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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.28 MB, 2448x3264, 448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5823170 No.5823170 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/. I have this 20 year old MRE.

>> No.5823174
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Opening it up

>> No.5823180

if this is the old one with the freeze dried shit in it... maybe 10 years shelf-life. 20? fuck.

>> No.5823183

Don't do it, OP. They probably sucked at foodpreservation 20 years ago.

>> No.5823187
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A lovely spread

>> No.5823188

20 years ago was 1994, not 1954

>> No.5823189




>> No.5823190
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Lets make some orange drink.

>> No.5823192
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>> No.5823196
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Looks promising.

>> No.5823203
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mmm chicken stew

>> No.5823209

I went through basic and infantry training (osut) 26 years ago. We had dehydrated pork patties, chicken a la king, ham slices, beef stew and frankfurters. Our MREs sucked. The only thing good were the John Wayne bars.

>> No.5823210
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Looks easy enough.

>> No.5823211

I have never heard that word before

>> No.5823214
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I put it on a rock or something to let it warm up.

>> No.5823215



>> No.5823218
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While thats warming up I am going to have some fruit.

>> No.5823219

>rock or something

>> No.5823221
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I was in the british army and I got special MREs because of jewish. All my squad were mega jealous of my food which was way better.

>mfw we really are the chosen people

>> No.5823222
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A lttle snip. Btw the package feels liquidy.

>> No.5823226
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I think this was a mistake.

>> No.5823228

Bump, looking forward to the taste test

>> No.5823229


Why is there a mars bar on your plate? Was that in the ration pack?

>> No.5823235
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>> No.5823236
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Well there is no reversing it now.

>> No.5823238

Did you get personalised meals or a better MRE from the same/different companies that usually make them?

>> No.5823239


>> No.5823241
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>> No.5823246
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The fruit tasted like baby food.
I forgot to post me blending the orange drink. It tasted like the orange Flinstone vitamins.

>> No.5823248
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Maybe the peanut butter will at least taste good.

>> No.5823250
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>> No.5823257
File: 1.92 MB, 2448x3264, 473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opening them crackers.

>> No.5823258

>yfw the crackers were a catalyst for optimal chicken stew

>> No.5823262

pper pe qualifies as something.

>> No.5823263
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Going to just push it out.
Tasted like regular peanut butter. Seems to be the only thing that tastes like its supposed to.

>> No.5823270

i like the ones with the shortbread cookie/cake thing inside

>> No.5823274


I think it was a different company, there were all certificates of rabbinical authority and such in it. Someone told me that the same people who make kosher meals for airlines do the rations, but that's probably horseshit.

To be honest, I didn't really give a fuck about kosher rations, but it's a squaddie's duty to be as awkward as possible and make things hard on the QMs who are invariably kiddy-fucking cuntwhores.

>> No.5823276

Fuck, do I feel old now..

>> No.5823281


Heh, nothing ever changes. We used to get yorkie bars or mars bars in the bong army as well. And nice old ladies used to send us haribo, which was the bollocks. Nothing like a haribo when you're on a gate in the middle of nowhere at shit o'clock in the morning.

>> No.5823282
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Show us the fruit

>> No.5823287

Fancy talk for "Freeze dried"

>> No.5823292

I think he already did, that brown runny shit on the plate

>> No.5823306

Holy shit

>> No.5823310
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Stew is ready

>> No.5823313
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Looks good

>> No.5823317

Did you eat everything else in the house that you had to turn to this?

>> No.5823323
File: 1.60 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tastes like chef boyardee. But it leaves this weird feeling in the back of my throat. Not sure what it is.

>> No.5823327
File: 2.08 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for dessert.
It has a warranty!

>> No.5823328


>> No.5823339


What's the sell-by date?

Again, in the bong army we had some Mars bars that had been made for the shah's army in the 70s Iran or whenever it was.

They were still giving them to us in the 90s, when yorkies weren't available.

Jesus, we used to eat some shit. Miracle nobody died.


This looks like the corned beef hash which we used to get infrequently. God-tier rations, guaranteed to cheer up even us.

>> No.5823343

>rock or something
my sides

>> No.5823349
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There isn't one listed. The corned beef hash wasn't terrible.

I think I am going to need that warranty.

>> No.5823354


I can see you guys have never been to /k/

>> No.5823355
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I might send the bar back to mars. That will be another thread.

>> No.5823359

How do I convert to webm. I have a video I want to post of me crumbling the chocolate into powder. The chocolate tasted like milk chocolate when it mixed with the saliva in my mouth.

>> No.5823360

No mini tabasco sauce bottle?
You got gipped!

>> No.5823367


>> No.5823388

I got one, it had brown tabasco sauce.

>> No.5823397

I am genuinely impressed by 20 year old anything resembling food

That shit you ate was processed and packaged 2 months before I was born

>> No.5823405

I am too dumb to figure out the webm thing.

>> No.5823408

Try googling mp4 (or whatever your files are) to webm converter, maybe that can help

>> No.5823418

Easy mode https://github.com/WebMBro/WebMConverter

>> No.5823431


That's exactly how the iranian mars bars looked. Get it down your neck you poof. That white stuff's just milk powder or something that's come out of the chcolate with age.

>> No.5823434


Fuck off back to your vidya, sven. And take that nonce Opiate with you.

>> No.5823437

But I keep forgetting to take my shit off in non /gtag/ boards :-)

>> No.5823440

It reminds me of hot coco mix.

>> No.5823445


Obviously a few secret co/ck/les in /gtag/. Errybody gots to eat amirite?

>> No.5823455

Yes, food interests me, but I still can't cook for my life. Unless its something easy like boiling/scrambled eggs.
>tfw can't cook sunny side up

>> No.5823459
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10/10 thread nigga

>> No.5823468

Yuk! That'd be the poo sauce.

>> No.5823471

Likely from obama

>> No.5823472
File: 86 KB, 766x511, expert_coffin_dodgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


agreed. made me all nostalgic, or should that be noshtalgic pffft teehee

No, it should definitely be nostalgic

>> No.5823544

Hey, at least if it sucks you can get a replacement.

>> No.5823853



>> No.5823875

Today OP was a cool guy.

>> No.5823891

>I shall forever be young

I have news for you...

>> No.5823897

>implying that all the worthwhile posters aren't over 25.

>> No.5824486
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godspeed OP

>> No.5824496

God that season sucked

>> No.5824510

27 here. No shame. But I only post on /ck/, so things could be worse.

>> No.5825608

Glad to see hardtack has never gone out of style.

>> No.5825923

>my arbitrary numbers
>interests change magically once you hit a magic age

Only children ever say shit about people doing X at age Y. Only children.

Enjoy being a yoloswag, the worst generation to date!

>> No.5826169

And if you get horny after eating.....

>> No.5826172

Almost 30 reporting in, fuck you buddy.

>> No.5826181

You're obviously baiting but there's truth to that sentiment. I honestly wish I was a normal and had a life and job so I didn't have to come to this cesspool day in and day out.