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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.31 MB, 2448x3264, 1411592992551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5823733 No.5823733 [Reply] [Original]

Im stoned and this is dinner

>> No.5823748


what kind of monster eats with bare feet?

>> No.5823763

Unless he's using his feet to eat, shut the fuck up.

>> No.5823765

I'm disappointed anon. Being stoned should bring out creativity with your cooking. You're just being a lazy fucktard with that meal.

>> No.5823772


Unlike what retarded stoner propaganda states, reefer addicts are lazy and too brain dead to be creative.

>> No.5823778

>doesn't know who Carl Sagan is

>> No.5823782
File: 30 KB, 208x208, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...You were using your A+ wire cutters on your toenails again, weren't you.

>> No.5823783

>Canned salmon

Please..no. Any other canned fish but that.

>> No.5823784


Hey, can I borrow your time machine? Unless you plan on returning to the 1930's that is.

>> No.5823792

>put it outside for birds and cats
>order pizza

>> No.5823793


>everyone is Carl Sagan


>Weeds totally not addicting man! I just 420blazeit everyday!

>> No.5823796
File: 11 KB, 126x126, 1268079708102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are the gayest sunglasses ive seen in a while

>> No.5823802

Last time I smoked marijuana was in college back in 2008. Not addictive at all, just habit forming. Caffeine is much more addictive, and unfortunately my coffee lust is a habit I haven't been able to break yet.

Also you should read up on the actual accredited medical data regarding marijuana usage, not just the Nixon report from the 70s.

>> No.5823807

>everyone is lazy and uncreative

See how generalizing works?
For someone who doesn't 420blazeit you sure do act like an idiot.
You sound like that guy who was never invited to hang out and are supremely envious of all the socially adept potheads you knew.

>> No.5823814
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>> No.5823817

>michael phelps
>barack obama
>bruce lee

Most of the people on this list don't matter at all, but there are a few surpriseshttp://www.420magazine.com/forums/celebrity-tokers/87813-200-celebrities-famous-people-who-smoke-pot.html..

>> No.5823820

Seeing some of those people who smoke make me feel bad for being a smoker.

>> No.5823848
File: 365 KB, 400x328, 3000d69.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you've smoked 0 times I take it? Or was it just that one time when you were in college and wanted to rebel?

Seriously, that statement was full retard. If you don't think marijuana has contributed to the creative process ever, you must think drugs in general have never contributed to it either.

>> No.5823857


The only thing better than a ludicrous anti-weed troll is the ardent weed-supporter that rushes to defend their drug.

>> No.5823863

>being this retarded

>> No.5823867
File: 112 KB, 688x1434, i hate apples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow the fuck up you petulant child.

>> No.5823908

It wasn't a statement of defending weed, it was just a statement of fact. I thought creativity was one of the few side effects accepted by the anti drug and pro drug people. Just like most people agree that weed gives people an appetite.

>> No.5823916

You are right, he is an idiot. Please do not engage the idiot or you will validate his existence.

>> No.5823917


That is exactly why I post on /k/

Not allowed to own guns LOL

>> No.5823922

I'm also not allowed to, doesn't stop me though.
No one has the right to tell you that you are not allowed to defend yourself.

>> No.5823928

90% of /k/ doesn't own guns. The other 10% are gun owners, but generally completely lack firearm knowledge. Its like people don't realize that there are documented reports regarding ballistic performance.

>> No.5823932
File: 7 KB, 318x159, srsly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look guise, if celebrities and politicians do it then it must be fine

>> No.5823937

>scientific professionals

basically its pointing out that people from all walks of life do it, not just college kids and black people.

>> No.5823943
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>> No.5823946
File: 320 KB, 1254x1771, 1393548951330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to be this edgy online

>> No.5823948

Those faggot sunglasses concern me more than ur shitty dinner fuckboi. Who wears that shit?

>> No.5823949

ten out of ten pic

>> No.5823958

mmyv is the truth

>> No.5824015

I remember my first day on 4chan..

Not against it, but it's not the panacea people hyp it up to be. That's the shit I'm against. Anyway that list had maybe 4 people who weren't actors, musicians, or politicians. Also, different anon, btw.

>> No.5824021

>I remember my first day on 4chan..
Weakest retort of the year. Its like you just watched a bunch of shitty tv shows from the 90s and used the most common insult you heard.

>> No.5824024


>> No.5824025

Yep. You got me.

>> No.5824029

Why does everyone turn into an immense fucking faggot whenever the topic of marijuana is brought up?
ad infinitum

>> No.5824037

You should have lead with that one

>> No.5824038


Well if the OP didn't start off with "lol I'm stoned xD" like a typical retard stoner, I wouldn't have a problem.

>> No.5824039

I swear to Cheech and Chong that if you don't shut your fucking gob im going to inject 5 whole marijunanas and rape you to death.

>> No.5824041

I went in the order that bing provided the sites to me.

>cant read
You just attacked him without reason.

>> No.5824044

>using bing
You must be stoned

>> No.5824047
File: 113 KB, 453x576, 1394536292881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you didn't decide to jump down his throat this thread would have been fine. You started this shitfest.

>> No.5824048

Its better than google, and seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you feel the need to attack people? Are you seriously that low on confidence that you seek petty validation online? I mean, 4chan is full of pathetic people, but this is bordering on ludicrous.

>> No.5824050

>not using bing
I bet you still use Internet Explorer

>> No.5824056

Or safari. Maybe he's a google faggot. fucking google fags.

>> No.5824060
File: 260 KB, 1538x1080, DSCF2263_e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What cracks me up is how weed smokers have to chime in with their shit about MUH CARL SAGAN when they could just laugh at the obvious bait and move on.

They could also not have to fucking mention "I made this while stoned" in the first place since it's pretty fuckin' egregious. I mean I smoke up but it's not like the world needs to know about it, it's hardly something unique or special especially in 2014.

OP needs to step up his game, anyway.

>> No.5824064

>They could also not have to fucking mention (insert shit here)

This is the entirety of the fucking internet. People share shit they don't need to share. Shut up, screw your balls on tigher, and don't you ever again make me think about revoking your man-card.

>> No.5824067

What cracks me up in when anti-pot pundits bring up testing done in the 70s that was refuted by every scientific community on earth.
Also, its not always bait. There are people who actually believe that weed is bad. Most of them happen to be christians. Nothing wrong with that, just an observation.

>> No.5824069
File: 209 KB, 1634x1090, DSCF2254_e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, nah, we all know that isn't true considering how many times I've seen people on 4chan shit the bed when someone mentions their partner in relation to something.

>> No.5824073


>obvious bait
>if you are against reefer tokers you are just a troll

Look at this retard

>> No.5824076

>can't refute
>just pretend im right anyways

You know, thats not how this works. Provide counter argument, or admit defeat kiddo.

>> No.5824081

>we all know that isn't true considering how many times I've seen people on 4chan shit the bed when someone mentions their partner in relation to something.

>doesn't provide counter-point
>too stoned to think

Ok dopey-mcsmokerson.

>> No.5824085

>we all know that isn't true
No, you have an opinion, one that no one else shares.

>> No.5824089

I provided a fucking counter point, if you're too stupid to understand it then that's not my fault, losers. Go outside for like ten minutes, virgins.

>> No.5824091

>especially christians
>Then God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;

>> No.5824093

>thinks he provided a counter point
Holy fuck you must be high.

Only virgins themselves think that this is an insult.

>> No.5824094

>Hi, I just discovered 4chan after the fappening

I'm gonna smoke drugs and go to bed, stay mad about shit on the internet!

>> No.5824098

>too stoned to realize what he said and how it related to the context of what he replied to.

Protip: It doesn't related.

>> No.5824103
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1278402954276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't win an argument

Wow, just wow.

>> No.5824122

> cares about an internet argument

>> No.5824140

Calm down, it was just a stoner joke and I wasn't even that guy

Honestly, I've tried my best to like bing. It just doesn't find things like google does.

>> No.5824158

...You are so full of shit its not even funny.
I switched to bing because it found MORE than google. I used to be a google fanboy, up until they announced that they make your information available to government agencies with requesting a warrant first.

>> No.5824164

>not using DuckDuckGo
hi NSA

>> No.5824172


>They dont use AltaVista

>> No.5824184

>implying my Commodore64 has that shit.

>> No.5824206

>using BASIC

>> No.5824217


So poison ivy is just for us. Thanks God!

>> No.5824222

>doesn't realize that poison ivy is a homeopathic remedy for osteoarthritis

>> No.5824230

and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food"; and it was so.…

also before the vegfags jump in
Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.

>> No.5824248

Wait, so that cute girl down the street was given to me by god?
Awesome, I'll go let her know! She's gonna be so happy...

>> No.5824252

Those fucking sunglasses piss me off.

>> No.5824265


That's what I had last night, only I had some green beans and some horrible old salad.

Shall we fuck now?

>> No.5824269

>Then God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;

God forbids you to eat mushrooms, but pot is cool.

>> No.5824281

No, he didn't. In fact, God didn't prohibit most of the shit people attribute to him. Church and God are not the same and really shouldn't even be associated.

>> No.5824287

I have commited so many crimes for weed money. I'd get other things too but a lot of it was because me and my close friends just loved getting toasty all day every day. I have probably spent more than 100,000 on weed from 16 to 20. I am 24 now and on felony probation because of my love for weed.

Shit is not always benign or however the fuck you spell it.

>> No.5824293

or maybe you were just a piece of shit to start with

>> No.5824300

>falling for bait


>> No.5824305

I don't think so. I used to be a good kid from good parents. Can't deny I am a piece of shit now though.

>> No.5824315

It's not even bait. I have robbed, stolen and commited violence for weed and weed money.

>> No.5824316

That math works out to over an ounce of weed a week at full price, nigga u shoulda started a coke habit.

>> No.5824319

yeah i know that feel.
I once beat a child to death because i got high and thought that the paper delivery boy was a cop. his mother came around looking for him but I already had stuffed his body into my couch cushions. I don't mind the smell but the body makes my couch lumpy and uncomfortable. His mother kept asking about him and shit, i told her i didnt know anything but i dont think she believed me, so i got high and raped her. didn't even get charged, the cops came and we all got high together on my lumpy couch.

>> No.5824321

That has nothing to do with weed, that has to do with you being a fucking criminal.
I've heard of blacks killing each other for shoes, doesn't mean that shoes are addictive.

>> No.5824323

>well crafted
10/10 would read again

>> No.5824326

No, you haven't.
Post a timestamped and redacted pic of your charge papers or fuck off.

>> No.5824350

Weed is what brought on my criminality. Never did shit before that.

I am not gonna post any pictures or proof of anything because I don't care if nobody believes me. I have broken into houses, cars, post offices, construction sites, even schools for weed money. I have robbed people at gun point for their weed. I have alienated myself from most of my friends and family because of it. It has literally ruined my life, or rather I let it ruin it.

Just because some people can handle drugs doesn't mean everyone can.

>> No.5824360

Thats all true, but only for real drugs like opiates and stims

>> No.5824361

ITT: Flamebait and idiots taking flamebait seriously

>> No.5824362

>i dont care if nobody believes me
This is stated in EVERY SINGLE fabricated 4chan story ever. Provide proof, or fuck off. Nothing you say is true, and you are trying way too hard. This is outrageously extreme. The guy claiming to kill a kid is more believable that you.

>> No.5824400

Like I said, I don't give a fuck what you think. You sheltered little college boys don't know shit though. Weed can be addictive. You dont go through withdraw like on dope, but you can depend on it like any other substance. If that dependency leads to destructive behavior, that is a fucking addiction.

Have fun in fantasy land hippies.

>> No.5824402



>> No.5824404

stfu, dude. You don't know what it's like. It's all fun and games at first, you just get high with your friends, you laugh at stupid shit. You think it's not that bad, whatever, you just smoke on the weekend. Then you get an F on your paper because you got high and it's still okay, that teacher is stupid anyway. Then you stop going to school because it's more fun to smoke up in the park. You start lying to your parents. You get introduced to some black dude who can totally hook you up 24/7 with some hard shit, like purple kush or something. You smoke daily now, but you know, at least you're not a nerd. One day you're out of bud and money, but that new black friend got your back. A gram for a blowjob. You're not gay and it's gross, but fuck it, you gotta get that bud. Few weeks later, you're getting fucked in back alleys for roaches. Your friends all stopped talking to you, you barely even make sense now. You don't live at your parents anymore, but there's this abandoned warehouse where a bunch of potheads sleep, so you go there. Every day, you wake up on cold, hard cement, thinking of how you're going to get that next fix.

You don't know shit.

>> No.5824427


oh man, what a spiffin' lark. best fantasy ive read in a while.

>> No.5824448

This is the single stupidest thing I've ever read. You're like one of those deluded fags that think the have Mmellorans disease.

>> No.5824477

>A gram for a blowjob.
10/10 for making me laugh.
Also, I now want to get stoned and watch Reefer Madness.

>> No.5824481

>tfw drank a bottle of rumtopf and smoked a joint and threw up from the sweetness of the rumtopf

>> No.5824484

I know he said it as a joke, but girls actually will blow you for a 1 gram blunt. Not all girls, obviously, but the ones who are already whores seem to be very open to it.

>> No.5824490

I used to get pussy and bjs all the time for opiates and I'm a fat piece of shit.

>> No.5824501


>good kid
>good parents

sometimes "good" parents are psychologically destructive on a level that doesn't show itself through social filters

>> No.5824507

Very true. I never trust any families that appear outwardly perfect. Its usually all a ruse to hide some seriously wicked shit going on behind closed doors.

>> No.5824570

>the ones who are already whores

Meh, maybe. I've never met anyone like that and I'm assuming I wouldn't want to

That's a different ball game

>> No.5824579

Finding sexually promiscuous women with a lack of morals is as easy as heading to the nearest college campus.

>> No.5824598

Yeah but those will suck your dick for free

>> No.5824614


i'm a sexually promiscuous woman (outside of closed relationships) with morals. morality =/= sexual repression or sexual monogamy. i value trust in relationships and would not cheat on my partner, but in open relationships or when i'm single, ain't shit wrong with slutting around if you're clean and safe.

>> No.5824619


I dealt weed for five years and nobody ever offered to blow me.

Although I didn't have any female customers, so that's probably for the best.

I didn't sell grammes either, so maybe thats connected.

>> No.5824628

Ok, get off your high horse. I'm saying that exchanging drugs for sex is immoral. Sex, and being sexual active is natural.

>> No.5824640


not on a high horse at all. just annoyed with people claiming that sexual promiscuity = immoral.

i still might argue against the immorality of exchanging sex for drugs, just because i don't believe in universal morality, but i probably couldn't bring myself to do it.

>> No.5824655


>sexual promiscuity = immoral.

It is.

>> No.5824660

>none commented on raw whole cloves of unpeeled garlic
Am I the only one who thinks that odd, even for a stoner?

>> No.5824662

No one claimed that sexual promiscuity was immoral, I specifically noted that exchanging drugs for sex is.

> i don't believe in universal morality
Do you not think murder and rape are wrong? I'm not sure what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.5824670

it is immoral, unless you have the morals of a dolphin or sea otter

>> No.5824673

OK. someone did actually claim its immoral.

>> No.5824680

i'd say weed is good for relaxing, but not for creativity. maybe psychedelics like shrooms or lsd would be better for that. anyone ever tried to cook on that shit? or did that in general? i heard the 80s is a byproduct of it.

>> No.5824682




people do, very commonly. i misinterpreted your post, and you went on to clarify. fair enough.

murder and rape are destructive to human life and the lives of the victims, yes. the part of my brain that gets flipped on when i feel anger and sadness at hearing about people getting raped and murdered judges these actions as wrong and seeks justice. but isn't that just the human experience? whether murder or rape are "wrong" on a grand universal scale, or whether "right" and "wrong" are the only dimensions of morality at all is something i don't have the capacity to fully understand. but i digress. that's all i really mean.

>> No.5824685

>>sexual promiscuity = immoral.
>It is.

for you maybe. that's a cultural bias.

>> No.5824696
File: 9 KB, 265x231, 1273441226639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait wait wait....did a woman just give me permission to rape because on a universal scale its not wrong?


Oh man this is awesome, I actually live within walking distance of a sorority.

>> No.5824697


>and the lives of the victims

i meant the lives of the victims' loved ones.

>> No.5824705


frankly, if you would commit rape because a woman told you that morality might not be universal, interpreting this as "permission", you would probably end up doing it down the line anyway.

>> No.5824712

Yeah but now that I have permission I don't have anything holding me back. I used to think it was wrong because people told me it was, but now I see clearly. Women are MEANT to be raped. The universe wants it and you told me so. Thank you!

>> No.5824713


yeah ok.

>> No.5824714
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>> No.5824739

>undeveloped fetus
next you're gonna say that I'm committing genocide by rubbing one out.

>> No.5824741
File: 186 KB, 500x500, 1386381515221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo, not everybody here is /fit/ ya know. Some of us like to blaze and drink our carbs man. It's a pleasure

>> No.5824767

Yeah so most people don't commit rape because they are compelled against it by their own humanity. if you need to be told what's wrong and what not to do to "hold you back" then that's something in YOU igniting that impulse (which most people do not have), not the effectiveness of moral guidance or a failed philosophy.

>> No.5824781

Nope. I was a good person, but now that I have permission to rape I'm a free man. I have been liberated from the tyranny of consent.

>> No.5824784

Hmm.. But... I do think humanity can be manipulated into committing violence under certain circumstances, but that probably takes years of abusive conditioning. Not a discussion about right and wrong.

>> No.5824795

That makes no sense, and if you're trying to make a point you're doing a poor job.

>> No.5824807

why are you replying? she's trying to mock you. just let it be. people can only go so far running off hot pockets.

>> No.5824808

All joking aside, stop thinking everyone thinks and feels like you do. I spent most of my youth observing others so I would know how I was expected to act and react to certain situation. Other people make no sense to me, their priorities are strange, their beliefs are confusing and their actions are baffling. I still have no idea why people do all the frankly stupid shit they do. Its taken me years but at least now I cam emulate human behavior well enough to fit in and no be socially outcast, but in the inside I still have no idea why human are they way they are. You all seem strange as fuck to me.

>> No.5824811


>being this moronic

>> No.5824813

It wasn't supposed to make sense. The feminist posted some crazy shit that doesn't make sense so I respond in kind.

>> No.5824826

>no rebuttal

>> No.5825735
File: 1.42 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20140917_153139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I like how the thread derailed xD

I was training on my bicycle for 6 hours. Got stoned and it was too late to cook anything because of my flatmate. Forgot I have chili in the fridge. At least the bread was baked by me the day before.

>> No.5825748

whats that brick he's eating?

>> No.5825770


>> No.5825826

hi stoned
im dad

>> No.5825834
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>> No.5826099

That looks fucken disgusting, if i ate that after smoking I would throw up on your feet

>> No.5826110

What's flamebait?

>> No.5826118

He mistyped.

>> No.5826123

me thinks he didn't :3

>> No.5826126

Only if I can be bottom you fucken faggot

>> No.5826129
File: 88 KB, 640x640, 10645151_846371702040895_1798821246177662476_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhh shhh. Hush now.

>> No.5826138
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>> No.5826142
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>> No.5826146
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>tfw no tissy trap qt 3.14 gf with big gun

>> No.5826148
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This man speaks words that fill my heart with sorrow.

>> No.5826170
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>> No.5826171
File: 103 KB, 574x720, 1606849_856546877690044_5080353819418405297_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if she cooks.

>> No.5826185
File: 201 KB, 480x511, 1405894901666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i will never meet my trap waifu

>> No.5826190
File: 82 KB, 720x720, 10603435_856157914395607_7194658366407315725_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just start shooting 3-gun competitions, shes on the circuit.

>> No.5826199


>> No.5826202 [DELETED] 

Welcome to the 21st century

>> No.5826208

She's not a trap.

>> No.5826218

No she isn't, but its a strange habit of weak men to slander women they are attracted to but can't have. I honestly wouldn't care if she had a dick, she's a total sweetheart and a complete nerd.

>> No.5826226

The only slandering I see is leftists/progressives attacking women who won't toe their line.

>> No.5826233

I think Tissy rant at a leftist until he left the area. She's fairly outspoken.

>> No.5826238

oh no an outspoken women
stop the fucking presses

>> No.5826251
File: 110 KB, 576x720, 10624892_854401934571205_467217184936655897_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also has a following of adorable nerd girls, if you're going to stop to presses for anything stop them for that. Front page news right here.

>> No.5826257

I know she's not, that was wishful thinking on my part :3

>> No.5826261

pedo plz go

>> No.5826272

/b/ has fucked you up, son. Liking kids doesn't make you a pedo. Wanting to fuck them does.

>> No.5826790

I'm not your son m8

>> No.5826808

im not your m8, friend

>> No.5826828

I'm not your friend, amigo

>> No.5826911

>whole garlic cloves

>> No.5826923

Where we argue about weed

>> No.5826932

Im not your amigo, comrade

>> No.5826944

I'm not your comrade, compadre