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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 140 KB, 720x960, letstalkaboutit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5821440 No.5821440 [Reply] [Original]

You jelly of my dinner ck?
Receipt fight

>> No.5821454

Just to be clear.... You're asking if I'm jealous of your $8.00 plain quesadilla?

>> No.5821462


>> No.5821469

Then, no. No, I'm not.

>> No.5821470

Then no

>> No.5821476
File: 807 KB, 857x657, 1400654871487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't eat out OP so I guess you win. I'm just gonna go make my dinner it's jaeger schnitzel tonight.

>> No.5821479


>tfw not talking about the quesadilla, gringo.

>> No.5821483

Is that a landmark restaurant or something?

>> No.5821494



Looks like a typical joint to me.

>> No.5821578

>anything but typical

>> No.5821590


You got me to post

>> No.5821593


>> No.5821597


>Taco joint makes Tacos
>Truly one of a kind.

Get some life exp.

>> No.5821603

keep posting

>> No.5821607

i laughed maniacally when i saw this

they probably came in your friend... i mean food. came on your food. yeah.

>> No.5821608

but have you been there?

>> No.5821610

No I'm not jealous of tacos in Oregon

>> No.5821611

It just doesn't seem satisfying. Besides, I'm happy with my nutrtionally sound dinner choice.

>> No.5821619

>inb4 OP is Carlos

>> No.5821631
File: 64 KB, 400x494, 2667-unrustled-jimmies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being in portland and not going to bridgeport for good beer & food

not jelly at all, hell I'm feeling sorry for you

>> No.5821632

define satisfying, fight me

>> No.5821643

>overpriced hipster shit

>> No.5821656

Allow me to clarify: It doesn't seem satisfying to me. No sense fighting over personal preference.

>> No.5821674

you seem mad

>> No.5821680


The troll bait in this thread are doing that job for me

>> No.5821689

Really? Because I feel like I'm the exact opposite of mad. Go figure. Anyway, I have no reason to be. You're the one who just paid $8.00 for melted cheddar on a mission tortilla :=)

>> No.5821698

>anything other than s.e. asian

This entire site is too anti-hipster to have ever visited Portland, and doesn't realize 82nd is the stretch of road littered with all the chain stores, used car dealers, and Asian vendors of vastly varying quality, separating actual Portland from felony flats.

>> No.5821701
File: 171 KB, 965x1126, Blaise_Pascal_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga, is you serious? why would you not just go to uno mas and git good? it's right down the flickin' street!

i take it you're from lake oswego.

>> No.5821719
File: 198 KB, 750x500, monica_lewinsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i take it you're from lake oswego

>> No.5821725

grammar good

>> No.5821735


There's nothing grammatically incorrect in his sentence?

>> No.5821742



No; they're art.

>> No.5821743

No. You paid $8 for a plain qesadilla. You're a sucker and I'm not jealous of that.

>> No.5821744

can confirm, lived in portand while i was growing up and everyone knew if you wanted prostitue just cruise down 82nd

>> No.5821749


lol wtf

>> No.5821753

NYC is like that. For instance under the Queensboro bridge on the queens site, those are some nasty looking things... seriously nasty. Then on the west side of Manhattan around 12th Ave, real nasty ass shit. Those are the areas that you roll your windows up around, just in case.

Then there are the tunnel bunnies, the ones that hang out around the Holland and Lincoln tunnels picking up assholes to and from New Jersey for a quickie in the car in the tunnel or nearby.

These things are the nastiest looking tranny fucks on the planet. They're downright vile and disgusting.

I don't even want to what whack freaks are in Portland, NYC is disgusting enough!

>> No.5821754

>This entire site is too anti-hipster to have ever visited Portland

Yeah, like everyone on 4chan is going to drop everything they're doing and drive or fly however long it takes for them to get to Portland. No, it's all because they're anti-hipster, that's gotta be it.

I want the Californians to get out of my city.

>> No.5821805


>comparing nyc to pdx


Not really sure what point you're trying to make.

/ck/ (and the site in general) seems to hate CA more than PDX.

The point was that most anons here make stupid assumptions about what it's like West of the Mississippi, but I guess that went over your head.

>> No.5821814

>not knowing the ups and downs about an obscure avenue in a relatively unimportant city
>making stupid assumptions

If you didn't know what I meant by that comment you haven't been to Portland enough.

>> No.5821844



You mentioned nothing specifically about Portland, let alone any avenue / specific location.

Sure, I'm drunk, but you're making absolutely no sense.

What is it that you believe you said, that I somehow missed?

>> No.5821845

>I'm drunk

Oh, okay, that explains it.

>> No.5821912


Or you could just say what you meant, and address my point(s), as it was in no way clear...

>> No.5821926

No point trying to explain shit to a drunk person.

Come back in ten hours.

>> No.5821939
File: 750 KB, 853x480, ishedrunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>backtracking this hard
>realizing you said a bunch of bullshit without actually reading what you were responding to

>implying anyone worth talking to on /ck/ isn't drunk at this time of night
>implying you can make a better case for your point than a regular al/ck/oholic

Fucking re-read the exchange and try again.

>> No.5821945
File: 116 KB, 550x690, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus. So many taquerias, so many nigger hipsters going to trendy spots. I love food in this city, but street food including and up to most trucks are fucking garbage.

>> No.5821957
File: 178 KB, 1700x1431, yukio_mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i... don't really understand your PoV. are you tired of the concept of food trucks? if so, i sympathize—especially since many of them are jacking up prices and acting all high 'n' mighty because they can get business that way.

however, you can't deny that PDX has some of the best street food in a major American city...

>> No.5821976


Not the anon you're responding to, but, hipster bullshit aside, PDX is probably the most underrated food city in the country, from food trucks to high end restaurants.

>> No.5821988

OMG are you in PDX and a Mishima fan!?

>> No.5821990

you two should fuck.

i could arrange it.

>> No.5821992

And breweries!

>> No.5822000

I only go for bisexual post-metal/neofolk foodie ladies, or something.

Also, living near the Pearl is awful! Halp.

>> No.5822011

For one, Bridgeport is garbage beer and garbage food. Most of portland follows suit, riding the density of better than other cities rather than living up to the hype. We have Eva Genes, Toro Bravo, and a few other truly worthwhile spots, but the rest are of the same quality as can be found in any other city but we got more! Same with our truck culture, some great ones but most just ok. Voodoo donuts is the epitome of the problem, as its above average, somewhat avant garde, and trendy but as a real spot its not that awesome. Give me a cheese steak place or a legit taqueria any day over most of the garbage that flies here.

>> No.5822018

And has anyone eaten at grants cheesesteaks or has a flight of sour beers from Cascade at Raccoon Lodge? We might have a conversation about Portland if you have.

>> No.5822028

Fuck sour beers as well as Raccoon Lodge! Beavertron don't count.

Get better beer at Belmont Station, Beermonger, or Beer! Sour beer ain't got nothing on Merzen/Merzbach style.

>> No.5822040

well, that person actually is bisexual, listens to Cult of Luna and Current 93 and loves food. only problem is that she was born a male.

do you mind?

>> No.5822048

For one, that Raleigh Hills location in SW Portland is the same as living in southeast geographically, so once again the douche portland people come out. Sour beers are the only thing being done that isnt hoppy and syrupy as fuck, or the new generic chap lager. Its like niggas hung their hat on hef and ipa and just stopped trying.

I was in Phoenix last week and got infor on a pineapple hef that tastes like the fruit and the beer, but not sweet or soda like. I also in the same trip hit denver and had some brown sours. Portland has its head up its ass, it is the stepping stone to something great but its not keeping up.

>> No.5822102 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 1296x829, will oldham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, are you talking about me (>>5821957)? how do you know i listen to current 93??

[winks casually]

>> No.5822103 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 512x401, 1410920927972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p.s. there are no women on the internet

>> No.5822108
File: 93 KB, 1296x829, will oldham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you know i listen to current 93??

[stares contemplatively]

p.s. there are no women on the internet

>> No.5822113

What's the big deal concept? It's for morons that want to stand in line and be seen. Thanks but no.


Get the fuck out!

Even paid hourly, I'd rather go get something from across the street or bring something myself, then I can eat in my office and get the fuck out. I really don't want to stand in line around idiots.

Sorry to break your snowflake egg but I really don't care about the look at me look at me types that stand around food carts.

I'm in a place to work and make money, otherwise I have no reason to be there, I minimize my time at work environments.
Standing around a food cart isn't a good use of my time. Using that extra time I can buy what the fuck I want and not deal with a fucking roach coach.

We call them roach coaches here in New York.

>> No.5822116

grandpa, last call was three hours ago. go to bed.

>> No.5822119

I got extra beers for after the last call.

>> No.5822131
File: 58 KB, 512x401, 1410920927972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hm.. i think the purpose of food trucks is to minimize overhead—less money gets spent on rent, maintenance, etc. and theoretically the savings gets passed to the consumer.

in PDX, this allows good cooks (i.e. immigrants) to open up their kitchen to us without seeking an investor's money. however, bullshit hipster fads have jacked up the market prices, which have—in turn—raised the prices of food that should be cheaper (like tacos and noodles).

there may be a subculture for the kind of people who regularly eat at carts, but for the most part, i think it gets left on portlandia.

convenience is king.

>> No.5822181
File: 66 KB, 381x379, 1410560458745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no chillies
>no pico