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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 225 KB, 333x778, poorfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5818072 No.5818072 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Poorfag food

>> No.5818076

Eat a dick

>> No.5818083


It's 4chan

OP can eat a dick for this terrible thread, anime OP pics are par for the course though

>> No.5818084

le qt animu girl eating rice xD


>> No.5818089

Food and Cooking =/= anime
This underage autism does not belong on this board

>> No.5818092


> 4chan posters
> not autistic

>> No.5818099

>implying there aren't containment boards and boards for normal people

>> No.5818100

TIL Anime and Food are mutually exclusive topics

>> No.5818101

Welcome to /ck/

>> No.5818113
File: 557 KB, 1197x4221, tvdoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normal people on this site

>> No.5818115

lettuce wraps

chop up hotdogs, pan fry with a can of any beans you like, and a can of seasoned diced tomatoes.

wrap in romaine/greenleaf lettuce or iceberg if you have no soul

>> No.5818118
File: 55 KB, 228x204, animufaggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> implying

>> No.5818127

>/sp/ - people who go outside, play sports, and have friends
>/ic/ - people who have enough talent to draw things that aren't weeb faggotry
>/x/ - rational human beings

>> No.5818133
File: 800 KB, 2048x1536, alphabroculture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sp/ - people who go outside, play sports, and have friends

>> No.5818138


> iceberg

Mix a big can salmon (the cheap pink one, they have it at Walmart) with two egg yolks and salt/seasoning; stir in about a quarter cup of rolled oats and about 3 tablespoons of flour, so that it forms a malleable dough but also falls apart/tears easily.

Form it into patties and fry them in lard.

>> No.5818142


While there are no doubt a ton of social retarded people here that's par for the course on any site where communication is big. Regular people typically prefer to spend time talking to people irl but there are always a good number of exceptions.

>> No.5818143

>every person is the same

>> No.5818168
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 6+Cup+Jumbo+Cupcake+Pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oscar mayer cakes

you need a cupcake pan, 6-12 cakes. spray it with pam

get some cheap oscar mayer lunch meat that's on sale, or spam if you have no money at all and chop it up

get a dozen eggs. get some cheap sliced bread

divide the meat up into the cupcake holes.

crack an egg into each whole

stuff bread on top of each hole

bake it til it looks done. flip it over and you got oscar mayer cakes

>> No.5818175

i've done this before too only with tuna
bretty good

>> No.5818185

beans and rice


potatoes in just about any way


instant noodles

>> No.5818188
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>> No.5818190

spam is more expensive than bologna even when it's not on sale.

>> No.5818193

>/x/ - rational human beings

lols havnt been over there in a while but they sure as fuck weren't rational last time

/mlp/ might be a better example of a containment board

>> No.5818194

it actually looks quite good. i'll take a picture next time i make them

>> No.5818196

> spam
> cheap

>> No.5818199

oh i never buy spam, i just assume it must be cheap

>> No.5818214


No, I was poor growing up and we could never afford it normally. On the other hand, it's one of those things that is fine long after the expiration date, and is packaged well enough that you can clean it off with the hose after they throw it out. And sometimes they'd have it at the food bank, too.

>> No.5818224

yeah, i'm not that poor

>> No.5818232


anyone else ever notice how fervent some anons are about their dislike for anime? it's almost like... they're suppressing their own flamboyant weeaboosim because they got picked on in middle school... or something.

>> No.5818233
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>this thread

>> No.5818243

>hates anime
>posts on 4chan

You didn't think this through did you?

>> No.5818246

>food and cooking is an anime board
Weeb faggot please leave and stay leave

>> No.5818257
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>> No.5818260

Wow, it's like you wanted me to filter you that quick

>> No.5818266

of course, everything here is an anime board

>> No.5818274
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>> No.5818275

> filtering Anonymous
do it faggot

>> No.5818277

Whoa guys, calm down. I don't like some of the weeabooism here but the OP's picture is perfectly on topic. If you think anime is bad here, try getting banned on /g/ for complaining about off topic anime threads.

>> No.5818282
File: 335 KB, 1920x1080, Ristorante Paradiso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is nothing but Japanese culture and anime. How new can you be?

>> No.5818287

It's like you're trying your hardest to be as wrong as possible

>> No.5818295
File: 332 KB, 500x375, Spongebob Hanging Out of Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is not an anime-centered website anymore, but the OP was on-topic and gave me a chuckle. I think that very few people actually read the dialog and saw how it relates to the thread topic. I get sick of off-topic anime shit and avatarfagging (and have been banned for complaining loudly about it), but the OP did nothing wrong.

>> No.5818296
File: 9 KB, 214x206, sink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le wild contrarian posts again

>> No.5818297

its like you're trying your hardest to display your stupidity

>> No.5818299

baka gaijin

>> No.5818302
File: 103 KB, 450x253, 1367427339786.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan is not an anime-centered website anymore

>> No.5818311

I hope you get raped of death in a home invasion, beardly neck.

>> No.5818315

Fuck you

>> No.5818320

>I will shot you through the door with my dubbal barra

>> No.5818323

What the fuck happened here

>> No.5818328
File: 39 KB, 838x134, Moot defends spam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has not been anime centered for a long time. I don't understand why people were bitching about the OP's picture, but weebs should face that Japanese culture has been essentially a niche interest on 4chan for quite some time. Here's the problem, there are two VERY vocal camps, the overly angry ones who can't tolerate any anime references or allusions even when they are on-topic or humorous, and there are the entitled weebs that trot out copypasta and insist that all boards are for anime discussion. I have little more than the occasional interest in anime, but everything is okay in moderation. Just calm down and discuss poorfag food.

>> No.5818331

thread deraled

>> No.5818336

Holy shit, he took the persecuted weeaboo's most powerful weapon (the post that Moot made on /q/ defending anime) and used it against them. Holy fucking shit. It's also food related too.

>> No.5818337
File: 297 KB, 400x409, anime_cooking_by_loveshaoran-d5kznvy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime =/= cooking
>mutually exclusive
Anime can be one of the first exposures someone has to foreign foods. I can't tell you how many different dishes I've tried or learned to make because I saw them in an anime at one point in my former life as a weeb.

>> No.5818340
File: 375 KB, 1032x975, 1391139090346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think you are?

>> No.5818344

OP is spreading his autism outside of his containment board and the rest of the autist weebs are saying it's perfectly acceptable to post anime outside of their designated boards

Hypocrisy when ponies are posted outside mlp but it's perfectly fine for all the Chris-chans to fag up every board with their uguu~ bullshit

>> No.5818346

d- does that work? I kind of want to try it, for just a day, to see what the board would look like with only tripfags.

>> No.5818347
File: 520 KB, 209x216, bidensmiling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.5818350

I think oniichan skipped a meal and is cranky today.

>> No.5818360
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>> No.5818368
File: 18 KB, 192x154, spongebob funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime can be cancerous, especially 3DPD, waifu shit, hentai dumping on blue boards, but pony shit is much worse. I know it seems hypocritical, but it was absolute madness before the rules cut down on the pony shit. To be honest, I think the "regular" furries are a lot more harmless than bronies, and they really don't bother me anymore. They don't even have a board anymore, so they post on /b/ exclusively. I think they got shafted more than anyone honestly. They have their own chans but it kind of sucks that they were the one subculture that was booted out.

>> No.5818375

What is this, 2010?

>> No.5818377

That's perfectly fine. That's not probably related to the thread topic, per se, but it is totally fine to post this stuff on /ck/. This is what moot was defending when he said that /a/ doesn't overflow too much into other boards. He never meant that anime posters can totally flood boards with waifu shit and unrelated discussions. On-topic anime images, WEBMs, can contribute to the discussion, especially if they are humorous.

>> No.5818388


So what was wrong with OPs post?

>> No.5818390

you mean like OP's post?
> This is what moot was defending when he said that /a/ doesn't overflow too much into other boards.
screen cap

>> No.5818414

>OP makes thread about poorfag food
>Posts picture of poorfag manga grill
>Poorfag grill is eating white rice with pictures of croquettes
>Ultimate example of Poorfaggery
>Normalfags bitch because they lack the common sense to distinguish between a 'muh waifu' pic and a relevant image.

To get shit back on topic, I remember reading a BBC article about Toast sandwiches, which is two slices of bread with a piece of toast inbetween. Gross.

>> No.5818421

Nothing was wrong with the OP's post, holy shit, I've already said it like 3 times. Anime that is on-topic is great, but waifu shit doesn't belong here.

>> No.5818428

pic was related dickhead

>> No.5818435


>> No.5818452

now you faggots have settled down.
good cheap feed.
soak some barley overnight
soup pot, add onions
add celery, potato and carrots
tomato paste and mixed herbs

is a good soup that fills the guts

>> No.5818457
File: 35 KB, 520x611, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fried seitan is cheap if you can buy flour in bulk and get lard or another cheap fat.

1. Make dough with whole wheat flour and water to make a somewhat stiff dough (but not too dry)
2. Knead dough until it is well-formed and stretchy
3. Place dough in a bowl of cold water for about 5 hours
4. Pour into a pasta strainer (with as fine a mesh as possible) and knead while pushing out the water
5. Let cold water run gently over the seitan while continuously kneading, it's fine if partially submerged
6. When the water runs through it without changing milky color, squeeze as much moisture, air out of the remaining gluten as possible
7. Knead until it becomes as small as possible
8. Cut up
9. Boil in broth with soy sauce for about two hours
10. Remove the pieces and pat them dry, then fry in hot oil until crispy

pic related

>> No.5818461
File: 10 KB, 300x200, Carlton laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people say it's too expensive to be a vegetarian

>> No.5818489

lols, the organic crap that was harvested on a full moon by chanting monks with silver sickles is,
i eat meat when its in the budget but that hippy crap is fucking expensive

>> No.5818494

I could eat vegetarian for cheap by stealing oranges from my neighbors tree.
it wouldn't be good though

>> No.5818496

I can confirm that this works really well. You can also collect starch from the water that runs off the seitan and use it to thicken other sauces and soups.

>> No.5818507

>mfw cheapest meat is 67 cents per pound, but that includes bones and it shrinks when you cook
>lentils are $1 per pound and increase in weight when cooked

>> No.5818508


True that, use the first batch of water that the dough soaked in. Sometimes I bake the seitan instead and then just re-add it to the broth I boiled it in, along with some of that first-wash liquid, and make a soup.

>> No.5818514

The only weight lost/ gained is water weight. The nutritional content is the same

>> No.5818517

yea, but some weeks its not about nutrition but volume and feeling like you ate a decent meal for a change

>> No.5818527

>what are water-soluble vitamins and minerals
also you don't have to cook lentils in water. if i make a vegetable stock and cook the lentils in that, they'll be even more nutritious

>> No.5818543

can you provide me with some info on water soluble vitamin and minerals that are lost when cooking chicken?

>you also don't have to cook lentil in water
this is true but has nothing to do with what I was replying to

I highly doubt the small amount of water lost from cooking chicken would make you feel any less full.

>> No.5818551

>can you provide me with some info on water soluble vitamin and minerals that are lost when cooking chicken?

>this is true but has nothing to do with what I was replying to
yes it does, you said the only weight gained is water weight, and you're wrong

>> No.5819289
File: 997 KB, 1828x841, too poor for food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you this guy?

>> No.5819320

>I could eat vegetarian for cheap by stealing oranges from my neighbors tree.
>it wouldn't be good though

In real poverty mode you can live for a long time on foods like that.

When I was dirt poor I lived on apples I found growing wild next to a motorway and food that was heavily discounted because it was going to be thrown away at the supermarket.

Luckily I was pretty fat at the time so I just lost a lot of weight rather than actually starving to death.

>> No.5819326
File: 18 KB, 430x300, beans_on_toast430x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Poorfag food

Beans on Toast is the ultimate poor fag food. 30p a meal.

>> No.5819328
File: 357 KB, 1456x1065, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading Shokugeki no Soma

Do you even cook?

>> No.5819336

>thread filled with poorfags immediately devolves into shitposting

wa la! fitting the consensus!

>> No.5819351

I'm getting pretty tired of rice. Eating it plain or fried isn't enough variety for 20 pounds worth.

>> No.5819356

use some eggs and potatoes in it when you're frying.

>> No.5819363

>waifu shit doesn't belong here.

That's not a waifu pic. Are you mentally damaged?

>> No.5819368

Buy lentils the next time. Sick nutrition value and actual flavour?! Although the taste is debatable, some people say it tastes like eating a handful of dirt.

>> No.5819371

lol ikr, i have my own garden. i have around 300lbs of pumpkins, acorn squash, and butternut squash

total cost, $8 for the electric to run my water well pump and the block to make the raised beds. the seeds were free. and that is only a tiny portion of my tiny garden

>> No.5819373

>beans & rice
>beans & rice
>beans & rice
but can I make this with just a microwave

>> No.5819374

except for you know, that fat and gelatin that melts and runs off

>> No.5819382


I have an 8 cake pan, will that work?

>> No.5819436


>> No.5819451


>> No.5819454


>> No.5819458
File: 570 KB, 1024x768, DSCF7460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was poor white rice was great but it doesn't need to be so plain, butter, ketchup, and pepper goes a long way.

>> No.5819459
File: 1.99 MB, 361x278, b1Ymn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5819469

Fucking stop. Just put a little salt or olive oil in before you boil it.

>> No.5819478
File: 215 KB, 1600x1200, DSCF1773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's tasty.
If it makes you feel better now that i'm less poor i've begun using chicken as well.

>> No.5819498 [DELETED] 

Wa la!

>> No.5819690


>> No.5819884


With that much ketchup and butter it looks like just having one egg and rice would be cheaper and somewhat more satisfying...

>> No.5821065

looks alright, but butters a luxury item. this being said a get two fairly good feeds at work, so i really only need to cook on my nights off

>> No.5821076

After you made this I bet you said

Wa la!

>> No.5821143


>> No.5821149


>> No.5821169

Why dont y'all just go to a food bank

>> No.5821240

usually its a combination of circumstances and pride

>> No.5821267
File: 2.44 MB, 3264x2448, 20140911_123236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me tell you about food banks. Most of them hand out fucking junk food

>> No.5821313


Processed carbohydrates are cheap and provide lots of calories. Oftentimes what is distributed at these food banks includes large quantities of pasta, instant soups and noodles, rice-a-roni, and other foods that have a high carb content that will provide calories but not satiety. The people requesting food from the banks typically don't understand much about nutrition and don't have the means to purchase anything better, so they will happily take these inexpensive carb heavy foods and serve them to their families.

Proteins and fats are expensive nutrients and finding meats and oils being distributed at food banks is a rarity. If the local region is well off and individuals are generous maybe the variety of foods served at the food bank will differ, but I'm basing my experience off of a smaller rural county food bank in California that I have volunteered at.

>> No.5821358

>having a talent means you are a normalfag
>liking sports means you have a social life

>> No.5821360

>He was an IRL janitor
My sides can never recover.

>> No.5821397

Are you retarded?

>> No.5821413

lols, hes here. therefore hes a retarded autistic nigger faggot

>> No.5821449


>> No.5823607
File: 64 KB, 711x599, OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggots FTW

>> No.5824531

I know how you feel, rice omelets are good and pretty filling especially if you can get some chicken in there

>> No.5827021
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>> No.5827032


That's embarassing

>> No.5827454

>tomato paste
>mixed herbs
look at this richfag

>> No.5827463

>actually photographing that

>> No.5827470
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>> No.5827473
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>> No.5827483

Looks pretty good to me..

>> No.5827746

where the fuck is the filipino spaghetti

>> No.5827782

>all that rice

fucking disgusting

>> No.5827783

>filipino spaghetti
Fuck that shit... where is that hamburger steak w/ gravy....

>> No.5827787

>all that ice cream
Rice cuts through anything rich...

>> No.5827790

your fucking dumb

>> No.5827794
File: 124 KB, 594x907, megafilter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having Anon filtered
Step it up, nigga.

>> No.5827803


>> No.5827825

you nigger.

>> No.5827931

cyan go

>> No.5827942

>wa la
i think you mean "voila" there brainiac

>> No.5828082


>wa la

Fucking Americans

>> No.5828086


>> No.5828094

>a comic strip
>calling it anime (a type of animation)
Eat a dick

>> No.5828191

Fuck you rich.... white rice and cheap soy sauce... best combo ever..

>> No.5829373

you mean basic cheap stuff?

>> No.5829538

you're rich. send me money. i'm a girl btw

>> No.5829616

I experiment with saitan a lot recently and I do it differently:

I take about 8kg of flour, and make a dough, then let it sit for about 1 hour. Kneading isn't needed imo. Then, I put it under running water, first hot, then cold. I repeat that process until there isn't anymore starch coming out.

This is when i get raw saitan. I cut the pieces up and the i put them into a freezer.

I actually marinate when its thawed with lemon juice and oils, and then i fry it. The taste is great.

What i don't like is the consistency. Its like rubber. Do i have to, like, fry it longer, do i have to use more acids, or how can i circumvent this?

>> No.5829718


>/sp/ - people who go outside, play sports, and have friends
>/x/ - rational human beings


>> No.5829722

Guys I'm goign to make some poorfag food so stay here, don't go anywhere please.

>> No.5829729
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>> No.5829765

My poorfag diet was dried pasta with cream onions and garlic. I could make a packet last for a couple days. Lost weight really fast though.

>> No.5829802
File: 104 KB, 538x720, 2q65ap0Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5829835

stop shoving the fact that youre millionaire all up in my face

>> No.5829848

I eat rice and beans twice a day. Every friday (payday) I treat myself to some vienna sausages that I put in with the rice as I cook it. It adds a different flavor to the rice. Also, I steal butter, salt, and pepper in bulk from the KFC down the road. I have a friend who works there, and he lets me come in when he's closing alone.

>> No.5829857

>for potatoes, stabilisers and preservatives
We're talking 'poor' as in 'having little to no money' not as in making 'poor' shopping choices.

>> No.5829878


find any wealthy person that eats potato smilies and i'll give u a prize.

>> No.5829885

M8 wat

>> No.5829893

>the middle class and its various gradations do not exist and everyone is either poor or wealthy

>> No.5829905
File: 68 KB, 480x307, japan-24-yakitate-japan-4546555-480-307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does bread count as poor people food?

>> No.5829909

>butters a luxury item

Tell that to the French.

>> No.5829927

I've eaten rice and beans with salt/pepper/garlic powder every day for the past 7 years. Sometimes I can afford canned tuna. Every now and then I'm able to treat myself to chicken or beef.

Don't drop out of high school and get a woman pregnant. They'll leech you for everything you've got, and it's not very much.

>> No.5831546

>shadow of a line is a dot
are you sure about that

>> No.5831553

Bread is too expensive for poorfags so they have to steal it.

>> No.5831609

Britbongs ruin everything, I swear.

>> No.5831614

fuck off colonial

>> No.5831621

Hunter X Hunter > your favorite anime

Has best cooking arc too during the exams

>> No.5831624

>be british
>get beheaded

>> No.5831633

I swear I'll hook your fucking gob.

>> No.5831654

I'm poor and I eat bread so yeah.

>> No.5831706
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>> No.5831782

>knives and forks I can understand
>knives and forks
>but spoons no
>no common sense


>> No.5831996
File: 86 KB, 587x727, sad live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also potatoes peasant master race, once you get your growing setup, you're loaded

>> No.5831998

too true
it's a bit crazy but the author puts a good amount of thoughts into the cook offs

but yakitate!! japan too
dat rice cooker bread and shit

>> No.5832024


>> No.5832025

It's not that weird. You can't buy lighters, lighter fluid or whipped cream when you're under 18 here. They think you're going to get high off them.

>> No.5832026

Oh yeah that's actually me. I know I'm 4 days late though.

>> No.5832046

this, I was gonna say they probably thought he might use them for heroin

>> No.5832053

...this can't be real

>> No.5832054

I've actually tried doing that. It's actually not that bad once you get over the fact you're drinking milk and coke.

>> No.5832056

Black beans
Chicken (.49¢ a lb bone in leg quarters)

Idk just live in an immigrant neighborhood and eat and shop where they go, right now its heavily Dominican and African food but before I was eating/making mostly Chinese.

>> No.5832072

Anyone know any good alternatives to jelly on a peanut butter sandwich? I know bananas but that's all that comes to mind.

Looking for something healthier.

>> No.5832074

Just make a fruit purée with apple/pear/grape juice and reduce it add some cornstarch or arrowroot

>> No.5832076

a squirt of honey

>> No.5832078

sandwiches should never have herbs on them

>> No.5832079

Does this add any nutritional value?

Might just used sliced fruit or try this once I can get some better ingredients.

>> No.5832084

it adds more sugar, it tastes better than grape jelly on a nice toasted pb sandwich though.

>> No.5832088

Here is an interesting tip if you find yourself straining every dollar you can get. Buy canned oranges, beans, eggs, and corn flour. We bout to turn into beaners. You will need to have at least a sauce pan and a decent griddle. Replace all your drinks with canned oranges - they give you more nutrition and fill the body with a little fiber thus making it a little less hungry. Make red bean soup and fried/boiled eggs to fill your iron and protein levels to a stable level - this will make you less hungry and still keep your health fairly nice. Make corn tortillas [learn to if you don't know], these will provide you will a better feeling that you are full. Last, if you do happen to have a little more cash on you then get cheese to liven up the red bean soup. This has been a tried and true method of people with a painfully low budget and survived better than other methods. I guess what this might tell is that as long as you provide the body iron/protein/fiber/vitamin C then it will feel full and health will not be too bad either.

>> No.5832676

Australia pls

>> No.5832682


>> No.5832704

put slices of fried spam into pork top ramen with egg and green onions, put a little curry powder and parseley in with the flavor packet

>> No.5832721

>corn tortillas

Where do you live that corn flour is not double the price of regular flour? Mexico?

>> No.5832748

We're talking poorfag food, not upper-middle-class here, buddy.

>> No.5832785

generic brand luncheon meat

>> No.5833822

source is "clown porn". i have watched clown porn.

>> No.5835186

But then what do you read in threads?

>> No.5835266

its around $4 a bunch here

>> No.5835531

the french are less than dogs in my eyes, butter is a luxury item

>> No.5835859


No one eats plain, unseasoned rice. Its almost an art to make rice and beans taste good while being frugal.

Cooking it with tomato sauce makes a huge difference. Salting it correctly makes a huge difference. Cumin makes a huge difference.

You can add basil, garlic, oregano, onions.

Oh yeah and hot sauce.

Basically just add whatever you want and learn over time. Rice and beans can actually be pretty decent and be very cheap.

>> No.5835872

I like to make a poorfag pilaf with dehydrated vegetable soup mix. You can buy it in big tubs and put in like a tablespoon or so per batch, I find it's cheaper than fresh vegetables and a bunch of spices. End result looks pretty fancy too.

>> No.5835959


You can buy a years worth of multi vitamin from Target or wal-mart for about 10 bucks max. How much do these canned oranges cost? Prob 10 bucks for 2 weeks worth at the most.

>> No.5835960

Beans & Rice

>> No.5835979

its like you dip the rice in the ketchup

>> No.5835986

i feel like the rice is missing something

>> No.5836043

Actual poorfag here. Been without work for two years. I live in a car.

Fruit - every super market has a corner that they discount when things get misshapen or about to rot, but not yet. $1 gets like 5 lbs of apples or more.
Lettuce/cabbage - 30 to 50 cents, they're like 3 for a dollar at Asian markets.
Potato - 2 bucks for 10 lbs
Rice - 5 to 10 bucks per 20 lbs bag in Asian markets
Pasta - a dollar for 2 lbs box at 99 cent stores
Sauce Cheese and Chili - ask gas station convenience store guys if they are throwing any away, they have to replace a bag per month when expired.
sugar, salt and pepper - ask the counter employee at Carl's Jr or other chain restaurant, if they mind if I take some that's set on table. They usually don't care.
Heating them up - the instant yakisoba tray are reusable and microwavable.

>> No.5836046
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Chili dogs

>> No.5836154

>almost an art
nigga you need to think mexican. heres what i do.

throw some oil, minced garlic, a whole chopped onion, salt, pepper, cumin, and however much rice you want (i dont have measuring cups so i use a drinking cup) into pot. when the onions have softened, add a can of tomato paste, and chicken stock (twice the amount of rice you used). simmer until absorbed.

sweat an onion and some minced garlic in another pot with salt, pepper, and cumin. i like to add chopped chiles. add a whole mess of black beans and a couple hearty glugs of chicken stock. reduce.

its mad fucking cheap and easy.

>> No.5836212
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This stuff expands in water, so it makes good addition to soup. Beef stock + an ounce of this = meal. A bag of it is 100 servings and it's 5 USD.

>> No.5837363

What? Are you trying to say that you don't believe that there are women out there that willingly get knocked up just for the child support? You don't believe that men always get the shit end of the stick in civil disputes? You don't believe that he has to pay such a significant portion of his income that he can only afford beans and rice? It's real brother, and you're in for a rude awakening.

>> No.5837439

>you're in for a rude awakening
Not all of us made the same stupid choices you did.

>> No.5838856

any hunters, growers, or fishers in here? easiest way to get cheap food imo

>> No.5838885

I've got some silverbeet that hasn't died yet. Combined with lentils, brown rice, and bulk spices, plus a bit of fruit, it'll keep you healthier and a lot more happier than white rice and white bread.

>> No.5839248

>poorfag for years
>every meal was rice+barley, beans, or potatoes
>little bits here and there to keep from going crazy
>get a great tax refund last year
>bought a chest freezer off craigslist
>bought a cow and had it slaughtered with the refund and a little money I had saved

Everyone needs to do this. I paid like $2100 total for the cow and butchering, and managed to get a little over 500 lbs of usable bits. It's been an amazing year

>> No.5839253

Didn't mean to reply

>> No.5839404

I assume you're at the library. How did you get a library card?

>> No.5839405


Seriously, how do Asian and Turkish markets manage to be so cheap?

>> No.5839460
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>> No.5839478
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>work as waiter
>free housing, work is 5 min walk away
>make equivalent of 1800$ net income/month
>despite that I eat like 2-3 times a day for free on duty so I won't have to pay a cent on food
>on days off I buy cheap, natural breads, cheeses and meats and jams on discount, as well as 525g cheesecakes for like 3bucks
>same for meats, cheap pork chops, sausagaes, chicken and other stuff on my george foreman grill

I donno why niga, I can't justify spending like 20$ for steak on my off days even though at the end of the day I send like 1600$ to my bank since I don't really do anything but be on 4chan and play online.

>> No.5839695

How do you cook your food if you live in a car?

>> No.5839711


It's a meme some faggots are trying to force. Just ignore it.

>> No.5839734

>salt/pepper/garlic powder
Great combo. Add a bit of vinegar for a stronger flavor.

>> No.5839779

>forcing this hard

>> No.5839880

You're not a poorfag, fuck off.

>> No.5840179

Volume. Also they are in cheaper part of town, they do not advertise, and their consumer base is very price sensitive. Most of their profits come from imports that they have a local monopoly on. If you go there to get rice/beans/potatoes/veggies you will save money.

Anyone here go to food banks? Any advice?

>> No.5840447

Gas station microwave.

>> No.5842013
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>> No.5844267

open pit fires are good as well