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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5826361 No.5826361 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it mostly Asians that run local donut shops?

Literally every one I've been to that isn't a chain has an oriental staff.

>> No.5826383

I have never had this experience
You're from flyover, aren't you

>> No.5826408

What do you call asians that you want to differentiate from arabs, russians, and indians?

>> No.5826415

The ones near me are run by Indians.

>> No.5826426


Chinaman, Yellow Man, Turk, Mohammadan, it really depends on the faraway land they hail from.

>> No.5826549

"ah yes moving to america to make a living! america loves donuts opening donut shop! big bucks will send kids to american college!"

>> No.5826570

Every donut or kolache shop here is run by mexicans.

>> No.5826596

What are you talking about, asian always refers to east asians, never to arabs, russians, or indians. Are you a britbong?

>> No.5826604

>Are you a britbong?
more like a retard

>> No.5826638

Out here in Philadelphia, it's mostly Khmer and a handful of Viet. No Chinese that I've ever noticed. There is one shop catering to hipsters that's owned and run by people who are so white that they likely bought televisions during the LA riots.

>> No.5826665

All the ones over here in commiefornia are exactly the same way.

Nothing like walking into a place called Swiss Donut and having a bunch of slanted eyes staring back at you.

>> No.5826686

I live in Texas and I've never, granted I don't buy donuts often, been in a donut/kolache/pastry shop run by asians. Usually is moderately obese white people.

Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.5826689

That's interesting. I live in Texas, and have had the completely opposite experience. Not OP btw.

>> No.5826693


I lived in DFW and all the shops were run by Asians.

>> No.5826708

Yep. I lived in Arlington for nearly 20 years. All the independent donut shops seem to be owned and run by Asians.

>> No.5826748

Russians are in Asia dumbass

>> No.5826791

i live near weatherford and they're usualy run by koreans

>> No.5826794

itt: Anecdotal evidence and stories don't actually tell a complete, accurate picture. Film at 11

>> No.5826857

Are you expecting a peer-reviewed study published by a university press on the kinds of people that own donut shops? Are you expecting said non-existent study to be posted on a Laotian children's cartoon picture webpage? Do you think there's a bureau or office that somehow would even bother to publish a study or a report on Asian people owning donut shops?

I'd argue that some arguments, some discussions, some suppositions, etc. don't need serious argumentation or discussion. I don't think anecdotal evidence damages something like this, and better yet, I don't think anyone's in danger from this sort of discussion. Asians owning donut shops have no moral, theological, philosophical, or practical impact whatsoever. In other words, Asians owning donut shops have literally zero impact on our lives.

>I'm just t-taking umbrage with blanket statements and generalizations

Listen, I've had about enough of our conversation, sir. I'm going to have razor your nutsack and steal your balls and pickle them, you gay shitlord faggot.

>> No.5827232

Every doughnut shop in southern Ontario is run by Asians, no idea why.

>> No.5827254

are you dense? he said that the majority of the time, when you refer to Asians, you refer to people in east asia with yellowed skin and smaller eyes, not white people.

Would you call a German living in the UK British?

>> No.5827259

honestly a large part is the same reason that many dry cleaners are run by immigrants

Its easy to get into and they have a super high profit margin

source: worked closely with a number of dry cleaners

>> No.5827260

are you like 50 years old?
who the fuck says that any more?

>> No.5827285

It varies.

>> No.5828022

all the dunkin donuts where i live are run by indians

>> No.5828035



Glorious I'm-so-naturalized-American I am going to bash your head in with a baseball bat.

I love those little fuckers. Friendly bunch.

>> No.5828079

The slanty-eyed folk envy the round-eyes of the fried pastry.

>> No.5828114

Houston bro here

It's either Mexicans or Asians.

>Based Mr.Donuts

>> No.5828394


>> No.5828405

>go to shop called Mr. T's donuts
>expecting large negro with gold chains and mohawk
>Mr. T turns out to be a 5 foot tall older asian man

The food was fine, but damn that was a disappointment.

>> No.5828416

Dubuque, IA. Dunkin Donuts is manned almost exclusively by Caucasian white folk. The manager is a sassy black lady who loves chatting with customers. I ran into her in my local grocery store and she said "Oh, so you DO eat regular food!". She makes me smile and laugh every time I see her.

>> No.5828461

Because white fat fucks can't wake up early enough.

>> No.5828492

actually a stats phd student was presenting his thesis to me a couple months ago. He had figured out which ethnicity's went into different businesses in Toronto.

Koreans are convenience stores, viets and thai split nails, jews have pawn shops. it is surprisingly cut and dry. Greeks run restaurants (at a certain level)

The reasons are b/c of business associations, nepotism, one starts a store, can teach the rest of them how to open up a shop in a noncompeting neighbourhood, they all hire each others' children and relatives. makes sense right? come to canada, either work shit temp job, or get uncle or friend to show you the ropes on what he already knows

>> No.5828495

>ethnicity's went
An ethnicity can own went?

>> No.5828498

the ultimate immigrant thing to start is a cheap or non franchised pizza place.

get the kids to work for free. one cheap oven thing, cheap toppings, no skill required, open in any strip mall in cheapest part of town

>> No.5828545
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>implies someone who uses a term he deems ignorant must be from an area whence he ignorantly believes an ignorant person must come

do they not teach you about irony wherever you're from?

>> No.5828555
File: 27 KB, 582x423, 1291663761839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got to a few parisan bakeries in area
>all owned by viets

>> No.5828611

who cares, viets do god tier french bread

>> No.5828621

Did you know Ho Chi Minh was a pastry chef trained by Comte pre-shitstorm?

There's this Indian owned pizza joint where I live. They make pretty okay pizzas, their GOAT pizzas are their Indian pizzas.dat curry sauce dat butter chicken

>> No.5828641

What's with the connection between great military skills and cooking?

I just found out the Serb colonel who shot down the f117 with an obsolete SAM was a baker

>> No.5828690


in america "asian" is colloquially used to refer to eastern asians

also I live in california and all the donut shops are also run by asians, even in the city I grew up in which has almost no asians in it

>> No.5829289

Its a good thing niggers aren't running a donut shop...

>> No.5829725

>khmer opens french bakery in my area
>fan-fucking-tastic baguette
>just like proper baguette back home
>delicious, tangy, crusty baguette
>no one else is buying it besides francophones, europeans and khmer
>there aren't enough of these groups to keep business afloat
>owner changes baguette recipe to suit local tastes
>soft, barely tangy, uncrusty bread
>euros et al stop buying bread from khmer guy
>place blows up in popularity
>all the americans go there