because the law put 19% on food that was not freshly made (our cafeteria just heated up frozen stuff), instead of the regular 7% for food.
Only the poor children that were not allowed by their parents to leave the school grounds in the mid-day break had to eat at the cafeteria.
Our year room always smelled of curry and döner. We even found a döner once behind the radiator after the winter break.

>> No.5832317

We used to have these glorious things called western burgers. It was spiced ground beef completely wrapped in a large hamburger sized bread roll and then topped with the runniest most diluted nacho cheese sauce on earth, that shit was transparent. But they tasted so good and there is no way to recreate it at home.

>> No.5832330

High School in Arizona:
Slice of 6/10 pizza
Cup for Brisk Tea/Lemonade (only good part)
Corn/peas/other veggie

That was $3

High School in South Carolina
Soup/casserole/sandwich/ sometimes pasta
Salad w/ meat
Fried okra/steamed vegetables (bomb)
Cup of grapes/strawberries/kiwi/orange slices/good fruit
Always for dessert, vanilla pudding with a banana slice,vanilla wafer, and whipped cream
Chocolate Milk

That was $1.90

I miss the South

>> No.5832340

Also $1 huge Snickers or Twix ice cream bars, I mean almost a foot long

And sweet tea with unlimited refills for 50c

That was in 2012, my senior year

>> No.5832362

There's a reason getting fast food as a kid is so exciting. Everything they give you to eat at that age is shit. Looking back, when your parents would buy tv dinners or Kraft mac n'cheese, they were basically saying they don't care enough to actually cook for you.

>> No.5832471
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pie and chips all day every day

>> No.5832475

>when your parents would buy tv dinners or Kraft mac n'cheese, they were basically saying they don't care enough to actually cook for you.

My parents cooked me vegetables. Bastards.

>> No.5832480

I came so hard when I had the cafeteria mac n cheese

>> No.5832492
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>he liked the school pizza

>> No.5832493
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>he didn't like the school pizza

>> No.5832499

Tell me about Spain
Why does he have the Basque?

>> No.5832502
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>he cared if i liked the school pizza or not
tfw we got pizza hut pizza. wasnt that cash really

>> No.5832550

Had to bring lunch from home (nothing was served at school) which invariably meant a sandwich and an apple or banana.
There is really no way for a sandwich to still be good after several hours in a backpack. It's always mediocre.

>> No.5832556
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I remember once I had this bright idea of putting my sandwiches in the freezer the night before, so they'd be thawed out and still nice and cold by the time lunch came around when I took them the next day.

...sometimes things just don't work out.

>> No.5832576
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Private school K-4th grade was only food you brought from home, cafeteria only served spaghetti once a month as sort of a fundraiser. Middle school was just the most garbage food that bordered on prison food. High school was nothing but deep fried garbage like burgers, chicken sandwiches, fries and retarded shit like ice cream.

>> No.5832815

i recall the cheeseburgers and hotdogs being godly but some health law happened and they sucked after that

>> No.5832831


Now when you think about it. If my kid ever asked for a lunchables i would go the extra mile and get him a Starbucks lunch set. Looks and taste better. Cant believe I bought into that hype as a kid

>> No.5832853

It was healthy, delicious and free. I don't understand why some developed nations still treat students like shit even though the future depends on them.

>> No.5833595

I used to be mad when i had to $2 for my lunch at school and there were the kids who were on the "free lunch" program.

Then I realized how much better my life was than them.

>> No.5833646

>his sister was his first kiss

>> No.5833654

>he impregnated his fraternal twin and they ran away to a small town and lived together as husband and wife

>> No.5833689
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>> No.5833698

Primary school: Roast dinners, fish and chips, liver and bacon, steamed puddings with custard.

Middle school: less of the puddings and liver, but still pretty healthy.

Secondary school: Healthy options but everyone just ate the shitty burgers and chips every day.

>> No.5833770

That just looks like a small Totinos pizza

>> No.5833783

I only got lunch on the days with chicken fingers I remember. They were excellent. Got my dad to call up and ask where they buy them, it was some company in Georgia that wouldn't sell less than 25 pounds at a time.
Mostly shit chicken legs and mexican pizza. Tater tots were always cold and never crispy. What you could do is get the "a la cart" thing. They had pickles for 50 cents and giant cookies for 50 cents.

>> No.5833799
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honestly? pretty good. a buck a day (lunch money, kinda added up if 2-3 kids but if "low income you got it free) some was bad, but most was quite nice. "salsbury steak" aka mystery meat, with potatos , gren beans and a roll, pinto beans, slaw, corn bread, baked spagettie or deep dish pizza. fridays were almost always vegtable soup and honey peanut butter sandwiches. somtimes a hot dog or burger. thing I remember most was the bread or rolls yeast bread, brocolie cornbread. really good deal, 'cause you could tell, a lot of those kids had nothing to eat at home. right as I graduated they started serving a simple brakfast. waffle ortoasr peanut butter or apple sauce,skim milk, oj 50 cents, again wavied if low income. those lunch ladies made sure no one went hungry. also took no shit,either

>> No.5833802

It was awful.

On Thursdays we had "mandatory only rice day" which meant that only rice was served. This was done to help us empathize with poor people who could only afford to eat rice.

It was bullshit.

>> No.5833904

I signed up for the free lunch program without telling my parents and took the money to buy porn from iranian guy at the flea market

What a little shit I was

>> No.5834035
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Sometimes they gave us these frozen juice triangle things. I loved those.

>> No.5834062

What the fuck

Was your school in some sort of insanely nice neighborhood, because otherwise I can only assume that some percentage of the kids in your school were actually impoverished and they fed those kids fucking rice when they might not get any other food for the day

>> No.5834068
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>> No.5834086

11th grade in HS the district brought in some new vendor that has awesome tex mex stuff that was delicious and I looked forward to lunch everyday, it was great, especially for an overcrowded city school where you wouldn't expect quality lunch.
Sometimes I wish I could just walk in and grab a bite again.

>> No.5834092

They actually sell these in some supermarkets now. The red and grapr kind too

>> No.5834101

Uk fag here. From what I remember the options throughout the week were:

Pizza & chips
Baked potato
Sausage & chips
Turkey dinosaurs + chips
Chicken curry + rice
Quorn burger + chips
Fish & chips
Vegetable stew + potato discs

sides were mostly baked beans and peas

Not everything was available every day

>> No.5834712
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>tfw you stuck a cup of nacho cheese behind an obscure book in the library and smashed it in 6th grade
>tfw you checked it out again in 8th grade and it was the exact same color/consistency

>> No.5834782

we had dominoes monday, taco bell tuesday, wendys wednesday, subway thursday, and chick-fil-a friday

i eat much, much healthier nowadays. c'est la vie in the south

>> No.5834869


We called them Johnny Ribs and they were delicious. Tried a McRib once and spit it out.

motherfucking fiestada

>hot sub, garlic bread, ham, salami, and cheese holy fuck
>aforementioned Johnny Ribs
>big ass taco salads
>pizza burgers
>potato bar
>sub bar
>ice cream bar once a month
>pizza hut pizza once a week, 1.50 slices

I don't know how other schools did lunch, but ours was split into A, B, and C. lunch. C. lunch was the best because the lunch ladies would give us extra sandwiches/pizza/whatever for free. They would just walk around like stadium vendors and the cooler ones would just chuck 'em over to ya.

>> No.5834881

They do in ontario

>> No.5834895

Yes I did.
The basque are Spain

>> No.5834977

> eating healthy is gay
American culture in four words.

>> No.5834984

The adults of the future aren't as important as the money now.

In case you're wondering, school food was so awful (in a well-funded district, no less) that I brought a bag lunch since middle school. It truly astonishes me how bad food can taste and smell and still be legal to market to schools.

>> No.5834989

Oh, and after 1st period kids could buy the Chik-fil-a burgers in the atrium, so don't assume we were isolated from fast food.

This nation loves kids but when it comes to money puts their needs dead last. And then people wonder why they grow up fat and stupid.

>> No.5835047

I would straight up shank a nigga right the fuck now for a bag of those triangle hashbrowns. Why were they so good?

[initiate:spoilers] the answer is grease and salt [terminate:spoilers]

>> No.5835048

>jamie oliver

Your insecurity is showing Eurofriend.

>> No.5835049

That thumbnail looks like someone took a shit on fries.

>> No.5835050

I quit eating school food after me and a bunch of my friends were served BLTs with completely raw bacon.

On occasion I would go to the retard booth and buy cookies at a quarter a pop.

>> No.5835065

I went to a private school till 4th grade, and we all had to bring our own lunches. To go to recess, you had to show your lunch bag to a teacher to make sure you finished it.

>> No.5835106

> not European
I hope the ten seconds of your life spent pointlessly speculating on who I am and the reasons why I say what I say was worth it.

>> No.5835107

Honestly? It was.

>> No.5835555

Grew up poor. Mom worked as a lunch lady. Salary of $12000 per year. Dad not around.
Many times she had to sneak school food home to put food on the table.
Was on free lunch, so ate school food for breakfast and lunch.
Go home at eat it again for dinner.
The chicken strips and burgers were pretty good, pizza and chicken nuggets were crappy.
If lucky, had this McRib type deal which was delicious.
Loved the breakfast - cinnamon sticks, eggs, hash browns.

>> No.5835575

>tfw considering applying to be substitute so I can eat school lunch again

Maybe I should just have a themed dinner of cafeteria food with some friends. How do I even do this?

>> No.5835599

during high school we were allowed to leave the campus for lunch so every week my friends and I would go out and buy a birthday cake.

>> No.5835701

It was decent for what it was. Ive had all kinds of cafeteria food. You know when its cafeteria food. Its bland, luke warm or cold, soggy, un salted and has been reheated many times. Its all basically the same. Its not bad if youve faced hard times for long periods.

Its alot better than jail food. Jail food is 4 times worse. Think ham that has no flavor and is uncooked and leaves a strange metallic taste in your mouth. Completely unspiced or seasoned.

>> No.5836072

Red Baron pizza errday.

>> No.5836125


>> No.5836675

It was usually OK with the occasional bad day where the food was blatantly cheap or too dry; there was always an alternate menu with the junkier foods that tasted better. Still, I dreaded sitting down with my friends because there'd always be one autist who'd go out of his way to say, "what is that?" because it was school food, when it was something basic like fucking pasta and tomato sauce. Fucking memes I tell ya.

>> No.5836680

Homeschooled kids are always so fucking weird. Why are you people so weird?

>> No.5836752

I'm not weird. I was in sports and extracurricular activities as a child so yes I was normal and had friends.

>> No.5836756

Really good
I live in a socialist paradise so we got healthy balanced homemeals and most of them tasted good too.

>> No.5836762

I interned at the Y and sometimes helped out with the PE program they had there. Holy fuck, the kids were so fucking weird. They had no social filter.

>> No.5836800

Where I live elementary school is K-7 and HS is 8-12 no middle school. There was no school lunches at my elementary school. At my HS there was a class grade 11-12s could take called "Cafeteria" which taught how to cook for large amounts of people in a commercial kitchen and the 2 classes they had would cook breakfast or lunch depending on what block the class was in. It had an actual chef as a teacher with an assistant and it was closely monitored to make sure the kids wouldn't fuck with the food, you would get a immediate fail in the class and a suspension if caught. Because of this we always had really good freshly cooked food to buy at lunch. I still miss the godlike cookies we would make.

>> No.5837052

My mommy always made my lunches

except for nacho day

>> No.5837054

>completely raw bacon.
thank you. older than god's dawg.but yow don'r eat raw bacon.every thyme i see cooking shows that featuire prosciutto or rare hog...enjoy you worms.

>> No.5837208

>tfw parents owned a restaurant in high school

Enjoy your garbage, fuckers. I'll just be over here never seeing them because they work 80 hour weeks and go to bed at 7PM ;_;

>> No.5837215

wow, I'm shocked that an ignorant motherfucker propagating this malarkey spells like his parents are related by blood.

>> No.5838601

I went to a nice small catholic private school. We had the best food. It was seriously like a new meal every day of the month. They had probably at least 30 different meals planned out, instead of just rotating a menu 3 times a week.

Some of my favorites were the spaghetti and meatballs. They would come with the softest breadsticks on the planet, they were orgasmic. They also did god-tier breakfast-for-lunch, which frensh toast sticks and all the eggs you could eat.

Then I moved, went to a ghetto school that served by far the worst, coldest, greasiest, grayest pizza I've ever seen, ultra-dry "spicy" chicken burgers that felt like a rock between two buns found under a couch, and finally salad. Just salad. It was a few leaves that had the texture of a used band-aid. Those were the they things they served, every fucking day. How that was legal I will never know.

Needless to say I started making my own lunches, and that's how my cooking journey started.

>> No.5838677

>tfw my friend got french fries for lunch
>we would grab the fries that spilled and ate them in the most obnoxious way you could imagine, especially when they spilled
>spilled them on purpose once just to see the fuckfest
>he picked up on this and began covering his fries in disgusting shit

we still ate them anyway. we're still friends but oh boy, regrets, I've had a few...

>> No.5838813

It was okay, I'd just eat it cause I was hungry

Until I got food poisoning then I sweared off the stuff